Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 12, 1895, Image 8

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All not(8 tor this column should l
wnt to Mm. H. 8. Gitaun. editor.
Oregon City, Orr-iton.
Mr. F. I. Whitney, general imwnger
agent of the Great Northern Railway,
is endoavwins to arouse an aotive Inter
Ost upon the part of the people of Oreuon
em! Washington and more eiterially of
ILe young- In ita history. To this end
lie has sent the following letter to county
superintendents of Oregon and Wash
ington in which heotl'i'ua pi lie (or an
liratorical essay concerning these states
to he written by a scholar o( the public
school. He says:
As one of the educators of the North
west you are aware how little attention
has bwn paid to the history of the
Tacific Coast in general and of your two
great states in particular, by students
and school children. College ami school
graduates, sharp and bright as we regard
them, and well informed and proficient
as they really are. know hut little of the
record of their own region. Hoys and
bia riyer gives the world ita finest
canned salmon? lhat its waters run
literally over sauda of gold? That fish
i...- i I. a. ...
uig naiiKa in j acme Days ana ocean
toem with the finest of food fishes and
the catching and shipping of these will
become a business of vast imporUnce?
lhat there are Xt species of conifers in
Oregon and Washlngou not known in
thoKitst or on any other continent?
That the Scotch botanist., Pavid Doug
lass, early in 1828 discovered and de
cnbed the most remarkable tree in the
world, botanhally known as ".Wot-
suga Iougiassi," but commonly called
lK)uglass fir or spruce and Oregon pine
and whose habitat covers a larger area
than any other tree on the continent ;
that the wood ot th s tree is in - demand
all over the won! ; that It grows so tall
that it nukes the whole mast of the
largest ships? That there aie nearly
3,(XH) sncies of named plants in the
Pacific Northwest? That the cedar tree
of the Cascade makes the best and most
durable shingles in the world? That
.1.- l .1 - . . ..
l mo sou oi me racinc northwest pro
j din es all the crops of the tetnerute
j lone, even many semi-tropical plants?
girls familiar with the history of Greece That the hills and mountains of Oregon
and able to read in the language of I and Washington contain all the common
ucruuoiiisauu lyiuugoraa nave noianiamtrov.il metals and minerals? That:
dresses of your public school teachers, in
helping to make known our proposition
to the schools and allowing them to com
pete lor the prises ottered. We do not
think that the time so employed will
interfere with the regular work of the
schools; on the contrary, it would be
good plan to devote an occasional day to
the discussion of local history and desig
nate it "Oregon or Washington Pity
ASTIIAM school RKroHr,
The following is a report of the East
ham school of Oregon City, for the
liiunth ending March 31, ISM.
First grade, A and It classes, Miss
Nankins teacher. Minntier of pupils
enrolled 40 ; avorage daily attendance V ;
cses of tardiness 2.
Second grade, A and B classes, Miss
U'etherell teacher. Number of pupils
enrolled 48; average daily attendance
42 ;cases of tardiness 4. The following
pupils of this grade stand above IK) in
work and W lit deportment, ranking In
the order given: Kmma Hint. Slavey
Nichols, John Shaw, Austin Nichols.
Kvert Green. Herbert Green, Klnier
Graves, Arthur Staben and Rose Stro
nger of class It, Lulu Case of class A.
Third A and fourth R classes, Miss
! Spangler tcacl.er. Number of pupils en-
nt.. ...
elementary knowledge of the history of I the government signal officer, mv that. T ' ",,,,,Un 41 '
Oregon and Washington. Oi the the eqnaWlitv of temperature in the ,' T?, iV T1',"'"
founders of Rome they know all that Pacific Northwest as a whole i, un-";. Thorp cached UK),
need be known, they are able to resd in I e.pialed in anv other part of the Cited ' ,f t ' KMtU lUrsv
the language of Horace and Virgil, but
of the making and makers of Oregon
and the wonderful states growing out of
it, their knowledge is sadly limited.
Teachers can tell about the Rameses and
Ptolemies in their order, they can relate
the exploits of Alexander and Cieser and
name the decisive battles of the world,
but can not, if their lives depended up
on it, repeat correctly the names of the
coventors of either states, and much
less give a succinct account of the re
sources and advantages of these Btates,
the occupations of their own people,
their chief enterprises and what move
ments and influences have been must
loten' in making them a great people
It is somehow the fashiun not to learn
history onless it is of a remote locality
and antiquated. Now we delve after
Colonial history and it seems the proper
thing to do. But why should not Wash
ington school children know as much of
Governor 1. 1. Stevens. M. T. Simmons.
Edward Sylvester, Lafayette Batch, M.
M. McCarver, A. A. Denny, II . L. Yes
ler, W. II. Wallace, Henry Roller, J.
N. Glover, 8. M. Waite, Jesse Day and
Dr. D. S. Baker, as of Roger Williams?
