1 Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, APItll, id, lmir,. Clackamas Co. Directory. UUUNTY OFKIC'KIIH, .In li 1A. (lonluii K, IUvm II K. Ilnrl.m K.C. MKdiliM'k H M. Ilui.li M L Moort J,C, Umillnv II. H. (ill..,, ii I), W K Iminlr.t H. I.. Iliiltimn I Punk Juximr 'mrii tif Conrtu, Hlinrlir. ttiN'urilrr, . Trsuiintr, A.unior, HohiHil Miiirliiluiliiil, H,ir.r,,r, Ournuor, t'ommlliilinr, I - CHAT ABOUT TOWN. (Iiinlun Bi'cU, (!rmi seeds, Flower seeds, Onion sets. K. K. Willliuiis, tho ifrocer. try Jllpimll) Ton Nt M irr A ICntiorlHiiiiH. Cull fllf Sample, Kir ml limb wood wanted at thin If ofllce. If you want a k'o, I"""!1 liny the Iliicki'yu of Wilson A Cooke, If you wmit a I'liolce cut or lieef nti-uk, UO to Albright's nii'itt market. IligliCHt price pitid hy the Coinmerciul hank for county and city warrants. I.o ik out for the ollit oilrila enter taliiiiiitnt at the Cmigretialliinil church. Kiiinke the Keriiii'cse cigar. K. K. WillianiN, the grocer. Mr. and Mm (ito. C'ulilf are happy over the advent of a honoring hahy girl. FrevUg's api'tir.iii picklccan lie hail t the Corner grmery. llest in the market. Ordnri ft at Frank Harlow's store, (or 4 foot or lli inrh wood, promptly (Hied hy K. I'urkcr. Meade Post No. 'i hold its ri'Kular ball monthly ini'ctiiiK at A. O. U. V next Wfilni'mluy evening, Chiirmun A Nm received this week complete line of miiiiincr silks of all colxra and shailcs for waists, etc. The clii'S rst place in town to i't tun hrellas is at the Racket store. None will lie carried over the summer. I!y watching lor dangerous symptoms and by giving 8tf edman's Smitbing kw ilers at the right time, save your hahy from tits or convulsions during teething. Sick Headache, constipation and Indi gestion ar ipiicklv cured by IH Wilt's Little Karly Risers, the famous little pills. CO. Ilautlny, druggist. The service next Hun, lay evening at the Congregational chnrrli wilt he -a -children's itiisnionary concert conducted by the Junior F.ndcavor aorletjr. .The Allona holds the record a being Lite fastent boat on the river, since she Anade Kaleui from Portland In seven hours and twenty-five minutes. There Is nothing better appreciated than home made bread, and this is what Joseph Kgle produce at his bakery in the Shively block on Seventh street. John Taylor, of Manniam, who (or some time has been successfully operat ing a wooden pump fuctory, is putting in new machinery and increasing his lacili- ties. (j. W. Unicu has the frame work np and is pushing the completion ol his new store building on Molnlla avenue. The new structure will he l!2xK) in sire and two atories high. The pastor of the Itaptlst church be gin on Sunday evening a series of spec ial sermons on topics of the times. The first is on temiH'runce, "Prevention, bettor than Cure. Attentiun is culled to the advertise ment of C. P. Looney, who runs an ex press wagon, and conducts a feed store next door to tho Oregon City Iron Works. Hu guarantees satisfaction. Gladstone greenhouse is the place to get your plants. A flue collection on hand of begonias, huliatropeH, geraniums, cinerarias, fnchius, petunias, pelurgon iiuns, chrysanthemums, carnations, cttlliiH, etc., cU)., at bed rock prices. It's all over town. What? That V. Ilanls Is a fixture in Oregon City and can ttive you better value in Groceries, Crockeryware, etc., delivered freo, than you can gel In I'ortlund. Try him and he convinced. tf Wilson A Cooko have moved their stock of hardware one door south of the Colnmercittl Hank, but will still occupy their old stand for farm impliinents, such as Ruin wagons, Oliver plows, Buckeye and Pitcher pumps, cultivators, hay rakes, mowers and wheelbarrows. Miss Veluna R. Hwick was married In Dayton last week to August IVtmering, ut tho residence of the brido's parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Hwick. Tho bride is vfolatlve of Mra. L. C. Drlgga and the I.atourettes o( this city. Ijiurence Drliriru u.y u ullnuf nt. fbs weilitilur County Ahkchhot Rradlcy has the cen sus of Oregon City about two thirds com pleted. He is keeping a record of the houses In making his rounds, although he is not required to do this by legisla tive enactment. When the work is com pleted tho people will have tho satisfac tion of knowing exactly how many buildings there, are in Oregon City. DEATH OK W. It. L. MATTIIIKU. IMnIN of I tii !'nfortiiiiHl A ITii I r mid Fu mi nil tit Minn Oiiliiii'tlc T. 1 lUmUII returned Monday from ftl tending (ho funeral of Miss Oubliette mid Wllford It. L, Mstthieii, win u( lion F. X. Matthluu, who aiicldentiily allot himself limt Hiitiinliiv noiir lluttevlllo. Thin nu the second death in the family ... . . , . , , ' ' within a lew days. On Wednesday of lust week Matt In Rose Ouitnette, daugl lernf Mrs. Cliira M. Otiimctte, died at the residence of her grand parents, Mr. ami airs r . a . ftisitlileu, ol eonsump- lion, and wnh hurried In HutUsvllltcenio- lary Friday, Rev. Thompson olllciallnK. Miss Ouhnetto was bright and accom plished young lady and many relatives attended the (unerul. The giand pur onts weie hoth conllned to the house with la trlie mid were timihle to at tend the funeral of the young lady Mr Randall, who was particular friend of the family attended the funeral, and on Hnturday he and Wllford went out into the field to kill a bird, and when the tin fortunate accident occurred both were on the fence watching for a bird tlioy heard makiiitf a noUe in the liniiip liutc vicinity. Wllfonl whi slntidliiK on (he fence with the hutl of the double-barrel shot (un restiiiK on a rail holdinir it between his knees with the iniir.zlc pointiiiK upwards. Mr. Rumlull was settliiK on the fence alioitt thirty feet away looking In an other direction. Willord was intently watching lor the pheasant and the gun suddenly slipMd through bis fingers the hammers of tho gun striking a lower rail and both barrels were discharged ranging upward through the abdomen towards one of his shoulders. Mr Randall heard the Hidden reports of hoth barrels and looking around saw WilfoiJ with bis gun on ihe ground stooed over and holding his bauds over bis abdomen and be exclaimed : "Oh Tom, I have shot myself!" Mr. H md nl I laid him out on the ground immediately went lo the house one louriti tulle distant ami secured lielp. Owing to his critical condition they did not remove him, hut made a bed for him on the ground and a pliy.iciaa was sum moned. He liyed onlv about an hour slid a quaiter, but explained how. (he see dent occurred. The funeral occurred Sunday allcrnoon and was the largest ever held in Rutleville. Mr. Mutihieu was boom n years old ana was lugtily esieemea ny a large circle ol Irmnils, who appieciaieo ins sterling ana aimatile qualities. Mrs. Matlileu, who was very ill, fainted several timet under the heavy atlliction, but was resuscitated and was resting easy at last reports. Four deaths baveoccured In this family since the first of February. Mr. Burton. a son-in-law. died in Califoroia in Feb ruary, and was brouuht to Rtitteville for Initial, and soon after a little grand child, little Rainona Burton tiled at Rutleville. This pioneer family have the sympathy of a lurito circle of friends in their sid atlliction. Republican Club Mcetlnr. Pursiiunt to call the members of the Oregon City Young Men's Club met at Poe' hall Mondav evening, for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the state convention of republican clubs, which convenes in Portland May 22nd. The meeting was called to order by Vice-president U.S. Strange, who stated that the president, Charles Meserve, could nut he present on account of (he illnens of his child, and stated the object of the meeting. He staled that the club was entitled to representation in the state convention on a ratio of one dele- gate at large, and one delegate (or (very twenty-five members, and, as this club embraced three precincts, Cuneiiuh. West Oregon Citv and Oregon City Its nieinbe rxhip would entitle it to l.r tide- gates. Nominations oeing in order, die tallowing were nominated and eletted delegates to the state convention : lltiiry E. Smith, J, C. Bradley, T. P. Ranall, D. W. Kintittird, T. F Rvun, Geo 0. Rinearson, Henry Meldrum, Georie F. Morton, C. II. Dye. J. U. Camphel, II. H. Uibaon, E. C. Madt.ock, If. II. John- son, ami L. l.. rorier. un melon ol and L. L. Porter. On melon of Henry Meldrum, duly seconded, com- niitteeof throe was ippo.nted a draft constitution and by-laws. Th state- ment was. made by the chairnan that a nutinniil l'onut.itllt.in IihiI tuiar, ffirmuln. t.i f, n.o nt ,...,.i.i:,.u wk .....i t -" """ that the eecretary ol the repuHican club in Portland had a cvi:vof.nc constil... tion. The motion was amended that the committee, secrre a copy of this con' stitution, ami mate any nettled changes to suit the requfements Jt this club. Tho motion caied as amendtid and Henry Meldruin'T. F. Ryan and J. U. Campbell weriviippointed as such com mittee. Henry ftieyrum mane a motion, seconded by nev Smyth, that the club proceed to tW election of new officers. v There was endurable objection to this motion, ainll. U. Campbell stated that, as this nietyng was culled for a special purpose, ltywouiu ne a violation of all parlimenty usages to transact any other busless :thut the president would call a meing to adopt anew constitu tion, andhat would be the time to con sider thjhleelioii of new ollicers. The motionas put to a vote and IohL Cn motioiilie meeting atljourned. pedal Council Mectiug. Thf was a special session of the city I m. .1 . .. ..... couiui inursuay evening, April jHth. The ayor, recordot, chief of police and nil the memlieri of the council were present. Till liiiiiortant session wm called more especially to consider mat ter cntineeted with the unit brought hy A. 0. Wlil'o iiuiiint the city, (or (Ihiii ages claimed on account of certain ml vertlnlrm hItis on the UMpnion bridge, that were torn down hy order of the city council. On motion J. M. Moffat, L. L. PipIjiP anil It.. t In in t n Trims iff tasiava a n. . , , . i.. . i pointed h it committee to employ an at torney on behalf of t lie municipal corpo- ration of Oregon City On motion it was decided lo take up any business that may come before the meeting . A motion carried that $100 be ex pended on the Oregon City cemetery, out of the cemetery fund. Motion made and carried tlmt notice he piihllxliod for the improvement of Kevenlli street, between Main street and water stieet to be paved with vit rified brick. Moilon ma le and carried that notice I published foi the Improvement of Kixth street, between Main and the rsil roud truck, to be paved with vitriiied brick. Moved and carried that John .S hram he liotilled by chief of police to remove the awning in front of bin building, re cently burned, and if be fails to remove said awning, the chief of police shall cause the awning to be removed at the expense of said John Schram. I'rof. J. W. tJray, principal of the l'ark rise school, is making great prepara tions for the graduating exercises, which ,UKe I,la; one from today. It is expected that the graduating class will Ucquit themselves very creditably, ai.d the program will be very interesting. The Park Place band will furnish music, and Mr. II. 8. Strange with the ladies man dolin club will favor the audience with several seltxdious Prof. Gray will make an ellort to secure a seciul car lo run from Oregon City on this occasion. Bishop Mortis, the Right Reverend the Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese ol Oregon will make his annual visitation to 8t. Paul's church this city, and will also adminis ter the right ot confirmation, on next Sunday evening, April 2H. The service w ill begin at 7 :.'K) and the bishop w ill proud). The music and decorations will also be especially attractive. Un doubtedly a very large congregation will be imM.nt , j Lewellen, postmaster at Spring- water, called at the Entiri-hisk ollice this week. He reports his mercantile business as increasing, and that crop and .-nil prospects are good. The financial lepression is the means of causing peo ple to live within their meant in his neighborhood, and ttiejr mre paving at tention to diversified farming. He com pliments the Kntkhckisc on being the leading paper in his neighborhood. There was an ejectment suit in Justice Wither's court at Barlow Tuesday. One Wolverton was lessee uf the Koehler House, and was occupying the premises without paying rent. Mr. Koehler suit (or the possession of the premises, which resulted in a decision in his favor. J. E. Marks was attorney (or the plaintiff, and City Attorney E. F. Driggs, of this place, represented the interests of the defendant. Mrs. J S. Montgomery, who will sing in Professor Weschkul'a vocal con cert at the Presbyterian church of this city, is soprano soloist in the choir of the Second Baptist church of Portland. She is very popular in the Y. M. C A. concerts and other entertainments of a hiuh order. II. P. Bestow now has bis new door and snsb factory ready for operation. It situated on Main street directly north of the old establishment, and is supplied with a 20-horse power electric motor, that will he sufficiently ample to operate the machinery used in the manufacture of doors and sash and various kinds of woodwoik. W. W. Austin, of Molulla, has entored the hiw ollice of Browned A Dresser, and ia beginning the necessury study and dr,n to eou o himself for a Uwver Mr Austin has been one of the most brilliant young teachers ol Clackamas county, and has all the qualities essential to success Us a law practitioner I " A l'Py 01 lle constitution and by-laws .i.--. .i ...... . luo "'"n"9 ooc'ly own rBce,ved at 11,18 n,ce- 11 complete ' "' pertaining ;to theobjocts and work of the society. The headquarters of the society are situated at 72 Third street, lVtland, and the annual mem bership dues are I ; life (25. A petition is being circulated to create a new school district, out of Maple Lane Ilenrici, Linn's and Stricklin districts. The proposed new district, which will pro- hably be established, will have 27 scholars "'"' l,rew"t conditions many ol the OMn ve w w.ik two mile. Messrs. Murray & Morrison, architects, have prepared accepted plans for a net tour - room school building at Dav,r.i. This firm has made plans for several residences that will be erected in Port land this summer. W. A. Mack, the Eastern Oregon horse man, will be at Koblitt'g stables in about ten days with some broke and unhroke horses that he will sell on time. Wait for htm. He'll have some good ones. If you want to feast your eyes on straw bats pf the latest shapes, for men, boys and jhildren, go to Cbarraan & Son's. W, C. T. t. ConvrnJon. I flan Raising Kxerelses. Multnomah and Clackamas counties' I'rof. McAdams, the teacheis and will join in W. C. T. IT. convention on j pupils of Y. istham school ate to 1 coin May 3d, at 10 o'clock In the Raptist plimented on the Hag that imw floats in diurch. All are welcome ..nd will bring j the brvt at liom urn flag sialf on limt lunch. Mr. Cross has Invited the con- building and the very interesting and volition toUk an excursion at noon lo Olsdstotie Park, and the ladies will carry their bankets and eat luncheon under the trees on the pleaflnt Chau tauipia grounds, If the weather will permit. The following is the program (or the dav: 10:00 A. M. Devotional exercises, led by Mrs. Klla Latourette, 10:15 A. M. The president, Miss 8.1. Lyman, of Poitlaud, "Scientific In struction In Public schools." Mrs. Brook miller, "Temperance work with children. 11,15 A.M. Consecration hour, led by Mrs. Mead, Mt. Tabor. 2:00 P. M. Devotions, led by Mrs. Rork, Portland; "Petition woik and Narcotics," Mrs. Kern, Portland; 'Franchise," Mrs. Driggs; "Purity" Rev, I. Ida Roinick; "Jail and Prison work," Mrs. Gilbert, Portland. 4:00 P. M.-"I1irlor Work." Mrs. Dal gloiiih, Portland ; "Work at Fairs," Mrs. Shipley, Oswego; "The W. C. T. U at the Chautauqua Asesmhly" Mrs. C. II. Dye. 8;00P. M. Devotions; Music; "Wo man's Ballot a Needed Factor," Mrs. Bringling; "Woman's Part in a Re puoliu," Dr. Cady, Portland; Reci tation, Mil's Monroe; Music; "Cor rect Condition of Wane Earners." Mrs. Additon, Portland. All friends of temperance are Invited to bring lunch and spend the day. A (ard. I wish to state for Ihe benefit of those who may be interested, that the Minis- leiial Association of Oregon City had nothing to do whatever with the sending through the mail of certain pos tal card addressed to some of our busineng ii.cn. The matter was never mentioned in our meetings. A. J. Moktoomery, President of the Oregon City Minis terial Association. Club Meeting. There will lie a meeting of the Milk Creek republican club at the Meadow Brook school house on Wednesday even ing. May 1st, at 7:30 P.M., to elect delegates to represent the club in at the convention in Portland May 22. At call of C. Holm Ax, C. T. Howard, President. Secretary. Jiotlce ti f Examination rtotice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who .. may .offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at the court bouse, in Oregon city, beginning Wednesday, May 8th, at 1 o'clock P. M. Persons desiring state papers will apply Thursday May 9th. II. 8. Gibson, School Snpt. Clackamas County. Dated April 25. 