(i it - . I? I Oregon City hntcrprise. I s FRIDAY, MAKUII S!1i. lHlir.. Clacknmas Co. Directory. UOUNTY OFKICKI18. flnrilnti F.. Ilnyns (lm, K. Morton K. C MilliM'k 8 M. lumnl.y M. I.. Moure J, (!. Hrsdlny II. H. (illixin I). W Klliimlnl II. I.. Dolman J Kruk Jaguar lmrk of Court. Hixtirr, It'wiinlnr, TroMiirnr, Aueiwir, HnhcHil MiiorlnttU(1 nnt, Miirveyor. . Curouor, -Commissioners, jj CHAT A POUT TOWN. I'rlw tlio lowtwt Ht'd Front Htoroi. (knlim nt'uiln, (Ira 'ti(ln, Flowur miiiiiIi, Onluii mil, K. K. Willlmua, th grornr. Try t Murr ItolirrlKiinn. I'ull (or twinpln. l'lr kiiiI limb wcmmI wuiitml at Dili flleo. t( A nw lino of sltlo cnmlit nt the Itncki't dtiirrt. If yon want it k'mhI pump tiny thn llilckyu ul Wilson & ('(Kikti, lliulioht prlcx mid liy llio Ootiiiium Ul Imnk (or county ami city warriiii. KrnyUu'ii RpimtiiiiiK pickle cn lie Iib.iI t tlio Cornnr Krot'fry. IIchI In the Market. , Koti tlio new tinker tmir orintnivnln, amltor atom mid metal tip, at the Hmkut turo. Onlum lelt at Krmik ilarluw't (torn, (or 4 (ol or ltl lnrli wood, promptly 111 led l.y V. I'Hikor. Hkiikik'K. AppleH, prunes, minimi, pluiiiK or rice 6 rents a pound ; lemons and untunes ft pi-nnv eucli at Tlio Ked Front. It ciirr piles, it ciireit olmllnalo Dorp, clipod tmniU, wounds It doti tliii quickly. In there any itxl reason w hy You dIioiiIiI not tine IK) Will's Witch llssel Sitlve? lllue CronN Ceylon ten. K. K. William, the urot-or. Itov. Father Mitlliew will preach t the U. II. clnircli In Ort'iion City on the iwcoiid mid fourth hulilmtlm of each month both morniiiK and evening an lonn an hu la atiln to preach. Gladstone) Krwiiliotiso i the place to gut yoar pluiiH A Due collection on liand of baKoiiiuH, liHlllnippa, geranlntim, cineraria, Ionian, Mtunlan, ulr(on itiinn, chrysanthemum, carnation, callus, etc., etc., at bed-rock prices. Take a done ol ItoWitt'e. I.lllle Karly Itieers junt for (ho good they will do you. Thene little Fills are good for Indigestion, gixxl for heiidacn, good for liver coui' plaint, good for constipation. They are good. C. (i. Huntley. drtiitgiNt. The Y. I'. B. C. K. of Tlio Frwthyter ian church will give an entertainment and KH'ial in Khively'a hall, Friday even ing, April 5. Uefrenhincuta nerved a la menu, 6 cent; admisHion, 10 cents. Come evorylHxIv and have a good time. Wilson A Cooke have moved their stock of hardware ono door south of the C'oininerciul Hunk, hut will still occupy their old stand for (hi in luiplinients, audi aa Itain wagons, Oliver plows, Huckeye and l'iUher pumps, etiltivators, hay rakes, mowers and wheelbnrrows. I'hoto easols, both in gilt and silver, at the Racket store. Said tho old (Junker to his wife "K very hod is a queer except theo and inu anil even thee In a littlo queer." Mrs. Helen Harford who lectures Fridny oveniug at tho Methodist church uses the "rtiou" and "thy" in the most de lightful Quaker stylo Admission free. Unaunpocted disordera of the kidneys aro renponsihle for ninny of the ordinary ailments of humanity w hich neglected, develop Into a nerioui and perhaps fatal malady. Experience would suggest the use of Dr. J. Mclean's Liver and Kidney Halm, For sale by C. (J. Huntley, druggist. ' John II. Walker met with quite an ac cident lust week while out in tho woods locating timber for tho W. 1. A I. Co. While crawling through the brush one of his eyes chine in contact with a rough branch which penetrated tho eyeball. Tho wound is very painful though not aerioun, and compelled Mr, Walker to remain at home for several dnvs. The riiilomathean society of tho High School will produce tho comedy ontitled "My Awful Dad," at Shlvoly's about tho 1st of May. under the management of Messrs J. Kintonl and OIibh. Pope. The lramalis pcrsonae Is composed of well known young people of tho city, who li.ivo before achieved success in the his trioic line. Tho proceeds will be used to buy new books (or the library of the society. Wm. K. Willis, who has lived In this city for many years, died at li i a homo on the wostaldo, last bunday, of consump tion, and was burled from the Episcopal