Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 10, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
(I. U. T. (Ht.'H NTKAMKII.
Hloniimr HAMONA.
linn (ikimih iitv. i.havcd mikti.ku
( in,
V in p. m.
1)0 i. in.
Ill Oil AM,
i in I'. M
ti I', M
7 (Kit
II nil.
4 1X1 p.
.m a
h i'
Tim Knt
MIl 1-oKTMNIl, lALlH AKIl IKIlKrkSlllNI'l.
l,rve fori Innit Taylor tlrcrl ilmlt t B IKI A. M.
ami li'uvut (in-Knii City for Hnlcin 7.Ki A. H.
'I uvtiUjr, I liiirmly mid Huliinlny.
I,v Iiii1.iinlriii' S !M A M anil Hnlrm 7 4fi
A M. iiiiiI (in-Kiiii t.'iiy I .Ml M lur 1'url-
laml Miimlay, WtlmiUy anil Friday.
Kail II tun. kimmI a'Tiiiuixlailnna ami low rali-i.
Nit way IikIkIiI liamlli-il, Mpi'uUI rnUia uu
lliniuuli IrelgliL
, HoHTII "l Nil.
'j 'all(iirnlN Kxiin-.i Hliroiiifli) 7.IA.m.
Kuilurg (way autluui) t:tt p. in.
1 lto.i.,uric l.orl (way laltiii) ' S ill a. ill
CalllnruU hxtrtiu (tliriniiiij 7. in p. in
! 'I'lllia Tallin,
Maisamaa IIai'i-y. Tim Oregon City
contingent of tliu Mu.iiiiiiih will lie
pli-ni-d to iii rn Unit A. V. (ireoly,
brlgiidlor-gi-iinriil and chief signal ofliror
ill tlm I'liltml HttiluM army at Wandlng.
tun, Iuih (lv(in Lieutenant (iroeno of tlio
department of California, iliHcrctlonnry
owor hh to the limn of heliograph, etc.,
for tlm plilioo of transmitting I men
mine (rum !iiiili America to Mi.-iieu.
Among other thing mentioned in iliti
loiter to IVi-nidiim Jlawkin lit the fol
lowing; "It in rotpmsteil that you will
Solid III I.lclltcllltllt (ilCHIIH It definite
plan of the scheme; peak to bo oecti
pifcJ, date decided ii)on, etc. Il tlio
plan pn-ar practicahhi, thoio in no
iloulit that Lieutenant (ircunti will co
operate to tlio fullt'Ht extent, under
iroHir arrangement for care of and ru
Uini of inMriiiiiitnt. Tlm tlilllt'uliy ol
currying out such a plan un tlmt pro
posed 1h much greater tliun woiilil a
pi'iir to those who have had hut little o
iionce in uuy work where tlm large
iiuiiihtir of porun, at widely separated,
point, in esH-ntial to miri'CM. " It is
believed hy iriiiiiiiiiiiit Miiiuhiiiuh lli.it
J Final I'iiook Noricwi Hecolyor IV
(jiiot complains that many Interior papers
are not aware tlmt the receiver of tlio
Oregon City laml office does not keep an
itemized amount with each Individual
ntiwniuitir that prlntN not ices of final
proof, anil ofleiitlmeii a inihliilier of a
paHir will Hcinl in a Ntateuumt mating
that a cerluin amount in due, but doea
not vlve the nauiti of the party who
inakeH final proof, or never atateH
whuiheror not It in a pre-emption or
home'itead notice or noticon. Honie
tiniHH tlii'Mo billa aro inudu out to the rej(
iiHtor either individually or by official
title. Hill, fur piihlinhinK noticurt of
tlnal proof should Hpecify whether home
aiuad or prtf-niriptioii, and the name of
the party niukinu Midi proof ahould x
1,'iveii. Thia will Have much delay, an It
taken three or four bourn to Hcarcli over
tlio reconln and find out exa:tly how
much Ih due the puhlixhor when the
nameauiul date are not given. Kx
change nmking a note of thin will often
Have much delay.
