Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 08, 1895, Image 3

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    Oregon City fcntcrprisc.
' FKIDAV, MAKCII H. 181)5.
Inekflmras Co. Diroctory.
(Ionian K. Hyt
IIimi. K. Iliirlmi
K v.. ..!.
!iur lit L'nurla.
A.ae.Mir, -
HnhiNil Hutrliiteuiloii,
V...J -
H. U Until. I. y
M. I. Monro
J. (J. Hradlvy
II. M OIUini
I, W Kimmlrd
It. I.. Ilolman
I Hli'lmrd Hnitt
I Frank J miliar
I'rlcrH tlie IowomI Hod Front Hton.
Marr A K'llnirtHijiiH.
l ull lor auinplK.
Fir hikI IImiIi himhI wantod Ht tliia
oMiin. t(
Fincnl linn of luco in tliti city at the
lliu'kut atoru.
Hiiinkii llm Kcrnii'Hau cir. K. K,
Williams, llm ifrix'cr.
Money to Iohii on K'mkI real eHtate
neurit)' by A. H. hnwrr.
IIi)li'at prlcn pniil by tint Conitiiurcial
mnk (or county ami city warranla.
1 in iriul V.m Food will make your
liciia In y. K. K. Williams, the grocer.
To muko room (or other ifixxla, tinware
will be I'loMtt) out at coat at the Kackrt
Kruvtag's apiwliniiig plckfcicaii be bad
at tbu Corner grocery. Heat in the
Hoy' liicycla and heavy ribbed boee,
extra good quality and low price lit the
Jfarki't atore.
Have voi) tried (be minced wa claim
yet? They are delii'iotia.
K. K. Williams, the grocer.
Unlera It-It a) the Commercial cigar
tore, Cnniinerclal Hank blin k, for 4 foot
or lfllncu wood, promptly filled.
Hiciihihk. Applea, prune, raisins,
plnma or rice ft cents a pound ; lemon
and oraiiKe nny each at The Ked
Oyatera, wboleaale o retail, to families
and partiu. Atao served n any style.,
Irvah and palatable at the 1'ortland res
taurant. sTbe clicapcat place in town to tret a
it hI ipiallty of Indie' iiiimlln underwear
b atlho Itacket atore. A full line of
J jrs lining now in alock.
Karl's Clover Hoot 'will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowel and make your bead clear
aa a bell, '.'(io., MV., and a dollar. For
ale by Cleo. A. Harding.
It cure pile, it cure ohatlnate ore,
cbaped hands, wound. It dot this
iili klv. la there any good reaaon why
vou abould not ti" Ie Wilt' Witch
Hazel Salve?
Takeadoae ol I H Witt's Little Early
Itinera just for the good tbey will do you.
Theae little Till are good for Indigestion,
Kood for beadace, good for liver com
plaint, good for couatlpatlon. They are
good. C. (. Huntley, druiigiHt.
Unausjiectod diaonlera of the kidney
re reaponaible for many of the ordinary
ailment of humanity which neglected,
dovelop into serious and perbap fatal
malady. Experience would suggest the
u ho of I)r. J. Mclean 'a IJyer and Kidney
Halm, For sale by C. U. Huntley,
Nellie Hladen baa secured the
servlcos of trimmer for her millinery
department who ia up In all the latent
ttyles and ia ablo to adjiiHt bead-drea
to become tbo wearer. Mr. Sladen in
tier tdv in another column gives infor
mation that will lie' of intereat to the
ladle of Oregon Oily.
John Kowan, wauling on the llolcomb
tad six mile rant of Oregon City was
i ithls city Motuluy on business with
ipt. CiliRon. Mr. Howan la clerk ol
a. hool district No. 70 and be has dia
:l arged the duliea ho faithfully that be
w ut re-elected at the annual meeting
M mday for the eighth time.
"Vbe art of photography hu made buoIi
prioress that, it i now poaaible for
first cluaa picture to be turned out at
the price heretofore asked for plain
work. Ilrown, the photographer, in the
finality of hia work ia equalling the beat
to be had in Portland and price are to
low tbnt good pictures are within the
roach of all. Call at hi gallery upstairs
adjoining Harding's drug atore and see
liia sample.
On last Hunday Kev. M. L Hugg who
lias accepted a cull from the Baptist
church of tbi city, preached his first
sermon to a crowded house. The follow
ing taken from the Salem Statesman
hows the esteem in which he and his
wife were held by the people of Salem.
"At the First Baptist church in this city
Sunday the farewell services of Rev. M.
L. Rugg as pastor took place, that gon
tleman having accepted the pastorate
of the church in Oregon City. The con
gregation both morning find evening was
large, everyone extending well wishes
to the reverend gentlemen in his new
field of labor. At the church this even
in; a reception will be tendered him and
his wife, to which the members, congre
gation and fiiends are invited. A short
programme will be rendered." Rev.
Itugg will occupy the Cross residence on
Twelfth and Monroe street.
MIm May Taylor of Portland spoilt
Kuii'lay vlaltlutf friend In this rlly
John J'veiln.rt, a fli ll known fanner
of Molalla, was in the city Wednesday.
Jiiugej.u, iviorelaml ol I'orla ul wa
in the city ftaturduy on legal bualiieas,
Mr. Nettie Courier, of Oswego, wa a
guest of Mm. J. 1). Stewart last Fridav
and Hitturduy.
ILL. Patterson and Joseph (Jill, of
Logan, were In the city attending county
court during the week.
I'.ditor Illuckford, of tbo Clatakanie
Chief, wa In Oregon City on Thuraduy
laat and was a caller at the Kntkiii'IUhk
. Mia Mildred lioyle.of Portland, and
bright young acliool teacher, waa In Ore
gon City Tuesday and Wednesday, via
itlng friends.
Mr. W. II. Iiryden of (Vntralia, after
viaiting for some day with Mrs I). II.
Keea and J. U. Stewart, led for her home
on Tuesday last.
Jhs (J, Foster, Justice of Aie piece for
New F.ra, was in Oregon City Tuesday
on business at llm court house in con
nection with his iIlice.
('tin. Wolfer, a young farmer of Clear
creek was in the city Wednesday. He
reKirts wheat looking line and farmer
pushing their spring work.
W W. Dickenson, of Wilholt, waa In
town Thursday and was appointed ail
ininiMlraloi of the estate of J a a M.
Ilrown, by Judge (1. K. Hayes. i
Judge Hayes has been made glad dur
ing the week by a visit from his motl or,
Mra. II. K. Haves, of Salem, and hi lit
lie daughter who is at present residing
with her grandmother.
The friend of Mr. Rosa Cbarinan will
be pleased to know that he baa so far re
gained hi alrengib fiom hia late illness
that he la able to le driven down town in
hi buggy on pleasant days.
Creed Rtratton, of Portland, and man
ager of the Mtdlord Electric Co., wa
In Oregon City Wednesday attending
to business connected with the estate of
bis late father, Mr. M. A. Stratlon.
Mis Fannie Meserve, who ha lieen
viaiting relative and fiiends in this city,
left Thursday for Troutdnle, for brief
visit with sister.altvr w hich the goes to
her home at Helena, Oregon, where she
will commence a spring term of school.
Joel P. Ueer, owner of the steamer
Toledo, was in Oregon City for a couple
of hours last Saturday while his boat
wa unloading lumber at the paper mills.
He report business fair for hi boat and
ia encouraged by (lie substantial suppoit
given him by the farmers along the upier
Mrs. T. A Mi lliiile, accompanied by
her son George and daughter May, left
by the Southern Pacific last Saturday
evening for California where she will
spend couple of month to recuierate
her health. Judge Mcllride came home
Saturday evening from Astoria where be
ia holding court to see Mrs. McBride off.
He returned to Astoria Sunday.
The Entkhi'Kisk acknowledges a pleas
ant call on Saturday last from Mr. J
Wlieelock Marsh, editor of Forest
Grove's live local paper. TheTimes. Mr
Marsh Sent a part of Wednesday look'
ing about Oregon City and was greatly
pleased at tbo evideiicos of the growth
of our city, for in Oregon City's growth
as manufacturing renter would the
other parts of the state be be no
il ted in. having market for their raw
fnjm Pad lie University, were the musicul
favorite of the evening, Their song
were received wi'b the greatest enthus
iasm mid tbey h id to respond to repeated
encores. That gojil old song "The
Ilrldge," wa given a new sweetness
and natbos as tendered by Mn. K
I', ("harmanand she was heartily ap
plauded.' Kite was supported by Prof.
I. O, lletiricl of Portland on the violin
and by Mrs. F. F. Whilo on the piano.
The violin music rendered by Miss lino
gene Swil.er of Portland, waa proof that
the young lady was a musician of talent.
"The Famine" was given by Mis llessie
Evans, Oswego's talented young elocu
tionist, Im a most effective manner, and
she was given a hearty encore. Miss
Evans, while but a child in years gives
piorniseof a bright future a an elocu
tionist. Something out of the usual order
in the musii-al line was given the audi
ence In the cornet solos rendered by Miss
Fannie Meserve, The tones of her in
strument weie smooth and clear and her
playing was so well received that she
hud to answer to an encore. Mrs. K. K.
Williams accompanied Miss Meserve on
the piano. ''The Wooing of Hiawatha"
was given by Miss Gertrude Humphrey
in a slvlo that was greatly apnreciutod
by her hearers and showed the young
lady to m a talented elocutionist The
oration on the life of Longfellow
by Laurence Driggs was ably given.
His ell'ort was far ahead of what bis
friends exjs-fted, and as an oratorical
production the young man is deserving
of much praise for his ability in getting
It up and delivering it so well.
The net proceeds of the entertainment
were 10 .75. and was financially as well
as socially a success.
The Longfellow Symposium.
The admirera of America s greatest
Met in Oregon City had every reasen to
be' proud of the symposium on his works
at the Congregational church last Frl
uay evening, as an evidence that a
treat waa exiiecieu the building was
crowded to its untuiogt capacity, every
seat in the main auditorium, lecture
room and gallery being taken and the
aisles were even (Hied to givo accomoda
tions to all. The audience was dis
tinctly a literary one representing all
the literati of the city.
One of the most attractive features was
the blending in various parts of the
programme of characters 'in costume
from Longfellow's works. Their make-up
was so perfect that the scene whs most
rcalastitj and one could almost imagine
that he was in the presence of Longfel
low's heroes. The characters were rep
resented as follows: "Hiawatha, Charles
Case; Minnehaha, Weltba Morse; Ar
row Maker, John Gibson: Evangeline,
Laura Lane; Gabriel, Samuel Gibson;
Priest.Daniol Tompkins ; Miles Standish ;
Edward Harratt; John Alden, II.
0. Cheney; Priscilla, Leila Cheney;
Spanish Student Arthur Russell;
Gipsy Girl, Rosa Hornshuh; Excelsior,
George Heath.
C. H. Dye acted as prompter and alter
an invocation had been pronounced by
Rev, J. W. Cowan, the Young People's
Glee Club, of some twenty members,
rendered musical selection in a very
creditable manner. In the recitation of
"Paul Revere's Ride," Miss Grace 'Whit
lock showed unusual ability for one so
young as an elocutionist. "The Launch
ing of the Ship" was rendered by Miss
May Mark In a very effective manner.
Tbo audience waa delighted with the
sweet zither solos rendered by Miss
Alma Mundhenke Huckett. Miss
Minnie Lane declaimed the "Wreck of
the Hesperus" in a manner worthy that
pathetic poem. The Schubert quartette, I
Annual School Meeting,
Tue annual school meeting Monday
evening was of suflicient Mite rest to fill
Pope's hall to its fullest capacity with
interested voters of Oregon City. The
women numbered nearly as many as the
men, though this is usually the case for
in Oregon City the women have always
taken deep interest in school matters.
The meeting was called to order bv T.
S. Lawrence, chairman of the board
On liebalf of the board he submitted
report showing that two additional
rooms had been fitted up for the accom
modation of the increased number of
scholars, while two additional teachers
had been employed a saving iu expenses
has been made of f l.rt0 by reason reduc
tion in salaries to teachers and janitors.
