Oregon City Enterprise. CIKCl'lT ( 01 KT IS SKSMON. FKUUY, MAY S, ISiW. ORKGON CITY OFF10KK8 Mitf-nr, Econnler, Chlof of Police - T"rtnrtr, City Mtnrnv. BtnxH Commllonr, Piip'r. of 'iw Works, City Knliier. Oqliiicilmni If, C. 8teven J. j. Coo. Hen). .(irirr. H'.rura StrnlRtil l. 1.. rotter Cases Disposed of Sine the Lust sue of The Futcrpiise. Is. State ot Oregon vs. Henry Holloway, U. W. Swoe for defendant; on motion r. K. Hurii ' I ,i;..i, ,,...... .1: : 1 1 K 61 Cultlt ' biiwi itj Hum uiniuipci'u, ami L Porter, Heury MeMruia, J oeil m r hull. W. II How.'ll IV Ktnnnml fa. Hniiirfiton. Mark Howell, L. w. Motrmt. iiindl mevudnt ft"euiuda of each month rarity SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Itriiik Japoolo Tea, 45 cnt per pound, .Marr & Robertson. mans is at Clackamas, but the defendant la at present employed in t!o atato In sane asylum. They have been married nine yearn, and the allii;oH infidelity on the part of tlie husband The court will probably adjourn to morrow until June 3rd. OKKIiON CITY YKTOTIOIS. Slate Touchers' Assurlutleii To Meet With the 'lmiitaiiuaii Wood vantd at once this otlice. ;j0 to Wilson A Cooke for Oliver plow-extras. County ami city warrants wanted by the Commercial bank. Gracie Green will speak at Shively's liall Friday m'uht, May 3. Money to loan on good real estate security bv A. S. Presser. If you want a sewing machine for $25 ro to IWIlomy A Rnseh's. Sadie M. White will sing one ot her latest solos at Shively's Friday night. A splendid selection of men's.'ladies' and children's tan shoes at Charnmn & Sou's. Choice sujar cured ham9 at 10 cents and bacon at 9 cents uer pound at Al brijjht'g. W. 1'. Hawicy, of Oregon City, lias been granted a patent for a condensing apparatus Mrs Jarley's wax works at the olla polrida entertainment at the Congre ssional church. Ladies' and children's shirt waists, bet quality, and at very low prices at the Kacket store. bunt fail to here Mr. Askin, one of I'urtland's favorite tenor singers, at Knively's on Friday evening. Highest cash price paid for second hand goods of all kinds at second hand store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th st. De Witt's Witch Hazel Saive cures ecaldg, burns, indolent sores and never fails to cure piles. C. G. Huntley, drug gist. "Have you ever heard 'Whistling John?'" If not, you should go to the Presbyterian church next Thursday evening. A. W. Howard, of the Oregon City Excelsior works, is loading a car of the product for a Roseburg lurniture estab listment. H. W. Jackson, the machinist and bi cycle repairer, has removed his shop to the building on Sixth street, adjoining the Depot ho'el. Assessor J. C. Bradley caught the first spoon-honk Chinook salmon of the season last Saturday at the falls. Its weight was five pounds. Louis Nobel bad a part of his right toe amputated Monday, on account of an abnormal growth of that member, and now uses cm1 dies RJ ,li.1,,n" on ,ne sifoml charge of stealing seven K. F. lrl , , .... C. HuNwk, Jr. "ens, ne Whs sentenced to tlie county jail L'A days and to pay costs of this ac tion. Paniel F. Trullinger vg Juliet F. Trul- linger, divorce, Krowiudl for plaintiff I f I'M). The and H. K. Cross for defendant; taken I hereafter as under advisement by the court. Lois M. Seiterdict vs M. Hosford, W. H. Dobyns for plaintiff and W. L. I Nutting for defendant ; verdict for plain j till' and $51.83 costs. Melvina (Judger vs Kva T. tiiidger; divorce, K. Nixon foi plaintiff; decree for plaiutiif and custody of minor child, Heat rice Orphelm, and permission to re sume tier maided name Mclvina Nichols. Charman A Son vs P. A. Murquam, to recover money ; H. K. Cross for plaiu tiif and lieome C. Brownell for defend ant. R. L. Sabin vs Hamilton Bros.. T. (5. tireene for plaintiff and C. H. Ove for defendants; given further time in which to file answer. Frederic Frederici vs Oregon Iron & Steel Company; dismissed on motion of plaintiffs attorney, C. M . Idleman. J. P. 1-evy vs Hathazer, et al, W. Ca rey Johnson for plaintiff: to recover money, decree. Charman A Son vs P. A. Marquam and George D. Csrdew, execution ordered. Levi