Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, MAY '.M, JHliG. dacknmns Co. Directory. COUNTY OKTICKIIH. (ItinltiM K. llny.s tleu. K. Hnrtiiu K, !, Mx.l.lo.'k H. M. Ksm.hy M, I, Mnon J,l!. Hrnll II, H. lll..nn V, W Kliinalrd Jihlln, . !.nrk nl Courts, HlmrllT, Kmiiintiir,, - HnUmil Superintendent, Surveyor, Coroner, Commissioners, IIUIMMMdl IMNtOVK.TlE.MH. New Nli-uiliirt-H art) (Jolnf Drery Direction. up In IIdIow in given it brief lint of llm build ing now under com ho of construction In Oregon City, It expected that many wore will ho juit up diirliiK the aimimor no that wlillu then In no building boom on, yut it auhatuiitlal growth will be had thatwlllkonp thl place to the front as li. I., iiiiimmi ! the solid town of Oregon. Kli'lmnl Himki Prank Jaugar DATES TO IIK.MKMIIKIl. WAY 21, l''rlchiy-('baiila'ipia unislraln ut A. H. I rHitr'a resilience, at o'clock 1'. M. MAY, itt, Haliirdav Clackamas C'ounty Teni'lien' Association inrt'tK at Marks I'mliln school house at 1(1 o'clock A. M. MAY ill, Holiday-Memorial iy, t'nlun services l liiitlnt clitircli n lOi.'HIA. M, Ollllll ('itl.Ctlllp iiiriMIiik at ('on- greKtillnnal church BIS o'clock I'. M, MAY 111, Wednesday Oregon Hlnie (iraiig holds lit numinl session hi A. ). I' hull. Closing exercises nf faiicinal school at I o'clock I'. M, MAY 30, Thiirsday-lecorallon Pay. II o'clock school children nmrrli l'o''i lull ; 10 o clock parade funns o'clock services r the cemetery. JIM'. Ill, Wednesday (1 rand Army of II Ki'imlilUi, Women's Holier Corps, Hon (il elrrn Hint Ladies' AM Hoclety liolil lule encampment it (IreKon City IhkIIiiK lliriMi tin y. Jl'LY 4, Tliiir4ly Konrth of July. placei or holding Dirt various celebrations I C'lai'katiinii county ttimiuiicril assent in JULY 10, Wednesday-Wllhtmelle Vaile (tiatilut.ii Aii'lnliii convones (HmUlonv park for l session of ln tiny CHAT ABOUT TOWN Wool Hauled at ('barman A Son afore. Kalkenbtirg'l h-ctutu will he f ice, ho lie uro hiiJ come. Money to ioun on improved farm, W. II. Mraw iihih oi nil atyica, color, liil pricaa Hi Moody A Itine arson's, (inlort left Ht trunk Harlow's atoro, lor 4 foot or lil-lnch wood, promptly filled by F. I'arker. Mm. Hoeis, of Mount Angel, Iiuh moved Into the reNldencu adjoining tb Rod Front tore. Wise In tin who buyi home and atop paying rent. C.O.T. WilliwiiiM curi fl you out on easy terniH. HherniKn Hrownell anil John Feaater rucently oHned tho road to connect thel farms with tlio Thaver road. Jacob Strnilit. the l.'l-year-old Hon of Mr. Straight, of thin city, who ban bran aerlotinly ill for Home time, I lomewha improved. Mrs. 8elver' Hundny school claaa Iii the Iluptint church went to (iladstono park lait Saturday and bad a very en joyahle picnic party. II. K. Straight, II. C. Sitliabury and Tommy Cowing took a spin on their bicycles to Sandy lam Sunday, and re' turned by way of Portland. There will ho no service at the M. K church Sunday morning. Union service In Itaptmt church . Sunday achool at M E. church, at 12 o'clock, noon. Hick Headache, constipation and indl gentlon are ipiicklv cured by Ie Witt's Little Karly Kinern, the famous little pills. C. O. Huntley, drnggiMt. A asesHor J. C. 1! rail ley ba bought Mrs J. M. Racon's promTly on Sixth and Madison streets, Mr. Itradley, however -will not take powtHHlon until next fall. , Now 1h the time to spray for Ihecodlin moth and caterpillar. Schwan A I'utrow bundle a spray pump that ia simple, effective and low in price. Call and ex amine I hem. Dinordurs of the stnmuch and bowoU, ruptions of the skin, dmturlied sloep, and similar disorders in infunte, are all relieved by Ktdman's Soothing Pow- dors, Tan bono, nlielf paper, new line of ladies' stun mer underwear, boy's straw bats, also a full line of gent's summer underwear, ladies' silk mitts just arrived At the Racket store. Road Foreman O . W. I'rosner hits a force of men bhiHtitiK and otherwlHe im proving tho Oswego-Sblploy road, across the rlyer from this city. The road bus long needed somo work of this kind . Wise is bo, who buys property when no one else is buying, because be can thon buv cheap. C. O. T. Williams can (it you out on easy torma. The Memorial services under tho aus pices of the G. A. R., will be held in the Baptist church next Sunday morning. In the evening the pnstor will preach a special sermon to young nion on "Glory of Young