Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 03, 1895, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
Kill DAY, MAV 3, IHIlo.
dncknmns Co. Directory.
J il .
'..irk ul Cnurti, -Mhnrlir.
'rrea,uritr, -
Aaa,or, -
HnlMHil MiiirlntninliMil,
Gordon K. llayae
1 1 mi. F. ll'irlnti
K. '. MmMiM k
M M. Haniliy
M. 1.. M"ore
J, C. Bradley
II. H. IIIUoii
I). W Kliuialrd
K. I.. lluiiMn
i llli'lmnl Hi'. .it
) Prank Jaguar
Tin Tenth Aiiiimil Wale Coiivcnlliiii
inneiic In I'mlliim! rl Hi'fkt
JuioiiIi Tea
Murr A Kiibertaona.
( Mil (lT Mltlliple.
Kir ami limli wihhI wanted at thla
olllcn. , H
I'rni. Holmes will HM-iik at rdilvcly'a
hall on Friday nielli.
( v.iii want H kkm! iiiiiii (my tint
Jliukeyo of Wilson & Ciinkii,
lliln'Ht price paid by tint Commercial
hank for dimly iiikI city warrants.
An yim (!"'"U 'I'" i"''"' I'li'luy
iiIkIiI? WIiv. !"? At Uhlvely'a linll.
Kri'VU'n i'"tl.i"K picklcacan Ihi liii'l
at tint Corner ifrixcry. Iteat in llio
Order left at Frank ISurlow'a alorc,
for 4 lx't or III Inch wood, promptly
llll... I l.y )'. I'nrker.
Tint ladies l H I'aul'H icuild will "iv
an excuraion up the Columbia river on
tlm Fourth ol July.
Charman A Hon received tliia week a
complete lineof summer ailkaof all color
ami "hade for waiatN, etc.
Tim chcapeHt place in town to (it urn
brcllaa in at the Karki't Mtort. None
will Ihi i arrled over 1 1 rontinier.
Tim beat place to imy bread in ttie t-ity
in ut J.iwph F.hIu'b linini! bakery on Sev
enth street in llit- Shivcly building.
l.ol, in Oregon l ily. July 4, a
nketch Umk ; name "Annie M. ToiiHcth"
on hVlcaf. I,cave meat IhinoHico. 'Jt
A "dal will lnt given liV tho Y. I'. 8.
('. K. ul tin' I'rcabylcrian fliuich on Fri
day, May 3, at Khivcly'a hall. Adinia
alon, 10 inula.
Albright ia now killing that flue timid
ol atall-fed Hereford cattle that arrived
laat wi-i'k. anil ia now serving thi'in to
liia cuntoiiiitra
Kirk Headache, eoiir.tipaiion and indi
gestion are ipiicklv cured hy Ie Will'a
l.ittlu F.arly Itinera, the (uuioiia Utile
pill. C. O. IliinllfV, druggist.
Minn Uncle Mint llcntlcy, the talented
elocutionist anil pianist, will tie at the
I'reabylerlaii church next Thursday even
ing Hi" miinni'r Is naliirnl ami liu i n
uml niaki'B lii'r a favorite at owe.
Iti'V. II. I.. Ihirk'.'V. I. P.. will 1'oM
the lonrth ipmrtcrly meeting for Oregon
City work in Ihi) V. N. church on the hill
Sutunlny, May 4. Services to continue
tivi-r Sabhath W. II. Mt l-ain, paMlor.
(iluilHtomt uri'ttnlioiiMit ia the plure to
K,t your plant. A lino colltTtion on
linini of iH'uoiiUa.lii'liHtropi'H. (ji'ranlnuiH,
i'initrariaa, furliiaH, ix'tuniaH, pi'lurtton
iuniH, I'hryaaiilhi'inuiiiH, cariiationa,
4'allaa, etc., etc., at heil nak prirea.
Kurl'a Clover Hoot, the yrent IiUkmI
jmrifler ivi'B Irrahni'HH anil clearneaa to
the complexion ami cures conatlpution,
2.rH!., 50o., $1 00 for aali) hy Ueo. A.
DiHordera ol the Btomiii li and bowela,
ruptioiiB of the Bkin, diaturhed Bleep,
and ainiilar diminU'ra in infanta, are all
relieved hy Stccdiiiiin'a Southing Tow
dera. Il'a all over town. What? That V.
Ilania la a llxture in Oretjon City and
an niva you hrtter value in Grocerii'R,
Crockery ware, etc., drlifercd free, than
yon can n't In Portland. Try him and
bo convinced. tf
ILL. Kelly ia having threo cottunea
coimtrui'ted near hia realdence, to cohI
about 1IHM). They will ho neat Htruct
urea, and will allurd deairable reaidences
lor those wishing to pay nominal rent.
