Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 10, 1895, Image 2

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Jl Dwelling Runied to the (iron ml at
Salmon Travel Over the .Mouti
tains Other Notes.
Salmon, May 4. Last Monday night the
house of J. T. Wecnert burned to the
ground. Mrs. Weckert, who was alone
with foar Utile children at the time, only
aucceeded in getting them out with two or
three blankets which she snitched from
their beds. The most ol their clothes which
they had put ott on going to bed were lost.
Neighbors came to theirassistanee and they
are now staying with Mr. Hedges until Mr.
Weckert decides what he will do. It is
thought the tire started from a spark which
caught in the moss chinking of the house
and smouldered there until a late hour be
fore starting a blaie.
Trarel has begun on a small scale over
the mountains. Three wagons have gone
through, and also some horsemen with pack
animals. This will materially assist in
breaking open the road through the snow
and starting travel for the summer.
W. E. Welch has gone on a few weeks
trip through Washington to see the coun
try and visit relatives in that state. Irwin
Meinig, of Sandy, accompanied him.
August Hornecker has returned from a
trip to Powell's Valley.
Charles McGovern is out on bis ranch
again ; he says for good this time.
Aa Interesting
tary. They meet at the home or Mrs. H. 0.
I-ewls every Thursday afternoon, where
with sewing and sociality the time soon
Hits away.
Mrs. II. 0. Hanley, of Logan, was visiting
Mrs. Lewis last Monday.
Howard lluyden, who is working at Hrl
dul Veil, came home Saturday, returning
again on Sunday,
Adolph Miller has gone to Uresbam to
Joe Ilavilen and wife, from Portland, are
visiting his brother, J. M. lluyden,
I'r. llarten, from Woodbiirn, has located
here. He has a flue lot of drugs and toilet
articles. Any one wishing anything in
that line would do well to call on him.
lli'nv Ilea.
New School Building Oontemplated
Frult Crop Anticipated.
Batch of Items
From Tkat
Cosvalus, April 29. Another bulletin
relating to some stock feeding experiments,
by Prol. H. F. French, will be sent out from
the station in May.
The four-year old son of C. D. Thompson
fell from a porch a few davs ago and frac
tured an arm. He is fast improving.
Col. Anderson, commander of the Van
couver barracks, will be here to inspect the
battalion on May 1st. In the evening he
will lecture in the college chapel. The three
companies are making rapid progress. A
competitive drill will lake place before long
to decide as to which will be the color com
pany during the remainder of the year.
Lieut. C. E. Ieiitler has just recovered
from an attack of pneumonia,
J. H. Carraco, of your city, is working at
Fischer's flouring mills. He has been at
tending the state university at Eugene and
intends to return there in the fall.
Miss Gussie Casto spent Saturday and
Sunday in the country with one of herclsss
mates, Miss Edith Lilly.
Rev. E. J. Thompson, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of this city, has been
selected by the Willamette Presbytery as a
delegate to the General Assembly which
meets in Pittsburg, Fa., the Kith ol May.
The Enterprise is indeed fortunate in
securing the services of K. H. Gabbert, re
cently of the Corvallis Times. Being a
warm friend of this college and well ac
quainted with its workings, he ib in a posi
tion to present it in its true light.
The mechanical boys of tne senior class
tested the new engine of their own make
yesterday. They took fifteen indicator dia
grams, each wilh the engine working under
different conditions. These diagrams are
ol superior order and show that ils con
struction closelv approaches that of the ideal
Miss Reeder, secretary of the Young Wo
men's Christian Association for the Pacific
Cosat, has organized an association of forty-
three members among the young women of
the college.
STrroKP, May (i. Kain! rain! roads are
sleek and grass is growing. No danger of
farmers complaining now that the ground is
not wet enough to do goad plowing. Water
runs in the creeks and ditches once again.
Miss Ollle Gage commences a term of
school in the Hazelia district this morning.
W ei nt Peters' granary on the Meridian
road will be quite an Improvement to the
looks of his hill ranch. Things begin to
look suspicious. He is putting up several
new buildings. Now all that is lacking is
some one in each one to make it a home.