church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Isaac Dawson, oillciuting. He was an exempt fireman, having beon a member of Foun tain Hose Co., and the members of the lire department attended tho funeral in a body. He was 0(i years of ago, and leaves a wifo and three children. HAVEL, UOAT AND (J KM'. Ja. Kennedy, iato oigunl.er, and 8. II. I'h Hips, secM tary of tl e 1'nrtland lei. I of MiiccklineN, have Iweii In the city during the week for the purpose of organ izing a tent of the order here. The or der Is similar to the Woodmen, or rather the Woodmen was derived from it. It has a membership of 1 HI ,051 , and has paid out M, 15(1,5(18.15 in death and disa bility benefits. In the Maccabees every member yi according to his age, and hsxardoui occupations are required to pay a higher rale, th'iughextra hazardous occupations are disbarred. The order, during the past year, has gained faster than any of the other beneficiary orders and now has tents in thirty-five states and Canada. F.lectrlo I-odge, No. W, A. O. U. XV., which w as organized March 1st, admit ted number of new member at the regular meeting Monday. A special meeting will be held Saturday evening for the purpose of takimr, In several mem ber who are to come In before the char ter clomts, which takes place on that evening. The Woodmen will give another one of their socials at their ball on Thursday evening, April 4. All member and their friends are exiecled to be present. An Interesting program will be rendered. The annual Inspection of Pioneer Chap ter No. H, F.astern Ktar, took place last Tuesday evening. Mrs. M. K. Kellogg, ansocittto grand matron, and Mrs. I). K. Hall, district denuty grand matron, both of Portland, were present and conducted theexerclnes. Home forty visitors (rom the Portland chapters were present and a moat enjoyable evening was aeiit. Wacbeno tribe No. 13, 0. U, M., con- feried the Warrior's degree on a worthy hunter at their lust council sleep, after which corn and venison were served The trustees ol the tribe have invested I'JtM) in Clackamas county warrants and till have a nice fat wampum belt on hand. Two pale faces have made appli cation for membership to this tritie to provide themselves against adversitv The adoption degree will be conferred at the next stated council. Visiting brothers made welcome. KKSOI.I'TIONS. Wigwam Wacheno TriU No 13, I. 0, It M. Hunting (irouuds Oregon City. A special committee appointed to give expression to the feelings of the mem bers of Wacheno Trilie, occasioned by death in the membership of their Trilie in this resolution, resiectfulty submit: Wiukkai. The (ireat Spirit having called (torn the (orest of life our beloved brother, K. A. McDonald, to the happy hunting grounds, where the council fire ol love and eace burnetii forever, therefore be it Resolved, That we tender to the family and friends of our deceased brother our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of iillliction, and to all would we commend his virtues as worthy of emulation. rAKHWIIL. Farewell, uar Kd, our brother, U, 'tin hard to say that word ; For your hie, It gsvn u plraMire, And yourdealb our iiienxtries stirred. O, farewell, Kd. McDonald, You whom loved no dear; For a brother's sacred memory Knoll Hedmaii drops a tear. For you have ridden the Journey W know that all im list rlile. And may the Ureal Spirit receive you In the prayer ol the Wacheno trilie. Farewell, farewell, dear brother, A lung farewell, farewell. Resolved, That this report lie entered tiHn the record of this Tribe. Submitted In f. F, and C, Committkk. Fur a (oiid bingli. The lecture of F.li Perkins will abound in genuino wit and humor. Tho fol lowing testimonial is fiom Rev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor of the Presbyterian church ol this city ami speakes for itself: To Whom it May Conckiin : I can most heartily commend the lecture of F.li Perkins, to be given at Shively's April 2d, to all who enjoy a good laugh. In his line his lecture is, perhaps, without peer on the American platform. He is the (tinny man of the people. Some of the so-called wit of humeroua lecturers