Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 10, 1895, Image 3

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    j Oregon City hntcrprisc.
J l FRIDAY, MAY 10, lmilS.
niocknmns Co. Diroctory.
t .Bill ul Courts,
1 ruasiirnr,
Aaanssor. -
' KnhiHil Mil rrl ii Irmli'li t,
1 HurMyor ,
i t'ornutir,
; nminlloiitiri,
(Innliiii K. Ilayae
duo, K. Ilorlon
K. C. Maililm k
M. M. Knni.l.y
M I.. Moore
J.C. Ilradlny
II. H lllh.nn
I). W Kliinalnl
K. I. Dolman
I Klrlinril Hnoll
1 Krank Junior
JllM)llll Tl'lt
Miirr & ItnlinrtamiH.
Cull (or miiuilii,
I Wool waiili'il nt Cliarman A Son'ii
' ltirn.
' ' If voil wmit a Komi iliiiii Imy tlm
; 'llurkcyit ul Wilson iV Conki',
. .... -
' lllliiHt priiH puiil liy tlin ('unitiuirrliil
' dank forrininly hihI city warrant.
if Orilnm li-ft nt Trunk Harlow' Miri,
for 4 foot or Ill-inch wood, prunijit I v
rlllli.il .y V. Pinker.
j Wimt In lin who liuya it Iiiimih miiiI Ntnim
$ paying rent. CO T. William run fit
I you nut nil rimy Iitiiih.
I C'luirniHii A Nun rwrived UiIh week a
I ciiiiiiloln line of summer nilkn olull col.ir
ami uluiili'n (or whIhIm, tlc
Tim i'lii'iiMitt plant in town In Ki't inn
Willi In at the Kitrki't itiire. None
will l carried nvir llio NinnniiT.
Ut, in Ori'iion I'ily. July 4, lH',r. a
Hki'icli iHNik; name "Anniii M. Tonaeth"
on fly-leaf. I.i'iivu iiiiik hI IliihoHii'c. 21
liimii'l William, who riili' on Siv
tmtli and ('tinier alrei't, lia In-eii yi'ry
111, lint in now in a fair way of recovery .
Tlu Northwest Parilli' Farmer, Krunk
I.ce, editor, rome out in hii elegant new
enver, anil In inurli improved in arar
anre. Napoleon Imn returned from lii exile.
and will review Ida troop at Hip Con
gri'irntional cliun li next Thursday even
Inn, May Ifltn.
Sirk lleadai'he, eonMipation anil indi
gestion are ipilrklv cured ly Itt Wilt'
l.lttle Karly Hiscr, the fiimoim little
pill. ('. (S. Huntley, ilrugifiat.
(ilinlntonit greenhoii In tlio plure lo
Uit your plant A Hub collection on
hand of jieBoiilii,lietiatrope. geranium,
cineraria, fncliiaM, ctimiiii, pelargon.
fiuina, clirysatitlicmiiiiiH, rarnauon,
I oalla, etc., etc., at bedrock price.
Captain Sweeney. U. S. A,, San Iicgo,
Cal.Mya: "Slilloli'a Catarrh Kcmedy
la tlm drat medicine I have ever found
that would 1o in anv good" Price 50V.
For muIo by Geo. A. Harding
Diwinlcrn of tint Htomiicli ami howpla,
(irilptiona of tint kin. tliHlnrhcd aU'cp,
and ainiilar diaordcra in infunta, arc all
relieved by SlfY'lniun'a Soothing I'ow
dera. J. F. Kckemon, one of tint lending
fruit (rrowera of Candy iirairifl, waa in
town Monday and acHerta t lint tliia aw
lion will ciiHiuin ita uhiiiiI ropulution an
fruit renter.
The aliip-loud of aulplmr that recently
arrived in Portland from Japan, for the
Willamette Pulp A Taper Company, ia
being- tranaported In acowa to this city,
and unloaded at the mills
MesHr. Kohhina A Lawrenre, the
proprietors of the Mechanic' mill, are
alreaJy busy flllinit orders, and in sash,
doors, windows and moulding, they will
meet all opposition In prices.
