Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME (). C, T. ro.'NHTKAMKIt. Hloamrr KAMONA. LB l IHKllN 111. I.KAVM fllHUtHU I' III, 7 HO m ' l. III. II HO n. m. II Wl p. iii. i mi i. in, Tli KikI I'AHMANUKH HTKAMKH, AIIONA, KTWItKN f.PHTI.4HII,I.K AND I KIlRfKNIlKNII. Iv I'ortlaixl Tnyliir alrrxl dix it nl B (Ml A. M. ml la v (IrcKon VAif Uir Haliuii 7 in A. M. Tnti)f, TliuoiUy anil MnturilMy. Leave luiljpmiilKiira 11 A M ml Hulpm 1 iti A M mil Orrniiii l ily l ull I' M tor I'url- Uml MumUy, Wrilni'Mlny and KrliLjr, Kl llnm, ikh1 ' nn h1 i I Ion mill low rulm. Nil way frriKlit baii.IK i, M.i:lal r.U-i uu lliroiuli IrolgliU HOITIIKKM rAI IVIt: KAILWAY. MtlMTH lilllNII, Callluriila Kmrnaa (Ihriiuuli) h.iilmr Iak:I (way iLlluu.) oiitii mil Ml). Knrhurit Loral (way latlniia) t'alllnrnla hipraaa lht,iiili) 7 in a m. ' t u p. m. ( I a. m 7: p. in WIU.AMKTTK KAIJ.H H.Kl TKIC ilAII.VVAY. Tim Ulilo, Iiava lavn Ortfuii ( ily. Wlllaiiiviia Kalla. : HA M. i A. M. VIM V ) II no " II ft " I uu I'. U, I irt r. M. a in a mi " 0 iW " " 1M.T Tl X . 10 A. XI. VII A.M. luiu I" It " ll.ui " II .10 " 1 uu', M. I 1ST M. IJW " I 41 " iu " i Iti " j- au ' i V " iw l' " l m 8 . " 4 ll 4 V " 4 .l " 4 4.'i " 6 iu " t 16 " t ai " ft 4'i " uu n n " 1'. A. Mn.l.na, HtiL lllf MAI1.H. Uallaclixe "' North. U i . J r ' . P tn. kalla rhxn ! Hoiilh, a III , II 4 'i IU. Vtf(,iii ('lit 1'iTllaail over Kal HIiIp Itall- iv, ria II :ir, M uA ftui I M.arruiHi II uft A. M an.) 4 fp H Si rarrlra Hi.nl.iinl, Kaaiani, W tat kiiIp, Hamly ami lliiililiniil ruiiirn' mall. Ut, illl Clijr tnKly.l'iwiia. Nuliii" l.ll ,1 imI Molalla iiaioa al 11 m. ami armra at in. Oally (irrnoii riiy In llt-awr l.rli. Mink, Clark. Mra.low Ikjxiok. i ultiu St l!l, ami I'nlnn.lMira al IU a. hi. Momlay Hnlnrailajr niJ Krhlay ml rviurua uu li.llc.wlha ilava al 1 .11 1. m Cirraun t'lly to Viola, Ikii ami llritlaml Iravra JrrMii I lly Momlay Wnllli,la aod Krlilayatl Wl I', M., Uavl Viola aanm daya lUuil M, KU1DAY, MAUCH !M, ANllTlIKH ItAtT niKSAN I'RANtlHl'O. Anoilii'r ruft in )fiiik hmlt t Su-lln on the li-r Colunihiu (or Sn FrHiiriin-o, the liitviition lH-iiiK to tiy (Ion dip in 1 lit miiiinicr timcwht'ii pto u u uif li-w utnl fur bitwci'ii, mid tlnm vo.l the ilnrnn troiw hi'o of tlm two pii'viwn iu(l. Thin r(t will he uil ilov.li hy powi rlul ocean alciiin-r ImmIciiiI of I Ma, inn) hy Imvinif it -x1r ntroi'K il UmthJ tlmt the trip can to iionle cufi'ly. Some wv iity toim of cuhht will I iiiHi-d iiimlinK the ruft which will h ciur h)im 1. It will I m imnily 400 feet ImiK mid will draw uIidiiI twenly feet. In lniihlinK the ruit it criiille in iied which look" miiiie tlniiK like (Ik frame work fir the nil of t tihip, Tto piling ix Idled into it hy it crane anil Hteiun engine. Thi" H.VM'ein ot lnppiiit pilinu mid li'K hiii I" I'" I'm' ployed on the Allmilic inuft where the loan were hnmtfht from Nova Scotia to JtoHlon and New York ; hut nwiiin to the etoriny cliHra lcr of the AHuntii: h nun the raft often wivit to plows. It wan Cajiecled Unit that the IViHc, beinu lixire (jniia. would oiler leen rn-k to tlim UH'tlnxl o( linnlliiitf liniher, hut ho fur the HtmitiN have Im-cii too much fur theae rafta am; they went to pieoea the first tlity out. X lloi-B iti1 li'oHHiiaB.--Uxler ordura of the county court, TVa-MiT M. L. Moore luta had hia oflice pot in audi a Hhape that a liold-up ami rohbory would to iniK)(iHihl!. A heavy tall counter ha been pu in cx'i ndiiig acrosa the room with hut a door way left to paHa Into the buck of I be room where the aafo la kept. Thia doorway la yarded hy heavy grated iron door with m alriing aprinK lock V) hold it. Kxtcmlinu; along the top of the counter m mi iion hilttce work which cflectuully preventa an Intruder from gutting tohind the counter. A glaaa pnncl Iiiim la-en tilled iuto Uio door opening into tho hallway and electric Iwdla connectinu the office with tlioae of the aheriir mid clerk so Unit help could lie huniniiincil iiHtiintly. The entire coat has bron lend than f ICO and it ia money well spent for it givca adaolule i-afeiy (o the county fiuula fioin all danger ol a robherv hy a hcl l-up. Wakhinuton County C'hkamkhy Il appeuiifrom the Jlilli-boro Indepciidcnl that the South Timltit in cieiuueiy is do ing a good luiHiiit'HH and ia proving a great thing for the fiirniera of t hut sec tion. This creamery for tho month of February, made and imukctcd (Hftft of butter