Robbius and Son vs John Ar. quoit, et al ; set for trial Mondav, June 3rd. J. F. Anderson vs Portland Flouring Mills Company ; set for trial June 3rd, T. R. Worthington, et al vs Henry Thessing; set for trial June 5th. Alex Sweek vs Marion Johnson, et al; set for trial June Gth. James Humphrey vs A. M. Shibley; set for trial June 0th. D. M. Osborne vs 0. F for trial June 7th. James Abraham vs set for June 8th. F.rfie Jones vs R June 11th. H. S. Stevens vs Silas set for June ll'th. State of Oregon vs W. A. Scoggan, ar son ; George C. Brownell and George 0. Rinearson for defendant; verdict of not guiltj. H. E. Cross vs Kasper Tscharnig and H. W. Ross; amended complaint and amended answer allowed. Oregon City vs. East Side Railway Company; E. F. Drigg and L. L. Porter for plaintiff, and Fred V. Hoi man and Cleland A Cleland for defendants: taken under advisement. W T & L Company vs Anna M. Dra per, et al ; referred to Charles E. Run yan to take testimony. J. T. Apperson vs W.T. Bumey, et al ; H. E. Cross for plaintiff and W. T. Bur ney for himself ; decree for plaintiff for f 2, 492. 62 with interest and costs. COIBT NOTES. Prindle, who was sentenced to the countv The Mcchunlei' Mill. C. C. Bobbins and T. S. Lawrence have purchased the Oregon City Poor conferring with the Chautauqua Assocla (ion In regard to a joint meeting of the Oregon City has reason to congratulate herself and wake up to her oppoitunitica. On Tuesday of this week State Superin tendent Irwin and President Chapman, of the State University, were in the city and Sash factory from the assignee. C 0. T. Williams, for the consideration of institution will Ih known "The Mechanic' Mill." They are now running a foico of live two UMsociatloua at Gladstone Paik, July 10-'JO. This decision was not reached hastily or without due consideration. A committee bom the Chautauqua tlrst men, and manufacturing sash ami doors presented the matter at tlie Teachers of every style, mouldings, turning, and , Convention at Portland last winter and mill work of all kinds. Mr. Robbins has I iho auirgesllon w as received with favor. MUST BE CLOSED OUT In order to niiiko room fur. a largo stork of Gents' Furnishing Goods' BOSTON STORE The etitiro ntock of dry Kodn ut the WILL BE SOLD OUT AT AUCTION COMMENCING SAT., APRIL 0, AT I P. M. EVERY THINC MUST CO. MOODY St RINERRSON. been foreman of the Oregon City poor and Sash factory for some time past, while Mr. Lawrence has leen boss car penter. Both gentlemen ae well and fa vorably known to the citizens of Oregon City, and Mr. Robbins is almost an old resident, having been here for It! years. Itut other places were in the race, nota bly Hood River, Yaquiim Bavand (iear hart. At one time the case seemed lost but upon discovering theeimrgetic action of the Chaiitaiiquans in marshalling an array of talent surpassing unythiiig ever ladore attempted in Oregon, the subject 1 hey will no doubt succeed in building up i came up again for consideration. One a flourishing business, as they already ! tremendous factor in favor of tiladsiono have orders enough on their books to keep them busy for 30 days. They have orders for mill work for three cot lanes to be constructed by II. L Kelly, and a dwelling for Frank Fosburg at Bolton. John T. Myers and Clarence Swick, of Ijcv, called at the Kntkhcisisk otlice Tuesday. Mr. Swiclr is preparing to en gage extensively in the manufacture of brick, and will open one yard at 1. C, Howell's place, in Springwater, and the other one on the Epperson place, at Sandy. They state that H. C. Valentine has removed his sawmill to Mr. Myers' place, where he has facilities for making the best lumber in that section of the country. These gentlemen state that the fruit prosjiects were never better, ! and as yet there are no indications of caterpillars or other pests. B. Hendrickson, of Mount Pleasant, left a seciman of black rye at this otlice lust Tuesday that measures nearly six Park was its proximity to the centers of Hpulution and the transportation facil ities Hiirj assing those of either of the other places. Of the L'.'iOi) active teachers of the state it is estimated that