Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 10, 1895, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Kvery Frlcloy,
0n year, .....
Trial iutorlptton two month.
12 00
1 (X)
A dincoiirt of SO cent on til mruorliMlonn for
nc yar, i ceuu for tlx niuulh., If paid la
Adverilnlnf nin tvn on application.
entered at the Pout Office In OrcRon City, Or.,
u ooud claiu natter.
Bearer Creek,
fnlon Mills.
Meailnw Brook.
Kew Era.
Park Place,
Orrllle. -
fUxle Creek,
T. B. Thomai
Ueo. K n l it lit
A. Mutlier
Onear A VYiwIniter
U J. TrtilllnKer
Chas llolman
W. S. Newberry
Hi'tirv Mtley
F. I. In'll
T. M. Croat
J. Q. Utae.
C. T Howard
R. M. Cooper
Annie stub!.
E. M. Hamnan
R Jennings
Ed Muoke.
L.J Penl ue
H. Willieni
J. C. Klliott
K. (iiKtSCll
Mrs. V. M. Mclntyre
(ieo. J. Curriti
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adolnh Ascliolt
Tin On'tfonlan editorially compliments
the adoption or individual coniminionciip
by Hie Congregational church of this city,
but spoilt It etlcct by characterising tliii
holy and impressive service, in Keneral, a.' a
relict of barbarism, and virtually compares
its observance to soinrttiitiK akin to com
memorating the butchery of a slaughter
house. There it no service nr the church
more Impressive, that lends to more rever
ence of holy thiupi, and sacrlllciul spirit,
than the communion service. This stab at
religious observances is the uiikimleat cut of
all, and led Hcv. Kolaml I (.irant to h'lve
vent to his feelings in no uncertain way in
an address More the State Sunday School
Convention at Portland, Wednesday night.
tiff" The way to biillcl up Oregon
Cii) Ik to rife Oregon titj people jonr
Thkkk should be a full attendance of the
members of the board of trade at the regular
monthly meeting next Monday, as there are
severaliiinportant matters that need prompt
attention, tt is expected that tlnal action
will be taken on an illustrated descriptive
pamphlet to bn issued; road matters will
receive some attention, and the fact that
the state grange, the grand army encamp
ment and the Chautauqua assembly w ill all
be w ith us this summer, it is of paraiununt
importance that something should be done
in prompt way.
lli siNKss in County Recorder Knnisby s
otllce for the month ot April indicates a
better condition of financial alliiirs, as com
pared with the previous month of. March.
In March lot! deeds, .V mortgages and -Yl re
leases were tiled, while in April there were
11" deeds, 50 mortgages and 311 releases of i
of mortgages. The increa.se in the niimtier
of deeds and releases of mortgages tiled, and i
the falling off in the number of mortgages j
recorded, is a most favorable indication of
better things.
Highland Happenings,
IIuilti.ANii, May 4,-Kverythlng In tlili
section is brightening up. The prospect for
a good crop Is Mattering In every degree.
The hop men are busv in their yards. The
vines are strong and have made good
growth. This Is th llrst year hops have
been raised in this ncighlmrhood.
The fruit crop looks very flattering. The
plums were slightly Injured by Irost but
w ill yield a good crop.
Services last Sunday were well attended
at the Highland Hnpllst church, ltev.
Cirumla, from Stall'ord, preached at II A.
M. in Knglish, and at 2 in the afternoon in
The Sunday school is In a llourlshingcon
dition with Kohert Itutherford at superin
School la progressing nicely under the
management of It. V, Jackson, with forty
eight scholars enrolled,
Mr. Crone went to Herman? last month
to settle up his father's estate.
Kd. Nelson, of Montana, was the guest of
H. Fellows last week, but returned on
Monday. He reports vegetation tar ahead
here of that in Montana.
Ceorge Harrington, who is teaching the
New Era school, made his parents a visit
hot Saturday. Ceorge Mi' Arthur also was
a guest at the Hazel Hell Farm, lie coming
in on his bicycle.
