Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1895)
THE CHINCH BUQ. the State Kutoninlogl.t of Illinois Tell How to Fight Thla lVt, la bulletin No. S3 from the riRrit'ul tnritl exporimont stutiou of the Univer sity of Illinois Professor 8. A. Furlni says: Economic, moaaiuv now available aro uritotioally- limited to exrwlmotits (or tlio dostructiou of the rurh bnm by the Introduction of thotr coutu Kioto disouscs, and to the iutorpo titipu of burners botweon small grniu Hid ooru to prevent thoir passuu from tuio to the other as lufostod fields of nuiJl grain ripeu or are destroyed. To accuumltite mul kill tln'm as they pass from Cold to field a deep furrow limy bo plowed to be kept clean and m fri ttblo us possible, especially ou the ver tical side, uext the tie Id to be protected and iu this the accnmnlating bitfcH may 1h) killed by a mixture of kerosene snd water (about one part to eighth thoroughly and repeatedly shaken to pHher. A variation of this method, used very successfully iu Wisconsin, in to lay a quantity of greeu wheat or oats or fresh corn stalks iu the furrow, iu which the chinch bus can be killutl With this keroseuo mixture as they no cumulate. An added ineasnre of snewss with the barrier method may be secured if two paral'el furrows are made instead of cue and the soil between them be kept dusty. The chinch bu escaping the keroK'ue mixture or other destructive agout In the outer furrow could theu l killed iu the secoud. If they suoceed in passing these barriers and collect ! upon tho outer rows of corn, they may there be killed with kerosene, which should then be applied in the form of an emulsion to prevent injury to tho young com itself. To prepare this fluid mix 2 parts of kerosene with 1 part of strong hot soapsuds, and violently agi tate the mixture with a hand force ptinip until a permanent cream or but ter is formed. This may then be diluted with 10 or 13 parts of water and p pliud either with a rprinkler or iu a spray from hand force pump. A more expensive and less readily WAuageable method is the planting of strip of some favorite food plant, an spring wheat or other quick growing succulent cereal or grass, around infest ed wheat or aronnd corn to lie protected, where the chinch bus may accumulate aud be destroyed before laying their egg for the secoud generation of the roar. I he tugs may be couhned to the strip after having eutered it by furrows j plowed all around it and atteuded to , froia day to day until the destruction is cotupleto. For tho benefit of those who wish to experiment with the introduction of oontagious diseases arrangements have toot) made to infect aud distribute live oh inch bugs to fanners, the funds for this experiment having been furnished by tho board of direction of the state agricultural experiment station. The results ot this method are, however, not sufficiently certain to warrant an entire dependence upon it Eleven years' ex penotiee with the chinch bug emphasizes the fact that it is not to be mastered by any one measure or any one man, but that joint iicrinn on an intelligent pro gramme of preventive and protective measures persistently followed np offers the only valid hope of success. Brows China Geeee, The color' of this variety of geese is not uniform, but is in most instances brown, shading from dark to light One pttovliarity of the China goose is a knob at tho base of the bill, aud this has giv en it the name of the knobbed goose. It is not as large as the common goose. Indued, when comparod with the large broods, it seems small, but as a compen sation lays twice as many eggs in a sea Bon, producing 25 or more at the first laying iu spring, and if broken up in its attempt to sit laying again and again. Other geese are generally, though not invariably, satisfied with one at tempt at incubation, and if frustrated 7" - -:- PAIR OF BROWS CHINA GEESE. in that will commeuce contentedly