Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1895)
I Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME m:,t.(:o.'mtkamkk. Hliiamer It AM ON A. 1.RAVKN 01111 CITtf. l.AVa roaTl.aND V mi m in, T iwt m V 11 p. 111. II 0. ill, 0:110 p. in, 4.UU i. m. - Tin Km! I'AHUANtlKII HI KAMKIl, ALTON, twk pituii,ai.M inn iHimrHiiH( l. hoar Portland. Taylor ulrnol dock at u A, M, ami lavo OriKiii City lur Salmn 7:1ft A, M. Turailax, 'iliuriUay anil Saturday. Liilv Ind.ipaDilana III AH and Halsin T in A M . and (irrami Oily I uu I' M lur I'urt- lainl Hnuilay, WailnnnUy aud Friday, Pant limn, good annnmHlnlliiui and Iciw rales. Mn way Ir.ialil handle J. VpMilal mux uu liming!! Irllit. HOI'TIIKHN I'ACmU RAILWAY- anKTii sovmu. ralllnrnla Kipraia (through) Ku.ulmrg l-vol (way ilallou.) 7 1(1 a. m. ' S:W p, m, BUI'TN DOIIKD. Hiwidmrg UiO'l (way lalliiiul ('alllnrnla fcspMiaa (through) SI a. in 7:1 p. in WIIXAMKI IK PAIJjMM.itThlC KAll.WAY, Tliua Tablo, Oregon riiy. a (U II mi " 1 1 r. m, Hurt " WI " A, M. u uu " II, Ul " I uu I', M ' tw " t MS ' uu " " 4 uu " 4 SO " h im " Mtl " t .uu " Wllliin'llt Falls, u 4.'. A. M. " II 4ft 1 IK P M. n Ml " : 14 " I KIUY TIH. V 15 A. U. 10: 1ft " II) ' I IH P.M. I 4fi " t lit " t 4,1 " a is " 45 " 4 Ift " 4 4i " 6 I ta " ft 4ii ' 0:1ft " Una a, Hnpl. cr. A IMF. MAIIJt. M.ll.rl.,.. gum North, I'l u., I p m.sp m. Mailt clot ("In H.mili. V a. m., 4.'i p. ni. Il Rul Tta. I rrititi HI, t" I'urtlaad over Hid Hall way. lraoi U W V. M. and tf f M.arrlvea II IB A. M and 4 to l. M nrrloa, Ka.trrn, Will Hide, Sandy aud Highland ruute. mall. or..(.ni Clly lo Kly, Carm, Mnlliut. Liberal and Mnlalla Irawi at I'i ni and arrtvoa at l lu. dally Oregon Clly In Haaver ( riwk, Mink. (Mark. Mi'udi.w liriB.k.l'iiliiu Mllla. and I, leave, at lu a. in. Monday Wrdnaaday aud FrlJay aud return, uu Mluwln davaat I .tft p. ni Oregon Hty to Viola, 1-og.n and lledland leave. iirrii Clly Monday Weilnewlav ad Krldny at I uu , M , leaving aaiue dayi at 7 uu A M, KK1DAY, AI'KIL 6, 1K. Tun Twii.uniT t'l.t u Tua Knthk i hihi wa highly pleased with tlie cor rcaiajndence (rum Mount 1'leaaant two weeks mnce. It whk mainly devoted Ut tlia iloinKi ' Tailii'ht Club. "Tlie dl j t ul tlio club" lay ilia corre- punHvni. "in to (Win K!il (eatur lor Mount I'luaiuknl, u that Ihoau morn of Iran liolattxl from law xtvuntatfun of tits city ahull not b wholly without fixed til. ici (or n) uiirovnn'iil ami a nocial Inllowalilu." The votinu m-otile o( Mount I'lffitamit aru evitlviilly hubupJ with tht) riuhl 0 Int. Their aim are IiIkIi aid iiiihlt). Ami It U lo jtint atit b younir iwople that we may Ionic (or our Inuilnra in atnlo anil county inulttMH, uml ill all that niitltra up KMat aa icty anil Kood cltxtnHliip in thf (iiture. V have unothiT rlu-H of vdiiiiu Hoiln, not only In our auhnrlia. hut rlu lit Imtm in the licurtol tlio city, who niinht g iin aatly in ull that trail to trim inuuhooi) ami woumnlnHxl by timilatiii th example of the Twilight Club. M any n atuml on the lout oil he Suvi'iitli Htrcut bUIth, any clear evening ami ' th nunilHT of yotmu men coming down from thu suburb, to eml the timo n waya that can not Improve them morally, nocmlly or tii'iilully. Hotter throw away yonr ttiipirtttti'a, boyij club together In your own ne'uthborbotxl, and i(ct up oini'lliiii ufu-r the luttern ( the Twi light that will give a n)lnliii of pleaa nre ami intellectual fool. Try it, all through the county. Our word for it, the old fulk wilt help you, and give you room In thulr