I E HTTP ATlfiV A T MM KS ! 10 ,"' ,,fM ' Mrks Iarairie Kliool Itouae CUUVun.llUlALiUlLOn(.HrH1,rloW) 01, Saturday of this week ! )iomi-8 to lie tho eiiial o( ny held by AU notes for this column al.oiiU W j 1(l H81((M,;utjoni Tll MH),.le of tlmt dis sent to aire, n. . uiosuu, uregon my, Dregon. mink flag entertainment. Tlie following is the program tf ttn enterUinruent niven by tlieyomiti vi!i of Mink last Saturday night. f r the pur- luvH. i.f rnisinff money to tret a flu: for the school : Music Orchota Chorus,... "Hills and Vales "...Ooiwe Sonp,. ."Vhip-)oor-wilI,"..il.O. In k;i Keciution Ada i mt Quartet Woman's Rights," Music Orvhe-tra Dialogue "Census Taker, Uet I'rofs. Knoits and O.'le puet teo. Stevens and T Pavif liecitation Kosa Hirnhuti MUSIC .'n-"e-ir i Tableau,.. "Grandpa and Grandma". Quartet "Angela Call." Pong... "OM Black Joe,". .H. 0. Iiu-kip Recitation, Carrie SehuM Duet.. Trots, knottsand lgU Recitation Hattie Gintiu-r Music, Ofchestia Dialogue,. ."Hearing them Counted" . . German Duet,. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Ginther Recitation, Ada Moehi.ke Solo, Misa Nash Quartet... "Noah Built the Ark." Recitation Robert Gmlh-'t German Solo, Mr. Gintlier Recitation, Theodore Hornhuh Nnsic, Orchestra Dialogue,. . ."Arabella's Poor Relation" Duet Profs. Knotts and 0 Chorus..V.'.V'Wl.at Will the Record He? t, ..,..:...( .... t,.. spect a grand suet ess. In spite of the fact that a storm was threatening, the receipts were far more than stif fient for the purpose intended. The music throughout was of a high order Deserving of special mention is the Orchestra conducted by John Moehnke. Iheir music was excellent and was highly appreciated by all. The selection ; ' played by rrofs. Knotts and Ogle i t r tainly merited the many laudatory com ments since heard. The solos by Mi-s Nash and Mr. Inskip both received deserved encores. Especially entertain-! ing were the choruses anil quartettes nil lha Herman snnffs hv Mr. and MU Ginther, which aroused much enthus iasm. The recitations and dialogues were well given, and in fact the enter tainment thoroughout was without a failure. The flag has been ordered and flag raising exercises will be given in a month when we expect music from the Highland band. It is very probable too thatSupU Gibson and H. S. Strange will be present. A. C. S. . The Concord school district No. 28. . held its closing exercises on Wednesday evening, May 7th. A large and appre ciative audience was present and the fol lowing program was satisfactorily ren dered: Greeting Song "A Little Girl's Speech,". .Hazel Evans "The Shining Web," Ernest Weaf "The Bachelor's Sale,". .Beulah White "A Little Boy's Speech" Wesley Thieseen "Hannah Jane," Harrv Evain- Dialogue, "Raising Subscriptions to a Missionary Fund. Song "I'ook-a-Boo". . Sarah Rogers "Little Drops of Rain" Elmer A'orthing- ton. - "A Brave Little Maid." Fannie Clayson "Great and Small," Charlev Barney Song Helena Ferguson (encored) "Our Own," Walter Kuehl "HiB Wife" Linna Roethe "The Two Travelers and the Oyster," Beanie Kuehl. Dialogue, "TheCensus Taker" Song Mr. Schol! "The Kind Wanted," Otto Weaf "In the Barn," Annie Thiessen "My Mother," Dennis Worthington "Saturday Night," Jennie Evans Dialogue, The trials of a School Mistress Song "The Red, White and Blue" "The Outcast Babe,". . .Lydia Tucholke "The Crow and the Fox," Arthur Kuehl "The .Selfish Drummer," Emma Clayson "The Smack in School,". . . .Guy White Dialogue, "A Perfectly Veracious Man" Song Miss Robertson and Mrs. Lee "A Little Boys Speech," Geo. Evans "Oh, Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud," Emma Roethe. "The Grasshopper,". . .Theodore Miller "TheCIown'8 Baby," Eva Scott Song, "In the Starlight" Sarah Rogers and Anna Bernhard. Dialogue, "The Assessor" Recitation, .. ..Mrs. Ferguson Closing song Mr. Kisley proposed three cheers for Concord school, which were given heartily. Aba W. McLaughlin, Teacher. canemah school. Canemah school closes on Wednesday of next week commencing atone o'clock. A program has been prepared for the