their long jieriod of unproductiveness, except as we reckon the value of their feathers and gain in weight Out this compara tively small breed lays eggs not more than two-thirds as largo as those of tho common gray goose. The quality of their flesh is superior, and they fatten easily. Tho Poultry World says: On account of their beauty and productiveness they should receive favoruble attention from those iu this country whose tante in clines them to keep water fowl, and this class is not as largo as it should be, though it is happily increasing. General News and Notes. The executive committee of the Asso Cfatiou of American Agricultural Col logos and Experiment Stations has de cided to hold tho next meeting at Wash ington on Nov. 1 3. The census of the hay crop makes it appear that there has been of late years an enormous gain in the central states. Artesian wells are causing great changes in the agricultural prospects of Queensland, Australia and New South Wales. No fruit is expected in the Piedmont and Ohio valley districts and bnt little In the Missouri belt Prospects are brighter in the mountain and Pacific states. The peach crop, commercially consid ered, is practically a failure. The con dition of apples is rather better than that of Deachea, THE GUINEA FOWL. IU Finely Flavored rteah and Km An Mistily FtIkkI by Kpteur. Guinea fowls are among the most neg lected broods of domostia poultry known Iu this country. As a marketable com modify the guinea ennuot yot rank very high on account of tho faot that but few persons have ever eaton them, oous qnently do not know or appreciate theii merits as a table fowl In point of fact the flesh of this fowl is of delicious flavor, K ing much like that of the pheasant 1 hi wo who are. fond of gamo or ol poultry which has a gamy flavor will not fail to be abundantly satisfied with a ortxitA FOWL. the guinea fowl, which is composed entirely of dark meat and which has re taiuea tnrongh long years ot compara tive domestical iou the half wild habits which, it seems, cannot bo effectually bred out of them. The Poultry Yard says: Do not kill the old birds, for they make rather tongh eating, but select the ooeks between 1 and 3 years old not older, as these have their full growth and are juicy aud spleudid eating when nicely roast ed in a moderate oven. The eggs of the guinea are very rich and of fine flavor, and what they lack in size is fully made up by the larg numbers laid by the hens each season, though it is not the easiest thing in the world to find just whore the nests are, even though careful and persistent search be made. The size of the eggs and tho comparative diRlcnlty to tell whether they are fresh or not until they are broken open prevent in a great measure their ever becoming popular in our markets. Ripening Toniatoet, It docs not seem to be generally known that tomatoes do not require sun, but ripen best iu warm, dark places. One can hardly pass along by country homes without seeing in the kitchen windows rows and rows of this delirious fruit in all stage of ripening and decaying, too, perhaps for suustrokos are com- mon among the "love apples," and ex posure to too much light and sun heat ; ruins them altogether oftentimes. An ; illustrated description from American1 Gardening suggests a simple plan fot storing tomatoes while they are in proc-1 ess of ripening. I It consists of a dry goods box fitted with Blidiug shelves and a snug door. The closet may be large or small, with FOR RtPEXISO TOMATOES. more or less shelves, according to th amount of the fruit When filled, it should be set in a warm, moist place and inspected from time to time in or-' der to remove nny of the fruit that may ' have ripened before there is possibility I of decay and consequent harm to the rest The convenience of the sliding i shelves is apparent hero, as a whole j sholf fall may be inspected at a glanco by ; slipping out the