CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE CORRESrOSD ENTS SWEEP THE FIELD. rineeii Thousand Sacks of ratafees Shipped from Sew Era The (i range Prospering:. Ntw Era, April 20. We are basking in aunsliuie ami flowers while Hie air is redo lent with the fragrant hloom of orchards. Farmers are improving the fine weather planting potatoes, etc. We have a good prospect for a large crop or fruit in this locality. The aggregate amount of potatoes shipped from New Kra during the past season amounts to about 1S.W0 sacks, the larger part having been sold in San Francisco. Our energetic road overseer, Wni. Kider, baa been doing some much needed work on the road north and south of the creek bridge in New Era. This road bas long been in a deplorable condition, causing many of those passing over it to utter words of astonish ment that a road over which so many teams pass daily should be allowed to re main in so nearly an impassable condition. A start, however, has been made toward improvement of our roads and it is to be hoped will continue. The river road from Canby and New Era to Oregon City is one of the oldest and most traveled public roads in Clackamas county, and the people residing along its length hope to see it kept in repair. R. 0. Vidito and Fred Chum have fin : isJied clearing some land for J. C. Xewburv. Airs. Newberry has been suflering with an attack of the grippe, she is now conva lescent. August Braesner, who has been sick for aome weeks, was seen riding to Oregon Citv today. All are pleased that lie Is able to be oat again, Jacob Crader is having a new barn built. Peter Engei lias finished a fine new barn which adds greatly to the appearance of his farm. Born to the wife of M. Stauber, a fine daughter. All doing well. Warner grange held a regular meeting at their hall in New Era on the 27th Instant. Several new members were added to the roll. Many farmers are unitin? with the order on account of the opportunity offered them to obtain what they deem sound fire insurance on their property at a nominal cost J. L. Hoffman is selling from eight to twenty eonls of wood to the river steamers daily which he will be able to continue for aome time, having a large amount of wood on hand. Herman Anthony will soon commei.ce the erection of a residence on the site of the one recently destroyed by fire. MINK NEWS. A Lot of Interesting Items From That Pro gressive Section. Mink. April 28.-Charley Grossmiller left last Week for Calilorma to work. Miss Calla Meyers was the guest last week of Jliss Hettie (timber. K. Staub and Will Steiner of Oregon City ! were in this neighborhood Sunday with their bicycles. Arbor Pay at Wllsonvllle. WtijoNvii.i,i, April St. Miss A. I. IIio inbothem and her pupils ot the W'llsonville school observed arbor day at that place Fri day, the l'.Uh, by entertaining a large audi ence ol friends, neighbors and parents with an excellent program, consisting of songs by the school, instrumental music bv Isa dora Shields on the organ, and recitations by the students and others. Kvervthlug was well rendered. It was a beautiful day and the rather small school room was com pletely packed, one half of the room with the company and the remaining room with the school like sardines In a box. All en joyed the day notwithstanding the limited space. The following is the program as it was executed: The house was called to order and a grand march came first, with music by Isadora Shields. Song, by the school. Recitations, by Ellen Urobst, Cora Seely and Archie Seely. Instrumental music, by Isadore Shields. Recitations, by Lilhe Scely and Stella Seely. Dialogue, by Amelia Hasslebrink and Norris Young. Recitations, by Panlel Hintz, Charly Rose and Augusta Schlickeiser. Dialogue, by Christian Sass and Ralph I Seely. " Song of the Roses," by the school. Recitations, by Alvina Hintz, Mrs. Young and Ella Uinta. Quotations, by the school. Music, by Isadore Shields. Recitations, by Anna Boekmanand Myr tle Seely. Reading, bv Miss Hicinbothem. Recitation by Walter Schlickeiser. Dialogue, by Herman Seely and Ida Hints. Song, " Under the Willow," by the school. Recitations, by Ralph Seely and Ida Schlickeiser. Music, by Isadore Shield. Recitations, by Mrs. Charles Wagner, Dora Seely and Augusta Schlickeister. Dialogue, " Catching the l.ion," by eight boys. Dialogue, by tour boys. Song, ' Beautiful Home," by the school. Recitations, by Dora lieokman, Liazia Brobst and Nettie Hasselbrink. Music, by Isadore Shield. Song, " Fairy Moonlight," by the school. AKBOK DAY