The nations of the w orld are watching the
policy of Japan, and particularly its atti
tude toward China. While the reports of
these intentions cannot be relied upon in
every particular they aresuthViently consist
ent with one another and with the known
facts regarding the Orient to justify the be
lief that japan has no intention to humil
iate Cliiua, but is actuated by a great ambi
tion of regenerating the Chinese people and
organizing an Asiatic alliance powerlul
enough to defy Europe. The only tiling
which affects the credibility of this theory
of the Japanese policy is the vastness of the
undertaking. There is nothing in the con
ception of the plan beyond ordinary states
manship. The rulers of Japan need not
have been more sagacious than other men
to see that the encroachments of. Russia In
Siberia, France III Cochin Chna,' and. Kr.
land along the Chhe wasr,'lbave threat-
ened an eveetnai European domination in
tbeoeni wnlt-trwdeeirartion of the in
dendence of Japan itself.
jSo long as China remains stagnant, bar-
' barii- and weak, so long does Japan stand
without a natural ally against possible Kuro
pean aggres.-ion. It is clearly to her inter
est, therefore, to rouse the Chinese people
to a sutlicient degree of civilization to be
able to resist a military power in case of a I
war with some great European nation, i
These considerations lead her statesmen to i
seek a position from which they can exert a
reforming influence on the Chinese Knipire.
They also account for the extremely mod-!
erate terms granted to the conquered coun
try. It is not unlikely, moreover, that thev
account lor the vigorof the Russian protect.
A reformed China taught how to use the
weapons of civilized war would be a serious
menace to Russian dominion in Kastern
Siberia. It would mean Asia for the Asiut
ics and would so redress the balance of
power in the world that international poli
tics in the future would be altogether differ
ent Irum what it has been in the past.
Interkst is growing throughout the state
in the great Cliatitaixjua assembly that will
convene at Gladstone Park in July. The
governors of Idaho and Oregon will tie
in attendance, and it is probable that the
governors of California, Washington and
Montana will alio be induced to attend.
Sherwood Mints.
SiiKRwooti, May ft. Farmer in our
neighborhood have their work well forward.
Nearly all have their seeding done, and hop
growers have their work well in hand.
Messrs. J. C. Her, C. 11. Kiesner and Had
Carter started to the mines in Southern Ore
gon on Tuesday last.
The taw mill owned by Clemlenning and
Nelson near Middleton has auspended ope
rations for awhile.
Orrin McCounell has bought J. It. Fish
er's lease on the Herrou property at Pleas-
For manv months the business men of , anl expects to dosome fanning on
Lugene and
adjacent towns have been
wrestling with the freight problem. The
bulk of the freight for Eugene has beeu
transferred at Corvallis from river boats
and the O. P. railroad, and hauled from
there by freight teams. According to the
Eugene Ciuard the competition in freight
rates will now become more interesting:
"The Transportation Company formed at
Fairmoutit have tiled their articles of incor
poration with the secretary of state with a
capital stock of J12, says the Journal.
The incorporators are H. A. Ilarr, (leorge
Miller and I.. I.. Schell. The object of the
company is to put in a transportation line
between Fairmount anil Corvallis; the same
to be run for the purpose of hauling freight
from Corvallis to points up the valley with
Fairmount as headquarters. The company
will begin operations in about a mouth and
the train will consist of one traction engine
and from six to twelve heavy freight wag
ons; the engine to be MMiorse power ami
travel in the public roads. This company
will employ four men at the start and il
business is good they will increase this num
ber. The company claim they will lessen
freight rates and will form an opposition to
the Southern Pacific railroad company." 1
The advantage of devoting one's talents
to his ow n particular line of work is to be
coiumexiled, and the following from the
Astoria Iiudiret exemplifies that fact forci
bly: The Budget believes in churches. It
believes in them being well sustained and
encouraged. Il believes that society would
lie iiiiii h more demoralized without the
churches and the ministers of the gospel,
j It has taith in a large majority of the men
j who preach. Thev are conscientious and
are battling for the good of mankind. Their
I hearts are in their work; but the liudget
i thinks the judgment of the average minis
ter is very poor. He has a very poor idea
of what the people want and how to bring
them to his way of thinking. As a usual
thing he, like the average editor, over esti-
' mates his ability and his influence, He is
too general. He gets too far away from his
'church. He forces his religious ideas upon
j the people at the wrong time and Place.
I The Budget believes the place to preach re
j ligion and for religious worship is in the
! churches and not on the streets; not in tem
perance halls and at entertainments. That
is not what people go therefor. If they
j want to hear sermons they will go to
church. II thev do not thev will go some
his own hook
J. It. Fisher and family will move away
in the near future.
E. :. Caulki:is, supervisor in road district
.'12, has done some good work in the way of
improving the roads in the past month. He
has built the Wood's bridge on the Graham
Ferrv mail.
Henry Iliavert will soon start fur the
mines in Idaho.
' The long talked of new depot for Slier
j wood will probably soon develop into a re
' ality.
I Ihime Rumor reports another wedding
' soon to take place in our midst. Smii.ax, !
For JndiKTiiHMits in LANDS Novcr BH'oro OH'orcil.
