Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1895)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. FIUDAY, AHtll, VI, lollf,. f:;,CIacknmos Co. Directory, I COUNTY orriuKHH. fjlllM. i :iflMilCourt, i HtmrlrT, j ii Mint'lcr, 1 1 rmuiirnr, i AMair, - hoIhniI Htipnrllilriidfllit, '. Hnryiir, t i 4'oniHr, (Juriloii K, llye lli, t lliirtuii K. (t. MmldiMik H, M. Il in. I. y M. I.. MiKim J, 0. Ilrmllrv II. H (IIIwiiii D, W Klmmlnl It. I.. Ilolmmi Uli'lmril Hi'ntl I Frank JuKKir t'omnilMliiiiiiri, it j CHAT ABOUT TOWN. i Price tlie IiiwuhI llml Front Store. .-I (liinlon x'iiiIh, j ! (Inixii iHiiiU, H Flownr MHNli, M Onion win I'., r.. IlligniH, me irrorer. Trv JllHolll Tl'H Ml Murr A Itutii'rtHoiiM, Cull (or muiiiiIc, Fir Hllil liml) H(HI WUIltml lit till ..I at A new Una of lle voiiiln at the lUt kot torn. t Hear ItiiiKumon In the lobby Putiinluy tilildt at Hlilvely'aliall. v K vm want a Kxl )ii) Imy the 'Jlm-keye ol Wllnon A Cooke, Illicit' iintriimnetl iIichh data from i() ctuilH up al liolierla A Hamilton. 1 1 ilifKt prim pniil ly tlie Commercial f miik (orrouniy ami city warrant. Proceed of tlie Kxlra Kemtlon will In0p mlil attraction to tlm (liiitaniiia. Frevtaii' aiuelixiiig icklccan txi ItU'l l the burner grocery, ju'hi hi uio market. Attend ccll ali ol KotierU A Hamilton on tlio iHth, lUtli ml L' llli of till month. See tlie new tlutfirer hair ornament. amlter tem tul nii'Ul lip, tit the Racket itore. Ha! Ha! Ha! Iliul'i what yoii will imy on SutiiriUv n!flit If you go the hxtra hcmion. Order left at Fmnk Harlow' Htore. for 4 -foot or Itl-incli wood, promptly tilled l.y r.. J'arker. (lo to tlm IUiitit church Friday nliclit and hour t line entertainment and uut Homo of the flint ice cream of tlio attaeon. 8. Nefxiier i having a neat cottane built on Kixth and Jackson atreeta, which he will occupy a aoon aa it ia tin- iahrd. Rkiihock. Applra, prune, raiHina, pliinia or rice 6 cent a iound ; lemon and oranitca a xnny each at The Red Front. Maurice K. Haiti, editor of Harlow Three BUter, panned safely through the initiittory cerinmnie of the KaaUirn Star Chapter Tuemlay evening. The entertainment at the Congrpxa- tional church Monday evonuiK April 15th, Klven by Mia Carrie Hudolph, aaaiKU'd by local talent, will be eomelhiiiK new. Ity watching for di)Krona ay mp torn a .and by giving Stediiiaira Soothing pow- lurs at the right time, aave your baby from lit or convulaiona during teething. It cure pilua, it cured ubatinnte sorea, hapiwd liauda, wounda. It doea this Quickly. I there any god reaaon why P-you aliould not uae IH) Wilt I Itcii ' Jlaael Salve? I The namea of Miaa Nieta Itarlnw and Mr, HerWt Heatow apiwar for duet :n the pnt!ram of the entortainmcnt to fit trivnn ut tlin f rlturriL'llnnAl Phnnh ."' a'- " 1 n n " Monday evening. Meaara. Herman and Lynn Jonea are the happy poaauaaora of tlio only bicycle in town, "built for two, and are antici pating many joyou.iexuuraiona this auiii tnor on their tandem. Gladatone greenhouse la the place to get your planta. A fine collection on hnnd of begoniua.hnliHtropea.geraninma, eincrurluB, fuchiaa, pottuiiaa, pelurgon- iiima, chryaantliu'muma, carnutiona, Scullaa, etc., etc., at bod-rock prices. Take a done ol PoWltt's Little Kurly Ulcers juat for the good they will do you. Thnae littlo I'lllfl aregiKxl for indigPHtion, fgood for beadace, good for liver com plaint, good for conatlpation. They are K'ood; C. O. Huntley, druggiat. Wilaon & Cooke have moved their Ntuck of hardware one door south of the iConunercittl Bank, but will still occupy their old Btand for farm impliments, such as Duin wagons, Oliver plows, Buckeye and 1'itchor pumps, cultivators, hay rukefl, mowers and wheelbarrows. The Sunday school chil'dren of the Presbyterian cnurch will conduct the Kaatcr services for that church on next Sunday evening. A pleasing program tins been prepared embracing songs, recitations and essays. The public is cordially invited to attend. 