Ah, well his boys are the men of the fu
ture. John Gage, jr., is trimming his father's
orchard, and from appearances saws mure
out than he leaves on the stump. Some of
the trees look like saw horses when he gets
through with them.
Irvie and Albert Holton returned from
Silverton Sunday, alter an absence of several
School meeting was held on Saturday last
in district 41 for the purpose of talking over
the subject of building a new school house.
After several voters had had their say,
seemingly to no purpose, it was suggested
that the meeting adiourn until some future
date and give the directors time to receive
plans, cost, etc., of a building 2SM. The
suggestion was carried and the meeting ad
journed to meet again October 5.
If blossoms prove anything we will have a
large crop of fruit this year.
Henry Melcher is sowing spring wheat.
Most of the rest of the ranchers have their
grain all in. Wa I'.ns.
liazelia Hu.
Hazelia, April 29. Every team that can
be spared off the farms, and many men,
are busy working on the roads.
Supervisor I'rosserbas regained his health
so that he is able to be out a short timeeach
lay. He is having gravel put down for a
winter road and has another track graded
to use in dry weather. The work when fin
ished will be a credit to our district.
Messrs. A. W. and L. A. Shipley, L. D.
Eaton and M. Long, have several hundred
sacks of potatoes to market yet.
Hop growers are putting their yards in
order. L. A. Shipley has added a fine
store room to his hop building, and has
now the finest hop house and yard around
Geo. H. Locey is plowing up his hop
yard. He has no buildings so is out noth
ing but his labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Ackerson, of Needy,
visited at C. C. Borland's Saturday and
Mrs. L. A. Shipley spent last week with
her sister, Jffr. C. Milem, at Mt. Tabor.
L. Locey, who has been stopping with his
brother George, has gone to Oregon City to
work in the paper mill.
Mrs. Wm. Wanker has been quite sick,
but is some better now.
Ed. Wanker hae gone down the Columbia
river to work awleJe.
Johnnie Dennis (thought he was tired of
.country life, and went to Portland to slay,
but has come bank to Mr. IOcey's where he
has been living several years.
Born, on the ll'ith Kist., to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Borland, a son.
A number of Kebekahs of Oswego and
Hazelia visited the Oregon City lodge on
the 2'jtli instant, and were royally enter
tained. Mr. and Mrs. Klien Hayes, of Middleton,
Washington county, are visiting their son,
J. 11. Hayes.
New Era Kewslet.
Nev Er, May 5. Iiert McArlhur has
gone over to l Ulamook county to take up a
A dance was given in Anthonv's hall last
night. About forty numbers were sold for
50 cents a number. A good time generally
was bad.
Mrs. Findley's sister from California is
visiting her at present. Mrs. Findley has
not been well for some time, and w ill ac
company her sister bark to California for
her health some time in this month if she is
able to go.
Quite a terrible wetting rain we have hail
the last two or tbree days. Oregon still
holds a good recommend for water.
Some of the boys at the dance last night
took up a collection and sent to Canny for
some spunk water. Will tliey ever Mini out
thut they can drink it somewhere else as
well as et dances?
"Harry Smith was the guest Sunday, of
Frank McCormack.
Trading is becoming quite popular in our
neighborhood. The last trade is that of a
girl traded bv her brother for a buhl faced
sorrel horse.
Miss Gustina Uaiitnaiin has been busy
lately making paper flowers for the Catholic
church here, which are very nicely put to
gether. Frank McCormack was the guest Sunday
of Harry Smith.
Who is the next boy to try vinegar, su
gar, soda, cider, and several other mixtures
all in one as a beverage?
Logan Locals.
I.otiAN, May 2. The Teachers' Associa
tion met at Ugau in the grange hull on
Saturday, April 'JTth. There was a good at
tendance of teachers, and all look an active
part In thowork. The discussions were
very interesting. The vocal duct, by Misses
Monroe and Younger, deserves special men
tion. In the evening an Interesting pro
gram, consisting of songs and recitations,
was carried out. A lee lure on education,
by Prof. H. 8. Strange, closed the exercises
of the evening. All went home wlshlugthe
association would meet at Logan again
Misses Clara Hatton and Nora Hess vis
ited Mrs. Frank Wilson on Sunday.
