EDUCATIONAL NOTES All noti-s for this column should he Witt to Mrs. H. S. Gibson, eititor, Oregon City, Orejon . TgACllKKg' ASSOCIATION. The Clackaqias County Teacher' As sociation will convene in regular monthly eeisslott at Loait next SuUuJiiy. A splendid program lias boon prepared, 8 nil Ihe teachers from Civtron City will prob ably elub together and drive out in priv ate conveyances, aa it will bo a plaant (wo hours' drive, It ia 1ioih1 (hat the attendance will he large, as the Iogan eopleare much interested in educational natters, and have ijoiio tu considerable (rouble to make the meeting a pleasant ne. Following is the program : friiiij, "America," Association "Hi w to ltetter the Condition of the . Schools," Supt. II. 8. tiibson Heading Kllen Hyers Grammar A. C. Strange I lix'iissioii Miss M. Heidi Musrc, ly the Grange j rleron fractions,. . .Mrs. Jennie Wisei Intermission I net,. .Nellie Younger A Ilattie Monroe Quotations from Oliver Wendell Holmes Association Biography Oliver Wendell Holmes, .Trot. . h. Holmes .Grange Music I'lij siology,. . I'ilH'UffclOll, . Herniation,. . . Music,. . .Chas. Kutherfonl ..Ara Mcl.siigbiin Alex Thomson Association SCHOOL rkports . Keportof district J"o. 84, for fourth tnonth ending April 19 : No. days taught '20; days attendance 402; days absence 38: number pupils enrolled 2; average daily attendance 2.1; number of visitors durng the month 12. The names of (liose pupils who were present every day during the month were : Ida and Fred Woodside, Aciiie Wallace, Zulima Kel logg, Editli Jacksou, and Elva and Al bert Erickson. School will close with a dasket social May 17. . , A. B. Hibbard, Teacher. School reiwrt of Monte Christa school, dist. No. 76, for the month beginning Mar. 18 and ending Apr. 12: Total Xo. upils 37; average attendance for month 25 7-10; No. of visitors 18. Those neither nbsent nor tardy are Anna Anderson, j Julius and Herman Jensen, Paul Thsmp eon and Claude Jones. Alma D. Gardner, Tacher. CLACKAMAS COCN1Y TEACHER!. Below tagiran the namea, wilh thairpoatofflee eldrea,a tnkai fnm thi official rworda hi apt Giooi.'a ofBoa, at all peraona ntttlrd to tea4Ji In Clacoma ronnty. With i-ach quar ter Iy xamiuuiou hi grade o( maur of the taaehm lichmcjil m Ih t pa to th nei; fcighw grade frum h it thy now hold: ATaJTB IT! DIPLOMAS. . O. A Wa kr, Aieauy, Geo. L. Story, Fannie G. F niter, H. A Oibion, Kate 1. Portjr, U. 8. tn'W Oregon Citv. C. H. Jones. Oswi-g4, H. Gordon bttrawealh;.-, Uilwaug-.e, L. W. Mc Adama, Oft-gun C ty. -nn rotxkL n-rLnMta Tenny MarfiilJ. Viola, Ella Currin, Ciirrina TUle.Qott!ei' Htini, Marqnam, (ier!ru le Finley. Oregou City, Grace Betl Jonea, br )ot, Aua G. Baird, Oregon City, Hon G. Lake, Piea ant Home, W. U. Powell, Oregon City, Geo-ge A. McArthnr. New E-, Miry Agnes McAnh'ir, ow Kra. Miio Lanta, Nedy. A. D. E. Elmer, Liargi, bmma Lanti, Needy, D. A. Brodie, eeiy. Olivia J.icobi, Oregon City. L berth Jlcltaniel, Caob..-, J. Kate Casio, Canby. tati ni-DMia Blattie it. Wath ureil, Oregon City, Elmer Vails, Oregon City, Alex Ihomaoo, Claeiarrae, HID. (iiiriey. Canby, Ralph W. Pringle, Ore gon Cliy, Mar Kelly, Oregon City, Geo. H. Dunn, Oregon I Itjr. IL T. Erana, Carui. M. K. Brown, VUUDurg, i. 1. Gray, Oregon City, J. D. Wood, .Oregon City, Elaira Mullan, Milwaukee, Era A. . Miller, Or -'iron City, J. A. Griffin, Needy, William Beerdt, saleai, E. C. Harkett, Oregon City, fierlba tj. Maria, Bar.ow, Heury A. Ball, Tuala tta, fhebt Eddy, Park Place, 8. W. Holme, Oregon City, L T. Vinoaot, LinU, Orattta epuigler, Oregon City, Erma Lawrence, Oregon City, V. V. May, Oregon City, Nal Btuop. Oregon City, T. 1. Gary, Milwaukee, Margaret Williatua, Oregon City, I. M. Darling. Oregon city. TiTi CKRTirrcaTKa. Klchard Ilnrgreavea, Sprlngwater, Lester Ceei, Ea:e Creek, Mn. Anne H, Weill, C:ar.