Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, MARCH 22, ISM. OREUON CITY OFFICERS ltfOf Kocorilr-r, -Chlel of lolic actujior. H'.rmn Slrnliht U U Foner Ckmu K. Hunu K 8 Cli(t R I. Holm.n K. K. Kristi C. HulKWk. Jr. W. H. Howell I). KhnulrJ eo. Hroiuhion, Tr.Hrrr, 0',(y Attorney. ft wH Commissioner, gup'i, ul Waivr Works, CH-.jKiltier. lonooilmcii H, C. Steveni.. j.j.rnKe. mcii). Jiu-r, Mark Howell, U L Porter, Henry MeHlrnm, J. W. Slorfntt. ttmoil meets (lrl SVeduouL) of each month th olij hll. LfRi A.hertlslnir. Hereafter no Itsjal advertisement will he irWrteJ in the Kntkki risk unless payment (or the name is made at the time tho affidavit of publication is reiv dered. This rule will be imperative and dead-Wat litigants, w ho make it prac tii-e of working the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other pauertogrtt their notice published. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Tickle Cod Fish, Tukie Herring, Pickle Markert-I, PicKie Salmon, Cod Fish, dry. Yarmouth Bloaters, Smoked Halibut, Pried Herrinu, Sardines in hulk, Anibovies in bulk, Mackeral in kits. Canned Fih oi all kinds. E. F. Williams, the grocer. Drink JapooloTea, 45 cent per pound, Marr & Robertson. Wood wanted at once this office. Headquarters lor candy and nuts. K. E. Williams, the grocer. Go to Wilson & Cooke for Oliver plow extras. The latest in Kacket afore. hair ornnments at the County anil city warrants wanted by thv Commercial hank. They nil smoke the Kermesse cigar. E. E. Williams, the gnu-er, sells it. Aft' once using no lady will go with out cornet shields. For sale t the Racket atorp. A special meeting of Clackamas Chap ter, No. 2. R. A. M. will be held Satur lay, 7:20 p. m. Peiiree work. By removing cause of irritation, and hy preserving a healthy state of the svs fcni during infancy, StffdmBn'a Sooth ing Powders made their reputation, The concert hy the Handle orchestra, cC Portland, on Friday evening of next week at Shivelv's ora house, promises be the niusical event of the season. Most jieople can not afford to experi ment They want immediate relief. That's hy they use One Minute Cough Cure. The Oregon City Steam Laundry does tria cleanest and hest work to he had in Ofeeon City. Their prices are the ! lowet. On account of other unexpected busi ness, V. HjHa is closing out his stock of Groceries. Now is the time to lay in a supply of Nw Fresh goods cheap. "Wet-foot Waltz," composed and ar ranged for violin, cornet and piano, by CLE. Kuotts. A beautiful waltz, give it k trial. For sale by Burmeister & An dreseu. Trice 35 cents. For 05 cents you can get a good um brella at the Racket store. All styles and prices. This line of goods will not be carried over which -means that bar gains will lie given. For footwear you can get babys' shoes at 25 cts ; ladies coarse shoes at 80 cts ; men's boots at $1 .75, or you can get the best grade of goods made at bottom pr.ces at the Red Front. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Halliday have n.oved into the upper story of the P. G. E. depot on the West Side. Mr. Halliday is electrician at the new sta tion. You can have your seats reserved at fUiively's without any extra cost for Eli Terkins' lecture. There will be a packed bouse as many seats have been sold al ready. A house owned by James Beeson, of B.eson's Mill, out on the Abernethy, was burned Saturday night. The loss was about 500, there being no insur ance. The family of Edward Traylor, occupied the house. A great many complimentary remaiks are made by visitors to our city upon the appearance of the well kept lawn sur rounding the court houfe. The credit ;b due Peter Nebren, who for eight years has filled the position as janitor. The entire care of the grounds is left to bis direction and the tasteful management of the flowers and shrubbery is proof of Lis efficiency and industry. John Shadle has secured a lease of the Oriental Hotel, and has thoroughly reno vated the bouse, painted, carpeted and refurnished the rooms and put every thing in first class order. The table is now equal to if not better than any hotel in the city, Board can be bad ac reason able rates by the day, week, or month. First class accommodations for transient custom. This house will hereafter be known as the " Willamette Hotel." 