occasion, consisting of songs, recitations dialogues, etc., but we expect to furnish the patrons a "feast of reason and flow of soul" In the way of two addresses f jr the occasion ; one by our worthy county superintendent, H. S. Gibson, the other by Prof. If. S. Strange. We hope every patron of the school will be present if possible. Friends of education generally wilt I gladly welcomed. E. C. Hackett, Teacher. teachers' association. The next meeting of tbe Clackamas County Teachers' Association which is , r ,.t n nuking ample preparations o e,rU:n tlioir vixltora in a manner be- j oontintf to the wi'll known lioiipitality of ; tlt country districts of Clackamas county j while the committee on program re prvring m.-ntul fesst (or ll who at- i ttMid These meetings of the association are ohmi to the public and it is expected that piirvn'8 and all intertsted in the educa- ; turn ol our youth will attend this meeting , foi tlieie will be much that will interest and inxtruct them. To teachers these tne.'iings are a school of instruction as j well as an experience meeting and they i should make it a point to attend this as i well as future meetings of the asaocia- lion. ) BOIIUOL RKPOUT8. Following is the report ot district No. 1 101 for the month ending May 10th: ro(a, mm,)tr of pnlH enroed 24. ' v H,U)niUlu.e 21); number of visitors 17. Those neither absent nor 1 :t r ty during the month are hmma and Willie Wallace, Susie, Thomas, Charles and George Sag.ir, Willie, Adolph and .lulu Miller. Friends and patrons are i rordially invited to visit our Si h,H)l and j note our progress. J. L. Gard, ' Teacher. 1 The following repo't of district No. S4 fur the term ending May 17th, is uken from the school register: Whole number of days taught 99; number girls limited 18; No. of hoys enrolled 17; total I enrollment 39; average daily attendance 22- The total number of of visitors for the term, not including those of the last day is 49. Those pupils who were pres ent every day during the month were Ida Woodside, Florence and Katie Daniels, J ul i 111 a Kellong, Elva and Al bert K ickson, Nellie Bogue, Vi and F.rt-st Jones, Ma Bowie, Fred Wood- j ' m wvmK MalUtt and Edith Jack- A. B. IIlBBARI), Teacher. Rnport for distri.'t No.56foi the month ending May 10th. Number of days taught 'JO ; number of pupils enrolled 21 ; aveiage nuinher belonging 17; number j "f dava attendance 2S5; average daily I at'endaiv e 14. Those neither absent her tardv during the mouth were Rena Caster, Nellie Caster, Pearl Russell, Lela Bnvles, and Archie Boyles. Num ber of vis;torj during the month 24. Bklle Hibbard, Teacher. school nut as. F. D. Skirin will close a successful three in"b.s term of school in the H atehery district on Friday of next week. On Friday of this week school will close in Holcomb dietrict.Tbe teacher Miss Ella Hyers has given, it is reported, very good satisfaction in the conduct of 1 the school. I MNs Jennie Noble, daughter ofJ. W. ! Noble, and a pupil of tbe Oregon City public s"hM'N, has been given charge of the snmiM-r vnn of school in the Martin district fix miles east of this city on the Viola road Her school commenced on Monday i..;t. Are Yon UoiagEast' If so, it will pay you to write to A. C. ( Mieldon, general agent ot tne Burling ton Route," 2-V) Washington street, Portland. He will mail you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point. ' reserve sleeping car accommodations; for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great Northern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. TI.A Hi..lin..(nn .... ilr. ' n mina.allit Ann. 1UQ uui uncivil luiira la (cijcidii wu ceded to tie the finest equipped railroad in tbe world for all classes of travel. Tn ood Templars. Do you know that Moore's Revealed Remedy i the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop ( of alconol; that tlie mode 01 preparing it is known only to its diicover; that it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nineteenth century; that its proprietors offer to forfeit 1,000 for any case of dyspepsia it will not cure? Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II. Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female Specific, will cure all those aches and pains peculiar to you, and will cost you only $1 for one month's treatment? I will send any lady a trial b'x, free, who will send me the names and addresses of ten ladies who are in delicate health. Agents wanted evewhe-e. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale we'ern depot, Delena, Ore gon. J. A. Richa'd-ion. of Jefferson City, Mo., Chief Enrolling force 38th general assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to testify to the merits of One Minute Cough Cure. When othi-r so called cures failed I obtained almost instant relief and a speedy cute by the use of One Minute Cough Cure O. (. Huntley, druggist. A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick with bilious eo ic when M. C. Tisler, a a prominent m-.chanl of the town gave her a bu'ile of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose. For sale by G. A. Hard ing, drugt'i-t. Highest cash .price paid for second hand zood of all kinds at second hand store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th st. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by the Clack man Abstract & Trust Company, Geo R Dodman to Geo Broughton May 14, '95 D tracts 1 to 9 inclu sive of Redland. $ D W Callahan to Julia F Stondingor May 10. 1)5, W D 1 undivided hit as heir to the ot the D L 0 ot Clifton R Callahan in 1 5 s, r 3 e a mt intended 20 acres W H and O Adams to Phoulie A Gilbert May 111, '95 S D 77 acres in 78 the A P Smith D LC M and W II Wallace to A F. Jones May 10, '95 Q C D .62 acres in sec 17, t 4 s, r 2o I A E Jones to Meliala Wallace May 16, '95, W I), seV of ne4' of sec 10, 1 4 s, r2 e except 10 acres 1 E P Elliott to I J Stratton May 15 '95 W D lot 18 blk 3, in Mt Pleas ant ad to 0 City, abo lot 5 in blk ' K Clackamas Heights. 1300 Rebecca Col son to Chas II Handle Mar 23, '95, W D the w of the e S of claim 39 in t 4 s, r 4 eSO a. . 1 Rebecca Colson to Win H Handle, W D, Mar 23, '95, the e' of the el of cl 32 in 1 4 s r 4 e I John J Huberto Henry Ilalsmeier May 17 93, ' int in 4ti,ll' acres in the n of the A D Foster claim In t 2 s, r 2 e 1000 Henry Balsmeier to John J Huber May 17, '95, W 1) samo as above 1000 Sarah E Darling to Oregon City May 18 '95, W D a part of the Win Holmes ad in 1 3 s, r 2 e. . . . John M Graham to A W Graham W D May 13, '95, part of lot 8 blk 27 0 City John M Graham to A B Graham May 13, '95, WD part of lot 2 in 1000 1000 blk 2 1300 Lindsey Hall to Louis Rotermund Oct 3, '94, W D 2S4' acres in claim 41, t 3 a r 4e Wiu Stout to A II Olmstead Mar 2 '95, W D the e,' ot the so'i ot the sei4'of sec 14 in t 2 s, r 5 e. . . . COT Williams, assignee, to J S Crumbly May 1, '95 D, part of lot 2 in blk 1, Green point A and F W Berry to Geo R Ded man Mar 10, '95. Q C D lots 1, 3, 4,5,6, 7,8 9 of Redland Geo R Ded man to DoraCorbin May 14, '95, D 5 acres in tract B Geo R Dedman to E C Johnson May 14, '95, D tract R and the wig of tract J in Clackamas Riverside G R Dedman to I G Davidson May 14, '95, tracts A and B H M Jackson to Chas II Gale May W, '95, W D 5.75 acres of the Holmes claim in 1 3 s, r 2 e . . . P S Bates et al to W II Coe Dec 6 '94 W D lota 4 to 16 inclusive blk A, also blks B to H inclusive of 20 300 216 675 Frank T Stoke's add to O City 8500 J H Lambert to Peter Fisher Oct 26. '94 W D lot 3 blk 31 Cambridge 350 Have your titles examined and ab stracts made by the CLiCKAMAS AB STRACT & TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of abstracts of title of all land in Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work by a responsible firm. Office upstairs in the Caufleld building. Probate Court. Administrator of the estate of Rnrah E. Pope, deceased, made final approved report so far as the property in Oregon is concerned. L. L. Porter as administrator of the estate of Oliver Achorn, filed his final report and was discharged. Ella Colson.administrator of the estate of John D. Colson, was ordered to sell