Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1895)
t - 1 EDUCATIONAL NOT liS All nott for tliU column ulioulil lo "Hit to Mra. II, H. (iilmon, editor, Oregon City, ()nn. DI'IIOUI, NOT KM, A bill fur tint iurx of iiirolti'lK military drill In tlio piilille wIiuoIh Iiiin Imiimi Inlrotluceu In llio Nm York IiImU tiire. Tho Mftltut Urn of tint ijiu-ai mci iiuh culli il forth I Iim following very ainnlM proU'Ht from 1'rof. I'nllx Alder: "III sulci tlio military drill would create Mull diiuriHt of putrlollmn. Hut would it? I think not. It would dimply feed tlio children's vanity, ulve Uiimii a dlitlre for outwurd nIiow und dlHpluy, niitku them mutiltlotia fur ftlmin and tlnwl, and create fuliw Idea uf war (ml lildii the terrible ildu of tho picture with U horror mid butchery, There would ho arointed In tho children a atrong nplilt of aelMove, Thxy would want to e tlienwlve with llitiiii nd tmnnura, itruttinK with danir ling iwordii mid culled rupulna mid colo nel". " At tho recent m hool ("lection In Pen dleton a number of citizen not on the tax roll puld tun, Alice n or twenty-live cent U jck on money or Jewelry in their ponHciiBlon, mid were allowed to votn aa taxpayer, mid, In order to HHiuhlUh a rule In thi reH'ct, MIk Vxiilrii(r, the VmatllU ichool riiiiHTintciident, lu de cided that no peiaon kIimII he en titled to vole except thoan wlioe name apxar upon Ihn w"wineul roll, and have prc.'N'r realdtince (uullf1catiotiN, or, the head of famlller, are provided hy theachool law with the privilege of vot ing. Thla, not camlii from a court, doc not Judicially settle the (iition, but It teem to be a nemdhle dccinlon. Hlate HuM-rinteiideiit of 1'uhllc In ntrui'llon Itean, of VYaaliliigron, liaa rendered the opinion that It Ih not legal for any teacher In the public chool to waive In hi contract Id right to legal holiilnya, or to agtee to make np any time lonl lM-cailmt ol audi bolldnya. In WiwoiiHiu they do not prode to allow girli under eighteen Venr of aite to teach achool, but of tour re audi a law could not prevail In Ihia tate, for aoine of our bent teacher haven't tieeti mure than 18 fur the pant ten year. Mot hen a rule have more to do with and ililereet In the education of the children than have the father, and a a coiiM)tience ahould have more loaay on the achool board In many diiitrict women have been placed on the board and have discharged tlia dutie fully M well aa the nien. In one dlitricl at leant In Oregon the women control thj achool' olflcea. Thl notable exception 1 harry ' Canyon arhoul ditrict, (iilllain odwrty. Mm. Nealv and Mr. Murch arolunthe achool boiird aud Mm. Fruinan i achool clerk. TKACIIKM'h AMfM'UTto. The teacher' aaiH-ialiou uf Clackaiiua county met at Milwaukee in the near tn hool building, Saturday March :iU,lHtl3. Tlitt allendaiicu of teacher wan the largeHt in (he hietory of the an-xvialion, Thu fame of our local inititutioii fm oiie abroad into Multnomah county with the gratifying1 remit of tiritiuliiif nineteen of tho representative leachei to Milwaukee. Follow jug are the name of tho teacher prevent: l'r jf. J. 11. I'urnhaui, YV. V. Nibray, ('. II. June, S. W. IlolincM, Steel, II. U. Htark weather, (ico. MoArthur, l M.Weddelli Clia. Itmherford, E. M. Ward. A. 0. rUraiike, T. J. Clary, K. F. Mullan, II. 8. Strange, W. U. Ht-attie, B.C. Altman, lee, I., h, Moore, E. C. Hackett, Alex Thomson, Krankuuner, Ira Mc Laughlin, Mollio