Men." Four more mining claims in the Rod Rock section in tho extreme southern part of thin county were filed for record in the recorder's offlco Tuesday. J. A. Estes files on two claims and Wales RuS' sell and Alois Russell ono each. Ben Franklin tramped, hungry und foot-sore, through Philadelphia streets, with a loaf under one arm and a lot of brand new proverbs under his but, One of Bon's maxims was, "a penny saved is a penny earned." You've heard that before, but no matter ; if you will buy your groceries at V. Harris' you will re alize the force of It. ir a i . t ... w. a. vvinto is completing a now residence for L. C. Caples on Otb and MiullMon HlrietM. II. 1'. Itestow fur iiImIkmI the mill work for tho dwelling. This building will cont about fXX). W. A. White is constructing a now dwelling for Sidney Smyth on Kightb street neur the iiead of Seventh street The structure will cont shout fHoO. Adnlph Milclmtino bun an eleguut modern collage completed at Willamette FuIIm. It will cont $1(XMI, and J, Jones whh the builder. J. Joiicm, the builder, has a renlilrn for himself partially completed at W Umette Falls to cost fllX)(). deorge U ood' new cottage on Mil and John Qiiincy Adams street, is near ing completion, and will coniiXH). i). r. r-wope moved into liia ne dwelling in the northwest part of 11 city Ibis week. It cost f IKK). Frank Fosburg, lias completed an elegant two-story residence in Ilolton at a cont of IOOO O. Fonburg ban commenced a dwelling in Ilollou. The Mechanic' mill are doing the mill work lor theatruclure will cost t7). G. W. Grace ia completing a two-story huildinu at 2:'xlW feet. The lower floor will be occupied by Mr. Grace a general merchandise store, and tl upMr floor will ho used as a dwelling. Jamen lioake's house on 11th and Jefferson's streets, is la'ing entirely re' luoJeted and recoiiHlrucled. He hail J. li. ltenner move the one-story house to the back part of the lot, an in front a two-story building, KixJU an modern in stylo will lie erected. Tli oki pan oi uio Dunning will be raisvc another story and a new roof put on Jones Is the builder, and the cost mo auditions anil changes will ainoun to about f.rjlX). The Barclay residence lias been re' modeled and repaired, an II stands bat: of the Barclay brick and ia handsome dwelling as any on the river front. John hchraiu is having a two-story frame building e receded on Main street that will cost about f 1000. Dr. J. W. Powell has completed a elevant II ye-room cot I age on Fouith atreel that is very tasly iu design. The cost is about $700. Peter Paquet will have a tw-ostory ad dition built on the south side of his bouse. The lower story will be used for a library and silting room and the upor for a bed chamber. Henry vtetniiaru s brick to be con strucled on the northwest corner of Main and Kight streets, will bo 511x100 feet and three stories high. The lower floor will be occupied by store rooms, and the npor stories will be fitted up for ollice rooms. The bills for the construction of Danli William's two-story stoie building, to be erected on Seventh street were opened In C. II. Dve's ofllce Friday. The bidders were Vonderabe A Bro., S4!).(W ; Scott Front, liHifl; Taylor 4 Took, 1818 Jones A Renner, ttKH); Horn A Wishart .'.!. Messrs. Bcolt A frost were warded the contract for fiUMl. The inilding will he (10x44. Mrs. Charles Holds, Charles S. Ohlson. R. S. Bollomy, Fred Fuller and Rov, C. A. Woody of Portland, bave com peted and are furnishing up dwellings at Gladstone to coit f 1000 each Col. R. A. Miller lias let a contract to Horn A Wishart to build an elegant modern residence at Gladstone to cost hen completed $1,400. John A. Graham 1b completing welling at Gladstone to coat $400, C. A. Boade a residence to cost $250, and II, , Cross bus a $ti00 dwelling under way. The Sisters of the Good Sbephard will soon erect a Home of Refuge near the south bank of the Clackamas and lying between the Southern Pacific truck and te Fast Side railway. The building ill be 30x75 feet and three stories high, besides the basement. Stone for io foundation is now being laid on the ground, and the structure will be steadily unbed toward completion. It ia esti mated tho building will cost about $15,- (XX). The location la a splendid one, lying In close proximity to Gladstone and Park Place and almost surrounded by a thrifty