Of the pioneers and influences that
brought about the reclamation of this re
gion ; of the various incidents and events
connected with its settlement and de
velopment; of the wars, contentions and
alarms incident to the struggle for poss
ession ? Of Juan de Fuca, the Greek ; ot
Captains Hecta and Quandra, Span
iards; of Captains Berkley, Mears and
Vancouver, English; and of Captain
Kendrick and Admiral Wilkes, Ameri
cans; of tiie Wioship brothers,, whoso
settlement on the Columbia preceded
Aator'e enterprise; of the visits of Fre
mont, Richardson, Bowles, Grant, Sher
man, Greeley and others, how little
we know.
States except on the immediate coast of
Southern California? That the Pacific
Northwest is well to the front as the
best hop producing section of the world?
That Oregon and Washington are re
markable for mountain and marine
scenery above all the other states, and
are destined to become the great natural
show grounds and resorts of America?
That a sunstroke has never been re
corded, nor cyclone? That the mortality
etutistfVs of the federal census and of
the IT. S. Army group the states of Ore- j
gon Washinton and Idaho into a division
and Nellie Thorp rank above 115 In de-
, portmcnt, and Polph I.atourette, l.illie
Thorp ami Lester Duval made an aver
age above !K) in the month's work. Of
, the fourth A class Maude Morey, Minnie
Phelps and Ola Risdon reached 100 in
'detriment, while Ma Dungey, l.illie
i Hargreaves, Arthur Shaw, Charley
Wood, Henry Staben, F.va and Annie
j Williams rank above l5. In class stand-
ir,g Maude Morey, Melville EaMliam,
John Lundy and Arthur Shaw rank
, above 90.
Fourth B and fifth A grade, Miss
T?..:.l 1...- V I ; I
showing the smallest rate of mortality ,T pupiu en-
in the Union? That five trascontinental M "endence 40;
r.it.. -.h ......... ...... Cef Urdinesa one. Of the fourth B
the latest one the Great Northern
Raiiwav is the shortest, or in the
words of the Oregonian: ''This splen-l
did railroad system is in many respects
grade, Norma White, Martha Koerrier,
Ora Watson, Laura Randall and Edna
Caufield rank above 1)5 in deportment,
and Theresa Steban, F.dna Caufield,
I'...,. 1I.I..H f i. i it'Mi
m l .I,- k. ; .i. it i , -iuno vuw aim mine
that it is the only line built without help 1 J'" ta"d r? !T "'I"1
fromtnegovern.ent;thatit owns and "J! , T. ? ! fi,th A.r
operates its entire equipment of palace, j
sleeping and dining cars, buffet library !
cars, family tourist sleepers, coaches etc ?
Estella Nichols, Mable Poremus, Georgia
White, and Rossie Farr rank above 05
in deportment, while Mary Willey,
-...l..- f..l.l rv .
That the San Juan ..lands contain the'? " ,r' ' . v
largest ami purest ledge- of limestone i t-" "enr.ci. Georgia W hite and Mn.
in the United Stirpa? Th.f f.:v,"","""u"m,mu""7
Fuller says in her "Atlantic Arisen"
that "In cruising around among these
Milk I Milk I Milk I
Randall A Myer will furnish you
quart of milk a day for a month for f2.(0
atul other quantities in proportion, and
guarantee U pure,
1 i ' i '
ShJ.Jt.XTattm, lru(Klt and phjsl
etaa, llumU)IUI, Neb., lio sulTuM with
haart dlwaao for four jrtiura, Irylug ovory
tvmnty and all treatments known to Mm
elf and tullow-practltlonvrai Mlevra that
bearidlaeaM Ururulilo, Ho wrluui
"I wlh to lull wliatyour valuutilw tnmll
clns has done fur mn. Kor four yean I hail
heart dlttMiie of Urn very wont kind. H.
ml physicians I cotuulted, aald It was
Rheumatism of the Heart.
It waaalnnat nn-
emlunitilni wtih
shortnoss of
bniath, iwlplUk
tlona, nvern
pains, uimliU to
sliH'p, wHvlally
on the Lift sldo.
No n ran do
scribe my mlTi'r-
tiiga, particularly
lurln th lull
. UM,i"s or iiiimo
$r;"-M" ' four weary vonr.
DR. J. H. WATTS, I flnally tried
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure.
and wnmurprlwdat tlinrwnlt. It put new
11 to Into and mailt) a new mail of mo. I
hnvo not had a syinptoiu of trouhlo alnca
and I mi :iiill,sl jrinir nii-i!Uinn hascunHl
oi fur I have nuw eniycd, alm-o taking It
Three Years of Splendid Health.
I nili:hlxld that I am a drugglat ami have
wild nd rtn'tunmt'mli d your Hiuirt t'ltrn, for
I know nlial It luu ilnue fur Ino and only
wUh I could aialo inuro rlnarly my sulTiir
lug tlivnand tlm K'l ln'uUh 1 now enjoy.
