Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1895)
SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of tlm Treaaiirar ill Clackamaa County, OrnRoti, lur llin al months andliiK mi tlx lllal iUy "I Mrii'Ii, lt, ill money iwoiilvrxl and lil out, from whom ronolvad nd Irom what source nud on what account paid nut: (IliNKKAI. lii'httir To oaah nil linml lt iii'iit T caah lor heiir llcauan , Tn nh received Inr lhUor llni' To reo'd for peillcra lloo'i'ltmna To null reo'il lor (rial lee. rut t oi'iirl Tn rmali rcr'd lor trial loot Co. ftnurt To oaah raoil lor II as J I' noun .... To naan refit lor II tm circuit court 'I'o raiili ''il lor rahorlura leoa (!. at To Co clerk laatiliia, alx aiMitill in I'o writ haheaa corpo. (!o. court I'o probate ftMi, guardian . To Miiliiivtuali Ho. pauper aent To onlleoil k Orciio ' I T t To milled! aueoial actum! tl i' n W lio iKi Vm mi ll'W ii Wl Kl Ml IHII 1(1 Kl n Mil ii in1 i7' lOH.IKII I'll ri 1U .' w To noli Irmn alierlfl ikh V.' A (irlnr Tn muh Irmn alinrirr wiiw inwi. .. Toh Irom ulinrlft coal n taes i'ri 44 KVI II To caah Iriuii J : Unulliiy stale polls'Wi 'Jnimi To cili Iriini aimrin um iw. To rmali Irom sheriff atait. polla WH Tn oaah Irom sluirlH alalc taaes IKK To clerk's laa To recnrder'a la To ahurin ' Im 8mm -i'l 177 In 1714 III H'i, mi l .H I II HHlfl Total I rjIWIlHVl To bills receivable To inieacal on aama I'o Marion noonty warrant Tn lutaanat on aama iiMii'im Ittvisi t :tn U 40 Tulal I IWlm To canceled warrant received Tnlial 7VW HCIIUDl, Iiehior. i To raah an lianil laal report . , . To caah o ha d cmiiity fund Tn caah on ha it Mutt fuml To raah Irmn ehmfl taim a i To Haali Irom ehnrlfl taaea 1"4 ! I n raah Irmu lieu. order ol court Ta oaeli Irom aalc ol eairaya ; mi" i.rJi HI ATE Total "Tx-Uor To caah ree d Irom eherlrTtaiea law 1214 in To oaah traiiafered Irow 4ien. luua Kttktijj Total 70ti'Ki, hDAD ', 37r, 7 I Irhlur To oaah on hand laal report To caah Irom aherirT laiea 1w To caah Inun aherlff road "'lla "W 1 o raah Irani aheriff laaea 4 To caah Irom aherifl road pnlla . . Total lain Hi m mi 4autt HHKUiiN llrl.lor. To caah M-'d Ir.un .hcrlff taaee 'H .To rlty watrai.ta latea IWiM 1 o caah truiri aherifl taaca 1(4 To rlty warrauta laiea W Tola) , ltr; J IMI.I.T. ' To caah on hand laal report I Vl'A To caan Irom t u Hupt eaara' a leea . 111! i Total To raah ou hand laal report Total . .... i turn TnUL IMiltlKNT HOl.lllKK FI ND. Wi I I," . mm Total KPKCIAI, HCIItMIL TAX. I HO, tor To caah on hand laat report To raah Irom aherllf laea1B lo raah luua aherirT uaea V4 , aw 1.M "tj Total . Jiw J IS 7." Total KTATKMKST OK Ol THTASIUNil COI NTV WAKRANTH iiutaia ill it cniiiiiy warrauta eiidoraeil lutereai on aaine to dale Total HTATK or ullKtloN, i 5 . County ol tllarkamaa.) I, M I. Moore, do hereby certify thai the fnirgoltu la a true and correct atateinent of the amoiinia riiTlved, pulil out and remalnlnit ill hand, tu the county treaa.iry ol laid county lor the all nioiilha etidlni on the Slat day of March, 1''. Wltneaa my band thla Slat day of March. A. I. IMS. M I.. MODIIK. Ciitiuly Treaaurer. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the amount nl Money and Warrauta received lor Taxea and Money paid to the County Treaa urer by the ttherirfn' Clackamaa ronnly, Oreoii, for the all montki cudlnit nit the mat day of Match, A. II, HtM. TO AMOI NT HKCKIVKI). Ill coin anil curri-ucy Tor lW taaea .i C"tn lur l,H taxca KorlHMlaxea Total received BY AMOI'NT TAID To oouuty treaaurer Total paid t" Treaaurer BTATK OF OltKUON, a County of Clackamaa,) I, K. C, MaddiK'k, alierllTof aald rotinly, do hereby certify that the forcjolng atatctnt'iit la correct and true, Wltucaa my baud thla lat day of April, A. I'. IW. lly N. M. MOOliY, Hcputy. K. C. MAHHOCK. Bherlff Clackamaa Co. SliMI-ANNUAL lilCPOUT Of the utility Clerk of Clackamar county, Htnlc of Orcon, aliowlnn tha amount and number ol clalma allowed by the county court ol aald oouuty, for what allowed, amount of war rauta drawn, and amount of warrauta oiltatandlng and unpaid, from the lat day of October, lf4, to the Hint day of March, 1114, bolh Inclusive. ON WHAT ACCOl.NT RitaiiauJ Hrlilita Pauper . Criminal account Circuit court Criminal account .luatlce court Court lioiiaeand Jail Stationery Clerra Sheriff 'a Hoiintvon wlldanlmala Italllir'a . . . Hcliool MiiHrliilndeiil. Count .ludite'a Couaty ('onimiailonera' i Koad MallerB Inaalifl Jury account Cornner'a County Tronaurcr'a Aaacaaor'a ... . Klectlon IHatnra Attorney'a Kecnrilcr'a Hnrveyor'a Cnnrt kvportcr'a Mo Ki'lu ded Indigent Hnldler , Artnnry rent I'rlntlnK Colleetiim of Iielluiiient Taxea Tearhera' exanilipitlnn tiraud Jury exticrt itnidlcy va. Clttcknmaa countv liamaite to property of Kale Barclay , . Total amount clalma allowed and ,1 ummiiit of unpaid county warranta on iiiH.-il lni.'rcat accrued thereon ,1 i iinccllod flWttMM. Total amou t of unpaid county (u;K(ioN, i f i 'lackamaa. T i . i-o F. Horton, County Clerk of KI'NII. li Jlmllt ly redeemed roiuity warraille rw Wl'! Mill '"0 llly tra slurcd In Co si'iinm m ill. lly Iraiialereil to atala t In il lly halation TnUl - I! Id !iy balance i Total I nam iv ,1 AW l 'lly canceled oouuty warrant lly balance. 2SMI'M) Toial 7W fid K(M). I i Credit I lilty redeemed Co Hiipia, wrr"ta Co 1 4mw u 4 1H77 i lly rwlwrnril C'n.Hnpla.warra t HtaU K.'4i IM4 !r.W7 ml By tNtlanf !i!ti: 1 Ml! I l77 ti tt 7 TAX. Total H4li If Credit. My oa.h to aute treaa. for taxei m I n no Total I Tom nit "i, Credit. w. Illy redeemed Mad warrauta Hi jliy balance 71S M V1I4 44 Total l 4WX ' fill' TX. ii red II as By rah to city treaaurer III Kyceah tranalerrd to lien fund. Col sa Hy be la re 4', (tnr ai :mi I l;i!i 7I.' T"'' INHliriTF FtM. li-. 7 ! by balance Credit. I I1H7.1 U7!t '," " " Creilll. - M .lly redeemed Indliieul aold. warrauta I by balani'e 7'.' nn ill il Credit, 71 lie caah to rarlona echnnl rlerka aa njr raah tra aleml lot collection -V h) latlanra . 7 tn 7nr4 1113 it . . Ii4'.i :,ti hj. I 1 5, MO 4.S i l!,i:il w Oct. Nor. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar fu'w "5.11 an 7r! ( 1") ir.' fltm IT 411 M l:ui uij Its i'2 76 lul 47 77 7MI M 1IIKI :w I IM HJ 4114 eu.) til bit 170 II I i7 at IINW 41 I fiot n.'l I IK7 Ml I tlH 04 I 1M 00, 14 t.V, I 76 IV 47 77 7M III inwi m I m mi om 141 7n i ll'.W UK Amount I'lalma Allowed and Warn lirawnt. AI.IOWKI). drawn . 7.2WM 2..VU M 7,siCVI tm 1. ai'i s:t 7ll II 1 H-jh III 2. M6K7 m no m mi ,'IHII in mm no UM HI) IIki im l;t7 :i III mi Llin. Ml I N) 4J.'