orchard. T. W, Sullivan is engineering the plaiiB and construc tion of the foundation, which is a guaran tee that the building will bave a good beginning. Tho Bunk of Oregon City is having the front rooms upMtuirs remodeled, and they will bo models ef convenience and neatness when completed. II. L. Kelly ia having three neat cot tages erected on Washington Btreet be tween Seventh and Eighth. Their cost will be about $100 each. One of the buildings is about finished and work LaB been commenced on the second. Charles Hill is making preparations to erect a neat cottage In Sunset addition. Monday the river steamer Altona, running on the Salem route, was seized by Collector of Customs Black, says the Oregon Ian, for violal ion of the naviga tion limn. Chief Inspector Black took possession of the vessel and placed In spectors Chambers and Gallagher in charge until the owners furnished $1000 bonds, when It was released. The seizure was made on Information that coal oil was being carrioj on the boat iu violation of section 4472, revised statutes. The Altona Is the third river steamer seized by Collector Black within a week for vio lation of navigation laws, the Dallas City and the Regulator being the other two boats. The Altona only lost abont an hour's time, and tnado her trip on time. About fifty Oregon City people went to Portland Tuesday evening to attend tho reception and lecture of Dr. Francis K. ('lurk, founder and president of tiio United Christian Kndeavor convention. Tho lecluru was delivered in the First Presbyterian church and only about one half the sealing capacity was filled, Had tliln interesting lecture been delivered iu Oregon Cily, a building could hardly ha vu held all tho people who attended. An invitation was extended the United Society of Endeavor to hold lis next convention In Portland. The M)ple of Oregon City will bave an opportunity to laugh and learn it tho Methodist church next week. Captain Ell, tho modern "Sinbad the Sailor," will give three great nautical lecture beginning with Monday evening as follows: Monday evening, "Jonah and the Whale," from the whaleman' slund point. Tuesday evening, "Captur ing the Irvialhun." Wednesday even ing "The Monster of tho Deep." PERSONAL NOTES. County Clerk llorton spent Sunday at his Needy farm, A. Klttermiin, a well knwn citizen of Viola, wa In town Monday. M. Bolick, book-kcetMjr at the woolen mills, spent Sunday at Eugene. Mis Ada Sharpies, of Eugene, spent Sunday with friends In Canemah. Assessor and Mrs. J. C. Bradley spent Sunday on their Powells Valley farm. Mr. and Mr. J. W, Young were up from Portland Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs. T. A. McHride and daughter, May, are visiting relatives at St. Helens. T. O. Jonsurd, the Sandy justice of the piece, was In Oregon City Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Boliieane, of Oregon City, have been visiting relatives at Lafayette. Mr. Emma Sheldon, of Forest Grove, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wheeler, of this city. Attorneys J. K. Marks, of Aurora, and W. II. Dobyns, of Canby, were in Oregon City Tuesday. S. M. Kelso, a prominent farmer of Pleasant Hill precinct, wa in Oregon City Wednesday. S. A. Clark, the well knowd journalist wa iu Oregon City Thursday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dye Mr. Jame Gault felt for Comstock Wednesday to join her husband, who i engineer in a sawmill at that place. Misses Georgia Cook, of Portland, and Leona Hayes, of Woodbum, are visiting Misses Minnie Hermann and Jessie Talbert. Miss Erma Lawrence was called to &3 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS and s cartful micro capital rxnmina lion of the urine, is a valuable aid in cVlermining the nature of many chronic dineawn, particularly those of the nervous system, blood, liv er, kidneyn, and bladder. These iil make it pos sible to treat such disease success. fully at a distance, without personal examb nation of the patient. Thus Bright' Dis ease of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Grsvel, and other Diseases of the Urinary Organ, " I.iver Complaint," Dys pepsia, or Indigestion, Dropsy and many other maladies are successfully treated and cured without personal consultation with the physician. Nervous Debility, whether resulting; from over-study, worry, disappointment, or from exhausting; drains