Orruoii I'lly. Vi UUiimUr Knlla.
'HAM. h'A.M.
V mi ij ;hi
II :i " II '
I iU'. M, I 1.1 H M.
j in a io
uu lf
IIIA.II. on A.M.
ll.m " II i '
lool', M. I I.M. M.
I im " I IS '
ui " t lf
i w " a v
mi id
a m " ',
t W " 4 l "
:i" i u
h ii l.l
t W " t i t "
:iiu ' ti is "
I'. A. Mii.i.hh. Hupt.
(). C. Hon and dvn Ci.cit. A num-
' Iwp nf nn.ifi.il fill L.i.lu r..uluttl,a
thia letleriHa practical ,.dorHeu,o,.t of Ml,,,1),lient of CoronHr ,, lal)t
tbelr flaliorale aelii'inu of iiioiiiilain-toii ! -r i .. a - ....I .i
gun club. II. E. S in li li wan elected
aiKimliiiK. Tliu Man.inna frel jubilant
jover (ienerul (ireelpy'a letter, and are
coiillilent of the complete hiicci'kh o' their
! ureal undertHkiiiK.
! A. linker, of Sliiirord, wu in Oregon
City TueHilay and complititiM of the con
dition of the road leadillK toOie(on
City He Hay the pcopln of hi eciion
prehiilent, II. II. Johimon vice president,
C. (i. Huntley secretary and I), ii,
(ilaa twmurer. The executive com
mittee are Kidney Huiylli, J. I'. Lovett
and J, F. Clark, and the committee on
KroundarnK L. llohnari, II. K. Smith
and J. II. Walker, and a committee
met'tiiiK will be In Id at It. L. Hohnan'g
are very deairouH of doiri) their trmlinn I a'ore Saturday iiiubt. The club atarta
here, but am prevented from doiiiK ho out under the moHt favorable condition!
s p
, a p iu.
p. in.
for the reaaon that the road are almoit
IliipaHHible, and thev are Coiupelled to
! I(ii to I'nr'laiid aa MuIuioiiihIi county
keep tin road leadline to that Heetion
I in excellent condition. The citir.enaof
l that poitmii of the county at-nixt
: in upHirtiiiK ('Ini kniiiiiM county by pay
! iiik a libral priiporlion of the luxe, and
' liatiiinlly feel a pride in the growth and
Mlli'oiit icoiii Norili, IJ iu
Mall rlcnv goinit Hoiitli, u a n
IPX Roi'Tna.
(iri'itoii I lly In I'liriUml over Knl Uliln Hull-
.v l.n 1.' .11 I' M mi 'I f, i4l I' M.rriir
II ui A M "'! 4 .vi I'. M i arrin CuriUml, ' pr ierily of their home colinlv
Kirru, Wral Nhlo, Dmiiiy ami uniiiaiiu runifa ,
,,,,11. 1 1 pie are makinu coniili"'itlie com-
iiri'Koii I'll) to K.ly.Carua, Milium. I.IIhthI ami plaint that their aecliiui j not appro
MolalU linri al li in. ami arrlvea at li in. I , , . ... . . . .
u.ny i luted by tin part of ( hickaiiui county.
nri'Ki.ii I lir I" iifaver I rr-i.li, mi in. i mm. -v.... ,...... ........ .....i ,. i i,.,..
lake active Mepa and
.Mi.ailow llrook. I Minn Mill ami I olloll. leitvea 1
at lua in M I Wnlin'mliiy ami Krl.ly yullt'lty flnail.1
tiri'iioii city in Vim. Inxaii ami lie.lUml "' )' 'H "'can that llieMe people have
liiavfa llrumi ( II
hrl'lny al I uu I'
at 7 '"I A M.
11 V MollilaV
.M., Iia In Viola amiiu iluya
Wnllii-Mlav ami ,,,.. l, I Il,.il TI....,
" I w . in- ,. Pi lll. I III I
are much nearer thin t il v than l'orllunj
hl'AliK l.l NIC.