A HkMniT lnr N"'ll,Bllll,l llrtHHf.I titnoa which tint wholn
V DiMuIll I Oy. ,.! rv ia MH, ,yim for lm past two yema, It.irlow
linn continued to grow, steadily ami aulmUtitiiilly through till tint ilioproHslon and our
MHplu aro now awuko with roimwml llnniicua mid muv pxpoct In wmgri'ttl iliivolopini'iilM
In lliu near (iitnrti, Among tlm iiuuiv Improvements wlilcli will couio In a short Hum urn
the following; Crcauicry, now under way, with capacity for alx liumlre-il cows, Kvap
ornlor ami Wood Working Kactoilca, wlil.'li will lollow thUyear. Tlmrc U also a
a company now living (ormctl uh a llullillntl ami Loan Association. Tim purpose of title
company Is o noil rcttl estate with or without buildings, to Mint purr luiscr. Thus you
' hoc a man with inoiloruto moans run obtain a homo of from one. acre to ill), tit reason
ablo prices, by paying down ontt-tliinl of tlio ptircliusii prlco ami bahinco In hiiibII Install
ments, by the month, iitarter or year. If tliu purchaser la limited fur capital, the com
pany will erect buildings and only cli irge tlieiicluulcost of tlio Improvements to the prtea
of the land. The llrst payment to )e ten per cent of the purchase price. Never before
baa there boon an opportunity lor a xor man lo obtain a Imnio on such reasonable
terms, ami it la tx ecteil through this great Inducement to see a number of people tako
advantage of the otter. For Fruit, Hops, (liultt and other Agricultural products no
place lias its ivpial Inducements given any manufacturing Industry. For (tut her
particulars cull on or write for circulars, pamphlets, etc., to
Exhaustion, lwnf Apisutte, liiw Spirits,
bumiacii Mvkiu'i and liyKppoia.
t'lrssnnt to Uo-time nl a rnvurltr tunic with
Hip ladles. I'rlcrtl. Hold by alldriiKKl-u
ST. LOUIS, rvio.
For sale hv C, Ci. 1 1 unth-y, druggist.
Ilerings Brents.
Houinos, April We have been having
some nice weather the pat week, but rain
has come once more. It will help the crops '
which are now nearly atl in.
P. Headermati is putting an addition to I
his house. I
1 Mr. Welch, from Salem, has moved into
j Itorings and is going to work on his land. 1
Mr. Welch will make a good neighbor and J
i also help out the school some. '
School commenced last Monday with !
Miss Mary Young of Milwaukee as teacher.
1 Orville lioring, son ol W. II. Iloring, came
out home on a visit Friday evening and re
turned to school Sunday. He soon will be
at home to stay.
Elinor Mickey has been sick the past
week hut is slowly recovering.
Most of the horses of liurlugs are sick with
j the grip or epizootic.
1 Dix Horit g came over anil spent the
evening of April 27 with his cousin Orville.
A k I M .
Hill AlT'irilv ftHf Mini trlUMe In-iimicr in nil
Kli'vcn ymrv of uii. untile. I pn'M't-rllv A llvM
nitl pnhl to Iti uLiH'klinIili'rn mitmnlfv ftliirc or-
i Kttiilzittlmi,
The only (irennii lire lourioice coinpsiiy iver
msristted on scientific fire TinoirHiici. princl ;
pies. A lUtieitiiK larrvrtso 111 a. sets and net
surplus durhiK Is'a'i.
O lllce w ith lion Oco (). Itlnrtrion.
Jnggar Bld'g, Main Bet. 7 & 8. 1
Andrew (5. MrilHtcu, Ayent ;
For Oregon City ami Clackamas County.
PThe 'Htstt)" IkHiiri, the moht liberal fsriu '
policy now Issued on ttie eomt-
iQfegon City Hogpital..,
t'oiivciiiently nf iuvchh atitl ileaHimt lufitteil.
Free from tin noiMciiiiil iltihtnf tin- city.
Skillful mirms iiml every cniivi'iiieiife
cln-H liosiitu.
Auijilc runiii tlmt hi t 1 1 h limy lmvi iiiet
nebs iiml rent, Speciul rouiiiM
fur litilii'H.
of tlie Im1 (ilivsicituiH nf the county
ill attemltiliee.
of It lift
minimi' tiJaiiJUiiij, HJSJiS2imiJiJi2ijii
Letter I.lst.
The following is the list of li tters remain
ing in the post ollice at Oregon ( 'it y, Iregon,
1 :.Hl T. M., May s. Iwi.1:
MKN's l.l.-T.
Ifarrett, K I. Kelly, W II
flail, I' It Knight, Ci A
Kllison, Mr l.iliak, II
Hull, K II Stowell, J W
Jones, C Vaughn, S J
womks'b LIST.