Wise Is ho, who buy property when
no one else is buyinir, because he can
then buv chcHp. C. . T. Williams rim
fit you out on easy ternm.
It's all over town. Wb.it? ThatV.
llanis Is a fixture in Oregon City and
run ive you better value in Groceries,
Crockorywaro, etc., delivered freo, than
you can net In Portland. Try him and
be convinced. tf
Wilson A Cooke have, moved their
atock of hardware ono door south of the
Commercial Pank, hut will still occupy
their old stand for farm iinplimentfl.such
as Iiiiin waR-ons, Oliver plows, Ibickeye
and Pitcher pumps, cultivators, bay
rukes, mowers anil wheelbarrows.
The board of directors of the Oswego
public school have ordered the school
closed today, after an einht week's
spriiiK term. The citizens of that
district will have no more school until
the full term beuins next September.
Olla-podrida means a little of every
thing, but you will llrnl more than a
little of fun at the entertainment nt the
ConKretfationul church. May Kith.
Well-known talent will nssist in this
allkir. Head the program in another
Hev. M. L. KiiHK entertained the
boy's brigade ol Hie Baptist church, tit
bis residence hint Thurmluy evening.
About thirty-five, of them assembled and
spent the evening in h diversity of gmiicH
ami the occasion was thoroughly en
joyed .
A fiiniily bilile in w hich to inscribe
the name of a son and heir ia needed at
Jeirerson Davis Howell's Iiouho. The
youth arrived Saturday, CovvaIIIs
Times. Mr. Howell waa a former well
known reaideut of Oregon City, and
numerous relatives live here.
No "Sneet MM UriHlimtiis," but Two
Yuiuiff (ii iilleiueii Ot IIiIoiiiii.
A car loud of Oregon City people went
to Park Place last Friduy evening to at-1
Unci the graduating exercises of the pub- j
lie school, which weru of an Interesting
character. The two rooms on I he upper
Hour were thrown oxn ami all the avail
able spuce waa occupied w'tli interested
' auditora, and the pillions of the school;
were out in full force, and looked with
pride on the attuiiiiiients of their gradu
ating class. The plulfoiiu and walls of
the building were artistically decorated
willi flowers and eveigreens, and on the
stage were seuteit the members of the
gruduiiting cIuns, Fred W. Smith and
William II. llcuch, the school board
and Prof, J. W. liruy, the principal;
while on (he wall buck of the stage was a
Moral motto, "Launched, but Whither
The exercises op.ined with a selection
by tlie Park Pluco liuud, and their ef
forts wi rj appiociitlily applauded, Kev.
M, I. KugK pronounced the invocation,
followed with a yiuarlette by Mrs.
(icorgM Hamilton, Miss F.lliot, Hurt
Hamilton and (ieorgit Howard, that
was well received. County Superintend
ent If. S. lijbsoii uiudu the ofiilng ad
dress, ami although short, uua replete
with Inspiring and ennobling thought
on eilucatiou.il matters. Mrs. K. C.
lUckutt fuvored the audience wild an
acceptable wlcction on the zither, and a
recitation hv W. J. Duuchy was well de
livered. The Oregon City Mandolin
('lud, roinMised of Misses Pauline
Campbell and Vara Caufleld, Hurley
Stevens and Clare CunipUdl rendered
an excellent selection, and responded lo
an encore Miss I Cone Kly did excel
lently in a rec itation, and u duet dy Mrs.
Hamilton and Miss Klliott was rendered
in a pleiiKing manner. The oration, "He
yond Alim lies Italy," dy Willie II.
llcuch, one of the graduating cIuhs, whs
a comparison of Hannibal's energy and
steiidfustnens of purNiKe in crosiiig tin)
Alps ami eventually coiiiuering Italy,
with the work of (he student if he would
succeed In encompassing all obstacles in
the pathway of life. Mrs K. ('. Mark
ed rendered another selection on the
xilher, and was heartily encored The
oration by Fred W. Smith, another
member of the giaduittiug class. "Row
ing, not I'rifiing," was a creditable ef
fort and the subject matter was well
handled. Prof. II. S. Strange added
laurels to hia reputation as an orator,
and his address was replete with good
things It was an appeal to the par
ents, guardians ifnd pupils for better
thinga and a moie z.-uloua interest in
the right kind ol education. His re
marks to the graduating vlasa were
timely and ell'ective. After more music
by the Mandolin Club, ( apt. J. T. Ap
pcrson as a metiilior of the hoard of di
rectors, presented the diplomas to the
graduates in a neat little speech
This is tlie drat class that have ever
completed the advanced couise of still
ies laid out for the Paik Place school,
and the citizens of that cnd'rpriaing su
burb are to be congratulated. Prof.
