Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1895)
i Oregon City tntcrprisc. FRIDAY, AI'lllI, M, IBM. . Clacknmns Co. Directory. COUNTY OKKICKIIH. Julia, :.ot ill Cnu Oordon K, llayae li. t. Ilortmi K, C Kml1K'k H. M. Xntlialiy M. I,. Mnur. J, C). Ilradlur II. M. Illli.uii D. W Klniialnl It. I,. Iluiinaii I lilt-hard Ni'iitl I prank JKKr unurti, HharllT, ltunli'r, 'I'ruaaiimr, AwitMtir, -HiiIicmiI Hllrlllttlllll, Munrnvor, C'uruuiT, Comnilliincn, CHAT ABOUT TOWN. I'rlirn tlm Inweitt Kl Front More. (iunlcii mmIn, (iriiHt mnula, Flower nrniln, Onion win. K. K. William, tlin iiroccr. Try JllKlllll) Tl nt M.irr ltuhrton. C'llll (or HIIMIplo. - - "Joe ItuIli'V, tlie IHarkHinlth. I'lr mnl liiiih wood wanted A nw line of able ciitnbi ut tliin t( t the ItHt'kct atore. If you want a K'xil pump liny the Uuckcye of WlUon A Cooke, I Unbent price puM hy the Commercial hank (or county and city warrant. Smoke Hie KerrM'e clar. K. K. WilliHiiiH, the itrornr. KreyUu' pHtUin( pickloaran le had t the Corner irrorery. l'1'' 'n 'ie market. hiMi K. II, lUy in lit own production at Hhlvfly'n theatre Krltliiy nd Saturday evtllllllKH K. K. William, the grocer, will re deem nil the IlorccHhoe tobacco Utn pnwiilcil. (ietvonr blink. i. lib work done hy Jiki Huiley at Sliivfly'i Hull Friday and Satutday. Mr. W. C. (irccn, of ihiaeily, tacame the mother ol a 10-pound boy, Tuesday, April lillh. Hue the new diiKRer hair ornament, amber etetu and metal tip, nt the Racket birn. Order left at Frank Harlow' More, for 4 f""t or Winch wood, promptly filled hy K. I'arker. The homo of K. V. Kllloit, of thin city, w made happy, April lO'.h, by the ap pearance oi a flue Ixiv. A bora will be "hod on the lu t Shlvely'a Hull by Joe Halley, the emilh, Friday ami Haturday. The cheapest place in town to get urn Uellat i at the Racket atore. None Hill be carried over the oimnner. Hkiihock. Apple, prune, ralain, plum or rice ft rent a pound; lemon and ormwes a penny each at The Red Front. Hy watching for datiKron aymptom nd by giving rltredinftti' Soothing lew der at the right time, ave your baby from fit or eonvulxion during teething. Sick Headache, conrtlpaiion and indi gnation are quickly cured by Do Witt' Little Karly Itinera, the fumoti little fi)lH. C. O. Huntlev, drnggiit. SHILOH'8CL'RK the great Cough and Croup Cure, r- In great demand. Pocket aine contain twenty-five done only 2fio. Children love It. For Rale by O. A. Harding. Gladntone grcenhouao I the place to gut your plant. A tine collection on hand of Iwgoniaa, heliatrope. geranium, dnerariaa, fnchlas, petunia, pelargon ium, elirynantbcmum, carnation, calla, etc., vUs., at lied nxk price. . . WiUoii A Cooke have moved their Mock of hardware one door eoutb of the Commerciul Hank, but wIll.Btill occupy their old itand for farm impliment,uch a Rain wagon, Oliver plow, Puckeye and Pitcher pump, cultivator, hay rake, mower and wheelbarrow. Theladio of St. Paul's Guild of the Episcopal church, gavo an entertain inent and ocial at Armory hall, Thura luy evening, which wan largely uttendud, and which proved to be a Hiiccen lioth soc in I ly and financially. A very inter esting mimical program whs rendered, after which refreshment were served and a sociable time enjoyed by those present. The entertainment ol the Y. P. S. C. K. of the Baptist church given last Fri day evening was one of the most success ful ever given by tho young people of thut church. A pleasing program was rendered embracing songs and recitation with a well executed umbrella drill by a 6iimd of young girls, and club swinging by Mr. Itrown, of Portland. Refresh ment were served in tho reception room aftor the close of tho literary program. A serious accident occurred ut the V. P. A P. Co.' mill, on the Vest Side, Tuusduy 11 i Lf 1 it. Samuel Dillman, one of the employes, bad hi arm caught in the In It of one of the machines, and so badly lacerated, thut amputation wus necossury. Hewn taken to the Oregon City hos pital on the 10:20 car where the opera tion was performed by Dr. Somnier, the rtm being taken off just below the el low. The young man, who recently Ame from Stockton, Cal., is getting along a well as could be expected. Kinder nt the I'Jiu relic Faster day wan observed by the differ ent churches of (III city i an