shelf. Darkness is the important thing, and the closely fitting ! door at once secures that, leaving ou ' the necessary moisture and warmth t,: ! be attended to. I All Frer. I Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who . have not, have now tlie opportunity to try it (ree. Call on the advertised drug gest and get -a trul bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. Iiucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House- j hold Instructor free. All of which is, guaranteed to do you good and cost you j nothing. Charman & Co.'s Drugstore, Charman Bros. Block. We might teli you more about One Minute Cough Cure, tut you probably know that it cures a cough. Every one does who has used it. It is a perfect remedy for coughs, colds hoarseness. It is an especial for children, being pleasant to take and quick in curing. C. (J. Huntley, dr"gi;ist. A beautiful woman must lie healthy, and to remain healthy and beautiful she should take Dr. J. II. Mclean's Htrengthing Cordial and Blood I'urilier. It imparts tone and flush to the skin, vigor and pure blood; Is equally adapted for all ages, from the babe to the aged, of either sex. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. ' Frequently accidents occur in the household which causes burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; fog use in such cases Dr. J. II. McLean'a Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. You make no mistake when you take De Witts Little Early Risers for bilious ness, dyspepsia or headache, oecause these little pills cure them. C. G. Huntley, druggist. The latest in visiting cards at the En tkupmsk Okficb. Prices to suit you. Ml ; Hoys t KleotrU'lti, 'The Simple St rv of How to Kuild an Kleclric Motor st llnum" U the title of a serial now runmiiK In ihii IVtrolt Klec- tricsl NU'ient. I lie storv "I how to build motor No. 2, and the battery to run It, told in l.tngiixge a child can un derstand, Mtins wilti the issue o' March 2, Ciive the hov rliHtun, Kloctricity will he the liigc-t lueud-w inner of the UOtli century . I'ei hups your boy, It lie gets i start, will nmke it his life-work. The Student is s crisp little weekly for amateur student of electricity. One dollar a year. Five sutiscritions will hriiiu: the sender castings ami material for one mot r ready to lie built, freight prepaid Student I'ublishlim t'oiniianv. 33 l.avfayetie Ave., IHvtroit. Michigan, In the fall of lS;i:i a son of Mr, T. A. McKurland, a prominent merchant of Live Oak, Suiter Co., t'al., w is taken with a very heavy cold The pain In his client were so severe that he had spasms and was threatened with pneu monia. Mis fathr gave hliu sevetal large doses of ('haintirrlaih's coiiuli rem edy which broke up the eolith and cured him. Mr Md'arlaud sas whenever his children have croup he invaiiahly gives them Chamberlain's Cough Kemedyand it always cures lliein. He considers It the best coiiktli remedy in the market. For sale hvtt. A. Harding, tl'iiuitist. Are u (ialng Fu-tf If so, it will pay you to write to A . C. Sheldon, general scent ot the "Hurling ton Uoiilo," l!"0 Washington street, Portland. Ho will mail you free of charge, maps, lime ladles, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping cur accoimuiidationa for yon, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian I'acilic or (treat Northern railroads st the Vr-ry lowest rates obtainable. The llurlingtoii route is generally con ceded to he the finest t'jn i '(h-i1 railroad in the world for all classes ot travel. Through Trulns Witliuut l"raufer. Travellers must not forget that the O. It. A N. line Is thoroughly re paired and all trains ar running without transfer or delay. Through service to Omaha, Kansas City, M. Louis and Chicago; Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair cars, upholstered tourist sleejiers and modern dny coaches. Call o.i O. K. X. Agent tx-tore purchasing