nearly SOU of them will attend their annual meeting, er haps more, now that the meeting will be in connection with the Chautauqua Assembly. The teacliers here will have tlie Irt'lietil u( tlie best talant on the l'acilic coast. The question of an auditorium Is now of paiainoiiiit impoitance as the old an- diloiiiiiu would be inadequate in case of a shower. It has been suggested that this be roofed over, hut the plan that meets with most favor is that a light su icr house of capacity lo seat several thousand people on the raise overlooking the lake, to become the criimnent pro perty of the Chautauqua. The expense will not be great and the advantages are too numerous to Ih overlooked. Oregon Highest Quality Ililibard; set) Marion Johnson ; L. Jones; set for Wright, et al ; feet in length. This rye was sown last City has an opportunity to outdo anv (all and has made a splendid growth, j thing in her past history as the seat and Mr. Hendrickson pastured his chickens center of the educational forces of a great ontherya all winter and no injurious j slate. Already inquiries are coming in results were observed. He now cuts the forcamping spaces, the cyclists of the rye as required and chops it up line and state are planning for a great tournament feeds it to iiis horses, hogs anil chickens with the most favorable results. The specimen left at this office has not yet leached its full growth and the deads are not fully grown. Horace C. Meserve, infant son of Charles and Louise C. Meserve, died in this city Monday morning, April ".), of spinal meningitis. The remains were taken to Clatskanie Tuesday (or burial in the family burying grounds, accompa nied by the sorrowing parents and Misses Mary and Nora Conyers. The child was aeil G months and 2(1 days, and bad only been seriously ill for about two weeks W. T. Whitloek lias removed to bis residence on Twelfth and Jackson street and the dwelling just vacated will be oc cupied by H. T. Templeton. II. P. Bestow has several apple tree logs at his electric door, sash and wood work factory that will be worked up to Cll an order for fruit trays. Judge G. E. Hayes will convene pro bate court Monday, and county court as usual, begins tlie Wednesday following the first Mond iv in the month. The new glass front in McKittnek's shoe store gives the establishment a nobby appearance, and a ids much to the general aspect of the bank block. Elmer Vidito, a former resident of New Kra, who went to Kansas with his wifo some time ai:o, writes back that money is very scarce, and many people are in an almost starving condition. The p&siorof the Baptist church will pieach the second of his series of ser mons on "timely topics," on Sunday evening, on the subject of the Christian Sabbath Saturday or Sunday which? Bellomy & Busch have received a lirge invoice of American crockery that is equal toehinaware in appearance. Ornamented with gold bands and fanci fully decorated. Sold very cheap. Professor Werschkul, formerly of Chi cago, but now of Portland, Or., enjoys a wide and favorable reputation as con tributor to music periodicals, author of educational works, and composer. "Lift Your Glad Voices" will be sung by his cla-s next Thur-day evening in the Presbyterian church. An interesting marriage ceremony took placi at the Congregational parson age at Hood View, April 2Sth, Kev. J. M. Barber officiating. The contract ing parties wee Miss Ida Fisher and Chsuneey I. Calkins, Miss Fisher is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (J. B. Fisher, and the groom is the son of one of the pioneers of Pleasant Hill precinct, and a moat estimable young gentleman. The young couple are spending a short hon eymoon at Woodburn, visiting relatives of Mr. Calking. M. F one year s imprisonment in jail for indecent exposure, was exam ined as to his sanity before County Judge Hayes, and was pronounced of unsound mind. He was taken to the state insane asylum by Sheriff Maddock last Friday. Young Prindle was raised in this county and formerly liyed at Stafford. He has always borne a good reputation, and it is unfortunate that his mind is affected. His parents iive in