nppiopri ut" noimier by spsclal service, lloial dvcorutioiis mid the rendition of choice music, The Faster decoration at the Con gregational church were the most elabo rate ever Mien at thl time of year. Among numerous design of Oregon gre and multitude of other flower were throe calla lilies lent by friend from California, .ulla shrubs In full bloom, pillow of pansie and hyacinth thut filled the house with perfume. Dr. Cowan preached on the Resurrection, The annual I'.aster con cert In the evening wa a delight to the immense corigrcimtioii thut filled every availnhle sitting. Very great credit I due to Mrs. F. F. White who is training up so muny song bird itnoiig the little people. The little girl in their white dresse were fair a the Flutter lilies of which they sang. At St, Paul' Fplscopal church the decorations and floral pieces, which were composed entirely of white flowers, were esHclally beautiful and a large contribution of callus (nun California, added greutly to tho attractiveness of the church. The rector, Rev. Isaac Duwson, conducted the services. There were two celebrations of the holy Fil clurist, one at 8 o'clock, a. m., and one Inter at II o'clock, morning service. In the evening, a children' sin vice wus held in place of the usual evening prayer. At St. John' church, Faster was com memorated in a manner appropriate to the church's vreatest festivul. The altar wus handsomely adorned with uuutititM-s of callus and lilies artistically arranged, and the service were very impressive, t lit event of theday beiiiK the celeoralion of high mass at the morning service. At the First Presbyterian church the deviations were very elaborate, and large congregations assembled at each service during the day, to listen to the Rev. A. J, Montgomery, who preached sermons morning and evening suitable to the occasion. F'uster service of unusual Inters! were held at the first M. K. church. There was a profuse displsy of flowers, the church Iwing attractively decorated. A children' service consisting of exer cises and singing took the place of the usual morning service and in the even ing Rev. T. P. Ilovd, of Portland, occu pied the pulpit. So).ial Kaiiler music marked theday at the First Baptist church, and Rev. M. L. Rugg, pastor of the church, de livered appropriate sermons both morn ing and eveniag. ' A Pleasing Huccesa. Prof. W, F. Werschkul, who has charge of the singing class in the Presby terian chinch of tliis city, conducted a concert on the 10th inst., given by his class of the Y, M. C. A . of Portland. Of it success the Sunday Oregonian has the following to say: "The concert on Thursday evening at the Y. M.C. A. hall, given under the auspice of Prof. Werschkul, assisted by Miss Rinnie De Forest, the elocutionist, whs a decided success. The program was attractive and rendered by the class in excellent taste. The attendance was very large, and many were unable to gain admission. The selection by Miss M. Ilayncs and Mr. W. Ilaynes, pupils of Prof Wersch kul, was enjoyed very much, while the readings of Miss DeForesl were enthus iastically received. Mrs, K. M. Bergen, accompanist, deserves much credit (or her good work, as does Prof Werschkul for hi excellent solos.," T. P. Boyd, an evangelist from Port land, has been conducting a series of re vival meetings at the First M. F. church In this city for the past two weeks. There is a large attendance at these meetings, and much enthusiasm mani fested A special service was -held Wednesduy afternoon for school children, and an illustrated sermon delivered by Rev. Boyd which wa very instructive. Died, in this city, Wednesday, April 17, Silas F. Scripture, aged 1 year, 6 months and 12 days, youngest son of S. F.and R. K. Scripture. The funeral will take place today (Friday) at the M. E. church, at 2 o'clock p. m., Rev. Gabriel Sykes olllcinting. A new, complete and up-to-date Hand book of information, covering nearly 200 cities, towns and resortB, contained in the current Issue of the Hand Mc Nully Guide. $11.00 por year, 40c per copy. 1(10 AdaniB Street, Chicago. The annual mooting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in tho Free Reading Room, Friday, April 10th, at2:"0 p. m., for the election of ofllcers for the ensu ing year. Elaborate scenery and beautiful cob tumcB will be usml in "Joe Bailey, the Blacksmith" at Shively's Friday and Saturday evonings. Reserved seats at Huntley's. Wood Wanted. Bids wanted for forty (-10) cords of fir wood. Wood to be of large, live timber, free of largo knotts, ami all tops and limbs loss than throe Inches in diameter will bo rejected. Said wood to be de livered at school house on or boforo July 1,1805. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Address, all bids to E. A. Smith, clerk district No. 34. All bids muBt be in by April 25, 1895. It PERSONAL NOTES. Win. J, Howlett, of Kagle. Crook, was In town Tuesday. T. U. Orepii, an attorney of Portland, wa In town Tuesday. Miss 1-oJI Riles, of Portland, wa In the city on Saturday, N, II. Townsend, of Portland, visited this city, last MundaV. Mrs. Geo. A. Hsrding i confined to her home witli the griiiie. Mr. If. A. Young I quite ill with the grippe at til home in this city. Miss Louise Knight, of Canby, wa In the city on busines Monday. J. If. Lambert of Portland, wa in town Wednesday, on business. A. F. Davis, of Cluckamns, attended to husincHi In this city on Tuesday. Mr. I,ee Beam, of The Dalles, was in Oregon City on business last Monday. Mrs. It. (ilassKsl, who lias torn ill for some time, is slowly convalescing. Col. Know lea of the St. Charles hotel Portland, visited this city, Wednesday. Mr. snd Mrs. II. H. Moody returned home from Albany Tuesday afternoon. R. 8. Farrell and R. M. Townsend, of Portland, visited friends in town Sun d ay. Mr. A. N. Mundy, of this city, has been tite ill with pneumonia the past week. Mrs. Louis F. Cook, of Pendleton, was visiting relative in this city the first of tho week. Mrs. J. R. Miller and on of Sellwood visited at the borne of Mrs. S, A. Chase last week. J. F;. Hedges was in Albany on Fri day and Saturday, of last week, on legal business. Father Hillebrand went to Salem Wednesday on business, returning home Thursduy. Mis Grace Hurkin and Mis Gold stein, of Portland, were in town Sunday visiting friends. Jordon Zan, Jean White and Morris Whitehouse, of Portland, visited friends in this city Sunday. Miss Elisabeth Wilson, of Logan, has leen sending the week in Oregon City visiting with friendB. Miss Helen Griffiith, of Salem, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. A. Miller, the past week. Mrs. Albert Fuller, of Portland, visited her mother. Mr. Harry Harding, in in this city on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Reed, of Bay Center, Wash., lelt last Saturday after a week's visit with friends in this city. Mr. and Mr. James M. Halliday, who have resided here for the past winter, left Thursday evening for Sacramento. Mr. R. Bradley, father of our county assessor, came from Pleasant Home Monilav, and is visiting his son in this city. Prof. Frank Rigler, principal of the Portland High School, lormerly of this city, was in town Tuesday, for a short time. Miss Myrtle Apperson returned toher home in McMinnville, Wednesday, after a two weeks visit with friends in this city. Mrs. Geo. C. Kinney and Frank Blank enshlp have gone to Ashland, Or., to be with their Bister, Miss Susie Blankenahip, who is very ill. Mrs. Etta Hilly left Thursday for.her home at Hillsdale, Washington county, alter a week's visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Fisher. Mr. Will L. Miller returned from his home in Jacksonville Monday, where he has been attending to business matters during the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pilsbury, of Bidde ford, Me., will arrive in' the city next week, and will visit Mr. Pilsbury's brother, Mr. J. G. Pilsbury. Jus. Gault left last Monday tor Corn stock, Douglas county, where he takes the position of engineer in the Davis, Ambler A Merrell sawmill of that place. Geo. Warner left for Ilwaco, Friday, where he has accepted a position with the Aberdeen Packing Co. during the coming season. Airs. Warner will re main in this city. Mrs. T. A. McBride, accompanied by her son and daughter, George and May, returned home Tuesday from San Jose, Cal., where they have been visiting since March 1st. , J. W. Stewart, Eugene Cowing and Henry Elliot, left Wednesday morn ing fur Southern Oreuon, where they will prospect in the mining district of that part