Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1895)
p Oregon City tntcrprise. kkihay, Ai'itiL ft, lKjtr,. , ClacknmHS Co. Directory. COUNTV UKKICKItH, Jul", ;.rli ill Courts, MlmrlrT, Itttnorilnr, Trtturiir, A'lesMir, H. ih. Mil Miiirluluilut, Hiirvnynr. . Cormier, CuaimlMliiiiorii, florrion K. !! lli'O. F. Hrtrtfiu K (.', Mxldrnk M. M Kmnnlir M. L MiHiri ). I). Hradlny II. H. U Hi... li Kli'linri Frank J "Knur CHAT ABOUT TOWN. l'rlcca tlio hi went liml Front 8 tore. (Junlun si-din, (irnt MimU, Flower hcihIh, Olllllll wis, K. K. William, the grootir. Try JupiMlh) Tl' at Marr it KolwrtAoim, lull fur NMIIIplH. Fir and limb wood wanted at tlila tf office. A new linn of aiilti coinlii at the Racket NlorK. If you want a good pump Imy tlie llui'knye of WiUun A Cooke, lllglioitt prire paid liy the Commercial hank for ronniy and city warrant. Frnvtag'a apitiiiig plckloscan be bail at the Corner grucwry. lUwt In the market. See the new dagger hair ornament, amW ule in and metal tip, at the Hacket nturo. Ordera left at Frank llarlow'a atore, for 4 fixt or 1(1 Im h wood, promptly filled by F. I'aiker. loxt, on Main Htrent, a amall, red, uiorucco-coventd note-book. Finder will pleuM leave at KaTHNi'Mma olllce. Ukiuiih k. Applea, prune, ralHlna, plums or rice 6 cent a pound ; lemon ud orainfea a Nnny each at The lied Front. I'rof, Matthew Ilrown who la a profca aional club slingrr la to alio bin skill in that line at the Iliiptint entertainment the lL'tb. Ihi not fail to aee him l!y watrlilng fur dangerou aymptoina nd by k viim 8t-filmn'a Hoollilng pow dera at the right time, aave your baby from II U or convulsion during teething. Il cnren pileH, it cure obaliimte aorei, chapped hauda, woundi It doca tliia quickly, la there any good reason why you ahould not una Ihs Wilt'l Witch Ilrnn-I Salve? A number of the ladlua of the II p tint church of thia city, will attend the an nual meeting of the W. It. F. M. H. of Oregon, which will be held in Alhlna on Friday o( thia week. (iluilntone greenhouse la the place to gut yoar plant A Hue collection on band of bagouia, belitropea, geranium, cineraria, (lima, peluniua, pelargon ium, i'bryantlitiniiin, carnation, callaa, etc., etc., at hed-rot-k price. Takeadoae ol IeWitl'a Little Early Itinera juat fur the good they will do you. Tbtwe little I'illa are good for Indigestion, good lor lioadace, good for liver com plaint, food for conciliation. Tbey are good. C. U. 1 1 tun U-y , driiKgiMt. The I,adi' MiKnionary Society of the lUptlHt church iutld an all day meeting, at lit borne of Air. ' A. F. Tarkar in OUdHtono, on . Tuesday. Within the luMt aix montha, this tociety baa con tributed f:0 toward foieign miaalonury work. - , .fi The body of Urn man, who committed eiilclcln, near CMuckanina, lut Wedttea day, w,ta buried by Coroner Ilolman, 1 Friday. The appearance of the body, indicated hi in to be no common tramp, hot no one appeared, who could identify Mm remain. , IWiUon A Cooke have moved their alock of hardware one door aouth of the Commercial Dank, but will itill occupy their old aland for farm implimenfi, audi aa Bain wagon, Oliver plow, lluckeye and Pitcher pump, cultivators, bay rake, mower and wliuolbarrow. CJo to the llupiUt church Friday even ing of next weok, April 12th, and see tho lightning club alingor, Mathew Ilrown of Portland. There will also be an umbrella drill and other good en tertainments. AdmlHaion 10 centa. At the Baptist church on the 12th there Is to be an ice cream social alter the entertainment. The lecture of Kll l'erkina, America' greatest humoriHt, ujion "The I'liiloao phy of Wit and Humor," Tuesday even ing, wa enjoyed by a . large audience, notwithstanding the atormy . weather. Tbe loctnre, which wa replete with wit and humor, held the clone attention of the people for more than two hours and proved to bo very instructive aa well as amusing. The wjfe of Mr. D. Robinson, a promi nent l'umbornian of Hartwick, N. Y., was sick with rheumatism for five montha. In speaking of it, Mr. Robinson aava; "Chamberlain's Pain Bulm is th only thing that gave her any rest , (ii)m pain. For -the relief of pain It can Al it be beat." Many very bad cases of tdgieuniatiain have been cuied by it. For II alo at 50 centa per bottle by Geo. A. PERSONAL NOTES. John I), ft'V. of J'orilHtid, was In (lie cllv on TuKNiliiy. Tlioimi