Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 03, 1895, Image 8

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    FnTIi ATTOT A T YnTPv,in,e',n,uner,lu,,in" t0 y,n
lu'"4U"",fi'yo liberty, fratornitv and eoimlily
All nott-8 for tliis column should 1
land xliowed Unit tne luiniintable failure
! tn lil-aa fli.i uplt.!i !... ......It...!
r. r., n i r,w fro'" flll'l "'t U' meat uiasa of
' ' , ' Hopln were wholly uneducated. Tho
n..,,.,..u.. aptkpr tout-lHHi tion our own revolti
The Clackamas County Teacher As-1 turn, and called attention to the differ
aociation met at Loan in the grange. enee in conduct, showed that the great
liB.I Saturday, April 27, lS'Xi, and wa o.r.:se thereof wna that our people were
called to oider at 11 A. M. by Supt. 11. ! led by upright and educated men. He
S, Gibson. The mi miles of the previous ssid there ate throe way of acquiring a
meeting as prepared by the secretary, practical education : Hy home reading
Mwaranme 1'orter, were tvail ami ap-: society and the school. Support your
proved. 1 . JI. Wedoll and Misstieorgia si hi.uls and our country w ill have
huth was elected to membership in the i bright future The lecture was listened
association. I to with close attention by the audience,
It was decided to hold the ne;t meet-1 It was a scholarly effort,
ing at Mark's Prairie on the lard 5atur-1 Following is a list of the teachers pre
day in May. Snpt. Uibson appointed ent during the day :
P. M. Wedell. Miss Helen Taylor and H. S. tiihsxn, W. li. Hoattie, K. M.
Aliss tanme t'orter to prtiure a suitable Ward, A. l Strange, llattie Monroe,
program for that occasion.
The association adjourned until 1 :.-0
P. M. to pay a vi"it to the grange dining
room. A splendid dinner had been pre-' Holmes, Miss Mumpowor, Matilda Moid,
lrvd for the teachers and was fully ap- j Kannie Porter, Mrs. II. S. tiibs.m. Mis
preciated. jTnlhert, Anna llicinhothain, Charles
The association wis called to order by j Hulherford, .May Kelly, lieorgia Kuth,
the superintendent, who requested Prof. Kimnu Sturchlcr, Mrs. Wilson, Alex.
Alex. Thomson to lake the chair as his Thomson, Henrietta Holcoinh, K. C.
name appeared on tiie program. jllirkett, II. S. Strange, Tenny May-
Misses Nellie Younger and llattie ,' Held, (loo. McArthu.-, Kobt (..hither,
Monroe sang a beautiful duet. ; Geo. Harrington and Helen Taylor.
"How can we better the condition of j school kxi'okto.
the county schools?- was the subject ; KejHjrl of the Mink school, district No.
given Mr o.bson. His address was SO, fr ,he ,,,, eluille April VMh
highly complimented. Ampng other NumlH-r of pupils enrolled first dav 47;
things he said: "In too many cases the j mlmK.r 0f pupils enrolled lust dv 5H;
teacher is compelled to work single ,otll! nuulhl.r of (lavs Htu.luience iW', ;
handed and alone for the good of the average dailv atto,l,.n,- 4s.i:- ,i,.i
Rl'llOol. This is tlpoiilpillv nnr aa it i i. r , . . ....
j ... : iiiunner oi uavs aiseni l.'.'; Rvcrage
should be. Teachers, parents an.l pu-1 numl-.-r l.-longm: 54 ; ihiiuIht of visitors
pus enoum wou toother Harmoniously ; ,llri,. tllB monlh frnlll M.,IM,,
J officers 4, including two visits from
: Christ lbrnshtih', one from Michall
Mollie llankins, Jennie Kowen, P. M
Wedell, llattieCochrati, Nellie Younger,
Kllen livers, V. 1, Skirvin. S. W.
Typical rolaml. China, llora.hlrv, Iiuroo
alrrary bihI Kiwi lliwara.
Wo present this wk tho Ust typo
if four of the moat popular hog families
1 1 the United Stntea. Tho hog which is
found spread over the wildest section of
country and believed by tho most breed
ers to he the one crfoot animal for pork
Is tho Poland-China, showu iu Fig. I.
itie foiand Chiim was developed in
Ohio from several other broods. It is
loiuetiiuca culled the Magio hog. There
V If.r'
for the traest gixxl of the school. No
great reform can be accomplished in any
cause, however righteous, without co--peration.