tickets, or address W II. Hiirlhiirt, Oen'l Passen ger Agent. Port land, Oregon. Itlank note, receipt and order hooks at the KsTtKi KisK otlice Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair tlighnt MnUI and Diploma. "For Charity Suffcrelh Long.' Mr. Laura C. Phoenix. nilwaukM, Wis. "Matron of a llrnrvolent ilomn and knowing toe pood Iir. Mlloa' Nurrino bus dooe mo, mj win w ucip otoora. over comes my dislike tor tue publicity, this letter may giro me. in Nov. and Dec., Wtt, The inmate had the " LaGrippe," and I waaono of trie first. Returning duty too Boon, wlto tiiecareof so many tlci:, I did not repair! my hcalia. and in a mouth Mbreamr to debilitutrd and nrrrou from sieeoiessriess ana trio drafts made on B7 vitality, tn-t It rrui a q-iosiion If I could go on. A (leur triom) k i vised mo to try Vr. Jlilei' llCMtaratira Serrinr.. I took " uouic.- aim a:;, i. ipj y to suy, I am In tM-iier ur-aitn tnan ovrr. i mill continue It on ufional uxr. a a m rc food, as my work' w vary irym;. A letter ad dressed to JIlhvaUKce, Wli., will reach me."' june C. 104. Mns. Lahiia C. 1'uorjrix. Dr. Miles' Ner'lno ! Fold on s prltlT6 trnarariU-c thai trie lirnt isailp will ix neliu All uruitirisis iwil It hi il.U Ik.' tics for H, or It will i keni. prettdio, on reiM-ipt of prlre by tlie L)t. Miles Medical Co., Llknart, iud. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that the Journal they subscribe to Is tho beat and must reliable authority obtainable. STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. It deals practically with f rnlti and vegetables, tree, abrubt and flower, and cover the Sold of horticulture ytematlcul!y and thoroughly. It Illustrates and describe method of cultiva tion, improved varieties and hibor-aavinff device. It is, without doubt, The Paperfortis People! $1.00 a rear 24 number). Specimen copy and fin-page catalogue of horticultural book FREE on application. . American Gardening, 1 70 Fulton St, N.Y. A 1 WW Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Uddetr . Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises nnd Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, 5ciatlca, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes rian or Bat well Kaln. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Exirens Train leave Portland Dallr. Sou.h s'l.s r. a. 7 in r. m. lt4.' a. I Nona. I, Portland Ar I.T OrnlU'Uy I.Y Ar . Kraiii-lM-o I. jo.m 7 IU a. at. 7 uo r. M PIN1NU CAHU ON OOPKN ROUTE Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all thronih train. KOSKIIt'KU HAIL (Dallyi i mi, a I.T Lr Ar Portland Ar Orenut:ilr l. kiHtMirc; l.r 4 r. H ia Air. a 1 7 ou. a :i a. m. Wr. m. ami Side UithUio. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND COKVAIXI8. Mail Train, Dallr (Eirept Uiimlar.l 7:H0.VT "I.T Prtlni Ar ft 1 r a H.-lftr. M. I Ar Ortnllli Lt Mm r a Al Altiauy n1 forvlll. oonntct with trains of OroKnn antl Pacific lallro!. Expren Trato PallT fEsoetit 8undjr) 4:40r. M. 7 ar. u. I Lt Ar portlanil Ar McMlnuville Lt .m llMi.a THROUCH TICKETS TO At.l. POIKTI IN TUB EASTERN KTATEM, CANADA AND KI'ttOt'K Cu be nbtalued at lowcut r.trn from L B Moore. Agent, Orefoa City. R KOKHI.KK, E. P. ROdEHH. Manaaer. A't O. t. n4 Pa. Ajenl The Iiidcpciulcnt. NEW YORK. A Itcllijlotia l.ltrrurjrauil I'anillr .lrHKiiitfr. t'nuiMionilnMliiiinl, tinlilcl ml Imp.rtUl. A pnir rurcluriryiiiuii. nclmliirii. luni-lntrii, IiumIiipk men find fnmllirN. It (II ciiHurii every topic ol the ljr re ligion., theoloulral, pnlltlrril, filer ry.iii'liil, arllmle mid cirntllle Hj coiitrilj liteii article are liy the mtiet eminent writer ol tin K n 1 1 h laiisunte. It employ apeclallal mid dlitlniriiliihed writer editor ot it twenty-one Department, a follow.