Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 19, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Hlvamnr HAMONA.
(' III, 7110 HI.
') iki p, m. ll mi, hi,
6 UU (l. III. 4 (Ml p. in.
Tin Vt
lv Cortland. 't'Hylor Irct.l illicit mu m) A. M.
mil luavea Oregon City fur Hiilem 7. IS A. M,
'1 iiitlay, 'I Imratlajr anil Saturday.
l.rav. linl.iiiiihliii' no A M mill Halion 7 4ft
A H. mhI Uri'iji.ll cur 1 :0U I' M liir I'url
I mill Monday, wnlru.day "J frlilay.
Kl Hum, kmm1 acoomodnlliiiia mi'l low ralea.
Nn way fi.ialit handled. Simulal raUia uu
111 roil, h Irrliiit.
MllkTM ftllllHD,
California tiiiriu llliriiuxh) 7:10ft. m,
llmuliurg tvoal (way ttalluua) l it p. III.
aotiTM anuMi.
Pntiiiri 1X11 (wny alatliitia)
(.alitor nla f.xnrvaa (Ihnmili)
HI ft. m
7:111 p. in
Time Tallin,
Iavft I.av
Oregon City. Wlllsmntt. Falla,
:.UA U. 1.1'. A.M.
l V "
11 ail " II 40 "
i M '. H, I l I1. M.
H in ;w "
euo " ;l "
atKiuv TIM R.
too A.M. (i HAM.
Iiiuu ' in 1.1
11. (a) II :m "
1 Ull P, M. 1:15 P.M.
1 .110 ' I 4ft "
i ui " a id '
i m - l it,
uj " ll in
,10 " .5 "
1 ui f, "
4 m " 4 ii "
d ial " 6 Ift "
ft m " tv "
SOU " ft. II '
('. A. Mills, Mupt.
Malta rlna. fntiii Ninth. U in . I p. m.,p m.
Uulla vlmv (ulnft Hiitilli, V m., 0.4.1 p. m.
aim ftocTaa,
Oreion Clly to Portland infer Kaal Side Kail
war. h-ave. I'J w V. M ainl 6 m V M.arrlma
II 10 A. M. ami 4 Ml P. M (arrtea I'niilanil,
Ka.lnu, Wnat Hide, Handy anil HlKlilaiiil ruiura
iiiranii City to P.I y.Carut, Milium. Mitral ami
M'.lalla iratva at l in. ami arrlvra at U in.
iirrmi City to Uoav.r Crck, Mink. Clark.
Mr.li,w liriHk. I'liiim Mllla, and I olioii, leave.
at IU a. in. Monday Wrdni'a.lay ami rrlday
ami retain, uu Inllnwliii ilava at i Si i in
(irri,in City M Vlnla. I.(an ami llrdland
Iravra llr(nll (IIV Monday WediieadaY anil
PtI'Ikv al I ui P, M , leaving Viola tain ilaya
at 7 utl A. M,
A Novki. Kntkktainmknt. I.HMt
Tliursihiy morning, pedestrians observed
peculiar placard pinned tu the door of
the Haptisl church, a follows: "Leave
iceoh behind all yti who enter Imro.
Mn in ' Hid wunl! Nu Ulkinx lutluy."