upon the system caused by prenicious secret habits contracted in youth, through ignorance of their ruinous consequences, is successfully managed, through correspondence, the necessary medicines being sent by mail or express. Write for question blanks, or describe your case, send sample of urine for analysis and enclose io cents for postage on treatise, which contains reproduced photograph and full names and addresses of vast num bers of people who have been cured in this way. Address, World' Dispensary Mcdi eal Association, 66.3 Main bt, Buffalo, N. Y. FOR HSTOR1K xfi , 1 r" i ' ii Under the auspices of the Methodist I Corvalli Monday by the death of an old school mate. She returned Tuesday morning. church. Admission, 15 cents; children, 5 cents ; season ticket, 25 cent. A free ftociul will be given at the Beaver Creek Welsh Congregational church at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, May 30th. The ladies of the church will provide entertainment for all who will participate in the meeting, All are invited to attend this meeting as well a the entertainment which begins at 7 p. m. The program will be supported by some outside talent. Mis A. Jones of Oswego, II. O. Inskip of Har-eldale, William II. Jones of Inland district, and other will lie there. The entertainment given in Batdorf's ball at Willamette Falls last week under the auspices of the Sunday School wa very successful affair. The electric car had to make two trips to carry all the passenger from Oregon City . A mong those who participated in the exercise from this city were Mr. Sada White and C. A. Miller on the musical part of the program, and a 10-year-old daughter of G. . Wood, who gave a splendid c lub swinging exercise. At the regulur meeting of the Mc laughlin Chautauqua circle last Mondav night, Mr. C. II. Dye spent some little time explaining how they succeeded in securing such prominent talent for the assembly to be held at Gladstone Park, July 10-20. A. 8. Dresser, who ha charge of ihe musical department of the asaeinbly, ha decided to make it a mu sical convention, and musicians from every part of the state are invited to attend and Participate. In the matter of the new school dis trict to be formed out of Lynn and Hen rici district, there are but 18 children of school age Instead of 27, the number recently mentioned in the Entkhckisk. It i expected, however, that when the liatrict i formed families who own proHrty in the district, will move in, and the number of pupils will be in- reased 10 34. Remember that Captain Eli has hi museum with him at the M. E. church the first three evening of next .week. The jaw bone of eierm whale, a rib of one of these monster with six rows of teeth in il, and the weapon used in illing these monsters. These lecture are highly recommended by educational men. F. A. Falkenburg, of Denver, Colo., head consul of the Pacific jurisdiction, Woodmen of the World, will visit Oregon ity in the intereat of the order, on May under the auspice of Willamette C 31, all Camp No. 148. He will deliver a lecture at Shivaly hall, at 8 p. 111., to men only, on the subject of "Fraternalism." Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nash went to the lower Nehalom some lime since to spend the summer on their homestead. One weok ago last Wednesday their welling caught on fire and was burned to the ground, consuming all their sup- lie and extra clothing. Thev had to go to the house of the nearest neighbor four miles distant, for shelter, and have returned to Oregon Citv. For Sunday Dinner. Oregon green geas, yellow wax and green beans, asparagus, new potatoes, cucumbers, new cabbage, cherries and strawberries. E. E. Williams, the grocer. The Kermesse. The best ten-cent cigar on earth. Sold for five. E. Y. William, the grocer. Mr. and Mrs. George Howard left Monday for St. Helens, where they wil spend a few days visiting Mr. Howard' parent. Rev. W. L. Molloy, formerly in charge of the M. E. church, outh, of Oregon City, but now stationed at Lebanon, was in this citv this week. Mr. Jennie Dean arrived Monday from Olierlin, Kansas, and is visiting her sister, Mr. D. G. Frost. She will remain here during the summer. Mr. E, N. Wheeler, who ha een the guest of Mr. and Mr. C. H. Wheeler, of this city has, returned to her home in Portland, after several week visit S. G. Thompson, an