As the teacher is, go is the
school, and directors should bear this in
mind. The secret of good government
in school, the secret of any lasting in
fluence over a pupil lies in consistency
on the part of the teacher. It is not, bv
MiK'hnke. directoia, and one from K. W.
llornshiih, clerk. The pupils neither
absent nor tardv during the month are:
Willie P.lubm, IVIla Uluhm, Clara !ee
son. Laura (iintlier. Albert Hornshuh,
Cilia llornshiih, lletiry and Edward
Hetlumn, Willie, Charlie, Freddie, Fred,
any means, enougii lu prearii ipxnI words , 0,to Nt.ui0i rl.rtlu Mot.hllkei
a id good manners, in the school room, oitn H,n.s.il, ,,.) ...,l
I Meyers. The most of the pupils are do-
ing energetic work and if all pupils w?re
i in school every day we would be utile to
hut in bis daily life the teacher should
jractiee every precept. Lack of in
terest is a fruitful 9ouree of dis irder,
and without order nothing can be done.
In inot-t ca -es the removal of this cause
rest with the teacher. Whatever tends
to cultivate the child'ssenseof the leau
titul, whatever brings happiness into
the school, whatever leads a pupil to
take a hiuher, broader view of life, what
ever arauws the mind of the child to
an appreciation of intellectual and mo'al
worth, may he classed as elevating in
fluence, and these are all conducive to
good oider The end ot school dicipline
is not merely its exercise in the school
room, but a means to a higher end, the
training of vouth for citizenship. Dici
pline should aim at the improvement of
character. Character is the direct re
sult of moral control. Every moral act
has a direct influence on one's person
ality, and perfect self-control is the ideal
state toward which every individual
should aspire."
Reading was assigned Miss Ellen
Bvers, who acquitted herself creditably.
The sultject was further discused by
Charles Rutherford and Miss Matilda
Grammar was assigned A. C. Strange.
Mr. Strange believes in less grammar
and more language w'urk. He thinks
the study of grammar should be con
fined with composition and rhetoric. He
was followed by Miss Keid and E. M.
An amusing part of the program was
quotations from Oliver Wendell Holmes,
and an autibiography of the poet, by
Prof. S. W. Holmes, of Oregon City.
Prof Holmes paper was well w ritten and
conveyed much information about the
author of the "One Horse Shay."
Physiology was assigned Chaales Ruth
erford, w ho spoke at some length on the
Piof. Alex. Thoinhor. recited "Shamus
O'Brien." Prolonged applause rewarded
the professor.
The grange hall was well filled and
the patrons of the school manifested a
lively interest in the work of the asso
ciation .
The following resolution, offered by
Prof. Alex. Thomson, was unanimously
adopted: In behalf of the Teacher's
Association I desire to offer a resolution
of thanks to the people of Logan and the
members of the grange for the kind
treatment and lavish hospitality they
have accorded us today.
The association adjourned to meet at
Mark's Prairie the last Saturday in May.
An evening session was announced for
that evening at grange hall. The meet
ing was called to order at 8 o'clock.
The first on the program was a recita
tion by Robert Ginther, which was well
Little Neita Gerber gave a comic reci
tation. Mrs. E. Hawlay favoied the audience
with a lovely song.
Miss Clara Hatton recited "Kate
Shelby at the Bridge."
Miss Ellen Byers recited a pathetic
A beautiful anthem was sung by a
quartette of Logan musicians.
Next was the lecture of Prof. II. S.
Strange. lie considers the school the
great source of self-government, and
cited the fearful French revolution, and
called attention to the horrors of that
Is a strong infusion of Ilerkshire blood
iu the mix, which lists proved so nrollt-
able. The Poland-China hog will thrive
anywhere. It is black i.r black and
white in color, with small ears and a
short uoso. Its ability to lay on fat and
limko a largo carcass quickly is what
commends it especially to hog raisers
and to packers, (iood sixvimons can be
liutdo to weigh AOO pound at IS to 20
months old.
Tho Berkshire of good old English
scent is very iMpular iu tho eastern
8tntis. William Cro.ier. writing in
'How the Farm Pays," mtva he prefers
it to all others. It is it black hog, with
white feet, it white splash on the face
and white on the end of its tail. It has
a short, crooked, turned up nose, which
Through Trains Without Traixfer.
Travellers must not forget that the. ().
K. A N. line Is thoroughly repaired and
all trains am running without transfer
or delay. Through service, to Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago;
Pullman sleepers, free. reHlnlng chair
cars, upnolslered tourist sleepers and
modem day coaches. Call on O. It. A
N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or
address v . . llurllinrt, lien I Passen
ger Agent. Portland, Oregon.
Wedding stationery, tho latest stylea
and finest assortment ever brought lo
Oregon City at the Kntkui'hihk olllco.
A dollar saved is eouill to two dollars
earned. Pay up your suhsciption to the
KmkiiI'HIsk Hint get tint the benefit of
tiui reduction in price.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at tho Entkiii-hisk of
fice, Portland prices.