George Clark returned to his home in
Fast Portland after a stay of a week with
his son Clem.
Miss Annie I. HiciutKithem, of Hedlnud,
met wilh an accident Saturday night going
home from the association, The night was
very dark and she could not see, having no
light. While going down a hill the cart in
which she was riding upset, but through the
assistance ol some of the boys wholiaiH
peued to be near with a lantern, she was'
soon off again without having received any
Injury to hersell or cart. I
Henry Meldrum, ol Oregon City, was In i
Logan on Sunday. j
Hoad work is now In progress, and good
roads are expected here this summer. j
Old lady McCubbin is quite sick at this
Mrs. Pane left on Sunday for her home in
Salem. j
I.oo as, May 11. Mr. K. Finley, a promi- j
nent business man ol Chicago, with his wife 1
was visiting at the house of their niece, j
Mrs. Shade, for a few days. They left on i
Tuesday morning for La Center to visit rela- i
lives there, and exect to return on Smur-
day to spend another week here. I
Mr. Bryan went to Portland two weeks'
ago on business, and as he has not since '
been heard from his family have become
alarmed. A friend went in search, hut as
yet nothing can be learned o( his wherea
Mrs. Josie Clark has had a spell of the
gnpe, but is now convalescent.
We understand that two of Corkscrew's
young men are preparing to leave the coun
try. They were to start Sunday by means
of a skill down the Clackamas. Thev had not
decided how much farther they would go.
We hoe they may have a pleasant journey
in their little light craft, hut we would ad
vise them to be provided with diver's suits.
e have again been visited by some of
those gentle Oregon mists which are quite
dampening. They !v". about a week, and
peopb are beginning io think they are not
missed at all when it comes to rain,
A sister of Mrs. Shade, Mrs. Ilennard,
from Colorado, Is at Mrs. Shade's, where she
intends to spend the summer. Mr. Ilennard
has gone to Alaska. He exiects to return
in the fall. IU by.
Hi'foro puivliasiii; a hut or bonnet do sunt
ami see our assortment. Wo carry a
larger stock than ever before anil will
make or trim any stylo you wish on
short notice, if you ilo not find one that
suits in our general lino of ti immetl hats.
We have an immense line of men's straw
hats. Trices lower than ever before.
Call mul Sec the Latent Stylet.
Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or.
Mount Pleasant Notes.
Moijit I'leasant, May (1. Miss Grace
Myers has been numbered among the sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Titus spent a Bhort time at
Oswego lately attending the grange.
Homer Martin has returned from Kainier
where he has been during the month just
Mrs. Henry Wilehart and Miss Clarissa
Fancher have been visiting Mr. Wilehart
and family.
Mrs. Minnie Smith, of Salem, has been
spending some time with her mother, Mrs.
Rusiiell, who has been verv ill.
B. Hendrickson started for Salem Friday,
making the trip in a buggy.
Miss lilauche II. McCord was in Portland i
last week looking up music anil musicians.
among them .Miss Estelle Comstock, late of
the Boston conservatory of music. Miss
Comstock is a violinist.
The Twilights spent a pleasant evening,
April li'Jtli, at David McArthur's home.
Miss Isabel's crayons, paintings and photo
graphic productions were a source of enjoy
ment to the guests.
I April ,'JOth the home of Wm. Wilehart was
opened to the literary club. Miss Emma
entertained her friends with music. Last
Saturday night they again met at Mr, La
zelle's, where the officers were installed.
Two of our leading light, Geo. McArthur
and Chas. Rutherford, attended the last
teachers' association where Mr. Kuthcrf'ord
spoke upon the subject of physiology.
Vo Humania.
Harmony Helios.