is so abst nice that tho ordinary hearer requires an illus trated diagram to see the "joke." No one needs a dingiam with Eli's jukts. It Is a (act that Perkins goes year after year to the sumo towns. This is the highest commendation that can be given to anybody he takes. I feel sure that no one ean regret go ing to here the lecture on tho 2d of April. A. J. MoNTtlOMKKY, OitKtioN City, March 28th. Free Lecture. Everybody will do well to attend Prof. Urllllth and Loo's lectures on phrenol ogy and physiognomy, health and hy giene and kindred subjects, to begin next Monday night at the Methodist church, this city. The owning lecture absolutely free to the general public. At the close of each lecture public examin ations will be given. These lectures will he a treat and beneficial to one and all. Come early and secure comfortable seats. r When your guldman coiiiob home at 'eon, Ho aye expects to see Two cosy slippers on the hearth, And a cup of Japoolo Tea. We sell the best tun-cunt canned corn iu the market, Try it. E, E. Williams, the grocer. DK, COWAN ON WOOD C1TIZKNHHIP. In his morning sermon last Sunday, Dr. Cowan of the Congregational church discoursed unoii good citizenship and the duties pertaining thereto. He was e tclatly plain In his remarks concerning the responsibility of city officer and the shifting am) shirking so ofien practiced by them in the discharge of their duties. The following is a brief synopsis of Dr. Cowan' sermon, bis text being, "Should such man as I flee?" Neh, '1:11 : . One thing from which Nehemiali would not flee wa olllclal duties. Ifewaaa model mayor, such as would hove de lighted the heart of Parkburst. HI answer to his timid friends who w arned him to beware of the power of bummer politicians and city hall rings, would have Ih-cii, " Should such a man as I flee?" A to enforcing laws not sup ported by public opinion, he would have said, " I have a right to assuma that what the people have dulilieraUdy writ ten out on the statute book i public opinion, rather than the clamor of the mob down street." A for personal dan ger Udng shot at, perhaps who ought to care for that? If Torn Jones, the poor widow's son, who enlisted the other day, should decline to go to the front (or fear sotiiclxHty would shoot at him, you would my, " What'sa soldier for, but to be shot at?" And i( you would say that to a poor soldier like Tom Jones, would you say less to the bead of a great municipality? If Nehemiali bad been night watchman at the mills, he w ouldn't have said, "The company are quite as much Interested in this property as I caix be. Therefore, if they don't want it destroyed, let them look out (or the thieves and incendiaries themselves." And if he bad been mayor of a city, he wouldn't have said, "The people are the ones Intotested. There fore, if they want the law enforced, let them enforce them. Let the women and the picachcrs, and a few specially con scientious citizens smell out the lawless ness which my iiolice can't discover, and organize and punish." What's the nee of having watchman if we have to do our own watching just the same? And what's the use of a city government, if we have to be our on police and our own magistrate just the same? Hut another thing Nehemiali would not flee from was unofficial renonni bilitv. He was mayor of Jerusalem by roval appointment, but be was elected by Providence before be was apiointed by the king. Circumstance and per sonal fitness went !efor the king's commission. In every city there are some elected to responsibility by the votes of the people; others are elected no less truly, but it is by appointment of Providence. Wealth, education, social Knition, give them an influence and con trol in the a (fairs of tho community, from the responsibility of which they cannot escape. I presume I could write out the names of one hundred men here in Oregon City who together hold in their hands more power to control the social and civic life of the community than all the other 41KX) combined. Such men sometimes do not even vote. They think of themselves as one out of five thousand in public res)onsibility, and wash their hamta of even that small share. Instead, each of them it one out of one hundred perhaps one out of twenty-five, or even ten, and whatevet happens on our streets the ruin o( boys, tho ruin of young girls, the sorrow and disgrace which comes to happy homes, they are responsible, not as one out of a great multitude, but as one out of a very (ew. What we need today is good citizen ship among the masses; but what we need far more is good citizenship among the rich, the educated, the influential. What we need is Nehemiahs, who, real izing how much depends upon them, ac cept the responsibility bravelv, saying, " Should such men as we flee? And who is there, that being such as we. would go into tho temple to save his life? We will not go in !" Notice to Stockholders. To the stockholders of the Blue River Mining & Milling company of Oregon City, Oregon : The regular annual meeting of said company will be held in Oregon City, Oregon, Monday, April 1st, 1895, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at theolhVe ot F. D. Ball, known as tho Cement building. 8. K. ORiiKS, Gko. A. Hamilton, Vice Pres. Sec Dated this 19th day of March, 1S95. Removed. The dental office of L. L. Ticketis D. D. has been removed to the Barclay block, Main street, suspension bridge corner where he can be found at hours to meet hia patrons. Appciito and sleep may be improved, every part of the system strengthened and the animal spirits regain their buoyancy by the use of Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puritior. For sale by C. U. Huntley, druggist. Eggs For Sale. Settings of Light Brum ah eggs can be had of Mrs. F. T. Barlow, at whose place adjoining the Entkkimiisk office a flock of these magnificent chickens can be seen. tf. Homo-made bread is recognized as the very best at all times and the cus tomers of J. Egle the Shively building baker assert that they can not tell the dilTorence between hia bread and that made at home unless it be that his is just a little the better. But don't toll your wife that. Jury Lint. The following person have been drawn for Juror by (itn. Y. Horton, county clerk, and E. C. Maddock, county sheriff, for the April term of circuit court which convene on Monday the 15th : Names. Residence. Occupation. W P Hawley, West 0 C Manufac A II Wing, L Molalla, Farmer T J Ogle, Needy. " Han Paulsen, George, " Km Cahill, New Era, Lumberman A Luelling, Milwaukee, Farmer J O Pilnbury, Oregon City Clerk Jno Vancouren Eila Creek, Farmer O A Kinger, Needy, " C C Babcock sr Ogn City No. 2 Laborer (ieo Randall New Era, Farmer C Her, Pleasant Hill, (i A Harding Ogn City No. 2, Druggist Frank Welch, Highland. " Farmer John Krtise, Tualatin, " J U Cunimiiigs Beaver Creek, " O 8 Young, Pleasant Hill, ' C K Nohlitt, Ogn C No. 1, Liveryman J O Fehler, Ely, Farmer II Breithaupt, Damascus, " A L Larkin. Milk Creek, Wm Palmateer Garfield, " Frank Rees, Highland, " W 8 Kent, Marquaui, " J O Dickey, U Molalla, R 8 McLaughlin Milwaukee " J N Harrington Ogn City No. 2, " O W Rohhins, U Molalla, Merchant R I) Alexander, Sievers, Farmer Wm Stone, " Viola, Frank Bunch, Ogn C No. I, Merchant Oregon has reason to be proud of her Quaker lady preacher, the eloquent and scholarly Mrs. Helen Harford from the Friend's college at Nwberg, who speak in this city thi week. Mr Harford enjoy the distinction of having written a most laughable parody on the last state legislature that lias created great interest all over the state. One of her characters acta the part of our fellow-townsman Rinearaon, another personifies the dignified Senator Brown ell. Mr. Richard Harding Davis, who started from the eastern coast of Hondu ras about the midiUe of January to ride across Central America, has arrived at Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, from which place he will continue on to the capital of Nicaragua, and from there to Corinto, on the Pacific side. From that point he takes a steamer south to Caracas in South America, crossing the Isthmus of Panama on the way. The ride to Tegucigalpa was made on mule back over the mountains, and lasted