Mr. Jennings is tlie contractor.
Wilson A Cooke have moved their
atock of hardware one door south of the
Commercial Hank, but will still occupy
their old Btand for farm implinients.siich
aa Bain wagons, Oliver plows, Buckeye
and Pitcher pumps, cultivators, hay
rakes, mowers and wheelbarrows.
R. Williams baa recently completed
the luying of 520 leet of pipe, connecting
the city water mains with his residence
at Falls View. This place is 500 feet
bluber than the river level, yet Mr.
Williams states tha water has Hiilllcicnt I
force for all practical purposes.
Herman Mohr, in hia advice to niiisi
cal students, says: "Tako every oppor
tunity to attend concerts at which good
music is artistically performed." Pro
fessor W. F Werachkul, the yocal artist,
will sing "The Huft," by Pinsiiti, in the
Presbyterian church next Thnrsday
Monday evening Chaplain Biiteman of
the U. H. Army, will deliver his famous
lecture on "Cranks" in thochurch. Mr.
Itateman was a former pastor of the
liuptist church and bis many friends will
be glad of this opportunity of meeting
him. An adniission fee ot 25 cents will
lie charged.
The progrmn has been issued for the
tenth annuitl convention of (lie Oregon
State Sunday Hchool Association, to be
held in the First Congregational church,
Portland, May 7th, Kth and llth. The
tuples for treutuient are all In line witli
tint convention thi-uie, better things.
; While the entire program Is designed to
be of Intercut to every attendant, each
one is certain to llnd something of sicc
iiil value in his particular line of Sunday
school ellort. The primary department
is given the prominence that il demands,
as being of perhaps the first importance.
Three pnpeia on various points in pri
mary teaching are provided for, as well
as a conference of all primary woikers.
At this conference the iiMtter of a
state primary siiperiiileii litnt will mi
doiihl'eilly Ihi brought iii, ami if it meets
with favor the sluttt association will be
asked to add such an ollicer to the list
for the ensuing year. Normal work will
be fully treuled, anil the ipieHtion of the
adoption of a uniform state course and
the apisiiiitiiif nt ol a minimi siiH'rin
teiident will have attention. Such vital
topics as grading, Binning and the home
class department will bw ably presented ;
the Chiiiitiiiiiiia work will also have
cniiHi.lciation. The singing during the
entiiu convention w ill he umlcr the direc
tion of lie v II. W. Young, of Portlund.
On Wednesday evening the program will
Include organ selections hy Miss Frances
Jones, one ot Portland's liest organists,
and a quartette hy Miss Block, Mrs.
Shillot k and Messrs, Winder and Mont
gomery, A feature of the convention
will be the five simultaneous conferences
at four o'clock Wednei'diiy afternoon, of
Primary Workers, Secielsries, SiikT'
iuteiiileiits, Teachers of Boys and Teach'
era of iii 1m. The special interest of each
delegate will determine which one he
shall ulteiid. In each conference only
such topics and problems are to lie con
siilereil M concerns teachers or ollicers
of th ut particular class.
Indications alreadv tsiint to a large
Httendiince. TIim is a mass convention,
and the invitation is extended t'tall Sun
day-School workers in the slate. Kn
tertaiumelit will he provided for such
delegates as send their names to A. A.
.Morse, Chairman, 3.'14 Weldler street,
Portland. Attention ia railed to the
necessity for taking a receipt fiom agent
at the time of buying railroad ticket to
Portland, if reduced rale for return trip
ia desired. The Southern 1'acitTc has
effected a rhuiige in ita manner of hand
line excursion fares which makes this
inierative. This is also required by the
O. K. A N. Co. The return rate ia one
third of tegular fare on Southern Paciflj
and one-fifth on the O. H. A N. The
secretary, F. H. Cook, Portland, will
furnish additional information on re'
Fraternal Notes
Multnomah IxidgeA.F.A A.M. staled
coiiimiliiication on Saturday evening,
May 4, at Masonic temple, regon City.
Meinls-rs are requested to lie present.
Visiting brethren cordially invited.
Work in M. M. degree.
i. I., (iray, W. M.
At the last meeting of the Woodmen
lodge in this city, three candidatea were
initiated and five applications for mem
tierahip were received. The next regu
lar meeting will be held May 14th. Prep
arationa are lieing made to receive
Head Consul K. A. Falkenheig, who is
expected to visit the lodge May Slat.