-ia-ms llolli Haoal u, Oregon Cty, Jamet A. Freemiti, Ore;on C It. Helen M. Taylor, Oregon City, Ida r-U'kweaChjr, Milwaukee, Annie I. iilclnboth ).n, Oregon City. nxkT oatois. Frank Mullan, Milwaukee, Eunice OonaMion, Oregon City, Tcy Wilkiuiou, 0 egon City, llet t Wiutermaiitle, f'anbr, Wlnnlti Grahini, Ore gon City, Jennie Rowtn, Beaver Creek, Mr. A. Stout, Clarkot, Mra. D. H. Glasa, Oreg in City, II. H. Robb, Damatcua, L. T. Anderaon, Unlrer lty Park, Norma Fox, Oiwogo, e'amuel U. JDowna,, Juaae Waldron, Ely, Ora Kelton, Mackaborg, Eduetta h tae, Oregon City, Mary Bickner, Otwego, Myrtle Tnyior, Oregon City, ". A. Matthswa, Eagle Creek, A. J. t-hirman, 'eedy, Berlin Doering, Wllnonville, Vim. Uan- lu, Oregou City, John Collatt, Handy, I baa. Elery, Uregon City, Matilda Reed, Logau, Anna Mumpower, Oregon City, A. C. Strange, Oreon City, Beanie M. Well', Clackamaa, t haa. Huihr fold, Highland, C. K Barney, Oregon City, H. fiaminouu, MilwdUee. (llroKD GRAbK'. Grace Holme, Oregon City, H. F. G.bwi, Eagle Creek, Mr. G. H. Dnnn, Oregon City, W. P. O.baon, Maokuburg, Emm N.ckolaon, Sandy, Mra. Anna Read, l am Place, Mr. MattleCamp- Ull.Ormon City, Clara Brown, ( himpoeg, Loeaa Hedge, t-ycamore, Maggie L. Hm.ipUjn, Logun, Annie J. Young, Milwaukee, A. B. Hibbard, Ha-quam, L J. Brnolc, Oregon C ty, J. H Welch, Hug e Clean, Mra. E. M. Dowua, Oawogo, W, W. uatln, Mol.l a, Gertrude Kurb-,, Damutcus, frouri Mayfield, Vloia, D ivid Warner, Curnna ville, fchlrley Bucn, Hubbard, 8 dna Hill, Park I'lace, Belle Hibbird, Murqil'ini, Emma Slnnh l:r, Ciackamai, Miihlon .Moran, Oregon City, Grace Morau, Oregon City, P. L. Columnn, Bar kiw, IL A. Horl-, Molallr, L bb.e Ilito-., ( inby, K AniietU Alli-n, Portland, Will If. Walker, tiregoo Cny, Benha -iimmer, Oregon City, Kte feaih in, Damavcux, Himrletia li'ilwmb, Oregon City, Mra. Huttie Iw.'gardu , W'iihoit, Mnry Young, Milwaukne, I'hjma MacD i.iald, Huli tard, GoorgU liulh, Cluckamai, Ujrtha (jt hu e, Aurora, Alelht, New Era, ii. M. Switter, Currluayille, Liyy Btipp, Currluirillc, Marlon Feruley, Tremont, Julia Young, Milwaukee, Mra. Mary B xch, Sandy, Francea Currin, Cur TioarUle, Victor Dickey, Molal a, . N. Ward, Oregon City, H.ttle U Sweet, Uoarllle, Jowll , Mark, Ncwbjrg, 01. te A. Lewelllng, Mllwaimee, Uwia Ih iniita, Oregon C'ly. Chia Crittou.Kii, Molalla, r J. Alle. MC labor, a. U Frai or, MMIt'a Mllla, Kate L D nan, Ortg u t'lly, Haltic M nne, O.-vg in CUV, Ka h it Rcynnltle, Orvgon City, Mary K. Talbert, Clat-kamaa, ' Nu ll Yoiitiger. Oregon City, F. f. Hklrvin, Marqnatn, J, ,C. Wartumk, Nre ly, Blanrha Miller, O.wego, la-ta Whortou, Mout Villa, Robert Gluth r. Beaver i we'i, John L Oard, CLirks W. K, Youug, Wcxlburn, Mary U.ivla, Oiegon City, Mra. F, H. MorrUo Oregon City, Ktifoitie oby, Weill Furgo, I'orllaud, Uirdle (lalunllue. Hubbard. third aainaa. Bort lieu bir-nn, K wood, K. F. Surface, Cur rluirllli-, KabvccaL Voder, Needy, T. K. tl ana, t'lai k iiiina, J. A, Jeuulugs Mlrerlou, Naltie A. 0M-, New Kre, llurtou Urhui, Carn, Mnime JiKhiur, Oregon City, Anna IHi'an.OrvguuC ty, Loulia Klunard, Oregon titty, Mary Gultrulire. Spiliigwatvr, U. II. Hailley, Nowborr. Bale Cha-H', O e.'OM City, C. -teptwne, Powell Vail y, L ulf lit bort, Oregon CI' , Ruby Hpenrer, Ore- non City, Mlunle V.olaj Ada Md.tiuh- tin, Mllw.iiuix', Geo. lUrrlugton, lllgliland. Mary Gh ru ey, Oioego, Hul K. C.xjiiraiii', O.ogou City, Mili GivKrvy, Oregou Cay, G rt rude Neiior, Or.g m C ty, Aliwrt Kraukaiia.r, Milwaukov, Ara Mi'I.iugblin, Milwauans K ill storu, Wimllnirii, Arthur II ildvu, Ort'g m Citv, B. F. lWh ir, ltubimr l, K. Cm', Mtrt.l.U'K. Eileu Byers C ackama, Lontle Maxwell, Pleas ant Home, H. 8 Morlon, St. B , P.irtlind, M. AlrxL'hman, Mllwnukee, Minnie M I. utH'a, Scott'i Ml 1, C. K. Mln'.er, Marquam, V. U. Sco bert, 4.M Maiia iu, Portlau I, O. D. Eur, molalla. Lavella Mir htll. MJCliiy alroai, Port inud, l.iit'y E. Mh elvr, Oie.on City, J hnua Peter, A u mra. L a Rogvra, Cauby, U. P. I. w, sprlngwatei. r KM ITS. Berih i