An f)( t'oni vi Hilmii'M xrvuilml Hie vl
rinily, limki-n orniKinnully by lin-rry
h'I ul lutiuliicr, a piirntdf juyotiH wiiiif,
or diil I lii-ur ll ft li'iiiiiiiiiu wliitlH,
lilil uuvcr word npktn. A IrnvuliiiK
(rli'iiil pUHaiiiK, riitiirni'il lo I'lilor, itml in
triMliirintr liiTBt-K In tli lii-vy of liiilifH
busily I'lijiiini'il hmiiikI tint quilt, Hcaloil
li(rcl( uml Iniluctl In nioiiuloKtKi,
yri'iilly tu tliH ri'lirl ami cilillt'iitlun of I lie
llll'llllll'IM of tilt KiN'icty. (n of tli
ludicn quit'lly Horvnl Hik ten uml l Him
1 ii ii t: It tipon tlit tnlilu iinil licrkotii'd tin)
othi'rn lo niitHkn. A jolly tlioti((li
aiMM'i'lili'NH cottiimtiv Miirronnilfil thu
liounl ami tlm vihilor ilwlaipd tlm itn
poHNililu Iinil liccti rculiii'il. h ciinipany
of linlii'N who with not talking. The
mu KHHury iiifiirniHlioil ftliotit tlm work in
limiil, witH ilintriliuti'il In writing mul
ihhoi1 to llm patron foi uproval. Tlio
nftt-riiooii witH Hicnt in tliu naiiiH man
ner, liiilirn CDininK hihI iioinir, with ft
bow and niuilu lint hhuIuJ lipit. l'uiuiliar
liyntnii were Htinit, tlm favorlto Iminu,
"How li'ihoim and lintli-Hg llio tiuurs,"
Oim ol lliti aihtura HaiiK an Biiciiint hallad
eiititU-d "My Own Native Htatu" with
hiiritonii iiot'oinpaniniiint w hirh drought
down tliu Iioiihu and nearly forft'ilud the
rnwiird. lint tlio Ionic, li'i. weary tlay
ut lam canto to un cinl, and 2') Imlicn
thonuht thoy nnvcr ifccived $2.50 which
WtiH linrdcr I'ltrncd. v
St'rriiiHK I'ahtv. Sixtcnn pupiU of
tlio ciglillt gradu of tlio Kunlliain school
Hvo a HiirpriHe parly to tludr ncltool-
uiate, (iuorKO Swall'urd, on the ovoninn
of tlio lltli iitHt. , at hitt home in I'.lyvillo.
It wan in honor of t.loorno's birthday,
ho boinK fotirtcon years of aire on that
day. It wan a Kontiine unrpriHU, ho nut
knowing that any of IiIh young trionda
know hia ae or birthday. Tlio eveninu
wnti npitnt in uhiih'H and tniiHii!, and a
happy time waa liad by nil profont. Ice
cream and cako were Horved . The party
broke tip at 11:110 and returned to the
city feoliiiK iray and joyoiiHovor tlio event,
liooro i one of the bright gchulara of
the Hchool, and felt proud and grentful
for the liotior conforrod on lilin by bin
follow Btildoiila. Thoae prcHent at the
party were: MiieC'ane, Allio (ialo, Mary
llltihin, I.ttlii IlankiiiH, Ellon iShaw.
PaiHy tI.aweiit:e, Howaid lirownoll,
I'Aff'r ' MeroHne, Willie Lohiih, Olio
MereKHi!, ThotnpHon Moldrutn, Channcoy
IianiHby, Carl Cluiroh, Chaa. Criawell,
Hubert Hlinw, Carl Caullold, and (loori;o
and Nellie HwnKord.
Nkw Somiikk'h Unikohm. Under dir
ection of the socrotiiry of war a hoard o'
oflic.ei'8 baa deaiuned a now uniform
for tho olliccra of the army. In tlio now
uniform the niidicHB blottao ia materially
channel!. The bloiiae now in uho which
waa (Uiai?ned about two yoara ago, ia ob
jected to on tho ground that with ita
atiporfltiity of braid it looked too much
like a band uniform, Accordingly the
braid has all been takon off, except that
which binds the edfe of the cout, goeB
around the collar and tlm botlom of the
blotino. Tlm bloiifta In hihiIu to look very
iiiiicIi hlinlliir to that worn in the navy,
except that the li'ald In front U heavier.
There are no longer any froy acron thu
climt, nor id there hiiv braid on the
alcove , The ureatcat Ifinovalloii In made
in thu cap. The clinraetir ntylo, which
ha dlHtiiiKiilHlicd the iiinlrcaa uniform
(if the United Htnlca army for yeitrn, ia
illacarded. 'lliougli extrutnoly nrliatir,
thiacapbaa been Heiloilnly objected to
hnckiiao it worn the liuir oirthe olli'ift'
Itnada and waa taid to be tiiicomfoitiihle.
Thoau who have worn them do not agree
with thai, Tlio cap aelecled ia aouie
thing on the order of the one worn In
the navy. It ia higher and baa a more
prominent viaor. The cap la flat on top ;
the top ii juat the name in circumference
a the bottom. The viaor la long and
projitcla over the eye in rakiidi faahion.
On the front ia to I mi placed a ailver eagle
euilditmalio of the Union. On the collar
of the blotixe the number of the regi
ment and the cor pa inaigtia will be iilllxed.