I Was No (iood on Earth."
ia. . ...... .j. i
w .
do most thorough work. I can speak
eseeiiillv well of my buys, who, with few
exceptions ure doing hard work. Of my
girls as a class I cannot speak so highly,
but Piany of them are doing excellent
work. We have organized a literary
society in the school arid so far the work
lias been good. A system of gradation
adapted to the needi of the school has
been prepared and in our classification
we are following it as ctosely as possihle.
is its most marked feature. Tho Ilerk
shire makes a largo proportion of b an
meat, which suits the taste of the pres
ent day exactly. This breed has very
small cars pointed forward. Berkshire
hams nre especially choice; so is the ba
con. While not so heavy as tho Poland
China, tho Berkshire matures very early.
Crosier tells ns he has had hogs of this
breed weigh, when dressed, 230 pounds
at 8 mouths olL
A breed of large hogs which lately is
crowding the Poiand-Chluii rather close
ly is tho red brown Dnroc-Jorsey. The
specimen in the illustration weighed,
when full grown, 1)00 pounds as much
t'1 " " ' .. . vV
f l - .
The system will lie left in the school w ith
the hone that suceeedir: teachers will . a" !iol Jersey cows do.
adhere to it An entertainment is being I . t0 l;'""-v ?'TH u ',rml "f
gotten up by the voting people of the ,:a" ?u l,r,,!w' N"w J"7-
money to net a Hag for the school. This
entertainment will be given in three
weeks and the flag will lie secured im
mediately afterwards. Hence we hope
by the end of this term to see "Old '
Glory" waving over the Mink school as I
.1 1IL. .
it Hoouni imj over every sciiool in Hie v. -Z.
connty. Our night class in hook-keep- rto. Hl-Pi t:oi'-jF.f.y,i;v- no.Mi.
ing are doing well ar.d we hope to ac- Saratoga county, N. Y., another breed j
complish qui'e a good deal before the of largo hogs, somewhat finer in b.ue
end of the term. A. C. Stbangk. and carcass than the Jersey Reds, w-a
also produced for many years. The j
ver Glre I'p. I crossing of these two breed gave wh:it I
If you suffer with asthma, bronchitis ' known as the Puroc-Jersey hog.
or any other disease of the throat or U h,a laMy b,!C,,," l"Plr iu the
. ,i- . northwest. Tl.e true Duroc-Jcn.ey h.;.
lungs, nothing can surprise you more , i ,.,.:..,. . . . , . ,
.... , - . . .. Jw"is "!'miuk rail, a :iy ioiiu, uwu
than the rapid improvement that wilt btsly, immense jowl and a cou.parativf;.
follow the use of Santa Abie. If you are ly small head. Tho tail is thick and
troubled with catarrh, and have tried hairy, the color varying from deep
other medicine", you w ill be unable to cherry red to yellowish red and brown,
express your amazement at the marve- i The darker the red color the more the
lous and instantaneous curative powers ! hog is ,iz''f, V h"''1
of California Cat-R Cure. Tnese rem-1 ,. T!?0 Dnr0R-J!'y i" P"fI the har
,,., ,, i , ' diest swmo in existence. It is said never
edies are not secret compounds, but i . . , ,
, , . to bave mange. It seems capablu of
natural products of California Sold at growing as long as it lives. Pigs at P
1 a package; three at $2.00, and guar- months old dress at from 200 to 300
anteedbyC. G. Huntley. Trial bottle
50 cents.
Dr. Miles' Nervine st rongtliens
tlio weak, builds up tho broken
down constitution, and permanently
cures every kind of nervous disease.
with Hrreuimiieao, aeeiilemanraa,
Vrrrfiing mentation it tnv lrg,
Might putiititlon of mu ItKart,
IHatmeting roti'wWon mfthf wind,
tirriou turn of lap of wtemors;.
ftrllhtrj down with rure unit
triirrv. I completely loot aiietit
And felt my rltalitu trenrina out,
I team trrak, irritable and tired,
Mv might trmt reduced to too Ibm.,
In fact I teat no good, on earth.
A frltmu brought
mn Dr. Miles' iNNik,
"New nd HturU
llug PacU," and
I tliiiilly declilixl
to try boltla of
I Hi. Milks' lie
oratlro NcrTlnn.
l4fore I had Uken
ona bottle I could
sleep u well aa a
10-yr.-old bey. fily
ftppeltU) returned
gnntly tiii-na-ud.
II hen hail taken the itUth bottle
Jly freight increamed to 170 b..
The tenmation in my legm trait gone;
Jtlg nerrra mteadied rotnpletelut
Jig memory trat fully rrntored.
My brain teemed clearer than err r.
I felt aa good aaany man on iartlt,
Mir. 31 ilea' Keatoratir eri ine it
A great medicine, I nature you."
Augusta. Mo. Wai.tkh It. Hchhank.
Dr. MIIm' Nrtne Is sold on a prwttlv
riiarftnu- that tne Hr-t lunils will tM-n.-ltu
All (tninnlsta sell it i 11,8 txiitl.n furij. or
It will l-nt, pn-panl, on rueeint of prlco
by Uie Dr. Mlkm UeUlcai Co., tlklmrt, lad.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
HIirrllTi Nutir of Paliiim fur'pbwiir,
In the Clreult Cuiirt e( t It a Hum ol Oriaiiu, tr
lh County n( Clm'ksinm.