mid Biipplied only two-thirds of the orders placed with the 1'or'land agent. To make one pound of butter 2129 pounds of milk were required. From one pound of butter fat 1.24 pounds I were made. The net value of the butter I fat for the month wa 25.54 cents per ' pound. ;Th milk netted the dairy man (1 per hundred weight. , , 1. , ,wa . Cn aMgk tK Ownerhm-ii- The friends of Hon'. F. L. Min tie in thia city will be pleased to leairn that, he is now sole owner of the Osweiio lumber yard, he having bought out Ininan, Paulsen A Co. of Portland. "Mr.' Mintio Is a rustling busi ness man, and the success in his business is merited and comes of hard work and upright dealing. Nkw Tki.ki'iionkh. Owing to tlm utroiiK Imlnctloii front tlm electilc 1 ijlit anil trully wlri'. Ilia t'lcctrii-iniililii'tlc It'll)' phone lately uit in by Uin Ore-iron Tele phono iiinl Tuli'iirHpli Co., have, not given mitiNfiu'iliin, mill the company will noon ri'lucn tlii-NU Inatruint'iitK wit h tlm hot long dint a mil Hill telephone, With llieno liiHlnimi'iilH uu iniliii tion however heavy will iiitcrfoiii with their working, mill no ilifllcnlty will hit experienced in coiiyi-rniiiK with Seattle, Hpokane, or any oilier UinUnt pluio With thino ex licnxivd long (Untunee telephoned, furn IhIumI to miliHi riliur at only fL'.&O per moiitli, mill no cliii'Keforawilching, Ore gon City In given h cheap a telephone MTVire any town In the United Mate. With tho jwrfflct Hervlce the company will now he ulilo to give it la expected the number of liiHtruine nta will he more than tloiihlcd in thia city. They are convenience anil nereimity that cannot In- (liHM-niM;d with by bimlmtn men or in runiilunt'o. Tn a Coi nty's Ohowtii. The mall not vice of a section Is a good criterion as to lla growth of population and business. Judging from thia basis, Clackuniss county mtiat he growing faster than ia realized by our aop!e (or there Is not a until foute iu the county but what baa had an incrcaiu in the amount of mail mutter handled within the punt year. Ti e Molalla route ia one that ha' shown the greatest increaae ai d notwithstand ing Iheie ia a daily service, it is' all one hot nit can do to carry the mail each trip and frequently, as was the rase last Monday, another horse has to be se cured to take out the extra mail. With out hoaating, but probably no other county in the state has made the solid growth I lie pant year that Clackamas county has. The coining year w ill see a still greater increase in the wealth and (Herniation of our county. Wakiiinoton Taxi:s. l.'nder the new law lately panted hy the Washington hgislntuie asfpasmenla wid only be iniide on alternate years the value to to estimated on the 1st liny of April of the (jdd-iiuuihcred years. The tenuity for dc liiiipic ncy in payment of taxes Is reduced to two per cent, and the intern-1 is placed at 12 pel cent, iter an mint, with the proviso that if one-half the tax to paid on the 21st day of Mav, then the remaining half may to paid on November 30ih follow ing, hut if said re maining half ia not paKI on or tofoie that ilute, then sts h balance shall to subject to penalty and Interest from the 81st day of May preceding until paid. Tlte delinquent taxes of IK! 12 and 1H!3 may to paid on or before July 1st, IK!),'), with a rebate of penalty and interest, iiich amounts to 4b ht cent, of taxes of '12 ami 2.r pcrocul. on those of the succeeding year. 1'otatoks fon 'ma KoiTii . Tuesday morning a cailimd of potatoes left Oregon City for tialvestnn, Texas. They were shipped I y V. T. Harlow, tho well known inert-Hunt of this city, lie will ship another carload Monday, anil at frequent intervals theieu.'tcr so long as the market will justify . Tiiis is the first potatoes ever exported out of the state other than to California from this city, and indicates the hcgimiingof a new eta to our fanners. When the people expoit as much as they "import theie will tie fewer bankrupts among our farnera and a prosperity will come to Oregon that will he permanent. I.KAHN SlIOaitKAND I AT iloMR. Miss Emma L. Dickenson, a graduate of the Portland Business college, w ll organise a cIhhs in shorthand at Mr. Dye's oflice an Monday, Apr. 1, at 7:30 p. in. Law and high school students, working people and teaoiiors can join this class and by taking three lessons a week, loon wastei this valuable art. Miss Dicken son is an expect stenographer and a 