J. W. (irny has been principal of this
school for three years, and his work has
proven satisfactory. The other teachers
in the school for the pant year were Miss
Phoebe F.ddy, Mrs. Anna Head and
Miss Frances Curran.
Funeral Obsequies.
Mention was made in the F.ntkhi'Hisk
last week of the death of the infant son
of Charles and Louise C. Meervo of
this city. The funeral took place at
Clatskunie, Columbia county, on Wed
nesday of last week, and the following
is taken from the Clutskaniu Chief:
"The sorrowing parents and sympathiz
ing relatives and friends uccompaned
the remains to this place for interment
In Muplrwood cemetery. The funeral
took place on Wednesday from the home
of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
11. Conyera. The remains, in a white
cusket, were tenderly bomu by young
men as pallbearers to the church, where
at 11 o'clock A. M. they entered the
building followed by the immediate
relatives and friends, while a funeral
dirge wag being rendered by Miss Lou
Ilurr upon the church organ. The casket
was placed upon a white pedestal in
front of the pulpit beautifully decorated
with white flowers ami was itself covered
and surrounded by chaste floral designs
in wreaths, crosses, anchors, etc., from
friends in Oregon City, St. Helena and
this place, and a pillow having a green
buck-ground with the name "Horace" in
whito daisies waa placed just back of
the casket. Other decorations of white
flowera very tastefully displayed anout
the pulpit and elsewhere were conspicu
ous. After seating tlie audience, the
pastor, Hev. 0. A. White, announced
the familiar hymn, "Nearer My (iod to
Thee," which waB led by a quartette of
young misses about the organ. Hev.
White, delivered a brief address from the
words, "Stiller little children to come
unto me, etc." from which theio was
much of comfort and hope. Following
th'iH the cover of the casket was removed
for u few minutes when the friends took
a lust look of all that was mortal of the
chili! and the hearers ugain earned their
charge to the cemetory, followed by a
largo concourse of people. Here a brief
final service was rendered by the pUBtor,
and with the singing of "Shall We
Outlier at the River," the last sad rites
were finished. This is the Becond time
these parents have luld away a child,
the one burled at Ht. Helena will be
brought hero later. The kindness of
friends has been a source of comfort to
the alllicled uud will remain in their
memories as the silver lining to the
clouds that have oppressed them.
The steamer Ibimona of Oregon City
made connection with tlie steamer
Dixon, which brought the family toOiik
Point and through the kindness of the
Shaver Company their bout brought
them to this place Monday night.
Chickamus Cuiinlj hclmol Keport.
The following summary is taken from
County Superintendent Cihson's un
mill report ending March 4th, 1H!';
Number of sirsoiis lictween four and
twenty years of age residing in tie
i nty, mule 4."f,i female 3,828, total
7,HSH; total iiuiiilicr of resident pupils
enrolled in public schools between four
and twenty years of age, 6.017 ; iiumoer
of pupils enrolled In public schools un
der six yeurs of au, Mil ; number of res
ilient pupils attending school outside of
their dintr iris, I .'II ; hi eruge daily attend
ance, !!,478j number ol teachers em
ployed in the public schools during the
year ending on the first Monday in
March, 1H!I.', male IK), female 110; num
ber of children not attending any school
during the year between four and twenty
years of aire, !i.l'i4 ; number of teachers
Multnomah anil ('luckamns Jteprfsenla
lives Until a Profitable HchwIhii.
The W. C. T. U. convention of Mult
! nomuh and Chickamus counties met at
the ISaritist church in this city at 10 A.