1). C. Latourette and II. I.. Kelly, of this city, wont to Kulom Wednesday to altt.nd tlio funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Mehailia Smith, who died at her homo in Mehama recently. Mrs. Smith was one.' : the old pioneors of Alurion county, Villi aiuf 1 was from her that the town of ma received Us name. She was unown in Oregon City being a rela- tiv f many residents here. COUNTY COURT I'KOCKEDINUM. He rem I Tax Ciini Nettled Kund Ini proreiuenti IIIlN Allowed. County court for April met last week with Jiiilgn (iordun K, Hayt-s and Com mlaaloners It. Scott and F. Jaggar prea- ent, and tranaacted the following bus! neaa, In the mailer of the Nulla of M. 1. lirailluy against Clackaiiiaa county the court ordered (hat compromlae ell'ncted by the attorneys In said cases Ixs appro v ed and accepted, and that warrant be drawn In payment of dunmiiea aaardod Malcolm 1. Hradley 15(K), and the coat and (llabiiraemenla of the suits amounting tol 12,110. W. II. Smith, road supervisor of dis trict No. 11, was instructed to see that petitioners for opening of the Wilbur road expend In labor on said mud the time required by law, W. I,, Ilavla applied for aid from county, Ordered that (D x-r month be allowed for upHiit of Minnie, 1'earl and Frank Nnla, minors, grand children of )u via, and that fit he drawn (or Immedi ate neceaaity. Ordered that OimooN ('ity Kntkiii'Kihk and Induatrlal lleruld be selected sa the olllcliil nowapapers of Clackatnaa county, The Herald was the only paper whose publiahera filed liat of subscribers, sworn to, as required by law. J. F. IWk being doubly asseaaeil for year 'W!, It was ordered Unit on payment of $L'3.65 a 'receipt in full Im given him for taxes of 'Hi. Ordered that allowance of mt month heretofore made for snpixirt of Mr. Tierce, out of indigent noldier tiind, txi discontinued May 1. Ordered that warrant for fMll.Kl be drawn for I.. L. Toiler, as roinuiiaalon on tsxea collected for years 'IKI, '111 and 'IC', amounting toM!iH.l,fi. Iteport of Schod Supt. (iiliaon on the number of school districts for year end ing March 4, 1HD5, showing that lit! school district bud reported a required by law, it was ordered that f'JK) be allowed II, S. (iibson for said rerts. In the inutUir of the delinquent mort gage taxes aaaeaaed aguinat Klijiih Smith for 'til and 'H2, UM)ii hearing the report and rifommeiulHtion of C. D. & V. C. Latourette, attorneys for the eounty, re port showing that there waaserioua doubt a to the validity of the asix'sament of said mortgage taxes, and an uncertainty about collecting the same, and the Tort land (leneral F.lectric Co. tendering a bond guaranteeing to the county the ex enditure o( the sum of $H505 upon the roads of said county UKin a release of aaid claim for taxes, the court ordered that the bond he accepted aa full settle ment of mortgage taxes assessed againat Klijah Smith. Commissioner laggar dis senting. I. W. Kinnaird, county surveyor, ap pointed to survey, Hayes, Geo. 1-aeey and Frank Ford to view the Ship ley road, a change in the road being pe titioned for by F. W. Wsuker et al. Petition of It. J. Shocklcy et al., for a county road denied, I). W. Kinnaird, rosd master, reporting adversely. Petition of K. V. Aldrn et al, for change in the Morton road denied, D. W. Kinnaird reporting adveisely. Ln the tnstter of petition of Morris Orifenhoin et al. for county road D. W. Kinnaird appointed to survey and J. M. Sliker, C. 8. Porter