Harmony, May I!. Herman and Henry
Kanne started out for a drive in a dog curt
a week ago last Sunday. The colt which
they were driving became frightened at a
passing bicycle, whereupon Herman at
tempted to jump out to take the animal by
the bits as he had done a few minutes he
fore. In some way his foot caught in the
wheel so that he was thrown to the ground
on his head. His ankle was badlv sprained
and the small hone of one leg w as broken.
Or. Hickman of Clackamas was summoned
and set the limb. At this writing Herman
Is hut little belter.
We are glad to report that Allien Panic
bauser is recovering from his severe lllnes,
; though still confined to the house. Mrs.
Fankhouser, his mother, has also been un
der the doctor's care, but is now able to he
Our church, under the auspices of the
Evangelical Association, was dedicated last
Sunday. Bishop Haws, or Cleveland, Ohio,
officiated. The church was beautifully dec
orated. The bishop was accompanied by
the pastor of the church, Hev. II. P. Hitner,
audKev.H. Scbuchnitht, presiding elder.
Quite a number were present from the ad
jacent neighborhoods. The services began
at 10 o'clock. The Sunday school con
vened three fourths of an hour earlier, and
was well attended.
TheChristian Endeavor society organized
a few weeks ago, is progressing nicely.
Six more applied for membership Sunday
Ary McLaughlin will close his lei m of
school at Concord to-morrow,
Misses Maude and lllanche Fortner were
visiting relatives Saturduy at Clackamas.
Miss Elta Kurr, of Portland, was at home
Miss Ellen Dyers and her brother Wil
liam, of Clackamas, were visiting with
friends here Sunday and were present at
the dedication. E. I-;, c.
First ami Alden.
HARDWARE I Portland, Oregon,
Nnrth vrritrru AtfchtN fur
- Disannul. 1 -sure Occident Tutlletoolh Potter Ijiuce Hllver Mlrel
, .... .
Crescent Wetlges (warrantetl.) ' it S rroof'Chiins. Arcade Files. Hope. Crescent Mw
Loggers and WootJ Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City Agent,
way, Supervisor Prosser is doing some good
work on our roads.
The electric light company are having
quite a number ol new pules prepared for
putting in here.
The handsome summer residence of I', F.
Morev is near completion. We iiuderslnnd
thai Mr. Morey will move in the latter part
of this week.
Supervisor Prosser visited Oregon City to
day in connection wilh business In the
county court.
There will he an open meeting nt Pig Iron
l-odge No 1.11 A. O. i'. W. on Thursday the
flth. Gruiid Master llrennan will be in at-I
tendance. The public are cordially invited j
to attend.
'I here is some talk ol the pipe foundry ,
starting again. Thut the rumor may he 'dies of huh upon
l"he captain is tulf ofwlt and du
al linn
inor and kepi his audience In an Uproar all
the evening. His lei lure very Instruct
ive ami was greatly appreciated. A nice
inin was realized for the library.-,',.
The shoddy mill has u iiUrely new ap
pearance. It has iieen white aashail Inside
and out. The engine roqiy Jia receiveil a
large addition. The upperftjirjp t6 be used
a a drier. A washing maclili.eot'lho latest
pattern has U-en put in Jtr and ill be
used to cleanse the rags More grinding
llieiiiliitohlioil.lv. The mill started run
ning rull hunili'd Tiiesilnv. gelling out hark
orders which will keep tlierp blsall sum
mer. One day hmt week, while returning with a
load of lumber from Portland soma bun-
which It, V. -Auxli was
yCTffy ' DE8T
& 1 k&? B :J3
true is the wish of
Viola Visions.
Viola, May 5. Makinggarden and plant
ing potatoes was the order of work until the
the rain came and stopied it.
Rev. Gillett and wife have gone to Wood
burn to spend a couple of weeks.
The lecture given by Dr. One, of Port
land, and basket supper given by the ladies
of Viola, were well attended. The receipts
amounted to something over eight dollars.
Ilev. Gillett hag organized a Ladies' Aid
ISociety, with Mrs. H. Ward president, Mrs.
J. M. Hayden vice president, Mrs. J. Sevier
treasurer, and Miss Minnie Walker secre
Kagle Creek Croaking).