!.'iO 1,111 Ml 8il 210 f.1 K7: Km III in no 114 on V'lKI VI . WKi IH) f.'c,,?lii!.m the Slat rlay of March IW5 ni l'w K7 17, M0 V warra ita MW.7W the County ofClackamaa, Stat of Oregon, do hereby aartllyllial l)i loraliilt ! Iriif ami corrwt tamMit ol th number and amount of tl!ra allowml by tha rirtunly noiirt of aalil floutity, lor Ilia ! montlu eniln on the SIM flay of March. IM, on what ar-cniiiit Hn um n allowr-il, and the amnmit of warraiita drawn, ami tlm amount ol warranta ouLtandlriK and unpaid a the line appear upon the rworda of my oltlnaand In my nllli'lal ciial'idy, Wl(ii my haiid and the l l t" enmity noun oi lam pouniy llila I2lh day of April, A. Il 1HW. lly II. H. HTK AN'IK, lopnly. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT 01 the Klnani lal Condition ol the County of Clapkamaa. In the Htate ol OroKon, n the lt day of Mari?h, MAIIIUTIKN. To warrauta drawn on the County Treaaurer,andoiittaii'llii(( and uupalil To eiuoiiulol liileml ai'rrue I thereon Total l.lahllltlna rlKHOI'KCHH. lly fundi In handa of County Treaaurer ai.pllr-able lly estimated iinnald Current Taxea aipllnhle U) lly llllla waivable lly llitereat on aalne lly Marlon rouiity warrant lly Intoreai on aaine lly uiitiaiicnled tai I km, CWK, " " law, and prior Total Reaourcea, eiclualve of public property, Tatal l.lalilllilee ol county, Total Keaiiri:i) Indclitediicaa o the County. KOAD Caah In Treaaurer'a handa 1a arraiitaouiataiidlii and unpaid, .. balance on hand, Sewicc Machine. The L. Sc Z. Swett Co., New and Mecnnd Hand, Furniture, Citrpett, Bedding and Stoves. 201 A 203 Front, 202 Taylor Ft. At ttie boat landing. And all Arceaeorlee. White, Standard And Othera. P, B. Lccbler k Co., ZH Flrat Htreet, Cor batmon. F. R. CHOWN, Grafloa k lOEDisr, Mtal.KR IX Prescription Hani ware : Prnpp'ptP ! :- anil StotCH. lat and Main at. Family & Country 212 Flrat Hin-et. Trade Solicited. Portland. Or. t p. FORBES k BREEIEN FURNITURE n u il v a vv, Carpet", ShailcH, Lace tiirtaiiiH, Portifn c, oic. 174 Flrat airvet, 175 Front atreel. OLDS & KING I'hlrd A Waahltia-ton BUYERS offer Beat Itanalnaf CAFES AliD... JACKETS. Mh A Waahlnntnn ati. Hlnnk Hookta 01n Stlppllet s:carjt k ncusoi " Conpur BtwkaeHera and htatlnnera aw and 271 Morrlaon Hireet. Portland. Sitle) Business given are for reference and guid ance of country and suburban buyers. They recommended as ble firms to deal SIR It AMOS A leavea Oregon t'itf A M. 2 and i I'. M. Portland 7, 11 : AM. and I P.M. KANT S1IK KI.KC'I HK CAK8. Leave Portland and Oreon ITtjr every 40mlnnteafrom7 A. M. B00kS and " J c. huunS" Stationery G K0C BR. 1IT Third St. AT Ml 1 P Fine values in TITLES Abstracted And KiiaiHiitced by Tie Title Guarantee k Trust Co. Chamber of Com merce HulMlnr. JOHN II, W ANN KR'a Moctia Coffee Farlors INI I'hlrd Street, 0H Cordtajr 1 heatre BKST 5C MEL IN TOWN. No Cltlneae Kmployed Newfit Thlnaa In Wall Paper Prices tn suit the times. Schiifft'lil h Morgan ll Third St. Send lor Samplea l and Alder St.. j Tt'BS fi CollVeS. FiniNt Photos1"'" M- ,,""",y-5l1"11' r HUM r living llinTeM mcetinm on $1 Per Doi. at ! Sunday motnlitf and f evenlin. alao Wiilnea MeSarVey S darevenlmtaat Stdr II Itual Tentile, Second LlQII6ry. ; and Jeffcraon atrecta - i ti 1 di Henldetiie and office, ltioj lllirt.1 M. , naji, Klrat Street. rrtcnai Coffee House llome made iea and eaea. The eream and milk la from 111 ranch. Dinner from HO tu S li m . )ir,centa. !W 'aaliliiton aireet bet. lat and 'id. C. H. MooreHoDse & Co WALL PAPER Rood