Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, APRIL 5, ISM. OREGON CITY OKFICKKS. Mfor. - - Hwonl'r. ... Chlol ol Polio - Truror, City Attorney, Bnp'l. o( Wier Worki, QtT Kaftiirtr. Qnancilnien It, C. Steven. J.J. Cikike, H-u). Jmtvur, II '.mm Strnlsht L. L. Porter Cam. K. Huriin K 8 i'ahft R. U llnlnian K. F. Drltt C. BnlxMok, Jr. W. li. Howi'U !V KlmiKlrtl 3o. Hmuliun, Mm-k Howell. L. L Porter. Heury Mrl.lrum, J. W. MolUtt iwnnril rawulnl M'edneuU) otetch month In cay hull. I-ojrnl Ailrertlsliifr. Hereafter no leital advertisement will be inserted in the Entkriribs miles payment for the same is made at the Cine Uie affidavit of publication is ren dared. This rule will be imperative and dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac tice of working the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other paoer toiret their notice published SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Drink Japoolo Tea, 4r cents per pound, Marr A Robertson. Wood wantel at once this oftice. Go to Wilson & Cooke for Oliver plow extras. Laoe cmtains and bedspreads at the Racket store. County and city warrants w tinted by the Commercial hank. Money to loan on gixxl real estate security by A. S. Preeser. jVew Uce, 6e-ial line for children's waeh drt&e8, nt the Racket store. By removing cause of irritation, and by pre frvinu a healthy state of the svs- tem dti-iiiK itilancy, Mffdni.n g booth lag Ponders made their reputation. t or w cents you can get a good um brella at the Racket store. All stvles and prices. Thin line of ttooda w ill not be carried over which means that bar giine w ill lx ifivpn. For footwear you can get oalys' si oes a. 25 ct- ; lad es coarse Klnes at 80 cts; laen'e Ixiots at $1 .75, or you can get the txt gr.ul of irnod-i mad at bottom prices at the Red F,ront. At the tegular meeting of Oregon lodge, So. 3. 1. O. 0. F., T. F. Ryan, J. W. MoftVt and 0 P. Miller were elected representatives to attend the Grand lodge, w hich holds a session at Salem May 15ih. John Sludle has secured a lease of the Oriental Hotel, and has thoroughly reno vated the house, painted, carpeted and refnrnirthed the rooms and put every thing in first class order. The table is now eq isl to if not better than any hotel in the city. Board can be had ai reason able rates by the day, week, or month. First class accommodations tor transient -custom. This house will hereafter be known as the " Willamette Hotel." It Andrew G. Maisten, a tormer agent of the state Insurance Co. and for some time traveling correspondent for the North-Wert Horticultnralist, has takeu the agency of the State Insurance com pany for Clackamas county, with head quarters at Oregon City. He has opened an office in the Jaggar building with Hon. Geo. 0. Rinearson on the east aide of Main street, between Seventh and Eighth. A canvass among the druggists of this place reveals the fact that Chamber lain's are the meat popular proprietary medicines Mi. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, exiieciaily, is regarded as in the lead of all throat trouble remedies, and such, is freely p. -escribed by physi cians. As a crmp medicine, it is also unexcelled and most families with young children keep a bottle alwavs handy for instant use. The editor of the Graphic has repeatedly known Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to do the work after ail other medicines have failed. The Kimball S. D. Grannie. For sale at 25 and 50 cenU per bottle by Geo. A. Harding. A magnificent reception in honor of the return ot Mrs. Abigail Scott Duni way from the East was held Wednesday evening in Portland at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Van B. e Laahmutt. Several hundred guests were present ; an elabo rate program was carried out consisting t addresses by Hon. A'an B. De Lash mutt, Abigail Scott Duniway, ex-Senator Dolph, Dr. Locke, Dr. Wallace, Hon. D. Solis Cohen, Judge Caples and others, with music, solos, duets and the parson's orchestra. Among the Oregon City people present were Mr. and Mrs. Carey