The new uniform will cauae much ilia-
eiuiHion, and.lt ia probable, be unpopular,
Every inllllla ofllcer rnuat have hi uni
form chiiugod lo liicel the regulationa.
Tlindri'iK uniform reuiaiiia unchanged,
the ugly but being letnined,
KiNNKita Toi.dto Halt.-I'oatal carda
bearing texta from holy "i-rio'iire, of a
hortatory charncler, have lioen mailed to
many of the prominent btmlneaa men of
the clly, during the paat week. Theae
liiiiaivea lutye evidently Ikh-ii circulated
by Homo pcrnon or )icraoua, bent on do
ing good. The object ia contmendalile,
but the rvtilt ia dtiblotia. Hiti'.oia trip
ping along the roay path uf iniiiiity
are n o( to lie turned from the evilof their
ways by a text In which their own name
hai been interpolated in a manner which
ia dccidoly Mxir liiMe, If not downright
blaaphitinoiia. 'Hie reeipienla aa a rule,
laugh at tliem, re addreaa tl ein to aome
fellow aitiner; uthera become itidiununt,
ml aweat at them. No aturtllng rcfor
mation can loaccomililicd in thia wav,
I-i-t the alionyittiiiia w riter give our er
ring cllieiia the example of daily, good,
old-fiiHhioncd, upright living, and they
will find it will piii'liice a happier reatill
than red and black ti-xti or pcHt.il card",
TttK Sll.KT. Kkhkiivaiton. Itegiatei
H. A. Miller and liereiver I'. Taquet, ol
the United St.itea land otllce in thin city
are coimtautly beaeiged both by mail and
by ieraonid reipieHt aa to hen the Siletz
Indian reaervalion will Ik thrown on'it
to wttlemeiit. The interior department
baa acted on the matter ami the prcxi-
dent'a pto.'laiiiatKin in all thai ia needed to
oNn the land for entry. The opinion
of the land ollice here ia lint the presi
dent will withhold hia proclamation un
til the weather becoinea aettled ho that
intendi iir aettlera will not have the in-
cleinenciea of tlio weather to add to their
har lhliipa in making titer aettlemeiit on
their irlniitia, The agreement w ith the
Nilelj! Indiana pr"videa for the ivaaioll
of all their tyiallotted lamia, the total
ceded territory covering 178.00(1 aerea.
For thia land the government ia to pay
the Indiana tlOO.IKH).
A Sad Pkatii Th" infant daughter
of .Mr and Mr. V, Howard died very
tiddouly Monday morning The parent,
aroHo early in the morning ittid left the
baby bhIccp in ita bed, apparently well,
aa UHtial. After a abort time Mrs. How
ard returned to awake the child for ita
riiatomary bath, and found it still and
cold. Ir. J'owell w"bb immediately
called, but could render no aHaiNtance,
aa the baby waa dead, having probably
died from heart failure aa It had pre
vioualv been quite bctilthv. The funeral
occured Tueaday afternoon, Uov. Myera,
of the Evangelical church, oiliclating
Two l.lri-a Saved.
Mra. 1'hoebe Thontaa of Junction City,
III waa told by her doctora alio had con
aumption and llint there waa no hope
for her, but two bottlea of Dr. King's
New I'ineovcry completely cured her
jiinil alio auya it aaved her life Mr.
jThoa. Kggera, l.'Kt rToridu St. S'in Krnn-
ciaco, aullereii irom a (ireaiiitii coin, ap
proaching Consumption, died without
reault everything elae, then bought one
bottle of Dr. King'a New Dixcovery and
in two weeks waa cured. He ia natur
ally thankful. It ia audi reaulla, of
which theBe are Humpies, that prove the
wonderful efficacy of thia medicine in
Coughs and Colda. Free trial bottles at
('barman it Co'a. Drug Store, Charuian
Bros. lUock. Regular aie 50 cettta and
1 00.
Our bettor halves say they could not
keep bonne without t'liumboi Iain's
Cough Remedy. It ia uaed in more than
half the homes in Leeds. Sims Ukos.,
Leeds, Iowa. Thia abowa the esteem in
which that remedy Is bold where it has
been sold for years and is well known.
