EDUCATIONAL NOTIS All uotiN (or this column mIioiiIiI lie cut to Mm, II, H, (iil)Hon, editor, Ori'ifin Clly, Oregon . ('(inllniiinl from IiimI wwtk. Tliln In not iiHuuily tlm (unit of tlio timrlior, Imt ruiliiT of tlm Hrcliliurt, or pjuMllily tlm Kcliool dlrm'tom. When thO llill Wllll'll Wll (lllHlKtlllll for tllH llroi:lor'e) Kntinlfiiiliiir'H lirtru Id rciliiccil fur tlio Hi'liuolliiiiiwi, one CHiinot xM'i:t nincli o( a cIiimiIIidmho. Ami una lit not disappointed. Tint pupil" ill UiU room then, linvlnif tirentlied up nil tlio air there In, uml IiuvIiik tliun vonu to wink on cm li otlir'n breath mid ud that up, nat'irnlly Itueoinu liintvy-liemlitd, stupid, uMpliyxliitml. Ilcru In a boy who cmiuot rwiiioinlii-r liin own iihiiiii. A to gmiKriliy, Tuxim U vague lilur on Mm ump loniHwIiuro in It limit) Inland, lie think, Imt wisely ri-funN to coiiunit himself KMiitivlv. In lilHlory, he re members! Unit Hum HoiimIoii wrote the I'dcluriitloii of liulfM-iiilni o, hii'I thikl tlio dyliiK word of C'apluin Lawrence wvre, "I)on't iilyu up the AImiiioI" In arithmetic' he niukca a "dead flunk," InkliiK li in rulura without firing a nlnt. Whitl the boy net-da I five, or It'll, or flftiH'ii mliiiiti'Pi in the great, big wi'lit- out ul doora. !lu i In run anil wren- tlo, jump Mini H yell twenty-five or thirty ycllM, that will awell and expand hi lungs like national ili'ht ill war titnr. Wlutt ilm'N lila blcnxcil U-uclier do? No, no, don't try tonM-uk; I'm admin istrating thin knout. Keep tlio boy in nl ri-i'i mi. I ve wen you lo it ; nnre, tw li e. Ill had nit many dollar a I've aei'ii you keep boy mill girl in at recesa be came lliry missed their lessolis, I woiihl buy a new milt of clothe every week In the year. Now it doe, seem to nit', thut of till the antiquated, outgrown, at-nseles puiilhiiH'iitH luiil upon the growing liu limn rare, thin la the moal well, I going to say luihedle, hut I won't, he cause, it iH ued hy tlm iiiohI Inti-I lif i-nt , the wisest, hy ul 1 o.lla the moat pulicnl, nml I will auy too the gentlest people of America. I fancy the punisliinent is imply mi illustration of the survival of the uiifHU'Ht. We ue it Ix-caiiae our father used it, ami they uaeiril because, poaaibly, thry didn't know any letter. Why, it tiMH been within tie century, I think, that the custom of landing the last man who shinned aloft whin they were shortening cull wa alioliahed in the Kngllli navy. Took the admiralty 1 don't know how muny years to learn thai when men go aloft, one at a lime, oinelMxly has to he laat. The cuatoin waa borrowed from the Chineae, who train their duck to come aboard the boat promptly by the name method; the luHt dm k up the plunk ia beaten all the way. It ia worthy of the Chinese. And so Ili a method of ptinihhii'g a pupil (or atuiiidily, ia a relic o( bmb.irioua ) enter day. Iliaoua iar with the law o( im prisonment for debt. If a mun can't pay his debts, put him in, where he cun never emu a cent, until he does pay. This foolish old world, alow of heait and bruin to learn and (iiii k to forget. Now 1 am it man of mature 1 am alill in school; never expect to graduate. Hut I liuvu more control over my own tuovemeiila than I used to pos ses. Home duva the world lurna round too fust; tlu slot machine, which does whiitlum (ond of calling my thinking for me, ia out o( order, everything geta juinlileit, dates, places, iiftinea, ideaa; the hooka reud backward, like a witch's chiirin ; there ia a erfect tiahara of blank paper on aty desk, blank aa my bruin und those pugea muut be filled before the bud goc" down. What do I do? "Slay in at recess?" Slick to that muddled and muddliiiK dm of mine, uropinK about in a muddy pond of stu pid confusion in the hope of grappling a thought hy nndby?Not much. I