Tiimmii O't'uiiuiir. e.nhililt, . Saittml Krlri
m, Ciuiitino Krli kiui iiikI Tliuuim Kliliii-
lllOll, ilvlullilOit.
Himo of (irviiiiii, County o l'lckiii. an.
Notlee li lirri'l.y ilvim tlml liy virtue ul mi
eii'i'iitlini mnl onler ut milo tumii'il nut nf llm
olrimli rou ti ol in HUttt ot (irnitou lor llm
Coiiiily nl I lui kninni, luarlii itma llm I "III ilay
ot April, iwu, in (lilt wlmrii li lnuina. ( l i oii
lior plKiniiir, ami Hiimun Kriiuann, t arn
lino Kili'k un nl I Iniinaa Kliliiiihain woru tin.
toliitittiu, CiillllliaiiillllK mu, ill III j IIUII10 ul t la if
Statu hi (Iran hi, Hi it nut in iho rul ratnla livr
Inatlnr ilo.nnU.i, in ri'Hlm a nun ultli'itmt In
all y Hi i iloinamla olaaiil Uooioo. to w II, Iihi,
nui.ihi.r Willi liiiarvaiiin tliaaainailni' Jniiiiaiy
IJ Ii, kh7, al iwr cant, par aiiliuin, ami Uu III
0t ol ami aiUmliiiK una mIi',
Now, therolorti, In nttpil lenee to iieli iloemo, 1
(Hit nil llm '.'I ill ilny nl Airll, nW, duly law
upon, ami will, on Hiitunlaj. llm: III day ol
Mav, si, t th hour ol on oVInek I'. M. ol
Sundny SorvlcoB.
HT. I'Atil.'H CIH Ilril - Cpnu'opnl - Kny.
laaan liitwanii, KiM'tor. Hoi vlena mil n'dlonk .
in. ami ' mi p in, I'rayur aervlea gvory Wad
lisailay tivtilllliK.
Kllthf ('IINllKKllAllllNAt, Cllt'ltdll.
Ilov. J. W.IIohaii I'anlnr. Horylova at low) a.m.
ami S oil r. M. Hiiinlay Mcliiiol afn-r mornlna
orrlca. I'lAynr uirvilm W mlnoailay avonlni at
uOo.oloi'k. I'rayor iiiokIIiis nl Yoiiiia 1'iiiW a
SnelKty ol I'lirNllan Kiideavnr uvriy Nnuilaf
tveniiii t 7.1k iiraiiipt,
Kiiisr HAHiisr t'lii'itrii. iiav. m I.
Kino, I'aalor Mornliii Norvlex al II: Sunday
MkIiihiUi IMii; Kvonlna Hervli'v dim, Kruiiiar
tirnyor inrillnK Vi'ilinilay evt-nhiK, Moiuhiy
t.iiviMiaui itneiiiiK vvory vti
iroenitlna ttio rlral Niimlay
annual invitation to an.
n filnraiiay evoiiloa
In thu liiontli, A
HT. KlIINM lllt'ltCllfAl ll()l,l(!.-Hv. A
II n.l mourn., I'aa.or. on Sn inlay maaa al and
In mi a. a. K.vxry reoinl ami lonrili Sunday
! iiorinaii arruioti anur hip a o oioea maaa
n , , ., , : , , ., ' Al nil Ollil'r lliaaara r.llH lan "I'rinoi a, niimlay
alii ilay, al Ilia (root tloor nl llm eonri : ui ,, u v-.....,. .....i ..
Srliool al l .10 c m. Vtinpnra, anl.,clli'
aiioirt'ii, aim noufmiiaioii at 7 iai r. m.
MKTIIol'IHT KI'Hi'lil'AI, CllfltCII -Kay
(1. Hvakh, I'aator. MoruliiR aurvli'M at II;
Suii'lay Hi liool at in no I I a iiioailiiK altnr
iiiornltni vorvlio. KviMiluir apM-li'i- at 7 ml.
Kpwortli l.raKUi mi'iMltiM Humlay pvoiilnif at
il ) I'rnviT Mi'i-iliii I liurailay nvtulii al i ;nj.
tranxora rorillallv InvkiMl.
KIIIHT I'HKMIIY TKIIIAN I'llt lll ll -!(. 3,
W', MuiiiHiiiiii.ry, I'aniur, Horviri-a al II a M. and
7 : r. M Hal, I, all, H.'liool at III A. M. Volllif
IVoplii'a SooiiMy of Ctirlatlaii Kmlravor mni-ta
svory Siiinluy wi-nlng al (1 Ml W ciliioaUar
oveulna pravor luonllnii at 7 Heala Irro.
KVAMlM.ICAI.rlll'ltl'll - (IKHMAN - II, t.