and Geo. J, Currin to view said road. Application of KlmerT. Duvla to pur chase certificate of tax sale of Richard Pavi estate, sold In 'SKI for '94, granted and certificate transferred to Elmer T. Davis on payment of amount due thereon and prior taxes if duo. Petition of E. P. Dednmn et al for a change in Damascus, Clackamas and Oregon City road, referred to road master to reort at May term of court. KoDort of (ieo. Killen on completion ol improvement of the Elliott Prairie and Woodburn road approved and f 75 or dered paid. Petition of Jos. (iill et al, for all road fund collected from respective diHtrictB to be expended in said districts, laid over. Claims for road work during month of March ordered paid as follows: District No. 3, labor 74; material $8. Dlst. 11, labor $8; material f.1.48. Dist. 13, labor 8.50; material $0.02. Dist. 14, later f 118. Diat. 15, labor $4. Dlst. 17, labor 40.42. Dist. 18, labor $4(1.75; material 4 68. Dist. 27, labor $153.12. Dist. 24, labor $18.75; material $123.32. Dist. 30, labor $3.,ll).!)0 ; material $22.82. Dist. 31, $181.14. Dist. 32, $30.50. Application of Portland Flouring Mill Co. for tax rebate on account of part of their property being wrongly classified in assessment roll of '04, granted, and it appearing to the court that said company is charged with heavier tuxes than other companies for similar property in the county, it is ordered If the company will pay all of the state tax, city and school district tax, on the amount of increase of valuation of said property made bv Stale Board of Equalization on account of wrong classification of said properly, viz $8010 then county will grant rebate on nil the rest of taxes due on said $8010. Petition of F. C. Mack et al, for a bridge across Milk creek on county road leading from Grange hall to Canby, known as Darnnll road, referred toD. W. Kinnaird. Report of Roadmaster Kinnaird on the completion of grade on the Kent road, approved and exenae account of $'15 ordered paid. Application of Jonathan Johnson for settlement of faxes of '04 granted. It appearing to the court that the applicant own lot 2, block 27, Oregon City, and that Nul l prosjrty wat wrongly described on assessment roll of '03 and wa sold at delinquent tax sale amount of tax $21.04, costs $2.35 court will accept $20.00 In full of said taxes, remitting the penalty. Application for aid for Tho. Tomeroy, an indigent aged man, referred to Com missioner Scott. KiqiorU of ofllrer on collection of fee for March, approved. Ordered that allowance for care and keeping of E, liergman lie reduced to $0 per month. Mileage and psr ilium of commission ers: It. Scott, 4 day, 18 miles, $13.80, extra, 4 iluys, 10 miles, $13. F. Jaggur, 4 days, 12 miles, $13.20; extra, 1 dry, 20 miles, 5. HIM. a AM.OWK.D (ieo F.llorton, cert, copy 8.11.101 $ 9.00 F. A Sommer, paiier account,, . , 5.00 Tin. Charinan A Son, " ... 20 00 Oregon City Hospital " ... 5.50 K J Hendricks, Reform school ac. 1.70 It L llolman, pauper account,. . . 20.00 C N (ireenman, " " .. 2.50 It L Holinun, et al, investigating death of Jas. Tucker, 22.75 It. L. llolman et al, inquest un known man 58.70 T J Strite, pauper account 2 50 (ieo. Moore, grand jury witness, . . 2.20 Jlenry Meldrum, jury account. . 2.20 Courier, printing 22.50 N M Mood y, dep. sheriff, over time 25.89 K C Madilisk, prisoner's board.. 105.50 Assessor Hradley and 5 deputies, 544.00 S M Ramsby, recorder' account, 20.00 V M Moore, treasurer' account, 0 00 J & W White, court house account 4 00 CCRobbins, " " " 40.50 Portland Wire A Iron Works, court houae accouut, 40 00 II II Johnson, deputy surveyor,. . 33.00 Noblitt's stable, livery account,. . 