Your Nirvlnn and ntlmr niniiHllea alu
giro eiinlleut atlfaeiliju." J, 11. Watts.
Hiioitxililt, Nob., May 9, 'W.
Ir. Mllea HpartPnrw In wild on a pnnltlve
rnurmiim Dial lite Unit Inil will IhuhiIiL
AllilruuiilitaiitillltatM, t txttl.- furKv.or
It will l wnt, iirriiald, on rxn'rliit of prh-o
by Uio bt. Miloa alvdkai Uo Ukbart, Jud.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
In th County rnurtnf tliNtls of Ori'uii fur
ui amiiiiy il Ulatikmiiiii,
In ths nmltur nf the tlt uf Jaonli V, Mlllor,
ili'i'i'muMi, ,
TuW. II. KittniuulK, Ournnlhii Kitniuiidi and
MurlulU I'mll, and tn all nllieri iinkuiiwu
II any llmrv be, who may b lumranlrd III
hip paiNKi ui aani iivcqhroiII
in tti nainn nf tht Mial nf Oreirnn, yon ara
nrrriiy pnniinanill tn iinr Iwliira Ibo lu ti
iirabl ennui enurl ot t:)ai'kania enunlv. urn
(nu, al tiirin lli.nxd tn w ttulil ml Hi llflh day
in Aiirn, !". at in n rim'i a m. hi h i iiav
IHiraiiant tn an nrdvr nl till, iiiurt italtil Hip will
day nl March, tsM. tn aliiiw eanaa, If any oiilat.
wiiy hip iwiiiiun in aiariiMia rrau, anininiair'
lrl nl Ibo ralalt) nt ald Jannh I MllliT, iln
naa.ait. Inr all nrdnr nl llila cnurt ttranilni llni
aaltl iwllllnlii't ibo rluhl tu aoll all tv riial irni
vrir bi-loniiliu tu aald oatalo. wlili'h ISi'itiI.iI
fnllnwa, IikwU: allot lol Kkvuii ;7)an. Kmhl
(KMllbliK'k Twrnl)r hIkIiI (Jsi III Dm towu uf
Ullwanki ciiiinly ol t'laiikaniaa, Hlaln nf tlro
in. ihnnld lint Imi iranii'd lor tin nirimi In
aald iK'llllon am unl, lo wit, to liar Ilia ilnbla nl
aald o.lalo and mii- nf adnilni.trnllnn nl
aid iwlalii; and II ymi lall an to appi-ar or inak
anawar aa hnri'ln minlrvd, tor waul HivriHil lha
aal I hoililnn will l rnlwl.
rnlillfliml by nnlnr nl tlx llonoratil (inrdnil
K llayoa, Jiidun nl Ilia abxvo iiainnt renin,
luadr and vntcri'd on llio 0th day nl Marnli. IMVI,
('Mint y I'lf rk ('lai'kamaa oniinly. Orfnon.
K. I'u,
islands one is irrenigtahly reminded of
Homor. Here might have heen enacted
tlu scenes of the Odyssey. Poets not
yet horn will sing of them, and when a
tliouxaml years from now orators shall
fceck to eiitahlifh their speech it will not
le hy reference to Greece, hut to these
far western isles." These islands are
indeed preferable to the"Isles of Greece,
wlieie burning Sappho loved and sumi."
Sixth grade, B class, Mias Lawrence
teacher. Number of pupils enrolled 41 ;
average daily attendance 30; cases of
tardiness 2. In tills department Nellie
Swaflbrd, William Thompson and Bessie
Grout reached 100 in deportment, wiUi
tie following pupils above Do: Anna
Boylan, Ethel Bixby, Rollie Aldrich,
Leo Chamberlain, Klizabeth Widnier,
Milton May, Mary Gilbert ami Grace
Tower. In class standing Leo Chamber
lain, liollie Aldrich, Grace Tower, Vara
Hill. Ufil.ert ""uiift..i,T IWuio Cm., r:.,..
To those who believe in "home 8rst ! (,.p.1iun.i vv:n;' ti. v .n:'
and the world afterward" it would seem SwallWd .ml Miltm, Uv rui,u,l .!....
do th.it P.tcifjc coast people should know i)o
as much uhouttheirowncouimonwealths I vhthth ir,!,. n r w it.
our children know of Columbus and nf A"".vn t and B ibylon; hut history, Adam teacher. Number ol pupils en-
Cortes, of the voyages of Drake and ! Ilk'"' prophet, s-ems without honor in rolt.J 5S ; average dailv attendance 53
Cook, but do they know that Captain J ,u own country. To the student of cases of tardiness 2. Of thin grade the
Robert G. ay the American sailor who ! American history Oregon and Washing- following named pupils were 10:) in etc-
discovered and named the Columbia ! ,on are ru h bl" n worked mines.' It is ,,ortlm.Mt: Mam-he Holden, Abel
river, and wliose name is commemorated tru(i Kaneroft has gathered and woven Meresse, Annie Dungey. Kllen Shaw
in Gray's Harbor, also sailed around the j hi,or-v- biography and resources to- ( Gliv C8rkf VAt MrHHi Milwi .'