Johnson, Col. and Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. De, The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Blue River Mining Co. was held in this xity, Monday, and the following directors elected for the ensu ing year: S. R. Green, W. F. Hubbard, J. M. Tracy, L. . Salisbury and John Green. The various reports read showed these mines to be in very pros perous condition. They are situated on the Blue K:ver, in Lane County, and will be operated at their full capacity the coming season. A meeting of the directors was immediately held and the following officers elected: Postmaster S. R.Green, president; W. F. Hubbard, vice-president; Mayor Straight, secre tary; B. F. Linn, general manager and F. R. Charmao, treasurer. J TUB TITV COl'M'IL. .Haiti Street Ordered Cleaned Once 11 Menth lirltlfre Impreved. Tlie regular meeting of the city council was held Wednesday evening, there being present Mayor Htraight, Recorder Fonts and Councilmen Stevens, Mot drum, Mowed. Cook. Motlatt, Porter and Hroughton. The minutes of lust meeting were read and approved. On motion the saloon life nee of J, A, Moore was trans ferred to J. W. Charlton. License of A. Knapp was renewed (or six months Mrs. K. L. Newton appeared by her attorney, II. E. Cross and claimed her property had been damaged by improve ment of Fifth street, and asked for relief, threatening to sue if not grantee. The matter w as referred to committee on streets. G. II. Bestow petitioned council (or permission to use part of old dry house. At this time Mayor Straight, who is in ill health, retired and called J. J. Cooke to the chair. Stevens and Wilson filed acceptance of telephone franchise. The following claims against the city were allowed: U. W. Church I 15 00 E. L. Shaw W 00 Sec. of State, cert, copy of charter Hit 25 Courier HO 00 T. W. Fouts 25 00 H. II. Johnson 50 00 L. A. Kobe! 3 10 J. W. Kelly 2 00 Max Schulpius 2 00 M.U. Hackley 2 00 C. E. Burns ; 00 00 C. C. Babcock 90 00 Wilson A Couke tl 25 Port. Gen. Electric Co 172 12 R. L. Holman 35 05 C. L. L. Clark..: 20 00 D. W. Kinnaird 45 00 E. E. Priggs 80 00 Report of city treasurer read and re ferred to finance committee. The dif feient funds showed balances as follows: General fund $1924 56 Water fund Ititi8 37 Main street fund 190 97 Cemetry fund H3 64 Porter moved that treasurer receive no more general fund warrants iu payment of Main street assessment. On motion of Meldrum it was ordered that street superintendent clean Mail) street from First to Eleventh once a month . On motion Councilman Broughton was authorized to make contract with E. F. Driggs or any other attorney to represent the city in collecting street assessment from East Side Railway. F. E. Donaldson, cat-hierof Commer cial Bank by permission addressed the council in regard to Alain street war rants stilting that his bank and certain other purlieu had purchased quite a large block of these warrants, (amount of discount not mentioned) on the sup position that they would have been re deemed within six months of issue, and intimated in a very modest way that the city might issue general fund war rants of same date and number as Main street warrants and redeem the latter therewith. This did not seem to meet views of council and matter was dropped. At Meldrum's suggestion the street committee was authorized to take steps toward moving rails from first sec'ion of Hpproach to the bridgn, so as to make the access to bridge more easy (or teams and move the loafers who congregate there further away from Main street. Moved that warrant for 80 be drawn for E. F. Driggs in payment of bill rendered by him against city, lor pay ment of fees in case of Portland Clay Co. vs. Hamshaw and Oregon Citv vs. Hoffman. After other business was attended to, the meeting adjourned. F Com pa 11 j Elects OHlcers. Quarterly inspection of Co. F. took place at the armory, Monday evening, Adjutant Crowne and Sergeant Honey man coming from Portland for that purpose. After inspection, the follow ing officers were unanimously elected : First Lieutenant F. 8. Kelly, elected captain ; Second Lieutenant Phkens, first lieutenant and Sergeant W, A. Huntley, second lieutenant. Sergeants and corporals are appointed by the cap tain, and these positions will be filled at some future time. The unanimity of the election of these officers is proof of their popularity with the company. The Company, although without a cap tain for several months, is in good con dition. It numbers at present fifty-three men, with several applications for mem bership and is composed of the best and brightest young men in the city. The company room is being furnished very attractively, a handsome carpet having been bought, which adds greatly to the appearance of the room and is creditable to the taste of those having the matter in charge. Oregon City may well be proud of its military company and their armory, Adjutant Crowne remarking Monday evening, that F company wa excelled by no company in the state. For Hale. Span of mares, young, well broken, weight 1200 pounds, well matched and gray in color, for tale cheap. Apply to C. O. T. Williams, Oregon City, Or. lm Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entbbpbisc office. Mbuiith-llrcaker In Oregon City. It was estimated by Mr. Geo A. Stool of the Fast Side Railroad Co , that over six thousand people visited Oregon City, Sunday by way ot the electric cars and boats from Portlutid. Many olhets came from other parts of the state swelling the niiiiilier to eight or nine thousand. The crowd came to witness the daring deeds of Webb, alius Stewart, a bartender of IudeH'iideuce, who 10 Jo over the falls in a barrel, and Frank Miller, who made a balloon ascension and puraehiitH jump, both of which were successfully por foruied at, the appointed time. The barrel was a large fir one, ami whs pad ded comfortably inside It was snlll cicutlv 1 irgo to hold air enough to keep one alive tit I f an hour, so that the brave man emerged, after bis seven minutes ride, pale but ill good condition. The balloon ascension took phiio from the vacant lot, adj lining the Catholic church and was successful in every particular. Just before tlie ascoiiMon the wife of the aerial navigator fell on his neck and kissed him a fond gixsl bye otitis not being on the cards,) thinking she would probably never see him again, but fate was kind and restored him to her arms within a few minutes, no mishaps oc curring, save a collision with the Willam ette rivrr. It is i-aid the hlixxl-curdling acts are to he repented Faster Sunday with the addition of a tight-roi-e perform- ance over the falls. Momliir, April 15th. Miss Carrie S Rudolph, the success ful character impersonator, will shortly appear here under the management of the Y. P. S. C. E. nf tlie Congregational church. Miss Rudolph's success in her own original line has already been es tablished in the largo eastern cities, where she ha" apeared before the best . of society people. She is a very gifted woman, with a pleasing, expressive fare, lit up by a pair of dark eyes, and adorned with a mass of black hair. On the stage she is dramatic and eloquent, and is pos sessed of a entitle power. She imper sonates German, Irish, negro and Yan kee characters with equal ease, and is particularly hriliiant as Marie Stuart. Her rendition of the second scene of act 3d of Schiller's poem of thai name is one of her marked triumphs. "Biddy M'liiiini at th Photog rapher's" shows Miss Rudolph iu her best vein; and there are few actresses who can equal her in German charac ter. Mia Rudolph's selections are nf great varietv, and range from the dees-st tragedy to th brightest humor, and she shows the difference with ease ami read iness. . The New York Herald, in speaking of this brilliant impersonator, says: "She does not employ the usual conventional methods. Her originality is one of her prominent charms, ller costumes are very fine, and appropriate to the differ ent characters in every detail." "But evil is wrought by want of thounlit, As well as want of heart." By want ot thought mothers allow daughters to become frail and puny. Over-study in girls induces uterinn dis eases ana weaknesses, and blights their future happiness as wives and mothers. Joined to proper hygienic