James, Maggie
Johnson, Carrie
I.agin, Mrs Alice
Leonhard, Mrs
Moore, Mrs Clara
i Moore, Mrs S A
Iteligioti is good, hut when it is
omLC on pel III ICIiurn I, limn ig inuKIHK I pjce else
T'"" ' ur J,:'B" rubbed in at the wrong time it has the con
iion, aim ji rn. Anna is. r,KbS win uae a
School of Methods at the W. C. T. U. head
quarters, and Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway
will conduct a department of eipial rights.
It is also rumored that a distinguished Jap
anese gentleman, pf scientific attainments,
will be present and deliver an address. Ore
fton City people should use every individual
effort to get their friends, living at a dis
tance, to attend and assist in making it an
immense success.
Okekor City wants more smull manufac
tories. A number of small factories con
ducted on a safe financial basis, add im
mensely to the wealth of a city, and they
develnpe and grow. This city has a num
ber of these, as w ell as extensive establish
ments; but there is room for more. The
advantage of cheap locations and electric
power cannot lie overestimated. And to this
can be added the conveniences of ready
transportation to the markets ol every sec
tion. It is a mistake that Immense manu
facturing establishments alone do every
thing lor a town. Their great value cannot
be overestimated, hut they cannot always
be secured when desired, and the opportun
ity presents itself oftentimes to secure small
factories, that flourish, and the more of
them the better.
lingers, Lottie
Itodgers, Mildred
Thomas, Mrs II F
Wallace, Manilla
Wolf, Mrs C
Wormer, Hattie
If called for stute when advrrtised.
Iruru aiTt.t rrt n- i . t tl.a n.ii.iufura ti.tui..! it
to have. Let us have loLs ol worshio and To ,;"1 TrmplnM,
preaching, but in the interest of mankind I I'o you know that Mooru'g lieveale.il
and the cause of Christ, keep it in the j Kemcly i the only patent medicine, in
churches. It will do more good. the world that iIdch not contain a drop
The troublesome consequences that may i of alcohol ; that the. mode, of preparing
arise .from allowing hook accounts to run j it ifl known only to Ha diicover ; that it
if an ailvancc. in the Hcience, of mediciim
without a parallel in the, nineteenth
century; that iu proprietors offer to
forfeit ifl ,(K)0 for any caHe of dyHpopriia
it will not cure?
for a lengthy period, is llustrated in the last
issue of the Kt. Helens Mist: A novel and
interesting (to spectators) case was on the
docket ill the justice's court Wednesday,
wherein Ah I'on was pluintill' and A. II.
lilakesley defendant, the contention being I , 7 "
over a wash bill which had been running i ,-'",,'s' ,1,J know "r- U
(luring a period of nine years, according to i st;n,,;''' I'cmaline, the Famoim Female
the laundryman's hooks, showing a balance j Srmeille, will cure all those achen ami
due pluiutil! of about $i0 alter all payments j paiim peculiar to you, and will eoHt you
made by ileleridant had been deducted. l)tt- I only $1 for one month's treatment? I will
fendant set up a counter claim, alleging that Heml any lady a trial box, free, who will
A new itml elegant
line of
Come and Get Our Prices.
Our Special Spanish Sailor,
leghorn FlatH,
Feathers Dyed and Cleaned.
I All Kinds of Hair Work Mini.?
to Order.
J U'JO 1'irnt Street, Portlan.l.
Til K rilOTO'J KAI'l MCIt,
Received a gold medal and diploinn
at St. LouiH Convention of
riiotonruperH, 1S!J1.
Third and Morrison Streets,
I'ortland, Oregon.
. t . .i ul r,' " m m. . r v
tr j , we want a r
fV -jj and will pay
ail V' ,J f"r " K"r i,"r,i',"i"
VlrU'-IlornliiMf f-r vn. wlil. h
rontnllli nilnn-fl lilulM uf U k'n llrnrn lUnK Al-r, HWn1, r,
tnt.l.n, HIM ii mi'l itoM KI"T. Hmik-! llhtMrntlnnt; ilt-M-rlpf
Umt tlmt rll, tiotlnl-tritil ; lihiUnn ttttf t rnt.lnl t, 1'rliit
rd In 17 .nn.T-tit c.ili.r.. luko. Mnl.l n rf Ipt ni HitvhiN, whli h
Uiar iMrtliHliu tiil fjtJiu Aratunlvr. VUh'iK4ioatvli Um tn f lift
HmnM ,tmtillti? ut WhoU'ul lrii
rA i i,
W Imw jrown ton
t Dtrrt IVfu tliA mini mimmer nf n vrrr (Inn
ntullty in nhl Id iflvatiiir frtni'ln m rt-al Irrnt. 'Itilnk of II. ITA vh
rltl hiiI tur mti1. A pound onlr 40 rrntH I hn If pound
.rrnii unrirr pauna Idrrnlnl ounrr iu crnia.