llaiiiln, Klglva Mullun, Flynn, Ma? Failing. Mary Younger, Jennie E. Rowen, Mildred Jacob, Olivia Jacoba, Helen Kerr, Edna Ho, Anna Rohm, Ella Young, Iluttie MonriMi, llulxel, MiM Hell, Gertrude Forhen, JenniH Wine, Ellen Byern, McCahe, Mullic Talbcrt, Saruh liurdick, EtU Abbott, May Italhhiirn, 01 lit) l.uelling, Florviico Oleon, Illanche Miller, Noriuu Fox, Mary Itickner, Nellie I'liuling, I.1117 llothke, Ida Stark weather, Mary (Ihormluy, Einnia Slrick ler, McU'vy, I.uvella Murnliull, Julia Young, llertha M. Ciibron, Faiiiiio O. l'urtur, Supt. II. S. Uibhoii. .The mliiuteH of tho nrovioti meeting a rend by the aecratary, Mim F'unule (. Poiter, were duly approved. An invitation hud lwen extended to the UNHocialioii oil behalf of tho Logan grange to hold tho next local Institute at thut place. After dun coimidera'.ion tho HHHOidation decided to meet ut Logau tho hiHt Saturday In April und V. O, Hentlie, II. (i. Stiirkweather and Mini) Motile Tulhcrt were appointed to prepure tt Hiiitulilo progrum for that occiudon. The audience wu favoreil with a beiiutiliil Hong by little Saruh Roger. "Number Work" whh the nubject BHHigned Mia Elgiva Mullan. Her idea wore very good and clearly expreaHed. ProfoMor Burnhttin, of Portland, spoke at Rome length on "Predication of the verb." ''A word" fluid the gpoaker, "is the unit of reading; a sentence la the tinit of grammar." Mr. Bnrnham's talk was liatcned to with the closest attention, and at the close of his address a lively discussion on different points previously ilhiHtrated by the professor was participated in by Prol. Sibray, Mr. Lee, and Prof. Burnham. T.le following question was handed to I. Gibson, by one of tha achool pat- 'Does the study of arithmetic aft rd better discipline for the mind than language? Why?" Prof. Holme and Mr. Mullan believed that the study of niathomutlcH I the bent diHclpllrie for the mind, while Prof. Powell couriered tlmstiiily of language belter. Incident ally 1'rof. Holmi's remarked that one reanon that mnthemHtic aio not more fully Mpprecluted, i lliat tlioe brum he are taught more a a mutter of memory than a a mean of truly developing the reuHouliig faculties, A delicious dinner had boon prcpured for the aHHooiulion and the memhur adjourned to the town hall to partake thereof, The laiople of Milwaukee had spared neither pain orexiamse In the preparation of a feast for the teacher, and the teachers fully appreciated their kiiulni'HH. The oclatloti wa again culled to order by Kupt. Uibiion at 1 :,'I0 p. 111. First 011 the program was the calling of the roll by the superintendent and the repone wa a quotation from A'lilltler by each teacher present Next wa a recitation bv little Ethel I.ukin. "The Nobility of Labor" by Fred Hiikeuieier came next. At tliu Onwcgo meeting a lively di-i cusHioii wa had on the merit of vertical writing aa opHcd to the Sfa-ncerian yitlcm of N.iinunn!iii. A the time : for the Kiibjet t wa limited It wa de cided to review the same at the next1 meeting. E. M. Want anil Mis Il.ttie .Monroe "poko in favor of vertical writing ! ami Mr E. 0. Hackett spoke against Mr. Iluckrtt ilhiNtralcd some means of1 awakening an interest in penmanship. ! Prof. W. 11 Powell spoke In favor of, the Spencerian system. Frank Mullan asked a question involving a very esnen-' llun poinl under discussion. The sulijcct ; wa closed by Hupl. (iibson. He ad-1 vised the tea -hern to read up 011 the j subject and Investigate each system before deciding ng.iinst either. He reminded his hearers that practice I make perfect, and thought the branch 1 of writing, somewhat neglected in the country schools. Next was a recitation bf Thomas Nelson, entitled, " The Iignity of Lalwir " I'rol. U.S. Struugn delivered an ad il't'ssun "What wn owe the State." "In our system of society a we find it," said the prolessor, "no individual can say he I entirely independent of every other person." prof. Strange' addrt-i was noticahle for forcible aritum.'iit, clearness of expression ami patriotic toiio. Mia Kv Scott lecilitd a pretty acleo tioii in a pleasing manner. She was followed by Sarah Itogera and Anna Dernhard who sang a pretty song together. Speech were made by Messr. Bon hirkemeler and Scott, the Milwau kee board of director. Remarks were also made by II. S. Strange, Alex Thomson and W. S U'Ren. A resolution of thank was offered the people of Milwaukee for their kindness ami hospitality and also lo Mr. T. J. (Jury nrul Miss Ida Starkweather for their eltorls to make the meeting enjoy able. Afier singing "America" the assoc iation udjouriiid to meet at 7:'dO p ni. I KVKNINU SKSSIDN. At 8 p. m. the a-siM'intion was c.illed to order hy Supt. (iihson. The exercises begfnwitha song bv a quartet of Mil waukee musicians. Miss Julia Wetxler recited "Kite Kelclicm." "The Ride of Jennie Mc Neil" was recited by Jtainna Kiel. Thl was followed by a comic long which was well appreciated that the singer were compelled to repeat the favor. The uieetlng was then addressed by Col. Roler A. Miller of Oregon City on the auliject of "Education as Viewed from a Iluslne Man'a Standpoint " Col. Miller dissents from a prevailing idea that ateaclier who ha taught for; many years, cannot make a success ot ' business because of impracticability ; that : teachers are mere theorists." He re- 1 marked that it is a half truth thut causes trouble and never it whole truth. "If a! teacher once thinks he has attained per fection he lias ranched a point 'thut he ; will novor pass lieyon I. Th world moves and you must move with i or left behind. If a boy wants to he presi dent be must not only think great thought, but he must have tho courage of his convictions, and be biave enough to stand by them." The meeting adjourned at fl:;tOp. in. to meet ut Logan the last Saiuiduy in April. Following is the report of schtsd dis trict No. fil for the inomli ending March l".)th: No. of day taught, 20; No. of pupils enrolled, 20; average daily ut tendance, 22; No. of days attendance, 4-III; No. days absence. 77; No cases of tardiness, 4; time lost, 12 minutes; No. of vmitora. 12. Those not absent during the month were, Matio and Edith Mum power, Owen Unban an I Edna Hol 00111b. Kykuh. Teacher, i Sewing Midlines Anil all AcrMiorlM. White, Standard Ami Others. F. H. Lecliler k Co., U Klr.l Mtriiet, i.'ur hsliiioii. F. R. CHOWN, iKAI.ia IN Ilanlwaro : : and HtovoH Wl first Htreet, I'ortlsnil, Or, rORBCS k BHEEPL'N FURNITURE CarixtH, Hhudti. Lace Curtiiins, I'ortinn'H, etc. 174 First alrest, 175 fnint alrMt. tubsTkiNG Offnr Hot llsigslns-) 1 CAPES AND... JACKETS' 61 h k Washington ill. Easter Cards And Novrlllri Stewart k Wmm Coiiimny HisiliM-llers slid nuiimiprs. m stul T, Murrlxiii Hirvet. PiirlUiiil. TITLES Abstracted Anil urnttri by Tie Title Goarantee k Trust Co. t'hsmtxr of Cnm mcrct Hulldln John V. wss i Mocba Colet Parlors l rhlrit Hin'M, fi,p. Cnnltsy ilieslre BKHT I5c MKAL IN TOWN. Nil (.'liliiee Kmiiln)Ti! Nvtrval TIiiiiki lu Wall Paper I'riccB to suit tho tiincH. Hi'hiinrlil A Miirssn n Ihlr.l St. Seinl fur M.tuiplra The L. & Z. Swett Co., Hyx ami Htonnd llsrul, Furniture.- Carpets, Bedding and Stovei. 201 A. 20.1 Front, 202 Taylor 8tn. At tho hout landing. OradoiiloeBler, 1 D,,'B.c. Brown DENVER KITCHEN. I'rcHcription tV6 EflP htMsiin XDruggiHU surgeon. lt and Main at. wuibwn. 228 FirHt Ktrfct GUa.a Killed ii0 r lrBl Plnxl Family & Country ln4 VurnMlti Trade Solicited. iwrir.i.tmt. Near Halmon. Llpman. Wolfe 4 Co. hmJni-t Mcston Dygert Dry Goods m-co.. IUiry.., , Thlrd H( The Blank Book CSoOiila. UAD0e;,l0W Cor.FroS' Third a Wuhington. Priocs. and Stark. BU P The nameg of the Portland (Went Hide) Business Houses here given are for reference and guid ance of country and nuhurban buyers. They are recommended as relia hie firms to deal with. -.1 GUIDE. Jno L Cline Watch Maker. 224 FirHtBtrcet. All work first daa I'rice Low. Ladies Shoppino LUNOHEONi Sweatlanils Fortlasfl 218, 250, Morrlann, nrar Third H IK KAMONA ieavra Orrgnn Cltjr (AM. 2 slid 6 P. H. Fortlund 7, U M A. M. and 4 P.M. KArt I' HIKKKl.KCTHIC'CAKH.UsTe fortlsnd ud Orrxoii City every Wmluiitea from 7 A. M. Books Stationery GILL'S. AT M and Al'lrr Sn. U. B. UUHNH GROCBR. 147 Third HI. Fine values in Teas fc CofTees. E.H Moorebouse&Co WALL PAPER IM MOQldlilS, hxi, oils, Brsjces, Etc. S Alder Htrset Finest Photos SI Per Dot. at Mesarvey's Gallery. luol Third St. Freeman Cofee House CiifT. te or ehncnlat I Hume uis'le pica aud cukes The r res in and milk la from his rsnch. Iiluner Irnm 1 : u Rm , 2fi(enia. sshliiKliiti aireet lsi. Island M. Ben M. Barney. Medi umTest meetlnga oo Sunday morniuf and evening . also Wednes day evening! at Mplr Hiial Temple, Second aud Jefferson streeta Kelileni-e and orTlce. J,';', Kit it Street. LADIES' Wips, Switches and Hangs. Also Uents wigs. Get our Prlcea. Pari Hair Store Stat Wsshlnium St. Cedar Camphor For M0TH8. Laue- Davis Drug Co. id A Yamhill. JohnS. Meek Co, 82 Sixth St., Photographic & Magic Lantern SUPPLIES. Hardware A very tfc Co. 172 1st Street Near Yamhill. POTTER, Artintic Photographer. 225 First St. Photos $1.50 per doz. Kodak Work. Bojal Restaurant 253 First St., Where car stops The best place for a good meal. Reasonable price Cheapest place for aunt's materials, Pictures. Frames, Etc. BeniBtein's Art Store. 307 Washington St., Between 5th A th Books Bought, Sold and Ex changed at the Old Book Store Yamhill St., Near Third. W.L Douglas Q.1 C HOC isTHcatsr. V wy 1 1 W C riT roR a kino. CORDOVAN. nmc a uamiuio estr. 4.3P FlMC CALf & KANGAflrJO, J.WP0LICE,3Sotts. a2.i.r? BoysTSckoolShcex 'LADIES Ore Om Mlllksa eefi4 wear th' W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our hoea are equally Mtlsfactory They five the kesrl vara tor the money. They equal casta ) In atrie and lit. Thilr wearing auantlaa are ansarpaaeed. The price are anMoraa,Umpcd an aole. Proaa tl to I j eaveet aver ether nukes. 11 juudeakxuanot supply you we can. Sold by dealers everywhere. 'Wantexl, egantato tolaa axcluatva aale for thla vlcln. uy. wntiaionca, 5 r. Liz LJ Reduction In Prices-" We are goinsrto dispose of all our Heavy weight i Underwear Before warm weather catches us if Price is any object to you Heavy natural wool underwear, regular price 11.50 & suit, now 90c. Camels Hair, heavy, regular W-w now f i.ou. Pure wool, heavy weight, U.W, now $3.00. regular FOR- ABSOLTJTELY "PUKE DRUGS OO TO Q A. HARDING. NONK ni'T cOMPtTtNT PHARMACISTS employed rice Tsrterles asi Toilet Articles. Alao a lull stork ol FHsTTy- OILS ETC. FOR KSTORIK j ij. , iLw STR. SARAH DIXON, Will leave Portland, . foot of Washington Street, for Astoria, Sunday morninc at 7 o'clock; Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday even ings at i :.iU o clock. RETURNING, leaves Astoria Mon day morning at 6 o'clock; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at (! o'clock FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Clatskanie ami way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings at 6 o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdnys, Thursdays and Saturdays lnis the most direct and accessable route to the Nehalem Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. -?--?a ini'roted I 1 f"jfi, Citalugue U run. The "ERIE" arw-atrtxi i nun whmzji iKsr.x.!ji fiSSIrfPriESSiSa FAYS wsiiwasHis tf vou use the PrtalsmS JnrobaUrt tlnisdrri. VI .ike. money while olheni are wasting lime hy oM processes. CstsluRleilssllaliout It .snil deacrihes every article nrnlrd for the, poultry business. mechanically the beat wheel Prettiest model. v'c are. I'acitic Coast Aventa. Bicvcle csta- luguc, mailed frecires full drscrlntlon . prices, etc.. aofsts waktko. PETALUMa tnCtTBATOK C0.,retalnm,Cl. bsiNtu lloi sa, in B Main 81., Los Angelee. A new line of latest style in At a popular price, 15c. Collars Glass & Smyth. Tile 8ii. Sl Molhers, Keui. The proprietors of Hanta Abie have authorized C. O. Huntley to refund your money if, aflor Riving this. California king of Coiiuli Cures fair trial as di rected, it fails to give satisfaction fur the cure of CougliB, Croup, Whooping Cough and all Throat and Lung troubles. When the disease affects, the head and asaumes the form of Catarrh, nothing is io effective aa California Cat-R Cure. These preparations are without equals as household remedies, gold at 11.00 a bottle. Three for $2.60. Trial bottles 60 cents. ...jSJ We want a Name. CQAf. OA lAmhl and will pay Z,Y:X.Y. I )-A' A ,x- For rsrtlctilsrs see Tick's Floral Jnlde for iws, which ia'fjAiM4 S contains iloiwt,lsti of Vlck'a UnuHlilns Aater, Sweet lists, Vi'ue :'..J. J'ly:,l tsl'les. lllhla-ua . and Ooltl Fhiawr. Ilnnesl llliialratlons: riMcrlntlnn. If i" Titsl thatdescrllie.nninilslead: hinunKwliianiltrsnaiilsntlne. Klnt O 4 )r ' J Ml In 17 ilttVrent cnlor.! Ink. i.UmI n t.wwl nt 1,1 i.ik .,. IM iImiIiiImI fntnt tin.. ..! vl.l',Bul,Mk,.Ulk...i.h U CHOICE SWEET PEAS 40 CENTS A POUND, "SK2E Ws here emwn tons of Sweet TVm the part snuimrr of a Terr fin mtslltr to henhle tn Vive our rrl.u tmit- ahtiikoflt fav. rji-tics sml colors mixed. A found only 441 rents t hnlfnoand CAT Tl n AWFD Hsrilr.Orsiidneddcr.CharmlnIntPlant I! lis each i two for 40 cents. If COLUMBIAN RASr-riERRY.rASr tremelrTlrorous.reslitlns'dronsht; pronsssllon by suckers; fruit very lartte. color dark red; best berry for canning, retaining aire, ootor and flsvor) Ions season of frultfni; hlsh quality or lata fruit : Trult adheres to the alem, not dmpnlnr. : does not crnmble In plrklne; eicellentslilpiier; wonderfully proline, oyer snooqusrts per screi rery hardy. Troved by yearaoftrlsl snd tested hy Filwtment BtaUonasnd FrultOrowexa. Slnila plants bJcts onedoaennlantaU HO CHE STER.1T.Y. J Vel W'-4iS. "3- EJ mm issm rsnv-s.