rKOi.HAM. " Song of Arbor Day," tune America. Recitation, by Anna Wagner. Planting trees. Song, "Celebrate the Arbor Day," by the school. Dialogue, " Voices of lie Trees.'1 Kecitations, by Anna Wagner, John Brobst, l.illie Scnlickeiser, Cora Seely, Fri day Schlickeiser and Grace Vowell. Closing song, "America,-' by the school. Grand march and dismissal. The teacher and her school tender thanks to those who assisted in the services and to the patrons of the school for their presence. Ansa. HtnlTord Stairs. STArroan, April at. A very light shower Saturday, the first since the first of the month. II. K. Hayes has been pruning his orch arils. Win. Svhati has regrafled over fifty of his fruit trees. It la with feelings of sorrow that we think of the fate that has befallen one of our old schoolmates In the person of M. K. l'rindle. As a boy he was studious and ol a pleasant and quiet disposition, and seldom hail to he reprimanded by his teacher. Ho was one of the first In his class, and the champion speller of the district spelling schools. Melchers have got their spuds dug and have been shipping them. Most of the grain is in the ground and gardens and potatoes are now in line. 1'. 11. Baker's family are all up and around and improving rapidly. Schroeder Bros, did not have much cus tom at their chop mill Tuesday, as farmers were very busy turning the sod. Win. Schati went to Champoeg to mill a few days since. Wa I'us. Siinnjtide Items. SrNsvsina, April :tO Many of our elti- tens have the grippe. Mrs. Wiles and In- fant son have been siill'erlng with It, and others of their family havt been alllicted. Roy Johnson has been teeluig unite poorly of late, but is better. Mr. McKinlev and his son are on the sick list. Mr. ('lift is very III with another stroke of aoplexy. He has had several before this one and as he Is tjnite aged It is doubtful w hether he recovers. Mrs. Lillian Hunter, ol Washington county, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elva Hunter, of this place. Irving Comstoek, of Washington, Is visit ing his sister, Mrs. Johnson. I.ewis Oelsleger had the misfortune to get his arm broken. Mr. Oelsleger bas been ; very ill, but they are both Improving. ! Maple Lane Matters, Lank, April M.-There is some talk of a string band being organized in our neighborhood. We hope it will not end in talk as " band music" would be very highly appreciated by all. Mr. and Mrs. Waltemah entertained the I.nt'ieran minister and wife, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, of Washington, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Wat- I kins, as is also Mrs. Uiwrev. of Vancouver. Everett Latourette. of McMinnville, is spending a lew davs at the Latourette farm. We are glad to note the improvement of Mr. Close and his son. who have had the grippe. A few days ago Mr. Waltemah hail his house taken photographed. We have not heard if he got it back again or not. Violkt. j Meadow Brook babblings. Meadow Bkook, April 22. Work on the Salvation Army barracks is progressing finely under the supervision of H. E. Carr. The frame is up ready for the shingles. I). Robeson bas set out a new orchard ol 'HjO fruit trees; 3k) being Italian prunes, lrO petite prunes, and a fine variety of apples, Bargainsl Bargainsl Odds and Endsl We have finished stock taklngr and find we have' a number of ODDS & ENDS In various departments and for the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell them Regardless of Cost. We have a large stock of Broods ordered for the Spring and Summer trade and need all the avai'able space. Call in and secure a genuine CASH bargain. Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. IlAHKillOliST & COMPANY First and Aldcn. HARDWARE leier irtlund, Oregon, Northwestern Agents lor ATKI1VS (HTlitrnt Tiillleloiiili . Peiter Unre -- -IHamond.- La lire WWer Hire) 1 v' fi V"' ! I t Ernia, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Pears, cherries, etc. E. F. Ginther, died last Monday at the! ,De last regular sesion of F. A. iv. I. Gladstone hospital Irom the effects of a stir- ! 1 l0(l-'e' (,eo- Bull, I. S. Dix and J. II gical operation that was performed in her side. The remains were laid to rest in the family lot at the graveyard belonging to the Wright were elected directors of the new alliance hull. Fred I'endleton returned ten djvs since Evangelical church. The services were led ' from tlie K"1'1 fields of southern Oregon, and by Rev. H. E. Hornschuh of the Evangeli cal church, Genser of tbe Methodist church, and Rev. Staub of the Reformed church. A. C. Strange went to Logan yesterday to attend the teachers' meeting and reports having had a fine time. Miss Rosa Gin tber came home from Port land last week to attend the funeral of ber little sister Ernia. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill, of Forest Grove, were visiting Mr. Hill last week. Mr. Hill has been quite sick for a few weeks, and accompanied them back to Forest Grove where he expects to stay for a time for his health. Eva, a little daughter of Fred Moehnke, died at her home last week and was laid to rest in the Lutheran cemetery. Lawrence Hornscbuch is working for Mr. Clark at Highland. School is progressing nicely management of A. C. Strange Darks Clippings. Clakks, April 2il. If Dame Itumnr tells the truth the ople in the vicinity of ("larks will hear the merry chime of the marriage bells, for three old widows will lead their gray headed young men to the sacrificial altar. The knights of labor had a grand basket dinner in Grace's hall last Saturday. M. E. Kandle and several others addressed a large and interested audience on the leading topics of the day. Music was furnished by the Highland brass hand. Our merchant, G. W, Grace, expects to move to Elyville in about two weeks. Our loss will be their gain. Mrs. Casper's little baby is ouite sick with j the tscarlet fever. II. W. Ganl has a new picket fence around Crescent Wedires (warranted.") H it S Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, ...... Kope. Crescent Nee WILSON A COOK last week started to try his luck fishing on j his house which improves the looks of the the Columbia. , As news items are scarce, last Thursday we decided to visit Mr. E. Dodge's shingle mill at the Moialla bridge near here. We found Mr. Dodge a thorough gentleman who took ?reat rains to trie 11a nnlt.iAra 1 him hnnltiaaa ...... ...... i. ....... win jema lie cuilie 10 Oregon from the lumber woods of Michigan. Working at odd jobs he found to be a poor way of accumulating a bank account. Last August, with a cash capital ol ten cents he started in business for himself. For tbe first few months he hired his machinery for the shingle mill, paying for tbe use of an engine $.1.00 per day. Success smiled Uoii his etrorts and he gradually purchased his machinery until today he is practically out of debt and owns all his mill, engine in eluded, besides erecting two neat and coin- under ttie j nioilious dweIIirK for his family and hired I belp. Since March firtt tfie mill has turned Eugene Boy Ian is the happiest man in out over. WlioO shingles, which sell at the this part ol the country, the cause being the ! '"T f(,r "rst class and (fi cts. for arrival of a little son at bis borne. second class. The working crew of this mill place, Mr. Smith is building a large poultry house and is going largely into the poultry business. Alfred Martin is working at David An derson's saw mill, and his brother Orvid ex pects to work at his uncle's near Oregon City. Mrs. Columbus Kleinsmith is very ill with neuralgia. Bertram Jewell is organizing a base hall nine. After a little practice they will play a match game. Coining to This County. Mrs. Alien Mullen, a C'orvallis servant girl, is person to l envied, for I 'nine Fortune has cast a goodly inheritance into her lap. Forty-seven year ago in the land of Krin, she became tlio daugh ter ol Michael Mullen, and twenty years later alio heiaine the wife ol Patrick Mul len, who, after three children had lice n horn to them, suddenly died. Two years ago Mis. .Mullen left lier children on the farm that has been rented of rich land barons by the Mullen family forlJlN) cart uni! came alone to the ('tilted States. A year ago she lauded in Cor vallis anil since then bas been employed in the household of Mayor McFaiMcn. Her undo having died, alio lias fallen heirto30() acres of the finest land in Oregon, situated between Milwaukee and Oregon City, and an undivided one half interest in 1010 acres in Texas. On the hitter it in said a town is located, be allien two railroad dejmts. IIuiiiIm For Sale. Sealed bids will be received by the county treasurer of Clackamas county, at his 1. Ilice in the county oil 1 1 hoiire in Oregon City, Or , up to VI o'clock noon, the Kith dav of May, Isil.'i, fur the sale of bunds to the it 1 iii Ml 1 t 1 ( ,'!."() (mill bond I'.r -'iH an I nhe fur $l.1i),) of school dis trict No. IC1'. of ( 'bn kiiiiiiiH county, Ore gon. Said lioiids not In be sold below par uml nut to bear over eight per cent interest, tin iiiicrcst to be paid semi annually bidders to furnish blank lunula K.i'Vclupc "Proposals fur the bonds." "S9B IfSO.roH ACASI' IT WILL NOT C11111 k Id be endorsed, 1 purchase of hi hool M. I. M.ioiik, Treasurer. April IH, IH'.I,-.. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, The family of our esteemed Neighbor, Kilas F. Scripture, ha been viwited by the greiiteat of allliclioiiH, the long of their youngcHt child Silua, who was called away from thin life April 17, 1 burim. woiiiuIh OimiiuN Citv, Oregon Hard linns 1'ilcis K. K. Scripture has reduced the, price of ho se shoeing to fl..ri() per burse until further notice. All work at bottom price. Many veins experience insures: flrHl-chiHs wink. d An agwahte lAxatlv and Nrvrvi Towirj. BoL1..'J)nl,"rl","oront by mall. X&uftUu. and 11.00 per pwckaim. Samploa tree. The Favorlto TOOTfl mill ' fortboToolband brelu,l For sale by A Harding, druggist. KOIIO. Fruit trees are in full bloom, and the pros pects are good for lots of fruit. Your correspondent thinks it is about time to commence that plank road. A certain young man of this neighbor- consists of seven hands Mr. Dodge, two hired men, three sons, the oldest ID years, the youngest a lad of 12 years, who is en gineer, and Altie, Mr. Dodge's pretty 15 year old daughter who runs the knot saws. hood escorted one of our young ladies home We timed her work. She handles lifty one evening last week, but he paid bitterly I "bingles per minute. Mr. Dodge certainly for it, for he was watched by another young j deserves great credit for his success in this fellow, and when lie came back this young 1 venture. I'ihe.nix. man started up a row and a good fight took ; " place. The next day the young man that c Smyrna Nnactu. .j... , .ipui .,. J Ud llllli 13 I1UI Ill- StOp, Lady, Stop. Iean and lank, He's such a crank; My Btars ! I thank, I'm not hia wife, Ife'd make my life A scene of strife, lady, atop! bin liver ia out of 'He's iiiHt too nice for any thing," bis wife HayH, "when ho ia well." Kvery wife'a husband should if sick take Dr. I 'ierce'a (lolden Medical Discovery. It puts bin liver and kidney in good "uiniKuiuui.juiiiieHuiuoiijou,cii!aiiie8 no Bent to ttie Oregon Uily Kntkki'HIhk tliesyHiein from all impurities, from for publication. whatever cause rising An Absolute I lire. ine iirigtnai .Aineime ointment is I only put up in large two-ounce boxes, and ia an absolute cure fur old Korea. chapped hands ami all Stop, order. skin i rupinniH. W ill iiusitively cure all I kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Aliietine ointment. Sold by V. i. Huntley, at 25 cents per bux by mail .'10 cents I made the racket was taken before Justice ! Schuhel and lined fifteen dollars, liettcr I stay home next time, boys. Telephone. FKOM ANOTHER COKKEScONDEN'T. Mikk, April 30. Last Thursday night young Ed Hornshuh and Herman Moehnke had a fight over some love allairs. Mr. Hornshuh got a little the worst of the bat tle and so had Mr. Moehnke arrested and tahen before Justice G. A. Schubel who fined him fifteen dollars. Herman claims he did not get j jstice before G, A Schuhel and will take the case to Oregon City. If boys can't have little scraps without going to law, or go with the girls without having acraps they had better give up both. The dance at Henry Henrici's last Friday night was enjoyed by all that were present. J. Moennke and orchestra furnished the music. Jacob Steiner is on the sick list. Jacob Herman is making preparation's to erect a fine stone cellar. He has been busy blasting rock the past two weeks. John Heft of Oregon City, and Christ. Moehnke have the contract for building Mr. fitaben'a hop house. Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Miss M. Taylor. Cyixohe. j jured by frost as yet. The prospect for an abundant crop is better than it has been for several years. Joe Schwartz found a bee tree and in tended to leave it until the bees had a sup ply of honey, but the tree fell of its own ac cord. Joe hived the bees and divided the honey among his neighbors, your corres pondent coming in for a liberal share. anil tones tin the functions generally. Once used it is al ways in favor. Sold by all dealers in medicine. Dr. I'ieree'g Pellets permanently core constipation, sick headache, indigestion and kindred derangements. 