Knight, Cauty, Dudley B yiua, Wilholt, W, G. B a;tle, Oregon Citr, Ba la', (-h)r-wood, H. G. Lx, Carlit. K la Knight. Cinby, Atraa Gardner, Hubbird, Kiilt Tiylor.Ka quam, Daisy 11. Danren, Lanta, It. V. Jae.ami, High laud, Carrie Holuuui, Meadow Brook, Bortht ett.riy, Park Place. Kesolntioita. j At the District Tamona Grange held PROFITABLE CROP FEEDING, Fuudaiucntail l'rlurlplra It Will aj Krry ltiNUlvr to Hear In Mind. As a rulo, it is coiisitlottHl poor policy to grow liny kind of it cmp without fropcr fitnliiig. Tlro are oiisos, how ver, where the miitmre Btipply Is scnnt and cannot well bo rcplcnishi-d. What tihiill we do with the nmount at our dis posal? This Is a problem With ninny farmers. With a view to assist in solv ing this problem, T. Oreiuer has tho fol lowing to Kiy iu his book, "Practical Pitrin Chomistry:" Tho s;tmo quaiitity of pliuit foods ueoded for tho pmluetion of I0 bushels of wheat would bo sufllcient for that of inn bushels of potatoes or 4ft bushels rif corn, tlOO bushels of npphs or other fruits in proportion, or several hundred bushels of beets or carrots or other veg etables in proportion. Thus n cerlatn amount of plant food iu tho form of wheat will civo us say, f'.Vi: in tho form of apples, pcrhuiw $130; in tho form of peachos or strawberries, perhaps $:100. This shows plainly how foolish it would be tostint orchard and small fruit patch-' es iu order to put tho manure on the wheatfleliL If we had no fertiliser or not enough, it will often pay to pur chase it for the orchard or strawberry field, when it would bo a matter of doubt whether wo could afford to buy it for making wheat of it. Thus in many cases it is with pota toes. Wo might sco our way clear to purchase manure for potato growing and Through Train Without Traii.fer. Travellers must not forget that tho 0. K. A N. line Is thoroughly repaired and all iruuiB ar running without transtcr or Ueliiy. Ihrough service to Omaha, Kanxaa City, M. 1 ami Is and Chicago; rnllman sleepers, frte reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and mtHiern ily coachea. Call on O. H. A N, Agent belore purahasiiig tickets, or address V. II. Hurlburt, Uen'l Fasson- ger Agent. I'ortliiml, (iregnn. Weildiug stationery, tint latest styles and tlnest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Kntkhi-rink olllce. A dollar saved is coital to two dollars eiinieu. ray up your sutisciption to the r.NTKHrttisa anil get tnu His lenellt ol the reilm tum in price. Justice blanks, real estate, blanks, and all other blanks at the Kntkhchisk of fice, Portland prices, at Oswego, April 10. 1895. the following for wl.4t without l.s. resolutions were uassed , plaIlt fMxU w.i,om i1;lvo R renter com- Resolved, that we sincerely thank oar mercial valno than in tho form of mnr senators and representatives irom Clack- ket garden corps. In this form they enn mas county and all other friends, for be expected to give us the highest re- their courageous stand in favor of the bill calline a constitutional convention to submit tothe voters a new constitution including the initiative and referendum. We demand that the county printing and the delinquent tax list shall be printed by the county paper of general turns. Only the florist, tho nurserymnn mid the seodgrowcr know how to transform plimt foods into nrtielos of still greater commercial value. No principle is of greater importance than this that our raw materials of plant food should al ways bo us-l fur the manufacture of circulation, ottering the lowest sealed those among tho crops wo grow which bids for the same, and we believe it can l" us Ille 'uo-t money. be done for less than one half of last year's charges. We favor the purchase of a county poor farm as a better and cheaper Another fundamental principle is this that tho use of complete fertilizers in volves a waste in all cases whero the soil already contains an uluindruice of ono or two of