tbe real property of the estate. Walter Fleming, Clyde Fleming and Nettie Fleming having been neglected and abandoned by their father, James Fleming and their mother, Olive Flem ing, being unable to support them, sur rendered all riiftit to said children to the Boys and Girls Aid Society of Portland, Oregon. Benjamin F. Forrester was appointed administrator of tbe estate of Thomas II. Forrester Jr. deceased, and Henry Wilburn, C. B. Smith and John M. Slicker ' appointed appraisers ot the estate. The will of Almeda M. Anderson was admitted to probate, and J. Anderson appointed executor. The real and personal property of the estate is valued at $525. In the matter of tbe estate of Owen T. Owen, deceased, it was ordered that R. D. Price administrator of said estate, sell the personal property to pay funeral expenses, etc. Mary Mader, executrix of the estate of Jacob Mader, deceased, filed her annual report with ten vouchers, which are subject to objection at the time of the consideration of the final report. Thomas Charman, administrator of tbe estate of Alexander McGarvey, deceased, wag granted further time to file reKrt. J. L. Vosburg as guardian of the property and person of Edward Boyles, was discharged, as his ward is now considered capable of conducting his own afiairs. Dr. J. II. McLean's strengthening cordial and blood purifier, by its vitaliz ing properties, will brighten pale cheeks add transform a pale, haggard dispirited woman into one of sparkling health and beauty. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Through Trains Without Transfer. Travellers must not forget that the 0. R. A N. line Is thoroughly repaired and all trains are running without transfer or delay. Through service to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago; Pullman sleepers, tree reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist ilcciHrs and modern day coaches. Call on O. R , A N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or address V. II. llurlhurt, Gen 1 rasseii ger Agent, Portland, Oregon. W elding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Kntihprish olllce. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsclptiou to the Enterprise and got the the benefit of the reduction in price. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Enterprise of flee, Portland prices. 1 J EART DISEASn,uk. I I many other all mnuta when they hare taken hold ot the sjrnuwn, never (eta bettor ot Ita own accord, but CwMMtantly grmtru tmrf. Tbor arc thouMinua who know the; have a defective heart, but will not admit the fact. They don't want their friends to worry, and ItoN'f knote trhat t for it, a they hare been told time and again that heart dUeam waa incurable. Such waa the caxa ot Mr. glial Farley ot PyinTllle, Ohio who wrltea June lft, 1N1M, aa follow! "1 hud heart diraa for 93 year, my heart hurting me ahncot continually. The Brat IS years I doctored all the time, trying several phylelam tud rvnmllM, until my last doctor told me It waa only a quentlon ot time aa I could not be cured. I gradually grew wane, very weak, and completely dis couraged, antll I lived, propped halt np In bed, becaum I eoulJt't lie rfatm nor alt up. Think InC my time had come I told niy fam ily what I wanted dona when I waa gone. But oa the Brat day of March 00 the recommendation of Mrs. Fannie Jonea, of Anderson, Iiid., I commenced taking Jr. BUr" Sue Cure for tho Mlrart and wonderful to toll, In ten daya I waa working at light work and 00 March III com menced framing a barn, which la heavy work, and I hav'nt kiat a day since. I am 56 years okl, ft. Inches and weigh EOltM. belter i m toiif rured, and I am now only anxlooa that everyone ahall know of your wonderful romodlos." DyesTllle, Ohio. Silas Farlst. Dr. Miles Heart Our Is sold on a pmltlT yiarantxe that the Brut bottle will brnuflL II dniKKlsU aell It at It bottle for la or It will be tent, prepaid on receipt of price or tbe Dr. auiua ueuicai uo., aaanarv um. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health Mexican Mustang Liniment for Bums, Caked & Inflamed U l.tert . Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, AU Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the W;ry Seat of Pain end Ousts it in a Jhfy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang' Uniment conquers Pain, Makes Jim or Beast vcIJ again. mm Bhfirirri Nutlet of Halt on Furecluturs, In the Circuit Court ol Ilia Hlate ut Oregou, tor tliaCunnljr ol CUi'lmniM. Tiiuiiim O'Connor. 11 nlnliff, vi, Mainitel Krlrk l .n, Cumlliiu K l kaiiii an 1 Thoiim) Klllug. ham, iIvIuiiiIkiiU, Rtate of Oregon, County nf OlackaUM, aa. NnlloeU hereby given that by virtue of an exHiiilInu and onli'r oliale ImiimI out of tlio clreult court ol tut Hute oforeion for the County ot CUekainiM, lrlng dale III loth day ol Apr. I, Iniu, hi .mi wlwrv u l .iiim II I on nor u iIhIiiI.IT, ami Siuiuei Kr 0 mil, t to. Una Kili'k oti a ul llin i. Kl luaham war 0. li'ii.Uiu., oniiuna .o.uk mt, hi Hi i nuux ( llm Hlateoi Otg in, Ih it oulol lha roil iiUle hiv. limlur ila otibe I, to rimlni a aoiu iiHIuiiiiI to mil v ih'iUiiisiuUotiii'l 'Ii'tw, lo-wit, tioo, ami tha f irtlier turn of t O 10 oo la, uic t ivr wuh Iiu.t.i.1 iu Ilia niiii itui'a Jtuuary 13 h, 7, at s per ouiil. par eiitiuitl, uii aUo Ih coil, ol a'il mleiittliitf lui- aale. Now. therefore. In nlHVllnnea to turli dooree, 1 did oil Ilia mill day ol April, HU, duly low upon, ami will, on Saturday, tlie th day of Mv, IhiM, at the hour ol "n o'clock I'. M. of aid (lay, al Ilia front door el the conn hiuiae lu laid County, niter for aaWi al pulillo amnion, and aell lo I lip lilnheal ami litial bidder, for eaaii In hand, all ol lha rialil, tltli'auJ Inter eat the aatd ilefeiiilanl li,ulii ami lo 'lie lo low ma ue o iovii rvil pn rty. to-wit: lh Hoiuh hail of ih -uutliwa-l gti itta- ol bvotl ll .10 in lin lilp I 8 mill o lt uu a Kal ol WU lamatln Marluiaii, ltuat 1 1 lu C.ai'kainai culne t . nr'aon, baled tlila 2'. til day of Ae-I , A. IV !S. K. 1'. UAIUKICK, Sheriff ol Claekamaa county, Hlate ol Oregon. II V N. M Jaootiv, lit'imlv. i h.;t-H MAS I KICH MW.K. lu lha Clr nil Court ol Ih t'uile I r)lat for lb i lU-lrli'l of llrvgou. Northern Couultea IttTvattnetit Trutt l.inltrtit, Complainant, va. Sarah M. Mi'Cnwn, Kuim Mi'l-o ial I, C. T. Hickman aud Manila Hick limn, I1' f uidauia Null. K H IIKKKIIY (IIVKN THAT I'l'K alia I to a uurre ntmtt-rt I In tuabvvie litlvd rou t and raiea Anrll Id. lavA li i un.lur. laoad wil., iiu ilia Flltnl' DAY OK Jt'NK, lhs at th' hour of flinw oVIik k t' M, at tho i ur ol thj Couuty Court limn ol ('.ackaiiia. uoiiiity, Oregon, in llrvgou t'llr, aatd County ami Halo, nlTar lor aal ai pub Ir aurliou to ih hi h l bid ir lor ca.h In Uullwl Mla:.a guia coin, a I "I the rlaht, title ami liit.m-l had ami liol l.y Ih loii-noaiit, X'.teh M UrCowu. on Ilia i7lh day ol Maruli, IMKt. t gvlhir with H tdla ami Hilar aat h'l by h.ir ami tin other tlaUmlaiCi harvln at any date aiiteiiiuiil tiiereto lu an I t lota one, two, ihri an l lour In blook una hundred and to. ir of Orvgou t;ity, Oregon, arcoid tig to the plat on reeord In tlia olllr ol Ilia HtMorter ol iK'Odi of Claekatnai counti:, Oivguii, tha add properly laiiug allual wlihi'i ilia louulr of I'lai'limiiai a id Nlaie of O J4oii . Hiatal I aal will b ma te lor lha puriHi e o' rln ng ilia aiini ol t JI.M.TI), deorecd to tm due Iriuu tlie de leiulaiil, Har di M. Mit'onn, I ' eunpla nant, to gilir with Interim llireou et I Id ra ol eight per rent. wr an u n irmu April fl, l-W, all pay able In I'nio d -late go.il ioiii, ami Hi lurther aum ol It'll!, lb rmta an. I dl.i.iir.rmenla ol complainant aiel Hi acerulng c aua ami ei iwii.aa ol al 1 hi hi aale will e ma la an b. Jem to r,lvinptlou v I uli)ei t to llu confirm tioi uf th above nit pil lourt, WAI.I.ACK VI i CAM A NT, Maat'-r In C'lauciri I i ib t'ulUI -uto 4 3 S- U i lrmilt Court lor ih i lntrl tol Oregon. bllkltlFrs HAl-K, lo Ih circuit Co irt ol tli Ktata ol Oragoa fur ttit County ol Clerkamaa. Koberl Kallaml, plal ilift Vi. K. W. Hand dph, W. I. Ilurue, Jam, liily. It u ri llaty, J. T. Apper.uu, H Vi J.ioaa, Claraura W. eimii-ou aud lb foriiend Karuig bank, deiudiiila. ftat of dragon, County of Claekamai, as VTOTICK It IIEKKHY (ilVKN THAT II Y i. Tlrui ol all ul tuuil ill an or lr ul aa a la- ued out of lha circuit court of the Hlate ol Or, g iu lor Ih.