six teen davs; the second half of the trip to Corinto will require about ten days more. Mr. Davis is accompanied by Mr. Henry Somers Somerset and Lloyd C. Griscom, and bis purpose is to describe the places visited by these gentlemen and himself in a series of articles which will appear in Harper's Monthly and Harper's Weekly as soon aa possible after his re turn to New York. California, the Land of DicoTerles. Why will you lay awake all night, when that most effective and agreeable California remedy Santa Abie, will give yon immediate relief? Santa Abie is the only guaranteed cure for consump tion, asthma and all bronchial com plaint. Sold only in large bottles at 1. Three for $2.50. C. G. Huntly will be pleased to supply you and guarantee relief when used as directed. California Cat-R-Cure never fails to relieve catarrh or cold in the head. Six month's treat ment $1; by mail $1.10. Trial bottle 50 cent. Removal. Drs. Hickey the dentist owing to the increased practice in their Portland office has been compelled to discontinue their Oregon City office. Parties desiring dental work will find them in the Dekum building Third and Washington streets Portland.. Those having or more worth of work done will have their round trip fair deducted from their bill. Money to Loan. A farmer wants to loan $350. Inquire at this office. It Stands on Its Mkrit8 Nothing else! lupoolo Tea. Marr & Robertson A cents. Something for nothing. Everyone who buys a Rand-McNally Guide stands insured in tho Fidelity & Casualty Co for f 1000, without charge. Subscribers insured continuously. For sale by all newsdealers. .Milk I Milk I Milk! Randall & Mver will furnish you a quart of milk a day for a month for $2.00 and other quantities in proportion, and guarantee it pure. For Sale. One 4-year-old mare, weight 1250 lbs. Address Lock Box 354, Oregon City. 2t You ought to know this: De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores, and a well known cure for piles. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Busy people have no time, and sensi ble people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent re sults. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair HIghet Award. River Rote. The Shaver Transportation Co. place their boats on their spring time Card next Monday. The Srah Dixon will hereafter bundle only business on the Astoria route, leaving the local work for the Geo. W. Shaver, which will gu onto the Clatskanie route running direct from Portland, leaving the Washington street dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. m. returning the following days from Clatskanie. The Dixon ia one of the largest and finest boat on the lower river and in Biased rank among the greyhound. She is lighted by electricity and fur nished in a first class manner. Traveler who desire both speed and comfort will find the Dixon a model boat to travel on. The Dixon's time will 1m to leave Portland foot ol Washington street lor Astoria every Sunday at 7 a. m. and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 p. m. Returning, leaves Astoria every Menday at 6 a. m . and Tuesday, Thurs- .1 1 L' I - . a I lie steamer Toledo made trip to McMinnville last Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. She will continne to make regular trip so long as the water kee at the present stage. Good load are brought out each trip, the people of the Yamhill valley doing ail they ean to help the Toledo in securing the bulk of height. Mt. Hood Smoking. To early riser on last Monday morn ing Mt. Hood presented the apiearance of an active volcano. An immense volume of what appeared to be steam or light smoke was coming from the sum mit and being carried off by the wind to the north. It looked as though it was pouring out of the summit of the old mountain, and many who saw it were sure the old volcano had aroused from his slumber and would give as a repition of hi firing efforts in the cen turies gone by. A the "smoke" all cleared away in a couple of hours and no further indications were mani fested it was doubtless a freak Ot the wind in blowing the moist air of the valley over enows of the summit, con densing it into a heavy fog. There is little liklihood of Oregon's sentinel mountain breaking out again into an active volcano for it has evidently ournea oui. i nere is no regular crater now and the only place where heat and gases come from the mountain .is from some fissures on the side and there is not enough comes out to be visible any distance. For Sale. Two ten-acre tracts of good land for sale, easy cleared and on proposed motor line. 3S miles southeast of Oregon City. Easy terms. Inquire of owner on the place or address C. W. Porter, Ore yon City, Oregon. 