1HH5: therefore, be it Hesolved, That the sincere sympathy of each and every member of Willamette Falls Camp No. MS, Woodmen of the Wjrld, be extended to our Neighbor and family in this hour of their sorrow Hesolved, That a copy of these resolu-' Doctor II. K. Fish, of (iravois Mills, lions be sent to esteemed Neighbor, Silas Mo- " K'"'li'il,' physician of many years writes: De Witt's Wilch Hazel Salve has no euual (or indolent sores, M aids mid burns It stops pain, heals a burn ipiickly and leaves no scar. C. (J. Huntley, druggHt. pARMHRS . . . Your team will Imvc the best of cure and Full Measure of Feed At lho City Stnbles. Kick! & Williams, Props., H"a'"""r" ,". W. H. Cooke. Livery Uipt on Short Notice. F, Scripture and lumily, and spread upon enpenence, the records of our camp, and that a copy .Notice of Kxuiiiliiiiliiin. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as While a load of young peonle from Xeedv I cu"()''lale tr teachers of the schools of were returning from the meeting at tbe l'''H county, the county school superin Sainson school house one wheel of their I tenrlent thereof will hold a public ex- veincie sirucK a sunup arm was completely ; animation at the court house, in Oregon vt lien the accident occurred the citv. heidnnimr Wednon.Uv f mi. ... 1" i- "-"t "HI, HI 1 o clock I. M. Persons desirinir state smashed. party were still several miles from home, but the walking was good. Uncle Joe Johnston, who scratched the knuckle of Ins right hand while putting boards on his ham, has been confined to his room and bed for several weeks. The wound lestered and blood poison set in, and it was feared that he might lose his arm. We are glad to note that be is improving. Misses Ida and I'osa Yoder are in the capital city this week. JoeBoshart who bas been at work near Butteville was home over Sunday. ' Some of our heavy farmers (weight 200 PHiids or more) have taken stock in the Barlow creamery. Jos. papers will apply Thursday May nth. H. S. Gihson, School Supt. Clackamas County. Dated April 25, 18!)5. Karl's Clover Root will riurifv blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. LTm:., 50c, and a dollar. For eale by Geo. A. Harding. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Enterprise office. Htoeliholilrr'a Meeting. Meeting of the stockholders of tho ' Ladies hair trimmed in the latest Blue River Mining & Milling Company H'.vle at Slop"r's barber simp. ;n i, l .1.1 ;., ii ik... r ii no iii:ii in ..ifgiTii V'lljr, WiegOIJ, : May 12, at 1 iHO I'. M., at Foiin- j tain Hose company room. j illHAM S'lllAKillT, S. It. (iKKKN I It. Secretary. l'resident. For Sale. j Span of mares, young, woll broken,! weight 1200 pounds, well matched and j Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World1, Fair Highest MUJ ao4 Diploma. gray in color, for sale cheap. Apply to C. O. T. Williams, Oregon City, Or. 1 m Many suffer from irritation of the kidneys and bladder without knowing what is the matter with them. Dr. J. II. McLean's liver and kidney halm will give relief. For salo by C. (i. Huntley, druggist. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's 'SAVED MY Life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated aystetn I ever used." For Dyspepsia, I,iver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cents. For Hale by G. A. Harding. The E.NTKHi'wsB ia the only news. paer in Oregon that gives a cash pre mium to those paying their subscription in advauce. ALU WHO CULTIVATS FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that the Tnnrnnt ttip to is the best and must reliable tuuiuriiy ODiamaDie. jr subscribe INf! tTAIDS FOmiOSTIN THE LIST. deals practically with fruits and vegetables, 'lees, shrubs and flowers, and covers the held or horticulture systematically and thoroughly. It Illustrates and describes methoils of cultiva tion, Improved varietiesund labor-saving devices. It is, without doubt, Me Paper for lie People I $t.00 a rear ( numfter). Specimen copy and M-page catalogue of horticultural books FREE on application. American Gardening, 170 Fulton SU N.y. BROWN The photographer Ih j)remri'(l to make photor Aili of nil kinils )ir)iiiptly ninl in FIRST CLASS STYLE Pmliies' and Children's F'ii-'.ur'js. a Specialty. Call and examine liin work At he Old New York Gallery Second door north of Harding's Drug Store, Oregon City. t-V-V-V -'V V tor -v,r-t,J3"ta,-TAr) p If you are interested in AdvertiHinijr you ought to he a mih p Heriher ot ritiNTKim' Ink: a journal for advertinerH. PrhiterH' Ink iH issued weekly and in filled with eontrihulioiiH ami helnfiil from tho hrighteHt niindu in tho advertising busi neHH. PrinterH' Ink costs only two dollars a year. A namplecopy will be sont on receipt of five cents. ' ADDBKSS PftlNTEHH' INK, 10 Sfus St., - fUui YoMt