world? That five nations strove lor the ' ,',1,er ln a "'.vie as facinatinif as a lnan, (it!or(() Swafford, Gertrude Shaw
possession of Oregon? That it was not j '"ance, but the legendary and historic Milli,, G,nt, Mai, Case, Lulu Hankins'
until 1K73 that our boundary dispute of the Pacific Coast is still large, i,iim Nellie Chamberlain Klm-r
with Engl.mil was finally settled, the j t,lt! UM ' '""P'ration is still open for Williams, May Andrews Belle Smith
German Emperor acting a. arbitrator? K Bancrofts. Mctofs, Barrows, Ing- I.eila Clienev, Ethel Cheney, Myrtle Hue'
That the Hiid-onBay company was long Idlows, Scboolcrafts and Morans to write, lmnan ,, Tizuh KlU.ariU nm
the governing power in the Pacific North- I investigate and paint. Our children are railkil). al)1)V8 ,M jn , Ht!ln,1Iltf ..r(.
iii- . . . . i al. al HUM .1 it .1 n i "
west, iiuliling Kntish Columbia under ' """"ulr "',,l.lno mueoi rauutevcre,
leae as late as li'iS? That the English j J'""1- "nlike the Yankee boy rider and
Captain Mears named Mt. Olympus, and I '''''' Sheridan or even General Putman
later another English captain, Geo. Van- wl' llrt?''l his horses down steps cut in
couver, named Baker, Hood, Rainier i lJ, k the more glorious adventure of
i ... ii. i i , -ill. 1. .... wt.-.t :. i :i:..i.i '
aim .-i. iieiens in Honor oi Ins tru-nds'.' "'" " u.,m,..u.r io.iib Shaw, Marjorie CaillielJ, Nora Curran'
Thai Peter Pueet, Vancouver's lietiteti- n,iinv the matter of fact cyclope- Vait,.r Km-e, (harles Drew, William'
ant, wliose name is now made to include '" records the fact that "bad it not r,, Minnie Mever
all of tlie sound, was originally ajplied ,or "lln tlle -nited Mates might
to but a small part of it? That President I ,lave Kiv,'n up Oieon to England us
Belli) .Smith, Guy Clark, Maggie Hull--man,
(ieorge SwafTord, Myrtle Buchanan,
Daisy Lawrence, tiertrude Shaw, Edger
Meresse, Blanche Holden, Ellen Shaw,
May Andrews, Chester Roake, Herbert
Taylor once offered the Governorship of j comparatively worthless." Perhaps it , Hlnli j ,(, .e(.on(i b grade; Lulu C
the Territory of Oregon to Abraham ! ia 'ause the man's ama.ing undertak- jn tllt) m.C()Ii A grade; Lill'ieThorj
called "Alki," used afterward on the
territorial eeal an Indian name mean
ing "by and by." That the ports of
Oregon and Washington are hundieds of
miles nearer to Japan and China than
those of California, and must become
the gateways to the trade of the Orient?
That Puget Sound is the largest, safest
and finest tide-water harbor in the
world? that no vessel has ever been
sunk by a storm on- its waters? That
ships sail from Puget Sound and Colum
bia river with wheat and 'lumber for all
parts of the world? That the Pacific
Northwest is the only parUof America
where the prune of commerce can be
successfully produced? That the two
states of Oregon and Washington are
friendly rivals for supremacy as produc
ers of the best apples, pears, peaches,
grapes and berries in the country ? That j
Washington contains the coal beds that
must forever supply the entire Pacific
Coast with that fuel? That the Colum-
The pupils attaining the highest n viti
ligo in their respective g-adesare Emma
a se
Lincolm? That the word Tacoma I "'g was a peaceful one accomplished in .1,.. third li r,i,. . it i.. m :...,.
peered for the first time in literature j ! "'"e of peace. Ioetry and history, it fourt, a grade; Edna Caufield in the
Theodore Winthrop's "Canoe and j i tnlp- 1,ilve acknowledged Whitman a f01lrth B grade; Mable Doremus in the
Saddle?" That the word "Origan" was h(,r- 1,111 somehow the trumpet blast of fifll) A ik,Hsie Urollt in ,,10 Hixll
first used by Captain Jonathan Carver j fame haH not penetrated to the earn of j B raIe; Hollo Smith in the eighth It
in bis "Book of Western Travel? That "wands who know exactly how the grado.
the founders of Seattle originally named 1 1""1 ""'" carried from Ghent to The eighth have a weekly paper ediled
it New York, locating it on a point they j A,lx.' or ev,!n ll0w Fr'-d Burnahy rode to ! bv M1)js ()f ,)ie .L-pamoent. Howard
i,u 'K ,J"r," B",J "!""" ' , Brownell was editor in cliiel for the past
Oregon was the trip of Uwis and Clarke, IIlonlh. Guy clurk ,nd Mlirj(J,ie Cl(ll.
who for nearly three years in the first art! , ,;lllirtH ()( ltJ ,
part of the century explored the country 1 month
of the Missouri, followed the Columbia I school kki'ort.
to its mouth and gave the world the first School closed in district No. r.l!,
general knowledge of the Pacific North- Canby, March 2 ), after a term of six
WCHl j months. No. of pupils enrolled during
Desiring to stimulate and encourage I the term, 2; average daily attendance
an interest among the students and : IS. The following named nunils were
on the roll of honor: Cordelia Stevens,
Fred Roth, Ray Vinyard and Lee Eckoi
son. Number of visitors 20.