1895. Those who never read the advertise ments in their newspapers, miss more than they presume, Jonathan lienison, o( Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who bad been troubled with rheumatism in his back, arms and shoulders, read an item in bis paper about bow a prominent German uitizen of Ft. Madison bad been cured. He procured the same medicine, and 'o use his own words: "It cured merightup." He also says: "A neigh bor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy was over to my house and said they were so bad he bad to do the cookiiiK. I told him of Chamlierlain's Pain Balm and how it had cured me. he got a bottle and it cured them up in a week." 50-cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding, drug gist. B. H. Bowman; Tub. Enquirer; of Bremen, Ind ., writes: Last week our little girl babv, the only one we have, was taken sick with croup. After two doctors failed to givo relief and life was banging on a mere thread we tried one minute One Minute Cough Cure and its life wassaved. C. G. Huntley.druitgist. The current issue of the American Gardening, (New York City), contains many interesting articles. Irrigating small (arms and gardens and physical properties of the soil, receive their share ol attention. Fruit growers and plant raisers generally, will find in the spray ing calendar a formula in this number, which will aid them in the protection of their crops from the ravages of insects and o( fungus diseai.es. It will be an agreeable surprise to per sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtra Remedy. In many in stances the attack may be prevented by taking thin remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. 50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. - " Our patrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers'a safe and reliable remedy (or constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaint. C. G Huntley, druirgist. When your guidman comes home at 'een, He aye expects to see Two cosy Blippers on the hearth, And a cup of Japoolo Tea. Ut. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlgheit Award. impressive exercises that took place Friday afternoon, when the stars and stripe were raised Into position. It was a gala occasion and a large crowd gathered lo witness the patriotic cere moniee. Meade Post No. 2. G. A, R., were out in a body by a special invita tion with their drums corps and (lair. with the commander, Captain J. T. Apierson. Superintendent Holmes and Hie teachers and pupils of Barclay school marched over in a body in honor of the occasion and lent enthusiasm to the occasion by their presence. The members oj the school board, T. 8. Lawrence, Dr J. W. Korris, and J. W. Noble were present and took an active interest in the proceedings. The ex ercises were held in the open air at the northwest corner of the building, and the organ stand was tastefully decorated with flowers, and Miss Ora Spangler directed the musical part o( the program. The occasion was one that could not but inspire a spirit o( patriotism in the most obtuse soul, and esuecial reverence (or the star, and stripe, and love of country iu wie iiiiiius ui me young. The exercises began with the song, "Flag o( Ihe Free,-' by the school fol lowed with a flag exercise by eight girls and four boys, carrying flags represent ing different nations. Mr. T. 8. Law rence, chairman ol the school board, made an appropriate address, and was followed by Captain J. T. Apperson, who made one of his cbaracteric patriotic speeches, on behalf of the Grand Army. The song, "America" preceded Col. li. A. Miller's patriotic oration, then came an Interesting part of the program, the unfurling of the flag, followed by a reci tation, "Columbia's Boundary," by Daisy Lawrence. The very interesting ceremonies closed with the song, "Red, White and Blue." State ok Ohio, City of Toi.kdo,) Lucas Coi-ntv, j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for eacL and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Ciiknky. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1880. A. W. Gliabon. Notary Public, SEAL. Halls Catarrh Cure to taken internal! and acta directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send (or testi monials free. F. J. Chksiv A Co., Toledo, O. aSold hy druggists, 75c. Notice. Having tins day bought the stock of harness, saddles, and saddler's harness of A. II. Schram, successor to Schram A Moore, we have appointed Mr. F. D Ball our agent, who will offer the stock at cost (or cash in order to close out as soon as possible. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the late firm will settle their account with Mr. F. D. Ball at once. Tub Georoi Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon. Oregon City, April, 1895. Removal. Bra. Hickey the dentist owing to the increased practice in their Portland office bas been compelled to discontinue their Oregon City office. Parties desiring dental work will find them in the Dekuni building Third and Washington streets Portland. Those having $5 or more worth of work done will have their round trip (air deducted from their bill Received Daily. . Strawberries, hot-house lettuce, rad ishes, Oregon asparagus, green peas, cauliflower, celery, new potatoes, new cabbage, rhubarb, etc. E. E. Williams, the grocer. For Sale. A one-horse wagon and single harness, both neatly new. Can be seen at Wilson & Cooke's. The purchaser will eet a bargain. Address C. Hobkbu. It Stands on Its Mkbit8 Nothing else ! Japoolo Tea. Marr A Robertson Agents. McKittrick's shoes are the best on earth. McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth. McKittrick's styles are always the latest. McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth. BEE SUPPLIES. W e are Northwestern Agent for "FALCON" BEE SUPPLIES Our comb foundation and sections are the best on the market. When in Portland, call and inspect our goods. 171 Second St., Should be Looked Into THOROUGH INVESTIGATION REQUESTED. A BOLD ASSERTION. Ever since Prof. Koch startled the world by promoting to cure consumption with the Koch lymph and his complete failure to do so, the people have been looking for some discovery which would prove an absolute certain cure for that dread disern. Orr s quarter of a century aKo lit. R. V. Pierce, chief con.tiltmg physician to tht Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, put in a claim j mr.dVn''-. which he had discovered and used, in his extensive practice that would cure ninety-eight percent, of all cows of consumption when token in til its early stages. T,rae has proved that bis assertion was based on facts gained from experience. His (.olden Medical Discovery " bas cured many thousand people in all parts of the world, and Dr. Pierce invites all interested to send to him for a free book which (rives the names, addresses and photographs of many prominent people who have willingly testified to the marvelous curative proper ties of bis "Golden Medical Discovery " He has also written a Book of 160 paget on 'Diseasesofthe Respiratory Organs, "which treatt of all Throat, Bronchial and Lung diseases, also Asthma and Catarrh, that will pe mailed by the World's Di-pensary Med ical Association of Buffalo, N.V., oa receipt of six cents in stamps, to pay postage. j umnifTsted Tfbl7 rDody knows, Vitnlitw In.. of strength, emaciation ; then local symp toms soon develop, as courh, difficult breathing, or bleeding from M-ngs, when investigation proves that tubercular de posits have formed in the lungs. It is earnestly advised that the " Discovery ' be taken early and the latter stages of the ' disease can thereby be easily avoided. To build up solid flesh and'ttrengtk after the rrip, oneumonia, ("lung fever "), ex hausting fevers, and other prostrating dis eases, it has no equal. It does not make at like cod liver oil and iu nasty com pounds, but. Mid, wholesome flesh. NEW ENGLAND Marble &"ranite ORKS CALVIN H. WEEKS, Prop, Wholesale and Ketail dealers in Fine Maioeittl Woitoi irortEl siatw. Do not order moDumental work until you obtain our prices. Yon will And for good work our cbaries are al ways ihe low est II any work Is wanted In our liue. please drp us a erd, aud we will call with de siins and prices. Second and Third Street EleetsI Cass Pass Ou Salesrooms. 720 Front Street. Opposite the Fsillof School, PonUud Oreg on. Adirondack, 719, Will stand the season of 1S95 at Canby on each Monday and Tuesdav and the balance of the week in Oregon City at Noblitt's stables. ADIRONDACK was aired bv Bona, Fide, 720, sireoi Humbert 2:28, Gene 2:30. Bona Fide was sired by Hamble tonian 10, and he hy Abdullah I. Adir ondack's dam was Madge, dam of Vol unteer 65, sire of St. Julian. 2:114. ADIRONDACK is the sire of Bonnie Bell, 2:24 j Flora T. 2:35; Annie B, 2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler, 2 :44, she the dam of Longitude, 2:18. TERMS, $10 for season. $15 for insur ance. For further particulars inquire ia Oregon City of H. C. SLOPER. Owner. New Goods Modern Prices. (Corner Grocery. . Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra , Choice Teav-ss! Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. JOHN YOUNGEE, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Druft Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIEXCE IN: Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. D. 8. 8TKYKRR. DENTIST. HAS Hit. 1 1 mi moved toOrii FellnwH'tpmnipH w rn, i.t aud Alder, Portland, Oregon. Portland, Ore,