houaei. Onion Kaininu. In the vicinity of Tutlaiiti there are many acrei prepared for onion, which i akatireillv a paying lt.,l,iuliu r..La Itua flu aoma unil I from what he lu realixed on onion baa been able to build a tine reaidence and other building. There alio can be noted tbe well-drained Galbraith and Hedge flwaiiipa and other, aggregating in all over 11)00 acrea. Two IiulianajiiHl above Tnulatin on tun ncrea cleared f 10,000 in one HciiHon. Ah a witneaa in a caae re cently a Mr. Fanno, of near Beavet'ton, Bwort) 1 1 ni t he rained (urty arrei of onion every year and clear on an average of $700 ier acre It ia altera, Mitre crop unleHi thu r.iin pitira down dining all tlie month of September, anil in the nieinory of olil-timora tbia in un tinuHual occurrence. Tlie onion land around Tualatin ia mi per lor in the riihutma of the coil. It haa no viaihlu outlet for the water. The topaoil and decayed vege table mutter are watihod into these n wHiitp ami after yeur a sort of blue clay ia wuhIicJ in and a rich black loam of muck i formed, 0wt go Ironworker. A Kkahon Wuv tiii Mail Skkvicb is Sworn at. The following letters have twen hold by Postmaster 8. H Oreen (or lack of postage and IntttitTuilent ad dress , t. ., 1 t .11 , . After the expiration of thirty day, the letter, if till unclaimed, re sent to the dead letter office: - Mian Dora Stirfu. Oregon City; Rev Win. Powell, Beaver Creek; Mrs. W. J. Best, Clackamas Or. ; Hearth A Home, Agueta, Me. ; Gem Novelty Co., Frankfort, Ind. ; Mrs. Elma Campbell, Cleveland, Minn; 7 tjletail Merchants A Business Men's Protective Aiwocmtloii, Portland, Or.; Jolm M. Kn-iK'T, liuriraml, Null.: K, L. KidloKACo., New Voik, N.Y.jMr, 1 John Niuhola, HmIIwooiI, Or, ; Mr. Millie I.ii hiil, KflUixHl, Or, : Mr. it. W. Carey, Oruy,on Oily, j John I', Wilaon, Oregon City ; Jiolbi-y IWoa,, Oregon City, ai d one other liming no adilrcHH. A v ruaul of the alxivn lut will madily con villi: Huyoue that Oregon City coutiiini a good many people nut exempt from that ainall a! n called citrelnaHiica. Much trouhln ia cuiimiuI, poNiinaHtera blamed and clerka anathematized, be catiMt mall mutter it not properly pre pared for the cilice, ('onaidvration hIioiiIiI be nIiowii poatul ullli'liiU ami ad-dream-N writ lull legibly, ulerka often in juring their cyealgbt by oonxtantly read ing writing that rutin up hill. (ioHI'KI, TkMI'tltKNCN MkKTINOK TIlH (ioaH'l Te.i."Tance meellngH heltl on Friday, Hutunlay anJ Hiinduy of laat wnfk, were aiming the moat aurci-tHlul ever lielil in Ihla city. Mr. Ilulen II. Harford, the Quaker lady who liua been in the field work of the W, C. T. U. (or the punt four your, delivered her Inc turea In audi a dulightful manner that one could not fail to be iuipreaaed with the nobility of I he ciitiHe for which ahe la luboring. On Friday evening the audience was dulilititd with the apcclal milalc by the llttiitiat mule quartet, alao a duel by Mm. While and Mr. Miller. Haturday evening the Miatca Younger gang "WhiaH-ring Hopu" in a very pleuamg iiiunner ami Mint Kthel Al bright aang a hvaullfiil tcuiH-rum-e aolo. lUtl you ever aeu lloirur? If not, do not fail to attend the "Katra Keaaimi of the ICgialutiire," which will he giv n at bhlvulv'a hall. Kiittirday, Ajiril V.I, at 7 :'M) p. in. The "extra HcaNnm" la nut a caricature, but a repreaeiiiai ion of the actuul appropriiitioii liilln, clerk hire, etc. of the legialuluie, witnafew "extiaa" for the amUMHiiienl of the audit-nee. Pi.xamant Si'Ki'KiaK I'akty. Mra. Oil- man l'uiker'a Hiilida.v i-clnxil chott kavo her a Htirpriae party Monday niuhl. It iantN'tlleaa to:iy thiil ahe wun completely but pleuaantly aurpriee I. Hev. I'urker arrived In time to get the full benefit of it and to contribute liii portion uf tl.e fun. The t me waa iaaard in ;igyiug gamee, Ringing kdiih, telling atoiiea and inatrumcntal plecea by the young ludiea. (irandmother Fry, w ho ia 81 ycura of age, took aa lively an interest aa any of the young people. All came away on the I'i o'clock car, vowing that Mr. ami Mm l'arker'a was tbe beat place hi the world to have a giod time. Tlioe preaent weic: . Mle I."IU I ll"ip, Ka'le Mounta, Daiay Lawrence, Dolly Croaa, Venli Monro", lluttie rnoiupson, An nie Pelora, M ila-I and Hmlie Keayer. Mtara. Jj!iii Williunn, Lewi Yo lor, F.raHtua Smith, Winnie Iatlchey, Will Iteach, Percy (!roaa, Charlie Hn'na, Wulter Neinvre, Jacob ToiiipkiiiH, Clus ter Hole St-avtr an ! Fr'tl I'arker. MohilanteH Parker ami Lawrence acted director. All wiah that April would cotne oflener. Mil. IIavnk is tit t The O i-gnnian of the 2d give the foll jv.itig: "J. T. Il.tyiie, eilitor ol thu I'or'Un l"r. will not he achiHil cle.k of ili.-liicl No. 1. It ha boon rumored for acveral tlav that Mr. I lay ne, who at the laat moetingol the board of diiectoi wa elected achool ulurk, to take the plai'e id II. S. Alton, would not b able to fmuUh the re quired bund and that a no- election would be iieceasary The school clerk of district No. 1 handle over $300,00) a year of thu taxpayer' money and ia require I to give bond for the faithful perltirmancH oi hi duties. 1'liia bond muat be tiled within 10 day from the time of In election, and, in Mr. Ilayne's case, the time expired laat evening. The exposure to all wort and condi tion of weather that a lumberman i called upon to endure in the cam pa, often produce Revere cold which, if not promptly checked, reault in congeation or pneumonia Mr. J. O. lavenpurt, ex manager of the Fort Bragg KuJwood Co , an immense institution at Fort Rragg, Cul., eaya they sell latge quiinti tie of Chamberlain's Cough liemedy at the company's atoie and that lie haa himself uaed thiH rmeiiy for a severe cold and obtained immediate relief This medicine prevents iiy tendency of a cold toward pneumonia null in. urea a prompt recovery. For sale by CI. A. Harding, druggist. (Jonk I'Ki.iNtitiRNT Tuxes are now delinquent in Columbia county, the roll hitving been cloned Inst Sultirduy with only about half of the levy collected. As the roll wa open hut a little over a month it will doiihtlcHS work hardship on muny taxpayer who were tillable io raise the cash whereby to pay their taxes. In this county Sherill Matldock ha been more lenient and will give ample time to the eople of Clackamas In which to pay their taxes. At the rate the collection are being made Clacka mas county will have a very small de linquent roll at tne time for closing. Will's need are good; Likewise hi trees and plants. Twelfth annual cata logue now ready, is full of things that i V U IIIIOIVBb roil, HIIIUUIK WIOUU MIC ' rtCaUn0 the. iww 'foraw plant. Great Northern Bean, seventy day corn, first of all peas and golden queen onion. Hardy fruit and forest tree at hard times prices $25 in price for best yield of coin. Oacar 11. Will, Bisiuark, North Dakota. Photo easels, both in gilt and silver, at the Racket store. KKAL ENTATB TKAJWFE1W. FuriilHhed Erer; Week by (he ClHcka iiimh Abhtract A Truat CoiiipaDj. W L Wablll lo'Hamuel IVdigo W I) Jan 3, 'M the )'t of the nw of the aw4' of 4uc 2M, 1 1 a, r 4 e con. UOacreg 400 tiamuel l'edigo to Jol n II Joiinwjn W U June 3, 'l4, tlie of the nw' of tbe aw of aec 20, 1 1 r4 e.... 1000 B Kim to Ja3ob Kurx W I) Mar 28 'U5 claim 38 In t 4 I. r 3 e, 322 acre 0000 John L'liarnhart to Chriatian 8 Arnold W D Dec 28, 'U4, 24.04 acreiinthe Crow claim.. 