Ori'Kiui I 'iiy-Clarke-MuIiiiii Mull liniilt1.
UavKN Ort uiiu ClIV I. II. Iniililiiikr at A.
M. Miihiiuv, Vi'iliitiluy noil I'mliiv lur hmv the fruit and crop pro'peel are ex
llinvpr I reek, I Inikra. Miailow in
I .!., l.ll. MO, I Mollllo
Cetiiriiioi-, leiitea Miilimi ai H. A. M., men appearniico.
Cllli.ll Mil." II A. M., Men. Inn llrmik 10 ..
M., Clarke I'.' m ami Hutvar Cri rk ;i l !T.I. I.AWIMI. It I evident Hint . I,
il., lue-iliiy, Tliurwlay noo l-ililnv. i I.w,tbe divor.ed bUHband of l.illie
A t'tiiiiliirialilr i'iiv riiling hack. 1 nen-1 .
Ki r raie rn.iinalil. I 1 r, v,,r I'Vela. e, him been IhiIiiIuiiik
hmiill pun-el carrieil, lUcenl In .'.i ceiun. , IM Hume bellitieient talk, lor tin nniiiuiiu;
J tl ( i mmi- I Trevor, the ncwlvmarried huxb.nid of
Any or.li r li lt lili
rnlimliil lo.
Kltlll.VY, MAY ID, lS'i.1.
Isfkctkh Ni Kii:av Stock. Siiicu the j
tlincoveiy of ho ninny dixi'iim d fruit tieen
in Mantern (ireijon by Kruit 1'oiiiuiih- ;
Hiouer Ibibbn, which it wan ninti'd bad
and already ha aullicictit iiienitn'mliip
with the promiHH of new recruit to bk
nure it ierinaiicncy. The iniation fee
will probably be placed at $-, and the
member in ori'ani.ini' for the advance
ment of their interent a HiortHinen,
w ill ue every i-lfurt to nee that the (jnine
law are enforced in Oiin nection Trap
will lie en cled on the rouncln and trap
Hlio'itiriH will be eliKafed in Bt leant once
a week.
OiAt 1ACO.I A Mattkh.--lion. 0. F.
!IHinf!H, of A -1 1 In tut , prenident of the
Soiitbein OreKuii C'haiitauipia, wan in
the cily Tucnd.iy conferriii with the
Cliiiutaiupni committee hern. I'reni
deut ItillinN predict the (-rentes a
i'iubly ever held in Southern Oregon.
They have built an auditorium capable
of Heating a thouHiind iieoplo. Avery
good illuntiaiion of il appear in the last
i-Mie of the Anblaitd Tiding. They
ndlenl.and no fruit pern have yet made j have Pr. (iiinsauliiH, Dr. Locke, State
Superintendent Irw in and Mm. Narcinna
White Kinn'.v, who are alno on the
GU'lHtone proriim. I'tenideiit liilling
a lUgcstH that the anemblieof California
Oregon mill WiiHliinton m.iko arrange
luentn to inh ilisiiniiihed Hpe.ikers
o i (mm one to another and thereby al'
expeuac. If orator from the cant can be
a-NU'ed of a conliniii'iH series of eiiLT'e
meiit their terniH will be correnpuiid
incly better. The KiigireBtioii ban met
with great favor and will be acted on in
the future.
Ci.kaximi Main Stiikkt It cost the
city aloil thirty-live dollars for tne
Blieet coiiiuiinioner to tnake an exieri
tneiiliil clean up of the rubbish on Main
Ktreet. The job wan well done, but it
I ami they want to come beie. All they
want i a -total road leading to thin city
and they will do the rent. Col. linker
of the woman, swore lo a complaint j
churning Law with threatening to coin-j
mil a crime Law w ,ih ni rented at (Ire-1
goli City and brought lo the central ta '
tinn The man suy bin arret in caused !
by hi prenintenl i-Hurtn to regain the j
custody of the child burn tu the Lovelace
been nhipped fioin Canhy, CtiiniiiihHioner ! "oiniiii w hile she wan the wile of Law.