The Odd Follow and Uehekaha cele
brated the Tilth anniversary of Odd Fel
lowship last Friday evening by a social
gathering to which their families were
invited. Music, aHteche and refresh
ments were on the piogram of the en
tertaining occasion. A number of in
vited guests were present from Oswego
and Clackamas lodges. The grand
lodge meets in Salem, May loth.
Meade Post and tho Ladies' Relief
Corps are making great preparations lor
Decoration Day ceremonies, MayllOth
President BIohs of tho State Agricultural
college, will deliver tho address. The
Btato encampment of the grand army
posts, ladies' relief corps and sons of
veteran ia set for 17th and 18th of June
in this city. General lewder, national
department commander, is "xpected to
he in attendance. There will lie a large
number of representative people from
all part of the state on that occasion,
and it is expected that the citizens of
Oregon City will assist in their entertainment.
(Jraiid Voral Concert.
Following i the program of the con
cert to r given at the Presbyterian
church, Thursday evening, May IHb.
under tlie diiuction of releasor W. J.
Werschknl, of Portland, assisted by Mis
Mae Benlley, elocutionist and pianist,
Mr. Willi Ilayne tenor, Miss Mary
Haynca, soprano, and a large chorus.
Mr. F. F. Wl ito accompanist:
fAHT l.
Piano Solo, Selected,
Miss Nina tuples.
Anthem,.. "O, (iive Thanks,"., htrauh
Duet "Maying." Smith
MIssM. I lay lies and Mr. W. Ilayne.
Keeitatlon, "Rose of the Cloth of Oold,"
Miss l.u.ie Mae iMtntley.
..',. il...U'i1.lu..ft.OTi.una
,,, in illllB W.llB ...in'.''i
I, lees. K ...... , . t. it. l.
"''"i .1. " Wliiythnu .Irlm." ... Slrslib
Soprano Solo, "Fly Forth, O, Gentle
Dove, rinsiui
Miss Margaret William.
Part Song, "Beaiilii'ul Primrose"
Bariloiie Solo, "The Raft," Piimiiti
1'rolcHHor W. !. ersclikul.
Male Quartet, "O. F.veniiig'a Silver
Star .Murray
Messsrs. Werschkul, Williams,
E. F. Driggs, I,. Driirgs.
Piano Solo, "The Butterfly,". a ullea
Missl.i.zie Mae Bentley.
Chorus, "Lift our Glad Nones,'
Tenor Solo, "Homeward Bound," Jarvis
Mr. Willis Ilayne.
Chorus,. ."Home by the Sea,". .Rupert
Soprano Holo, "Ye Merry Birds"(inuiliert
Miss Mary 1 1 uy lies.
Recitation, "Christinas iglit in the
Miss I,i..ie Mae Rentley.
Male Quartet, "Woodland Roses" Mair
Messrs. Werschkul, Williams, Drigg
and I'rigg.
Choru, "Good Night, Beloved," Pinsuti
Furnished Krery Week by the Hack,
ma Abslruct k Trust Crinipaiir.
May lo An Much For You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., writes
that lie had a severe kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
back and also tbut his bladder was ef
fected. Ilo tried many so called kidney
cures, but without any good result.
About a year ago he begun tlie use of
F.lectric Hitters and found reliel at once.
F.loctric Bitters is especially adapted to
cure all liver and kidney troubles and
often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 50c for largo bottle. At Charman
A Co.' drug store, Charman Bros. Block.
To allay pains, suhdue inflamation,
heal foul sores and ulcers, the most
prompt and satisfactory results are ob
tained by iwing that old reliable remedy,
Dr. J. H. McLean' Volcmic Oil Lini
ment. For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug,
Republican League Convention.
Great preparation are being made all
over the state to attend the convention
of tlie republican clubs at Portland ,
May Wild, to better organixe the repub
lican league of Oregon and to elect dele
gate from this state to the national
league convention at Cleveland June P.).
Already Capt. 11 L, Wells, the secre
tary of the state club, lias been notified
of tlie election ol over i"i0 delegates, and
ho ex-cts fully three time that number
will lie reported during the few week
that intervene before the meeting. Ar
rangements have been made with tlie
Southern Pacific for a round trip rate of
one fare and one third for all who attend
the meeting, either a delegate or visit
ors. At the time the ticket to Portland
is purchased the purchaser should ask
for a certificate from the ticket agent.
At Portland this certificate should be
countersigned by Secretary Well, when
it entitle the holder to purchase are
turn ticket at one-third the regular fare.