i'.Iuiiciuirr), of Njw Kru, vis ited till city on TuvDiliiy. Croud H. titration, of luHt Portland, waa In tuwn on hunlnH Thursday. Hullo Jolnmoii, of The Halloa, vlHltcd IiIn fuiiilly In thin clly Wodniimluy Frank Vamllno and Hurry Hlngloton, ' of 8ulwi" vi"lu,1 city Huiy. Mr. and Mrs, C. T. Howard of Mulino were in town on hunlnes Thurmlay. Mia Julia Tucliarnlg ha been III at her home in this city the past week. Ileyerly Apperoii, formerly, of thia city, visited friends in town haturday Frank French, mm of Mr. Smith French of The Iallea, wa In town Hun day. Hon. II. I). McOuire, IImIi and game wanliin, was in the city Tuday on husiuvN. Mr, Kriicnt McKey and Chaa. McKey, of Portland, vlnited friends in town. Hiuiday, MIh Iiura Ileattiu, of Kugene, ia vUitlng bur aialer, Mra. J. J. Cooke, In this city. K. F. lblgif went to Ashland lat Friday, on btilneM, returning home Wednesday Mr. Jame Church wa con lined to hi homo with la gripo, several day the past week. Mlsa Ixjiilne Ware, ol Sweet Home, Or., la visiting her brother, Postmaster Green, In this city. Mis Klyira Apoeraon of McMiunn villi), wa the guest of Miss Winnie Williams, Sunday. Miss Mai', (irant, niece of W. W. Marrs, who ha been ill for aome time, ia recovering her health. Mra. Kxra llutson. who baa liven been ill with the gripie, baa recovered auffl- ciunlly to be about. Mlsa Ada Hall of Portland spent Sat urday and Sunday in our city aa the guest of Misa l.ticclfa Wheeler. , Misa Fay Pwlck of Dayton, who ia studying elocution in Portland, wm the guest of Mr. I.. C. Irlt:K during the week . Prof. K. E. herrin, of Forest (irove, visited hi brother, Dr. II. E. Ferrla, of this city, several day during tbe past week. Messrs. O. II. Meussdoi flt-r and Ira Jones, of Portland, were in town, Sun day, and witnessed the bazurdou deed performed. J. P. Ixivelt, who wa called to South IUnd, Indiana, several Weeks ago by tlie death ol bis mother, returned to this city Tuesday. Mr. Will L.Miller left Monday night for Jacksonville, Or., for a short visit, bop lug that the change will prove bun eflciul to his health. Misa Flora Unss, who is one of the teachers in the Baptist Chinese mission In Portland, visited Mrs. I.. C. Driggs, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Emilia Sheldon who baa been visiting Mr. and Mra. C. II. Wheeler of this city, returned to bur home in For est Grove Wednesday. Geo. L. Story, returned last Sunday from Rosehurg, where be attended the funeral of his father John R. Story, who was an Oreirnn pioneer. Robert Iislie, road supervisor, and J. T. T. Drake of Marquam, were in town thia week, attending to busines con nected with the county court, Chaa. Meserve left Sunday for Chits kanie where lie exacted to remain over one day but was taken ill and will not be able to return until next week. Mr. Lawrence Driggs of this city and Joseph Barrett of Portland went up the Clackamas, Monday, on a fishing excur sion, returning Tuesday with a goodly number of speckled beauties. Among the prominent citizens of Port land w ho were in town Sunday to wit' ness tho thrilling events which took place were, II. L. Idlemsn, R. 8. Farrell, II. F. Gullixon and W. B. Honeyman. Mrs. J. B. Robinson, of Oakland, Cul., arrived in this city Sunday morning and will visit with her mother, Mrs. F L. Cochran, for a few weeks. Mrs. Rob inson was a passenger on the Oregon ex press, which was robbed thia aido of Wheatland, Cal., Saturday morning, but knew nothing of the affair until after the trouble was over and the robbera gone. She says the cautiousness of the passengers In secreting their money and valuables the night after the "hold-up" was very amusing. The state convention of republican clubs will be bold in Portland May 22nd. This promises to be one of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings of the convention. It is hoped that every Clackamas county republican club will elect delegutes, and then see that the dolegutes attend. Each club is entitled to one dolcgate at large and one for twenty-five members or a fraction over of fifteen. A call for the Oregon City club will be published in the next issue Of the E.ITKHI'RIBX. A mooting of Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M. will be held next Satur day evening at 7:30 p. m. Photo easels, both in gilt and silver, at the Racket store. CIIAl'TAKiUA AHHOCIAriOI. Nccniid Annuul Awfiiihly atGladHloii Turk. July 10-l, 1H0.. The almost phenomenal success at tending the first Chautauqua aHiirihly held at Gladstone Park, July ?i, 2.'), 20, 1H!4. bus led to further extension nf plana for thia year. In accordance with the true CliuiiUuipia Idea tlie following deportments of study have been pro jected and partially arranged for: School of music, In charge of Mr. A. H. Dresser, who so ably conducted this department last year; School of Ait, Professor John Ivey of San Francisco. Professor lvey has conducted the school of art at Pa cillu Grove, California, five years. Some of Prof. Ivey's paintings have lately been on exhibition in London and Liver pool, England, where the press has spoken highly of their merit j tbe New York Illustrator ia preparing a series of plate from hi paintings of Pacific coast scenery, Tlie department of elocution will be in charge of Miss Sara N. Brow n, of the Itoston School of Oratory. Pro lessor Hammond of Southern Oregon, a peciulist in Oregon flora and collector for the Smithsonian Institution, lias been invited to take charge of the de partment of botany, in which be will be assisted by Francis D. Lloyd, professor of biology at Pacific University. Pro fessor (i. W. Shaw, the well known and popular State chemist, ol Corvallis, has consented to conduct the school of chem istry. Professor Thomas Condon, of al most national fame, has consented to conduct the department of geology and mining. Professor J. II. Ackerman, superintendent of Multnomah county and principal of the Harrison street school, will take charge of the Teachers' Normal or department of edagogy. Professor Haw ley, of Salem, w ho was such a favorite last year, superintends the Sunday school normal department, assisted by several of the moot noted Sunday school workers on tbe coast. He will also lecture on Current Histoiy. Mra. E W. Allen, of Portland, will su perintend tbe primary Sunday school work, assisted by speciuUsta in kinder garten and junior work. The depart ment of physical culture is also projected. The Assembly program, while still in complete at thia early date, already in clude such attractive names aa that of Dr. Gunaalus,tbe great orator of Chicago, Misa Susan B. Anthony, the most fa mous woman in America. Dr. George R. Wallace, the king of wit and humor, Dr. Charles Fdward Locke, known east and west as a brilliant orator and lec turer, lion. U. M. Irwin, tiie popular state superintendent of public instruction, President Chapman. the polished Shakes ieareao lecturer, Professor Jubn Ivey, of San Francisco, of whom it la uiificult to decide whether he is more an artist in words or in colors, the gifted Mra. Nsr- cissa White Kinney of Astorfa, Dr. Mc Clelland, of Pacific University, Presi dent Thomas Newlin, of the Friends' college of New berg, President P. L. CampMl of State Normal, President Hawley of Salem, Dr. Stratton of Port land University. Many others w!;L whom the committee are in correspon dence are being daily added lo the list. Arrangements for special days are projected on a scale hitherto unparalleled in this State. These include Patriotic Day, College Day, including a sympo sium of colleges. Recognition Day, in which Dr. Locke addresses the C. S. L. C graduates, supported by the Hayden orchestra, Y. M. C. A. with addresses, field sports, bicycle races, basket ball and acrobatic feats, Young People's Day with programs by the Y. P. S. C. E.,the Junior Endeavor, Ep worth League and other young people's societies, Woman's Day, including speakers on Eipial Suf rage, Missions and W. C. T. U. work, Teachers' Day, Farmers' Day, Press Day and Pioneer Day. Bands and musical societies all over the state are notifiy tho committee of their willingness to assist in tbe festival of song and music, the Schubert Quartette, of Pacific Uni yersity, the Ladies' Band of Corvallis, The Quaker Band from the Friends' College at Newberg, the Huydun orcheS' tra of Portland the singing Chinese children, alt the local bands and others. One of the commendable features of the Willamette Valley assembly is the light expense attending thia delightful ten day's outing. Tents can be brought, Wnt space and fuel free. Supplies o! ;l kinds can be purchased on the grounds or in the markets of Oregon City and Portlund at reasonable