Bkktha M. Bi.'mnkk, Teacher.
Caked & Inflamed I Moc.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and 5ivr.'r
Runnin Srro,
Stiff joints,
Harness Cz S:u'..
Viatica, Lumbago,
Insect Hits.-: ,
All CattL-A.; .
AM Morse A!i . -AH
Slice p Aila '
Pjnctr;;. .
iMeinbrano r.-:.! Tis-scc
Quickly to the Very
Seat oi" Palnar.d
Of ts it Ia a Jiify.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang; '.icinicnt conquers
Makes fu-in t'cast well
In llin iiihIIit u( tlm cataia of Haiah
Niilli'ii la hrrnl.v alvnn that William II. I'iiiik.
aitiuliilalrai.ir Willi On-will anui-ai'il, liaa Dliil
Ilia dual aiMiilllit nl lila aillllllllrllill nl until
c.laliv am! that tlm linn, (fnril'iti K llavoa.
o.iiillty )tntie. Ilai mailii an nnlar aoltlnit Mutt
lay, tliiMiili ilay ul May. Iw. at III n'rlm li A. M
of aaltl ilay. nt tlm iiniiiiy iMinri Iiihikh, In lira
nun I'llif. iiri'imi, lor ihn linarliit nl nlili" llona,
It any tiiitrH Ut, anil fur Urn I'l'tinliintlun nl aaul
flnalaiuiiiiiilai.il tlm Dual ! t tiiiirii t nf aanl
I'.Ulo, W II.I.IAM II I'ltl'K,
Aitiiiliilatratnr with ihn will aniirnixl n(
tlic nlali. n( Sarah K. I'dik', ili-eeaaml.
9 I.H I'.'
Nntli'K la lirrclir !viu that I tin Ori-unn Illy
Haiti ami 1'iHir Citiiiiiativ, a fnrtnirtili rum
tmaiil nl a II I'allir ami i liarlfa I1I11T aul S
It t'allft ami Charlxa Callit. ImtlvMiially, haw
all aall(lliil 111 tin. tllitliTwlHIIli'l fur lllll iH'lli'St
nl all llioir i rnlllnra. Mahl alitniiiinl la linw
iriiilluii In I hp tlrriilt eniirl el the Siaimit Urn
smi fur riackaiiiaa ciinttty, ami all criMllnra nl
a ill partli'a ar ln-rrliy iinllltiiil tu firi-anit tlnlr
claim aaliiat aahl iriica timlnr naih tn mi at
niv iifllca In tlimmi t'lty, tirrnnn. wllhln ihrwi
uiimilia Irtim Ihla ilala. ianl Mari'h IV Ina'i,
1.1. I'lUl'l Kit. t;. o. t. VMI.I.IAMM,
Atliirncy tor Aaalitnv. Auisni)
s-IIV i X
Notice of Klnal Hfttlmiiriil.
tn tlm mailvr ol tlm ati nl ollvrr Arhurn.dx
rcaicU. Nnllc latmrvliy (Ivon that I.. I. Hnrtrf. ait
niliilairamr of tlia nlmva vaialu, liaa flint hi.
Dual ri'tuirt ami aiiinini tu tlm ailniliilalralluii
ul aalil i-ilalo, ami lhal thn iMiuiuy pimrt nl th
Slale 1 1 OrrKon lor t'lai'kamaa rounly haa niaite
an nnlvr avttliiK Mnmlay, tlm "III day ul My.
IWt. al lOii'rliH'k A. M nl aalil ila at lha riiunlv
court hmiMi nl aal it pminty In Hrrinti I'lty, liri-
im. inr uie nr.nn ni oiiji-otuxi. II any Ihura
Ih. anil for tlm riamlnatimi nl aaii) final rrnurt
ami aii'oniil anil for tlm Dual anillaumlit n aalil
Dalrd Mar-li 21 IhhV L. I'OHTKH,
Ailmliilatrninr uf tlm valuta uf Oliver
tU Ai'linrii, dn-vaaml.
Of Uio
Kxpri-ss Trillin li ve l'ortlmul Iily.
Snil.h I
61ft r. at.
7 I r. at.
10 .'u n
I Nurth.
Piirtlanil Ar
)r.K.,m -ly I.
n. rraui-larn
ir H.l.