M. last Friday. The meeting 0ned
with devotional exercises led by Mrs.
D. U. Laloiiretle, subject, "Ood Leads. "
At the close of the devotional exercises
Mrs. C. Shipley of Oswego waa elected
moderator for the day and Mrs. Kmrna
C. Groom, secretary.
Miss H. I. Lyman, of Portland being
absent, the topic "Scientific Instruction
in Public Schools" was discussed at con
siderable length bv members of the con
vention as was also "Teuierauce Work
With Children.'' lhese discussions
aroused an interest in the meeting
among those in atlendance and they
were in good spirits for the aftern-wn
session. At noon there was an adjourn
ment taken for lunch, which was par
taken of at the tdiurch, which arrange
ment was a specially fortunate one, on
account of the ruin.
At 4:.'!0P. M. the convention was
called to order. After singing, "Ti the
lilesned Hour of Piayer" and prayer by
Mrs. Shipley, Mrs. Meade, state super
intendent of Kvangelistic work led a
consecration meeting, which was very
employed in private schools during the profitable ami helplul. At i :M ociock
: . . .. , .. . i.i i
nr f- i.itn.lx.r if t.iu.ila i.nrr.lli.il III 1MB secreiury rruu u ruiivn u"
private schools during the year, 8.S ; es
timated value of school bouses including
school bouse grounds, ("0.81)8.50; esti
mated value of school furniture belong
ing to the school houses, l.'t,40l.4."i ; av-
....i... i.i i I.,.-- .....
OIUC" mimy J'hmi iiimc irw uoi o jiti
Temperence legion Work." from Miss
K. M. Iowns of Siinuvsiile, Portland.
Miss Kem of Portland gave a report on
"Petition Work and Aarcotics." Mrs.
1 C. II. Dye also made a rejKirt on the
Preparation of the W. C. T. L. for
n, ml, 141 :! erun salary naid f. I the Chauiainiua assembly . " The event
...... , ..... , n j i .
male teachers, . of (be day was an address to mothers on
... . , rr. , .. i "Puritv" by Hev. Lid a Kounick of
alter J.nney and Ins wife, nee Hosy
Sullivan, are now in the toils of the , Ujmfj fQ hwl of
law at Portland, awaiting a hearing on : . . ,. . .... . ;i.;i:
' l,ur liuururu tlm Mi.rinna ri.unnnflirillli V
. ..! i f i s ii : " r- t
serious cuargis oi ourginry, nun Having
when pimples,
eruptions, boils,
and litce manifes
tation, of impure
blood appear. '1 hry
wouldn't appear if
your blood were
pure and your sys
tem in the riixht
condition. They
show you what you
need a good blood
purifier; that's what
you get when tiwi
Uke Vt. Pierce's
(, olden Medical
It carries health
with it. All Blood.
Skin and Scalp Iht
eact. from a com
mon Blotch, or Kruption, to the worst
Scrofula, are cured by it. It invigorates
the liver and rousea every organ into
healthful action. In the most stubborn
forms of Skin Diseases, such aa Salt
rheum, Kczema, Tetter, Krynipelas, Boils
and kindred ailments, and with Scrofula,
in every shape, and all hlood-tainta, no
matter from what cause arising, it is an
unequaled remedy.
Mm. Hf.lle ewsKKrv. of Flat Tof. Mrrur
Co , If. t-'a., wriim : ' Abuut four yeara tgo I
look icroiuia, ami nia
everything thnt doclura
and othera preKtilMl,
hut only K'A wre.
Heveral ativreine fortnrd
about my neck and
breat, ai9hari(in a
quantity of matter. I
ir'A to wrnk I coutd
acarcely walk alxnit the
houftt. I read all the
mrtlical worka I crmld
the rent, read vtme of ,
your worka. You fir- J
chlied my caw,
recommended IViclor
Pierce'a folden Medical
Dincovery with hia Jim. Bwcehkv.