prices. By special arrangement low rates will be given on all the railroad, motor and steamboat lines in Oregon. In prepara tion for this assembly the East Side motor line is already extending its track farther into the grounds so that passen gers may alight within a few yards of the auditorium, cars to run every ten minutes during the day and evening. The electric system of lighting will be extended and improved. An auditorium for a thousand ieople will stand on the border of Chautauqua lake, and the old auditorium of last year will be devoted to class and comniitte uses. Concluded next week. Milk Cow Tor Sale. Good fresh milk cow for sale. Cheap for cash. Address J. M. Findlev, New Era, Oregon. 2t The Thursday Night club waa pleas antly entertained at the home of Mrs. T. A. Pope last week, it being the last meeting ot tne club lor Una season. Court RoblDhoiid Election. At their last meeting the Forester elected a delegate (Mr. J, D. Humph' rey) to represent them ut the convention of the Grand Court of Oregon, Ancient Order of Foresters of America, which will be held at McMinnvllle, May 14. The Grand Court I composed of dele gate from each Biihordiriuta Court un der it jurisdiction together with the sit ting olliier. There will be present alxiut 25 officer and delegates from all parts of the stale. The Grand Court convention will elect a supreme repre sentative to represent the Grand Court at the Supreme Court convention, which will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, next September. The Supreme Court meets once in two years. Among the impor tant mutt tor that will come up for con sideration, and action at the supreme convention will be a popular and safe endowment law, a new official regalia, a new ritual with two new degrees and the introduction of the Order into for eign countriea. The present mamber ship of the Order in tlie United States is about 150,000. J. R. Kkmnidy, Fin. Secretary, In resioiise to a suggestion from their pastor, Rev. M. L. Rugg, the members of the Baptist church appeared at the Wednesday evening prayer meeting, each with a package ol provisions, which will he used lo aid some of the destitute laiuiliei in the city. Mr. Richard Harding Davis, who started from the eastern coast of Hondu ras about the middle of January to ride across Central America, has arrived at Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, from which place he will continue on to the capital of Nicaragua, and from there to Corinto, on the Pacific side. From that point he takes a steamer south to Caracas in South America, crossing the Isthmus of Panama on the way. Tbe ride to Tegucigalpa was made on mule back over the mountains, and lasted six teen days ; the second half of the trip to Corinto will require about ten days more. Mr. Davi is accompanied by Mr. Henry Somers Somerset and Lloyd C. Griscom, and his purH)se is to describe the places visited by these gentlemen and himself in a series of articles which will appear in Harper's Monthly and Harper's Weekly as soon as possible after bis re turn to New York. California, the Land of Dlcorerles. Why will you lay awake all night, when that most effective and agreeable California remedy Santa Abie, will give you immediate ' relief? Santa Abie is the only guaranteed cure for consump tion, asthma and all bronchial com plaint. Sold only in large bottles a 1. Three for 12.50. C. G. Huntly will be pleased to supply you and guarantee relief when lifted as directed. California Cut-R-Cure never fails to relieve catarrh or cold in the bead. Six month's treat ment 1: by mail $1.10. Trial bottle 50 cents. Rpniornl. Drs. Illckey tbe dentist owing to the increased practice in their Portland office has been compelled to discontinue their Oregon City office. Parties desiring dental work will find them in theDekum building Third and Washington streets Portland. Those having $5 or more worth of work done will bave their round trip fair deducted from their bill. Money to Loan. A farmer wants to loan $350. Inquire at this office. It Stands on Its Mkrits Nothing else ! Japoolo Tea. Marr A Robertson Agente. Something for nothing. Everyone who buys a Rand-McNally Guide stands insured in the Fidelity & Casualty Co for $1000, without charge. Subscribers insured continuously. For sale by all newsdealers. Milk! Mllkf Milk I Randall A Mver will furnish you quart of milk a day for a month for $2.00 and other quantities in proportion, and guarantee it pure. 4 v " For Sale. One 4-year-old mare, weight 1250 lbs. Address Lock Box 354, Oregon Citv. 2t You ought to know this: De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores, and a well known cure tor piles. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Busy people have no time, and sensi ble people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent re sults. IT CAN NOT BURN OUT But affords safe and reliable Insurance to all Eleveu vam of unimralled Dronperltv. A divid end paid to Its stockholders auuually siuoe or ganlialiou, STATE INSURANCE CO OF SALEM. OR. The onlv Orpiron flrelnmininrecomDanyever managed on solentlflo Are Insurance ; princi ples. A fluttering Increase lu assets and net surplus during 195. O Rice with Hon. Geo O. Rinearson, daggar Bld'g, Main Bet. 7 & 8. Andrew O. Malsten, Agent For Oregon City and Clackamas County. The "State" Issues the most liberal farm policy now Issued on tbe cosst- Male Hnnday Hohool Convention. The Sunday school convention season has opened this spring with marked in terest auiong t!.n oianiz-d counties. ! Tl.- m..i t. n i v . 11 i no .ijiiuiiuujuu, wiiu aaiiiaii, i allium, Marion, Polk, Lane, Benton, Washing ton, Douglas and Josephine county as sociations have already met, or are mak ing arrangement to meet within the next few week. Large attendance and increased interest ia the general report. Plan are well under way for the state convention to be held In Portland May 7-9. Thia will be the tenth annual meet ing of the slate association, and is ex pected to break all previous records in point of attendance. The program will be of unusual piactical benefit, taking up almost exclusively the more recent methods and plana for enlarging and bettering the Sunday school work which have been tested and proyed, and are being adopted by many schools. Prominent place will be given to normal study, in its bearing on the prep aration of the teacher, and its use in the school, with definite auggestions, for introducing it. This will doubtless bring up the question of establishing a uniform course of normal lesson for use throughout the state, and the appoint ment of a state normal committee or.' superintendent. Primary work will also receive special attention. Paper relating to the equip ment of the teacher, the matter to be taught, and particularly the introduction of kindergarten principles, will lie pre sented by successful primary woikers. These papers will afford material help in information and suggestion, to every person interested in the teaching of tho youngest children. Among other topics on the program will be the home class department, house-to-house visitation, field days, grading and the use of the blackboard . The convention will open Tuesday even ing, May 7th, and close Thursday after noon, May 9th, tbe sessions being held in the handsome new edifice of tbe First Congregational church, at Park and Madison streets. Arrangements are being made for the entertainment of all delegates, and several new features are anticipated, which will add to the pleas ure of those in attendance. The Enterprise ia the only news paper in Oregon that gives a cash pre mium to those paying their subscription in advauce. Karl'a Clover Boot will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c., 50c., and a dollar. For sale by Geo. A . Harding. NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND the bad habits and early vices of young men and their dis astrous consequen ces. Young men and old men, those who suffer from nervous debility and exhaustion, tbe wasting away of the vital strength and Sower from hidden rains or intemper ate habits can readi ly find relief for body and mind by writing; the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y. They employ a full staff of physicians and Specialists, who treat at a distance by correspondence or at tbe Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, all this class of diseases. Those) who suffer from low spirits, irritable temper, a "broken-down" nervous sys tem, and such distressing symptoms as backache, dizziness, shooting pains in head or chest and indigestion, sexual eicessea or abases, all the result of exhausting; dis eases