MVCHa, I'aalnr I'lrarlllllK acrvlfl-a Itvvrv
I..II..I ..III 1,1 II. I UkOiih miiinlv ""'OMV at II A M Alhl 7 .al V. M.
tir,N.,l,l...Mil Ijf,. I.Hivi,, ,i,u i,il,.r ol I ? 1 1 ' ' " ' V" ' 1 ' v ' r.? "'' ' 1 '".
II. , II... I. .. .., , I ... i- ... a I I'"'". Hllpl 1 W
Iioiiii lii aald ciiiinty, nltur lor aalo at pithllo
Ain-ilon, ami 1011 lo Ilio lilulii'al ami heat ttlttilor.
lor man In liainl, all nl tliv rialil, tltln ami lulnr
eat iliv aalil ili'lfiulaiit, hafu In ami lo ilia no
lomiiK ,lr o io. .1 roil pio:rly, town: Iho
S'Oitli tiaii ol thu -,initltviita iphiitar i, htiotl u
Uln lowii'lilp I s mill o. l;iSKn.t ol
liniii'lti' Mori, linn, altual 1 1 Iu C'.ai'kainaa mini.
I , or -boo.
buti'il Uila Mli day of April, A I ttiS.
K. r. MAlilim K.
MliorllTiil ( lai-liamai roiinly, Stam nl or, ,,.
HI II. M MOOIlV, lU'CUIV. 4 J,-,,, .'1
No I if I
.ll vniotf ,, no ortl'r ami liu.-ii ol aa ituy '
W alla,B ami Van Hurl, inimira, I will aull al
.Mililii, ail tlou to llia lil. li. al l,i, l.,r l,,r oa.li In
ian,l mi Haliinlio , ilia a it.iv ,, .Inn,,. p, i,v al
thu ii-Mir m mtu o VI.M-a I'. M o aai l ilay. at tlio
rolltl h Miao ili,.,r In tlruaj.ui tMy, tin ImlowlnK
ituarrltHl rt-al oatalu ImiiiO, to a., minora,
lo-wu Au ii nlli iilvil on,, h , ol iho iiiliooiiiir
il-anrllwl pruniUoa, alltlalail III lliu ciiinly ol
t'liirArtinaa ami siata in tirvMon, ii) wit: Com.
inaiii'liiaj 1 rliallia ami h ami .' M i ll Una u,
roin ilia i,,rmr lo a.i-in.iia II. u. l,i ami II.
1,,1.1H, j aniilli, r,nwi 1 raal nl Ilia 111 unoUu , ,,r
I Hoy.
llii'ina a,nitii mini. l: miii. woal Hal rhaiii
liiaui-a mtrili ,11 i-liiua : tlioiira vtat 'Jl lu onalna
iiii'iii'a niiin .11 , n una m ma p,a,,,i iaiiiiiiiii( i i,, ,UI,IM4
rtnrii .-.I. inu Hilar, n,.
II. E. t l OSS, Ally tor tiiiarillan. t l i 17
Haiti. SlIOl I Wvi'klv
vvory Wiiititi'aday avmilng
t'Ml KH llllKl llllliN IS CIIKIS1... 'rae:i,
IliK evory a ml ami f,urt)i ntimUv ot f ai'h
in,, nili, al II no m ami 7 .in , in.-". 11. tic
Lain, l'a.i,,r Hnmliiy ai'liiM,! al III a, m. at
iirt-aolirlly Kliat auuil.ty al halnaoii artiiMtl
limiao, Molnlla. 'I till, I snmlay. M.iuiiinlii llnma
II a, ni ; HuilH'r iirovi', 4 I' in - Mlaa ila
lirooii. Niipcrliiti'mlfiil Niimia) ai-lionl, I'rayur
llloollinn-vrtry Wiollirailay t'volllng.
KV ANtiKI.lt "A I. l.miKllAN I'lll'lll'll-I..
riiian airvnr,a i-vcry Humlay
al II n rlni'k A M. hmrliali ai rvli'i-a al 7 ii I'
I i llm I'lr mi conn ol Hi t'ulli il siatoa lor III
IM-lrlrl ol iirvnoii.
Norilmrn t'ouiillut Invrattmuil Trual l.lmltnil,
M Suihlay ai h.Hil al u o elork A M Ijx'-
Hull Hti.rt rnntn nrtt door to liakory In Hlilva.