I.r 7 tu r
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second-Class Sleeping Cars
Attai'hail In all Ihrmiich tralna
I'urtlaml Ar
Oronniii'ltjr I.r
K'laiiliurv I.r
I ( M r. u
J :t -."Jr.
I 7 ui a. m
l :ui a . m
! t :t a. n.
b t r. at.
Wvat Hula liivmlnn.
Mall Traill. Dally (Kn:t'i Humlar.)
7 .'In ah. I I.r
VI l! r. M. I Ar
ft v r n
Mm r
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should ae that the Journal ther anbscrlbe
to il tlia beat and moat reliable
authority obtainable.
school children of your Btates in, histori
cal and material researoh of a local na
turo, the general passenger and ticket .
ajientof Hie Great Northern railway has
decided to offer several premiums for
essays or articles descriptive of Oregon
and Washington, their history and re
sources, to be competed for by the stu
dents and pupils of the public schools, on
conditions provided on the sheet entitled
"I'roposals for Pacific Coast Historical
We trust you will co-operate with us in
this matter, giving us names and ad-
Tlirouirli Trains Without Transfer.
Travellers must notorget that the O.
Jl. & N. line Is thoroughly repaired and
all trains arn running without transfer
or delay. Through service to Oiniiliu,
Kansas City, ht. Louis and Chictigo;
Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair
cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and
modern day coaches. Call on O. K . A
S. Agent before purchasing tickets, or
address W. II. Ifurlbnrt, (ien'l Passen
ger Agent. Porthmd, Onon.
At Albany and ."urvalMn cuiiiri't with Iralim
of Ori'K.Mi anil I'ai'lfli' llallruail.
Kinri'M Train Pallv (Kii'vet Sunday )
II y N. M Mimnr. Iiiily.
ri i nnrtiN a patht
Rnini4 anar ami an hnnit ntiininn, wrlta to
1 1 S.I V I II., who hara bail nearlyliriy yaaiV
ilrlini-a In lha patint liaaim-aa. rutiimamra
Jliinaairlrtlyautifliliiiillal. A llaNduaaft. oflia.
uruialliin nuimnilna: I'alrnta ami huw to .t
lain llmin aiil fra, Alan a mtaliafiia of aiadiau
for a
4 40 f.
I'urtlHiul Ar
Mi'Mliiuvlllv I.r
I r, a . a
To AM, roiNTl IN TH K
Call Ihi olilnlni'il at luwnat ruti'a from I, II
MiKira, AKi'iit, ()ri "n city.
K.KiiKIII.KK. K. V. ItiKlKltS,
.MniiKKiT. Aaa't II. K. and 1'aai. Aicnt
The Iiulepciidont.
A lt-llliiN l.ltt-rury ami 1'iiiiillj
I'liiii'iininlnntlr.ual, inililain'd and liniiartlnl. A
paprr fnrrliTKymi'ii, arliulnra, ti, u hiTa,
biialiiima ini'ii ami famllli'a. It dli
iMitihfa uvt'ry tuple uf tlm iliiy ro
liifluiia, tluinluulral, tMilltii'iil,
1 1 ' i-r ,i i y , I ii I . arllat n and
arli'iitllli' II.. Runlrlli
Hied anlr'U'K are by
tin nmat iiinlui'iit
wrllvra ol the
K ii R 1 i a h
It deal practically with frulti and vegetable,
trees, shrub and flower, and cover the
field of horticulture systematically
aud thoroughly. It Illustrate and
deacrjbe method of cultiva
tion, Improved varletle and
lubor-aavinn device.
It it, without doubt,
The Paperfortfie People!
$1.00 a Tear (24 number).
Bpeclmcn copy and BO-potre catalogue, ol
horticultural book FREE on application.
American Gardening, 170 Fulton St., N.Y.
hctte c::i:i:k (ikanuk, No. s;, : of ft.
Miwta at thi'lr luill In M urium, aicind Hut
tiril.iy in ciicli in., ml, nt lu h. hi. VInUiuk
nirniliiTM ill wnyii iviilcotne.
Becrularv Mnatur,
It omplnya u-oliilll and illnthiKulKhcl
wrllera aaeilllnr of ita tweiity onc lieparlmeiit.
na fnllnwa:
l,lliirutiiri, Srlnnre, Miolc,
Flue Aria, Hnnllnry, Mlaalona,
lti'1 leii'iia I li ti l I lui-ncu,
1111,11 r-M 1 Ki'M-iirch,
Hchiiol and CuIIckd,
Kdltorlnl, Newa of the week,
Mlnlaleral link-later,
Kilianrial, Inauranre.
(Mil anil younu. Pidihloa,
Farm and linrdeu,
Odd Knot.
A paper partleuaUrly fitted for lawyi-r dno
tora, rliTuyini'ti, thoao KiiKngi'il In biinlniiHa,
yoiiiiK people of both aexi'a, men and women
who rend and think for theinaelvea.