-County nl I'laraainaa, bearing date tha II any ol May. I-Hs lu a auit whriu Hubert K.llao.l li pla ntliT, ami K. W. H.iol ilpn, V. T. Ilurnay, J unea Italy, Unliart llaty, J. 1. Apper aon, H. W, Junea, Ciareiioa W. Mini,.ott and The l'ortlaml BiTltiK Hank are defemUiili, eoin mandlng in. In tlie uaiueol thatlataol Orvgou, mat out ul th raa late huruliialt. r ilaacrlbed, to realltj a aum aufno.ant tn ! ,fr lhailamanoa ol aa.il Ifcr a, to-wit: l.tllui, ami tin further uni ol 1.0 45 coaia, and th lurtbsriuin ol !&) aa atuiruey fee, together with lulere.l oa th earn .luce aal I dacre waa entered al 1C per cent per annum, and alau tha oo,u ol aud at- tenaiug luia aaie. Now, therefore, lu otiyllenea to ineh deeree. I did duly ly upon, aud will, oa katunlay, th am oay oi junc, i, at me nnur oi o oioea r. M. ol aaid dae, at th front door ol th eourt boua 10 Bald count v, off if lor aal al public auction, and aell to Ih lilgheal aud Ual bidder, lor ca.h In band, all ol Ih MhL litlaaed lour at tn aa d d ilendantt haee iu ami to lb fol lowing ueaenbed ial proprtr, to-wli: All of Ih Houthweil quarter of aei-tlou Hi In Town.hu t a llth ol Hauge I Kaal of W II. a netta Meridian, containing lr acrei more or w, alluat lu th County ol C ankatna anil Stale of Oregon. uaiu mi a 1 aay ot May, A. V li K. C. MA I) I KICK, Bh irlffot Claekamat ( o. , Htate ol urrii.iu. Br N. M. Moody. Deputy. 1 10:0-7 MIEltirrs HAl.K. In the circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, for the County of Clankamaa. J. T. Appirao i, plaintiff, r.. W, T. Hurncr. Kl nora Hurnuy, Junea llaty. Holier; llaty, K W. Junea, Clar-nn W. Hlmpaou aud The forlli.ud Having Hank, defenuauU State nf Oregou, Couuty ol Clack irnng, aa NOTICK I ItKRK.HY (JIV'EM THAT BY virtu of an elocution and order n. tale I ued out ol tbe circuit ouori of Ih Hat ol Ore gon tor lh County nf Clackamaa, hearing dale tne a 1 uay oi m ty, lav,, in a an it wtmriln J. I . Ahpenon I pial itifT. and W. T. Hurney, Kmora Buruer, Jamee Hatr, Kobert Baly, S. VV. Jouea, 1'iareuce V. Himpann ami ih Cortland oerinaa Bank are datandanta, rommandlnr m, la tbe eelale hereinafter decrlbei, to riallie a aum ufllcient to .att-ly Hie daniand of laid decree, to-wit: 24aA6 aud tki further auia of 1430.! ooala, ami ih further mm of IIM ae attorney' foe, tog titer with Internet ou th lame aluoe aald decriie waa antur-! at S per cent, par ao- nurn, anil aiao lue ooata ol auu attending tbl aal. Now. therufore. In obirilanoe tn guch denree. I did duly levy upon, and wl.l, on Halurilay, the atb dar ol June, lWIA, al th hour of 'J o'clock H. M. ol aald day, al tha I rout (1 mr of th court houaelti aald countr. orTer lor aale at niibiiu iicllon, an I aell to tli hlghoat and bt bidder, for caah In h mil, all of tho right, tit' and tutor oat the aald defendant! on tlie 17ib dar ol May, 1H0, had In anil to the following I'eanrlhed ret proiierly, to wit: All ol Section 16, Towuahipft fkiuth of Range 8 Kail, and the H uilhwMt quar ter of rMotloii H4, lowmhlp 4 South ul hang 8 Kaat ol th Wlllamelle Meridian, containing In all kH) acrei more or lie, iltuated Id lb Couuty of Ciacninai and Htat of Oregou. Dated in t in any uf May, A. v. ih'JV E. (J. MAUIIOCK, Rhtrlff of Clackamaa Co., ntal ol Oration. Br N. M. Moouv, U iputr. A-10.S-T 8IIKIIF'S SALE. In th Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for in uiuQijr oi uia- gima, Ella Hohwlng, plaintiff, va Erneat Kohlar and Wllhalrulne Kohlar, defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clackamej, . Notice li herebv riven, that bv virtue of an execution and order nf aale iaaucd out of the circuit court of tbe Htate nf Orognn for the county of Clackainai, boarlng' date the 21 day of May, lHlfi, in a auit wheroln Elm Hchwlng waa plaintiff, and Krrifit Koh er and Wi beiuiluaKoh.er were dofontlautii. command ing me, In the