-. Literature, Science, Muc. Klne Art., Hnnllnry, Ml.. Ion, Religion Iiitelliuencei Itlhllcal Rekearch, ScIhhiI and College, Pergonal. Ch.ritloi, Editorial, New. of the week, HtindKy-H'-hiMil, Mllilateral llOKlntcr, Kinam-lal, Iuaiiranre. Old and young, I'eliMe, Farm and Garden Odd Knot.. A paper partlcualarly fitted for lawyer doo tor., clergymen, tlioae engaged In uti.ineK, young people ol both exc, men aud women who read and think fur themtelv. A paper e.aeclally valuable for thoas Inter eited in Fine Art, science, A paper giving valuable information Upon Finance, Life IiiHiiranc, Commerce paper for Hunday-Hehool Work., thrwe who have a Farm, Harden or Home Plant. A paper lor the family, old and young. It yearly ubcrlptlon I :i.00, or at that rate for atiy part ol a year. Club of five, ft.OO, each . Bpeclinent Coplc Free. CLACKAMAS I.ODOE, No. 67, A O. B W Meet flr.t and third Monday in each month, at Htralght' Hall. VUitlng brethern weleoiuo. C. E.Pia.k 8. iloLC'OM. Rec. M. W. A. P. A. COUNCIL NO. 4, Meet on the fimt and third Friday In month at K. of p. hall. Vlnlting member. way welcome. A. W, Framck, pre r"r. CATARACT IIOHK CO. No. 2. Meet second Tueaday of each month at GjjO aract Kuglne hou.e. W. II. HnwaLL.Pre ' O. U. DknTow, bec'jr. 1. W. O'Commkli,, F'rn HIierllTi Notice of Hall on f.iertillnli, In the Circuit t'ourt of the Hlate ot Orrgnn, lor the Couuly nl Claekain, Henry MoUlriiiu, plaintiff, vi, Domlnlo Mi'lu tyre, defendant. of Oregnii, County ol Clackam, . Nutlet la hereby given that by vlrtnenfan eieeulloii ami order ol Mia lamed (mini tlie circuit com! ol Hit State of Oregon for the Couuly ol t'laekania, bearing dale the Will ilav of February, I . In mil wherein Henry Mel drum ( plaliilllt, and liumliiln Meln'yre wa defeudaul, eonimaiiillui me, III the name of Ihe Hiate of (irei-mi. ttiitt out of the real ealate herelualler ileaerllwd, In ruallne a turn mrriclent to antlalv lUe itmatid. of .aid decree, to wit: "H and the lurlher anm of tut mi coaia, ami the further mm of I M no a at torney fee, together with liitereat on iht .atne aluee ald dix-ree waa entered al 10 per cent, per .(ilium, mid alao the t'oala of and alteuillng thla .ale. Now. Iherefure, tu obedience to uch dmtree, t did ou the 4th day of October, lalM.dtily attach, and en the Jflli day of February, IW'i. duly levy iipoii, aim win, on naiuroay, uie ntn uay oi April, lault, at Hi hour of I o'clock P. M of uld day, at the front dar ut Hie eoun hou.e In Mid run nt y . otter for ale alpubllo auclloii, and aell lo the hi. Ileal and hl bidder, tor e.ati In ban. I. all of the right, title aud Inter eat Hit aald on Ihe 4th day of October. !siM. had Iu and In lb following de.erlbed real properly, to wll The vaal half of tin norlhwe.l (lUarter.aiul Hit uorthweatiiuarler of the uorlh eaa ((iiarter ol .eetioii a. In towiiabip 4. .oiiih of range It. ea.tof Ihe W illamette meridian, and Ihe northea.t itiartcr of the aouttiea.t iiuarler, aud (tie aouihwe.t iiiatler ol the .uutheaal (U.rler of ectlia ft in lown.hlp 4, aoulli ol ranies. eaat of the Willamette meridian; all III Clack 4IUN eottnlv, Oregon. Daled Ihl 7.1 day of March. A D laoft. K. ('. M A I'lHM'K, Hheilir of ( lark. in. a eouiity, Stale ol Oregmi. II v N. M Jitaipv, Depulv. tl-atft A I'MIMH l li ATl'lt K SAI.K. Notice f hereby given, Ihat liy aulhorlly of an order a.ue mil of Ihe CiMiuty Court of lb ataieol Oregon, for lb oouuiy ol M.ifon, oil Ihe IMh dav of February, A. D. Il I will, ailmiulalrator allh Ihe will auneted ol Ibn e. late of Charle. Malbea. decea.ed. ou S.turd.y. the rith ilirnl April. Iuri, at one o'clock P M ol day. aell al public aurtlov to the high.! bidder, all Ihe right, title ami lnlere.l of ..Id decedent In ami to the following dcacrlbed lauda; The weat half ef .eclloti thirty three (Ml, In tnwiiahlp Ave (ft), tooth, range one il), eaal ol ttie W illamette meridian, Iu t'leckama. eouuty, Oregon, containing HJU acre ol laud, more or leaa The Mle will tie conducted upon Ihe premlae near Maniuaiii, I lackama. county, Oregon, Term. of aale call. J H. Mi NAItY, Adin'r with the will