EA'ii.E Ckkkk, May 7. Miss Nettie and
Itilly Cook, of Damascus, were visiting their
grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howlett, one
day last week.
Thedunce given by Miss AnnieTracy and
Miss Grace Smoot at Jericho last Saturday
night, was a grand success.
George Ginther and wife have moved into
their new house lately purchased of Robert
Wilcox. Alter Robert J. Devine papering
and painting for nearly a month, it makes
a very cosy little home for the two old
Rev. Cuinmings will preach at the school
bouse every night this week.
About half of the population of this com
munity are suffering with the grippe.
Rolla and Arthur Stafford were home on
Sunday from near Portland.
Oswego Omelets.
Oswkoo, May H. Monday allernoon as
Mis Etta Mack and her grandmother, Mrs
Hedrick, left their home near the Tualatin
river to drive to Oswego to visit the fami
lies of James Iledrick and Mr. Coon, every
thing went well until they had crossed the
Sucker creek bridge anil were w ithin a few
hundred yards of James Hedrick's house,
when their horse took fright at some cows
thut a man win driving by and started to
run. Mrs. Iledrick was thrown violently
out of the buggy, her head strikiiur the
ground lirst; Die wheel of the buggy also
struck her as she tell out. She was picked
up in an unconscious condition, hut soon
regained consciousness. She was carried to
her son's house and Dr. Saylor was culled.
He lound that, besides several bruises on
the face and head, a rib had been broken.
ine nervous shock io jurs. iledrick was
very severe, as she is neur seventy years of
age, but Dr. Saylor thinks she will get
through all right. She is resting easy at
this time. Miss Muck held on to the lines
bravely and wus getting her horse checked
up when the wheels of the buggy ran up on
a low stump just on the side of the roud
and threw her out. Fortunately she es
caped any injury. The horse was caught
after running a couple of blocks.
Mrs. J. J.Bullock returned home from
Woodbiirn last week where she has been
visiting her mother for some time.
The wet weather Is Interfering somewhat
with the road work in this district. By the j
Mink Minuets.
Mink, May II. Mr. Holinan Is still con.
fined to his bed with rheumatism. We hope
tie will soon take a change for the better.
Little Ben Fisher, who has been very
sick all winter, and at one time was nm ex
pected to live, has lully recovered and en
joys health again.
Mrs. Wm. Bluliin and her young daugh
ter are visiting friends in Oregon Clly.
Mrs. Slaben.of Oregon City, has come out
Io their form for a few weeks,
Last Wednesday Chas. Gale, a butcher ol
Oregon City, had a valuable dog shut by
Christ. Murald. Mr. (ale was driving a
hand of sheep to Oregon City on the High
land road, and while passing Muriild's lane
one sheep broke loose from the band and
run up the lane Io Mr. Murald's house. Mr.
Gale sent the dog to bring the sheep back,
knowing he would do so if left alone. As
the dog and sheep reached Mr. Murald's
house about one-eighth of a mile from the
main roud, the dog harking and snapping
at the sheep trying to drive it back to Ills
muster, young Muruld got a gun and shot
seated, slipped nil to the ground, Anxier
fell on one id the bundles which stood on
I end, causing a fractureol two ribs.- Ha was
brought home on the electric car and a doc
tor culled in who relieved the aoflereras
in in li as possible. At lust reports Mr. Anx
ier was resting easy, hut he will he eon I! noil
to the house lor some time,
The entertainment given, fur he bciiellt
of Hie town hall by the Milwaukee Amateur
Dramatic Club was a grand financial suc
cess, The sum realized fur executed all ex
pectations, the total amount being f.Vt.'J.'i.
After paying all the expenses for aceuery,
new curtain and remodeling the s'tiigs, with
a few Incidental expenses, III buUl:'.)
left. This added to the hullj'in.la already
on hand makes a total of fl'J..V) yet to he
used for hall purposes. Those taking part
In this entertainment deserve great credit
for their energy. -.-.
Miiy Ilo Ah Much Jirtliiu.