' Plranant Pelleln.' Ho
I procureil aomeand commenced uin them and
soon beipin to mend, la aii montha my aorea
were alt healed up. I am forty-five yeara old
and believe I am aa it out at I ever u in my
life. I uard about one drnen bottles of the
'Golden Medical Ditcovery' with the 'Pel
leu.' and uwd nothing elac aAer I began uing
your medicines."
Ramble &""ranite '
VYboleaale and Itetali dealer In
Floe Monumental Work and Imported Statnarr.
Io not order monumental work until yon
obtain our prlcei. You will Dud lor good
work our charge are always the low
eat. If any work la wanted in oor
Hue, pleM drop u a Curd,
and we will ell wlthde
stKDN and prlcei,
Saaond and Thlsd Stract laatrl
Cava Paaa Ous Salaasoonoa.
720 front Htreet. Opnoalut the Fallinf School
Portlaud OreKon,
i de- J"A
Adirondack, 719,
Will stand the season of lttlo at Canby
on each Monday anil Tuesday anil the
balance of the week in Oregon City at
.Nolilut s stables.
ADIRONDACK waa aired by Bona
Fide. 720, sire of Humbert 2:28', Gene
! 2 :.'i0. Bona Fide waa aired by Hamble
: tonian 10, and he by AlKlullah 1. Adir
! ondack's dam was Madge, dam of Vol
unteer 55, sire of Ht. Julian. 2:11 '4.
ADIKOXDAfK is the sire of Bonnie
Bell, 2:M'4; Flora T. 2:115; Annie B,
2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler, 2:44 be
the dam of Longitude, 2:18.
TERMS, $10 for season. (15 for insur
ance. For further jmrtirulars inquire in
Oregon Citv of II. C. SLOPER.
0pp. Huntley's Drug fStore,
been returned from California where
they w ere arrested. Walter is a nephew
of Kev. I.. K. Janney, formerly of this
city, and during his residence here cut
a wide swath. Mrs. Janney formerly
lived here and sustnined a somen hut
shady character, but finally made pre
tensions of reform, and a marriage cer
tiorate found in her tiunk by the police
indicates that they were actually mar
ried .
Mrs. Lou Davia, who bug been in the
Oregon City Hospital undergoing treat
ment for the past two months, was order
ed sent to the ins me asylum Tuesday by
County Judge Hayes, and Sheritr Mad
dork conveyed the unfortunate lady to
the asylum on the same evening. Mrs.
Davis' physical condition has materially
i imroved, but her mental powers have
not kept pace w ith her improved physi
cal condition. Her maladv was of such
a serious nature that there was danger of
her innocently injuring her small cliild.
The Y. I. S. C. K.,of the I'resbyterian
church, gave a very interesting social
at Shivelv'a ball last Tuesday evening,
although the rainy weather prevented
many from attending, l'rof. Holmes
delivered an appropriate address. Mr.
Askin, a tenor ginger from I'ortlond, was
well received, and Mrs. wadie While re
sponded to encores twice, after singing
her solo. A comic pantomine was an
interesting feature of the occasion, fol
lowed by social conversation and in
teresting games.
Considerable has been said in the
papers about the indictments against
Miss Mary Burger, for sending slander
ous matter through the U. S. mail. The
fuels are she was allowed to go on her
own recognizance, and when $1500 bail
was required for appearance in June, she
readily furnished the amount with Mrs.
Ditchmhurn of Portland and an Oregon
City party as sureties. Miss Ret gor was
a former resident of this city.
The Indies of the Christian church at
Canby will give a hard times party in
Kvan'a hall next Monday evening.
Everybody ia invited and all are expected
to wear their bard times cloths. The
ten best dressed persona will bnve to
pay ft fine, and lunch will he set at reason
able price. The proceeds will be used
for the benefit of the Christian church
at Canby.
J. W. Moffat, O. 1'. Miller and T. F.
Ryan will represent the Oregon City Odd
Fellows at the grand lodge, which con
venes at Salem on Wednesday, May
15. Mrs. W. II. Howell and T. F. Ryan
will represent the Rebckahg at their con
vention, which convenes at Salem next
M outlay .
The St, Helena Mist gives an account
of the marriage of George T. Howard of
this city, and Miss Klizubeth Gilmore of
Columbia county. Mr. Howard is clerk
in the Hamilton Brother's establishment,
and has titled up a neat residence at
Green Point, which the newly wedded
couple are occupying.