the chief elements of method of caring for our unfortunates, plant food and requires only tho sup than the present system in Clackamas plemeutary addition of the missing one rountv " , or two elements to give us all the re- Masv 8 . Howard, G. STkriiKKsoN, j n,u,.we cou.ld P from Pj ... fertilizer. Another principle requires Secretary. Master. , , . . ' i liic urc il I'ltiiii lumia iu iiiunii lemiii avmlnhlo condition for crops that devel op and mutare iu a short period. This applies esicially to nitrogen and phoa phorio aciiL Spiuach, radishes, lettuce and similar crojis that come to perfec tion in a few weeks need soluble food. Trees and shrubs can in time utilize plant fooil.s that are not immediately available Winter wheat sometimes pro duces as good a yield ou floats as on u perphosphute, etc. Of not less importance is the observa' tion that a slight excess of phosphoric acid tends to hasten tho maturity of any crop. . For this reason it is always Our better halves say they could not keep bouse without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It ia used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bhos., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the esteem in which that remedy is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup and wboopimt cough, that it cures these ail ments quickiy and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children to take. 25 and 50-oent bottles for sale by U. A Harding, drugitist. prudent to apply some superphosphato Appetite and sleep may tie improved, 1 to crops requiring along season, such every part of the system strengthened tomatoes, ruolous, corn, etc As the and the aniuml spiriU regain their laHt principle barnyard manure, U buoyancv by the use of Dr. J. II. Mt-'. thonKh P!rhaI jnst what is wanted . o" .1 -,. i . , i otherwise, may be objootionable for cer Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Ii ood . . . J . . , ' ,, , tain crops, such as strawberries, onions, Punfier. For sale by C. G. Huntley, ! nn M.conrjtf thn weed need it eon- druggist. Old People. Old people who requite medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Hitters. This medicine does stimulate and con tains. A New Fertilizer Scheme. It Is reported that a company has been organized at Portland, Or., for the manufacture of fertilizing compounds, in connection with which there will be) hiBlrp no, ii., in.oi-.. utimeronf aide issues, such as a glue , , . . ..... '! factory, oil works and other special fea- but acts as a tome and alterative. U tnres t'hat will prove natural branches acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, t0 the main concern. This company pro adding strength and giving tone to the pose to furnish another source of do organs, thereby aiding Nature in the mand for mongrel and disabled horses, performance of the functions. Klectric ' The plan is to bring the horses pnrchrts Bitters is an excellent atmetiwr anrt ' ed to their abattoirs and there kill thera aids digestion. Old people find it just what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle at Charman's & Co., druggist, Charman Bros, block. by tho spearing process, which is expedi tions and painless. The flesh will then be rendered of its oil, and tho residua, with the bones and hoofs, will be made into a fertilizer. The hides will be care fnllv removed and salted. Tho hairshuv- Frequently accident occur in the ! ed off will, with mane and tail, bo used household which causes burns, cuts, ' for the stuffing of mattresses and op- sprains and bruises ; fog use in such , holstery work. A portion of the meat cases Dr. J. II. McLean'a Volcanic Oil ; "W-ill also lo conipruHaud for use aa chicle Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Are You lining EasU If so, it will pay you to write to A . C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burling ton Route," 250 Washington