A paper eaaiTlally valuable forthoae Intor
eati'tl In Fine rt, Hi'lencn, Mnaln.
A paper giving valuable lulormatlon upon
Finance, Life Iiiauriiiice, (Jonunerce
A paper for HiindKy Hchool Work, thoae who
hve a Farm, (lanliin or lloiiae I'lncta.
A paper for the family, old and young.
It yearly althimripilnii I :i.oo, or at that rate
lor any part of a year.
Club of five, I'i.Oo, each .
Specimen! (Joplc Free.
il and aolniitlfta bmaa anitt ttvm.
I'atimla taken ihrtniali jMunn a On. raeatT
ajwoial no! iw int ha Halenftflr Aaiprlraa, and
tfiiia are linitiaht wl.li.ly tNit'iretlia pnMlewllh
out ewC to tl,e InviHilur. 1'lita aelroiim imiwr.
laailM wn-tly. aliwanlly lllll.lralr.1 haa hr far lha
larviiat rirrulatlua of anv w-ii-iilini- ariira In Ui
wiirld. S; a year, hamuli- euinra aent Ire.
Iliiililinw IMitiiiiv nmtiihly. ritot ynar. Hind
rniilna, 'i cieiila, Kvery iitiilNr eunlaln boau.
tirul plaii, in enlura, and lihotiarrai'lia of nuw
houap. with plana, etiahlin tiullili-ra luatinw th
leli't itnalana ami ai-i'ure ooitlrai'ia. Aitilreaa
Mb'NM m Oi, Mw Viina, 301 Hiiuanwar.
l.iverv, ! il n 1 1 Snle Stuliln
onr.r.nu city.
Dniilile iiml Single Itigs, iimi siul
tile Imrsis iiIwiivh tm IihiuI nt tli
lowest irifi-n. A t:tiriall t'Diiiiected
with tlio 'mm fur Iihmii nlm k.
Itifortniitloii ri-k'nrdiiig iinv kind or
stork iri)inptl ut'i'lulml In !iv im'Moii of
hittor. ,
horso Rouo-ht timl?old.
Unites liimrili'd uipl Fed on lensuii.
It'ile lerniM.
Salary aa4nipliaa paldwaakly fnim alark
l'nnanwnlwalllun. Kaclualvatarrtlury
Kipertano annaoaaanr. i'acullar a
adTaotaaaUitMlnnara. t-ltwral jSTrWV faj
enmmlaalon H local part. s1 K i.
tlma ai.nta. Laraat
mwara ut ida.n. Cl. Colli
nr&'jlr pin"
V auorlim nt
nura.ry CA f
for llm untinnl.
took. aW V r lan anil aanli-n
Wn want ymi now, wlillo
lha frull luilu.lry la
Important. 0..il i-hiinra fm
advanroiltimt. fi Iflt aii'l f -II rr
3 urnlarafran. PltllWN limn in.nur
ai-rrntan. rorimnu, ,., . .u
.l.-i.l. ll.t. fti.linr. W.A.I '4
Meet flrat and third Monday in each monlh,
at Straight' Hall. Vlalllng bnaherii wi lcoino.
(J. K.l'KAHE H. IloU OMH.
Keo. M. W.
Meet on the ftrst mid third Ftldnya In eii
iiioiilm tiv n. oi t , unu, v miiiug fncmui'rH
way welcome. A. W. Fkani k, Pre
Meet ai'cond Tiiuaclay of each month at Gat
ract Knglne hoine. W. II. llnwiaiPri'
O. II. Utow, Beo'y. J. W. O'Connkll, F'rn
Duffy & Hcckurt
Special cfiru in moving Hotineholil
(IooiIh and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable- charges.
Leovo orders at
Sundny Sorvlcos.
MT. PAI'I.'H CMIUiril - Kpiaonp!- Ke,
laaao nawaon, iteeior. nervinea am onion a,
tn, and IMi p nt. I'rayar anrvle very Wad
liaaday evrnlii.
Key, I, w.Cowau raalor. snrvieea at in au a a,.
ami :uu r. m, Miiuiiay itenooi aimr morning
irvic I'layeratwiiug wanur.uay anint
a wii.moii. prayer iiiiiiiiiii oi louna remti
MiNilety of Clirlallail Kndeavor vry Uuaday I
avainiia at 7:Ul nreinnl.
riltST IIAHIHT ClltlrtCIl - lt, M l I
Itt'ou, Paalor Morning Mervle at II; Sunday f"
i . i, ik, ..i.... uu.ui.. a uii. i, ' ry
01'iiihii m i. ii, , r-Ti-miia hhiih'. am,, iii-amar
prayer inlliii Wedunailay evening, kliinthiy
i:oveiiaut nueiiug vrnry neniieauay rauii, i ,
pri'i"llli the flrat Siilulay III lha inuiilh. A re
nu. ii ImI Inullal Iiih III all
MT. lOIIN'M t'Iltllt:il.CATIIOl.lt).-ltir. A,
llll.l.lHAKI, l'aa:or. Oil Sunday maaa tl ami
III:), at. F.Very aeoond and fourth Huiiday
llvruiaii aiirniou alter the o'eloek maw
At all uther maaaea Kugllall aiiriiinua. Muiidav
Mi'IiihiI 1 an r. K Veapera, piilii(tli
illileiua, anil Hnuedli'lloii al 7 IW r. M.