of the state. Mrs. W. C. Johnson, and son Ronald, of this city, accompanied Rev. J. C. Read and wife to Salem Thursday even ing, where Mr. Ruud will be confined in the asylum by order of the court. Mrs. Job, Hedges, of Cnnemah, who tins been under tho doctor's care for some time, is now so far recovered as to be about the house with good prospects for a completo restoration oi her health. C. S. Allen, who baa been spending tho winter in Oregon for tho benefit of bis health and to pay a visit to his sister, Mrs. N. Tingle, of Gladstone, left Tues day for his home in Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. B. Foster and child, of Park City, Utah, 'arrived in Oregon City Monday to make a visit with her sister and brother-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Dawson. Mrs. Foster's husband i rec tor of the F'piscopal church of Park City, Utah. M. F. Ambh-r, secretary and manager of the Da via-Ambler, Moiiell Lumber Company, of Coinstock, Or., wa in town on business Monday. Mr. Archie Wilson, brother of Mr. L M. Gurnett, who has lived in this city all winter, left for San Francisco, Calif., Thursday evening. After remain ing there a short time, be will go on to Sacramento where he will remain. Mrs. Jos. Dobbins, of Merlin, Joseph ine county, left for her home Monday, after a two week' visit with her brother, Mr. Eaton, of Oswego, and with Mr. X. Tingle, an old-time friend, of Glad stone. Mr. D. 11. Additon, of Portland, and Mrs. L. C. Driggs, of thi city, went to Clackamas Tuoday and organized a W. 0. T. U. of twenty-four member, with Mrs. Clark as president. Mrs. Additon sioke in the evening to a large audience. Mrs. E. J. Hedge has arrived home from Pueblo, Colorado, where she has been for some time past with her daughter, Miss Km ma, for whose heahh the trip was taken. Mis Emma re mained in Colorado, her health having improved very materially of late. Ht. Paul's Parish. The annual parish meeting for the i election of vestrymen for St. Paul' parish, was held Monday evening, with the following result: Geo, A. Harding, R. GlassKXil, A. Lewthwaile, W. B. Stafford, A. W. Schwan, H. L. Kelly and C. J. Parker. The last two named were elected senior and junior w ardens, respectfully. Alter the parish meeting the vestry met and organized electing Geo. A. Harding treasurer and C.J. Parker secretury. The annual meeting of the St. Paul's Guild of the Episcopal church, was held Eaiter Monday in the church and the following officers elected for the ensuing year. Mr. H. L. Kelly re-elected presi dent, Mi. F. L. Cochrane re-elected secretary and Mrs. G. A. Harding re elected treasurer. Statk r Ohio, Citv ok, Ll'CAS C'Ol'NTY, S Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollar for eacl. and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fbask J. ClIKNKV. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, ttiis 6th day of December, A. D.,1880. A.W. Glbasos, Notary Public, BKAL. I Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surface of the system. Send for testi monials free. F. J. Chkney A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by drugitista, 75c. Sol Ice. Having this day bought the stock of harness, Baddies, and saddler's harness of A. II. Schram, successor to Schram A Moore, we have appointed Mr. F. D Ball our agent, who will offer the stock at cost for cash in order to close out a soon as possible. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the late firm will settle their account with Mr. F. D. Bull at once. Tub Geohor Lawrknck Co., Portland! Oregon . Oregon City, April, 1805. Those who never read the advertise ment in their newspapers, miss more than they presume, Jonathan Denison, of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been troubled with rheumatism in his back, arms and shoulders, read an item in his paper about how a prominent German citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured. He procured the same medicine, and o use his own words : "It cured Die right up." He also says: "A neigh bor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy was over to my house and said they were so bad he bad to do the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it had cured me. he got a bottle and it cured them up in a week." 