5t PERSONAL NOTES. Attorney Henry MoUinn of Portland, was in the city, Sat unlay. H. E Hayes of Salem, visited his son Judge Hayes, this week. Mrs K. M. latourette is visiting friends in Portland, this week. Prof. W. H. Powell, of Portland, was in town Saturday, visiting fiiends. 11 L. Kelly went to Mehama, Satur day, for a short visit, returning Monday. Mr. Chris. Zweifcl, of Mackshurg.was in town, attending to business, Wednes day. Miss Laura Fields of Moscow, Idaho, isvistitng her cousin Mrs. A.J. Lewth- waite. Hon. W. P. Keady, a leading mining man of Portland, was in Oregon City, Thursday. E. 0. Darling, a milltnan of Pittsburg, Columbia county, was in Oregon City last Friday. Mrs. J. X. Graham, of Independence, is visiting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. R. (.rlasspool. George W. Prosser, the well known merchant of Oswego, was in the city, Wednesday. Mr. Chas. Foster, of this city, nephew of J. C. Bradley, is recovering from his rei ent illness. Miss Carrie Hogben of Portland, was the guest of Miss Nettie Chase, Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flovd of Poitland, visited at the home of Mr. Jonathon R. Humphreys, Sunday, Wan W. Porter, of Currinsville, was in the city Tuesday attending to busi ness of legal nature Mrs. Mary McCarver, who has been in St. Joe, Mo., for the past three years, will return home, soon. Miss Sophie Logus returned home Monday, after spending several days with friends in Portland. Miss Ada Clark of Salem, was in town Saturday, visiting with her brother, John R. Clark, of this city. Chas. D. Latourette returned Tuesday from Chehales, Wash., where business called him for a few days L. C. Caples is having a cottage built on his property on !th and Monrve streets which he intends to occupy. Mr. Irwin Norton, of Oretown. Tilla mook Co , was in town Wednesday, proving up on his claim, at the land office. Mrs. A. E. King, returned to her home in Ilwaco.Tuesday, after a month's visit with her mother Mrs. Arthur Warner. H. S. Strange was called to Wilbur, Douglas comity, Sunday night by the sudden death of his father. He returned Tuesday. J. P. Lovett received word Monday from South Bend, Ind., of the IllnehB of his mother, and left for that place in the evening. Mrs. Robert McBride and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, both of Portland, spent last Thur8da-V ,n Oreon y. the guesU. of Mrs. J. K. Groom. The Palmateer settlement near Cur rinsville was represented in this city Tues day by A. J. Kregbaum. one of the rustl ing young fanners of that place. Mr. Rice of Dayton, Ohio, designer for the General Electric Co., will arrive in this city next week, and inspect the machinery of the new electric plant. Mrs. L. E. Means, a former well known resident of this city, is now re Biding in Los Uatos, California, she being greatly pleased with that part of the state. Supt. H. 8. Gibson and Mm. Gibson spent last Sunday at Union Mills, the guestof Mr and Mrs. E.L. Trullinger, Mrs. Trullinger being a sister of Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Harford, secretary of the State W. C. T. U., will deliver a series of lectures in this city, begining March 20th, The place of holding the meetings will be an nounce later on. Miss Emma Hedges, who left here last fall for Colorado, writes from Pueblo, that the climate of that place has proved very beneficial to her and she is regaining her health slowly. R. L. Holman and Geo. Warner went to McMinnville Tuesday, and brought back a fine carriage horse which Mr. Holman intends making use of this summer. Lyman Latourette loft for Dayton, Friday and after a short slay in that city, went on to his home in Mc Minnville for a visit, returning to this city, Monday. Mrs. Chas. Meserve and baby, accom panied by Miss Lizzie