Mouldings. ratDts. Oils, BrosbES. Etc. i.1 Alder Htreet LADIES' Wigs, 8 witches and Bangs. Also Gents wigs. Oct our Prlcea. Paris Hair Store H0S Wiiahiniloti St. FOR- ABSOLUTCLYJURE QPyjGS OO TO Q A. HARDING. NONE 111IT OOMPITENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine PerrnmcrlES and Toilet Articles. Alan a full atork ol FAINTS- OILS ktc. ClllCKEPfiipai( If yon nac the Pftalnm Inrnhatara Bromtrrt. Mnke money while othera are waaim Im f hv old OToccaaea. Cataloetellaall alnt It.anddeacrihra every article needrd lor inc rxiultrv busineas. The4,ERILi mechanically the beat wheel. I'rrttieatmoilcl. We are Picific Cont Arenta. Bicvcle cata log ue.mailedfree.givea full deacrlrttlon. prlcea. etc., aofnt WAirrpr.. PETALtrMA TrTCUBATOR C0.,Fetalnmt, Branch Housr, ti A Main St., I.oa Anijclea 32 1 BUTTE CRFFK ORANflK, No. 82. P. of H Moots at their hall In Marnnam. acoond Sat- nrday In each month at 10 a. ra. Visiting momberaalwaya welcome. J. B JACK, I. R. WHITK, Matter, Secretary, r. iimtrun. t;icr A V. IWi. iri.l'i "7 17,M0 4 I to the payment of county warrantji the payment alto Warrant Ii4i J.04U oo lr, on S 4(1 4I,!7 IIIH.VHM IIW.7fll 91 . 11S.S01 04 KIND. r.H4 S4 . 1 9(1 II9IK 4s Jno L Cline Watch Maker. 224 First Street. All work fl rat claaa Prices Low. Denver Kitchen. Peat Meal in. Oo Earth IWUa 22S First Street Near Salmon. Dr-E C-Brown i- . j r I tVB ana LSr Surgeon. f.laaaea Vtttjwl i tn4 mi.hed W Flrat atreet ! Boktslros, Moron Dj'gcrt Book Mfg. Co. The Blank Book Makers. Cor. Front and Stark. , n uryooas IKfl Third St. Leaders OF LOW Prices. Ladies Shoppino Luncheons Sweatlands Portland 248, 250, Morrlaon, near Third The names of the Portland (West Housesnere are relia QUE. Hardware Avery k Co. with. - 172 1st Street Near Yamhill. "POTTER, Artistic Photographer. Flrat St. Photos $1.50 per doz. KmUk Work. Royal Restaurant 2.5 First St., Where car stops The best place for a good meal, llensonableprice Cedar Camphor Cheapeat place for arttat'a material!. Tor Moths. Lane-Davis Drug Co. M A Yamhill. Pictures. Frames, Etc. Bernstein's Art Store. 907 Waahlnaton St.. Between 5th A 6th John S. Meek Co, 82 Sixth St., Photographic & Manic Lantern SUPPLIES. Books Bought, Sold and hx changed at the Old Book Store aw'j Vamhinst,, Near 'lh ml. FOR HSTOR1H STR. SARAH DIXON, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Astoria, Sunday morning at 7 o'clock; Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday even ings at. 7:o() o'clock. RETURNING, leaves Astoria Mon day morning at R o'clock; Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday evenings nt ( o'clock ! FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. AV. Shaver, Will leave Portland, foot of Washingfon Street, for Clatskanie and way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings at (1 o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the most direct and accessable route to the Nehalem Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. FAM.9 ENCAMPMENT, No. , I. O O. t. Mccta flrat and third Tueadaysof each month, at Odd Fellowa hall. Member and yisitl'ig patriarchs, cordially Invited to attend. J. A. 8TKWAKT, W. H. HOWMX. Hcribe. Chief Patriarch. Dim VV. L. Douclas t1 CUOie' 18 THE Bf ST. Vtl 1 1 Jf liai PIT FOW A KINO O. CORDOVAN, nrtxcH a, cnamcllco tut. ..43.P FfNCCAlaVKlUWABMl ( -4SI WDRKIUru... ' r M2.l.7RflVS,.'