anueied el aald eaiaie. March 7, I'M. I ft. St'MMii.SS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County ol Clackama.. Julia Palmer, plaintiff, vi John Palmer, de fendant To John Palmer, the atmve named defendaut lu the name ol Ihe Stale of Oregon, you are hereby rcoiilrcd to apH-ai and Ntiawer Itie com plain! nud .utniiion. Sled agatnal you in ihe above entitled aim. tor the Iir. day of ihe lenn tiillimlng the eiplratlou of ihe lime preai'rtlel Hi Ihe order lor the Mihticaiion of Ihl. ail in iniuia, low It on Ihe l.Hli dav of April, A D. aA that being the Aral day of the commence men! of Ihe regular term ol Ihe aleive entitled I courl: and If yen fall lo appear and auawer or plead, the pi. I nil (Twill take a decree agtlnat you Inr the relief prayed for In the complain! fllcd , herein, to-wit' for a decree dlaaidvliig ihelHind. ot malrtmony now exl.ting lietweee the plain- tiff ami defendant : lor the care and ruatody of i ineir aiinor niil.lren; lor one tniru oi ine real proterly tieloiiglug lo (be deleiidaut. dcacrlbed a. lollnwa. lo-wll: lleglnnlug al the aectloii comer nl the aoulh boundary ol .ecilnii It, lowuahlp ft. oi Ih range I. eaal i.f ihe W'lltam etie merbli.n: running Ihenee eaat -jo u.ti to Ihenee north 7 degree, eaal Sfttai loo phalli, lo a nek In the center of Ihe county road; thenee norih l degree, wet! VHiW ehalna to alike. Ihenee north aa deg Ift nilit weal 17 ftoio'rbna to a ai.keon Ihe north a n l a, .nib i, .eetioii Hue through .ecilon U, thence Miiitli 37 l.Mtai chain to the place ot be ginning, eohlalulng eighty acrea. .uoaie.l id the county ol Clackamaa and atale of Oregnu And for Ihe .uin of la, permauenl alimony for Ihe uporl of heraelr and minor children ; and for Hie coat, and dl.buraemettta of Ihl. .nil Thla aummona la puhHahed by order of Ihe Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon, for clck ma. i-otinly, made and eutered on the l'th day of February, A l. I, and I. tmldlahed for a period of alg eoaaeeailve week Iu Mid t lacka ma. enmity, .tale ol iin-goii BTol r, RolsK A STOI'T. HI -ft Altoruc). lor I'lallitlff. crrATioN. In the County eoun of the State of Oregon for Iht con lily ot Clarkauiaa. Ill Hie matter of Ihe ettate of Jacob P. Miller, deceased. To W. H. Kdmunda. Cornellu ftvlmund. and Marietta Frail, .ad lo all other, unknowii II any there be who may be lutereated In Hie ealale of fteht dvceaaed: III the nam of Hie Slate of Oregon, you are hereby eoHimandrd lo appear before Ihe h'-u-orable eouuty court of ClackamiN county. Ore goti, al term thereof in lie helduu. Ihe IVh day of April, lcjft, al 10 o'clock A M ot .aid day, punoiam lo an order of thia court daled ihe tab day of March, !. lo ahow cau.e, if any eiial, why the pettilon nl Marietta frail, adir.lniatr trig of the eataln nf tald Jacob P Miller, de eeaaed. for an order of Ihl court graining Hie aid petitioner ihe right lo aell ill the real prop erty hclnugtug lo laid eatate. which t. de.erlbed a. follow., lo-wll: all ot loi.Heven '7) ami Kighl in) in lliK-fc Twenty eight (' Iu the town ol Mllwaukie. county of Clackamaa. State of ore gnu, .tmiild not tie granted for the purpoa in aid iwlltloii .el out. Iu wll, to pay Ihe debt of aid eatateand expenac of admluiairalloii of aid eaiaie: and If you fall o to appear or make au.wer aa herein required, for want thereof the Ml I petlilon will be granted. Published bv order ol the Honorable Oordou E. Hayea, Judge of the abeve named court, made and entered on Ihe Sth day of March, IMU (1KO F. IHRTiM. County Clerk Clackama eouuty, Oregon. .Vlft;-U NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTI.KMKNT. In Hie mailer nf tho ealate of Sarah E. Poe, Ucccaaod. Notice la hereby given that W illiam II. Pope, dnilnlatrator with the will annexed. Iia. And hi Anal account of hit adiuiulairallon ot Raid eatate, and that the Hon, (lordon K. Have., county judge, haa made an order aelttiig Mon day, the ilih day of May. li!J.'i, at 10 o'clock A. M . of .aid day. at the county court hou.e. Hi Ore gon Clly. Oregon, for Hie hearing of oblectlon., If any there lie, and for Hie exuiiliiutlou of .aid Anal account and the Anal clllemeiit of aald ealate. WILLIAM II. POPE. Ail in I ri lat rotor with the will annexed of the eatate of Sarah K. Pope, deceased. 3 13 4 12 NOTICE OF AHHKJNMF.NT. Notice I. hereby given that the Oregon City fla.h and Door Company, a parltieralilp com poaedottt. H. CallfT and Cbarlea I'alltr. aud H, U Callffand CharleiCalllt. Individually, have all aaaigued to the underalgiicd for tho hciicAt ol all their creditor. Said aalgiimeut la now pending In the Circuit court of the Stateol Ore gon for Clackamaa enmity, and .11 creditor ol .aid partleHare hereby iiotilied to preaeiit their clalma Rgaluat aald partlc. under oath to me at mv ofllce In Oregon City, Oregon, within three mouth, from thla date. Hnted March 1ft. DitKi, L. I. PORTER, 0. O. T. WTI.LtAMH. Atlorueylor Aialgneo. Aaaignce 8-lft:4-'JA Nntlce of Final Rettlemrnt. In the matter of the eatate of Oliver Acliom, de ceased, Notice l.horoby given that L. L. Porter, ad minl.triitor of the aliove eatate, hn Aled hla Anal report and account in the adinlni.tratlon nf .aid eatate, and that the county nnurt of the State rf Oregon for Clackama. eotihly ha made an order getting Monday, Hie nth day of May, lM'jft, et 10 o'clock A. M.of aald dav. at the comity court houae of .aid county In Oregon Clly, Ore gon, for the hor.rlng of objection, If any there be. and for the examination nf aid Anal report and account and for the Anal aettleniont of laid eatate Dated March 21. 1WII. L. L. PORTER, Admlulatr.tnr nf the eatnle of Oliver 3-2:4-12. Aehorn, duceaaed. RIITTE CREEK 0RAN0K, No. 82, P. of II. Meet! at their ball In Marqiiam, aeannil Hat unlay In each month at lo a. iu. . VUltitig mcmlicraalway welcome. J. K JACK, J.R. WHITE, Secretary. M alter, Sunday Service. r.v- r t ! ;:-: : f ' ' ; f.-rrr-rrtr. H I'. PAI'L'H Cllt Itl'll - Rpinoopal- RT. laaac Dawaou, Rector Hcrvlcea .til o'eloek a. in, aud 7:i . in, Prayer aervln every Wed ue.dny evening. FllthT CONHKEUATIONAI. CIK'ltfll, Rev. Paaior. Service, at HI mi a.m. ami S 00 r. M. NnuiUy NcIhhiI alter laornloi ervlce. Player eieelleg Woilneaday tvenini at H ilio.clock. Prayer meeting of Young People; Society of tMirlailau Fmleayor every Huuday evening l7;0t preuipL rillHt HAPIIMT Clll'itCII. - ltT. M I llt'uo, P.atnr Morning Service al lliHiiuday School at U Hi: Kvenlug Service ft ao, Regular prayer nieellug Wedhetday ereulug. Moiilhlf Covenmil Meeting every Weilueaday evening preceding the Itral Sunday III Hie uiolilli. A oortilal Invllatloli toall. ST. ItlllN'S I'llUHCII CAI IKll.lO.-ltgV. A, II l l.l it h a N i), Paa'.or. tin Sunday ami to.,' A. M. Every eeotid aud fourth Monday Herman .criuoli alter ill ocluck liiaae Al all other maaae Kngllak .enuoiit. Huuday Hchiail al J ltd r. Ve.pera, apologollc! iihleeia, and lleiiedlcllou al 7 IS) r. M. metiioihht kpiscopal t:nritcil -iist tl. Mvaga, I'.ainr. Morning crvlc at llj Sunday Sel 1 at 10 oi rbiaa Hireling after inoroliig .ervlce. Kv.nlli aervlee al 1 M. Kpworlli League meeting Sunday evening at S !': Prayer Meeting Thuraday evening al t Ml. atraligera eurdtallv Invited. FIRST PltKHHYTF.RIAN Cltt'RCII.-RgT. J, W. Moiilgonii-ry, Paaior. Mervieeaat II 4 M. and 7 0 v. M. Ma bl tb School at 10 . M. Young People'. Society of t'lirlailau Endeavor ineei evory Sunday eveiilng al A W Wodueadaf evening player meeting at 1 HA Heal free. KVANlltl.lCAI.I'HI'ltCII-or.RMAN - 11. P. Mvgaa, Paaior. Preaching Mrvlee every S lay al It A M il 7 no V. M, Habbalb ct.ool every Sunday al 10 A. M (Rev. P. Itotl, Sunt ) Weekly Prayer Meeting every W'ediuajif.y evening t'NITKH IIMKTIIRFN IN Cltkisr.-Preech-lug every ..coitd and fourth Mindey of each mouth, at II no a in an, 17 ftu p. m.