Evans, left last Saturday for Clatskanie, Or., where she will visit her parents and try the benefit of the coast air for her health. Wm. Thompson one of the prominent farmers of Needy, was in Oregon City, Wednesday, and was a caller at the Entehpkisk office. Mr. Thompson states that the hopmen of his neighbor hood are putting their yards in good shape for the spring and hope to realize enough from the coming crop to at least pay expenses. Rev. C. A. Woody, editor of the Pa cific Baptist, of Portland, accompanied by Mrs. Woody, were in Oregon City Wednesday on business pertaining to the residence they are Laving erected in Gladstone. They expect in tho near future to occupy their new homo and become residents of this city . Hon. Napoleon Davis, of Portland, Is in the city this week on legal business. A. Wiggins, a leading bop grower of Needv, was in Oregon City Wednesday. A. 8. Hall, of Cascades, Is In the city this week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. M. Robinson, of the Klectriu hotel. line Millinery. Ladies are ronpoclfully invited to at tend Mrs. Sladcn'sspriug opening at her millinery carters on Tuesday and Wed nesday, March 2(1 and T. Prof. McAdams, principal of the East ham school, was called to Salem last Friday by the serious illness of his little son, and has been absent from the school the entire week. The professor's room has been ill charge of Miss Ana Baird, one of the teachers in that school, and she has discharged her task in a very acceptable manner to the patrons and board. Miss Baird's room has been in charge of Miss Gertie Nefsgar, a young teacher who by the success of her work, gives promise of becoming one of our best teachers. Fire broke out, last Friday morning, in the St, Louis restaurant, but hy the I prompt action of tire department, the tlames were quickly subdued and all danger averted. The lire w as caused hy Hying sparks (rum the chimney of the adjoining building. The roof which was slightly damaged was soon repaired by Mr. J. Barton, who conducts the res taurant. In making a landing at Fulton Park just opixwite Ross inland, Monday, the steamer Toledo ran on an old .ile and stove in her hull so that she sank. Tho Altonaand Ramona were near at hand and came to her help and pushed her on the beach. The boat was raised the next day and taken to the ways for re pairs and will be out in a few days. County Treasurer Moore made his re mittance of state tax money last Mon day when he turned over to the stato treasurer 7000 of the amount of duo from Clackamas county The total amount due (he state is $15,H&I 32 and as soon as it is all sent Treasurer Moore will le able to help out the county school fund and to commence calling in warrants. J. A. Lousignot, of Clackamas Heights was ai rested by Constable McCown, and taken before Justice Dixon, Wednesday. He was released on a fllX) bond, his ex amination being set for March I'tilh. He is charged with stealing tools from the Rastnussen Bro.,whoare engaged in the poultry business at Clackamas Heights. During the lire which took place last Friday, a representative of Molalla re marked to a well-known citizen, that he had lived fifty-five years in this world and that he had never before beard a Are alarm or been presept at a lire. It is to be hoped that be will be as fortunate in the next world as he has leen in this. The Eli Ctric hotel is getting in the best custom of the city by the excellence of its table as well as the splendid accom modations furnished by its rooms. Trav elers will find it convenient to the busi ness part of the city and the service equal to that hud in any other town in tlie state. A new candidate for musical honors is Mr. C. Knott of Mwlino,who in addition to being an expert musician has devel oped considerable talent as a composer. One of his productions, Webfoot Waltz, has been published in the East, ami is well received by musicians who have played it. W. D. McGee, representing the An chor 8. Chemical Co. of Lebanon, Ore gon, has been in the city during the week in the interest of this company. This company's preparations are said to have merit and being an Oregon concern a fair trial should be given their remedies. The engine, lioilur and ice plant of the brewery has been taken to Portland this week where it will be plucud in a cold strorge, plant. The old building will be dismantled and moved later to give place to a big brick block Mr. Weinhard will erect this summer. Editor Zeigler of the Herald is tho proud father of his first boy, the happy event taking place Wednesday. Mother and child doing well, and the Herald is expected to be out on time. Mr. C. Hoberg moved with his family to the Morey ranch, below this city, last week. Mr. Hoberg is assisting in build ing the summer resilience of Mr. Morey. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Schwan of Wil lamette Falls have a fine bov at their home, whose advent was made last Sat urday. Mother and child doing well. Mrs. J. C. Read and family have moved from their late residence on lliih and Adams street, into W. C. Johnson's cottage on 11th and Centre streets. Born to the wife of W. P. Dooley of Canemah, Tuesday, March lth, a daughter. Oysters, wholesale or retail, to families and parties. Also served in any style, fresh and palatable at the Portland res taurant. The meals at the Farmer's Homo are as good as ever and farmers and travelers have only to give them a trial to be convinced. A Pleasant Social (lathering. One of the most enjoyable gatherings in this city during the past season was held at tho homo of I'rof. and Mrs, J, W. Gray on Eighteenth and Washing ton streets lust Friday evening. Over titty persons were present, many of them pupils of the Park Place school of which Prof, (tray la principal. In. addition to friends bom (begun City, many were piesent from Park Place, Gladstone and Clackamas Heights. Games and other amusement were bail and Mr. and Mis. Gray proved themselves adepts at en tertaining. Tho Park Place hand was present and rendered some excellent piece. All present were served with light refreshments and at a late hour tho guents left for their homes with tho' hi st wishes for their hosts. A Merlons (Ipcriithin, Thomas Allen, who bus Ihvii sull'nring for the past live months with senile gaugiene in his left foot, was tukun to the Oregon City Hospital Monday and Tuesday lrs. Carll, Paine and Summer amputated the leg between (ho knee and the hip. The first amputation was be low the knee, w hen It was found that the arteries were osHitled, loaning the sec ond oerutlon necessury. He stood the opcruiion well for a man dl years old, and at present is resiing easy wiih good prosjiects of recovery. Dr. J. L, Hill, of Albany, was present during the opera tion as a guest of Dr. Sommer. Literary .Vile. Among the notalile features of the Argo naut lor March 25, 1S05, are: "A Ride with Tennessee: bow a stage-driver made it interest ing for his passehgers," by Stella Walthall Belcher; a letter on "Paris Students' Halls;" a letter from London on "Amnteuraon Roaits," society actors and actresses who travel like pro fessionals; a letter from New York on society and theatrical affairs; and a long review of the interesting reminiscences of Thackerav's daughter, Mrs Annie Thackeray Ritchie. M. Paul's Church. There will bn a sscial service for young men in the aliove church next Sunday evening, when two inemlatis of the St. Andrew's Brotherhood from Portland will give addresses. The usual bible class for young men will also be hel I at 0:3) p. m , when the Brother hood men also sak. All men are cor dially Invited. Achilles Lodge K. of P. was honored at i tie meeting Moiniay evening iiy a visit from Dr. J. L. Hill of Albany, grand chancellor commander of the r tale for the Knights of Pythias. The iKictor is an able miker and an enthu siastic worker for the order ,and his kind words were greatly apptcciatcd. He complimented tne lodgo on Its efficient officers and interest manifested by members of the lodge. J. B. Willie of tho Seventh street harness shop is having a building