street, Portland. He will mail you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations en food. A New Inaectlelde. F. C. Monlton of tho gypsy moth commission announces a new insecti cide. It is arsenate of lead, a fine white powder, which is lighter than paris green, ond while being fully as effective in its operation in destroying insect life it is also claimed that it is preferable. It has the advantage, of lining readily seen on the loaves, so that ono can tell at a glance which have and which have not been sprayed, which is ofton of great convenience. Being lighter than for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, ' Ia Krcen, it does not settle so quiet Southern. Canadian FaciCc or Great '' a,m M ft r(,HUjt cau Northern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington route is generally con ceded to be the finest equipped railroad in the world for all classes of travel. J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City, Mo., Chief Enrolling force 38th general assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to testify to the merits of One Minute Cough Cure. When other so-called cures failed I obtained almost instant relief and a speedy cure by the use of One Minute Couiih Cure. C. G. Huntley, druggist. The Oregon City Steam Laundry docs the cleanest and best work to be bad in 1 Oregon City. Their prices are the lowest. 1st distributed more evenly over the foliage. A great objection to the nse of paris green is tho liability of using un overdoso uud there by injuring tho foliagn of tho plants sprayed. With the arsennto an overdose does not injure tho foliage. li-i-if;utloii Fltfiirna. Jndgo Erncry of Kansas is reported as Baying of un irrigation convention that arid mid semiiirid America is one half as largo as all our doniniiis oxcopt ing Alaska. This arid region is pracli cally nn open and unsettled region. Of our 6i, 000,000 of popi.'.ition only about 4,000,000 nro now found residing west of the niiicty-iiixth meridian, which is the east lino of seniiaiid America. It is i estimated that good homes for from 75,- 000, 000 .tp 150,000,000 may bo made in rid America by aid of irrigation. H EART DISEASE, in.. manyothorallninnla when they havo taken hold of tho ay item, nnvitr get hotter of Iu own accent, but Vatmtnntlw grotra ererae. Them am thonaunibt who know they have) a dofoctlrf Wart, but will not admit the fact. Thuy don't want thflr frlnnda to worry, and foN'f 1-aaoap trkat tak fmr it, aa they hava been told time and again that heart illnemto waa Incuratile. Such was the case of Mr. SUua Parley ot Iyoalllu, Ohio who wrltin Juno 10, 1NU4, aa fullawa: "I had hrart dleat for t!t rr, taj heart hurtlnf ma almmt rontlnua'ty. Tha a nil U jeara I diruirtMl all the time, trying eerrral phyalclana and rrmmllva, Until mrlast doctor told melt wan only a qiiiwtltiD of time aa I could not het-urnd. I gradually grow worse, very weak, and completely dis couraged, until I tired, pniiprd half op In bed, btvausa I cwMlila'f li aWem nor alt up. Think ing my timo bad com I told my fam ily what I wanted done whvn I was gone. But on tha flrst day of March on tha recommendation ot Mra. Fannies Jonna, of Anderson, I nd., I commenced, taking Dr. Milrm' Arw Can or (Jta Hrart and wonUorful to tell. In ten days I waa working at llithl work and on March 18 com-DM'W-wl frnmlng a barn, wlikh la bmry work, and I har'nt lewt atiay aliH-a. lamSS years old. t ft Inch and weli;h Esollm. 1 hrllrr I mm full mrrd, and I am now only aoiluus tliat evwyona ahall know of your wonderful romedlta." Dyavllle, Ohio. Ptuk TkMMT. Dr. Mile flnart Cnra I sold on a pmlttT rearr.ntee that the Brst Untie will tienndu All drusitliiu aril It at II, 6 lotth-a forts or It will bnaenk prepaid on receipt of price) by tua Dr. MUea UoOlcal Co., fclkbort, lnd. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health ALL WHO CULTIVATS FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should that tha Journal ttiev nliaerlt to la I lie heal ami moat reliable authority obuiuable. ii' --w a - ia j. iir" tUHDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. draUpraolU-ally wllh frulnand veirntahtea, I'ni, ehrutia and tlowra, and oivrm the Held of horticulture ayaleinutlcully ami thoroiiKlilv. It llhulralraaiul deacrltiM tiivthiHla of cultiva tion, Improvril varletlvaand lMlior-NNvlnir ilevlrca. it la, without duuut, He Paper for tie People! $1.00 m Tmr (94 tmmtrt). Solnien cipr and (HVpase CBtalotrne ul horticultural Imoke FREE on applkuiiun. American Gjrdenina. 1 70 Fulton St.. N Y- NOTIl'K OK ASHUiNMKNT. Nut lie In Ii orr iiv a I ven I hit the (iM'iron Cltv Sash ami limir I'omoanr. a iinrtnerlili roue innvil ol s. II t aint ami charlna I allir. aud H. II l allrl anil Charlna ( aillt. Individual!, have all amifiird te Urn uudi'ruin,l for lint liemini of all llirir rri'dltora. Said .lir iiiiu'lil la now pemllui In tin- Lln ull court ol l lie aeilrul Or on tor I Ui'kmuo e.niiiti'. ami all errdliora ol aid ixtrilra arc hi-rchy uollrlrii to urencul their clalnia aialunl aald tartiea under oaih to ran at i liu oltlc In lirrgou t'lly, Orcaon. wllliln llirra , lllolillii Irom Dili ilatfi. Haled Mri'll l,V IM U I. I'Olt'l'KK, V.. it. I. II.I.IAMS, Atloriicylor AtnlKUce. Aaaiiiuve S l. 4 .D Sol Ire of final Setlliiurnt. In the maitcr of the eaute of Oliver Aclmru, ! ceaard. Nolle l licrcli)' (Ircn that I,. L. 1'iirter, a4 niluliitralor of the aUtve rlaie. haa fllrd hla final report and aivoiinl lu ilia eduiliilxratlon of aalil ctlale, and that tlii county court of th State i f Oregon for I'lackaiiiai coiiiily haa made an enter acitliiK-Monday, Ilic mil day of U-y, 1'A at U o'clock A M of aalil day. at Hi county I court houae of aald county 111 orcsoii t'lly, ore- (on. for Hie hcr.rliiii of ol.).ceoii, if any Ihnre . and for the examination of aaid final reuorl aud aucoilnl aud for lor filial artllpnielil ol aalit valate Haled March SI. I KM. 1. . foHTKR. Admlniatrainr of the cataie of Oliver I'.li t U. Ai'horll, decrannl. Sundity Sorvlcos. Ml', PAt'l.'S Clll'ltllll - Rpianopal - . aaa llawaon, llei'lor. Mcrvlcna alll oolonkla. m, and J.stl p. til. rrayer aervlre every WoM- ueaiiay evening. rillhr !()Ni I U fC(l ATH N A I. ClIIIHCII. Itev. J. W. Cox an I'aalor. snrvlcet at III Wi a. . and S UV r. u. Sunday School after moriilti aerrlcu. I'layer uiwllni Wediieadayereiimi at M Miii,iiiick. Trayer meeting of Voiiiih l'ooilr,l Moclety of Chrlatlau K.ndnavor every Sunday veiling alT.U preinpl. KIKHT IIAI'itsi' f It I' it' It Itav. M I Heuu, I'aalor Miirnlui Service at II: Sunday Hchiuilat IJ Ifi; Krenliig Service SMI; Keaular prayer mentliiK Wediieaday cveulni Momlily (lovenaiil Meellug every VVeilueaday evenliif lirncrdltif the Aral Sunday In the uiotilli, A Oorulal liivllallou mail, ST. lollN'H t'lll'HCII CATIIol.Kt-Hav. A. lliliaaaaNii, l'aa:or. (in Sunday inaaaal laud a. M. Kvery aecoiid ami foiirlh Sut.rlay Herman aeriuou atler the S o'clock niaae At all other maaaea Knllli acrmona Sunday School at i .HI r. M. Vcai.era, aiolo(ecai iililecia, and lleiitillctluu el 7 ,K r. M. MKTIIlllMHT Kl'ISI' Cllt'lKMI -hiT (I. svaaa, I'aalor. Morning tervlce at II; Sunday MchiKil at 10 un. t'Uaa meeting atler morning aervlre. Kvenliig aervlce al 7,10, Kliworlh Irf'aaur mreliuit Sunday evening at S in ( rarer Meeting I litirailay eveulng al ( SU, atraiigera cordlallv luvlled. KtltsT I'ltKHIIY TKMt AN Cllt'Ml H -Kr. 3. W. Moiititomery, I'aalor. Servicca at HAM and 7 nil r. a. Halilialfi School at to a . M. Youii( 'eodc'a SiK'lety of t'lirlallau Kudi-avnr sieeie every Suuday evening al S :si Wrdueaday evening prayer meeting al 7 HO. Heaia Iree. KVAN(l''.l.ll'AI.('lltMt('M-(ir.ltMAN - a. . Mvm, I'aalor. Inaclnug acrvlrce every Hon. lay at II A M ami 7 I IV M. Sahliaih acl.iMil every Sunday at 111 A. M (Knv. I'. Holt, HniH ) Weekly t'ray.r Meeting every Weduearfay evening I'NITKIi IIHKIIIKKN IN I'll HIS f.-freech-lug every aocotfd ami fiunh huudav ot each month, at ll iaja ra and I i p m.-W II, tie liAia, I'aator Sunday achiHil at lu a. m. at Oregon t'lly rfral aund'iy at Samaotl ftrhool hoiiae, Molalla; 'llilrd Suuday, Mouuitlii Home II a. ai ; Hinln-r Orove, 4 i in - Mi liella tireen, SnperlutcufteMt Kumvay achmd freyer meeting every VYeduoauer eveulng. fCVAMOKl.U Al. l.l'TIIKHff l lll'rirH-U (laav, faaior. ili'rraan aervlcea every Sunday al II n'elock A M. Hngliah arrvlcea at 1 t) f. M suailay ' at lu u clock A tl. Mira tion Hiore room neit diair to Imkery In Shlve ley'a Imllilluit, comer uf Seventh an Madlanu atrcela EAST AND SOUTH THE SllTsTA K0UTE Of tho SOUTHERN TACII IC COMPANY. KxjircHH Trsins leave) I'ortlaml Iaily. Nullre nf Appollinarnt of Kierulrlt. Nuthe la hcrehy give, that the ii' deralgiied haa Ih-cii aiHiiulcd try the ( omity t oiirt of Clackamaa rouuty , orcgo( eiecuiru ot ihe Uat will and leataiue I ot K. ii Mct'owo. drceaaed. Allperaotta having claliaa agaluai the ealala of the aald r' t. Mrt'own, dece4e-l, are nerehy ' otlflcd to preae t the annie duly verlrti-d for payineut to the nmlerlgiil, or at the nilice ot i.i o ( luowuell. uregou Uly. lircgo ., wlthlu en mo tha from dale Statu M. M( Kieculrli. Oregon City, tirego , tpnl 17 HU5 (leu ('. Iln.w ell, All y fur Kcc . (( Illi lT At'MtMSTKATItlX SAI.K Siui.h I S It r. u. Mir. m. 10 .' a Lv l.v Ar Cortland Ar Orvaron t'lly l.v 8. Kraiiclacii L I North. T -'" 7 Ml A. I 7ilf.! Nollce la herehy give , lh Marietta frail, adml lairitrl i of the eaiale of Jai ob p Miller, dei'raaed, will, I' accorda r with a order, made on the l.'Jh d iy of April. Ixi, l.y the llo . i voioioii r.. ri ayea, j none oi i lie I oil iy I ouri Ol : the atate of Oregu , for the eon 'ty of riarta- aiaa, acll at prlxaie aale from a d after Ihe Jeib lavol Miy. Ivf.. all i, llie fnllinil g learrllirii real ealate. altualaU I , Clackamaa eon ly. tire gou: All of Iota aeie . (7 a it elg-ht ia) lu hha-k Iwe 'ly eight (.'hi the low of Milwaukee, I aid coii'-ly a d aiaie. o ttie foi;,,wl g lerini: four hiindied ,tsH dollara caah, Hie balance wllhln "lie year, aicura.l l.y mortgage u aald ron-rty. for turiher I formatlo . I oulre at the urtlce of Miller A Miller, alter eya, Portia d Havl gi Ha k llig , I'oriU d. Oregon Mjaiart I'atrr, Adm'g of the eaiate uf J P. Miller dre'd. Ialed April IS. M 4-l 417 Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Scat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiify. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang: Liniment conquer! Pain, Makes nan or Beast well again. IHNlNtl CAIIH O (KlliK.N ROUTE Pullman Buffet Sleepers. asn Second-Class Sleeping Car Attached lu all through Irelne KOHKbTHO MAIL f lHallv i :0a. m. I 9 1 a. a. 4 r. M. I. Lr Ar Portland Ar OregonClly l.y KiMHrlturg l.y I 4 no r. n I .") r. u f 7 mi a. a Weal Sole llivialnu. BETWEEN FOUTLANI1 ANII ('OKVALLI8. Mall Train. Iially (Kgcepl Sunday.) 7 :uu.. I U IfVr.n. l.y Ar rorllaud Cirrvallla Ar l.y k r.n 1 uu r a Al Albany and "orvallla connect with traltia of Uregon and I'aciAn Kallroad. Eipreaa Train Iially lEicept Hunday) 4 40 r. M. I 7:'4r. M. I Ar Portland Ar McMliuiville l.v s US a. a UtaiA.M THROUCH TICKETS TO Al.l. POINTS IN TIIK EA8TEH.N HTATKH, CANADA AND Et'kOI'E Can be obtained al loweat ratet from L H Moore. Agent, Oregon t'lly. K.KOKFU.Kk, Manager. R. P. KOdEIIH. Aaa't U. r. and Pan. Agent Tho Independent. NEW YORK. A ltrll(lUK l.ltrrurjrauil I'uinil ' .HrtNsiM-r. L'ndeiiomlnatlr.nal, unhlaaed and Impartial. A paiH-r for clergymen, achulara, teichera, bualtieaa men and famlllea. It dig ouaaca every topic of Ihe day re llglniia, theological, political, literary, aoeial, artlat c and clriitlrlc llj contrib uted articlca are hy the uioat eminent wrllera rif the K ii g 1 1 a h language. COPYRIGHTS. f7 A miiK umr ftixl art botMwC