12.00 State v II Ailchinson, laid over Stale vs Joseph Kichet. " " State vs Clarence Talmer, 29 85 State vs Jesse Kingsbury 10.00 State vs W II Welcli & F M Iiuley 21 90 StateysJA Louaignout, 37.10 State v Dan Ferguson et al,. . . . 10.75 Wilson A Cooke, road account,. . 10.00 Mortenson & Hansen, road ace. . 27.51 California Powder Work " 82.41 br. D L Paine, iusaue account,. . 19.00 Dr. W K Carll. " " 6.00 Mr. L II Stricklin, pauper ace, 10.50 State va II P Neefus. laid over. II 8 Gibson, teachers' meetings, 12.20 Miller A Steven, court house ac. 15.00 Kntkki'Hisk, stationery, 110.00 D K Shepard, sheriff account,. . . . 5.80 G C, aheriff account, 2 50 Meston A Dvgert, recorder' acc. 105.00 U W Tiosser, road and pauiH'rac. 8.00 Mr. Carrie Myers, pauper acc. . 8.00 Application of Roys A Girls Aid Soc. for Pierce & Riggschn. 27.80 M Hvalt, sheriff account 50 03 A S Dresser, fee Hradley vsCo.. 250.00 Although Mr. Geo. II. Wisiiart ha never been an inveterate smoker, only mildly induling in the weed, he ha laid afide hi pie and sworn never to touch it again. This sudden reformation - is not due to the fact of it' being Lent, but ia the result of a slight experience Mr. Wisiiart underwent last week, the memory of which will remain with him several weary days to rome. He made preparations for a comfortable smoke, uing for a taper, wherewith to light his pie, an envelope lying on the mantel. Throwing the remains of the envelope in the fire, be watched the flames wrap lovingly about it, and saw also within their warm embrace a ten-dollar green back, he now remembers having previ ously placed on the mantel, Within an envelope. This tender subject is tabooed by Mr. Wisiiart. Any one wish ing to remain on this planet, will refrain from mentioning it to him. The Baptist young people will give an entertainment Friday evening of this week with a fine program . The cele brated artist in club swinging, Matthew Brown, will give a performance. There will be an umbrella drill by some young ladies in costume. A learned professor will aliow a little of hi skill in mind read ing. UockI in uric with these and oilier exercises will make a pleasant evening (or 10c. admission. A social will follow witb ice cream and cake for 10c. A canvass among the druggists of this place reveals the fact that Chamberlain's are the most popular proprietary medici cines sold. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, especially, is regarded a in the load of all throat trouble remedies, and such, is freely prescribed by physicians. As a croup medicine, it is also unex celled and most families with young children keep a bottle always ready for instant use. The editor of the Graphic ha repeatedly known Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to do the work after all other medicines have failed. The Kim ball 8. D. Graphic. For sale at 25 and 50 cents er bottle by Geo. A. Harding. Removal. Drs. Hickey the dentist owing to the increased practice in their Portland office has been compelled to discontinue their Oregon City office. Parties desiring dental work will find them in the Dekum building Third and Washington street Portland. Those having $5 or more worth of work done will have their round trip fair deducted from their bill. PERSONAL NOTES. Andrew Hamlin, of Portland, visited friend in town Sunday. Mis Vera Pilnbury has been ii ting friends In Portland the past week. Deputy V. H. Marshal Geo. Humph rey, of Portland, wa in town Wednes day. Mr. F. A. Sleight, of Cauby, visited friend in this city the latter part of last week. Mr. Elmer Wharton, of St. Helens, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Marion Butler. Mrs. I). V. Thompson snd daughter Genevieve, visiled relative in town Sunday. Miss. Ivy Glass, of Ciawfordsville, Linn county, i visiting her brother, Mr. D. II. Glass. Solomon Garde who has been in Cal fornia for the past three weeka, arrived home Tuesday, C. I. Caulkins and Caulking, two of Pleasant Hill' rustling young farmers, were in Oiegon City Thursday. Miss Delia Glover, of Kagle Creek, is in the city making an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. II. 8. Gibson. Mias Kate Ward leave Fridav for Portland, where she will visit several day with her mother, Mrs. M. Ward. Mies Myi tie Aperson, of McMinnville, airived in thi city Friday, and will spend several weeka visiting friends and relatives. Miss Laura Fields, of Moscow, Idaho, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. J. Iwthwaite, for the past six week, left for her home Saturday. Holly Nash and wife and Mrs. Sted- man, of Vancouver, were in this city Monday, the guest of their old fiiends, Mr. and Mr. J . P. Sumner. Thos. Cowing, Meldrum McCown, II. C.Salisbury, II. Straight and a number of other bicyclists intend making the trip to Salem on their wheels, Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Caufield returned home from Salera last week, where she bad been staying with her sister, Mrs. F. K Hodgkins, who ha been ill a short time. D. C. Latourette and II. L. Kelly went to Salem Wednesday to attend the fun eial of their aunt, Mehama Smith, who died at her home in Mehama last Mon day. A. M. Shibler, of Springwater, wa in Oregon City Thursday on his way home from Portland, where he had been to at' tend the Portland Presbytery, a a del for hi church. Rev. J, A. Montgomery and L. C. Caple were in Portland Tuesday and Wednesday attending the session of the Presbytery as delegates from the PreebV' terian church of this city. Dr. Carll, L. L. Porter, J. H. Walker and T. F. Ryan were present at the mystic banquet in Portland, Thursday of this week, which is given annually by the Scottish Rite Lodge. Mr. Williams, mother of L. P. Will- ianis, arrived from San Francisco last week and will make her home with her son, who has been living on the Meyer) farm near Clarks, for several year. M r. Jos. Dobbins, of Southern Oregon , was the guest of Mrs. N. Tingle at Glad atone for a few day last week. She left Monday for Newlssrg, where she will visit her sister, who lives at that place. M. P. Bradley, who had the recent damage suit agiiinst Clackamas county tor the loss of his wife and chiild, is now Bteambosting on the lower Columbia, being a deck-band on the steamer 6. W. Shaver. Rev. H. L. Barkley, of Woodburn, presiding elder of the United Brethren church, also a representative from Mar ion county, was in this city Monday for a short time. His wife is seriously ill at their home in Woodburn . Mrs. Louise Schulpius, mother of Max Schulpius, of this city, lett Inst Saturday for her old home in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Schulpius is nearly eighty years old, but is hale and strong and expects to enjoy her trip as well as though younger in years. H. M. Temuleton, w ho recently as sumed the superintendancy of the finish ing department ia the woolen mills in this city, expects his family to arrive soon from North Adams, Mas. They will take up their residence in the Whit lock cottage on Center street, near Eleventh. Frederick Warde and son ErneBt were in town last Thursday, the guests of Dr. W. E. Carll. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gurnett gavi a dinner in their honor, at their home on the West Side. Those present were: Mr. Frederick Warde and Mr. Ernest Warde, Mrs. McMillen, Miss Donaldson and Mr. Donaldson of Portland, W. P. Johnson, of Oakland, Cal., and W. E. Carll, F. T. Griffith and N. R Lung of this city. Milk Cow for Sale. Good fresh milk cow for sale. Cheap for cash. Address.1. M., New Era, Oregon. 