name of tho Htate of Oregon, that out of the real eatabs hereinafter doncribcd, to realize a aum aiilllclenttoaatlafy thedemanda of aid decree, to-wit: f4U1.4.t, and the further aum of 117.40 Coi, an I ihe further aum nf t l ati"r nev'a together with Intercut on the ame ainr.e aald decree waa entered at 8 percent per annum, and alao the ooata of aud attending tlila aale. Now, therefore, In obedience to inch decrc, I did, ou tho M day nf May, IWi, duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the nth dny of uni , IMfi, at tbe hour of one o'clock If M of nuid tiny, et the front door of the court lion He In aald county, odor for aale at public auction, and toll to the hlgbcat and bent bidder, for chkIi ill hand, all of the right, title and Intercut Urn aald defendant have in and to the following dueerllied real property, to wlt: itijnulirr mi a point ut the comer ol the I. W. Lwy road DO 97 finina Norlli and Ti.V chain. Enat Irom th H iuthwet i-ornor of tha William Tucker Donation Claim No. 44 In Tp. 4 Booth of Hang) 4 Rut of tha Willamette Meridian; thuuce K ial U(r7 chains thonce North Hi..' clinlni. th mce Wait 1M.76 ihilna to the center of the county road, thence eotiih VI.02 ch ilm to the filao of beginning, containing H acrci more or uaa, being In Clackamaa oounty and btnla of Ongon. Iiatcd thli 3d day of May, A. I). R.V. HADDOCK, Sheriff of Clackamaa Co., HtaUi of Oregon. By N. M. Moody, Deputy. 6-lu:6-7 CLACKAMAS LODGE, No. 67, A 0. H W Meet) Srat and third Monday la each month, at Htralght'a Hall. Vliltlug brethern welcome. C. K.PseJ 8. IlOLCOMa. Kec. U. W. riiKHirra hai.ic In th OlrmiD Court of tha Stat ol Oregon, tor III Oounty of Ciatikainai, I'gtvr Aniaram. plainlifT, va, liula Otllehan, loulaa 0 illaha U o. Wllllaina, () nil WU. llama and Uvl ftohblni and II W. K ibblna, p.irunr. aa Hobblua 4 H mi, defeudauU. Hiai nl Oregon, County ol Clackamaa, aa, N0I10IC IH IIKKKIIY OIVKN THAT BY virtue of an eiemilion and ordar of aal la titat) out ol tn circuit court ol lb Hlate of Ore g oi ir the County u C ai kainaa, hearing .at the Nth d .y ul May, ItMA, III a auit wherein i'tr Aiiilcrmu la plaint. (T, and liu. Callahan, I. nil. Ctiahan.Oio. Vi ll lama, colli Willi, nn and Uvl Ito. tilu and O, W. Hob lul, partner a Hobliiua A pou, are daluilaut , commanding niv, lu lb nam i of lb Stat ul Oregon, thai nut of tn real eatnt haliiafter ile,criuil, to real, lie a aum aultl lenl In itlafy th damanda af aa t deer.', lo-wli: Into ul, and lb lurther aum ol l.4 1 ola, Hid the f iriher aum of fv, attor 1 1 y tee, lng.ilber with lulerual oo Ih lain tl ra April ID'. h, IKVJ, t I ir rent, ir annum and alao tha eoata oi and attainting Ihla aale, N 'W, tlinrolnra, lu oIm-iII jooa to unit decree, I (il l duly vy Uhiii, ami will, on Hatttrday, lit mil day of June, ImS, al lb hour ol H o'clock I'. M,ol aatd day, at me front d tor of the eourt iniiiMili eat I county, orTir for aal al pulillo audi in, ami aell to the blgiieal and Iwal iddder, lor c.a i lu hand, nil of th rlgbl, IIU ami Inter- I the aald .leleudanle, ou th ItHh of April, IWJ, or at any llin aloe, have In an I In Ilia fol I wlue daanrllwd i pronriy, liewll : lila No, 1. II ami I, ol r-n:lnn IK In Tuwuehlp ft Mot III ot Kii gi It Kt of III Wlllametl MorldlaU III Coo'kani ia c- iniiiy, Htat ol tlreaoo Dated tlila H h d iy ul May, A. D. 1141 K. C MAOIIOOK, Hlteriff 'f C'ackainaa C i,, Htat ol On gnu. II r N. M . Muoiiy, lijputy, S III J NOHCK or HAl.K. N' OriCK IS IIKHKUY (IIVKN THAT BY vliltie id an order and l.eu-e of aaie du.v l..iid out ot Ibi county court ol Marlon oouuiy Orenn, dated April li h, l.u In Ih iulir of th guardian h pol Arthur, K.ra, Hay, Augua, W alia" and Van Hurt, wiuora. I will aell at Kiiblic aii'ilou lo (he hlelirat bitidar for ceh In and on Haltirday, Ih let day ol June, lu6, at to hour oi on o'cloek I'. M. ol aaid uay, al the Mint h ill do ir lu Oregon City, the following deacribid real lata beioogin lo aald minor, to-wll: All ii idlvided on hall of Ihe toltowlug diMeribed premdee, altuated la lb euiinty ul Clackamaa and Htat ol Oregou, to wn: Com mencing II rhalua auu h aud rhtlue w,l rom ih Fiiruer lo aeeiloua II. li, IS aud 14, loan-hip aoiilh, rauge I eal uf lb WllUmetle Meridian; running ihenoe wel lO.'