-. tl v Unload YourLiver Threj Doses ot Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You Feel Better. Does your back ache? Does every step seem a burden? You aoe billious. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For sale by all druggists. Fl I i'V I ' B aa k. a" a A 5overeir Remedy & ugh lsiGnppc jndall Affections tf lkThroat. Chest and Lungs. ' 50CT5.?122 otwu TOR rRimiR. For sale by C. G. Huntley. BED I'itOXT MARKET. The following market flotations for Oregon City are furnished by the Red Front store, ami are corrected weekly ' WHrjI.ESAI.e. ( Elfzs,perdz lje liuttr, per roll 25to50: Chickens, er dozen, f 2.00 to $2.75 Old Hens, er doisen 3.00 to 3.fi0 Young ducks, peril' zen,.. . 3 00 to 4.00 Ai'plt-s, pt-r box. choire, 55 to 75c Timothy hy, baled, per ton, $9 to $10 ( lover hay, balixl, per ton, $lto$8 75 Straw, baled, r ton,.: $5 to tr Cahbajre, per doi., 40to5H-' O.iiona, per ewi.t .' goto 1 .( I'otatoes, choice, 30 lo 7tw.' Wheat, per bushel 40 to rV OhU, per bushel 25 to 28c wool, per lb 8 te ft; Fir worxl, per cord . . . ; $ Dressed hoifs, per lb 4 RETAIL. 19 lbs. dry granulated sugar, $1 00 Arbuckle aud Lion coffee 25c Good broken r.jast coffee, 22 Liverpool salt, perct.,. 90c Kite, ZMm tl fft Teas, per lb., 25, 30 , 37c Hope IQW Coal oil. per eal.. 15c.. 5 eat 70l- Hams, per lb., i'e Bacon, smoked sides, li:c Dry salt pork, . . 10c I-ard, 10 to 11c Mioulders .' He Tea nibs, 2 lbs, 25c Timothy seed, Clover seed lSte Cider vinecar, 2 ic Pickles, per keg ...$1.00 Flour, per bbl., $2.45 Shorts.per sack.56 to 75c; per ton, $11.5 Bran, per sack, 40c ; per too, $13 Wire nails, 6 and 8 penny, per keg, $2.50 Wire nails. 10 to 20 penny, per keg, $2.25 Wire nails, 30 to 60 penny, per keg, $2.00 LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE CITY Blue Front Grocery. Seventh St. E. P. Elliott, Prop 1 All New Stock, -:- :- Of Bestauality. FREE DELIVERY. A TRIAL ORDER ASKED. E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE ERST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL IrS, -O TJ "3F TEZ SS Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance. GREAT NORTHERN RY, VIA ' SPOKANE Minneapolis ST. PAUL. Low UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA DENVER OJMAHA AND Kansas City. all Rates to Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN fRANCISCO. For full details call on or ad dress, W. n. HURLBURT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS &TILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Try him ! Portland-Cregon City and Yamhill River Route. STP TOLEDO ID-AILY -V TRIPS. Down Leave Dayton 5 A. M., Mission 5,30, Newberg 6, Butte ville C;45, Oregon City 9:30, arriving in Portland 10:80 A. M. Up Leave Portland 2:30 P. M., Oregon City 4 P. M. Stage runs between McMinnville and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con nection with the boat. The stag"? will leave Hotel Yamhill, MeMinn ville, every morning at 3:30 a. mn returning, leave Dayton every evening, except Sunday, on arrival of the boat. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast time made. For freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. Everybody shoud patronize th Toledo and thus sustain a dailv boat. Joel P. Geer, Owner. Archie Oeer, Captain. FOR SALE OR TRADE. J Tractaof CLACKAMAS FB PIT LAJICft tiood houae. barn, eta. Alao SLOTS IN OLADSTOKB. J. K. OKOOM, Park flaea, Oragam