Vtre, Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a price less remedy 10 such ailments, its value becoming even more apparent everv year. Using it, the wan, the debilitated school girl gains color, flesh and spirits, losing those deathly headaches, torment ing backaches, languor, dejection, and other symptomsof functual irregularities, and nervous debility. It never harms the most delicate girl. RoRKRTHDALE, HUNTINGDON Co., Pa. Wokld's Dispense ry Mkpicil Associa tion : . Gentlemen I cannot sulliciently ex press to you my gratitude for the Is-ne-fit your medicine has conferred upon my daughter. Of late she has suffered no pain whatever. It is simply murvelous. You have just reason to call it your "Favorite Prescription," and to stake your reputation as a physician on it, A favorite prescription it is, indeed, to you and to thousands in this land, and I believe will be to suffering women the world over. Yours grab-fully. THOMAS THIRLWELL. Asthma cired by newly discovered treatment. Pamphlet, testimonials and references free. Address World's Pis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. When your guidtnan comes home at 'een, He aye expects to see Two cosy slippers on the hearth, And a cup of Japoolo Tea. At the regular meeting of Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, O. E. 8. next Tuesday, the several degrees will be conferred upon three candidates. Highest cash price paid for second hand goods of all kinds at second hand store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th st. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your suhsciption to tlie Kntkkphikk ami get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Dressmaking. Miss Stiner has opened the Bin Ton dressmaking parlers on Seventh street and asks the ladies to give her a call. All work guaranteed. Inio Ur. Price's Cream Baking; Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Ail Important Decision. The validity of tax title lias been passed on by Judge Burnett at the re cent session of the circuit court at Mo Minuvllle. The following pertaining to the rase and decision Is from the Mo- Minnville Reporter; The case of Kuim v Nelson, divided in favor of the defendant, Is of morn than ordinary Interest. This was a rase of ejectment brought by the holder of a tax title against the former owner and was decided in favor of the Utter. There was nothing peculiar to this ruse not common to all other holders of tax deeds by virtues o( sales made (or the taxes for lH'.H), and this decision virtually an nuls every tax deed made under, nnd by yiitue of those sales; yea more, this de cision in effect reunite the holder of the tax title to not only prove the Juris dictiunal fact through all the procedure of the assessment, levy and collection of taxes and sale of land for taxes, but also, that all these facta were done In the ex act manner po:ntod out by the statute. In other words, that any irregularity ap parent of record either of commission or omission in any of the proceedings in the assessment, levy and collection of taxes or the aulu of laud thereof will overcome the presumption in favor of holder of deed anil eoniel the holder of i ll,e lBX t0 'innatively prove that pr.x wdings have lNn regularly done. Coder this ruling, in the opinion of some good lawyers, there ia not 1 valid lax deed in Yamhill county, and all those holding deeds or certificate of sale will lose the money exended by them acouiring such deeds or certificates unless the owners of the land graciously refund the amount paid unless this ruling should I si reversed by I ho supreme court. The above case will piohahly lm taken to the acpreme court and the matter finally adjudicated so as to re move any and all uncertainties. If the above ruling of Judge Biirneit is correct then the law ought to be so amended as to make the tax deed prima facie evi dence of the recitals therein and con clusive evidence of all prior proceedings in the assessment, levy and collection of the tuxes and sales of real proerty for the piirpote of enforcing the payment of taxes. .Notice. Hsving this day bought the stock of harness, saddles, and saddler's harness of A. H. Seh ram, successor to Sthram & Moore, we have appointed Mr, F. D Ball our agent, w ho will offer tho stock at cost for cash in order to close out aa soon as possible. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the late firm will settle their account with Mr. F. D. Ball at once. Tux Gkoiior Lawrknck Co., Portland, Oregon. Oregon City, April, lSHo, Statk or Ohio, Citv or Toi.kdo,) Ll'CAS Col'NTV, f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the linn of F. J. Cheney V Co., doing business in tho city of Toledo, county and stale afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollar" for each and every case of catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure Fhank J. Ciiknxv. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, ttiis (ilh day of December, 1. P..1KS0. A. W'. (Ji.ASoM. Notary Public, I seal. ( Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials free. F. J. Cim.Nitv A Co., Toledo, O. JPSold by drugiiisis, 7"c. The name One Minute Cough Cure suggests a medicine that relieves at once, and quickly cures. Its use proves it. C.C. Huntley, druggist. The Oregon City Steam Laundry does the cleanest uixl best work to be hud in Oregon City. Their prices aro the lowest. Karl's Clover Root, the preat blood purifier gives fresh ness and clearness to the complexion and t.uies constipation, 25c., 50c., tl 00 for selo by Geo. A. Harding. Most peop'e can not afford to experi ment'. They want immediate relief. That's why they iishOiiu Minute Cough Cure. Justice blanks, rem csmte blanks, and all other blanks at the Kntkuprihic of fice. Portland prices. Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair. DRV CREAM a mm MOST PERFECT MADE. K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARDt MUST BE CLOSED OUT In order to timVo room for a lnrgo utm'k of Gents' Furnishing Goods --r Tho ontiro Block of dry hmh1h at tho OnCTAXT CTHUi: WILL BE SOLD OUT COMMENCING SAT., APRIL 6, AT I P. M. EVERY THING MUST CO. MOODY & RINEHRSON. ...Harness snd Saddles... AT COST, FOR CASH. L. D. BALL AGENT, At the Armory Building. J. JONES & SON, PKAI.KH IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Re pairing of all kindri. Jobbing Order Promptly Kxecuted. iiti i:n mi: i ohini. Shop comer Fourth ami Water NEW LOT OUTINGS, Calicoes, Muslins, Shoes Etc. CASH PRICES. 1 biiv 20 lbs. rioe. 28 Urn. white bean 19 lbs dry ?ran. tuiKiir, 20 lbi. extra C.', 20 lbs. prunes, apple or suit meat, I yd, cabot w., 20 Imy a uir gooil oxford usually fl.l), or IikIic mum inillon tmoe usually 1.50. Another Hhipmeiit, Indie dong. slim , pat. tip, great value forl.')i), broken lot shoe at cost or less; Iroy or men's warran ted plow l.oO and 1.!5'; Indies heavy aliptem cut to 4'h;.; Hteel wire miiU li t.t K nt .Ml L,.ir ,,r )t:t II, h 1 IK): 10 to 2(1 iiemiv ' .2,1 ken. or 40 lbs. 11.00; HO to (10 penny 2.00, lepiirtint'iit. ...Red Front Store... OUKGON CITY. ...NOW OPEN... f4eoi Shoe Store KRAUSSE BROS, Next door to Bunneister & Andresen. LATEST DESIGNS I guaranted to be given on all good. A trial is asked, before, you go to Portland. 1 Save Money. And Encourage Home Industry Qregon Picture Frame ) Company Makes a Specialty of Manufacturing Mouldings . . and picture Frames New and Novel Design i Easels Picture J v , -'- 88 entirely trustworthy,, and mooting &L" s the needs of the hour to a second. Our assortment of fashionable jewelery and silverware is very complete, DURMEISTKR a ANDRESEN. m. -i Tir i f AT AUCTION streets, hark of Pope A (V. Oregon City FLANNELS, YARNS, plum, 10 lbs. good bird, 10 lb, dry yds. outing tlunuul, and in ahoe. ! or 4 i lb. 11.00. Reduction in every Hi il-i th .THE 108 Second Street Near Washington M. J. MORSE, Manager. and Art Material Tip wnT2 for No OT. an J those who watch and wait for time will only discover ita flight. You can diHCover an elegant collection of time piores irj our otock of ladies' and gentlemen's gold and Bilve watches, which in all cases are models of ac curacy, keeping time so well that they don't lone it. We can confidently rcc- viuMiuiiu uur nuLcuuH auu ciotiKH. too.