ir iter nf nnvmitli am .Minllaoii
Nolli't) of Aiioiinnriit tit KlrrulrU,
Nntti ' la In-ri-liy arlvon. lint the tiinltralanft
i haa Ih-iui nMiiiitil liy tlio rouuly roiirt of
l l'l-i k ii ma a i ,,ii lily , llrrv'ii , i-l itrlx ol tin, Uat
I HllUml Iraloim- I ol K II M, !',, l, , In i-a.r.l
I AU niTaolia tiavllnr rlallua aaalliat lliu uatato of
iltililalnnlit. Va. harati M. Mrl'owu. r'.oniia llir al,l . n. .Mrl'oHii. ,lri-oa,.,l. art, lioroltv
Mi'lo ial. I, I. T. Ill'-kiuaii ami Mamla 1 1 ir A ot I n ... I, , i.r.-.n I thn aaiun ilulv -rlSi-i lor
lirill. Ii f-MliLillla. I l"-i) liii-nl In llir mi, li-raltftM-.l, or nl Itio nftlra" nf
tllli'K IS IIKKKHY tllVKN THAT I't'lt ' ' liroMin ll urrami l II). Drran ., ulllilti
ana it to a ilui'nw rn l-r.-1 In ih . ab ivo.u "'" "'"'
lilU.I lout ami iau- Aorll li., Iva'i ,i u uli-r- ' . h"ii M. Mil . Ktm-nlrli.
oil v,l , on lh Flll.i I HA V III Jl SK. Im,. oti'C'iii lly,or,.n , Vprll 17 v.
i . nrow on, ,u y mr r.xro A. ,1- IV. i 17
at in ' n mr ot I lii., ii k r M , at His iloor ol
Ilio l , ,11111) Court Ho, mo i, rini'kainaa r ly,
li'i lion, in llrt xon Illy, aalil l oiinly ami H .nla.
' ffor tor U. ni ,uh ir aiii-Hoii to llm lit h.oi
linl .ur lor i ali in t'liliml Hia'ia iroM , ,,,n, a i ,,
lrn rik llt, tl Or ami llil,.i,.t ha, I n l lio , I i.y III
lulili.lanl, htall M M, low, i, ,n lUu '.'Till ilay:
o: M irrh. i uviii r k uli a, I l llo mnl int..r
t'ai ha I hy h r ami Hi olhur ,:olo,,,Un:a liamln
al liny ilalr aoliai,i..,il tlturoto lu all I to tola:
otii., Iw.i, ihr. i-mi l tour in Min-k onti hit'iilrrtl
mnl o ir o I iir.'itoo Cilv. tiri'iion, h-oi, mr to
til" n a' on 'a,,, ,1 in li it tiitep ol ih.. It , r lio !
nl li .ii in c-a a a rniu.t , iir..',,ii, ih
A I'M IMn 1 1: .. I II H A I K
, Are Von lining Kat?
If so, it will pay you to write to A. C.
Sheldon, general agent of the "Burling
ton Route," 250 Washington street,
Portland. He will mail you free of
charge, maps, time tables, and advise
you as to the through rates to any point,
reserve sleeping car accommodations
for you, and furnish you with through
tickets via either the Northern, Union,
Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great
. . - " - - . ' a-
The breed when full
Vrii..,n roii.ia ... ,i. i........ ! averages 400 to (100 pounds iu weight.
1 , Ita rlmnnuitlnn lu fri,ntl,i u.irl .,,,,1
the enrcass is a favorite with packers on
rates obtainable.
The Burlington route is generally con
ceded to be the finest equipped railroad
in the world for all classes of travel.
A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick
account of its great size,
Tho Essex is agreed on as tho best so
called "sty pig" of any. The breed Is
English. At maturity this hog weighs
from 400 to 500 pounds. Ho cornea the
with bihouB colic when M. C . TiHler, a ; nearest to being ull body and no legs of
a prominent merchant of the town gave : any pig extant. For slaughtering and
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, r"ati'itf the young pig state the Es
Cbolera and Diarrhoea remedv. Hesava WJX iH Huporior to all tho rest; iiIho for
she was well in forty minutes after taking
the first dose. For sale by G. A. Hard-
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All 5heep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
5cat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiify.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Ccast well
tTop rti ui i,u allium, i li.,, h, inn it, i,
t iarh'.llt a a ,-l nla -,.t II v roll. Ill,, -all aal"
vr.u i- in i ',.r tlnj i.iiroii e t, raaha nir th
.inn o J;i..vi To, .li.i"i.. il to laa.iua ir,,io iha ,1.
lamUnt, n ,r II M M, C iwu, ! n ,i,la i, a I, I. -author
a nh iui.opil lovrtiini at Hi .. la ol In hi
tHiroaiie. imran u u ,r,iu Aero u, lv.,1. all my.
au. In Cull, t t,u,.a ai.J r.nii, an, ln urllirr
lino i.J.k1), b ro.ta no i il. iir,uiitoiit n
rouii!tili,aiu ah i that aoi-ruiiiK r t no. I vl
laiuaiiai, aa, 'I II ' ailil aal will vina.lv allb-
Ji-cu to r.K inptlou n I .ill,),.. t., ,li , con II in i
I on ol ilm a, torn cot I -) i-nu t.