The report of T, F. Ryan, district
lerk was read. It showd that the re
ceipts for the year had been $13,0:11.60
and tbedisbursment $13,512.82, leaving
a balance on hand of $118.84 The total
liabilities of the district wa shown to be
$U,7(X). The number of children en
timerated wan 1140, 001 females and 539
The following report of the city schools
was submi'tea by the principal, Prof
S. W. Holmes:
To the Patrons of the Oregon City Pub-
lie Schools.
In accordance with the custom, I, as
your superintendent, hereby submit
report of the comparative growth of your
schools during the past year:
Since the reports of the honorable
hoard and school clerk cover almost all
if not all, of the ground, - mine must of
necessity be brief.
Not being well acquainted with the de
tails of the last four months of last year's
school, I must found my report on only
few leading facts by which circum
stance you will escape listening to many
details which might be as unimportant
as tbey are tiresome.
- The total enrollment for the year end
ing March 1. 1895, is 787, as compared
with 72.1 for the year ending February
23, ISM.
The averuge daily attendance Is 5ti9;
that of the previous year being 4(i5, show
ing an increase of 104 in daily attendance
or something over 22 per cent.
This shows at least a gratifying growth
of the city, but I have not the data at
hand to determine whether it indicates
any better attendance than during pre
vious years or not.
Many pupil of high school age and
advancement who had opportunities of
earning wages were kept out of school
for that purpose, yet we find that the
high school has grown from )8 pupils
last year lo 112 this year.
The general discipline of the schools
we believe to be excellent, and a spirit of
earnestness and co-operation to exist be
tween teachers and pupils which will be
productive of the best results.
Respectfully yours,
8. W. H01.MK8, Supt.
Election for director being in order,
J. A. Thayer placed Dr. J. W. Norris in
nomination and Henry Meldrura nomin
ated C. W. Fredricks. On a ballot being
taken Dr. Norris was shown to have 175
and Ms, Fredricks 2!) votas. Dr. Norris
was declared elected a director for the
ensuing three years.
T. F. Ryan was re-elected clerk by
aclimation, he having no opposition.
Hoard and Rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, late of the
Electric hotel have rentod the large and
commodious dwelling belonging to L. T.
Darin on Main and Thirteenth streets
and offer furnished rooms and table
board, or either one seperate? Termg
When your guidman comes borne at 'een,
He aye expects to see
Two cosy slippers on the hearth,
And cup of Japoolo Tea.
Klnr News.
The steamer Altona made her first
trip up since liar late accident Tlnirluv.
While the new shaft whs being put In 1
the wheel and the engine repaired, a
general overhauling was given the boat
She has been thoioiigblv cleaned and
renovated and placed In the best of
order for the spring trade. The Altona
has proved herself to be B reliable as a
passenger train in the regularity of her
trip and the time for making her vari
ous landings seldom vary ten minute
from day to day.
On Monday next the remodeled and
rebuilt steamer, Uaily Gatzert will go
on the Astoria route, replacing the Tele
phone which will belaid on" lor a thor
ough overhauling. The work performed
by the Telephone during the past year
has never been equaled bv any steam
boat in America in miles covered and
hours of running service. She ' being
almost continuous night and day on
her trips and making them with the
regularity of an express train. None
but an extraordinary strong boat could
have accomplished such a feat. The
Jiaily Gatzert has been so overhauled
that she is practically a new boat
Large engine have been placed in her
and the fire box lias b en enlarged to
give her greater steam power. The ladies
cabin has been furnished in style be
coming the parlor of a mansion, while
the gentlemen's cabin is fitted up for
ease and comport in a manner not
equaled by another boat on the river;
The texas has la-en extended back on
the hurricane deck and a number, of
elegant rooms added to give further
accommodation when on the night
runs. The officers cabins and rooms in
the texas are finely furnished and ele
gant in their appointments. Oft from
the ladies' cabin on either side are the
bridal chambers, two rooms that are
of unusually large size for river steamers
and in their furnishings ejual the bridal
chambers on the ocean steamers. In
all other details the Gatzert is just as
complete and no expense has been
spared to make her all that the travel
ing public could desire in comfort and
speed. 80 soon as the Telephone is out
which will probably be in about six
weeks, it is expected that both boats
will be placed on the Astoria route.
