Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 03, 1895, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Every Friday.
On year, $ 2 00
Six moulhn, 1 00
Trial tulwrlplton two month. 2
A disrautt of Wcmtt on 11 aurwcrlptlotu (or
ne year, centi lor lix nuiuiht, ll raid iu
AdTrtlsln( ram tken on application.
filtered at the Pout Office In Orefou Clty.Or.,
a eooud clasa matter.
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 18115.
"' Beaver Creek,
Pnlon Mill.
. Meadow Brook.
Mew Era,
Park Place,
. Molalla.
Orrllle. -
Eagle Creek,
Clierryville, -Marmot,
Pr. T. B. Thoman
Geo. Knight
A. Mather
Oscar A Wlaalnger
tf J. Tnilllniier
Chs Hcilmau
W. S. Nswberry
Henry Miley
F. L. Rus-sell
T. M. Croaa
J. 0. Uime.
C. T Howard
R. M. Cooper
Auule Stubba.
E. M. Hartman
B Jennings
KJ Mucke.
L.J Perdue
H. Williern
J. C. Klliott
F. Goctsch
Mrs. W.M. Mdntyre
Geo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hummer
Atlolpti Asclioll
labor useless. Money and labor have been
xprmlKl in temporary work ami year alter
year temporary work is romtiu'teil. We are
still aadliiK through the mini of barbarism,
thinking we ire a progressive people. Mini
can be conquered by skill ami energy. Why
not make an application of bold?" Clack
anms county tried this plan for many
years with most unfavorable results. Now
theroml tax Is collected in money, which is
expended in a most judicious manner by a
competent road engineer, who lins supervis
ion of all the roads iu the county. As a re
sult the road work is done in a skillful way,
and the improvements are permanent in
their character and the condition of the
roads Is gradually Improved each year.
Tut tinanciul irisis has acted Iu some
measure as a boomerang for home Indus
tries, vt nen tbe country was proserous
and money plentiful among farmers, many
articles of food consumption were purchased
in the city markets that could have been
produced at home. It was nothing unusual
to see farmers come into Oregon City and
carry home eastern hams and eastern lard
a few years ago. Some of them even pur
chased butter at the stores while their cows
were running comparatively wild in the
woods. Hut the panic is teaching them lev
sons of economy and thrift that will prove
as wealth producers in the future. As a
class the farmers of Clackamas county are I
now producing their own butter and meat. ;
The Insurance war, with a devtl-mav-cnre
slushing of rates by nearly all companies,
reach Corvallis Friday afternoon, says the
Times, The signal for it to begin was the
arrival or something like twenty telegram
to the Corvallis agents of various compa
nies, authorising them to reduce the premi
ums on policies twenty per cent., and so
soon as the news became public a revision
ol policies began. All day Saturday promi
nent agents were kept busy changing poll
ciessnd refunding percent, of the tin-
earned premium, by people holding poll
cles, and a.ixlous to get their Insurance as
low as possible. The only requirement el
ected by agents of policy holders la that if
they meet (he cut the policy holders must
insert a clause in the policy agreeing nut to
cancel the policy before the limit lor which
the insurance was taken out expires. It
win learned from one agent that lie was In
structed to meet any cut, even so low as a
reduction of fifty or seventy per cent. 1VI
icy holders who have not tnken advantage
ol the rate slashing, will II ml it to their In
terest to call on agents. It is also a good
time to insure.
Wheat may lie damaged by drouth or
bring a low price, but in seel Ions where gold
mining is carried on, the product never de
teriorates In value. Gold has proven itself
the surest crop 'In Josephine county, savs
the Grant's l'ass Courier: Frost never cuts
For Iiiiliiceiiieiils in LANDS Never Iteforo Oll'ereil.
IValers who once sold a liberal supply or j its blossoms, the codlln moth never bores
meats to the country trade, now claim that Into the nuggets and the wooly aphis can't
whet his teeth in the sluice Nixes. The
' The way to build up Oregon
City Is to giie Oregon City people jonr
they get no trade in that line from this
source. The farmers of Clackamas county
are learning lessons or self denial and thrill
that will make them prosperous. They will
not only produce every thing they need for
home consumption, but will
markets of other sections.
What Oregon City wants is some of
Seattle idea infused into Its veins ami arte
ries. For these many long years Oregon I
City, possessed of every natural advantage,
bas patiently waited for capital to come to
its rescue without any apparent real effort
on its own part; it has not made anv etl'ort to I
secure the trade ot contiguous territory that
"borer'' lights shy of the darkness of the
slope and the soil never gels loo wet for the
weighty giant to operate. No laritt affects
its market value and no especial legislation
supply the j is needed to protect the prospector, who
with pick and pan and Hour and bacon
- - pursues the even tenor of bis way in trainp-
jir. iicoRui ikockm in the North ling after health and riches over our pine
American Review hss an article on the ex-i clad hills. The railroad has no cinch on
I cessive rates Tor fire insurance in this conn- the products or the gold mine, as the opera
try, in which be points out that the average tor can take his gold In Ins pockets to the
! rate nor tt mat Inr n........ : If. .!..! . i... u ...
he' "Ilul iniiic is c iiearesi nana or nusiness House and ex
in v, mutiny l,i cems. III r.nglnuil -Tl
cents, in Australia ,) cents, in Austria :w
cents, in Russia il cents, and iu the inited
A RKIfiNT lnC Notwlt lintitutllii tlio (IcprcsHod times which tlio wliolo
IWUlll country has boon having for llio punt two year, Harlow
hit continued to grow, ali'itilily ,ml aithsUnllully through all tlio iln'presaiuii itiitl "ur
pooplo aro now nwuku with ronrwoil llrtnnesM utnl muv expert to sou great duvidopnioiila
in tho near future. Among tlio many Improvementa which will cotno in a short limn aro
the following: Creamery, now under way, with capacity for six hundrod cows, Hvap
orator' ami Wood Working Faetorlea, which will follow this year. There In uImii a
a company now being forunul us a lliiildiug and l.oun Association. Tho purpose id this
company is to sell real pataui with or without building, to suit purvluiHor. Thua you
eco a man with niodorato meana can obtain a homo of from ono acre to 'JO, at reason
ablo prices, by paying down ono-tliinl of the purchiiHo prico and balance In small Install
ments, by the month, quarter or year. If the purchaser Is limited for capital, the com
pany will erect buildings and only clurgnthoucttial cost o the improvements to the prico
of the land, The llrst payment to l ten per cunt of the piirchusa price. Never la-fur
haa there boon an oportiinity (or a poor man to obtain a home on such roiisonablo
terms, ami it la expected through this great Inducement to sen a number of people talto
advantage of tho oiler. Fur Fruit, Hope, (iiuiu and other Agricultural product no
place has its equal. Inducement given any manufacturing industry. For further
particular call on or write for circular, pamphlet, etc., to
States tii) cents. A portion of the excess
charge is due of c uirse to the fact that the
losses from tire are much greater in this
country than in Europe, owing to different
hitiMixiv ...ut l....la k.. i. - ,
would have helped to make it an important!,, , 6 , "! . , wulk" """""
. . ... ,. . .. .. , i that the whole dilterence is not to be ex-
cause of
I tlPHYV Iirriltlllins i tho snnrn,.,!,. ...... I .. ..
J I"- - ,iiv .iivi luuitg UTIQIII);
expenses ol the American companies, which
consume nearly one-half of the whole
amount paid in for premiums. The busj
eoninvercial center. Yet the city has groa n , - , . " "ul "
, . . piaineu mis wav, out mat the real
or nt prpAt niMiiursrlnr. .
and contains a number ot great manufactur
ing enterprises, and in educational matters,
and from a moral and social point of view
will compare favorably with any city in
Oregon ontside of the metropolis.
In marked contrast has been the almost
ness world pays in
change it lor bullion which bas been
stamped by Cncle Sam's hand. To own a
good paying placer or ledge is to Ik- able to
fold one's arms and smile at the troubles of
the farmer, the merchant or the editor.
And there are many well-paying gold prop
ties in Josephine.
It is an evident fuel that churches are
broadening in the scope of their work, and
becoming more united in their efforts to iiu-
I prove the condition of mankind, aslsevi-
denced by the following dissertation from
( the Astoria News: Some of the churches
, Of this I'itV Were last ei-oninir iwiiriniti, ll.o
the aggregate twice as I r , ... '
,.i.o ui me ,-, BIIIHI ArillV IIIKUI I Jit
hull Ml-hiiisI Krpu. ... ...
'A t.ltrr
phenomenal growth of the city of Seattle. ,,,; "i "feet ; proceeding, as it were, alter the man
hue iijc i,,-r Ulliuunt to. . r t. ..i j .. ,
ner of battle of the Salvationists against the
When that town was comparatively small a
few years ago it lost the prize for which it
had grased the terminus of the Northern
Pacific railroad : corporations battled against
the city to build up rival towns, and in
those days money was exceeding scarce, and
there was no help to be looked for abroad.
Says the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: ' As a
means to secure the prestige of the town it
was thought necessary to start some enter
prise of a magnitude and character suffi
cient to demonstrate that there was the
making here ol a city. The most feasible
suggestion was the building of a railroad
line to open up the coal fields lying east of
the city , and then but in the first stages of
development. But hopeless as it seemed,
there was magic in a co-operation which en-.
listed every single inhabitant ol the city in
the undertaking. When the railroad com
pany was organized not a man who lived in
the city refused to contribute toward its con
Telephone rates have been materially re-1
duced by the Oregon Telephone and Tele-1
graph Company. This will be welcome
news to the users of the telephone. As there ;
3 nu opposition iu me company s dusi-m
sinners. The practical style or religion
of the Salvationists may yet cause many
of the old moss-covered church institu
tions, so completely furnished with every
thing except forms of practice and real re-
lii'imi tn lin.l tl.o ,,l.l A. r
ness. the wore iml ...ollo.l . ,...,.. ' ' " " ....r.,..ul u.rt.r,,
,, , ' a,d with the short dress rolled up, take in
retlllrtlnnl hilt iitrar M n-,1 I . . ,,...-
,. . . . ... . ,., ' I the victims of cruel circumstances
...... ... H..v JU . ,IC rA. Qf h, e,c
piration of the patents on the Bell telephone, 1 ,,, v,i(.a ,.,.,,
ciimi me uiuoiuuoii oi a Kiganuc telephone
company to operate all over the foiled
States, may have hail something to do with
I the reduction. At any rate, it is evident
j that there will still be a greater reduction
I in telephone rates.
Those parties who have wilfully delayed
the confirmation of the sale of the Oregon
Pacific to the recent purchasers, are respon-
I sible in a great measure for the recent fatal
I B-runl ,l,af iwnrm.l .......I. .....
rri t L. i j , mttn wmi uvuiic'i nv linn r I U 1 Vr Ul C.
The few who had a little money j Tl ,
subscribed lavishly, and, indeed, almost I . 7 lu""u" " '-l'r".
recklessly from their small .ortunes; the '' " 'n. w make ih. needed re-
even goods from I ' ' or.oge structure
' Q.U Ml i-a,i ,, k Iln.l t .a ....... . .....I....
been allowed to make the contemplated im
' j provements that would have been com-
! pleted ere this, the terrible fatal accident
I would have been averted.
merchants subscribed
their shelves, the land owners liberally of
their laud, although the latter was of little
immediate use at the time in directly fur
thering the project. Day laborers and me
chanics, whose sole capital was their labor
and skill, gave as freely of that and took
blocks of stock, to be paid for by work on
the rnllrnnd Finnllv tn aiva tlio ,.rr,iur.t i to
first impetus, the town en masse went to iT '' 1 l"''"" Vefy 'i"CS'
work actually and phvsically on the road
bed, and for two days every man and half
grown boy in the city not incapacitated by
As advertisement in an exchange reads:
'The best grades of ranch butter, 22 cen
40 cents per brick
tisement is i
This displayed adver-
silent, but strong argument iu
favor of the establishment of creameries. It
age or infirmity worked with axe. pick and I ",u,:u "T" V"lao,e ",r ,ue ""''
aliovel and thus cratled In llmt t,,o tl.ro. ""1"' '" " creamery, and mils
miles of the road. While the men tolled j
disense with much work and worry in
the women turned out and cooked for them.
The work never stopped until a railroad was
built, equipped and in running condition to
the Newcastle and Itenlon coal mines, and
anew industry of great importance, tribu
tary to the city, w as created."
This is the species of enterprise and unity
of purpose that has made Seattle one of the
great cities ol the Northwest amidst the
most lormiuanie opposition, and with no i
resources but the waters of Puget Sound on
one side and vast forests of timber and de
posits of coal on the other. Oregon City
has never reached out with an energetic,
united and well organized eflort to secure
business or develop the resources of the ad
jacent country. In that section of country
contiguous to Wilsonville, Stafford and
Pleasant Hill, live the most prosperous
farmers in the Willamette valley, where
comfortable dwellings, large painted barns,
good lences and well tilled farms, are the
rule. The most convenient market ami trad
ing center for these people is Oregon City;
they come here to pay their taxes, and oc
casionally to attend court. But the great
obstacle in the way is the lack ol good
roads leading to that section of country.
The residents of all this portion of Clacka
mas county claim that they would prefer
doing business in this city, but the roads
are m such bad condition that they drive to
Portland, as Multnomah county takes espe
cial care in improving the roads leading for
miles out of the city of Portland to secure
the trade of other sections. II Oregon City
bad some of " the Seattle idea,'' they would
gee that there were good passable roads, not
only to this section, but to other portions of
the county, where the trade is going to
Portland on account of road facilities.
making butter for
market under adverse
The importations during the first six
months or the Wilson tarilf law were$ ;'7,
000.000 ill value against fM.OOO.OOO in the
corresponding six months of the last year
under the McKinley tari'l law, showing an
increase ol $1,000,000 worth a week of for
eign productions added to the stock against
which American manufacturers and work
men must compete.
Gov. Tlknev, of Tennessee, has pardoned
nine Seventh-Day Advenlists who were im
prisoned for observing Saturday and work
ing on Sunday. They belong to a colony of
about 200 in Rhea county and are all people
of good character. Their prosecution was a
piece of bigoted religious intolerance, and
their release was demanded by every dictate
of justice.
better List.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the post ollice at Oregon City, Oregon,
1:30 P. M., May 1, 1805:
men's list.
Brown. G A- Co Simpson, .lames
Erickson, C N Tripp, Win
Philips, Clyde
women' list.
Barton, Maud Philips, Vera May
Butler, Mrs S W Starr, Mrs M K
Uilltnheck, Maud
If called lor state when advertit-ed.
S. It. (illKKX, I
of want,
and administer to their
All the advanced religious
, thinkers of the day are agreed that that re
ligion is the best which is the most pracli
cal; which in truth does the most for suffer
ing humanity. In the practice of this re
gard the Salvation Army steins to be away
iu advance of the other host.
When a minister of the gospel secures a
large audience by questionable sensational
methods, it lends to lower the estimation ol
religion in the minds of the public, and the
Oregonian gives the pastor of Kmanuel
church, where the Ibirrunt murders were
committed, the following hard kick: If the
congregation of that tainted church in San
1 Francisco have not sense and decency
j enough to close it anil put an end to the
j ghastly travesty of worship now going on
there, it ought to be closed bv the police.
j ne cnurcn was packed like a summer gar
den Sunday to hear the man Gibson com-1
pare himself to Christ in a sermon bearing I
I oy inueiuio on tne recent tragedy. If this
man is noi a criminal, ne is something al
most more repulsive a religious quack w 'II
ling to profit by the disgusting notoriety
given his church to increase his vogue am!
till his contribution boxes. The whole out
lit oght to le pulled.
" Patronize home Industy," is the watch
word of the newly formed manufacturers'
association, says the Portland Sun. It is a
doctrine tUat must be practiced as well as
preached in order to achieve good and
lasting results. At one of the meetings
held to eflect tins organization a few days
ago a manufacturer of Oregon woolens can
vassed the men present and found that but
one of the number had on a suit of clothe
made of cloth manufactured in this state.
Oregon boasts of the superior quality and
great quantity of its wool product, anil yet
only one member of the manufacturers' us-
i sociation, which advises people to " patron
ize home industry," follows this advite in
the matter ol personal attire. Oregon bus
wonderful natural resources, and much that
is consumed in various necessaries of life
could he produced here with profit if the
people would only be content to use home
products. Let all work in harmony in ad
vocating the patronage of home industry,
and the beneficial results that will accrue to
the state at large will create a prosperous
condition that w ill bring happiness and con-
teiitinent to even the most humble home iu
all our fair state.
Exhaustion, lws of Apicllte, l.nw Spirits,
biuuiacb Mcknei.it and I'ytjN.p.ia.
rirasMit to the lastr and a favorite tonic with
the ladles. Price l. bold by allilruKul.t.
For eale bv C. U. Huntley, druggist.
Hut ftfTnnitt ttiilV Mini ti'llrthin lnnrMiiff- tit. M
KU'Vrii wnr of unnrtrnl Ir.l ttrtitmerltv A itui.l-
eiHi pm tu Hi tKkfjtl.UT niitiiiNily ilnrv or-
KHIllZHlitiU, -
The only Dreirnn (Ire linuirniireriimiiany ever
nmmtKt'd "n eienilflit Hre Insurance princi
ples. A flmterlni! laerease Iu an.eta and net
iirplus dtirliiii l-'J-'i. j
O Itlce with Hon. (ieo O. Hlnrsrnoti, !
Jaggar Bld'g, Main Bet. 7 & 8.
Andrew ti. Mnlwten, Aceiit j
For Oregon City and t'laekamaa County
lrr"The "State" Irnnica the most liberal larin !
policy now iued on the rua.i'
Qfegon City Hogpital.
Convt'iiieiitly of iuwkk utnl itleaciint lucutc
Free from the inline uiul (hint of the city.
rtinin that iuticnt.-i may hitve
lies ninl rord. Shtfiul ronins)
Skillful nursf uii'l every cniivriiit'i of a firnt
clnsH hiiHtiital.
w Service of tliu It iiliynifiaii! of the county
K in till,,',,. I,, i,,.,,
, .
XHmimi iiii Jb .' Jj
A new
liim of
ittxl cleg-ant
Come and Get Our Prices.
.ftj'j X We want a Name. qnn rifl ,'Yfi
and will pay
III !.;,' f"' " h"T ParUfiil.n m Vlrk'a I'lartll IJuliln f.ir wlO.li f ' TrJS!
. B. V, J ri'iilalti. ,',.liml .lHli-.or VI, k'. llrno. Iilntf AN-r, HitI I'm., Vtf. S Sjr i
I IT..'; fl.'Fj l'll'", IIUI" anil tt..1il H....T. Ihuiml llln.ltiillutt. ; .Ir. rt.f a t'V.1 V?
HI I 1 n&m lliittilr'rll.li.,liiill,-i,.l! lilnU'iti,lijiillraii.iUi,lli. Print. Y ? ,.JF t i"
i H fjl 1 fl 111 I7ilin. nut . I. r.-I Ink.. M.llnl on r.-.lt.t ,.f h M - . r i. ' I
Our Special Spaiiinh Sailor,
U'liorn FIhIh
Feathers Dyed and Cleaned.
All Kinds of Hair Work Miulo
to Onlcr.
220 FirHt Street, 1'ortliind
Til E I'HOTOfi RA I'l I Kit,
Received a gold medal and diploma
at M. houiH Convention of
I'hotograpers, WH.
Third and Morrison Streets,
Portland-, Oregon.
1 r9;'
MPiiAs.vic.aS sonsm
limy bfftltilu til f 1 1 tit flrttunltr. Vlck'i8dicontfLlo Um ir efll.
Htnnll (iiiiiitiilit at Who. . IVun.
Wn liatra grown ton. of Rwrt-t Vrna IlititMiM aummrrnf a rrrr Una
qnnllly lii I nlilf, In tfivoour Irli-ml. a rrul tn-at. 'Ililnk ir II. iti vit
rli tin ami rnliira mlii-,1. A iiund nnlr 40 crnl. I hnlfpuuud
Ui rental atiarirr pound I6rrata ounce 10 rrnla.
f.ni n TI nWCP IlarlT.flninrlDwMer.f uarmlnrivitplanl
UULU r LiV ' t"lv. tuollriit fur lkirdara, I'Uuu crnia
earh j two for 40crnu.
lrrmly vlporoui, rralitlnirdmiivlit; irnpn(flt'n I'T tli,iiitti-ltrrt
fruit vrrr Irtrirt. rnlur .lurk rnfj lmt Im rry for rnwiiiiir. iXmIiiIiik
Itc, color Mnl tlitvnrt lutt m tumn ot frulilng; Mrh qimilljr of lam
fruit; fruit n'lhiri to tli hUmm, iml 1riinir : tl' not crmtiti til
pit klriic ; f ii fMrntnliliipi-ri mmli-r fully r.uhr, ivrr wwwunrfiprr
nrrr wry Iinrdy. 1'ruvHl !y yi-iirvof trlil n1 trtlwl y Kirliiifiit
b la I lun ami IruItGrowcrt. Finnic i luuli &Utts.i onedorrn uIkjiU 0
Watcliinafcer Nt ''
anil Jeweler Work Wurrnnted,
A Trial Is Asked.
A McMikhville paper complains that
hundreds of thousands of dollars have been
expended upon the roads of that county
without any appreciable result. It further
says: " Misdirected eflort and a lack of un
derstanding the foundation principle of
road building bas made the expenditure of
Bucklen's Anilta Naive.
The bent salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Kait lllieum.
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Lands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all (skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satitifaction or money refunded.
For sale by Chatman & Co., Charman
Bros. Block.
Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II.
Stanton's Femaline, the FamoiiH Female
Specific, will cure all those aches and
pains peculiar to you, and will cost you
only $1 for one month's treatment? I will
send any lady a trial box, free, who will
send me the names and addresses of ton
ladies who are in delicate health. Audits
wanted everywhere. Write for full par
ticulars to Mrs. J,. M. Little, manager
wholesale western depot, Helena, Ore
For physical ailments, especially those
incident to declining years, there is no
remedy that produces such satisfactory
results an Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and
Kidney Balm, its genial and invigorating
effect on liver and kidneys is remark
able. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
New GoodH
Modern Pricen.
A Tenderloin Steak Givcn,
When iiskiid for, or any otlii-r kind of nunit di-nired,
exactly an ordered. A npecialty of
First Class Stall Fed Meats.
Small . iirolitn ami liijr hiiIch
is nuked nt Oregon City's
is my motto. A trial
New Meat Market..
Near Court Houso Corner.
Qorner Grocery.
Complete dock of
Fine Family Groceries,
Try my extra
Choice Tea.-sss ti
Richard Freytag.
Main and Fourteenth Streets
Mi'eta every Friday In A. O. V. W. Hall. Vl
ltlug members mad welcome.
. Jknnik PiEacaj, C. of H, ,
8. A. Gillktt, Recoider. I
Plymouth Rocks, Wyandotts, Light Brahmas
Brown and White Leghorns.
....Prizes Winning Strains....
Stock this Season Better than Ever and Prices Lower.
My flocks arc counted the k'Kt in the North Pacific, an they havo
been for eighteen yearn. Eggs; 1 Betting, $2.50; 2 setting, .R Send
for catalogue. AddresH,
Lock Box 335, Forest Grove, Or.