1 lunch, nay the Oiogiiniau, in order to In hi cll'urt the piinoner tinned over lo
ascertain the fact in the matter, visited the lloyn' and (iiils' Aid Society li n
Cauby and made a thorough exaiiiina- right lo the child mid that orjfiiiiiniition
tiou of the iiumeiicH in that vicinity . 1 at once took lione-sion of the bahv. Law!
lie found tlm mock in llu-ne numeric ; claimed the mother wan an unlit person i expensive. The city council bad the
lireltv badlv diseased Unite a number ! to have the cuhio.Iv of the child, an she " ,,,,'r I connideiation at the hint
of tree were "he. led in," prepatatory bud naid lo the father : "I wouhl rather
to shipment, of which about Hit per cent ; nee my I aby dead and niynell nlrung up
went dead and of altirue lot in nursery I by l-o neck than lo nee my little ono
given over to you." A a counlerniove to
Law' turning over of 'he baby, Trevor
canned bin anet. Judge Smith con
tinued the examination to Tlininday.
Portland Telegram
when ahked by tlie painter
what color ho wanted his
barn painted, "Oh! any color
ho that it in red. Home.
pfioplo think any color or
any make in the game, hut
the exiKsrienced rnan Known
The bent mixed pnint on
the market to-day in made
by John W. MatHiry. We
are the Hole agent lor thin
iiitint in ClackainaH County,
have Hold hundreds of gal
lons) during the paid; four
yearH and have neveryet had
a complaint. Don't think
bt-caune you have had poor
mixed paint palmed oft on'
you once that there is nothing '
pood but white lead and oil.!
We guarantee our paint to
spread eaHier, covers more
lurface, wear longer and
font you no more than paint !
you mix for yotirnelf. j
Come to the Store i
and let uu refer you to some
of our customers who have
used Masury's paint. We
don't know one who would
not f peak a good word for it.
Prescription Druggist, j
Oregon City, Or. i
1'. S. we have Roof Paints '
Floor Taints, Linseed Oil, ;
White Lead, Ochre Brushes I
In fact every thing in the
Paint and Varnish line.
We Bought j
The Entire Line i
of sample hammocks from
a salesman representing a
large Eastern house. We I
saved the freight and 20 1
jht cent discount. j
We propose to divide!
the bargain with our cust
omers; we take the lreight
and they the 20 per cent.
So we have marked every
Hammock at Portland
Prices we guarantee the
Prices and from these
Prices you may deduct 20
per cent for a cash
purchase. The styles and
designs are new this year
great improvements
and range in price from
Toe to .'.00, or with dis
count oil" 00c to ROD. All
the better grades are
finished with a wide val
ance. There is a price in plain
figures on every hammock.
Come in and 8ee them.
A carefully selected
stock of Summer
dress goods and
everything to
A new Stock of late Style Tan Shoes
for Ladies', Gentlemen and Children.
A splendid selec
tion of Ladies'
Latest Shapes in Straw Hats
Caps and
For Bicyciists direct
from the factory, at
prices that defy
competition in
Spring and Summer men's suits of the latest
cuts of Cambridge, Oxford
and Poole makes.
French kid Shoes
for ladies and
children, in
Oxford ties
and Juliettes.
A full line of groceries
that will compare
in prices with
Thos. Charman & Son.
are lost
directly and Indirectly, hy people who cannot do their own flyurin?, wrtto their own
letter, or keep their own txxiks; and who do not know when biisinrs and legul paper
whlrh they mit handle every day are mude out correctly, ff A'l these things, ami
ruucb more, we teut-h th'trnutjhty.
Hundred of our rrudiiutv re In irood position, and there will be openings for
hundred more when time Improve. Xnw is the time to prepare for them. Besides,
business education Is worth ull it costs, fi.r nne't nim ut. Send for our catalogue, to
learn what and hu we ti-ai'h. Mailed free to any address.
Portland Business College,
A. P. Arm.trong, Prln. Portland, OregOn. J. A. Weco, Secretary.
Huntley's Book Store.
