Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY ME ENTERPRISE CORRESPOXW. E.MS SW EEP THE FIELD. Entertainment at Jlullno A Lire Porcupine-Sneak Thlerea Wet In Their Work. Muliko, May 20.-I.a8t Friday evening the entertainment given at Grange hall for the benefit af the district was well attended. The audience was so large that all the peo ple could not get Inside of the hall. The program consisted of dialogues, recitations and instrumental music, after which Silas Wright took the stage and auctioned off many nice and handsome lunco dsskw, which the ladies had prepared for the occa sion, the highest priced one being 51.10 and the lowest 3oc Alter lunch the seats were moved out and many participated In the merry dance, there being So numbers som. While the many people were at the en tertainment, a thief, in the stillness of the niehl. took advantage of the opportunity .Lit) thewllarof Mr. and Mrs. Mul- vev. earning away with him seven 5-pound cans of lard. To cover up his boldness, the thief went into the shop of Henry Seltier and borrowed a brace and bit, which he used in cutting away the wood from the atanle which was clinched through thedoor, After removing the staple, he walked into the cellar, took his supply and kindly re turned the brace and bit to their proper place. The bit contained some of the chips and white-wash from thedoor, which gave anffieient evidence that the bit had been need. The thier, undoubtedly, is a local resident, a he is no expert, orhecouldhave onened the lock. Mrs. Mulvey was good natural about the stealing, saying she hoped the thief needed the lard worse than shedid, Fred Pembroke had an encounter with I porcupine a tew aays ago. no " hunting a milk cow when he discovered a long haired nimal sitting on a bush. Fred, afraid the animal might attack him in the rear should be run, made up his mind to see bow much grit the animal had. He sharpened a stick and made for it, but the animal raised its quills and stood its ground for awhile but finally got away in the brush. Mike Mulvey returned home last week from a winter's stay at The Dalles. Lee Jones traded Mr. Wallace 30 acres ol land for his dwelling and property in Mu lino. Lee will occupy the house as soon as Mr. Wallace ean build. Claud Howard is hauling 16 rustic to Ely Bros, for . - IT- Canby Callings. Casbt, Ma) 15. Two or three days more will finish graveling the road from Canby to Good's bridge. When completed, it will be one of the best roads in the county. The following members of the Canby re publican club were elected delegates to the state republican club convention which con venes in Portland on tlie22d of May : L. D. Shank, W. H. Dobyns, Geo. Knight, J. H. , Graham and 0. K. Mack. Mr. Lowe, awatchmakerand jeweler from Vancouver, has put up a shop here. He is . a good workman and we wish hiiu success fci his business. Monday evening the ladies of the Chris tian church gave a "hard times" social. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Miss Emma Eisher and Milo Lee were awarded the prise cake for being dressed to best rep resent bard times. F. Hampton and family moved into their new bouse last week. Miss Ella Knight closed her school last Friday alter a successful spring term. Frank Weed returned home Irom Albany a few days ago, where he has been for the last three or four months. Strawberries on the prairie will soon be ripe. We hear Mr. Hoyt intends to com mence picking next week. Messrs. J. 8mith. V. L. Mack. L. D. Shank and Geo. Knight were in Oregon City Saturday. Miss Bertha Summer was visiting friends here Saturday and Sunday. Geo. Knight, Jr., and Ie Rogers were in Oregon City Sunday. Mr. J. Cole, of Aurora, was noticed on oar streets Wednesday. Clarkes Notes., May .-Adolph Elmer is going to have a grand entertainment given at Timber Grove school house on May 25tb. Everybody invited. Orval Martin is working at David Ander son's sawmill on Mill creek. Mrs. Mary Rees has taken her little son to Portland to be doctored, and we would be glad to hear of his speedy recovery, as he has been sick for a long time. Mrs. August Bottomiher has gone to Port land for medical treatment. Mr. Grace has rented his store to a family from Wisconsin who will be here and take possession in a few days. Mr. Grace and family will move to Ely ville this week. He has his store completed at that place. Wm. Bottomiller is going to build a new dwelling house and barn this spring. Wm. Kleinsmith will help build them. Irene Lee has been lying very low for a week. We hope that she is getting better. Jack Bingo has gone to the Palouse coun try to visit liis sister for two months. Shaving off mustaches is getting quite common among the young men around here, as Harry Je, Amos Harrington and several others have them shaved off. Mr. Shockley, of Highland, is hauling wheat to Oregon City for George Lee and is getting 40 cents a bushel. Alvin Kleinsmith, of Portland, came home to pay his parents a short visit until the sawmill is repaired. John Shockley, of Highland , is cultivating and t aining hops for Mr. Lee. Marv Hole, of Portland, is out visiting her parents at Timber Grove. Alua Smyrna Smacks. Smvbka, May 20. L. D. Yoder and daugh ter Ida made a trip overland to Salem last Friday, returning on Saturday. Miss Etta Wyland is on the sick list with inflnmniatorv rheumatism. Dr. Leavitt is attending. The scarlatina which broke out in Her bert Johnson's family three weeks ago ,n,f intn malienant scarlet fever. Mr. Sam Smith was taken with It on Monday last at noon. On Thurday morning, the KUli, he died and was buried that same evening as a precaution against the spread of the ferer. In the death of Mr. Smith the community loses a good cttiien and neighbor, and his children a kind, indul gent father. His wife preceded him to the miknown shore something more than a year ago. J. B. Heln and wife arrived last Saturday from Los Angeles county, California. Tney left here about two years ago to visit the exposition In the white city, alter which they farmed a year in McLean county, uu nois, then floundered In the snow drifts and had their " blood congealed like the rivers" of Cass county, Missouri. Sometime in March last they came to California and wrestled with the grease wood, sage brush and sand on the edge of the Mojave desert, until Mr. Hein's health gave way, when they came up here to start the moss on their backs again. They are better satished witn the valley than ever before, and we hope they may conclude to settle amongst us. JoA. OSWEGO NEWS. Decoration Day to be Observed-Successful W. A. P. A. Entertainment. Oswruo, May 15.-Robert U Tollock left last evening for Ogden, Utah, and will prob ably go as far east as Chicago. Grand Master Workman Brannin spoke to a lair siied audience last Thursday evening at the Oiid Fellows hall and everv one was delimited with his talk. He met the lodge after the address and spent some time in structing and advising the A. O. U. W brethren. D. H. Bussard left last Saturday for the Columbia to engage in fishing. Mrs. Headrick, who was injured last week, is improving slowly. Mrs. Ada Gray, of Stella, Wash., is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Bullock P. F. Morey moved into his fine summer residence last Saturday night. The Hash of electric lights at Mr. Mr. Morey's place made one think that we were getting near a city. D. B. Rees. of Oregon City, visited our dace Saturday and Sunday. The entertainment given by the Epworth League last Saturday night in Preiser's hall was a decided success in every particular. America. LATKB. Osweiio, May 21. The evsnt of the past week was the rag social given by the ladies of the W. A. P. A. at Prosser's hall on Sat urday evening. The following program was rendered : Song " America" by the members of the order and the audience. Recitation, by Anwylld Jones. Piano solo, Miss Elsie Walling. Recitation, Miss Belle R. Fox. Music, Bickner Brothers' Orchestra. Recitation, Mrs. Lottie Green. Music, Bickner Brothers' Orchestra. Farce A Family Jar By the Oswego lo cal dramatic club. Song of the West, by members of the or der. Tableau TbeGoddess of Liberty.with ber Allies, the A. P. A. and the W. A. P. A., protecting the little red school house. Competitive examination and awarding of prizes to the raggedest man and woman. 8. C. Baker, O. W. Prosser, and J. C. Haines were appointed judges. Those competing for the prize six ladies and eiglit gentle men marched upon the stage, and as they marched around the audience enjoyed a eood laugh. It was decidedly a case of rag, rags, ragged, raggeder, raggedesl, and the judges had rather a tough job of it. But they finallv decided that Miss Norma Fox and Ernie Kiser took the cake, and they were each accordingly presented with a handsome cake. The hall was then cleared and those desiring to dance were permitted to do so. Ice cream, cake and lemonade were served in the rooms in the rear of Mr. Prosser's store. Take it all in all the social was a decided success financially and so cially, and we will be pleased when the la dies of the W. A. P. A. give us another en tertainment. Council No. 2 of the A. P. A. will cele brate decoration day by marching in a body to the cemetery and decorating the graves of the comrades who have joined the grand majority. There will be speaking at tbe;cem- eterv bv Rood speakers. All Grand Army men are invited to join with us in this serv. ice whether they belong to the order or not Mrs. Frank Gray lea for her home near Stella in Washington yesterday morning, accompanied by ber sister, Miss Dora Bui. lock, who expects to make an extended visit with friends near Stella. Attorney J. U. Campbell, of Oregon City, visited Oswego Sunday. Mr.. Marv Ross, who lives near Hard Scrabble, was visiting friends and relatives in Oswego last Friday, Saturday and Hun- day. Miss Lizzie Haines is visiting friends on the Tualatin. Grandma Headrick, who was injured two weeks ago, is slowly improving. Miss Silver Prosser returned home San- day from visiting at the home of Adam Walling on the Tualatin. Dan Montair has returned from the Cas cades where he has been working for some time. 0. W. Smith and Charles Wortliington came borne last evening from the Upper Columbia where they have been engaged in making charcoal for a cannery. We will match Oswego against any town of its siz in Oregon for secret societies. The average citizen here might append to his or her name, A. 0. U. W. ; 1. 0. 0. F. ; A. F. & A. M.; D. of H. ; D. of R. ; R. R. C. : A. P. A.; E. L.; W. A. P. A,: I. 0. G. T.; D. T., and sometimes America. Wedding at Damascus. Damascus, May 20. A quiet wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMurry, on Monday evening, May 13. A few friends gathered to witness the marriage of Miss Ella McMurry to Mr. G. 8. Fleming, of Seattle, Rev. B. F. Hmallev officiating. After the ceremony a bounteous repast was served which was relished by all. The bride and groom left on Tuesday morning for their future borne in Seattle. The good wishes of their many friends go with them. Mink News. Mink, May 19.-A large lire was in this neighborhood last week, which caused con siderable damage to some farmers. Mr. Hill lost his house, barn, cellar and almost every building on the place. Mr, Massinger lost a barn and Mr. Schmidt lost about 4000 rails. Mr. Masslnger's little 2-year-old girl was burned unite severely on the feet and hands by stepping and falling in some hot ashes. Born, to the wife of P. Massinger, a son. Robert Glnther, of I-ogun, spent Saturday and Sunday at home, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Glnther. Rev. II. E. Hon.sluili will preach his first sermon for the year in the Evangelical ohurch tonight. He will be pastor of the Evangelical church for the year and will be assisted by Rev. Ehret, Anyone liking to go to church and not knowing which one to attend, had better come to this part of th country, for we have eight churches within five miles. The entertainment given by the young people of Mink, under the skillful manage ment of A. C. Strange, was a grand success in every way. Eddie Hornshuh, who is working in Ore gon City, spent Saturday and Sunday at borne visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hornshuh. Telephone. Sunnyilde News. Si'KNYsidk, May 22.-Farniera are feeling happy over the prosiecta tor a good crop. At present It looks as though all would have an abundance to eat If they cannot sell any thing to pay debts and taxes. Many of our citizens have not the money with which to pay their taxes. Every year they are In creased. How are we to pay them t Some of our farmers have potatoes to sell, but they are not worth anything, the price be ing only 10 to 15 cents per sack. It is hard work even to get that Berries are commencing to ripen. A good crop is excted. Mr. Ott has been confined to his bed sev eral days with rheumatism. Mr. Clift, we are glad to say, is some bet ter. His daughters, Mrs. Vivian of Port land, and Mrs. Brooks of Eastern Oregon, have been visiting him. Mr. Culo's daughter Minnie fell from a ladder Saturday, the ISih, and dislocated her shoulder. Dr. Hickman was called ami set the shoulder and the child will be all right again in a few days. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deardorff, on the Uth or May, a daughter. Sunnyside has seven teams hauling wood to Portland, a distance of 11 miles. It is sold at from 2 25 up to 13.00 per cord. From Fehlervllle. Fehlekville, May 20.-The weather con tinues nice and warm. Crone or all kinds look well. Farmers in this vicinity are clearing land, and otherwise making many improvements on their farms. Mr. King has lust put up a new house for an Oregon City niaii, who intends to move out some time next August. Look out rr a chopping bee and dance in the near future. There will be a content be tween two sets of choppers and the winners will have first choice at the dance, and get the largest pieces ot pie. Wake up boys and sharpen your axes. We wonder how the editor is on pie. Mrs. lu Straight, of Elyville, was visiting her mother, Mrs. J. O. Feliler, on Sunday la-t. Julius Priester is building a private road from his home to connect fith the Thoyer road, which will Improve his place verv much. Bova, if any of you have your best girl living in this valley, look out for the bache lor four. New Era Newsleti. New Eka, May 20. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley of this place will celebrate their zstn wee ding anniversary on the 22d, which will be their silver wedding. Miss Ida Norton, of East Portland, was visiting friends and relatives here last week. Mr. Geo. Randall has Just finished culti vating his new crop of potatoes for the first time. Mr. Gilbrich's Hock ol sheep averaged 13 pounds of wool each this season. E. Huchinson has bought a new disk har row lo nse in his hop yard. John Larch is working at his trade, harness-making, in Portland. E. M. Waldron has taken a contract of slashing for Frank Jaggar. Maxwell Baumann is busy helping Mo Cord and the Conner boys build their new sawmill near Alpine farm. The Madison boys are going into the onion business. Thev have an acre or two planted. Next Saturday Warner grange meets at their ball in New Era. Molalla Locals. Molalla, May 17.-I.ast Wednesday was the hottest day of the season, 87 degrees. Born, on the 10th, to the wife of E. K. Dart, a daughter. The 15th James Melton was struck on the knee with a liberated saw tooth at the Her man saw mill, his trowsers receiving the niajor part of the cut. Some hogs are running in these parts that ought to be shut up in order to keep up the impression of an existing hog law. Molalla has another lumberyard. It is White & Co. or the Austin mill. Their run is on finishingluniber. Orover Cleveland, of Molalla, "goes off fishing." One poor little fish is reported as the fruit of one week's eflorts. LELAND DISTRICT. "Hayseed" Tells About a Birthday and Other Social News. Party, Lelahd District, May 22.-The weather still continues to be nice, and most of the farmers have their potatoes and gardens planted. Mrs. Lizzie Thomas has returned to Ore eon Citv to stay awhile. Mrs. Ed Joslyn has gone to Portland to spend a few days with ber sister who is in the Portland hospital. Mrs. Scheer, of New Era, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Miller, last Thursday Ed. Joslyn and family have moved into their new house. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Cahill and children have been in Portland the past week sttend- MEN'S STRAW HATS Wo have an immense lino of men's straw hats. Prices lower than ever before. Cnll and See the Lntewt Stylen. Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or Kirst and Allien. Dexter -Diamond. . Uuc Crescent Wedges (warranted.) Loggers and Wood Choppers penalties. Oregon City Agent, - " ing the Seventh Day Adventint camp meet ing. Charlie Foster is working for Gilbert Ran dall. L. Holmes made a Hying trip to bis home in Middleton last week. Mr. Converse has gone to his home in Portland to stay a week or so. Miss Anna Penman was on the sick list last week. Rev. R. M. Jones, of Oswego, will preach next Sunday evening at the Uland school house, huvlng fur his subject," The Roman Catholic church." flollow Hpara. The nse of hollow spars for boats de signed to attain great speed has intro duced a new and novel industry requir ing workmanship of the finest charac ter. The stick for this purpose is re quired to lie of exceptionally fine and straight grain, and after being roughly shaped is split longitudinally from end to end; the center of each of the halvea is then hollowed out, and a greater or less amount is removed, according to the intended location of the spar, the upper spars being much the lighter. These hollows run nearly the length of the spar, great care being essential to have thera follow the taper of the out side of the spar exactly, to insure uni form thickness at every point ot course when this baa been done and the two halves of the spar replaced in their original position, a circular hole is loft in the center of the spar, running near ly the whole length, and following its taper from end to end. After this the two halves are fastened in place again bv means of wooden dowels, which faa- ten the split together, being pluced al- teroately on either side of the central The Kntkri'RImk is the only news, hollow, and both dowels and split are I papcr in Oregon that gives a cash pro carefully glued. These dowels vary in ! mjm to those paying their Biibscription size with the size or the spar, dui are nsnally as long as they can be made without piercing its ontsiue surrace. They are placed slightly nearer the cen ter hollow than the outeide, in order to give them all the length possible. In small spars the glue and the dowelB suffice, but in large ones metal bands on the outside are added. New York Hun. As to Giants. There has been no su l,Wt rnncfirnin inject concerning which more lies have been told than about giants. Until it was found that modern men could not be squeezed into the armor at the Tower, it was taken for granted that we had degenerated in size. This is not only not the case, but in the matter of giants we have the advantage of our predecessors. The Em peror Maziminian indeed was said to . have been Vt feet high, but ancient mensuration, especially in the case of an emperor, is not to be trusted; in deed, from its not having made him taller, it is certain that there was no one else nearly so tall. Orestes, It is true, we are told, was 10 feet long aft er death, but he wag not thought so highly of when alive; we may reasona bly take 8 feet as his ultimatum. Lon don News. ; DTtt8 8TRYKER, DENTIST, HA8 RB moved toOdd Hellows'templeS. W.Cor.lst and Alder, Portland, Orrgan. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'! Fair Hlgheat Award. ..JVimiilNERY Hoforo purchasing a hat or bonnet ho suro ami soo our assortment. Wo carry a larger stock than ever before and will make or trim any stylo you wish on short notice, if you do not find one that suits in our general lino of tiimmed hats. IIABIGIIOHST & COMPANY, HARDWARE North wealoru Agenla (or Occident Tultletoolh -Dvilcr B A S Proof Chains. Arcade HucklenN Arnica Naive. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Kheiim. Fever Soros, Tetter, C!mpied hands, Chilblains. CoriiH, and all .Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no ) pay required. It is guaranteed to give , perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Chat mail A Co., Charman Bros Itloek. May Do As Much For You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that lie bad a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in bis back and also that his bladder was ef fected. He tried many so called kidney cures, but without any good result. About a year ago Jie began the use of Klectric Bitters and found reliel at once. F:iectric Bitters U especially adapted to cure all liver and kidney troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Trice only 50c for large bottle. At Charman A Co. 's drug store, Charman Bros. Block. An Absolute Cure. Tho Original Abietine Ointment is only put up In large two-ounce boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment. Hold by C. O. Huntley, at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cent. jn advance. W. T. ftenford, Station Agent of Leo per, Clarion Co., Pa writes: I can rec ommend One Minute Cough Cure as the best I ever used. It gave instant relief i and a quick cure. C. G. Huntley, drug- Doctor II. H. Fish, of Gravois Mills, .. . i..,:,.! f monu ora ' ivio., a praevium ' ,.:... n YViH.'a Witch ! Hazel Salve haa no equal for indolent ' sores, scalds and burns. It stops pain instantly, heals a bum quickly and leaves no scar. C. G. Huntley, druggnt. Ladies hair trimmed in the style at Slope's barber shop. latest if you uw the Pctnlnm" Inrulmtort t ilrowlfM. M:,ke money while others are wauling !.. hvnlilnrrtcrnite. Cata1ltell nil alwul it.aiKldcMTibrt every article needed fr tut, ...itrv buiiness. Tne"tiK.t; mechanically the trt -hrvl Prettiest model. sue ara Facinc voan icrrala. Bicycle cata- logue,miledfret,givea fulMexTlptlori . price, e te. , "T" .Vl, KTAIUMA WCraATOB CO.,retalam.,Cl. Branch Houaa, ail rt mam pi., w I I'l1 A I H smm U rasa-Ill pun rotiiifiiruo mm i My 7t 3L Portland, Oregon. Lauc -Hlltar Hteel Files. Hope. Crescent Moo WILSON A COOK It la sold on a-urnte by all dnia Hats. It oures Inclpian ' uorsurnpuoa aad is the best Cough and Orous Cur For sale bvtl. A. Harding, druggist. Your tenm will havotlio bent of euro and Full Measure of Feed At lho City Stablea.f Kldd & Williams, Props., uccsMri tor w. H. Cooke. Livery Rigs on Short Notico. Duffy &JIccltrt EXPRESS anijRANSFERING. Special care in moving Household GooiIh and Pianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges. Leave ordors at BELLAMY & BUSCH'S. JOHN YOUNGER, EWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drujr Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. IN B. DRAKE, DENTIST. Nitrous Oxldo gat for the pnlnlena extraction ol teeth All work warranted and prlcoa reaaonable. Room7, 8 and t, aoiuhweat corner First and Taylor treciln, (llimn A Unx'a aid aland, Portland, Oregon. FALLS ENCAMPMENT, No. , I. 0. 0. F. Mneta drat and third Tiieadkyaof each month, at Odd Fellowa hall. Mcmhera and viaitiug 1 patriarch, cordially Invited to attend. I J, A. HTEWART, W. H HOWELL, Hcribe. Chlel Patriarch. COURT ROIIIN HOOD NO. 8380 A. 0. F. OF A. Meets the 2d and 4th Frldaya of each month I at K P Hall 8:UU P M. t iW. 8. Cram, Go, R. Wimiuht, Chic! lunger. Recording See. LE. Lawkrnos, 3. R. Kennedy, Hub. CUiel Ranger. Financial B0. KrJfcfth"! BE8T I aXJ42VrvirJ $l.00Bottl.VllK I II 1 aaWl Onewnt a dose. ST. uW?Bmr s