this city and are estimable people. Considerable time was taken up Tues day with the esse ol W. A. Scoggan, charged with setting fire to his barber shop on Main street w ith malicious in tent. There was no direct testimony to show that he had set fire to the building, and besides he was very much intoxica ted at the time. There was a disposi tion on the part of some persons to send Scroggan to the penitentiary, if possible. His attorneys were George C. Brownell andG. G. Rinearson, and the former made an eloquent plea in his defense be fore the jury. Scroggan has an excellent family, and he was fortunate is escaping a probable seven years sentence in the Oregon penitentiary. He will probably profit by his narrow escape and be more careful in the future. The jury, afier being out about twenty minutes, re turned a verdict of not guilty. The case of Oregon City vs The East Side Railway Company, came up for a hearing Tuesday. City Attorney E. F. Driggs had brought suit to forfeit the company's franchise in this city for tlie reason that they refused to pay their Main street assessment. The case was arifued on a demurrer filed by the attor neys of the defendant corporation, and was taken under advisement by the judge. E. F. Driggs and L. L.Porter, represented Oregon City in the battle of argument against the corporation ra 1 way attorneys, Fred V. Holman and Cleland & Cleland. J . A. LoiiiHiiiont was on trial yester day, accused of the larceny of some tools from a shop. He was defended by G. C. Brownell and G. O. Rinearson. Tuesday Hannah Chapman filed a complaint, though her attorney, G. O. Rinearson, praying the bonds of matri mony existing between herself and E.G. Chapman ba cut asunder by a decree from the circuit court for Clackamas county. The residence of the Cbap- The Y's will give a parlor social at the home of Mrs. Clinton Litourette, next Saturday evening, May 4. A very en tertaining program has been prepared and an enjoyable time is exjiet-led. The refreshments will consist of cake and co!d water (with lemons;. All the in connection with the Assembly and the prospects are that tourists from every direction w ill make this their Rome in July. Conferences are in progress with all the transportation lines of Oregon, Washington and California. It is be lieved from the nature of the case that unusual terms will be granted. City Council Merfiug. The city council met in regular ses sion Wednesday evening, and spent a great deal of time discussing the collec tion of delinquent Main street assess ments. Mayor Straight, Recorder Fonts, Chief of Police Burns and all the members of the council were present. In several instances it was decided to accept secured notes at three and six months time drawing ten per cent inter est, subject to the approval of th mayor, recorder and treasurer. A motion was carried that matters ot error pertaining to the Main street delinquent assessment, be referred to the committee on streets IS our aim Wo mako a specialty of fin Toa, Coffee andSplcos aWAlljp No matter wliut sun luiy nt our stun? it ia tlio very licst of its kind. Everything is new ami fresh. V would ask you to mil and seo our stock. We have the Ik'sI hrands of all goods, and can in some lines nhow you something very line. Sta tib's Cash Grocery. Commorclal Bank Block, ...NOW OPEN-.. f4euu Shoe Store KRAUSSE BROS, Next door to Ituriucister A Aiulrcscti. LATEST DESIGNS Is guuraiited to he given on all goods. A triul is asked, before you o to Portlmid. and public nronerty, Mo'iun carried '0,,,, ti.-t n.u (!...,.. , ... people of the town are invited. Aduiis- , , . , . , ' ' I mil I n -i nut .in rimf a r.,l.u .... ll... Fifth and Main street assessments when bioii free. Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Ridge, Harrison county, Mo., says: "For whooping cough Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excellent." By ning it freely th dis ease is deprived of all dangeruos conse quenses. There is no danger in giving the remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. The full bill of fare, well cooked and well served, is placed on the table at the Farmers' Home hotel. The best the market allbrds is provided and Mr. and Mrs. .Sumner endeavor to give full yalue in all meals served. Remember the place, opposite the court house. County Judge Hayes went to Can by Tuesday and viewed the work being done on the road between Canby and the Good bridge. He slates that they are doing an excellent job of graveling. Road Kugineer Kinnaird is looking after the roads in the vicinity of Marquam. I'rof. L. W. McAdams, principal of the Eastham school, gives notice that he has appointed Wednesday as visiting day for parents or guardians of pupils attend ing the school, at which time the teach ers and pupils will be pleased to see them. Rev. J. W. Cowan, I). D., will dis course at the F'irst Congregational church next Sunday evening on the sub ject, "The Armenian Massacree, and America's responsibility with reference thereto." The program of the State Sunday school convention has been received at this otlice. Mrs. C, H. Dye conducts the de votional service on Wednesday evening, on the second dav of the convention. paiil in full. Complaint was made that the sewer on Jackson street, leading from the Kastlmm school was broken. Bnd the street committee ordered lo have the same repaired. The usual grist of bills were allowed, and u com mittee reported that they had engaged L. L. Porter and J. U. Campliell as at torneys in tlie Btiit brought by A. (J. White against the city. On motion the city engineer was instructed to submit plans for cleaning sewers. Ordinances were passed to prevent loafers from hanging around the rail raid ileKjt, nnd flxmi: quarantine regula tions for contusions dim-uses ;ri ordi nance was onleied published against tlirowfiiK glass or rubbish on the streets or sidewalks. The subject of the im provement of Seventh street was taken up and vitrified brick found to tie too expevsive. Some cheaper method .of improvement will he considered. The Overland for May will contain an historical paper of inteiest to all who study the political institutions of our ccuntiy. It is Irom the pen of Col.K. Hofer, editor ol the Salem Capital Jour nal, who contributed a paer to the Over land on the Oregon election. lie now describes, from the standpoint of one who took part, one of the most exciting and hard fought contests for a senatorsbip re corded on the l'acilic Coast. TIJJK Y7iITS Y) j0 JW, and those who watch nnd wait for timo will only discover its Might. You nn discover an elegant collection of time pieces in our stock of Indies' and gentlemen's gold nnd silvo watches, which in nil cases arc models of no curacy, kceiiing time so well that they don't lose it. Wo can confidently rec ommend our wiitehca nnd clocks, too, as entirely trustworthy, and meeting the necdrt of the hour to a second. Our assortment of fashionable jewelery nnd silverwaro is very complete ntJHMKIHTKK A ANDUICHICN. Work is slowly progressing on John Schram's new building, next to Krausse Bros, shoe store. The structure will be r6x22, two stories high, and will cost Siinething near $1000. The 112-year-old son of 1'. F. Murey was thrown from a horse Saturday and trampled upon. Dr. Carll was sum moned, but the injuries were discovered not to be serious. Assessor Bradley informs the Km kk-l-Kisit that he will complete the work of enumerating the inhabitants of Oregon City in about three days more. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Dli' C. P. LOONEY, . . . Dealer In . . . CHOICE HAY, STRAW AND KICISD, General Expressing, Job work and Moving. Corner rif Hrldiie, ... - Oregon City, Or. BEE SUPPLIES. We are Northwestern Agent for FALCON" BEE SUPPLIES CREAM warn Most Perfect Made. 40 Yean the Standard. Our comb foundation and sections are the best on the market. When in Portland, call and Inspect our goods. IPIill'ILiiniD MED CDS, 171 Second St., Portland, Ore. J. JONES & SON, DEALKH IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kindn. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. ii(M'i:h tiii: i.ou iont. "Shop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of I'opo A Co's, Oregon City Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance.