Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 03, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
O. (,T (d 'HH'I MMfclt.
Htuminir IIAMONA
iw in,
I mi . m.
1 00 Ml
II an a. m.
4 mi i. in.
''h Kant
l.v. I'lirllmitl Taylur alrcnt ilwli M 0 im A. M,
mill hmvpa ori-K'in t; 1 1 y for MkIkiii 7:11 A. M,
'liitmlay, 1 liiirxlny mill Halunlay.
Iav linl,iiiiiiilmic f II nil A M mul Hlin 7 4A
A M mul liriini Uty l .uo f M for I'orl
Uml MninUy, WlnjUy and Krldajr,
Kl lima, cciimiKliloii ami lnw Mian,
Nil way IrniKhi hmiillvtl. Hii.tilal rUa uu
lliriiiiKh lrllit. 1
I i i)
HliKTII lilllNU.
full lurlila Kuireaa (llirniiulo
Kliut l.u'l (way lallima)
K"rlnir l.iiral (way tlalloua)
Calllnruia Kaprvaa lliiiiiiln
7 Id A. m.
' I H p. iu.
Ml a. m
7 l p. ui
Time Tallin,
Uav 'v, ,
Orfa-i'll City. Wlllnini'lIB Falla.
ii A M. !:' A.M.
V UU V "
II mi " II "
I uu r, M, I I I' u.
IM " . "
ft UU 016 "
t IU A. al. 1.1 A.M.
lit IV 1(1 l( "
11 " II no "
luul'.M. I IU I' M.
1 jui 1 tr '
a uu t ii
a w " i "
s mi a i. "
;m ' H 4 "
uu ' 4 Id "
4 Ml " 4 W "
1,1.1 6 1,1 "
R au " 6 t- i "
O.WI " l "
V. A. Mll,L. Hilpt.
'I nr. MAIM.
Malta rlua (unit Nurih, 1'J iu . I m .Hp m.
alalia I'loie ulUK Kuiltll, V a III., 6.4.1 p. III.
allil K'M'TM.
riri-iimi I'ltv I" I'orilnuil ever Knai HIiIp llall
av rain lull'. M ami ft "I I' N . arrive!
II 111 A M ami 4 'ill I" M l arrli-a fcirllaml,
Kaairrii. Vt?l Klilu, Hamly ami HHIilaml ruutra'
nr. u. iii I'll y In Kly.l'arm. Milium. I.tlx-ral ami
Mulalla ined al li in. ami arrlvra at U in.
''Vi'renoii City In Heaver ( reek. Mink, Clark.
Mimiluw llrimk. I'mull Mllli. ami ( nllull.leavea
at lu a. in. M lay Weilneailay ami Friday
ami rei irii" mi liitlmvlnn ilava al I .a
ore(in I lly to Vliiia. 1'iKaii ami
K.-. timet
leaiea (irefuii City Mnmlny
WeilneailaV aul
KriiUy al I uu I'.
at 7 mi A M.
Uavllix VI.. la nine ilaya
KKIO.VY, MAY :i, IH'i.'i.
CaTKIII'II.I.AHI'I KNTIKl'l. lvid .illl-
mermaii, of Needy precincl, w a in r
gun Cilv Tuesday, and brought to the
Kni'kiiI'Mink olllcti two KH'iuienH of cat
erpillar gathered from llr tree. Mr.
iiiimei man i one ol Ihf pioneer fanner
and Iruil growei of CluckainaH county,
nild is a clone obaerver. II ay the llr
tree aie literally al'Ve with caterpillar, j
mill two biiMul are produceil Iroin eacti
neat ; one of the apecimeiiH he had with
him bad the eight lnu n on the bodv hilly
developed while the other Ha'ciineil be
loiigi'd In the Hecoiul brood and wa
llol ho completely diVeloH'iI. It ia
claimed the f.r tree i very favorable to
the production ol the caterpillar, and
they do tint usually leave the wood for
II. e orchards until "iie time in May.
.Mr. Zimmerman claim that the orchards
lire ri 1 1 1 1 the ravages i
of 1 1 in section are
of culei pillars during the iiiuiith of Apnl,
us they do not leave tlio lir biiiHh nntil
after that time, lie claims that the act
passed by the hist legislature compelling
Iruil growers to spray their orchard at
all limes, or have the inspector do it at
the expense of the grower, will work a
serious hardship on many fruit growers,
and in different section of tli3 county
they are in open rebellion against the
ad, mid if iiiicessaiy will organise and
and appeal to the Htiprcimi court to pass j
upon the legality of the law. He claim
that if lliey are comielled to spray the
trees w ith washes recomended for cater
pillars, that, it would destroy the lady
hugs and other scavenger they now have
in their orchard for destroying" pests.
It is verv prohabhi however, that many
persons miconslrue the interpretalion
of I he intent of the new horticultural law
as it is intended to protect careful or
chai'.list from owners who carelessly
allow their fruit trees lo become diseased
to the detriment "I their neighbors.
Clackamas County Taxks. For sev
eral weeks Sheriff Mnddock and his
deputies have been very busy receiving
taxes, and about $00,01)0 out of the f 151.
000 on the assessment roll IntH been
gathered in. .Monday was the busiest
day of the season and 18" receipts were
written that day, forty more than was
written on the busiest day of last year.
Thirty-two hundred dollars were the re
ceipts of Monday's work, ami the taxes
are still coming Tuesday was the timo
llrst set for closing the tax roll, but the
county court next week will very likely
extend the time when it convenes, as
less than half of the tuxes will ho col
lected by that time. At the llnal wind
up it is expected that the delinquent list
will bo longer than usual, although taxes
are coming in at a sternly gait.
Khitiiucan C1.111 CoNVKvi'ioN, -Delegates
to the Young Mens' Republican
convention, which convenes in Portland
May 2L'd, have been elected from the
following Clackamas county clubs as far
a heard from: Oswego, V. L. Mintie,
0. AV. Pressor, I. Austin, J. C. Haines,
Chris. Horelaml and John Howies;
Tualatin, W. K. Day, Charles Smith
and L. Oalbraith j Springwntor, M. J.
Snyder and James Dubois; Knglo Creek
C. B. Smith and Henry Wilbern ; Park
Place, J. W. Moldrum, C. A. Hulstroin,
J. T. Apporson and Harvey E. Cross,
A Phokitam.k Oniok Fahm W. T.
mul J, Johnson of Clackamas, tlio larg
est onion growers m Oregon, were In
Oregon City Haturday, and gave Tun Kn-
TKIII'IIIHK NOIIIH facts and flgllrc relative
to their fxporionco In rxlil:lntf tl i f h
crop, Last ycur thi'lr acreage was limn
tl inn tiNiiul, out tlmir crop of onions
measured '!,''IX) sack. They 1111 orders
for car-load lulu from Alahaimi aud oilier
Hnulhcrn bIhIch Mini from several Nor
thern slatei, Not long ago they re
ceived an order for two IuiikIi Hai ku
from Honolulu, tint wuro uiiahle to 1111
tlie order as they had sold out. Their
averugo ylulij g from MX) to 71)0 Hai ku
por acrA, hot have product! an highs
IfSK) ack on a inglo Here in favorahle
season. Mesr. Johnson have lieen In
lliu hiislncii for a number of years and
at ono time their onion readily "old at
from f i to 7 tcr mirk, tint the maxi
mum price was received for a small lot
old to an Oregon City inurcliunt severs!
year ago, wiiich brought H 75 It
taken careful mmiaitcmttnt anil ("kill to
Aiiccf Mxdilly grow oiiluna ami tlicmi K'n
tk'ini'ii Iikvi) mantcrcd lliu problem in
all lln intricaU details. Heaver dam
hind la hent adapted to proflliilila yield
of oniomi, but tliey will do well in any
kind of black, alluvial Moil. At prom nt
price lliey will yield tlio producer from
.ri(KI to 7W per acre .
Ficrrr riioHi'KcTn. Hi' urt from var
Ioiin avctioiii of Cl tckaniHH county in
dicale tbat lliera will lie an abundant
fruit crop, provided tlie caterpillar do
do not tint in their deadly work. Young
catcrpilieri are imeomiiiK aliirmintily
nnmeroii in certain ect!oni and it will i
take prompt and aggreagive meaaiire
to prevent Hcriou ilaiiiann to the fruit j
crop from their ravage, lint little ilani
agn ha reaulted to fruit on account of
(runt, and the lilnHHoniHluive fallen and the
fruit in net with favorable indication of
a inure than ordinary fairyield. Kpveial
tliou'and pnine tree will come into
hearing thia year and the prune and
plum crop will be immetlHe, and there
are good prohpei't fur a Kplctnliil apple
crop. I'dclic were greatly injured liiHt
year, out pnHectH are miicli more lav
orable thia heaou. Col. Becker, of Staf
ford, claim that fruit it not killed in the
tdiiHHom a many anpp me, but lotig ex
ieiletce ha demotiNtrated to him that
the great danger from trust occurs after I
the blossom has fallen oir; thai the bin-
..,...., it. .......... ..f ii... ..,; u-iil.
B.inin .nn i urn til, i.i iiiw iiitiv- . uu
the preent L-unlilion ol favorable weath-
er, It i believed that all danger to fruit
from froHt ia over, and growers will only
have the Hst to worry over.
J. V. O't'onnell went to Portland Sat
urday to attend a meeting of the execu
tive committee of (lie Oregon Slate Vol
unteer Firemen's Association. The
committee met in (he room of the Vet
eran Kireiuen'a AHusUtion, and there
were present J. W. tl'Cnnnell of Ore
gon Cilv, president ; C. J. Curti of As
toria, sci retary ; C. J. Trenchard of As
toria; W. II. llutls, if The Dalles; A.l".
I'inces, of Viiiicniiver ; Kohert Holiinin
ami W. II. D. Joyce of Portland The
committee udnpte. I the bvlaws and con-
stitulinn of the association as ormnlateil
and printed, and made rules and regula
tions governing the annual tournament
lo be held at Vancouver in September
President O'Coiinoll and Robert Hoi
man were appointed a committee on
printing w ilh power to act. The next
meeting of the executive committee will
be held at Vancouver July 15th, al
which time track, etc. will be laid out,
and in the meantime purses and priz.es
w ill he ai ranged. The committee, aided
bv the citizens of Vancouver, are milk
ing great preparation fur the event and
will undoubtedly make it. one of the
grandest tournaments ever given by the
Missionaky CoscKltT. The mission
ary concert at the Congregational church
last Sunday evening, was a Very success
ful and entertaining service. The large
auditorium wa tilled with an apprecia
tive audience, who were inspired with
a sympathetic touch of feeling in the
cause, and the tenor of tho exercises
was effective for better thing. All ac
quitted themselves very creditably, and
after special selections by tho choir and
devotional exercises by the pastor five
little girls of the infant class sang "Je
sus Loves us All." Next was a recita-
j tion hyTrafton Dye, followed by a reci
tation, A tots remark, by canine
Cowan; a song, "Carry the Light," by
AdatiiliHon; recitation, "What can wo
do?" by Kdna Can Held and Kdith
Cheney ; a missionary hymn, by (iia.'e
Whitlock; recitation, "Little Hands,"
by Helta Scoggan ; reading, ''Mrs. IVti
grew on Home Missions," by Mrs, Geo.
C. ltrowuell; nolo, "Only Tired," by
Mrs Sadie White; readin, "A Heav
enly minded squash vine," by Miss (ier
trude Humphrey; Offeitory organ ;
solo. "Hero am I send me," by Miss
Oiikoon PioNHKit Association. A
meeting has been held by the directors
of the Oregon Pioneer Association for the
purpose of making preliminary arrang
ments for the 2!ld annual reunion, which
will be held in Portland, Friday, Juno
14. The following directors were pres
ent at tho meeting: President, II. W.
Corbet t, Multnomah county, l51;viee
president, William Galloway, Yamhill
county, 1852; secretary, Geo. II. Hines,
Multnomah county, 185:!; corresponding
secretary, Dr. Curtis C. Strong, Multno-
mail county, 181(1; treanurer, Henry
Failing, Multnomuh county, 1851 ; Capt.
J. T. Appernon, ClackamaR county, JK47.
lion. Win. Galloway wan choMin to !
liver the annual addreH and Hon. T. T.
(Jeer the occasional addmitM. MrH, Koii
ert A. Miller, of Oregon City, a native
daughter, will prepare a puier for the
evening, which will recount the exper
ience of the women pioneer in crooning
the plain and of early day in Oregon.
William KapuH wa milected to act a
grand marHhal for the day. Kev. I). II.
(J ray w ill olliciate a chaplain,
A Vktkman Pionbkh. W. II. Vaughn,
the veteran pioneer, wa In from hi
Molalla rnch laHt Katurduy. Mr.
Vaughn I one of three pkneer of 1813
that now remain in Clackama county.
The other two are Hiram Straight and
8. W. Mom. Jainc Athey, another
ClackaniH county pioneer o' 1843 now
live In Halem, and there may yet re
main two or three pioneer of that date
living in other Action of the country.
Mr. Vaughn lia pcntu.'I year of hi '
life in Clackama county, a greater por
tion of which wa put In in the cparely
aettled iliHlrict. He very ncldom come
to, town and when he doe, stay
only long enough to converne with a few
friend, transact hi hiiHinewi and ie
turn to hi Molalla farm where he dwella
in quiet content. Mr. Vaughn informed
an Kntkiii'uihk man that he fell more at
home on hi ranch or in the mountain
than in place where civilization ha all
the modern improvement; that thee
thing hud no charm for him.
Fiti.L From a Load ok Hay. Francis
Curd, a farmer living at DaiiiaHcu, t lliu
county, wa neverely injnroil Muiuluy
morning by fulling from a l"ad of bay,
which he wa taking to Portland for
delivery. The accident oecuied al Elev
enth and Iron atreet, Kant Side, and wa
cuimed by one of the wheel of the wagon
collapsing. Card w.i pitched headlong
to the giound, where he lay appearenlly
badly hurl. Officer Benedict came to
hi aKHiHtance and ordeiedan amhuiHtice
from the central Nation, in which the
j injured man wa conveyed to St. Vin-
cent' hospital Aller teaching the hos
pital the main injury wa found to be a
badlv bruised hiii. and the man wiil be
able 'o return home in a few day. Card
gained some notoriety a shoit time ago
ing with the United Stale mail, but in-
i ..i .... i... . i ....
. yrsi Igai IOI1 miuweil lie lion lenui 11 iiiiii-
tion. and wa only concerned in collect-
' ingliiHjuatdui'sfrotiiamau.actiiiga mail
carrier, who owed him for horse feed.
He seized ,l"e;,rJ.l,.',jr,,t-
IUn.miAii lMi'HiiVhMkNTH. The Soinl.
em Pacific steel gang, conisiingof annu'
forlv-live nu n are laving new steel rails
on the track in this vicinity, and are
working southward. A complete board
ing and outfit train Hccompany the
workers and lW pound tails take the
place af the old ones. Said one of the
men, "It is the intention to so improve
the road bed Ihat overland trains
can make lifty or sixty mile an hour
if neces-ary." Curves ate U'ing straight
ened out wherever practicable and many
new ties are being placed in position.
It is the intention of the Southern Pa
cific to thori'imhlv improve the east
side road wherever needed clear through
to the California line, with a view of
making fastei time.
IIiiw'h 1 his.
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of catst-rah that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Ciiknky A Co. Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F
J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and
Ix'lievo hi.i: perfectly honorable in all
business transactions aud financially
able to carry out any obligations made
bv their firm.
West A Truax, Wholesale druggists,
Toledo, ().
Walding, Km nan & Marvin, wholesale
druggists, Toledo 0,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cus surface of the system, price 75c per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Knlg.tts of Hie Maccali es.