!CH!fflSH3fi LADIES' rW't-'DOUtiLAa' BifOcirTOM.jnji9a. Orw On MIIHaaj People wear tha W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoe art) equally Mtlsfactory Thay five he Iteat varoe for the money. They equal cuetom ehoeai In elyle and fit. Thlr wearfnc ojnefttleai are unaurpaaaed. The price are onlkKtn etampfd on aola. Prora f i ta is eaved aver other anakea. If your dealer cannot supply you e oo. Sold by dealera everywhere. VTrantext, nttentmtn tnka airclueilva aala fur thlat vlcln lly. Wrlta t once, Reduction In Prices We are goinprto dispose of all our 5t Heavy weight Underwear- Before warm weather catches us if Price is any object to you Heavy natural wool underwear,! regular price 11.50 a suit, now 90c. Camels Hair, heavy, regular . 12.00 now f 1.50. Pure wool, heavy weight, regular 14.00, now $3.0o. A new line i of latest style In Collars At a popular price, 15c. Glass & Smyth. Unload Your Liver Three Doses ol Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You reel Better. Does your back ache? Docs every step seem a burden? You aoe billions. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For sale by all druggists. E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE ERST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL OUT1 BE GREAT NORTHERN RY, VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA. DENVER OMAHA AND ASP ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS SAN FRANCISCO. ; For full details call on or ad dress, W. II. IK'RLPURT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or f f 5 mm.: ofwMM A Sovereign Remedy ftfCptJgha Colds,IjiGrippe trjjll Afifectioru of tkThroat. Chest and Lungs. 50cT5.$122 TOR fY. ABiETiXEto.aOinilIe.Cal. For sale by C. G. Huntley. HEULO J ? 1800 milf of long dis tance telephone wire .in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, S)s kane, Tacoma, Sabrrr, Walla Walla, Fendletotf, Albany and other towns in the two etate on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a Personal communication. )istance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane 83 easily heard a Portland. Oregon City office at TTuviTlrtaj-'t. llriny SaifArA n "r, oiviu J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Uregon. LOWEST CASH IN THE CITY PRICES Blue Front Grocery. Seventh St., E. P. Elliott, Prop All New Stock, Of Best duality. FREE DELIVERY. A TRIAL ORDER ASKED. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL OS EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him 1 Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill Rjver Route. STP TOLttDO ! DAILY -:- TRIPS. Down Leave Iayton 5 A. M., Mission fv'.o. Xewherg 6, But'.e ville 6:1"', On con City O:', arrivincr in Portland 10:30 A. M. I'r-Leave Port lard 2u!0 1 L, Oreg,m City 4 P. M. Stasre runs hctw.-cn McMir.ut and Dayton, via Lafayette, in evn nection Tvtth the loat. T!ie .-).;-.? villl.M v.. !!.'! Ynn.!;:ll, McM-u;.-ville, every n:oniirr at :::'t a. n . ,, U-ave Daj tc-n t-iry, ec t Sunday, v arr-.v..! of the K .at. Ptst i f a.vivumn.l.iti.-w f r Bcncer? and fas-t tinit v:. l: 1 t fi-etiht r..?e sri'ly nt d. i cr stoanit'r. EvervKl? uv,l j-a'r-. '.::'- ' 1 Toledo , IkkiI. l thus su-.i; - v. !:-:-u. Cat C'.t ; Arc l' V L llXZr ' ' F.F.H:iF. i t a w i i- - i yr tirt Jr, 1:-1 t l., ai; I m." Iiu. !- i ' CaU oil