'first-class teacher. Terms to suit the Uuiea. The exposure to all sorts and condi tions of weather that a lutnhormun is called upon to endure in the camps, often produces severe coMa which, if not promptly checked, result in congestion or uneiimonia Mr. J, 0. Davenport, ei manager of the Fort Bragg Redwood Co., an immense institution at Fort Itragg, Cul., says they Bell laigo quanti ties of Chumherluin's Cough Kemedy at the company's store and that he has himself used this remedy for a severe cold and obtained immediate relief. This medicine prevents any tendency of a cold towurd pneumonia and iiunres a prompt recovery. For sale by U. A. Harding, druggist. ' An Absolute Cine. The Original Ahietinu Oil, Intent is only put up in huge two-ounce tin Isixes, ami is an absolute cure foi old sore, hut ns, wounds, chaptutl hands and all skin eruptions Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Ahietine Ointment. Sold by C. G. Huntley at 25 cents per box by mail 30centii. Will's seeds are good; Likewise his trees and plants. Twelfth annual cata logue now ready, is full of things that will intorust you, among which are sucalino the new foraue plant, Great Northern Hean, seventy day corn, first of all pens and golden queen onion. HuVdy fruit and forest trees at hard times prices $25 in prizes for best yield of com. Oscar H. Will, Biamark, North Dakota. The Enterprise is tho only news, paper in Oregon that giyea a cash pre mium to those paying their subscription in advauce. Weather for April. The following data, compiled from the weather-bureau records In Portland cover a period of 2.') years for the month of April, and should prove of value and Interest In anticipating the more impor tant meteorological elements, and the range within which such variations may be expected to keep during tho coining month : TKHI'KKATIIKK. Mean or normal tenisirature, 5.'! degs. The warmest month was Unit of 1H81, with an average of 55 degrees. The coldest mouth was that of 1893, with an average of 44 degrees. The highest temperature was K5 de grees on the 28th, 1810. The lowest temperature was 28 de grees on the 7th 1875. Average date on which last "killing" fiost occurred in the spring, April 11. I'HKCII'ITATIOH RAW AND MKl.TKIJ SNOW. Average for the month, 3.21 inches. Average number of days with .01 of an Inch or more, 15. The greatest monthly precipitation was 7.88 Inches in 1883. Tho least monthly precipitation was 1.12 inches in 1885. The greatest amount of precipitation reeoulcd in any 24 consecutive hours was 134 inches on the 2d 18H3. CLOUDS AND W'gATIIKK. Aveiage number of clear days, G; paitlv cloudy days, 10; cloudy days, 14. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from tho south. The highest velocity of wind w as 44 miles from the southwest on the 3d, 1893. America's tireatest Humorist. Kli Perkins is the most philosophical, the most humorous and the most enter taining orator on the platform. He has lectuied to hundreds of our great colleges, churches, Young Men's Christ ian asKH-iations and star lecture associa tions. The W. T. lecture bureau writes: "This lecture of Kli Perkins was the sensation of the year. It is full of philosophy, eloquent oratory and start ling christian thought and keeps the audience tkinking and screaming with laughter tor two hours. It is indescrib able." Miv Perkins is a member ot the American association for the advance ment of science and has been elected vice preshlent of the Corpus Christi Chautauqua assembly. Kli Perkins (Mel ville D. Landon) will lecture at Shively's opera house, April 2d, subject, "Philo sophy of Wit and Humor" and "How to Catuse Laughter " Reserved seats 60c, admission 50c If you want a good lo cation go to Shively's at once and select your seats ; there will be a packed house. Many tickets have been sold. You can select your seats now and they will be kept for you until the day of the lecture at 12:30 p. in., Tuesday. April 2d, 18SV Prnirruiii for Nautilus C. L. S. C. Order of exercises for Monday evening, April 1st, 115, at the residence of L. C. Iriggs. Quotations, from any author. Leirul roniiniscencea. Paper. Character sketch ot Li Hung Chung. Paper. Vocal Music. The Nicaragua canal. Paper. Sketch of Sir Walter Scott: Hia char acter and writings. Open Parliament " Is the power of oratory decreasing?" Critic's retort. Report of committee on program. Owing to the amount of work to be done, members are reminded that the hour of meeting is 8 o'clock sharp. When Poneo-de-Leen sought to find The fountain giving took lost youth, It might to that he had in mind That draught which seems to make a truth. Out df the fable ages old, For drinking of it the old grow young; It is indeed a draught of gold, Surpassing all by poets sung. The drought ment is lr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, of course. It is a most potent rcjuvenator of the weakened and debilitated system It, drives out all poison, all inpurity, en riches the blow) and makes the old and worn out feel young and vigorous. Ponce-de-Leon didn't discover it, but Dr. Pierce did. and he rightly named it when he, called it a "Golden Discovery." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure permanently constipation, indigestion and headaches. All dealers. Notice. A meeting of the Free Reading ltootn and Libt ary Association will be bold at their rooms on Saturday evening, March iHUh , at 7 :30 for the purpore of electing a treasurer to succeed C. Iloberg, re signed, and for such other business as may to brought beloro the meeting. K. G. Cackikld, President. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your howels and make your head clear as a toll. 25c, 50c., and a dollar. For sale by Geo. A . Harding. The name One Minute Cough Cure suggests a medicine that relieves at once, and quickly cures. Its use proves it. C.C. Huntley, druggist. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Entkhphihk of fice. Portland prices. The latest in visiting cards at the En terprise Oefici. Prices to suit you. The nlivKician who nrescribes for you unuerHluriils perlectly wen tnat ; he cannot be too careful. The more I thoroughly he underHtands the art j of healing, the more thoroughly he appreciates the necesHity fori caution. It in almost superfluous I to Fay that the druggist to whom you take your prescription, should j exercise at least a corresponding 1 degree of care. If he fails to do : this, medical attendance may be, rendered valueless. . You can have! as much confidence in the prescript tions we fill for vou as you could if you were competent to fill them j yourself and did it. C. G. HUNTLEY. 1 Precription Druggist, Oregon City, Or. ,1! v tl II WRITING LETTERS is a pleasure when one is provided with good paper, good pens, and good ink. We carry the W. II. Hasbrock's Co. "High Class" writing paper tho very finest in white, cream and the latest tints. You can have a sample book for the asking. We have all the leading makes of paper and the very best inks that money can buy. Huntleys Book Store. P. S.-When asking for the writing paper samples get a catalogue of I our 10c. music. ' j Postoflice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. EatahllHhcd 163. t II U1UUU1UUUI Pioneer Tfangfef ndExpfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. aH Cnr. C,c It 5J JjL rIorcsldslesinoll REnWlSBAtiTMltM' INPIMSANT BREATH.1 mPRmou OR0VIU-E.CAL For sale by C. G. Huntley. scientific jirms' fur w w w It M V Dress Goods THOS. CHARMAN & SON. -SPRING-STOCK The Pioneer Store. V A i Spring Cloaks.- directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own 6gurtng, write their owa letter or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and leptl papers which tbey mutt handle every dar arc made out correctly. fV All these tblngs,.ana much more, we teach tntiniuyhiu- Hundreds of our araduales are In (rood positions, and there wlU be openings for hundreds more when time Improve. .Vote Is the time to prepare for them. Beside, a business education H wrh It cKr otu$ oun urn. Send for our catalogue, to learn what and trnw we leiic-h. Hailed f ree to any address. Portland Business College, A. P. Armtrong. Prln. POrtUnfJ, OregOfl. J. A. W.o. SaeraUry. D O YOU DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H. BESTOW- Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. SCHWAN & PUTROW. GARDEN Complete Stock, FOR ASTORIA:FAST TIME. . Steamer Bailey Gatzert Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland. , Leaves Portland daily, except. Sunday, 7 A. K. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. JI. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Gatzert everj night, for Portland. Tickets of all other lines good on Gatzert. Outing Flannels Beautiful -Rugs. are lost annually, NEED f TOOLS, Prices Low.