At this rate there should be a large at
tendance of delegate and of other re
publicans interested in the welfare of tlie
p irty. I'.very club in this county should
lie fully represented. Secretary Wells
is preparing a Republican League Regis
ter, which will contain a record of the
republican party in Oregon and the
names of all republicans w ho have been
leaders in the party or who are now tak
ing part in its councils. The volume
will be a large one, Borne "50 pages, and
will contain several thousand name of
active republicans, many of them living
in this county, including all delegates to
the state league, Btate convention, cen
tral committee, etc. It will be the roll
ol honor of the republican party in Ore
gon. Ice cream and cake at Shively's hall,
Friday evening, May 3.
Chautauqua Antes.
The Multnomah and Clackamas AVo
nian'a Christian Temperance Union at
their convention at the Baptist church
on Friday, will plan for a department in
connection with the Chautauqua Assem
bly. At noon the convention ad
journs to Gladstone Park to pick out
a location for a tent or summer house for
all member in attendance at the as
sembly. It every society does this the
ground will present an animated and
populous apiearanee. "Nothing suc
ceeds like success." The popular tide
is turning that way.
On Monday evening of this week Mr.
Pope entertained the Chautauquans to
the number of tifty or more with a de-
lighttul talk on China Painting in which
line of art she i an acknowledged expert.
Her home is a museum of dainty china
representing the work and study of
The management of Professor Wersch
kul1 concert are sparing no efforts to
make it the equal of any, if not the best
ever given in this line, in the city. Be
side those mentioned before they have
secured the assistance of Mr. W. and
Miss M. Ilaynes, who were given such
flattering accounts in theOregonian after
the Y. M. C. A. concert, Apr. 10. Mr.
and Miss Haynes are prominent mem
ber of Professor Werschknl' choir in
Grace M. E. church of Portland, and
their singing is sure to please those of re
fined musical taste.
Mr. L. C. Caples has kindly offered
her splendid new piano for use in Profes
sor Werschkul' concert.
If yon want to feast your eyes on straw
bats of the latest shapes, for men, boys
and children, go to Charman A Son's.
Tickota for Professor AVerschkul's vocal
concert on sale at Huntley's book store
and by members of the class. General
admission 25c ; children under 14, 15c.
Tho Council to Robt Richardson,
Hiiecinl W I), May 17,'W, 40 acre
in 7, C Norton claim in t 3 r 2 e $
John FStiilham to Robt Kkhardson
Vf ) HeptK, '04, lot 5 and in
Pleasant Hill Park
John F Stiduian to Rob Richardson
W I) Sept 22, '04 HO acre in the
7. V Norton claim, in t 3 r 3 e. .
It Richa'dson to John F Stidinan,
. W V April 20. '05, 40 acre in the
Z C Norton claim in 1 3 r 3 e. . .
Robt Richardson et al to Cathrine
Rii hardson, W D, April 20, 05,
lot 6 and 0 in Pleasant Hill Park
and HO acre in the Z C Norton
claim in t 3 r 3 e
Jul Shaw to Caroline Fischer, W I)
March 28, '05, lots 23 and 24 in
Shaw' first add to O C
Hamilton A Washburn to John L
Kvans W I) March (i, '05, lot 15
and 10 in blk 10, of Apperson'
Btib-sdd of blk 5, 0 and 7 ol Park
Place, and In' acre in Straights cl 1200
Portland Trust Colo Margaret (iwy
ganl, (1 C D, April 10, '1)5, blk 52
O C 1
J J Fisher to Mary J Frank, W D,
Jan 31, '95, the w'j of thd sw1
ol sec 12, in t 4 r 2 e, 80 acres.
Geo O Wood et al to J J Cook, trus
tee, W D, April 22, 05, the wy
of blk 147, OC
A L Thompson and heir to Noye
W Kilton, W D April 22, '95, 15
acre in the n of tlie S Hatha-
vav claim, in t 1 r 2 e
J A Chase to McGlvnn A Eastman,
W D Felt 20, '95, the i of the
of tract 31, Pruneland, in t 3
r 1 e, acre
Will I.and Co to McGlvnn A Fast
man, W I), Feb 27, '95, the n)i
of the n.j of tract 30 of Prune
land in t 3 r 1 e, l'i acres
F L Good to F and Win Waespe, W
I), Dec 1, '94, the B,li of the se'i
of sec 17 and the ei of the nw1
of sec 20 In t 3 r 5 e, It'rO acre. .