Monroe pioneer a no business man. baa been in this city this week attending the session of the M. E. church Ministerial Association J. W. Draper ha removed from his residence in Canemah to his farm near Mink on the Highland road, where with his family, will reside for the summer. County Assessor M. White, of Colum bia county, and Mrs. White, spent Sat urday evening and Sunday in Oregon City the guest of their old friends, Mr. and Mr. N. Tingle. Major J. B. Brockenbrough, special agent of the land department, was in Oregon C'tv Sunday. He wa called bv telegram to Roseberg to attend some im portant land contests. Mr. and Mr E. D. Tinley, of Dupe, Bureau county, Illinois, recently came tin from California, and have been visit ing theit neice, Mr. Charles Shade, near the Clackamas hatchery. Mr. and Mr. C. H. Caufield went to Albany Saturday. Mr. Caufield returned Monday, but Mr. Caufield, with her two small boys, remained the balance of the week visiting relative. Judge George II. Durant, special gov ernment counsel in the smuggling canes before the United Slate court this week, accompanied by J. M. Gearin, of Port land, spent Friday fishing at the talis. Joseph Backman, who formerly re sided in this city and was a weaver in in the woolen mill, is now in Stockton, California, where he is running a pair of looms in the woolen mills in that city. Clarence Laughton, one of the leading hop-growers of Carlton, Yamhill county, with his eister, Mia Maude, were in Oregon City last Saturday visiting friend and viewing the various points of inte rest about the city. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal. says: "Shiloh'g Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good" Price 50o. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Many Buffer from irritation of the kidneys and bladder without knowing what is the matter with them. Dr. J. H. McLean's liver and kidney balm will irive relief. For sale by C. G. Huntlev, druggist. Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS cure sick headache, biliousness, constipa tion, coated tongue, poor appetite, indiges tion, windy belchings and kindred derange ment of the liver, stomach and bowels. ONCE USED, ALWAYS IN FAVOR. STR. SARAH DIXON, Will leave Portland, foot of WaHhington Street, for AHtoria, Sunday morning at 7 o'clock; Mon day, Wednenday, and Friday even ing at 7:TO o'clock. RETURNING, leaven Antoria Mon day morning at 6 o'clock; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at 6 o'clock FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Clatskanie and way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings at 6 o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the roost direct and accessable route to the Nehalern Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. H. W. JACKSON, HOT DAY SHIRTS. AND -n To wear a stiff, startched white shirt during hot weather, pre venting all circulation of air around the body, is both un comfortable and unhealtho. By wearing A Negligee Shirt I Bicycles, Umbrellas, : Guns, Sewing Machines, I And all kinds of small ma j chines put in good order. No I work to difficult to undertake, j Prices reasonable. I Shop on Seventh St., near depot. j NEW ENGLAND j Marble &ranite CALVIN H. WEEKS, - Prop. Wholesale and Kelall deslera In Fine Monumental wort ana uuortti Statnair. Do not order monumental work until you obtain our prices. You will And (or Rood workourchanrearealwaysthelow- . est- II any work is wanted In our line, please drop uiactrd, and we will call with de signs and prices. Second and Third Stt Elcatvta Car Paaa Ous SaUsvooma. 720 Front 8treet. Opposite the Falling School Portland Oregon, You get perfect comfort, and are not baked with the heat. We carry all colors, sizes and style. 75c to $1.50 Portland price. Glass & Smith, The Clothiers. Adirondack, 719, Will stand the season of 1805 at Canby on each Monday and Tuesday and the balance of the week in Oregon City at Noblitt's stable. ADIRONDACK was aired by Bona Fide, 720, sire of Humbert 2 :28a, Uene 2:30. Bona Fide was sired by Hamble tonian 10, and he by Abdallah 1. Adir ondack's dam was Madge, dam of Vol unteer 55. aire of St. Julian. 