6000 (iladalune Ileal F.atate Aaaociulion to b 8 Itelloiny W D March 21, '(15 loU 14 and 16, blk 27, O lad atone 400 B Kurt to O W Beaver W D, Mar 21. 'IT., claim 38, t 4 a, r3e 322 acre 6000 K E Moody to John Alexander W I) Aug 21 '84, tract 7 InMolalla . 100 Aaa gander to the M K churcb of Molalla WDFebl, fV,04 and 2 3 roila of land in the M Hweigle claim John Johnaon to Julia Tacharning partaof lola 1,2,7 and 8 blk 27, O C bond for deed March f, ''J') United Hlatea to Heth Auaien pat April 0, '1)4, lota 1, 2 and the at-U 800 of the ne'i of aec 0, in t 0 a, r 2 e John Kiaer to A J Monk W D March 28, lola 7 ami 8 blk 3 of O I A 8 Fiat add to Oawego J W KooIh to 8 II Curry W I) Feb 2'J, 'U5, lola 1 and 2 of Koot'i add pat 100 to MarHhtield 4o0 Willamette I-and Co to Sarah K Taft W I) March 0. '05 lota 8 and V blk 8 of Ap)raou' Hubd. of hi kit 6, II, and 7 of Park Place . . . Have your Tit lea examined and Ab"tract made by the CLACKAMAS AIWTIUCT A TKU8TCO who have the only complete eel of Abmracta of Title of all. latul in Clackuuua county. Accurate ai d reliable work by a reajion ihle firm Ollice up atuir in the Cau Held building. High Prlcftl llutier. A stibacriber to the Pacific Farmer wiahea to know why creamery butter alwaya outm-lla the heat of farm or dairy I . t . - n . .. .1. i.t J TliuFU .PA tn reaao...: The one moat apparent tolhave a sample book free for every the common ohaerver and one moat commented upon i that creamery bmter ia sold in micb large qnantitie and ia o uniform that it eHtahlihhe its reputation, and the reputation a such as the article sella it. The other reason and the one overlooked by most peoplu who comment on tho auhject is very different. The farmer who make good butler and Is near a market large enough to handle good creamery butter in large quantities di1 not have to sell to the grocer, lie sell to the private customer the year round at a good figure, consequently hi butter doea not come in competition with higli priced creamery; it i 'he poorer claa of country butter, the poor imported butter, and the poor creamery btitur. which ia all labeled country in order to keep up the price of best creamery in the house doing the liest business. In pluin wonls tbe best 'arm butter doe not sell for lea in the markot than the best creamery, because private families get it before it reaches the market. Two Lire Saved. Mr. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City, III waa told by her doctor she had con sumption and that there wa no hope for her, but two bottle of Dr. King' New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tho. Egger, 139 florid 8t. San Fran cisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, ap proaching Consumption, tiled without result everything else, then bought one bottle ol Dr. King' New Discovery and in two week wa cured. He is natur ally thankful. It is such result, of which these re sample, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colls. Free trial bottles at Charman A Co'. Drug Store, Charman Bros Block. Regular site 60 cent aud fl 00. Nntlee. Regular quarterly meeting of the Mull noin ih District l'oiiioiia Grange, wl II be held at Oswego on the second Wednesday in April, the l()th, at 11) o'clock, a in. All fifth-degree mem bers cordially invited and those wishing to take the fifth deg'ee will uleupe bring proper certificate from their subordi nate granges, MARYS. HoiVAHD, Secrelarv. Tu (ioid Trinplnrs. Do you know thut Moore' Revealed Remedy ia the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain adop of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing it ia known only lo its ducover; that it Ih an advance, in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nineteenth century; that it proprietors offer to forfeit 1, 000 for any case of dyspepsia it will not cure? Appetite and sleep may be improved, every part of the system strengthened and the animal spirits regain their buoyancy by the use of Dr. J. 11. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial ami Blood Purifier. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Ilex! Real ParHaparilla is not a Cure-all, but it in a good spring medicine The formula in the bent one we know of, delected from many famous ones and we can recommend H in all canes where a Blood Puri fier is required. C. G. HUNTLEY, Preacription Druggist, Oregon City, Or. THE WATERMARK in writing Paper always indicates high quality stationery and is never found in cheap goods. Every sheet of our M. & II. line has its watermark; and each style we carry 20 varieties has its individual and appropriate work. Did vou ever notice it? If not we lady We have all the items necessary to complete the assortment for the writing desk gold Pens steel Pens sealing wax inks erasers, etc. We make a specialty of Copper Plate Printed visiting cards. Huntley's Book Store. Oregon City. PostofFicc-:- Store, MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY-:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. 0.WISSTNGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. F.ntabliahed 163. HI PIONEER Trance i1 nd Efe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. A scientific zj- pi CUdlflUUUUI Ahidirif.ltolsaiii "r . f us-: h (brlhccurrof I i-4 mm una in tne iirau" ? and Sore Eyes. It fe, -VJ tSJ V RuWSMTASUmVt' ta UHPIMSANT BREATH.1' U BY NAIL rOR PRttlHU OROYI1J-E.CAL, For sale by C. G. Huntley. 1 Mik . it nil. Dress Goods THOS. CHARMAN & SON. -SPRING- STOCK The Pioneer Store. V A a ttr Spring Cloaks.- directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their own letters, or keep their own books; and who do not know when buslneaaand legal paper which they nut handle every day are niade out correctly. WK these thlnr. and much more, we teach thcnvughl. Hundreds of our graduates are In good position, and there will be opening', for hundreds niore when times Improve. .Vote Is the time to prepare for hem. Beide. business education la wor h nit it coats, for ont i writ utt. Send for our catalogue, to learn vhat and kino we teach. Mailed free to any address. Portland Business College, A. Armatrenc. Prln. Portland, OregOn. J. A. Wasco, Brtr. D O YOU DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H. BErSTOiflk Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY. SCHWAN & PUTROW. GARDEN Complete Stock, FOR AST0RIArFAST TIME. Steamer Bailey Gatzeri Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. T-t. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Oatzert everjr night, for Portland. Tickets of all other lines good on Gatzert. Outing Flannels - A Beautiful j i -Rugs. ! are lost annually. NEED f TOOLS. Trices Low. I M I