erected, adjoining the old Methodist church on Seventh street and will move his shop, and stock of g'sxls to the new building as soon as completed. He will greatly increase his stock of harness and saddles and gives such prices ss will induce trade to come t' Oregon Citv. J. A. Chase left last Friday ior Iowa and Illinois in the interest of the Will amette Land Co., of which he is secre tary. He expects to be absent several months. He went by way of Los Angeles wliere ho will stop a short time with his family who are spending the winter there. Mrs. Hall, of Portland, D G. M., is expected to be present at the regular meeting of Pioneer Chapter, No 28, O. E. H., next Tuesday! A full attendance is desired . A .cw Piistolllee. The residents of Willamette, Falls now have a postollice in that live addition to Oregon City. The mail leaves Oregon City daily at 10 a. in. und 4 p. m. Jas, Rue is the postmaster This office will be a convenience to the people of that part of the city. Dressmaking. Miss Stiuer has oH-iicd tho Bon Ton dressmaking purloin on Seventh street and asks the ladies to give her a call. All work guaranteed. For Mule. Two ten-acre tuicis of good land for sule, easy cleared and on proposed motor line. V.t miles southeast of Oregon City. Easy terms. Inquire of owner on the place or address 0. W. Porter, Ore gon City, Oicfon. 2t Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair. DIX CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder, Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. MlULi 1 - NfiMD NEW LOT OUTINGS, FLANNELS, YARNS, Calicoes, Muslins, Shoos Etc. CASH PRICES. 1 l.uyu 'JO Urn. rice, 28 11. whito Uqiim 111 1Ih dry Kran. nuKr, 20 lb", extra C, 20 Wm. prunes, nilen or i.luiim, 10 Hh. good lard, 10 lbs. dry suit incut, IS yds. eiilsit w., 20 vdn. nutiiiK llitnnnl, and in hIiocm. l buys n pair good oxford usually i.i:, or ltiii'H solid l.utton hIkm-h usually if 1.50. Another Hliiptncut, ladies (long. hIioch, pat. Up, grcut vnluo for iUA l-roki-n lots hIioch at cost or I.-hh; boys or men tt warran ted plows f I. fit) and tN ladins heavy Hli-HN cut to Vm. hIpcI wiro nails 0 to H at 2..r() keg, or :U lbs. if 1.O0; 10 to 2 pointy 2.2.r keg, or 10 lbs. if 1.00; HO to(0K-nny 2.00, or -Ci lbs. if 1.00. Keiluolion in ovory department. ...Red Front Store... OUICGON CITY. assortment of lashionablo jeweh ry HUWMKIMTKW Money. ave And Encourage Home Industry THE Qregon Picture Frame Makes a Specialty of Manufacturing Mouldings . . . and picture Frames New and Novel Design Eatslt Pictures New, Goods Latest Styles- Gent's Furnishing Goods- The Best Goods For the Least Money Ever Brought to Oregon City. Moody & Rinearson, Commercial Hank Block. Dress Linings Below Cost.. Tho ladicH will find bar gains in thiH line. THEY MUST BE SOLD. LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE CITY Blue Front Grocery. Seventh St., E. P. Elliott, Prop. All New Stock, -: -:- Of Best Quality. . FREE DELIVERY. A TRIAL ORDER ASKED. 'HJJK WU'lVS vm N JMN. auJ those who watch and wait for titno will only discover its Might. You can discover an elegant collection of titne jiicceri in our titoek of ladies' and geiitlonieii'n gold and silvo watehcn, which in nil ciim-m are models of ac curacy, keeping time so well that they don't lose it. Wo can confidently rec ommend our watches and clocks, too, us entirely trustworthy, und meeting the needs of tho hour to a second, Our and Hilvorwnro is very complete ANDUKHICN. )fXrC Company 108 Second Street Near Washington M. J. MORSE, Manager. and Art Material. rrrr ' WWff JOHN A.BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. "70, Morrlaori Mreet, PORTLAND, OREGON. IH WILL ON KAKTH. For Rimural rejialrinR ho Htanda without a jHtcr. For firHt-claHH, re liable giMiiiH hia Htoro in second to none. Trv him 1 Dollars And Sense. For Fifty Cents. A Dollar Saved Th a Dollar earned. Buy Your Groceries whero You can get them the CheapcHt. All New, Frenh Selected Stock of tho BcHt Quality in the Market. Staub's Cash Grocery, Commercial Bank Block.