2t To Regulate, Tone Up, Invigorate STOHACH, LIVER :)nd(- BQWEL5, thereby curing constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, dispo sition to sick headache and kindred ailments, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. V V 1 Tavlor streets, Glenn A Cox's old stand, Portland, Oregon. On Dose, All Medicine Dealers. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meets first Friday of each month at COURT ROBIN HOOD NO. 81130 A. O. F. OF A. Fountain engine house. Chas. Athsy, Pres. Meets the id and 4th Fridays of each month C. B Pillow, Sec'y. Chas. BmKR.f 'rm at K P Hall 8:00 P M. rE?K'Sr- Tr' KS'USe- D mo?edS toOdd Feow?. Wori Sub Chief Ranger. Fanc'lal Sec. Alder, Portland, Oreg.n. McKittrick's shoes are the best on earth. McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth. McKittrick's styles are always the latest. McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth. The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post oflice every week, reniailed by snbscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. ' It goes into all the well to do families of of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Huntley's Book Store. Military Matter. An election was held at the armory la I Portland lest Monday evening for regi- mental offic-rs for thn First Regiment, , Oregon National Guard, Some twenty commissioned officer of the company were pieseiit. Thi election was made necessary by the appointment of Co'. C. F. Beet) to the brigadier generalship . of the state militia. The result of the election waa thai Lieutanant Colonel O. Summer waa made colonel; Major E. Everett waa elected lieuianent colonel to fill the vacancy caused by Summers' promotion an J Capt. F. A. Gans of Co. E was chosen for major. Co. F will be inspected at its armory, Monday evening April 1st., by Adjutant Cronne, who will be accompanied by other member of the colonel' staff. General Bee be is also expected to be present. After inspection election for captain will take place, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation ot J. W. Ganong, who removed to Peril and. some time since SPRING SEAS0.V 1895. . THE- Leader Millinery Co., Comer 4th and Washington Sta., Request the Pleasure of your visit to view GRAND OPENING. French Pattern Hats.... ....and High Art Novelties, StttinUy J r . M. Uondtj and Tuesday following. Iu extending a enrdttl invitation to Innpert our display, we do so with the sincere with that we may have the pleasure of a personal visit (rom jod. Our styles will reflect the latest foreign and New York designs and novel- j ties, and excel in variety and beauty all former exhibitions of fashionable millinery goods Id this city. New Goods Modern Prices. , ilgSS Corner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.-ss& Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IX Great Britain and America. -Give me atrial. T. t. WHITE. W. a. WHITS. WHITE BROTHERS Practical Architects Builders Will prepare pIhds, elevations, working de-f t ils, sod specifications for all kinds ol build ings. Special attention fiven o modern cot-Uve- Estimates furnished on application Call on or address . WHITE BK08., Oregon City, Ogn QEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE Watcttmater Next Door to 8tor , , Grocery. ail Jeweler work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked. T 8. DRAKE, DENTIST. Nitrous Oxide gas for the painless extraction of teeth All work warranted and prices reasonable.