Mothers havo learned that thete 1h
nothing so good for colds, croup and
whooping conli, that it cures these ail
ments quickly and permanently, and
that it is pleasant nnd safe for children
to lake,
by Ci. A
-'5 and fill-cent hot lies for sale
Ihmlmc, drti2iiiHt.
Appetite mid sleep may be improved,
every part of tho system strengthened
I and the animal snirita reirain their
buoyancy by the use of Pr. J. II. JIo
Lean's Strengthening- Cordial and Blood
Purifier. For sale by C. G. Huntley,
drill! li'ist.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand goods of all kinds at second hand
store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7lh st.
Furnished Every Week by the riarkn.
ma Abstract t Trust Company.
James L Cagle to Maxwell Young'
W D Oct 27, '04, thoneof Msg
34 In lr4e, 140 acre, 1000
J 0 Hylvanua to Morris Cadonan, Q
I), Feb. 21, '1)5. thesofthenw
and the w of the Mt of sec 20
and the nw,1 of the ne'J and the
ae)4 of the nw of sec 21), 4-42. . 2
C F Zlnaer to J (1 Zi riser, W I), Dec
14, 'U4, the southerly 15 acre of
the ne!' of the se ' of sec 27in 1-2 e
U 8 to H L Ogle, 1'alent, Kept. 15,
'(Mt, river frac. lot 6 of nee 10 and
river lot 4 of sec 11,31 e. 41.00a
J L Ogle tu I I rutman, W 1), Apr
4, '05, river lot 6 sec 10 and river
lot 4 mic 11 in 31 e,41a
Robt Moore to Daniel II. Ferguson
Q D, Jan 22, 185.'), lota 4, 1), lOblk
111, and lota 4, 5. (I, blk IS of Linn
City, with laud at falls in Moore cl.5 (000
Daniel II Ferguson to Willamette
Falls C M A T Co., W I), Mar. II).
18,13, same s aUve (JO0U0
J I Hhaw to M K Kbaw, W I), April
10, '15, lot 12 blk 2, west side add
to Oregon City 200
E M Hands to V A White, W D,
Apr 10, H6, blk 05 Oregon City,. . 1500
M Oreifson to (lotlieb Fcyror, W D,
Apr 8. '05, 85 acres in sec 31, 41
e, to coTi-ct former deed 1
Oak Orove Land and linn. Co. to
August Detmering, W D, Mar 21,
05, tract 34 in first sub-division
of Oak li rove, 1250
Fred L Newell lo A L Snell, V D,
Atril6.'tl5. lot 5 blk 3. 0 I & S
Co first add to Os vego,
Jas W Khaw to alentine Heiikel,
V D, Apr 12. '05, the of the
w-J of the nw'i of the nw'of se
2il, 3-2 e
Martha tiriiiilstafT to Lawrence Ta
ker, W I). Apr il. '05, the nw!4 of
the se?4 of H.-c 18 in 44
Fred A Dunham to A T Webb, W
I), Apr 8, '1)5, the of the nw'.4'
oft.ee 12, 4 2 e. HO acres,
Mary A and F W (ieer to Allied
Mi-Cully, i D, Mar 11, '05, 53 a
in cl 41, 31, Maintenance
Henry Thiesaen to Selina Tldeasen
V D, Apr 12, '05. 180 aerea in the
Jason and Orin Kelloug da 1000
Eli Crisnell to J D Allen and J
Meiudl, V D, Apr 13, '05, lot 1,
2, 3 of sec 23 and the nw'4' and
lota 1 and 2 of sec 20, 52 e, 203.1 a 5000
W F Hubbard to Kuut Telleff-on,
V D, May 25, '114, 241 acres in
Waterbtirv cl, also lot 1 sec 11 and
lot 13 in sec 12, all in 3-3 e, cor-
i eel ion 45(H)
Hamilton A Washburn to Mry L
Kenworlhy 1 D, Apr 13, ''.15, lots
4, 6, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, in blk 1, also
lota 1 and 2, blk 2, Turk 1'lace,. ..
lVnniwell .Shumway to Ancs M
Washburn, W l, 80 acres of the
John Foster cl No 41, 2-3 e... .1120
Hamilton & Waslihurn to 1'hoebe
Shilmwav, W D, Apr 13, '05, 115
by 50 feet in the Straight cl, 000
E C Hamilton to James Wilruii, Q
D, Apr 13. '05, lots 1. 2, blk 2,
Knot's add to Mnisiilield and 8 sq
rods adjoining same, 350
Have votir Titles examined and
Abstracts imido by the CLACKAMAS
ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. who. have
the only complete set of Abstracts of
Title of all lands in Clackamas county.