2t You ought to know this: DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and etou the pain instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores, and a well known cure for piles. C. G. Huntley, druggist. When your guidman comes home at 'een, He aye expects to Bee Two cosy slippers on the hearth, And a cup of Japoolo Tea. The Legislature. The Extra Session, a new and attrac tive entertainment w ill be presented lo the fun-loving jieople of this city mi baturdsy evening April Uth, at 8 o'clock. Thi adjourned session of the Oregon legislature is not only amusing but highly Instructive. The dispensing of clerkship, appropriation of public moneys, grunting of charters are fuc similes of the proceeding of the last session. The proceeds of this entertain ment will be used for the establishing of Oregon City W. C. T. U. headquarter on the Chautauqua grounds. CAST Of CHARACTER. Mr. Helen D. Harford, speaker. Mr. M. M. Charinan, reading clerk. Mis Gertrude Shaw, recording clerk. Mis Fannie Maddock, senate messenger. Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, sargesnt at arms. Mr. Clinton Latourette, visitor. Mr. L. 0. Young, artist, Mrs. 8. W. Holmes, foreign woman. Mr. C. H. Dye, Hofer. Mr. Theo. Clark, Rioearson. Mrs. M. L. Driggs, Templeton. Mr. E. E. Charman, Jeffrey. Mr. Duff, McCracken. Mr. A. C. Beaulien, Smith of Polk. Mr. Sidney Smyth, Blundell. Mrs. J. K. Groom, Cooper. Mr. Lottie Green, Schlbrede. Mrs. Geo. Rinearson, Gowdy. Mr. J. E. White, Paxtn. Mrs, L. C.Caples, Stewart. Mr. C. O. T. Williams, Hillegas. Miss Harriet Case, Meyers. Mis Nellie Younger, Smith of Linn. Mis Maggie William, Smith of Clack. Mis Hattie Monroe, Barkley. Miss Mary Younger, Smith of Josephine. Mis Gertrude Finley.Cleeton. Miss Bertha Sumner, Guild. Miss Ana Baird, Burleigh. Miss Frankie Currin, Mintie. LOBBYISTS. Messrs. Geo. O. Rinearson, L. C. Driggs, J. U, Campbell, Sidney Smyth, Bert Beatty, Ned Driggs, 8. W. Holmes, F. T. Griffith, C. H. Dye, II. A. Young, J. K. Groom. Admission, adult 25 cents, children, 10 cent. Reserved seats to he had on selection, no extra charge. Tickets on tale at Huntley's. It Stand ox Its Merits Nothing else! Japoolo Tea. Marr A Robertson Agents. Busy people have no time, and sensi ble people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent re sults. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal. say: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good" Price 50c. For sale by Geo. A. Harding Should be Looked Into. THOROUGH INVESTIGATION REQUESTED. A BOLD ASSERTION. Brer since Prof. Koch startled the world by promising to cure consumption with the Koch lymph and his complete failure to do ao, the people have been looking for some diacoTery which would prore an absolute, certain cure for that dread disease. Orer a quarter of a century ao Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Ioralida' Hotel and Surgical Institute, put in a claim for a medicine, which he had discovered and used, ir. Ma extensive practice, that would curt ninety-eight per eent. of all casea of consumption when taken in all it early atages. Time has proved that hia assertion was based on facts gained from experience. His "Golden Medical Discovery " has cured many thousand people in all parts of the world, and Dr. Pierce invites all interested to aend to him for a free book which give the names, addresses and photographs of many prominent people who have willingly testified to the marvelous curative proper ties of his "Golden Medical Discovery." He has also written a Book of 160 pages on " Diseases of the Respiratory Organs, " wh ich treats of all Throat, Bronchial and Lung diseases, also Asthma and Catarrh, that will be mailed by the World's Dispensary Med ical Association of Buffalo, N.Y.,on receipt of six cents in stamps, to pay postage. Consumption, as most everybody knows, is first manifested by feeble vitality, loss of strength, emaciation ; then local symp toms soon develop, as oueh, difficult breathing, or bleeding from lungs, when investigation proves that tubercular de posits have formed In the lunfrs.