SHII.Oirs CURE is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consumption.
It is the best Cough cure. Only one
cent a dose. 25cts.,(i0 cts. and $1.00.
For sale by G. A. Hurtling
Miss Grace Buird, one of the teachers
of the Harrison atreet school in Portland,
was surprised by her pupils with a com
plimentary birthday party.
A lot of new eoldiers were sworn in at
the Salvation baira.'ks Tuesday night.
RefreBhmenta were served at 10 cents a
resting uion mothers, in guarding their
children and training them so that their
characters may be properly formed, that
as they go out into the world they will be
strong enough to withstand temptation.
A vole of thanks was given Rev. Kounick
for her most excellent address.
The evening adjournment was speat
in sociability and again lunch was
served in the church. The evening ex
ercises were spent by reading of the
140th psalm by Mrs. Keon. This psalm
is known as the W. C. T. U. cruxade
psalm. At this session Mrs. Shipley
made a report on "Work at the Fairs"
showing how the women are striving to
raise the moral tone of these very neces
sary assemblies.
Mra. Green had a paper on "Social
Purity" in which she unveiled some of
the iniquities of Oregon City. She
handled her subject fearlessly and in a
manner which would have aroused the
wratb of some people had they been
present to hear. The meeting closed
with a talk by Mrs. Hoxter of Portland
on varibus lines of W. C. T. U. work.
Hon. H. E.Cross had arranged to
take the ladies out to Gladstone Park
for their noon lunch, and they were to
select a site for a building the state
asnuciulion expects to build on the
Chautauqua assembly grounds, but the
wet weather prevented.
A new union with thirty nieinhers was
reported from Clackamas station.
The attendance was only fair, quite a
few of the Oregon Citv members even
not being present all the time.
Drs. Hickey the dentist owing to the
increased practice in their Portland office
has been compelled to discontinue their
Oregon City office. Parties desiring
dental work will find them in the Dekum
building Third and Washington streets
Portland. Those having f5 or more
worth of work done will have their
round trip fair deducted from their bill.
If you want to feast your eyes on straw
hits of the latent shapes, for men, boys
and children, go to Chiirman it Son's.
B. H. Bowman; Pub. Enquirer; of
Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl babv, the only one we have,
was taken sick with, croup. After two
doctors failed to give relief and life was
hanging on a mere thread we tried one
minute One Minute Cough Cure and its
life was saved. 0. G. Huntley, druggist.
Our patrons will find Pe Witt's Little
Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy
for constipation, dyspepsia and liver
complaint. C. G Huntley, druggist.
When your guidman comes home at 'een,
He aye expects to see
Two cosy slippers on the hearth,
And a cup of Jiipoolo Tea.
Sipan's Sooinmg Powders.
For Childnn Cutting their Tteth.
Mtlltvt fmrwU Heat, prevent ftt$. Comul$hm$, an
ptnmnt m total thy $ta . 0 th conttitution
. . r luring (Ac period of UtttHnq.
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
mnved to Odd Fellowa' temple S. W . Cor. lit
I aud Alder, Portland. Orrn.
The Argonaut
Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the
Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through
the post oflice every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends.
It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except
I three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do .families of
of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. .Argonaut' LuilJing, 213
Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For a&le at ilunt'ey g lkx't Isore. t
or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
A. B. $teinbacf Co.
Hatters and
Corner First ami Morriaoo Su
Anil all Arrwuirlfi.
White, Standard
And Otht-ra.
F. fl. Ltttlcr k Cn-.
Zli Hlil 81 reel,
Cur bMlniiin.
unun m
Hardware -:- !
-: ami Stoves, i
2 Flrl Street. j
riirilnid. Or j
F0E8ES 4 B':!ECf EN
Carpets, Shinies,
Luce Curtains,
I'ortieies. etc.
174 First atret't,
ITS Fronl tr"t.
The L. & Z. Swett Co.,
New and Second Hun.l.
Furniture, Carpets, Bedding
and Stoves.