Mr. l-'reil .Miller, of Irving, III., writes
that lie had a mivero kidney trouble (or
many yearn, with aevero pains In hia
hack ntid uIhh tluit hi bladder wus of-
.vv-ts. and
81.00 lkittle.
One cent a doan.
the dog, killing it almost instantly. Mr. j'ecteil. lie tried many called kidney
Gale, after wailing awhile for the dog to
bring the sheep, started lip the lane only to
find that bis faithful friend hud been killed,
lie felt very sud over his loss, and warned
Mr. Murald that It was the dearest dog for
him he ever shot,
cures, but without kH' foiul result,
Alinnt a year ngo he begun tho iihd of
Electric Hitlers ami found reliul nt onoo.
F.loetric Ilillers is especially adapted to
euro all liver ntid. kidney troulilen ami
, r, ..: , .. t. .... . . I ;
There has been a revival meeting nl the ' KIVe" B'lno.r5l.jn?1 "ne
null win prove our Hiaieinuni. 1'rii c
Presbyterian church the past week
It la sold on m ruarnntoo by all dnur
lllata. It cure Incipient Consumption
aud ia the boat Cough and Croup Cur,
For sale hv 1 1 . A. Harding, druggist.
Your ti'iiin will havntlie bent
of cant and
Full Measure of Feed
At Iho
City StnbleH.
KIdd & Williams, Props.,
H..cce..r t., w, h. Cooke.
Livory Hij;H tin Short Notice.
The photogfaphei1
Ih jiri'iutrcd to innki ihotopraihH
of all kiniln promptly
and in
P.abit'H' and Childron's I'irturi'u
a Specialty.
Call and examine hin work
At the Old New York Gallery
Second door north of Harding's
Drug Store, Oregon City,
only ode for large JjotlU). At Uiiirniuti
j A Co, 'h drug Htore, C'liuminti Urns. Work.
I in, Ibsolute ( lire,
j Tint Original Ablelinu Ointment ia
I only put up in "largo two-omiee boxes,
I unit iH an. abiolutu cure for old HoreH,
I burns, wounds, Chapped IiuiiiIh and nil
of the Gorman M. K. church are complete. Ukin eruptions. Will jxiriilively euro all
Hatch of Interesting Items from an Import
taut Business Center.
Mii.waukkic. May 7. Preparations for the
district convention of the Kpworlh League
The opening of the convention will take
place Tuesday evening, May 7, and close on
the evening of the ftth, A largo number of
delegates are expected to be in attendance.
The Union Christian Kudeavor Society of
Milwuukee will he represented by at b-uet
three delegates at the stute convention in
Halem, May flth to 12th. The local Colon
Christian Kudcavorof Milwaukee, Sellwood,
and Wlllshurg, each send one delegate to
represent the Union. r
Captain Kll "the modern Sipba-I ,the
Sailor," lectured to a fulr sized audience
Monday evening In the town hr.ll for the
benefit of the school library. TJidSUbjectof
his discourse was the Capturing of the levl-
kind ot (lilus. Ask for Iho Original
Abfetlrto'"Ointtncnt. Sold by (J. O,
Huntley, at 25 centH per box by mail
30 cents..-
Doctor II. K. Firdi, of (lravuin MHIh,
Mo., a practicing phyHiciun of many yearH
experience, writes: J)e Witt'g Witch
Hazel Salve bus no eipial for indolent
aores, ocalds and burns. It stops pain
instantly, heals a burn quickly and loaves
no scar. C. (j. Huntley, driigght.
Ladies hair trimmed in the
stylo at Sloper's barber shop.
latest I
If you are intercHted in
' you ought to he a nub- $
1 Hcrihcr ot Pkintkiis' Ink: i
a journal for atlvertinerH. i
Printers Ink
is iHHtied weekly and in
filled with contribtitioiiH
and helpful Nuggostionn
from tho lirighttrnt minds
in tho advertising liuni-
Printers' Ink
corns oniy two uotiars a
year. A Bainjile copy will
bo sent on receipt of five
IO Spruee St., - plaut Yofk
rWi iQi. tfi rti ift ift -ifti-AA 3