Win Bar low to B Peterson, W D,
April 22, '95 , 20 acres in sec 31,
t3 r 1 e
Julia Fiost to James Hedges, W D
April 15, '95, 5 acre in the Wes
ley Josly claim, in t 3 r 1 e 35
Geo R Dedman to Cha Bennette,
W I) Aug 24, "M, 4 acre in tract
C, Clackamas Riverside 1200
F T Barlow to Patsey Tarish, W D
April 25, '95 lots 17 and 18 blk 2
West Gladstone 240
Jas W Shaw to Lizzie Smith, W D,
April 25, '95. lot 18 blk 6 in Annex
add to Oregon City 125
John Moore to A Wilon, trustee,
Q C D May 9, '90, the wtf ot the
ne'i and the e'g ol tlie nw1 of
sec 34, 1 1 b r 2 e, 100 acres 5
A Wilson to A Refiling, W D April
23 '95, the w1, of the ne4 and
the e'j ol the nw1 of sec 34, in
1 1 r 2e, ItiO acre 1
Tho Jone to Joseph Ellis, W D,
March 2ti,'95, the w,S of the ne1'
and the se.V of the ne1 ol ec 3
t3sr2e, 100 acres 1000
Sophia Schmidt to Emily Humphrey
WD.Apiil22, 'tto, 5la acre in
the e.i4' of section 6, t 3 s r 2 e. . 1000
Have your Titles examined and
Abstracts made by the CLACKAMAS
the only complete set of Abstracts of
Title of all land in Clackamas county.
Accurate ard reliable work by a respon
sible firm. Office up stair in the Cau
field building.
! m
In a State of Bankruptcy
ti the condition of
our ivHtcm it the
Jivrr brcomea inac
tive to that the
(erin and poison
can accumulate
within the budr.
Kerp the liver and
bowel active and
we're in a condition
of health r nrot-
"J peritjr and nave
sufficiently well in
vested capital to
9"m draw upon in the
hour of need. The liver filters out the
poiaonou germ which enter the syntem.
junt to sorely u the liver retalate the
Totem, so do Dr. Pierce ' Pleasant Pellets
regulate the liver. Keep this in mind, and
you solve the peoMem of irood health and
food living. The " Plaanl Pellet " have
a tonic, strengthening effect upon the lin
ing membranes of the stomach and bowels,
which effectually cure Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Costiveness, or Constipation,
Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Bad Taste
in Mouth. Sour Rising from Stomach,
and will often care Iyspepsia. The " Pel
lets" are tiny, because the vegetable ex
tracts are refined and concentrated. Easy
in action, no griping as with old-faabioned
pills. As a ' dinner pill," to promote di
gestion, take one each day alter dinner.
To relieve the distress sriitinc from over
eating, nothing equals one of these little
Mrs. Mki.issa Atwater, of Slruben,
Washington Co He., writes : " As regard
the little Pel-
11 a m. s a n ft , S s l a s sr- '
VAKbLb gc l-jKAINrtE.
Wholesale and Itelsll dealers In
Fine MmM work and imDortel Statoarr,
Vn ntn orrler monumental work nnltl you
olitaln our prices. You will And for food
work oor charge are al ways the low
est. II any work Is wanted lii our
line, please drp us a esrd,
and we will eall with de
signs and prices.
Second and Third ti Bt (!
Cars Pass Our Salesrooms.
720 Prom Street. Opposite the railing School,
Portland Oregon,
let,' I think
I could not do
without them.
I do not like
to be without
them in the
bouse. I have
spoken very
highly to
friends and
neighbors of
them, and
many are tak
i n g them
through my
sdrf rtiiifle
them. I will Atwts.
say they are the best pill I can take, es
pecially for an after-dinner pill, I think
they have do equal."
Adirondack, 719.
Will stand the season of 1895 at Canbjr
on each MoniUy and Tuesday and the
balance of the week in Oregon City at
Noblitt's atablea.
ADIRONDACK was sired by Bona
Fide, 720, sire of Humbert 2:28',, Gene
2:30. liona Fide was aired by Hamble
tuninn 10. and he bv Abdullah 1. Adir-
I ondack'a dam was Made, dam of Vol
unteer 55, sire of St. Julian. 2:1U.
ADIRONDACK is the sire of Bonnie
Bell, 2:24'; Flora T. 2:35; Annie B,
2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler, 2:44'J', she
the dam of Longitude, 2:18.
TEKMS, $10 for season. $15 for insur
ance. For further partii u'ars inquire in
Oregon Citv of H. C. SLOPKIi.
Soman's Soommg Fowlers.
For Children Cutting their Tteth.
HiIIm futrlth Heat, prrntnt flt$, Camwlstou. mi
prtnn m mli Kate (As cont(jtJi
, . . turlno r per'o ot Utthlnq.
Opp. Huntley's Drujt Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
mnred UiOdil Fellows' temple S. W. Cor. 1st
sud Alder, Portland. Oregon.
Of Clackamas County for the Year 1895, as
Furnished hy Supt. Gihson.
VI iT.