- It is earnestly advised that the "Discovery" be taken early and the latter stages of the disease can thereby be easily avoided. To build up solid jflesk and strength after the grip, pneumonia, ("lung fever"), ex hausting fevers, and other prostrating dis eases, it has no equal. It does not make fat like cod liver oil and its nasty com pounds, but, solid, wholesou flesh. McKittrick's shoes are the best on earth. McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth. McKittrick's styles are always the latest. McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth. BONE ? MILLS You need not send East for Bone Mills to cut green bone for your chickens. Also a full line of POULTRY SUPPLIES. 171 Second St., Easter :-: Millinery SALE! CreatSaleof New and Seasonable Millinery. Our Store is now Brim full of BargainH. Correct Millinery of Portland. gpwlal Etr Sale of Trimmed Turbans alfl.7S. Mlllluarjr Parlor will auk jr. u H.Vi to 1, W), Special Kantar Hals of vary fine ne atyle atraw hiiM. plBnanllr Irlmme'l. al i!M, S IX). .!, 4.K and SO) worth from M to 0 In any other Iimd. ifpeelal Kater Sale of new shape Straw Turbans tie. Bloll Faster Rale of Jet Piquets, at 25c. Worth 7." i-enta. Speel.l fCMter Hale of Rough Effect Sailors, 15c. Wortn ie cents. Bpeclal Kanter Sale of nice Sailor, at .... ZjC. Worth 71cenl Special Eautvr Hale of Vttlvetfiirvet-me-nots, six nn spray, per dozen (praya I'K. Hpeelal F.aater Ble of Flower Nontnrea, three silk aud elvet rotes atd three btula, at 10c. Worth SO cents. Ko Exception we are pnsltlrely Leaders In our line of bimtuefui. Come and see for you mel f, THE LEADER Corner Fourtb and AVbinn'on. NEW ENGLAND Marble &"ranite y0RKS CALVIN H. WEEKS, - Prop. Wholesale and Retail dealers ln Flue MommuI Worianl Imuortei Statuary. Do not order monumental work until you obtain our prices. Kou will (Ind for ood work our charge, are always the low est. If any work is warned id our line, please drop erd, aud we will call with de signa and prices, Seaond and Third Straak Eleetel Cass Pass Our Salesrooms. 720 front 8treet, Opposite the Failing School. Portland Oregon, Adirondack, 719, Will Stand the season of ISfl.'i at Canhv on each Monday and Tuesday and the naiance ot in weeK in Uregon City at Noblitt's stables. ADIRONDACK was sired by Bona Fide, "20, sire of Humtx-rt 2:28,4', Uene 2:30. Bona Fide was sired by H amble ton ian 10, and be by Abdallah 1. Adir ondack's dam was Madge, dam ol Vol unteer 55, sire of St. Julian. 2:11 M. ADIRONDACK is the sire of Bonnie Bell. 2:24'4'; Flora T. 2:35; Annie B, 2 :40 ; Adrian, 2 :44 ; Ambler, 2 :44f, abe the dam of Longitude, 2:18. TERMS, $10 for season. $15 for insur ance. For further arti ulsre inquire in Oregon City of H.,C. SLOPER. Owner. New Goods Modern Prices. (foner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries. Try my extra Choice Tea.-js Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. toEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE WatcbMer NejcttfIert 8tar ' ' atti JeWelGr Worlc Warranted. A Trial Is Asked. DR D. 8. 8TKYKER, DENTIST, HAS RE moved to Odd Fellows' temple S. W. Cor. 1st and Alder, Portland, Oresttn. . Portland, Ore.