The state commander writes us from
Lincoln, Feb., as follows: "After trying
J other medicines for what seemed to lie
I a very obstinate cough in our two child
ren we tried Dr. King s New Piscovcrv
and at the end of two days the cough
entirely left them. Wo will not be with
out it hereafter, as our experience proves
that it cures where all other remedies
fails." Signed F. W. Stevens, State
com. why not give this great medicine
a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial hot
tl s are free at Charman & Co.'s drug
store, Charman Bios. Block, Regular
size 50o. and $1.
To lioml Tciuplai's.
Do von know that Moore's Revealed
Remedy is the only patent medicine in
tho world that does not contain a drop
of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing
it is known only to its diicover; that it
is an advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nineteenth
century ; that its proprietors offer to
forfeit !)! 1,000 for any case of dyspepsia
it will not cure?
La Grippe is here again with all of its
old time vigor. One Minute Cough Cure
is a reliable remedy. It cures and cures
quickly. CO. Huntley, druggist.
The latest in visiting cards at the En.
terphisb Okpigb. Prices to suit you.
Hod Seal SarHaparilla in not a
Cure-all, but it ih a good spring
medicine. The formula is the bent ;
one we know of, selected from many ;
fumotiM ones and we can recommend '
jt in all cancH where a Blood I'uri
fier i rtMjuired.
Prescription Druggist,
Oregon City, Or.
in writing Paner always indicates
high quality stationery and is
never found in cheap goods.
Every sheet of our M. & H. line
. has its watermark ; anil each style
j we curry 20 varieties has its
. , j am,rriate work.
Did you ever notice it? If not we
have a sample DOOK. iree lor ocry
j ludy.
ye iAyc all the items necessary
1 to complete the assortment for the
' writing desk gold Pens steel Pens
pealing wax inks erasers, etc.
i We make a specialty of Copper
! Plate Printed visiting cards.
! Huntley's Book Store.
Orenoti City.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries aie Fresh
and of the best quality.
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
tiiMilicl 1N03.
Transfer i d Exjfe$,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
preparation ol f;
Cold iii lis; ItcmUT
I L ..I n I.. ..urn ..', . '-v. ' .
Cvtarrlwl iVAliyu if-'
.tndS0re.Eye5.lt ?.
mail 50ctS. A i;!;.": immed.(o.
ro mnSu OftOVlLiE.CAL
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
. N. hini,
A carefully selected
stock of Summer
dress goods and
everything to
A new Stock of late Style Tan Shoes
for Ladles', Gentlemen and Children.
The Latest Shapes in Straw Hats
....MEN AND BOYS.....
Caps and
For Bicyclists direct
from the factory, at
prices that defy
competition in
Spring and Summer men's suits of the latest
cuts of Cambridge, Oxford
and Poole makes.
French kid Shoes
for ladies and
children, in
Oxford ties
and Juh'ettes.
Thos. Charman & Son.
directly and indirectly, by people who cannot do tbelr own Bgurlng, write their on
letters, or keep their own hooks; and who do not know when business aud leifal papers
which they mimt handle every day are nude out correctly. tAll the thln(rs,an)
much more, wc teach, fMinwjMy.
Hundreds of our graduates are In good positions, and there will be openings fc
hundreds more when times Improve. .Voir is the time to prepare for them. Beside,!
business education N worth all it costs, for one't otro uu. Send for our-catalogue, ia
learn Wiat and June wo teach. Mailed free to any address.
Portland Business College,
A. P. Armstrong, Prln.
Or Building Material?
Go to C- H. BESTOW-
Lowest cash prices ever offered for-
Also combination wire and picket fence,"
And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times.
Shop Opp. Congregational Church,
Complete Stock,
1 Bailey
A " je
liitrjw a..
Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. II.
Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M.
Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Gatzert every
night, for Portland. Tickets of ail other lines good on Gatxert.
tV splendid selec
tion of Ladies'
A full line of groceries
that will compare
in prices with
are lost
J, A. Wesco. Secretary.
Prices Low.