Drs. Hickey the dentist owing to the
increased practice in their Portland office
has been compelled to discontinue their
Oregon City othe. I'arties desiring
dental work will find them in the Dekum
building Third and Washington streets
Portland. Those having $5 or more
worth of work done will have their
round trip fair deducted from their bill.
B. II. Bowman; Pub. Enquirer; of
Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl babv, t'ie only one we have,
was taken Bick with croup. After two
doctors failed to give relief and life was
hanging on a mere thread we tried one
minute One Minute Cough Cure and its
life was saved. O. G. Huntley, dnntgist.
Our patrons w ill find De Witt's Little
Karly Kiners a safe and reliable remedy
for constipation, dyspepsia and liver
complaint. C. G Huntley, druggist.
When your guidman comes home at 'een,
He aye expects to see
Two cosy slippers on the hearth,
And a cup of Japoolo Tea.
ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
A. B. teinbacH Co.
Hatters and
Comer First suJ Morrison St.
A. I. us ilnr.
N. K. Ursh m. Hubbard,
C . Kusc, Oreifou CUT,
F. O-rber, Lot'sii,
F. J. Hidings, Msiqusm,
J. C. l'rilmer, Moihlia,
(i. J. ( urriii, Currinirllle,
r. E. H'.wlvr, L fn.
. K. I.ewtbwaitei livkmnv,
A. blille. Mo.slla.
M. u Frvr.
V. A. Joiiei, L on,
K. J. Waltler, imciD,
C. J. titoiit. Vio.a,
Hi'H-y Hmhe-, Hooter Creek
W. Van We), Ma qiinm,
0. Vt . -ttrrd, Eagle Creek,
1. G K'h er, Cniibr,
1. . Joiixrud, Reltn,
F Kraxbumer, Mm kiburir,
Genrire r heta, ori g. n Cnj,
j. . Ml i.ll, uivuie.
C. y. W nitner,
J. A. rhiblty,
Jaint Pirkey,
F. M. Obuiu,
S. M. Kl. himli.Or, nun Cut,
1) ita Ihieaten, .Milwaukee,
Frank Jx fir. Cam .
ti Miimpower, C.arknmiti,
K E. Viiuui', linniHicua,
C. N. L'rkin., Clare,
K. Kiilha-lurl, Highlan.!,
K. A. nith, O eu Cltr,
U. . R bbinr, Molalla,
1. f. Mipp, Molalla,
M. Lonij, Oaweo,
J. KnrcK, Barlow,
J. F. Forreater, hagle Creek,
J. V. Kilter, rte.y,
Milwaukee, F. b'rkemeler,
O. F. Brir,
T. M. bmg,
A. hwale,
R. I tiarrett,
Ji.hu K.nir,
r. B. Linn,
J. C. Bp-ag n.
Mr. E. Farker,
V. aiiaban.
Meadow Brockc. Hn mnii.
J. i llatl,
T. Lawrence.
T. C. Julb,
T. H. Tbiimaa,
A. ttrjr,
J Vaneuren.
I. W iniaiDiautla,
Detini Yeiger,
A. H. Wing,
Eilwaid Uojlea,
C. Ensle,
HIUouTille, F. hiickfiaer
Sprincwater, A. Lnnr,
Ira Dirker.
1. A. In h .a,
T. IlaTIM,
D. . KuberUon,
V. EnckHOii,
1. Brown,
J. N. Tout,
H. Kleiutmtth,
P. Jonep,
F. E. Donaldton,
J. K. hharer,
J. H. Jackou,
J. R. Hayea.
Ed (irarea,
Jime- Foe,
J. Hi-aela,
Jacob bhats,
C. K. fcndenbj,
Oregon CUT. G. Lxieile,
P niaarua, Henry Feret,
Fark Fiace,
Eagle t rwk.
E. B. Ke.lr.
D. Coalman,
(i. W. Proper,
J. I . ApponoD,
A. Clark,
Harret Gltxon.
U'eeon City, C. A. Hulmitrom,
j. luuiond,
D. Ronersou,
Mr-. M. E.Stcyen,
J. . Th Qia,
E. F. Carter,
H. Lmi,
M. Ctdonan.
J B. cbriateur.
Fd Sinull,
R chard DunJai,
H. Uingcoy.
I. M. inima",
11. Von llelma,
1.. Toeiltemeiur.
Currin.-vllle. W. F. Buyer,
Oregon City, J. M. RobeiUon,
(iregou City, Anion Leek,
Spuugwaler, J. O. Woil,
. nuuuniu,
Jo- ph Hell,
I. II iui.
1). C. Ku barJaon,
H . II. Leiu'D,
J. C. MeMurry,
F. F. Lar.u. Ulr.rd.
I', chant, CherryTille,
W. Lawton,
J. A Rlc hey,
t. F. Andre,
F. Ii. -ch.
J. C. Haniea,
E. C. Hmketl,
. B. 1m;,
J. P. WiKMlle,
.'. H.it'on.