New Caufield Hlock,
Oregon City.
row h, 7i Jn-r conl wi-ro iIimmhciI. Tlio
linrHci yini'ii wi-io lioiiiiHt in tlii'ir lii-lli-f
tlmt tlm tret- woro lu-iiltliv until tlu-y
wt-io fliown to tin cootriirv liy rutting
tlio liurk oil" tin- iiiiiMt-ry hlo k Alj un-
i,U IMitHi-ri.- wi-in vihito.l un.l (omul to n,,...,..,u.:. MT.N0.1l,l...,,1.llin
t-oiulilion, 0Xfi-.t , : . . - f ..
Ill) ill uliollt till' Hllllll-
one or tuo Iiuk1' liloi k ol rtiiio in c.
Tlm viirnni owner agri-oil to tnko up
ami burn lit oiiio nil tiio tn-o whicli
wt-rotiHi Innlly iliKoitst-il to lit- lit iit-titoil
liy Hirnvinu, timl will npray iIioho not
vol iiHi-ctoil. Mr. IIohcIi rcporlH tlmt
tlio now law in rt-Kiml lo (mil ih-nih, etc. '
flu, 1m cvoiywlioio, wliou it i oxiliiincil :
to tlit-iu, ii most itoilo m inn to liavo'
lit-i-n iiinlor tliu iiiiiii'Hsion t tint , when
their tu-t- aro Hlloctoil in any way,
tlu-y wonlil lie hi i in ill :i i ily cli!nictl down
ami Inn iiml up. Till i a niiwt orronooii I
Idea, a it it) tlm wish ol tlio lioanl '
to hiivii ull tlio trt-t-H iMissililn anil !
to anitint o Hoi in iloiiiK ho, mill wliou !
this in iniiilo plain to tlit-iu, tlit-y aro!
willinu lo tin ulii-iiil anil tin anyiliiuK ro-!
iiiiit'il to Im ilono. I
(i. A. K. K.Nl.'AMI'MKNT Votive )IO-
litirutioiiH for tlio Hliilo oiii'iiiiipincut ol
tlio (I. A. K , Woniitn' Koliof Corps mi 1
Son of Votontn, to I in liclil in this
city June lit anil 17tli, tioijiiii last Suiur
tlay, when tlio execnlivo foininittoe of
Mi'iulo I'tjBt ooiiHiMiiiKof (i. A. Ilurlinn,
C-iit. J. V. Shaw anil dipt J. T. Appt-r-hoii,
Imlil h i.'onforonco with tlio com
miitooH of tin- othoi oiKiini.iitiiiim. Com
lint too on HrriuiKi'iiionlH etc.,
noido up this week, and tlio
preparation will procood for tlio grand
occaniori. It i expected tlioro w-ll ho
70(1 or 8(10 vinitor in tlio cily at this
time, and an i-ll'ort will hu iniido to
entertain thom royully. llattcry A and
the Multipor (pmrlot of rortlatid, have
boon invited to ho prencnt.
Okkioiai. Kaii.way. Kand-McNaily
& Cu'h ollicial railway guide and hand
book Iihm boon received at this ollice. It
i roilots with tiuip and Htatilic, with
a directory of all railroads and a brief
description of all important towns.
1'yo Monday evening w ith a good at-ti-iidiilico.
Art the subject under
ilisi'iission and the cIiish was examined
in fo in and color, h ftt-r whirliMiH.il.
A. Young delivered a most instinctive
and inti ri'stint lectini- on colornnd com
bination of coIoim ii ii I Hci'iery puinling
The talk was illustrated with appropriate
chart and the liH'onor became inter
ested in the subject and tlio lady was
occasionally inlenipted with tpiestions
hy the auditor. Mr. Young i a great
art onthiiHiast and Hludent. anil inspires
other with a deeper interest in the Hiib
ject. The next Hubject for hi iiilvi geo
logy, and Col. K. A Miller w.m ap
pointed leader lor Ibis course.