2 :1U. ADIRONDACK is the sire of Bonnie Bell. 2:24' ; Flora T. 2:35; Annie B, 2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler, 2:44g', she the dam of Longitude, 2:18. TERMS, $10 for season. $15 for insur ance. or further particulars inquire in Oregon City of H. C. SLOPER. Owner. Sunday Services. A. B. $teinbac Co. POPULAR ONE PRICE Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. Comer First and Morrlion SU PORTLAND, - ORECON. To allay pains, subdue inflamation, heal foul sores and ulcers, the most prompt and satisfactory results are ob tained by using that old reliable remedy, J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment. For sale by C. Q. Huntley, druggist. Don't fail to hear F. A. Falkenburg's lecture at Shively's hall, Friday evening, May 31. A Hand some Face. attracts universal attention. The same is also true ot a handsome hat or bonnet, All beauty Is destroyed unless the face and headdress harmonize we understand the art. Our stock of millinary is com pleteall the latest designs. No trouble to show you our soods. Prices to suit the times we meet Portland com-petion. Roberts & Hamilton, Opposite Charman & Co., Drug Store. Money Loaned. First Mortgages on Improv ed Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first Morgagea upon improved farms in Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies. Address with stamps, Mervin Sworts, Baker City, - Oregon. IT CAN NOT BURN OUT But affords safe and reliable Insurance to all Eleven years of uuparalled prosperity. A divid end paid to Us stockholders annually since or gauizHtiou, STATE INSURANCE CO OP SALEM, OR. The only Oregon flre insurance com panyevcr managed on scientific Are insurance ; princi ples. A flattering increase iu assets aud net surplus during 1H5. O Bice with Hon. Geo. O. Hlnearson, dagger Bld'g, Main Bet. 7 & 8. Andrew O. Malaten, Agent For Oregon City and Clackamas County. The "State" issues the most liberal farm policy now Issued on the coast- 8T. PACL'8 CHURCH - Episcopal - Rbt. Isaac Dawson, Rector. Services atll o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer service every Wed- uvsuay eveoiug. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Rev. J. W. Cowau Pastor. Services at 10:30 a. u. and 8:00 r. u. Sunday School after morning service. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8:00o,clock. Prayer meeting of Voung People, Society of Christian Kndeavor every Sunday evening at 7:0C prempt. FIRST BAFflST CHDKCH. Rav. M. L. Ki cio, Pastor Morning Service at 11: Sunday School at 12-15; Evening Service :30; Regular prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Weduesday evening preceding the first Sunday in the month. A eornial iuvitation to all. 8T. JOHN'8 CHURCH. CATHOLIC Rev. A. Hillebrand, Pastor. On Sunday mass at 8 and 10:30 a. u. Every second aud fourth Sunday German sermon after the 8 o'clock mass At all other masses English sermous. 8undav School at 2:30 r. x. Vespers, apologetical subjects, and Benediction at 7:30 r. a. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Riv G. 8ykes, Pastor. Morning service at 11: Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting after moruing service. Evening service at 7:3a Epworth League meeting Sunday evening at 8:30; Prayer Meeting Thursday eveuiug at 1:80. strangers cordially Invited. FIRST PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH. Riv. J. W. Moutgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 r. a. Sabbath School at 10 A. u. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meets every Sunday evening at 6:30. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:30. Seats free. EVANQSLICALCHURCH GERMAN R. F. Myers, Pastor. Preaching services everv Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P. M Babbatn school everv 8uudav at 10 A. M. fRev. P. Bolt, Supt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening REGULAR EK VICES AT U. B. CHURCH moruiug mid ev nlugof li and 3 1 cundny of each mouth. Sabhxth School at 10. A, M. each S tbbath. J D. Sunn-, Sut. W. H. McLain, Paitnr. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH-L. Grey, Pastor. German services every Sunday at 11 o'clock A M. Huglish services at 7:30 P. M. Sunday school at 10 o'clock A. M. Loca tion: Store room next door to bakery in Shive ley's building, corner of Seventh and Madison streets NOBLETT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT . Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose Btock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms.