Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1895)
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Evrrj MVt k by the nark mas Abstract Trust Compiinr. W T Tinsloy to Sarah C Kenny, W D, March 5, '!, nSi of nwV sec I2I6i rle, 80 acros $ WO Sra)i M McCown to C H Hawkins, W Vi March 11, '0, lots jn Glad stone Chris ZeigW to Goo Zoi(lor, Q 0 P March 5, w of eSi strl4 soc 6 1 4 s r 1 e, 40 acres L "Will, Sr, to Geo Zeigler, Q C P, March 5, 92, land in sec 7 t 4 s r le tl M Jackson to Gustav Sclmorr, V I) March 12. 'iV, 17 .03 acres In Wm Holmes, Sam'l Yanre and Geo P Newell 1 L Cs 1700 Fred Silcocks to Chas Puncan, W P March 8, 'K., 87.00 acres ami 19.185 acres in Geo Will's PLC 1600 T N Hughes to Chas Puncan, IJ C P.March 11, 'W, same as last abov Van D DeLashmutt to Peter Han ,eon, W P. Feh IS, ".15. und S, int in 1C0 acres in sec 21 1 3 s 4 e V G Smith to Sarah Baty et al W P, Feb 2$, W, 49.90 acres in sec 22 1 4 r 1 e United States to Peter Brown, put Jau21, '!0, sS of a.4 of sec 0 t ti r2e, 159.24 acres ; Oak Grove Land A Imp Co, to C Tenny, S W P, Pec IS, 'W, lots 4 & 6 Tract K5, 1st snbdiv Oak Grove 375 B II and W VV Aldredge to Susan . CLinn. W P Jan3l, "ttt. lot 7 blk 42 Co add to Oregon City 4(10 T M Lash to K J Lash, W P, Mar 6, '95, part of lots 1 and 2, blk IS Co add to Orepjn City 6 H II Johnson, trustee, to Alma C Brownell, W P. March 15, Do, lots 1 and 2 blk 35 Bolton TP. Worthington to COT Williams W P March 7, '95, 50 ai res in ecs7and 18t2sr2 e COT Williams to Ernest Naef, W P, March 15, '95, 5.05 acres in sec7t2sr2e Uuited Slates to Kice Montague, pat Feb 5, '94, 100 acres in sec 13 t2sr 7 e Sarah M McCown to M Bertha Moore, V P March 15, 'i5, s'.j of blk 100 Oregon City Olive P Marquam to Joseph P Miller, W P, March 2, 'H5, 3 acres in Alfr d Marquam P L C Geo W Holcomb to S E Holcomb, W P March 15, '95, 2 acres in Isoin Cranfield P L C t 2 s r 2 e . Prefer & Stauber to W A Baer, W P Feb 28, '95, 10 acres in CI 58 t 2 s r -'e P C Howell to Presbyterian church W P, Pec 20, '93, land in t 4 s r 4 e W II Howell to Rudolph Seiler W V March 15, '95, lots 3 and 4 blk 108 Oregon City Windsor Land & Imp Co to W II Thayer, W P March 12, '95, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 blk 17 Windsor 475 0 1000 100 250 700 100 GOO 600 and Have your Titles examined Abstiacts made by the CLACKAMAS "ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of Abstracts of Title of all lands in Clackamas county, Accmate ard reliable work by a respon sible firm. Office up stairs in the Cau field building. The Small Farmer's Paper. American Gardening (New York City) is an illustrated journal of horticulture, devoted to the work in the garden fruits, flowers and vegetables, trees and shrubs; the conservatory and the care tf the borne grounds. Every person who ndinires the beauty and fragrance of flowers, or who culti vate fruits and vegetables for profit or pleasure, will find this magazine worth many times its cost to them. It aims to assist both the amateur and professional gardner in increasing the lx;auty and productiveness of Natuie. It advocates the cultivation of the o:sthetic taste of the American people lor flowers, a higher appreciation of the lieauties of Nature in landscape art, and the more liberal use of fruits and vege tables as articles of every-day diet. It has no axe to grind nor clique to serve, and as its proprietors have no connection whatever with the seed, flower or nuistry biiHiness, absolute , impartiality may always be looked for. fto less than fourteen other horticul tural patters and magazines have been absorbed by American Gardening ; its correspondents are practical tillers of the soil ; skilled men, who write from experience and not theory, and they write so clearly as to entitle American to its emphatic designation as "The Taper for the 1'eople." It is published semi-monthly at $1.00 per year. Boys ts Electricity. "The Simple Story of How to Build an Electric Motor at Home" is tho title of a serial now running in tho Detroit Elec trical Student. The story of how to build motor No. 2, and the battery to run it, told in language a child can un derstand, begins with the issue of March 2. Give the bovs a chance. Electricity will be the biggest bread-winner of the 20th century. I'erhaps your boy, if be gets a start, will make it Lis life-work. The Student ie a crisp little weekly for amateur students of electricity. One dollar a year. Five subscriptions will bring the sender castings and material for one motor ready to be built, freight prepaid. Student Publishing Company, 33 Layfayette Ave.,' Detroit, Michigan. I HARBIN HOW POTATOES GROW. Two Systema of Culture Adopted- How ThfM Plana Differ. With a view to giving some toii;iblo idea of how- Irish potatoes grow and the forms and conditions the tubers sums when growing Ohio Farmer hnn recourse to two illustrations, which arc referred to by a correspondent as fol lows: ' The first illustration represents tin trenching systm, where the ground Ij truck oat abont six inches deep and thr BKPRKSKNTIXO TflK TREM'lt SVSTEV. potato, P, dropped and covered at C We put the harrow on as soon as the sprout is through the soil and work the dirt in np to B, seeing, of course, that the plant is in no way left with stones, ctods or sods on it to prevent growing. When the plant gets through this hut coat of earth and is about three incher high, begin cultivation with some good narrow toothed implement, working the soil around the plant ou a level at A. Other cultivations will gradually work more soil toward tho plant till a slight ridge will be formed at the base of the vine, as indicated by the dotted lino ou top Fig. 1, which will leave the parent potato fairly deep in tho soil, prepared to withstand a pretty severe drought This plau of cultivation has several goal points to support it, although it is more expensive thau shallow planting LEach layer of soil worked toward the plant induces the stalk to throw out a lateral aud a set of roots from which the BEPP.ESESTINC A GENERAL SYSTEM. potato sets are sent out, and each lateral joint usually starts nearly the same number of tubers. Therefore the system can be profitably applied where it is desired to get a large yield from a tmall quantity of seed or where growers are limited to a short acreage. The second illustration mprosouts tho more general system of cultivation among growers where tho ground is marked out three to four inches deep and the seed covered at once with some cov ering direct that throws a heavy ridge over the potato, after which it is left to sprout and work its way up through the dark, cold earth, getting whiter and slimmer as it nears tho border of the world it has been hunting for the post three to four weeks aud usually having , i , , . but one lateral joint to send out root-" . 3 f and sets. I think this system could b- 'he estate of ald defeased: greatly improved if the harrow or aotne 1 . .lh "Kn" the Htstr, of oron, you are J , ,. , , hereby comrnainled to aTiesr belore the Iimi- mode of leveling tho ground were u.ea orable eountv court of Claeksmas eouniy. r after planting, putting the entiro sur-; ',"'' !",rm ,',r,ru",' f" t? ;,u the ir,th .lay , ' , V , , . , ... , . I of April. at Id o clock A M. ol said day, face OU a level, as indicated at tho dot- pursuant to an order of this court dnted the 'Jth ted line E. Then when the plant an- day ol 'March. M .to ahow cause. If any ; enlst, . ., , , . : , why the petition of Marietta Pratt, adi'.imatrs' pears through tho ground aud is ready trX , the eH,,e ( j,cob p Miller, fie to Start a leaf, put OU an implement ceased, for tn order of thii court RranllnK the t , , v i . , . . i ,. . ) said peiitloner the rlifht to sell nil the real ornp- that would throw back tho original dirt, erl. M,mtfUt to said eatate. which is described as shown in Fig. 2 at F. This modus i'H"a. t-wii: all of lotasewo :7)sini kikiu operandi would induce tho plant to aut another lateral joint and thereby very largely increase the yield, which would pay well for the labor expended. The llusslan Thistle. A correspondent of the Dakota Farm er suggwt8 that each township' should secure a herd of cattlo or sheep and pasture them regularly on each school section and then have the herd driven to au pans 01 1110 townsnip wnero mere is unoccupied land to pasture down the j thistles and after harvest herd thera on ' -mail .-i . r, , the Stubhlo fields UUtll Winter. Hebe- lieves that by pasturing the thistle it .,, . 