J. G. I)ei-haer, Firwood,
J.atph Rw, I oiton,
Mr. F. S eigh:, C'anbr,
F. awtell. Molalla.
K F. Bor lea. W ilhoit,
J. C. sohmiilt, Georit..,
E W.Hamuielt, Highland,
George Owingi,HiHitiard,
w I. hlta. Aurora.
C. Live-ay, Orvgmi City, G Wab.ron,
T. r. Kvan. llrvgon C ty, J. w. Rorrif,
H. A. a dron, Orenou Cily,
K. P. Ijdmat, Ciai'kama.,
J. M. Grthoiig.Maruuain,
F. S MVt'TB. Sr.. Marmot,
11. ldeih .ff, S'anord,
S. M. Tracy,
B. C. I, laud,
John Rowan,
8. J hnann.
W. E. BouueT. l ulto'i
G. H. Brown, New Era,
w, II. Cochran.Nee iy,
W. M. nioi.e, Rediand,
T. P. Monies, Marqunm
.1 A. Riia-era. DamaaCU
H, K. llll, bpnagwa.er, nm. nun.,
G. W.S. Taylor, Aurora, Donald McDonald,
E. W.Hornehuh BeaverCreek, C. Hnrnthih,
U. o. C Phe.pa, New Era, W. Vorpahl,
Alion Bkt-r, W lli.oiiv.lle, I. S. Vtond,
H. Fl!i;rald, Porcr, A. J. Kitimuller,
F. Erickaon, Muliuo, A. Ern ksou,
R F. I)avM, Beaver Creek, G. M uhm,
L 1). shank, Canby, II. A. Vorpahl,
J. U, Bliakney, Wi.hoit, A. Coun,
S. r. Huffman. lou, L C. I)tcreni,
F..H.Burehardt.I)uiaacu, . a. Gordon,
J. T. Eva:i. .Mulino
J. K. Miller, Needy,
J. J. Yoder, Needy,
p. M. Urn yes, Libera,,
C. W. Richey, Logan,
W. C. Buckuer,Clarki ,
R. Rypiymkl, New E a,
r I). Barlow. Barlow.
KH.Mulvaney, Meadow BrookU. L. Trulllugar,
ll. linen, i-eii.a. .
A.P.Todd, -herwood, T. M. Baker.
r.M.Mauulug, Clarke, W. F. Mueller,
B N BradleT. Pleaac.ntllomeW. New,
J. 1. K-ue, W laonylilo, Joim Kmhc,
C. VV. Krue, Fultou,
J i h u o.eiou, sycamore,
. M. i rv. Aiuoni.
Johu V. Henry, i ualatin,
Win. Y'ou ic, Ph-Twood,
G. R. Bri-tow, Mid ileum,
II. M. llaUtwin, Aiuie,
E. A. SI. Coue, Muttjville,
P. G. Olaou, BulteTllle,
EdwIftCole, lllburg,
I. E. Mi lea, beolta Ml la,
F. U Rugg, Gre-haui,
A. II. Baker,
O. A. Kinzer,
V. 11. Yoder,
F. A. Kllugler,
H. Ba,amlre,
J. P. Olaen,
B. F. Baker,
Houry Will,
C. . Bryant,
t . 1) h gulal,
Charles Beck.
W. 8pei oi-r,
I. II. M. B ter,
V. A. Pa-rlih,
T. .lohannesen,
J,,hu Murray,
C. Hine,
1. N. I. Slimier,
Johu Scou,
A. L Maybee,
R. Scoit,
W. F. Stanton, -K.
C. Galiong,
L. HumUiou,
K. Adam.,
J. L Bigt.ow,
w. H. H. Wade.
G. F. Gil.ba,
W. Barranrer,
I om Vaugbn,
W. L. 8tewaru,
W. OatHeld,
C P. Ware.
J. M. Hayden,
G. . Trai lor,
C. E. Yonng.
Egbert Fouler.
IL A. Linneberg,
John L. Eri.
J. Bar.b.
8. E Si ragoe,
s. R. Ta lor,
Wn . Brutal,
J. Marrp,
Ror rt Baty,
G. Bleine,
W . l-. Bray ton,
H. Th.eau,
J J ne.