bolt out of the door, 1 make a bee line for the woods, I take a brisk walk. I run over to the village and mix up with men, I gel away from the den, and the ink well, and the typewriter. I don't aluike your head ut me, I do, I toll you I "piny hookey" for half an hour, an hour, half a day, maybe. Then I como back and that work simply doua itself after I get it stinted. If I hud my wuy, I would muko it a niisileiiieuiior to keep mliool cliliuren "in at reccHM." Ah I don't have my way save only when I am alone, and even then I ul win s get euuulit at it and have to smart fur it lean only giowl. J tut I really like to see this: punishment banished from ull schools. I don't bo lieve it accompli lies anything. I be liuvu it aggravated the ovilait is intended to correct. Let's away w ith it. Substi tute for it hoiiio rational punishment. And I believe il lias a bud clluct on the pupils. It has on some boys, I am oitivo. There was a boy went to our school (oity years ago, a good boy too, a real good, loving, gentle, earnest, am bitious boy. He used to keep tally of the recesses be lost by being "kept in." Then, when they amounted to a half day, this boy good and gentle, and in the main obedient, would whoop off to the lake, "play hookey" and fish all day, and o "make it up" he used to say. And I'd do it again under the sanio cir fitances. ' TKACIIKKS1 ASSOCIATION. The next meeting of the Clackamas County Teachers' Association will be held in the school building of Milwaukee, on Saturday, March 30, opening at 10 a, m. sharp. An liilereatlng program ha been prepared and preparations are being made to iiinke tlila aa Miireasfiil a meet ing as ever held by the association, An evening session will be held for which a special program will he prepared. At this meeting Col. Hubert A. Miller, of Oregon City, will deliver an address on education viewed bom a business iiimi's stand point. It Is expected thut teachers will iinke a special effort to attend this meeting as the association has so devel oped thut it is practically a teacher' school . Milwaukee cun bo reached at any hour by the electric cars or hy the boat r tlio Southern Pacillc trains. The follow ing Is the program for the day session : I'KOOHAM. Music, Ical Talent. I'rlmary number work, Klgira Mullan. reniiianshi "Unsolved, That tiie system of vettical wilting Is hettei than the Spencerian system." Affirmative, lv M. Ward ami llutlie K. Munroe; negatlve.K, C. Haekett and (iertrude Kinley. Intermission. Music, Local Talent. Kindergarten Class Itrill, Florence Oli-cn, Address, "What do we owe the state?" Prof. II. K Slriinge. Quotations from Whittier, Association The Cataract Lnlerlalii. The riieiiiliers of Cataract Hose Com pany No. 'J, held a banquet at their rooms I'liiluy night. A number of the ireinheis of the fiie companies and a few other invited guests were present. The company regaled themselves with vood eating and drinking until a late hour. Delight (ill music was furmm-d hy (iilbert Poller's orchotra, and short speeches w ei e nude. Some of the Vet erans present, amongst them Mayor Straight and J. P. Slover, became re miniscent, recalling the heroic deeds per formed by the Catalans in days gone hy. Cataract Iloee Company No. 1 has been in existence since lHii7, being formed out of the Mclaughlin hose com pany which was Oregon City's first tire company. Col. W L. White, Thomas iterry, Pave Smith and J. M. Fraxer were the organixers of the Cataract. Col. Whito t aa the first president of the com pany and waa an active member for twelve years, serving as chief engineer of the department for several mccessive terms. It was during one of these terms that the department was presented with two silver truinH'ls by Ken llolladay for meritorious work at the horning ol the steamers Shoo Fly and Reliance. Program for Nautilus ('. M. I- C. Kxercises for Monday evening, March 2'", 1.'5. Hull call, Quotations from Tennyson. Instrumental Music, l'aNr, ' Christianity and Kngli h Wealth." Select Heading. Character sketch, "Sir Walter Scott," with an account of his works. liebate, "liesolved, that the uso of voting machines would be a bene lit to Hit; pnldio." Vis-al Music, ljuailelte. lteHrt of critic. Report of committee on program. Circle w ill meet at residence of L. C. Priggs, at 8 o'clock sharp Friends of j members are welcome. ) An Odd Collection. j A man in Colorado has a quaint col lection of bottles It is divided into two sections Section one is large. Section two is not. Section one contains bun-1 dreds of bottles, the contents of which I his wife swallowed hoping to find reliuf from her physical sufferings. Section two contains a few bottles that once were , fiilled with Pr. Pierce'a Favorite Pre-1 scriptiun. It was this potent remedy that gave the suffering wife her health again. It cures all It regularities, in ternal intlammation and ulceration, dis placements and kindred troubles. It lias done more to relieve the sufferings of women than any other medicine known to science. Pile tumors, rupture and fistuhc, radi cally cured by improved methods. Hook 10 cents in stamps. 'World's Pispensary Medical Association, Fmffalo, N. Y. Highest cnsli price paid for second hand goods of all kinds ut second hand store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th ut. Headquarter for garden seeds K. V.. Williams, the grocer. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned, l'av up your HiiliHciption to the Kntkiii'HIsk and get the the beneht of the reduction in price. Jtiplico MankH, real patnto blnnks, anil all oilier blanks nt the Knticki'HIHk of tloe. l'ortlund priced. Free I'M. Send your address to K. K. Ducklen & Co., Chicnio and get a free sample btix of Dr. Kinii'a New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of its merits. These pills are easy In at tlon and are particu larly effective in the cure ot t otiBtipatlon and tick headache. For malaria and liver trouble they have been proved In valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular size 25 cents, per box. Sold by Chnrman 4 Co,, drugifist, Charman Bros. Block. .better Mat. Th following U th llsl of letters remain ing in lti piiftolltre at Oregon City, Oregon, I :: P. M., March 0), JHitt: Arnold, K K H'.ylen, W IVelisn, Tlios Orlllen, Dun O'lder, Hanson, Fred Nlalil, W A Mackintosh, (' Morgan, II i' McCnsker, M M Norburg, (', Noyer, II V Phillips, A W ('lilting, byilla Jones, MistOra KalMleliw Ii, Mary Miller, Ann 0en, Minnie llogera, Mi A II Handera, Mn M K If culled for male when advertised. 8. It. OUKKN.P. M. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King' New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, 'have now the opportunity to try II Iree. Call on the advertised drug ges' and get a trl.d bottle free. Send your name und address to II. K. liucklen it Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Pr. King's New Life pills free, as well aa a copy of (iuide to Health and House hold Instructor fiee. All of which ia guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing ( barman A Co.' Drugstore, Chnrman liros. Block Itemoriil. Prs. III. key the dentist owing to the increased practii e in llieir Portluntl office has been compelled to discontinue their Oregon City office. Parlies desiring dental work will find them in the Dekuin building Third and Washington streets Portland Those having 'i or more woitb of w irk done will have their round trip (ulr deducted from their bill. We might teli yon more alKiiit One Minute Cough Cine, hut yen pinbably know that it curea a cough. Every one doea who has used it. It is a perf-ct reined) (or coughs, colds hoarseness. It la an esnvlul for children, being pleasant to take and quick in curing. C (i. Huntley, dregkdst Captain Sweeney, U. S A , San Piego, Cal.savs: ".hi:oh'a Catarrh Kemedy is tile lirt medicine I have evflr found that would do me any go'sl" Price 5t-. For sale hy (ieo. A. Harding Postoflice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY-:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries aie Fresh and of tlto beet quality. In Prices v:e meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. ISHjC'U" kMtWJiaw fill If votl use tlie Prtnlnm larubatora A Unaxlcn. Mike wtrnt-y while other are wasting time byolilpMcr. CaUti;tells all about II ,and uricrltc every article needed tor Inc poultry buiinesa. The "ERIE mechanically the bert .wheel. rtetliftmoJcl. We are Pacihc Coast Aaenta. Bicvcle cata- lojue,mailcU free.girei E fell devrtritlon. prieea. etc., aofkts wawtfd. PET ALUM A ritCOBATOR C0..Petilann,Cal. Dkanch lioesB, tu b Main tt., Lua Angeles. want a Name and will pay rtl 4 rage I I rw, Catalogue a mi m m aVfe4 for It. For rartlmlara ar Vlck'a Floral Jiitd for is, whlrh mntallM mlnntl plaint of VU k'a Uranrlilnl Artrr, Hwwt V(W tnl'ltn, HillMl.anil Unlit Flowrr. Ilolllutrationi dnKriptlona that dmrrllw. not iiiIhIpbiI; hlnton.iwliianiltrnplnlliiI. Print l In Wtlinrrftit rolorcd Itikn. llli on receiptor lOccnta, which nay badoluctnl from nnlonlw. Vtcl iswdjoonulm tli ftrm at UI CHOICE SWEET PEAS Hmnll Qimntltlua at WholnialB l'riooa. 40 CENTS A FOUND, Wa bare (rroirn tons of Swwt Tm the pwt lUtnmtT of a Terr fine quality to twM to uWoour frlrmltt a real trrat. Think of it, 25 a rirtira ami colon mlml. A pound onlr 40 rrnla I hnlf pound it3 cental marlrr ponnd cental ounce JO enta. nrj r tt nurrrt n.ntv nmnA nwlilcr.rhannlnar Pot riant UVLU r LU VV LrV. Kxcelltnt eacn ; two mr 40 ornta, COLUMBIAN RASr BERRY. KriS tmnrlT Tltoroua. rmltitlnr droncht ; rrorpitlon by tlpa. no nirkrra j fruit vny lam. color durk ml: bwt Wrry for cannlnp;, rrtalnln ilw, color anil flavor; loin urMon of fruiting; blah quality of lata fruit! fruit aillterra to the atrm, not dropnlna; aoi not crumM In plcklnir; eicrllfntahloprr; wondrrftillr proline, over sonoquartsper 4a4. StaUona and Fruit Gro wen. Single plaata Mcta.) oneooieu Dianu 3 tyj 'Jtl ifJASaVaCKS SOMSlriy BUUoru tud Fruit Grower. Single ROCHESTER.1T.Y. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year To (ood Trmplurs. 1)0 you know that Moore ' I'.eveitled Itemi'dy is the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol ; Hiat the modi) of preparing it is know ii only to its dilcover; that It is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel In the nineteenth century; that its proprietor offer to forfeit 1,000 for any case of dysvpsia it will not cure? A beautiful woman must lie healthy, and to remain healthy and beautiful she should take Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthinu Cordial and Blood Puritler. It Imparts tone ami flush to the skin, vigor and pure biota) ; Is equally adapted for all ages, from the balm to the aged, of either sex. For sale by C. (i. Huntley, druggist. Frequently accidents occur In the household which causes burns, cuts, sprains ami- bruises; fog we in such cases Dr. J. II. Mclan'a Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many year been the constant favorite family remedy. For S'lle by C. O. Huntley, druggist. You make no mistake when you take De Witts Little Early Risers for bilious ness, dysK-psia or headache, necanse these little pills cure them. C. U lluntlev, drncgist. WINTER TIME TABLE. STR. SARAH DIXON, For Astoria and Clatskanie. Leave WASHINGTON