Ilnnlr. Oramt Brlinr.1uiniilni Vt Vlnni
Kitwltrut fur UurUr. I'UtitU ten l
Mfh ; two for 40 cvnu.
trrmrlr li("rnm, rlitliiT ilnulil; pmpapstl' li I'T III, wi wirkMii
fruit trrt Inritr. rnl,,rdiiik tnf: I., twirl fur nomine, rllnliie
Ire, oitr nml (Invur: l'ne iH-iuw,n of fniitlnel Mvli 1"Mlltr Ul
fruit i fruit mlhimi til lliiolrm, lint iln...iiir di no. rniml lii In
ili klne; ri ,.li iiliililirr j w.inili rfnll prohnV. "T NiiUiirtr
i-rl rry rmnlT. rrnvnl liy vinraortlltl enil iwm i'T r.iwrinirni
Builloiuanil I'rultGruwuit. ijliifclo Imi1cU.1 oneiliiuu uluu9
The rule has been to give franchises to
street railroail companies without consider
ation. A company that gets such a fran
chise for nothing sells it to another com
pany. The latter company, having bought
ita franchise, owes nothing to the city. It
proceeds to fix rates to emtble it to pay
interest on the money it paid the original
company for its franchise.
Mrs. Nellie Obakt Saktokib is soon to
marry an ex-con federate soldier. The (iray
in the marriage is genuine, but the Blue is a
little pale. There was a time when Nellie
Grant could have had her pick of eligible
Americans, but, much to her father's dis
feasure, she preferred a foreigner.
I'on had overcharged him lo the amount of
?'i7,'J.'i, and at this point the iietiou of
socks entered into the cae. The size of
socks, how many socks cout.ted as one
piece, how olten the dillerent members of
the family, lawyers, witnesses and ourt,
changed their socks, how much charged for
washing by different socks washers, whether j
one person wore socks belonging to another, I
and whether or not one of the attorneys;
had paiil for washing his socks. All these i
things were discussed during the progress I
of the ca?e. After listening patiently to the
close of the arguments by counsel the court
withheld bis decision until Saturday, alter
which these Bocks will probably go to the
circuit court to be re-washed.
IJuckleii's Arnica Nulve,
The beet salve in the world for Cuts.
EruiReii, Sorea, L'lcein, Halt liheiim.
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Cliarman & Co., Charuian
Bros. Block.
send me the names and addresses of ten
ladies w ho are in delicate health. Agents
wanted everywhere. Write for full par
ticulars to .Mrs. L. M. Little, manager
wholesale western depot, Helena, Ore
K"n. For physical ailments, especially those
incident to declining years, there is no
remedy that produces such satisfactory
results as Dr. J. II. .McLean's Liver and
Kidney Halm, its genial and invigorating
effect on liver and kidneys is remark
able. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
0(1 TO
non'K nirr
iv 4
A Tenderloin Sleak (ilven,
When asked fur, or
exactly hh onlere.l.
any other kind of meat desired,
A specially til
First Cliiss Sliill Fed Jleals.
Small tinifits Mini liiu; salt'ri
is linked nt Oregon City's
is my motto. A trial
Fine Perfumeries anil Toilet Articles,
Also a full stock nf
New Goods
Modern Prices.
orner brocerv.
New Meat Market..
Hour Court House Corner.
and Croup Cure, rtf"
Pocket size contains
only 25c. Children love it.
(j. A. Ilardin.
tlio irreat Couyli
in great demand.
twenty-five doses
ror sale hy
The Oregon City Steam Laundry does
the cleanest and best work to be had in
Oregon City. Their prices are the
The latest in visiting cards at the Kn
tkbpkisk Okfice. Prices to suit you.
Complete stock of
Fine Family Groceries,
Try my extra
Choice Tea.-Bs
Richard Freytag.
Main and Fourteenth Streets.
Plymouth Rocks, Wyandotts, Light Brahmas.
Brown and White Leghorns.
....Prizes Winning Strains....
Stock this Season Better than Ever and Prices Lower.
My flocks, are counted the bent in the North Pacific, as they have
been for eighteen yearn. Eggs; 1 wetting, VIM; 2 Bettings, H. Send
for eatalogue. AddreHH,
Lock Box 335, Forest Grove, Or.