50-cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding, drug gist. Removal. Drs. Ilickey the dentist owing to the increased practice in their Portland office has been compelled to discontinue their Oregon City ollice. Parties desiring dental work will find them in the Dekum building Third and Washington streets Portland. Those having f5 or more wortli of work done will have their round trip fair deducted from their bill. Received Daily. Strawberries, hot-house lettuce, rad ishes. Oreizon asuaraitus. Kreen peas, cauliflower, celery, new potatoes, new cabbage, rhubarb, etc. K. E. Williams, the grocer. Our natrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers a safe and reliabo remedy for constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaint. C. G Huntley, druggist. When your gtiidman comes home at 'een, Ho ave expects to see Two cosy slippers on the hearth, And a cup of Japoolo Tea. Ut. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All nob for thi column should lie i sent in Mrs. II. S. GiUon, editor, Oregon City, Oregon. SCHOOL MKPORT. Report of school district No. 23, Wil sonville, for the month ending March 27, 1H05. The lollowing named pupils were on tht roll of honor for the month : Raluh Seely, Ernst Schlickeiser, Herman Schlickheiser, Norris Young ; Raymond Seely Theodore Hcbiel, Walter Schlick eiser, Maud Seely, Pricilla Miley, Lillie Schlicckeiser, Minnie Hchlickeiser, Mable Seely, Nettie Hasselbrink, Lillie Seely Anna Wagner, and Grace Vowel). Num ber of day attendance 840; number of days absent 150; times tardy 6; time lost ' 102 minute; average enrollment 60.'; average daily attendance 42 3-10. For the term ending March 27, 1805. The number of days attendance were 2016; nu in tier of days absent 352; num ber cases tardiness 28; lime lost 202 min utes; average enrollment 'A average daily attendance 48 3-5. The following pupils were on the roll of honor for the term : Ralph Seely. Herman Scblikeiser, Raymond Seely, Theodore Scliiel, Maud Seely, Pircilla Miley, Lillie Schlickeiser, Minnie Schlickeiser, Mable Seely, Nettie Hasselbrink and Anna Wagner, A. I. IIickinbothkm, Teacher. . Rport for district No. 5fl, for the month ending April 12th. Number of days taught 20; number of pupils en rolled 18; average number belonging 15; number of days attendance 24.3; number days absence 48; average daily atten dance 12. Those neither absent nor tardy during the month were Rena Carter, Nellie Carter and Archie Boyles. Belle Hibbabd, Teacher. Following is the report of the Beaver Creek school for the past month: Num ber of pupils enrolled 41; average daily attendance 33 ; whole number of days at tendance 661. Following pupils were present every day: Magnie. Mary, Jacob and Willie Herman, David Thomas Albert Traylor, Laurence Ruconich, Amos and Art Kirk, Perry Longergan, George Hollmann, Joseph Studeman, Willi and Dora Hughe. Myrtle F. Tavloh, Teacher. SCHOOL NOTES. Chas. Ru'herford, one of the progres sive teachers of the county, called at the superintendent's office last Saturday. Hi school observed Arbor day by plant ing three tree dedicated to Lincoln, Grant and Garfield. The ceremony was performed alter appropriate exercises consisting of a biographical sketch of Lincoln by Mr. Rutherford, and anec dotes of and quotations from tne speeches of the martyr president by the pupils. Geo. McArthur's school dedicated a tree to the memory of Bryant. Mr. Harrington's pupils planted a tree in honor of Washington. Bolt. Ginther observed Arbor day in school. A. C. Strange was in town Saturday and made a pleasant call at the superin tendent s office. Mr. Strange is teaching a class iii book-keeping one night of each week. He says his pupils are getting along nicely, which is not surprising to one who knows their teacher. Miss Helen Taylor's school planted two trees on Arbar day in honor of Washington and Columbus. The pro gram was quite lengthy and was well rendered. Miss Annie Hiconbothem at Wilson ville, will hold the Arbor day exercises next Friday. For Sale. A one-horse wagon and single harness, both neatly new. Can be seen at Wilson A Cooke's. The purchaser will get a bargain. Address C. Hoberg. It Stands os Its Merits Nothing else! Japoolo Tea. Marr A Robertson Agents. Karl'8 