.K rhalua; tbeucea iuth hVdeg. Id lulu, weal 4 tJ thalni; Inane liorih SI chtiua; tbnuc aael 'Jl IV ohaluai Ihincaaoulh II clialua to III p.aceot ii lining oonialnliig IS icrea. 1. I'. Ill: K r, April '.'.'i, In KV Ouardlau. li. K. I luirtn, Ally for Guardian. fH.il! HllKlllKra HALK. In ih C rro ll Court ol the H ate of Oregon, for Ihd iullilr ol Mulliioiuab a (I iidach nl II, plaintiff, va A. J. Orean aud Auule Oroen, deleudanla. Mai of Or.g.in, C nmiy of C aikaina. aa NOTICK IH IIKKKIIY OIVKN THAT II Y virtue o an eaecutl ia .ui order ul aal U .u.d out ol iheclrootl oiirin' Ilia Htat ol Or. eon lor tli County ol Mulliioinah, b 'artng date th7th day ul May, l-W lu a auu wherein a. (C'lil-i hull It le p'allitltr, and A. J. Uieeu and Amee trea ar dvfiiidaut. coinmandiug ni. I i I It i nam ol lh nlat ol Oregon, that uut uf trt real eut heretiiter dearrilied, to rralli a ail in aiimcleul lo tattely Ilia dvmtuda ol aaid de--n, to-wit: tll.Ll, and lb lurther aum of IJA.lfiro.le, ina-ullur wall loiere.t oa Ih earn luce tha 7th day ut May, lJt, al p r vent, per annum, all lu gold coin ol U, a, aud aiau (be ooel ol aud aliwmllng tbi aal. Now, tbvrelore. In ohe Item. to aueh dcre, I havcduly lvtd uixin, and will, ou naturday, Ihe litli day ol June, Ihx'i. al the hour of 1 o'clock I'. M. ol aald day, al the iroul door of Ih eoort bona In aald couuty of Ctackainaa, offer lor Ml t public auction, a id aell to in high! aud Do. I hi Ider, lor ca b lu baud, all o. ihe rlglil, title and Intereet lb aald deleudauta have lu and lo Dm loliuwlng deeorlbad real proiKrty, to wll: Th N ol ;', "I Keollou lrj n lown. h ip 4 South ol Kane & Kaat of Wlliaaiatl U rl'ilan, In C.argamai oounty, Orgon. Dalud tbl. 7-n day of May, A. D. l-tV K. C MAl'DOCK, HharlfTnf Clackamaa Co., HUM ol Oregon. By N. M. MiiobT, Deputy. 6-17.6-14 no uca: YOU PUBUCAIION. Land Orrtca at Oaaona City, Oa., May 11, ItcaY V-0II('ft ta henby give l that lha fo'low ingiiamtd Mil r baa ft a I nolle of her In I. iillon to make dual proof In auuunrt of hla claim, aud that 'aid proof will b mad before ina Uealeteraud Holer, V. H. I.iud tifllca at OiegouCi y, Or., on June gA, HuS, via: MiryM. Auiiio, II. h. .It a,VJa. lor Ihe nK'i NK', U'i er.4, ra', nr.4 cn. aj, i o b, n i a. Mil name the following wlllioaeo to prov hr oontluiioua raaid no upon aud oultivatlon d, ..Id land, vn: Hcn.t Ciner, Keeat Daugh- rty, Frank bawl. I, r. C. Miller, all nf Molaila, O.-e oi. HOUKKI A. MI1.I.KH, 6-17 e-'Jl H.glatar. notice ok kinal settlement. lu tha County O oirl nl tha Htate of Orogoo, tor till Coiin y ol I lackamaa. In tha matter ol lb elt of William Q, Lucaa, decayed. To Whom II May Concern: NOTICE IH IlKHKBY OIVKN THAT THE underelguwl a uniulalrator of Ih aitata of oilllamy. l.ura., deceaed, baa tiled hla Anal accouut aud report a - auch admlnlalrator, lu the county court nl Ihe Htate ot Oregon for Clacka maa oounty. and Ibal Tueaday, tha 2d day of July, lav. al Ih hour of lu o'clock A. M.. at th county court boua, ha bean Had aud appolui. d a th tlin aud place lor th eettlemeul of aald Dual raport and account and th hearing and deiermluatlon of any ami all objection! tharato, WOLKOANO HAUMAN, Admr. of tliatatof William 6-17:6 M U. Lueaa, daceaaid. Tasr-r.i r",Tr.w E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE ERST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. VIA. VIA SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA and and ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five clays for AND FRANCISCO. For full details call on or ad dreHH, W. II. IIURLBUKT, Gen. 1'aHnenger Agent, Portland, Or. T. F. WHITE. W. A.WHITB. WHITE BROTHERS Vrmtioal Architects 8f Builders. WIU prepare plana, elevation, working de t and apocificallona for all kind nf build ing. Special attention riven to modern cot Uaitea. Eatlmatea furnlahed nn applloatloa Call on or addreai WHITE BROS., Oregon City, Oga