Accurate ard reliable work by a reson
Bible Aim. Ollice up stairs in the Cau-
field biiililirur.
Are You (iiiitttr Fust'
If so, it will pay yon to write to A. C.
Sheldon, general agent of the "Burling
ton Route," 250 Washington street,
Portland. He will mail you free of
charge, maps, time tables, and advise
you aa to the through rateato any point,
reserve sleeping car accommodations
for you, and furnish you with through
tickets via either tho Northern, Unia:.,
Southern. Canadian Pacific- or Great I
Northern railroads at the v-ry low'o.st
rates obtainable.
The Burlington route is generally cmi: j
ceded to be the finest equipped railroad
in the world for all classes of travel.
Received Daily.
. Strawberries, hnt-hoti-e lettuce, rel
ishes, Oregon asiiaiHUtis, i: recti peas,
cauliflower, celery, new potatoes, new
cabbage, rhubarb, etc.
E. K. Williams, the tiroccr.
La (irippe is here aain with all of its
old time vigor. One Minute Conh Cure
is a reliable remedy. It cures and cures
quickly. C. t Hunlley.ditigjist.
A beautiful woman tnii-l be healthy,
and to remain healthy and beautiful
she should take Pr J. II. McLean's
Strennthiiiij Cordial and Hlood Purifier.
It iinparlH tone and flush to the skin,
vigor and pure bluml ; is equally adapted
for all ages, from tho Imhe to the aged,
of either sex. For sale b. C. U Huntley,
To bund lYliipliirs,
Po vou know that Moore's Keveitled
IJemedy is the only patent medicine in
tho world that does not contain a drop
of alcohol; that the mode ot preparing
it is known only to its diieover; that it
is an advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nineteenth
century j that its proprietors oiler to
forfeit 1, (WO for any case of dyspepsia
it will not cure?
Smoke the Kermesse citrar.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Ited Seal (-farHfiparilla is not a
Cure-all, but it in a good spring
medicine. The formula in the best
one we know of, selected from many
famouH ones, and we can recommend
it in all canes where a Blood Puri
fier ia required.
Precription Druggist,
Oregon City, Or.
in writing Paper always indicates
high quality stationery and
never found in cheap goods.
Every sheet of our M. & II. line
has its watermark; and each style
we carry 20 varieties has its
individual and appropriate work.
Did you ever notice it? If not we
have a sample book free for every
We have all the items necessary
to complete the assortment for the
writing desk gold Pens steel Pens
sealing wax inks erasers, etc.
We make a specialty of Copper
Plate Printed visiting cards.
Huntley's Book Store.
Oregon City.
Postolfice-:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the best quality.
In Prices we meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
r.tallilitl I ..
1m$kt nd Ere,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
VA .vv;t'i::n::
n eparauonol
r rurt.'.eaTtci
fold inliv- lift.'.','
wuvrnwi i''.',mii v!
a'liiSorcfyes.lt, V-
OL..C -t
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
I Gnai
1M.- --tnsr war wiaw
L 1 i a
The Pioneer Store.
j. Y 'sL
'i A (
directly nd Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their own
letters, or keep their own book.; and who do not know when buslneasand leKal pupem
which tbey niiwl handle every day are made out correctly. tTAIl theae things, and
much more, we U-aeh lhonitifi.
Hundreds of our graduates are In good positions, and there will be openings for
hundreds more when times improve. -Voir Is the tliuo to prepare for them. Bessie, a
iiminem education Is worth all It cit.or orw'a oirn ue. Send for our catalogue, V
learn iraat and smo we teach. Mailed free to any address.
Portland Business College,
A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Portland. OregOll. J, A. Weaco, 8cretary.
Or Building Material?
Go to C- H. BESTOArtf-
Lowest cash prices ever offered for
Also combination wire and picket fence,
And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times.
Shop Opp. Congregational Church,
Complete Stock,
Steamer Bailey Gatzeri
- r. Jv
Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. II.
Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. It
Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Gatzert every
night, for Portland. Tickets of ail other lines good on Gatzert
. Outing
1 y
. A
are lost
Prices Low.
i 4
V ,