201 & 203 Front, 2U2 Taylor Sts.
At the boat landing.
Jno L Cline
224 First Street.
All work aratcia.1
Prices Low.
Gi'aJen k Kocllsr. I Dr- E-c-Brown
Prescription j Ey3 Slid EfiP
DrusiL'ists :
hi Hint Mrtill St.
l:l.ua. V.lto.1
Family & Country H1, ,.-.,.,.,,
Trade Solicited. ; ir.:i nm nwi
Etes Bros..
Dry Ceo
ltd Ihird St.
of Low
UWil Wolfe k Co.
third A Wahlit(tnn.
IV.' Mo. I Qr
un h nit iwv.
22S First Street
N":ir Salmon.
M' S t til - iv!Clt
Punk M;. fo.
The r.inns Took
M -ikcrs.
Cor. Front
am! ytnrk.
Oder ltHt
5th & WHuhiugtuu Kta.
The names of the
Portland (West
Siile) Business Houses hero
Blnnlc Hooka
Oilice Siipll
smart & Thomson
BnnWllers nd
J69 and '71 Mi.rrlMHi
drift, t'lirtlatid.
TITLES Aistractei
And KUrtrnmeed by
m Title Gnarantes
4 Trust Co.
I'himtier of I'nm
iiu'rce lliillillnir
iiocla Coffee fariors
l I'lllnl Stn'tft,
Opn. Coi-tlrriy 'llie.iire
liven are for reference and fruid-
anoe of country and suburban , STC!lBlonXst
buyers. They are ffjTTrjr
recommended as rclia- ytlllJLi
ble linns to deal with. .-
R rrs C anrl I
AT fit i v I
Xn i;iiini'!e Kuilnyed
Wips, Switches
and Ranjis.
Also Gents wi;s
Gel our Prloi-s.
Paris Hair Store j
IkwWathiimtiiu St.
Ben. M. Harney,!
ICOi First St.
orni hours:
10 a. a. to P. M. dally
xue)ilug buuday.
Tet Clrola Friday Eva
SIR KAMi'.NA U-avi-a Onv-'M fity KAMI
2 and I' M I'or'l md J. 11:30 A. M. iituH e. U.
FASI'SlliE KI.KCTI;li:('AKS.I.ein' l'orll.iinl j
Hii'l orei'im I lly every liliniiiiiK's (mm 7 A. H. I
U. C. 11UKNS
147 Third St.
Fine values in
Teas it Coffees.
Room MClilIS,
Paints, Otis,
BrcsJies. Etc.
.S3 Alder Street
l.ooks lknight, I
Sold and Ex- j
changed at
the I
Old Hook Store!
:l I and Alder Sta. j
Finest Photos
$1 Per Doz. at j
lG."i Third St.
John S. Meek Co.
82 Sixth St.,
Photographic A
Magio Lantern
Newest Tilings
Wall Paper
Trices to suit
the times.
8chofleld & Morgan
m Third St.
Send fur Samples
Avery it Co.
172 1st Street
Near Yamhill.
2S First St
Photos 11.50 per
doz. Kodak Work.
Royal Keitannit
2o3 First St.,
Where car stops
Tlie best place
for a good meal.
J:!., Yamhill Si
Ser Third.
Frseman Ccffce House
ColT'i?. tea or clioiMilrtte
Home made pies and
The cream and milk
la (rom Ills much.
Dinner (rom 8:30 to $
p. m., 2 cents.
9 WaahlUKton street
bet. latuud id.
Clii apent plnee for
P10URE8, Frames,
Artist's Materials.
Art Store.
307 Washitmlnii St..
lieteeu 5th 4 6th
Cedar Camphor
For Moths.
Drug Co.
Sd& Yamhill.
F. E. Beach & Co.
D 'alon In Pure
And Oenaral Huilding
S. E. Corner Klrt aud
Murk Street.
Oppnaita LidJ and
Tllton'a Bank.
To Book Canvassers
address with
Pacifiic Baptist
Stark St. Restaurant
M. F. BOHLE, - - Proprietor
Good Coffee a Specialty. Oysters in
every style.
232 Stark street, Portland.