I'rof. and Mr. ,1. W dray, Mis Kuniee
PoiiiiIiIhoii, Mrn. IIoiiiiIiIhoii, Mrs, J V.
Noirinjl'. F ('owing, ,lr , an I K II
(iahbert were olerlt d nu-uiber of the
ciiclo. The next meeting of the circle
will ho held at tlio residence of Ml. II.
A Young, mid ho will give a talk on
iirt-liiiro and portrait paiutint;. Thi
ineeling will coinploto the art course.
NkV Tui.Kl'lloNH Inhtiii'mknt
Severn I instrument have been added
to the Oregon Cily Telephone excluingi-,
! I,.. ii ii,-...,,.,, T..l.,..i..,.,.. f. 'r..t...r.,,,i,
will Im " " ' " " "
work 0f ! t'Jitii!iny. New instrument have boon
placed in v. li. Andrew rei-idcnce at
Maplewood farm, Mount, ricasnnl, C.
(i. Huntley' roHidonct-, Wilson & Cook's
bitrdwnre Htoro, Ir. Towell' rosidonco,
(ilailstone Sawmill (Company at (Had
Htone and II. K. Cruss's law (itlice.
These instruments aie connected with
the long distance telephone system,
and are now in use in o5 business bouses
and residences of O egon Citv. Others
arii contemplating making ne of these
telephone, antl instead of a luxury they
are becoming a necessity in businens
mooting, and it was deemed too heavy
a burden on the taxpayer, ami after
i-oino discussion it was decided to have
the chief of police notify property own
er and tenant along Main street to
have the rubbish swept up in front of
their promise ty noon of each Fridav,
and Hip city will furnish It-am to haul
; away the sweepings. Of, course, this i
o ly a i experiment, but it is hoped tlmt
tlio contiguous residents along Main
street will vie with each other in keep
ing the streets swept dean, in order that
they may have a presentable appear-
I ii nee.
Htm' Tills.
Wo oiler one hundred dollars rew,;r!
for any case of ratarruli that cannot ho
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Ciiknky A Co. Props., Toledo, 0.
Wo, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and
believe hi.t: perfectly honorable in all
i business transactions and finaneiallv
able to carry out any obligations made
hv their firm.
West A Trunx, Wholesale druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnun it Marvin, w holesale
druggist, Toledo O.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mu
ms surface of the system, price Toe per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free
Or Building Material?
Go to C- H. BESTOW-
r i ciJ i-owest oan prices ever ottered lor
Postollice-:-Store. FIRST - CLASS - GOODS.
And beet farm fencing made. Fricea to suit hard times.
Shop Opp. Congregational Church,
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
nnd of the best quality.
In Prices7e meet
Tort land Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
Knlgih tit the Maccitl) oh.
The tate cominaniler writes ua from
Lincoln, Fell., us follow: "After trying
other medicine for what seemed to he
a very obstinate cough in our two child
ren we tried I r. King's Now Discovery
and ut the end of two days the cough
entirely lefl lliein We will not be with
out il hereafter, as our experience prove
thnl It cures w here all other remedies
fails." Signed I' V. Stevens, State
coin. why not give this grout medicine
a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bot
tles are free at Charinun A Co.'s drug
store, Charman liros. Block. Kegular
size 50c. and fl.
C. I. tarn,
Transfer1 ndEpfe,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
La OJrippe is here again with all of its
old time vigor. One Minute Cough Cure
is a reliable remedy. It cures and cures
quickly. C. G. Huntley, druggist.
iireiiaralion ol .i ix,-.-- vi
AbictfneBalsam O?-
l old inlhelicmiT
CaUrrh;l litwl'iicss fcK. ,
and Sore Eyes. It y fj A
natures tastc5nrl . t f
riff V
HA -
1. . V
Complete Stock,
IViecs Low.
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
f :'' j S
,;. 5
',-t'JZi .ti i ' J i n . i i - s. f, -'
Leaves foot of Alder st.f Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A.M.
Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M
Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Gatzert every
night, for Portland. Tickets of ail other lines good ou Gatzert.