M a'a-rlll C aiiiw. I , III I Hllj , wilva
.VII .V il i ir.-iiu C out ,ur li , ot.tn t ol Unifo '
Notli'i. la tia-rt-l.v lln , lliat MnrUtla I'ratl,
, hill- l.ti.trU nl tin- tatalonl Jamil I' Mlll.T,
ilrri'nat-,1, will. I' ni-ronta ro ultli a' or-lor,
til -a. la- oil tin- IMIl ! n ,,( A I-r 1 1 M,, hy (tin lio .
I h'li K. Ha )-', J in Uii of I ho I on ly Curt ol
till aliili. ol In,. o , (o (ho roll. y o llaoka
loaa, a-ll nl ,rlitlo a -a I a. In, in a l after ttitt .nth
ilavnl M iy. I'll., all i. tho (ollnwl a iloai rllnd
rral oalalr, allnali',1 I , Clai'li aitiua r,,, Iv.tlri-
a,l,llno: All ol lota aa-io . (71 a i ol u hi "i lu hlia lt
lo ,1) flKllI l.'Hi I UiiMoW nl MIU lllklT, I I
aal.l eon ,ty a il aUlo, o llm Inllotal trrma
Konr hiiii,ln', . 1 1, ij ilollaia raah. tin. halaiiiv
wllhln inn. voar aar-iiri-,1 ly uiortaaao n aaul
iiro,rrty. K.,r lurtlior I lorinnti.i . I outre) al
llir oltlrv ol Millor ,t lllllor, atmr rya, I'orila d
Sai l ga lira k lil( . I'nrtl ., il. Iiroaoii
Mai:iri I'aarr, Ailm'a
ol tlio i-.t.itool J '. Mlllor iloo'd.
Haled April in. Ivj 4 -IK fr-17
Of tho
Kxjirens Trains loave I'ort liunl Hailv.
11 I. '1 r.V.'
7 in r. a.
in 4'iA.M
I'orlUnd Ar
OrviroiiClty l.v
S. Kralli'laon l,r
lilNINd OA Its OS OliliK.N HOL'TK
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second-Class Sleeping Cars
Altaolicil in all thnniKh tralua
KOHKIII'ltll MAIL Mially,
pmioiit aiiawir and an hooaal oniioiai, wrila to
M I N A I t,., who ha had ntaarlrntl, ,auV
ritMirlrtlii In Hi. IMitnilt tiualnoaa. ronimutili-aa
lion, trl.'tlr raiiiflitaimal. A llaadhoala ul Irw
forniallon miimruina l'lrnta anil Iiow lo ob
tain tliiwn mmt frava. AImi a ralaliajua tr! tuaKhau
kal anil ta-lnntino tMmk. ca.nl frtan.
ratmit. tnanli lliniuali Minin A To. raoalv
apm-ial iioiii-oiii Hi. atrlrnllllr A mrrli an, anil
lima ara tiroualit onial, bafoni th. nut, 110 with.
OUt Coat to Iha Itlvaidtor Thia at.lMixli
."'AM laaurxl arorklr. almaul 1 1 lllnalrala.il haj, I
7 III A.M. 1 lariroal rirritlallou ol any at'innlino woi
7 lal a. y I Horhl. a) ; , h.i,o,ln r,,,,,,, aatit Irtat.
..iiiuoia r.,niiiHi. miiiiiiiiy, a.'.wa yrar. ronffl
roiilaia, 'J.) canila. Kvarf nunitar tanilalral tMiau
ti rul plain., in txilora. ami iilioioarrapha of oi r
liouaoa. atllh plana, anal, line liullalnra to .how Ih.
aainat itnalana anil afn-ur. ititrBi'ta. AihlriHU)
MUNN 4 Co. Hiw t'oiiK. atit BuoauwaT.
t :ioa. n.
9 :il a. m.
s .'iO r. .
I'orllanil Ar
OriiKoiiClijr 1,
loNitniri( l.v
I 4 an r. a
:i .nr. a
I 7 )A. M
hi. apliMKlliI napair.
rala.il. baa l,y far tli.
imitirio work In Ui
Meat. Sul. Iliviaton.
Mail TrHlin Dally (Klcopt Hilinlav.)
1 I " l.v "' I'ortUnd " Ar" T i-Mf.i
i: l.',. vt. I Ar Corvalll. l.v 1 li r M
At Albany ami T'orvallla nonni.ot with Irnllit
ol Oroifon ami I'ai'lflo llallrnad.
Kzprnaa Train Dallv fKxrciit Sunday)
i .40 p. M.
" j:r. at.
I'ortlaml Ar
Mi'Mliuivlllo Lv
I 6. Ml A.
Can ho nhtniuod al lowost r 11 tea Irom I. II
Monro, AK'iit. On-Kiin City,
li koKIII.KIt, K. I'. HOUKKH.
Manaiter. Aaa'l (I. K. slid A(nt
J.ivory, Ktfd mnl SulpStithle
Doubln and Sinlo IlijiH, and mnl
tlio liorms nlways on Imnil nt tht
lowest prices. A corrnll conncted
with tlio burn for loimo Htock.