(I. Mva, Tailor. Mornlui aarvle at 11;
Sunday Muhnnl at in on. t'l iaa nieatlng aflur
tuornliig aervlia. Kveuln aervlre al 7 Ml
Kpworlli l eague tnnnung Sunday venlii al
0 M. I'raynr Mh'IIiii Thuraday vyeiiln all.Ml.
atraiifura eorillally luvilid.
W. Muuiitunii'ry. I'aalur. Mervieraat II am. ami
7 SO r. M. Malilialh Mi'IiihiI at 111 a. m. Voiiik
I'enple'a Mia'tidy of t'urlatlail Klldeavnr mean
every Sunday evening al mi WedneaUay
welling prayer meeting at 7 HO. Meata free.
r.VANtrail'Al.rlltMtt'll-liKMMAN - M. r.
Mykn, Paatur. I'reai'hiug aorvli'ra every
Suiidav al II A. M and 7 Wl I', at.
Habbatti aid.iHil everv M lay al lu A M (Itnv.
I. Hull, Hutu 1 it k I v I'ravnr Meellue
every Wedueaday evnuliig
lug evety hi'i'inid and fuurih Hiimbiv of eai-a
in,. ulh, at no a in and 7 m p in - W II, die
I ain, I'aatnr Miimlay aidum! at u a, in. at
in. 'aun i lly Kltat aumlny at Hamami anliool
holme, aluliilla. ililnl Niiudny, lliuililalu lluui
II a. ni.; 'Ilinlmr lirove, 4 p. in-.MI.a Niiui
tiriuui, Hiipiiriuli'iidriit Snmlay arliiHil. I'rayer
nieeilug everv Wedunailay evnulng,
K.V AMIKI.II'AI. 1.1'HIKItAN l'lll'l(i'll-l..
tleifv, I'aan.r. in ritMii aiirvu-ea every Sunday
al II o cluck A U. Inulll.h rrt'li'ea at 7 W V.
M Stin, Uv .rh,, al tu ii'clui'k A M lira-Hun-
Hiure room nevt dour to bakrry In rihlve
ley a liiilldlug, l-iitlier of Sei eulh and Maillauti
Khrrlir Notice nf Male on Kierullun,
In ti rliriiit Cnurt uf the Stale of Ofegmi, fur
the t'liunty of I'laekalltaa.
tleorge Hrotiuhiun. I'lalnlltr I'hrlal Mueliuke
and J. II, Matllu, I'i'li'iidauia,
State of Ori-giio. County of riarkaniaa, aa.
Notice la hereby given, that hy virtu of an
eii'culliin and order of ale laiie out of the
cl'eult em ri of the Mute of Oregon lr tK
eoutiiv ol l.'lackaniaa, Iwarlug dale Hie llh day
of February, 1"M6, lu a ami wherein Ileum
llriillguliill waa plallllllT, aud I'hrlal Muehlik
and i. II. Martin were iii-fi'iidaala. rutuuiaiidlng
inc. In the name ol the stale of Oregon, that out
of the real eaiale hereinafter deacrllwd. to reab
laeaauni aiiltieieul lu aallaly the demanda (
aald dei ree to-wll. ft 17 ou. and lha timber aun
of in 70 eoeia. lugriher Willi luieifat on the
aame ainee aald decree waaeniereil at a erent
per annum, and alao the Ouaia of and alteudlng
till, aale
Nuw. therefore, In obedience to audi decree,
I did. on Hi lllll day of Maich. l'Vduly
levy upon and will, on Saturday, lha Juili day
of April, ka'., i the huiir ol one n clm-k F N
of aald dav. al the front diair nf the court huuaa
III aald county, offer for aale al public auction,
and aell tu the hlahr.l aud beat bld-ler. fur catli
lu hand all uf the right, title and Intereat th
aald drfrndanl I'hrlal Muehnke haa lu aud K
the tolliiwlng dM-rllwd rral proteriy. to-wlt:
The Norlheaal otie ipiarter of Mutiihweat on
iiiarter and the Nurth weal niieiUartrr of Hjoiith
eaai uiie quarter of Si-otloii Five i.'u In Tnwualilp
Fuiir 141 Huiiih of Range I lime (.1) F.aat nf th
Wlllametie Meridian, lu t'laikainaa couuty,
Pal.-d Ihla .ll-h day nf March. A. D.
F. I' MAllHll.'K.
nnerirr ui i lacaamaa t o., Stale of uregun.
i-U 4I