STREET DOCK for Astoria, Sunday mor ning at 7:.'i0. Monday and Wednes day evening at 7:''0. RETURNING leaves Astoria Monday morning at G:30; Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Connecting at Oak Point on down trip with steamer Messenger for Clatskanie; and on up trip from Clatskanie. On Fridays will leave Portland at 1 o cluck I M. for Oak roint con necting with steamer Messenger for and from Clatskanie. Return to Portland the same night. Portland Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellopg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and f riday, at ( A. al. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. XORTirVEST-""-Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. VM. R. HOLM AN", Apent. Taylor Street Dock. Portland, Or. FOR- t aaaa. a w a. ABSOLUTELY PDRE 1K KiS G A. HARDING. NONE BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perrumsrles and Toilet Articles. Ao a lull itock ol F-A-IHSTTS- OILS ETC. $300.00 'Vv for BonKn. 1'lauu ceuta plauti 60cU. onedowo dUoU 6 in Advauce. -I,- ' '' !Tho Independent. NEW YORK. A Krllglou l.itri-Hry and Family IVMT. ('D'lf nmlnll nl, unliluH nn'l Imptrtlnl. A puper lor clerrymen, n. liolim. lurliiri, buxIrieNS men atitl fntlllt'M. It tlig c ". etrery tople nl the lr re llrlona, tllit.'al, x,llil'!al, literary, aoelnl, artist c and actrnlille lu. contrib uted article! ire I if the aHwt eminent wrlten nl the toillib UnKiiaae. It emptor! ipeclall!)! and dtatlnsuliihed writer! aiedltort ul Ita twenty one Pepaitmenti, aa follows: Literature, Science, Mnl, fine Arts, Hanltiry, Mixtions, KcMeloin Intellience, BiMlcal Kewarch, School and College, i'emonali, t'haritle!. Editorial, New! ol the week, Biindnjr-Sfnool, Milliner) IMfUter. financial, Inaurance, Old and fount. Pebbles, Karm and Mrden, 0ld Kuou. A paper partieualarly fltted lor lawyra dr tor. clernymen, thoae entailed In bulncm, yotin petpie ol both !exei. men and womeu who read and think lor thetnselvea. A per eiteelally valuable lor tboae Inter eated in Fine ne, Science, Muaic. A paper (Wlni taluable Inlormatlon upon Finance, Life Inatirene, Commerce - paper lor Hundaj bYhool Work!, tnoee wno hare a Farm, harden or Hotiae Placta A paper lor the lamily, old and young. Iti rearly aubacriptlnn la 13 00, or at that rate lor any part ol a year. ClnUo fire, UOO, each Specimen! Copiea Free. EAST AND SOUTH TIIE SHASTA K0CTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h I ' Korth. a 16r.a. I Lr Portland Ar 8 U.a Mr.H. Lr OreeonCity Lt 7:19a.m. 10 4-)A a. I Ar g.Frinclaco Lr 7:00r.M. DININO CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through train! KOSEBCRO MAIL (Dally 1:9)1.11. I Lt Lt Ar Portland Ar OreronOily Lr KoaetmrK Lr 4 30 r. a I 3 tT. H 7:00. a 9:.1I a. . I aMr. M. j W eat Side Uirialon. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0RVAUJ8. Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) 7 30 A.M. 12 :15 r.K. Lt Ar Portland Cnrvallla Ar Lt 5:3.1 r a 1 oo r.a At Albany and rnrralllt connect with train of Oregon and Pacific kailroad. Exnrea Train DallT (Except Sunday) Lt Portland Ar 8:Mi. a 7:r. a. I Ar McMlnnville Lt 16.50a. a THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at loweat ratei from L B Moore, Agent, Oregon City. R.KOEHLER, K. P. ROGERS. Manaxer. Att't O. P. and Paae. Aient tlQ"ift2 7 r PI l W T-wa l y-V r-a W a' VTA-M CJIHUilU XUIiriil er Three Doses ot Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You Feel Better. Does your back ache? Does every step seem a burden? You aoe billious. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For sale by all druggists. TEl "5t :5 P?iviK' I'M E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE EHST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL 3FS. O "O w1l7 2 S3 GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. ! VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA I AND AND ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on or ad dress, W. n. IIURLBURT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. E 1 I I II '4 Ka una 1 1 Willi II Ala aal A Sovereign Remedy & Gugti Colds,LaGnppe and ill AfTectiorvj d IheThroat. Chest and Lungs. StMO T0H f RllilH. ABiEnNEMaOiwilkCal. For sale by C. G. Huntley. RED FK0M MARKET. The following market quotations for Oregon City are furniahed by the R l Front store, and are corrected week'y WHOLESALE. Egga, per dot. So Butter, per roll. 25 Jo Site i Cltickena, pt-r dozen, 2.00 to $-' 15 ! Old liens, per dozen 3.00 to. 3 L l onng ducks, per di zen,. . 3 00 ro 4.t 'J Aiiples, per box. choice, U to 75 Timothy hay, tiuled, per ton, !) to ! ) ('lover hay, baled, per Ion, 8to S J5 Straw, bated, iter ion $5 t" tti ;Caribage, per doz., 40 loo's; O.iiona, -er cwi., M) to 1 0) I I'otatoea, choice, 25 to 3l'e I Wheat, per bu-hel, 40 to SC5 j Oats, per bushel 25 to 2frc i Wixtl, per lb , 8 to!te Fir wood, per cord W ' Dreawd boita, per lb., 44 I RETAIL 1 19 lbs. dry granulated augar fl 0) I A r buck le aud Lion coffee 5e I Good broken raiat coffee, I Liverjiool aalt, per ct., 9i): Rice. 2 lba.,. 1 i.O Tea. per lb., 2j.30 , 37M-s Hope Yiy-'t Coal oil, ier val., 15e., 5 gal., 7c llama, per h ...12,' Bacon, amoked eitlcs, I'.'e l)ry salt pork, .' W Lard lOtoUc Shoulders 8o Tea nitts, 2 lb 15c Timothy eeed, . (fjc Clover wed I8f;e Cider vinenar, ttji Pickles, per keg, $1,U Flour, iterbb' $-.'.5 ,hort,per aack.oS to 7-V; per ton, $11 5) Bran, per sack, 40c ; per ton O Wire naila, 6 and 8 penny, per keg, $2 a) Wire nails. 10 to 20 penny, per keg, yi 25 Wire nails, 30 toGO penny, per keg, 12 1800 miles of long dit .tance telephone wire fn Oregon and Washington now in operation by tfro Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem. Walla Walla, Pendlet..( Albany and 96 other towifs in the two states on iho line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a . personal communication; Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spr kane as easily heard .iH Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STP TOLEDO DAILY : .TRIPa Down Leave Dayton 5 A. JL, Mission 5,30, Xewberg 6, Eutta ville 6:45, Oregon City 9:Zti, arriving in Portland 10:30 A. St. Up Leave Portland 2:30 P. M., Oregon City 4 P. M. Stage runs between McMinnvil'o and Dayton, via Lafayette, in cor nection with the boat. The Btagp will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMintv- ville, every morning at :30 a. in. returning, leave Dayton every evening, except Sunday, on arrival of the boat. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast tim e made. Fur freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. Everybody shond patronize tho Toledo and thus sustain a daily boat. Joel P. Geek, Owner. Archie Ueer, Captain. CLACK AMA8 LODGE, No. 67, A O. P W Meet" lirst und third Monday in each mnni'i, at Strtiirhfa Hall. V'initlug brethern welion i C. E. Piasi 8. Uolcohh Reo. M. vw. A. t. A. COUNCIL NO. 4. Hell on the flrat and third Fttdayain month at K. nl t. hall. ViKitlni membaa waya welcome. A. W. Fbanci, trvii CATARACT H08E CO. No. i Meets aecond Tueaday of each month al tti tract Enitine home. W H. HowiLL,Prea G. H. Bcirrow, Seo'y. J. W O'C'onnell, rm FALLS ENCAMPMENT. No. , I. O O. r Meets Arst and third Tuendaysof each montri, atOld Fellows hall. Members and visit' patrlarrha, eordially Invited to attend. J. A. STEWART, W. H HOWELL. Scribe. Chief Patriarch FOR SALE OR TRADE. rt Tracts of CLACKAMAS FRUIT LAND4 MT Oood house, barn, etc. Also 2 LOTS IN GLADSTONE i. K. OROOM, Park Place, Orefon.