W. E. Miimpower,
M. V. Kouley,
L. Stout,
M. E. Kandle,
J. Mor.eu,
R. I. Dibble,
J C. I- Miller,
D. L. Eaton,
A. Ko' her,
J. s. Glbbona,
F. E. Fiah,
Z. Elligsoo,
K. A. Fl du,
C. c. W ll.ama,
C. Z. Uke,
M. ewet,
H. F.acher.
Henry Gans
C. H. Pouchy,
W. 8. l a ne.
W. J. Howlett.
L l. Mumpower,
M. Gr Hi,
p. Laferty,
D. W. Howard,
W. R, BagbT,
F. M. Boswall,
N Rath.
N. Boylan,
J. Meyer ,
J .c ib Miley,
Z 8. Ga d.
J. v. Nobie,
VV. Mcllouald,
J. H. H ckman,
Japer irullinger,
E D. Selreis, sr.,
H. smidt,
J. C. Tracy,
H. H. Gregory,
W. W . Myere,
Th maa lt',
I. 8. D'X,
B Fedrick,
C. Ze f.l,
R C" nuer,
C. J' hnson,
J. C. Elliott.
J. B. Albright,
F. Hilton.
8 Hutrhln on,
J. F Brigga,
E. U Baker.
F. R. French.
W. A. Woodside,
L Bcbulta,
A. H. Lee,
8. M. Cooke,
G. Gutnian,
T. Olell,
O. H. Inkeep,
J. 1. Kauffmau,
T. K. lav lor,
L H . ni,
P. W ll.illl,
T. Martin,
8. Gro-.
D. J Parmeutei,
J. C. Gordou,
Guy Bee bee,
J. II. Womeladorf,
C. Krieger.
C. M. Uke,
C. Th "i w on,
1). I. Magone,
11 ILiliock,
W. Krau,
E. A. EMt,
W. C. H 'atjr.
J. N. Ilolllilnll,
J. a Taylor,
II. L Ht'ut.-,
J. Parrotl,
A. N. llll,
J. Irwm,
E. B.e -a.
J. G. Bounett
Nixon Blair.
W. A Hlgea.
M. H. Rial hoff,
Kvere t Judd,
J. H. Palmer,
Ell Wi, llama,
J. 8 Gill,
W. ch,
I). F. Bali,
L. Frey,
Wm. Palmateer,
J. A. Lr eu burger,
. H. Mattoou,
C F.,he',
i. D. L .rklna,
J. Duugieaa,
C Lucke.
G. P. Bit h,
A. Klehe,
Wm. Spragutk
M. Ruobina,
Joh t Roa,
C. Howell,
Rnvmoi'd Dickey,
W. Ulrlch,
P. 8. FiiUiroft,
. W.Ri,ley.
J. K. Urahim,
J. A. Brer-.
T. H. F.aihers
s. Elmer,
E. HarringtoD,
1. D. Taylor,
K. J. Moore,
. Lowary,
L. A. .-h Dley,
F. Pep. r,
J. I'. Duncan,
J. Krlclter,
Ben A hey,
C. W. llama,
R. H. F bar,
Ed Riiher,
J. M. Thomaa,
J. H. Wcver,
F. L Mintie,
W. H. 8mlth.
R. 6. McLoughllo,
J. tt. Dougleaa,
a. w hoe er,
A. Molar,
J.C. C. Hall,
G. W. finank.
C. Daueherty,
I. M. Borlea,
H. Kllnker,
G. II. Kernea.
H. Chit,
T. W . McC loy,
J. L Voaburg,
. p. Ltwreuce,
C H. Foator,
D. 1 albert,
J. Nil ho aon.
A'lcl h Aachoff,
J. Johuen,
J. B. Culick,
W. H. Bluer,
J. Ferguaou,
W. T. Cutty,
H. -exton,
E. J. Bradtla,
J. F. Mllta,
L. Fuuk,
Geo. Bentley,
M. W, Gardner.
J. T, Myera,
A. L. Renke,
M. M huke,
A. Bremer,
. el in mon ,
Ira Cooper,
K. Bowman,
W. F. Harria,
F. Hampton,
W. W. Dickeraou.
K. Habesten,
Wm. Illnkle,
W. J. Erana,
B. F. Suilih,
J. 8-hwart,
J. Damm,
W. hveueowetb,
J. T. Grace,
F. Zimmerman,
P. n. Molloy,
J. Mallatt,
J. B. Deai deft,
D. C. Her.
W. M. Morris,
E. M. Carpenter,
F. Elllgaou,
G. G Kruae,
V. fowell,
J. P. Cole. """"ai
G. A. Gal breath,
W. .1. Weaton,
P. He t r.
w. Burknolder,
J. s-heurer,
O. H. Cone,
A. J GodiuarA,
1). Brodie,
O. Ai:drewa,
McKittrick's shoes are the best on earth.
McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth.
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