1 . . fcj 1 j willsoon be driven out entirely, and Suggests that if Congress should appro- priate a million or two for extorminat- ing the thistle the best method of using money would bo to invest it in sheep or cattle and let them eat the thiatle, and afterward the farmers could eat them. We believe that pasturage during the early part of the season will prove the most effective remedy. After the spines have bcoji formed on tho thistle there is no remedy but fire. Professor Henry of the Wisconsin ex periment station announces the slaugh ter of the entiro dairy herd of the sta tion on account of tuberculosis. The herd was tested by the Koch tuberculin method. In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr, T. A. Mer'arland, a prominent merchant of Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal., was taken with a very heavy cold. The pain In his cheat were so severe, that ho hail spasms and was threatened with pneu monia. His father gave, him snveial large doses of Chamberlain's cough rem edy which broke up tho cough and cured him. Mr McFarland saya w henever his children have croup he iuvsiiably gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always cures them. He considers it the best rough remedy in the market. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Frcvtng'g One home made pickles are on salo at K. E. Williams's, Marr A Rob ertson's, and F. T. Barlow's grocery stores. Are You (tiling Fa-ll If so, it will pay you to write to A. C. Shehton, general agent of the "Burling ton Route," 250 Washington street. Portland. ' He will mail vuu free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point. reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you w ith through tickets via either tho Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great Northern railroads at the Vi-ry lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington route is generally con ceded to be the finest equipped railroad in the wbrld or all classes of travel. Through Trains Without Transfer. Travellers must not forget that the 0. R. A N. line Is thoroughly repaired ami all trains ar running without transfer or delay. Through service to Omaha. Kansas City, M. Iritis and Chicago; Pullman sleepers, free reclinimr chair cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and modern day coacties. tall on O. R. A N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or address V. H. Hurlhurt, tien'l Passen ger Agent. Portland, Oregon.. Blank note, receipt and order books at the E.ntksi'kisk otlice. From LaGrippe. How Dr. Miles' Nervine Restored One of Kentucky's Business 4 Aifi Men to Health. r No DISEASE has ever prtwented ao many peculiarities as LaMrlppe. No !Im&m Icuvph lu rli'tlms so debilitated, uneluM, lifili". nerreli-ss, as Lulirlpue. Mr. I). W. Hilton, state ani-nt of the Mut ual Life In-uriirn'B Co., of Kentucky, ny: "In IMS and 'M I had two nerera aitiu k of LaGrippe, the last one aitm-Un my iht vous nTKtein with au'h neverlty that mr life was despuirvd of. 1 hud not nlepl for more than two moiitim exeept hjr the umi of nar cotics that stiiH'hYd me, but K.'ive me no nsl. I wiim only roiiM'lous of lnteiiM) mental weakness, uuiiIziiii Ixxllly pain and the faet that I woh hourly tfrowiriK weaker. When in thiscondltion. I eonimneed usin Dr. Mile' Uestoratlre Nervine. In twod:iy I began to Improve and In one month's time I was cured, tnueh to the surprise of all who knew of my condition. I have been In ex cellent health since and huve n-eom mended your remedies to many of my friends." Louisville, Jan. 22, ls'JS. D. W. Hilton. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health. CITATION. In the fotinty rourtof the Stste of Oregon for the county nl Clsckninnn. In the.mstter of the eolHte of Jaenb P. Miller, deceased. ToW. H. Edmunds. Cnrnellus and Marietta Pratt, mid to all others unknown i( hv there be who may be Interested 111 nn. should not be granteil fur the purpose in said petition act out, to-wlt, to pay the debts of said estate and expenses of administration of said estate; and II you fail so to appear or make answer as herein required, (or waul thereof the sal I petition will be granted. Pnidirhed by order of tiie Honorable fiordou E. Hayes, judge of the above named court, made and entered on the 9th dny of Mun h, Is'j.',, GKO r. IIOKTON. County Clerk Clackamas county, Oregon. 3-15:4-1' NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTLKMKNT. lu the mstt,,r of the eBlRte , Hnrah E. oope) deceased. Notice l hereby given that William II. Pope administrator with the will annexed, has filed ls filial account of his administration of said ette. nd that the Hon. Gordon K. Haves, county Judge, has made an order sett ng Mon- day, tne sth day of May. loo'd.k a. M. ol said day. al the county court house. In Ore- Anal account and the final settlement of said estate. WILLIAM II. POPK. Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Sarah E. Pope, deceased. 315:4-12 NOTKIK OF A,S8I0NMF.NT. Notice i hereby given that the Oregon City Rash aud Door Company, a Partnership com posed of 8. B. Calln and Charles Callir. and H. B CallfTarid Charles ( allff, Individually, have all assigned te the undersigned lor the benefit of all their creditors. Hald assignment is now pending in the Clrenlt court ol the Stateof Ore Ron for Clackamas county, and all creditors ol said parties are hereby notified to present their claims against said parties under oath to me at my office lu Oregon City, Oregon, within three months from this date. Dated March IV HtUT, L. L POKTKK, C. 0. T. WILLI A MS, Attorney for Assignee. Assignee. 8-iri:4-'2 It Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udderv. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Mtirclc, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Painanu Ousts it in a Jiify. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes rUn or Beast well again. SIMMONS. In th circuit rourt of the State of Oreon for the county ij CUckamaa. F. '. Perry, PlalntlrT. va. John Palmer and Julia Palmer, Defendants. To Johu Palmer and Julia Palmer, deteudanla: In the uame of the State of Orexm you are hereby rcmilrwl to appear ami answer the rum plaint nied aitalnst you 111 the alsive entitled suit, wllbln teu ilaya Irom the date u( the ser vice of this summons ajMin you If served within this county, or tf served wlthiu anv other county lu this state, then within AMaya from the date of the service of this summons uixm vu: and If served by putdlcatloii then on or before the first day nl (he next ret ular term of the aiNive court IniiowiiiK the eaulratlon ol the tliuu tiro scrltHAfi m the order of publication ut till" mm moiis. to-wlt: the IMh uavof April, A. II. l- Anil II you (all to so appeiror auswertlie plalu t i tT will apply to the court for the relief dn matnleil in the complaint Sled herein, to wit: lor a iiiditiueut aitalnst you aril each of von for the sum ol l.ia). with Interest thereon at the rale of 10 pet cent, per annum from the nth day of lieccmber. IMti, and for the sum of lil attorney fee herein and for rosis and disbursements of this suit. And that the usual decree lor the sale of said preinlaea ilescrilied In plalnllfT'a complaint herein, to wit: (Iti-nlnnlm al the uuarter section corner on the south Istuudary ol section U, T. ft. S ol R. 1 K. ol W. M, rou ti In a- thence east JO chains to a stake: incline north 7 dc. east ta sal chains to a rock In Ihe center (d the road, thence north HI dcK. west fl Ml chains to a stake; thence north A de. i mill, west 17.S0 chains to a stake on Ihe north aud south ijuarlcr section line throUKh S4MMI011 I f. thence south M7 1! chains 10 place of bedim I11K. con tain I nit au acres; all slut ale and lyluic in Clackinas county. Stale ol Orejouj In made, and that the priH'eeds of said aale may be au piled to the amount due the plalntln" and that said defendants and all persons claiming under them. auhriiieiit to Ihe execution of said mort Kane upon said premises, either as purchasera or incumbrancers, or otherwise, may be barred and foreclosed of all rlirhta, claim or eipilty of redemption In theaald premises and every iart thereof, and that plaintiff may have Judgment nd execution airalnst the said defendants lor auy deficiency which may remain after apply Init all the proceeded the sale of thesald prem ises to the satisfaction ol said Jud(iiieiit. That the purchaser may be let Into the pos session of sa'd premises on production ol the sheriff 'a certificate of aale therefor; and for such further relief as to the court may seem equlta hie. This summons la served by publication on tin defendant. John Palmer, by order of the Hon. K l. Hhattuck, Judite of the Fourth Judi cial Iilstrlct ol Oregon, made the Will day ol February, A. I). liY 1IRIIWNKLL 4 1KKSHKK dE J, I. l.A M rKKI.I.. 3-1:4 U Attya. lor Plaintiff. HIIKKIF"H