Clover Root will purify yonr blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make yonr head clear as a bell. 25c, 50c., and a dollar. For sale by Geo. A . Harding. REPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE WatcliMler Next Door to 8tar Grocery. In Jeweler Work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked. McKittrick's shoes are the best on earth. McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth. McKittrick's styles are always the latest. McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth. BONE MILLS You need not send East for Bone Mils to cut green bones for your chickena, but can get them of the PORTLAND SEED CO. Also a full line of POULTRY SUPPLIES. 171 Second St., Portland, Ore. HOUSEKEEPERS who are delicate. run-down, or overworked, jnt thnw who suf fer from back ache, headache, dragging-dowi sennations in the abdomen, and many other symptom of de rangement oi in female functions can find renewed strength nd halth by t.-.kinc Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For the pains and aches, the period of melancholy and sleeplessness nothing on do you so much prrmanrnt good u this vegetable compound. Yon save the doctor's fee, as well as jroar mod esty, by purchasing this " Prescription " of Doctor Pierce. For a (Treat many year Dr. R. V. Pierce (chief consulting physician and specialist to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inatititte, of Buffalo, N. Y.) made a specialty of the dineases of women, and from bis large experience he wa able to compound a " Prescription " which acted directly upon the special internal parts of women. When in doubt as to your ailment write him, it will cost yon nothing. A. Book, on "Woman find Her DiseasM," published by the World's Diipensary Med ical Association, BurTilo, N. Y., is of inter est to all women. It will be sent for ton cents in stamps. When women are afflicted with nervous ness, irritability, nervous prostration or e haustion and sleeplessness, in nine case out of ten the source of the trouble is some displacement, irregularity or derangement of the special internal parts. Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription turn permanently such cases as well as that distressing in ternal discharge from the mucous mem brane, inflammation and ulceration. Bnnklyn, Jackvtn Co., Mirk. Gentlrmsn I am more than willing to ht your most valuable medicine haa cured me of female weakneaa and a catarrhal discharge from the lining membranes of the special parts. I suf fered for years with pain in my bock, never a night waa'l free. At your retruest I commenced treatment with Dr. Pierce'a Fivorite Preacrip tkm. I could not siren on a mattrass : it seemed as though it would kill me. Since taking the medicine I can aleen anywhere: 1 am perfectly well. I would not be placed in my former coo dilion for any money. Gretefhlly yours. NEW ENGLAND 4i ARBLE & URANITE w ORKS CALVIN H. WEEKS, - Prop. Wholesale and Retail dealers In Flue KoniiMtal workui Insartel Statuary. Do not order monumental work until you obtain our prices. You will And lor good work our charge are always ihe low est. If any work If wanted in our line, please drop ut a erd, and we will call with de signs snd prices, Sond and Third Ststtt Elaatsle Cap Pas Ous Salesrooms. 720 Front Street. Opposite the Falling School. Portland Oregon. Adirondack, 719, Will stand the season of 1893 at Canby on each Monday and Tuesday and the balance of the week in Oregon City at Noblitt'B stables. ADIRONDACK wa aired by Bona Fide, 720, sire of Humbert 2:28, Gen 2 :30. Bona Fide wa aired by Hamble tonian 10, and he by Abdallah 1. Adir ondack' dam was Madtre, dam of Vol unteer 55, sire of St. Julian, 2 :11. ADIRONDACK is the sire of Bonnie Bell,2:24'i; Flora T. 2:35; Annie B, 2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler, 2:44, she the dam of Lonxitudo, 2:18. TERMS, $10 for season. $15 for insur ance. For further particulars inquire in Oregon City of H. C.SLOPER. Owner. New Goods Modern Prices. f fag (foner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired 0 FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. DR D. S. 8TRYKER, DENTIST. HAS RE moved to Odd Fellows' temple 8. W. Cor. lt and Alder, Portland, Orrgtm. pyijai Vh ' Mi 1W