-H II. KC I. .IS, Paaior Sunday .chiail al 10 a, Mi. ai Oregon I'tty Fir. I annday at Mamaon .etitMil hou.e. M.i lull. Third Sunday, Mountain Home II a, in., limber drove, 4 p. m-Mla liella Ureen, Sutierluleiideut Hunuay arhiad Prayer nieellug every Meduoattay eveillue. K ANtiKI.II'AI, l.t'TIIKIIAN Cllt'ltt'll -L. (laav, P.aior lierniaii aeivlce every Huuday al II o'eloek A M. Mugli.h .ervleea al 7 ) P. M Sunday arb,K, al IU o'cIih-Ic A M (.ora tion: Store ronai lien d.xir to bakery In Hlilve ley', building, turner ol Seventh and Madlaou .1 reel a ftherlir Katlre of Kale on Kterullon. In the I tteull Court of the Slale ol Oregon, tor Ihe Couuly nf Clack. ma.. Ueorge liroiighaui. Plaintiff v ( hf lit Moehuke and J. II. Martin, Defendant. Slateol Oregou. County of Clackama. aa Notice I. hereby given, thai by virtue nf an execution and order of aale laauvd out of ihe cl'ooll cocrl of Ihe Stale ot Oregon for the county of tlaekamae. bearing date Hie 11 h day of February. Iatn. Iu a mil wherein Ocnrge Urniighloii waa plaintiff, aud Chrlet Moehuke ami J. H. Marllu wereilefeiidaata.i-tonaiandiiig me. In the name ol tho Ht.te ol Oiegou. ihat out ol the teal eaiaie herelu-ilier dcacrioed. lo real lie a mm .uiliriaui to .all. I) the dematida of uld decree, lo-wll 1117 00, and the (nr. her aom of - 70 e.Nta, together with Iniereai ou Hie aame.ltice ait decree a. entered at a pr cent per annum, an4 alau Ihe eo.1. td aud atlendlug thla .ale Now. Iherr foee, Iu oledleure to .uch decree. I did. on the lllh day of March. IV duly levy upon ai. will, on Saturday, Ih iteh day ol April, 1i. at the hour ot ooeo elorgP M ot aald tlav as the front d'xr of Hie court Iohimi In aabl couuly. otter lor .ate al politic aitclioit, aud aell lo the hlghral and beat bld-lar. for c.ah In hand, all of the right, Htle and Inlrreai the aald defendaiM Chrlat Moeliuke ha. Iu and Iu the billowing deaerllied real properry, Kvwli: '1 he .NortlnHiit one (iiaitcr of houlhweat fine (piarter and the Northweai one ()iiarter of Smiih eaat out (luarbar of aeetlou Five t'o Iu J'lfwn.blw Four ill Mouth ol Range I litre i.ij r. ,ai ol (he Willamette Meridian, Iu llaekamu eouuty, Oregon, Dated Ihl. JU'h day of March. A D a F. C MADIHiCk:, Slierlffof Clackama. Co., Mute ol Oregon. Hy N. M Mieipv, Deputy. HKI It a. Anvni r ll O wur t rviun i q CAI I OflTA 1 1f A PATrNTf fnr RrtiiuiK an w r t4 bq bto4 ipiiii"n, rll to iMrurvrw in tli ilvil luiiaiiia Ct-(rt.Ht llotta Mtlrtlf nmniltMitlsl. A MMilbtli ol In fortntuifafi riKuwrniiitf I'nlrPl aiMl bo In (b lln ihMa tiii fr. Alt rwiAUayiMuf aUvbu kal twiil cUntilV Imm.i Mtit I " I'M mi u ikn tbn.unh Muna A Orv rwwrt tiui4tj nltm liith HiHr Awrrlma, m4 Uitu r brtiuirht lt1iy bfirib iutltc vltb mii taai In lnntttor. Tin pltHlt jKt, iMUtxl wMkly, Iwatttl7 lMirt4l. btw hT Ur Ih iritt r4rmitt4a or nr Miinonnr won in um Wori.l. ;i T" HulMltiM Kmi Ujci. tnotithltt. ? mj VMr. Kin! VM. 'i $ CMtl, , Vtury pmiuW otititainti bii- hlal pUintt. Hi coiurs, ftiiit yfcHiagri fin or im-w fHMM, with pi nils tivhlinc t''1ri itmhuw tb UVSH 4 CO XW 4111 BuuAUWAT NOBLETT'S STABLES". Livt-ry, KpihI aq1 Sul fatahlo ORECONCITY. IAICATKH IIKTWKKN THt HI I DUE ANJ DKJ'OT Doulilo mid Single Uis, uiul sntl illu horstiM nlwHyti on IninJ aV tht lovveHt iiricrs. A oorrull ttiiiiMjctod with tlio lniriiriar lonso stock. 1 11 for 111 ut ion renur.lliitf any kind or stock pruiikiit 1 jr atUunlutl to b) n10" of Ititlor. horsoo Doucht ati' Sold. Ilorsits IIdshI.hI soil pel mi tcaM(in Ms tonus j- ' , II PeiiaajuiatpiaUUiia. xclulreitriierl1ry mi r.o.iew Huiivtwarj. . ( lulv-aatagaalelHigliiuera. I.UmiaI f rfleiir T 10W BlVti utintrn, I S iniiv.rtMit, do"4 elnnt lor .ilvuii.'.iiu.p' On'Ut ilKi lull Pr- nruWrit tun. I'.Hom . mm 11,'. r rriiUi UiAU atoaalV'f Duffy & Hcckart EXPRESS and TRANSFERING. SjH'ciul euro in moving IIotiRohold Goods anil ritinon. Promjit work and RoitHoiiulilo charges. Loove onlors at bkllomy & nuscirs. Wffin I