HALF.. In the circuit court of the slate of Oregon, for the county ol Clackamas. J. T Apperson. Plaintiff, ys. Ma'V K Harlow, M S I'lllshiiry and Thomas hi. Miller, de fendants. Stale ol Oregon, county of Clackamas, ss, Notice In hereby given that by virtue of an execution aud order of sale iasued out of the circuit court of Die Wale of Oregon (or the county of f'inckamas, bearing date the 'Jlst day of February, In'i'i, in a sull wherein J. T, Apper son was plnlutllt', and Mary K. Harlow, M. H. Plllsbury and Thomas M Miller were defend ants, cominac Hog me. lu the name of tho State of Oregon, tiiat out of the real estate hereinafter described, to realize a sum sufficient to satisfy the demands of said degree, to-wlt tl'J.VI.ll, and the further sum of 1100 attorneys fees, slid fin costs, together witli interest on the same since said decree was entered at 10 per cent, per annum, and also the costs of and attending this sale Now. therefore. In obedience to such decree, I did. on the -Till day of February, Isus; duly levy upon, and w ill, 011 Saturday, the Both day of March, IM'.'i, at the hour of I o'clock p. m. of said day. at the front door of the court house In said county, offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best bolder, for cash lu hand, all ol the right, title and Inlorcnt the said defendants have In and to the following do. scribed real properly, to wit: Hegliinlng al the southeast corner of tho Donation Land Claim of Samuel Miller No. riS, lu Township i South of Kange 1 Kast ol the Willamette Meridian In Clackamas county. Oregon, and running thence rtnrln 10 neg. r.asi .10 it chains to comer ol Julia Ann Lewis claim: thence North 13 deg F.ast AM chains to center of eouniy road, thence W'eat 47.3o chains to division line of said Miller claim; thence South if 1. 21 chains v thence South 111 deg. F.ast 42 chains to place ol beginning, containing i:tfi hi; acres more or less. Dated this 27th dayof February A. P. law. K. C. MADDOI'K. Sheriff of Clrtckamaa county, Oregon. By N. M, Mooor, Deputy. ' 8-l:3-!K NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has. by order of the Honorable County Court ol Clackamas county, Oregon, been appointed ad ministrator ni me estate, wim win annexed, 01 Solomon Achorn. deceased, All persons, there fore, who have claims against aaid estste are required t present tliem duly verified to me at my office In Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from this date. L L. POKTF.K, Admr. Dated Feb. 28, 18!i. 31:3-20 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. fthrrltri Nntif of Mala on Kietuitloit. In the Circuit Court of the Slain nl Oregon, for III County u Clackamas. Iletiry Mrldruiu. plalapff, ra. Dntntiilti Weill tyro, defendant. State ol Oregon, County nl Clackamas, as. Nolle la hsrohy liven that hy virion of an execution and order of sate Issued mil ol the circuit conn ol the Slate of Oregon lor tlia County of Clackamas, hearing data the Until day nl February, lam, lu mil wherein Henry Mel drum Was pIslntllT, and Dominie Melntyr was delendaiil, ominaiidln me, In the name ol the Slaie ol Orce.Ui. that out ol the real estate boreluafter ileierllied, 10 realise a sum ailmcleiit to satisfy Ihe demand, ol aald decree, to wit: 1'W.iSk and the lurlher tmi ol ill 00 coals, and the further sum ol tMiniaa at torney fees, together wlih Interest on the same since said decree was entered al 10 par Pent, per annum, aud also the costs ol ami sucndlng this sale. Now. Iberefore, lu obedience to such decree. I did on the -till ilny ol Uclolwr, IMH.dilly attach, nd nu Ihe Mil day ol February, Inun. duly levy upon, ami will, on Saturday, the nih day ol April, Imilt, al the hour ol I u'rlork P. M. of said day, al the front door el the court house In aald county, offer lor ssle al public auclloii, and sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash In hand, all ol Ihe right, title and Inter est Ihe said defendant on Ihe 4b dav ol October. !. haj In and U the billowing described real properly, to wit: The east hall ol tin northwest uuarter. and li e noiihwesi quarter ol Ihe north east unarier ol section a. In township 4. south ol range . rsst of Ihe VYIIIsmeit meridian, and the uoriheasi iuarler ol the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter ol section ft. In low 11 ship 4, smith ol range S. east ol the Willamette meridian, all lu Clerkaniaa count y. Oregon. Dated this Til day of March, A. I l'S K C, MAIH'OCK, Sheriff ol Clackamas eouniy, Stale ol Oregon. Mv N. M fcnouv. Deputy. ) It AIIMINISl'KATOIt'H SA1.K Notice la hereby given, dial by authority ol an order Issued out of the County Court of the alaleof Oregon, for the eouniy ol Marlon, oil the fith dav of February. A. It. Isun. will, aa administrator with the will annexed ol the aa lale ol Charles Malbes. deceased, oil Sslorday, the Slh dayof April, l'ii. al one ocl.s-k P M of said day sell al public auction to Ihe highest inner, an the right, title slid Interest ol said decedent In and to Hie billowing described lauds: The west half of aectlon thirty three i.tSi, lu township ve (,Si, smith, ranee one 1 1), east nl Ihe W lllamelie meridian, lu t'larkamas eouniy, Oregon, containing jtjoarrva (, laud, more or less. The sale will ! conducted upon the premises near Marquam, Clackamas rounty, Oregon. Terinsnf sale cash. J II. MiN'AltV. Adm r with Hie will annexed wl said estate. March 7, ISM. .va & Notice of Application fur a Saloon License. Notice Is hereby irlveu, that the under siK'iieit w ill apply lo (be City I 'utitii'il ol I ire- ' iron t'ltv, Oregon, at the regular uirclinK In I April lor Ihe rontimialUiii of license lor a saloon 011 Main at reel between Kourlli and Klllli streets. lllt.MlY .t Mi piiNiiflill. Oregon t'lly, Oregon, March 7, !(. Ht'.MMUNS. lu Ihe Circuit Court of Ihe State of Oregon lor Ihe County of Clackamas. Julia Calmer, plaintiff, va John Palmer, de fendant To Johu Palmer, the ahnvenamed defendant: In the name ol the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby reoulrrd to appeal and answer lite com plaint ami summons fllrd sgsilist you lit the above entitled nil. by the Srsl day ol the term billowing the expiration of 'he time prrscrllx! 111 the older lor the publication ol this sum mens, to wit: on Ihe I'Hli dav ol April. A D. Is'ja, thsl lielug the Srst dsv of the commence ment of the regular term of the atetveatitltlcd court: and if yen fnll losip pear aud answer or 'lead, the plaintiff w III take a decree again. 1 you (or the relief prayed lor in the complaint filed herein, lo-wll. lor a decree dissolving the Isolds ol matrimony now vaistitig between ihe plain llff and defendant; for the care and rtistiHty of their minor children: for one third ol Ihe real proferly belonging to the defendant, described as follows, to-wil : Iteglnnlng at the section corner on the south boundary ol section li, township ft, sot Hi range I, east 1. 1 the Willam ette meridian: running thence east ju u-Usi chains to a slake: thence north 7 degrees east i'i Wl Hal chains 10 a rock In the renter ol Ihe county road: thence north a degrees west ft VI-list chains to s stake, thence uorihaadeg li mill west 17 an nil elms to s slake on the norih and sooth '4 section line through section li: thence south :I7 II pal chains in the place ol tie ginning, ronlalliliig eighty arrea, situated lu the county of Clscksmaa and state of Oregon. And for the sum ol I si, permanent alimony lor Ihe support of herself and minor children; and for the costs and disbursements nl this suit This summons Is published hynrdcrof Ihe Circuit t ourt of the stale of Oregon, for Clacka mas eouniy, made and entered ou Ihe 1Mb day ol Kchruary. A H. I. and la toiidlalied for a perlc. d of sli consecutive weeks in said Clacka mas county, slate of Oregon oTOTI, HOISP. A srol'T. WW Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Ht'MMONS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Ihe county ol Clackamaa Adam Andre, plaintiff, vs. C. M, Andre, defend ant. Tot;. M. Andre, said defendant: In Ho name of the Stale of oregen, vou are hereby required to appearand answer the com plaint filed against ynu In the above entitled suit tn said court ou the first day ol a term thereof to be la-gun and held neal alter al weeks from the publication ol tills summons nsmely. nu the I.Vh day of April. I'JV And If you lall ao to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court lor the rellel demanded 111 the coniplatut herein, which Is lor the dlaaoliitiou ol the in-:rrlagn contract now subsisting between aald parlies, and for such other equitable relief aa prayed for in ahl complaint. ' Tills summons is published by order of T- A. Mclirlde. Judge of saltl cotirl, made and daled February let, IwiV C, D. A D. C. I.ATOI'KF.TrF.. 2-13:3-22; Attorneys for Plaintiff". SI'MMONS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Klato of Oregon, for the County n( clackamaa F. C. Perry, plaintiff, va. John Palmer and Julia Palmer, defendanta. Tojohu Palmer and Julia Palmer, defendanta: In the name ol tho State ol Oregon, you are hereby required toappear and '.nawer Ihe com plaint filed against yen lu Ihnaliove-fintltW-d ac tion within ten daya from the date ol the serv ice of this summons upon you. II served within tills county; or if served within any other coiiulv of tills statu then within twenty da, a from the dale of the service of this summons upon you ; and If served ny publication then on or before the first day of the next regular term of Ihe above court following the expiration of the lime prcscriticd In Ihe order ol publication of tlila aummona, to-wit: the l.'ith day of April, IhW. And II you fall to so answer, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you and each ol you lor the sum ol $100 with Interest thereon at the rate of ID per ceul tier annum since De cember Hlh, la'iil. aud for .'." aa an attorney Ice. ami lor the Inrther sum of x2.3x, and (or his costs slid disbursements herein This summons is served upon ynu hy publi cation by order of tho Hon. Thomas A Mil Itrlde, .fudge of aald court, duly made ou the Uth day ol February, Hw,. HltOWNKI.l. A IlKKsaKR A 1. IT, Camviikm., 2-1,'i 3-22J Allor.ioyi tor Plaintiff Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter of the estate ol Oliver Achorn, de ceaaed, Notice la hereby given that L. L. Porter, ad mlnlatrntor of the above eslntu, has filed his final report and account III the administration of said eatato, and that the county court of the Stale cl Oregon lor Clackamaa county has made so order selling Monday, the nth day ol My, IH'A st 10 o'clock A. M. ol said dav. at the county court house of said county In Oregon City, Ore gon, for the hearing ol objection, If any there be, and for the examination of said final report and account and fur the Dual settleiiiunt ol said estate Dated March 21. 1H95. L. L. POKTF.R, Administrator nl the estate of Oliver 3-22:1-12. Achorn, deceased. HtJTTK CKKKK ORANOF., No. 82, P. of II. Meets at their hall lu Marquam, second Sat urday 111 each month at lu a. m. Visiting members al ways welcome. J. K JACK, J. R. WHITE, .Secretary. Master, Sunday Sorvlcoa. (Tf. PAI'l.'S 1'llt'ltlUI - ri.mpsl - Kay. Issaf f'aw-no, Iteemi Mel vices al II o'clock . in. and 7 p ni. Prayer servtte ivory Wed nesday evening, flllMT CONllHttllATIIlNAl, CHI'HOII, Itey, J, W.Oowau I'aalor. Services al 10 a.m. and s nu r. m. Sunday School after morning service. Player meeting W ednesday evening at a tJOiu'lock Prayer meeting of Young. PeoplK i Siadety of Christian Kinleavor every Sunday I Yetiing at 7.1a praiupi. rillST HAPI'INT CIM'IICIt llav M f llt ioi, I'aalor Morulii) Service al II: Sunday School at 12 In: Kveulng Service ft ill), llegnlar prayer mealing Wednesday evening. Moaihly Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening preceding ihe Aral Sunday III the nroutlg, i ootulal Invitation mall. ST. lOIIN'S CIII'KI II CAI IIOI.IC -ltsv, A. II 1 1.I.K list a N 0, Pss'.or. On Sunday maaaal a and III :sl a. at. Kvery second and fourth auuday Herman sermon afler the a o clock mas At all oilier masses Kugllsh sermons, Sunday School at i HO r. Vespers, apologeilral tiibliaiia, and Meiisdlctlon al 7 HO r. M. MKI'lloPlsr KI'ISCOPAL ClltlllCII.-Kir (I. Hvaas, Pastor. Morning service al II; Sunday School at 10 isi t lsss meeting after inotulna service. Hvenlng service al J an, Fnworlh League meeting Holiday evening al a ); Prayer Mealing Thursday evellllig all , strangers cordially Invited. FIRST PltKSIIYTKHIAN CHIIHCII.-Kr, J. W. Moulgomery, Pastor. Services al II A H su4 7 Ml r M. Sabliath School al 10 A. M. Youug people's Society of Christian Khdeavor ineeii every Sunday evening at Sao Wednesday veiling prayer meeting at 7 SO. Seals Iree, KVANdri.lCALCIItiKCII-IIFItMAN - H. P. Mvkhs, pastor. pn-aclnug services ever Sunday al II A M and 7 so p. if. Ssbbaih school everv Sunday al 10 A M (He. P. Holt. Supll Weekly Prayer Meetliif very W'ediiesdsy evening IIKKTMKKN IN CIIKIST. Preseh lug every seooud and fourth Huiiday ol eack Rioiiih, at II tua ra, and 7 so p m.W It, lac Lain, Pastor Sunday seluail al 10 a. m. at Oregon city Ftrsi sunday al Hamsou school house, Molalla; Third Sunday, Mountain Home II a, m : llmlier orove, 4 p m - Miss Iwlla llreen, Siiperlutendeiil Muuuay schmd. Prayer meollng every Wadueauay evening. FVAMiF.l It AL I I'THKHAN Clll'ltCII-I,. (lagv, Psstor ib-rmau services every Sundsy al II o'cbH'k A M. Nugliah services at 7 M r. M Sunday school s In o'eba k A M Uvca II011 aiore riaira uesi ibs.r to bakery In sblve ley s building, coiner ol Neveulli am Maillaou streets t Masrlirs Notice of Sal on Kieeullun. In the clirult Court ol the stale of Oregon, lor Hie County ol Clackamaa. tlenrge brought.. 11, plaintiff, va Christ Mnrbuke lid J. II. Martin, llrfeiolalils. Slate ol Oregon, Cmnily of Claclamas, ss. Notice Is hereby given, that hy virtue of ao execution ami order "I sale Issued out ol the TM'Cull roorl ol the Slale ol Oregon lor the county ol Clackamaa. bearing date ihe Kith day ol February. laxV In a suit wherein Oeorge llroughloii was plaintiff, and Christ Moehnke and J II, Martlu were ilefrudauts. commanding me. In the name ol the ataie of Oiesou. thai out ol the teal estate hereinafter described, to rcal lie a sum aultlclenl lo sstlsfy lbs dcinsudsnf said decree, to wit Iil7.uu.aud Ihe lurlher sum ol U7l costs, together with lllleteal ou I ho same sluee said decree wsseuiereilai a verrnt per iiouni, and also Hie costs ol and sttendlug this sale Now. therelore, In olKdleuee lo such decree, I did. on the lllh day of Maich. ISA'i. duly levyn.n and will 011 Saturday, the .ash day of April, s'.jo. atliiehourot ouao'cla-kP M of said dav. at the front diair of the court house lu said county, offer lor sale at public auction, aud sell to the highest and laal bidder, for cash In hand, all of the right. Idle and Interest ihe ssld defendant Chrlsl Moehnke has III aud to the lollowlug ile.crlla-d real proM-rtv. lo-wll: 'I ha Norlbeaat one quarter ol Southwest one quarter and the North west one quarter ol Mouth -esst one quarter of Hcctlnn Five til In lowusblp Poor 111 Smith of Itahga brea 1.1) Kssl ol Ihe Wlllsuiclle Mendlsii, III Clsckainaa Cniiuty, Oregon, liale.l Oils 'jutli day o March, A t I"' F. c. MAIHMH'K. Sheriff of Clackamas Co., Slale ol Oregon My N M Moony, Deputy. S-22 4 IS J eanunlcUTC . C. 1 I OUT A 1 lis A PATKlHTf Pnr a Rnania answar and an behest oiiinnm. wrlle to 1 1 lil A 4 It., whnhava hsd nearly tin t raars' xtHirlstHa. In the iNilent iMSsinesa. Ctmilnuulna tkttr ttM In thai italmit tlirfti trtHlf iMinfllintiAt. A M nil bonk of In rorntiic) tmwmiii(f rirwi rjin n .n no tln iImtM nl fri. AImi Maliu uf vvcbattai kl clvtillltc iMMtki Mut Iimi. Iia-nti ttaknn Itinmvh Muntt A (V rnHr tri not U tn th H,-Irnll flr A mrrlrim, hl tttutt if hnmittit witlnlf tMtftraOi puMlriwilh out 4rt to tit tnvrmtor. Tlitt njph4li(J iwiMtr, ImiuhI vMiklf. lfi:iini) illMfrBtrMl. bw hf far tli UrirtHil ctrriilatHiQ vt nr rinli(Vo wtiri In Ut world, mil ?tir. ftmipW mnyir Mnt frjw. Hulldliw rhtttm. m.mthtr. tl'Mm yrr. HmuK ui4a, !t.) owiita, KvttrjT awrwr cvrntaitui tx ti ll (ul 4jitt. In xsnlitrt, mn4 bhrrftifjrahlw of imw buutMWL with plrm, nNviit ViMri tohow i t4H tWir na and MHHiri Hmnnrit. AiMrtHM MUAM 4 LO Mkw Vua, tftil BuuAUWlT, NOBLETT'S STABLES. Idvcry, Fwd uml SiilnSulila ORECONCITV. LOCATKIi 1IKTWKKN III K IIHIIIIIK AND HKPOT Dmilile uml .Singli lUs, itml siul He horses always on liuntl at tlia lowt'st jiriccH. A corrall coimpcU-'d witli tin1 'mm for loosu stock. Iiifiu'tiutlon rpifnr.limr hiiv kind or Htiick ironiilly stti'iuloil lo ly pcrHun of Itittcr, HorsoB Ooujht and Sold. Iluraps lloiiriltnl and Fed 011 reason. Mo loriitH Oalsry anil eip.nst paSlweogly feiini sisrL rsnnanintposllluli. KiKhlslrstnrrltury KliorlelieB UIOKM-esSAry. PocUlliO ffl a ( sdrsntAgnsfnh.gltinn-s. I.tbsral M V aeliliulh-n to hs-al part. j .JV. v Y a 'tn nil fori fin iMi-h IP.I, Wn iuit vmi now, UiW i thn fruit imtii-try U ' jorlanU rhin-e tr oi fin nL 'ititi t nrit f'i.1 pir I rilMMflrtv MM" W.; il.if . '.. m.r ;Vai4;T? T 1 m 1 Klffir mjjWW Duffy & Hcckart EXPRESS andTRANSFERING. iSpoeial caro in moving Hotisuliold Goods and Pianos. Prompt work and Uoasoniililo chargos Ltiove ordors at 15ICLL0MY & BUSCirfl. mi ft' tin uih'ii . . 41, ri . C' Va n nursery vaTTW f t eu : Vj I J II ' atJIJ .av-aesf idi-j L I ' -gr I