or drains upon the system, will find a permanent cure after taking the special prescriptions sent them from the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. This associa tion of medical men bave prepared a book written in plain but chaste language, treat ing of the nature, symptoms and curability, by home treatment, of such diseases. Tha World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., will, on re ceipt of this notice, with lo cents (in stamps for postage) mail, sealed in plain envelope, a copy of this useful book. It ahould be read by every young man, parent and guar dian in the land. The Key to the Situation if you suffer from Sick or Bil ious . Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, or anydtrangenvit of the stomach, liver and bowtls is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Mildly and gently, but thoroughly and ef fectively, they cleanse, renovate and remilate the entire svstem. One little " Pellet " for a gentle laxative three for a cathartic. They're purely vege table and perfectly harmless : these tiny, augar-coated granules of Dr. Pierce. FALLS ENCAMPMENT, No. . I. O O. F. Meets first and third Tuesdsysof each month. at Odd Fellows hall. Members and visiting pstrlsrchs. cordially Invited to atteud. Scribe. Chief Patriarch. COURT ROBIN HOOD NO. 8330 A. O. F. OF A. Meets the M and 4th Fridays of each month at K P Hall 8:00 P M. W. 8. Cram, Geo. R. Wilkhart, Chief Hanger. Kecordiua Sec. I. E. Lawrknce. J. R. Kinnbhy. Sub. Chief Hanger. Financial Sec. McKittrick's shoes are the i I McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth. McKittrick's styles are always the latest. McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth. The Argonaut s the only hieh-claBS political and literary weekly published on tho Pacific coast. Thousands of single - the post oflice every week, remailed by snbscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, eicept three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 21 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Huntley's Rook Store. SPRING SEASON 1895. THE- Leader Millinery Co., Comer 4th and Washington Sta., Request tha Pleasure of your visit to view u- GRAND OPENING. French Pattern Hats.... ....and High Art Novelties, Bstunlty Monday am Tuesday lollnwlDf. In extending a cordial Invitation to Inipcct ourdlaplay, we do to with the sincere with that we may hare the pleasure of a peraooal rltlt from you. Our styles will reflect tha latest foreign sod New Tork designs and novel lies, and excel la vsrlety and beauty all former exhibitions of fashionable millinery goods ia this city. New Goods Modern Prices. (foner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries. Try my extra Choice Tea.cs Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drue' Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YURS EXPERIENCE IX Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. t. F. WHITE. W.A.WHITS. WHITE BROTHERS Practical Architects Builders. Will prepare plans, elevations, working de t lis, and specifications for all kinds of build ings. Special attention given to modern eos- I tages. Estimates furnished on applicatios Call on or address WHITt BHU8 ., Oregon City. Oga QEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE WatclMcr Next Door 8u,r ' aill jf der Work Warranted. A Trial I Asked. ? 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by tho Oregon Telephone ana Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salens Walla Walla, Pendletoj Albany and 96 other towrfa in the two states on. the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a gjrsonal communication, istance no effect to & clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at , Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. y s. DRAKE. DENTIST. Nitrous Oxide gas for tbe painless extraction of teeth All work warranted and prices reasonable. Rooms 7, S and 9, southwest corner First and Taylor streets. Glenn A Ox's old stand, Portland. Oregon. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meets first Friday of each month at Fountain engine house. Cha. Athry. Pres. C. B Pillow, Sec'y. Chas. Bitzir. I 'rm. DR D. 8. 8TRYKER, DENTIST, HAS RE mored to Odd Fellows' temple 8. W. Cor. 1st and Alder, Portland, Oregan. best on earth. stamped copies of it pass through.