uoitihea, wrll to rnr ft ma nttvi9 I mmpmrivnem In lh inUwiI btuirav Cnmmoiih'm H-.tiitirt.tlTOi'i'ft-i-tillsl, A II n all ot In rmtaii(in ormranuiif I'MtPiti mmi bow lu ob Uin Hi wo twiil frtHi. Alto nt( alM vl BMM-bftH WwJ rnhH Mifintlflo bunht mm it (re, I'aivnti tiUttn Ihmuah Munn A Co rMMtM nwiai iwitKwin tbv Mrlmltflr AwflmHi fttui thiii ar brmitflit whlrtiv bnf'rlbt ptit.llo wlib- nr aM'tpiiUOff work lu miilo i 1 . lMUfi WMiklv. rlrtfMttlf illttitrmtril. b by tm ib lartfMi rinniiatitin or anr aM-tpnUOff work I world. S.l ii ymmt. hamiilo eitit Mnt fr. Bulldlnu KIUUMvminiIilr. fmr. Hinjla cvHMiw, oviiiav Bf itcy nutuir at ti mi ptaitWA, in rowtra, mmi ittitr otMitAaim jMUa I br4ncrapli of tMW boqMia. with plana, nablina' buitdgra tonhow Ui IftlMt dmitftii anil MMmra atrfta. M4Hrmm HiiHH A COM tw Yuhk, aut BwuauwaT. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Snlo Htiibki ORECONCITY. LOCATED HKTMKKN Tilt IIH1DOK AND DEPOT Doublo find Single Ri, Bnd wmU die liorsfs always on hand at tli lowest pricfH. A corrall connected with tho burn for loose tock. Intormiitlon rsuarillnit anv kind or stuck iri)initly atti-inUil to by person ol leli(r. Horses Doutrht and Sold. Mdihos Hoanlml anil Foil on reason 'lie terms. iplnva aaeillt aperlallata and dUtlngulahcd lora uf ila twenty one Hvpartuieiila, It em wrltcra aa follow Literature, Science, M uln, Klue Art., Sanitary, Mlaalom, Hcligloua Inlellli'dice, lllliltcal Hcararch, Ui liool and College, Pcraonala, Charltloa, Editorial, Nf wa nf the week, Hiindny-S -hool, Mlulatcral Keglatcr. Kiuancial. Inaurance. Old mid yuiing, Pchhloa, Karm and Oardun, Odd Knota, A paper partli ualarly fitted for lawyer doc tor, clergymen, thoae engaged III hualneaa, young people of both eenca, men and women who read and think for thmnaulvea. A paper enpcnlally valuable for thoie Inter eati d In Kme rta, Science, Mualn, A paper giving valuable Information upon Finance, Idle luauranco, Commerce paper (or Sunday School Worka, thoie who have a K rm. ''arden or llouae Hlar.ta A pnper fur the family, old aud young. Iti yearly tihacrlptlnn la III. 00, nr st that rate for any part of a year. L'liibi of five, $2.00, each Specimen! Coplea Free. CLACKAMAS LOfKJK. No. 67, A O. V W Meeta tlrat and third Monday lu each month, at Straight'! Hall. Vlaiting bri'thern welcome. C. K.Pkakk b. llOU'OMH. K!C M. W. A. P. A. COUNCIL NO. 4, Mecla nn the drat and third Friday In eah month at K. of P, hall, Viaiting member tf waya welcome. A. W. Kbanc:k, ProsV catahai;t hohk co. No. 2. Mnela acnond Tiicaday of each month at Cat aract Kngln hiiiine. W II. HoWKi.iPri'a (I. II. llKHTow, Buc'y. J. W O'CoNNKiA, F'rn WAHNKIl OltANtiK. No. 117, P. of It. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hall iu New Era. llavld Mr Arthur, Maater Mrs. May Waldron. Hec'y Duffy & lleckart EXPRESS andTRANSFERING. Srecittl care in moving HouHuholil Goods and I'iunoH. Prompt work and Iteasonnble chargos. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'8. Portland Cowlitz Uivor Route,' via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Tranit. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOG( leaves Kelso Monday, Wednrwday and Friday, at 0 A. M. Liiaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTH VEST--LcaverJ Port land Monday, Wednesday and1' Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning tho following days. This is tho only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. HOLM AN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. MYRTLE LODOF. NO. 24, IlEORKK OF HONOR, Meeta every Friday In A. O. U. W. Hall, Via- Ring member! madu welcome,. Jkn hi a PiEgcg, c. of H. 8. A. Oillstt, Kecoider. COURT ROIIIN HOOD NO. SIWO A. O. F. OF A. Mectn the 2d snd 4th Fridays of each month at K P Hall (HI P M. W. 8. Cram, oko, r. wii.shast, Chief Ranger. Rooordliig Seo. L E. Lawrkni k, J. R. KgNNgiiY, Hub. Chief Ranger. Fluanolal See,