Information reiftt nliiikT any kind or
stock promptly attoiulod to hy pt-rson ol
horses Bought and Sold.
llortoB lioatih'd ami Foil on mason
shle lorms.
DnlTy & llcckart
XI10 JlHlCpOlKlOIlt. Scial (vtroin moving HotischoM
noons nun rinnoH.
inif, druggist.
J. A. Itiidiardson. of Jelforson fliiv.
- - j .
Mo., Chief Knrollitig.force 38th Kenoral
assemhly of Missouri, writes: I wish to
testify to the merits of One Minute Cough
Cure. When other so-called cures failed
I obtained almost instant relief and a
speedy cure by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. C. i. Huntley, druggist.
The Oregon City Steam Laundry does
the cleanest and best work to be had in
Oregon City. Their prices are the
making choicu hum and tacon for homo
use. Tho color is black without any
white ut all. Tho cars at lir.t stand up,
hut droop as the animal f,'ids older. The
carcass is "lony, broad, straight and
deep." The Ki-sex is a fine grained,
email boned hog. It is valuable, there
fore, toerifrs with larger, coarser grained
breeds. Berkshire mid K-m x cross Well
together. i.'or pi r.-uns who raise only
three or four pigs nt u time and ,V.d
them in i, pen no breed is bettor than
tho Essex.
One cause of tho viciousness of the
mustang is the bad temper of his moth
er, the Indian maro pony. Tho stullion
of the Indian pony breed is good ua-tured.
a jt
A Itcllit-loiia .llci-nry iiikI I'linillj
I'll, ion, niilnntl,, mil, iinhlnNoil anil Itn pitrtlttl. A
mpor lorolorKynit'ii. aelmlara, toHi hora,
InialiicHa moil ami lanillloa. It illi
COHHi-a ovof y toplo ol tho ilny rt
llali.ua, llifuluKlcHl. pollilcal,
moral y.aoolal, artlalio and
acivnlino It., contrib
ute, 1 artlclt-a are hy
the ninrit otnlnoiil
wrllura ol thu
It fmploya apor-lallnta and dlatltntnlahnit
wrltora nauilltora ol Ita twenty-one Doparlinoiita,
aa lollovva:
LltvrHtiirn, Hrlonrto, Moilo,
Finn Arta, Hittiltnry, Mlaalniia,
Ki-HkIou. Inlolllufiico,
lllhlloHl KonoHn h,
School anil ;ii11ck,
Hilllorliil, Npw of tho wnt'k,
Mlnlmnrul Ki'idalpr,
KltiMiiclnl. Insurance
Olil unit youiiK, I'olihlca,
Kurin anil lOtnlun,
, . O1I1I Kiiotn.
A paiior iinrlloualftrly titled for lnivyora iloe
tora, olorirytuon, tlioas eoKaKtid In InihlncMa,
yoiinn pi oplo ol hoth auxoa, 1110 11 and womou
wlio ruuil anil tlilnlt 'mr thpniaolvda.
A pwr oa'olaliy valuahlo lor tliono Inter
CNti d in 'iai art., wnlPnrn, MiikIo.
A iiipor ((IvIiik viilinihlii luliiriiiiitloii upon
Flnnuoo, !.!( IiiiilriiiK'... ('ninnii.ri'u
a papar lor Biiniliiy Hi'liool Wnrka, tlmao who
have a Krm, "anion or Hoiihu riar.la.
A paper lor tlio family, ohl and youinc.
It yenrly milmorlpttim la :i.uo, or nt that rale
for nny part ol a year.
Clulnoflve, tl.on, ench .
Spcolment Coplea Free.
(TrAT:kAMASi.6i)(iKrNo7 ri,Au.uw
Meela tlrnt and third Monday In eaoh monlh,
at Htralirht'a Hall. Vlaltliig brotlmrn wolrome.
C. K.l'KAas H, ouo a.
Kcc. u. W.
I'rotiijit work
Lenvc onlcrH at
Reasonable cluirgOH.
.v miascirs.
Portland Cowlitz
Kivnr Kontn, via.
JoHcph Kellogg TruiiH. Co.
STIt. JOSKPH KKLL0G(i lcav08
ICelso Monday, Wt'diipmlny an'
Friilay, ut (J A. M. Leaves Port-
land, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 7 A. M.
land Monday, Wednesday and
Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow
litz river pointH, returning tho
following days.
Thin in tho only direct routo to
reach all Cowlitz river pointH.
WM. R. HOLM AN, Agent.
Taylor .Street Dock, Portland, Or.
Munta tho 2d and Ith Frhlaya of oach mouth
BtKPIIiilUmil' M.
W. H Cram, Oko, R. Wii.biiart,
Uilof llHiiKor, Itooonlliiii 8eo.
Huh. Chief Rangor. Financial 800.