The Shaver Transportation Co. is pre
paring for the summer business. They
have laid off the Sarah Dixon and placed
the Shaver on the Astoria route, to en
enable them to sive the former boat a
thorough overhauling. The Dixon is be
ing repainted and refurnished and her
machinery placed in the beet of order so
that when' she again ge on her route,
she will he as clean, neat and speedy as
the most fastidious traveler could desire.
On the Dixon resuming her route, the
Shaver will be given an overhauling and
put in first class order when she will be
placed in the Clatskanie route.
A New Millinery Establishment.
The ladies of Oregon City are to have
the benefit of another millinery store,
wherein all the latest in this line will
be kept. The stock is all new and di
rect from the East and embraces the
latest styles. The proprietors, Mies
Maria Roberts and Miss Lillian Hamil
ton, are prepared to offer such induce
ments as will retain a large part of the
trade now going to Portland. The man
agement and trimming department will
be under the supervision of Miss Hamil
ton, who is an expert in this work. Their
opening will take place on Tuesday of next
week, at their stoie opposite Charman
k Co's drug store
License te Wed.
The following licenses have been
issued during the week by County Clerk
Horton : Milland A. Gilland and Henry
W. Houghain, Mrs. Prudence Haves and
C. W. Osborne, Mary Weissenborn and
Charley Watter, Ada Hughes and D. R.
Hughes, Vletta F. Kruse and J. W.
Milk I Milk! Milk!
Randall it Myer will furnish you a
quart of milk a day for a month for $2.00
and other quantities in proportion, and
guarantee it pure.
You ought to know this: De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and
stop the pain instantly. It will cure
badly chapied hands, ugly wounds,
sores, and a well known cure for piles.
G. Huntley, druggist.
Harness Wanted.
A single harness is wanted at ths
Home Made Bakery, Shively block.
A toilet soap made by a new process
from the famous Mexican soap root with-
without the use of any animal fat. Has J
been used by the Spaniards and Mexi
cans in its crude state for generations.
An absolutely pure article.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
The Entkrprisb is the only news
paper in Oregon that gives a cash pre
mium to those paying their subscription
in advauce.
j. fir
u 1 r- m 1
Id Fashioned
compound cathartic
pills ''blue pi'.U,"ca).
omil or other mercu-
rml preparations,
tbould nut ut used in
these day of enlight
ened medical science.
when iIiiki easy to
ft a purely vegetable
mi id concentrated
orm, t:jr2r - coated,
in glass vials, at any
store where medi
cine are kept
In. Pierce wu first
to Introduce a Little Pill to tbe American
people. Many have imitated them, but none
nave appfoached bia " Pleasant Pellets " in
true worth, or value, for all laxative and
cathartic purpose.
Once Used, tbey ire Always la Fivor.
Assist Nature a little now and then, with
a gentle, cleansing laiative, thereby retnov
'ing offending- matter from tbe stomach and
bowels, toning up and invigorating the liver
and Quickening iu Urdy action, and you
inereoy remove tne cause 01 a multitude or
distressing diiteaset, auch a headaches, in
digestion, or dyspepsia, biliouinesa, pim
ples, blotche. eruptiona, biU, constipa
tion, piles, fistula and maladies too numer
ous to mention.
If people would pay more attention to
properly regulating tbe action of their
b-iwcli, thry would have less frequent
occasion to call for their doctor's ser
vice to subdue attacks of dangerous dis
eases. That, of all known agents to accomplish
this purpose, Lr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
are onequalcd, is proven by the fact that
once used, thry are always in favor. Their
secondary effect is to keep the bowels open
and regular, not to further constipate, aa is
the case with other pills. Hence, their great
popularity, with sufferers from habitual
constipation, piles and indigestion.
Tbey absolutely cure sick headache, bill
ousness, constipation, coated tongue, poor
appetite, dyspepsia and kind"d derange
ments of the stomach, liver and bowels.
A free sample of the "Pellets." (4 to 7
doses) on trial, is mailed to any address,
post-paid, on receipt of name and address
on postal card.
Address for free sample, Woklp's Dis-
Main Street, buffalo, N. Y.
Blue Front
Seventh St., E. P. Elliott, Prop
All New Stock, -:--:-
Of Best Quality.
In Prices
We are
of all our
Heavy weight
Price is
any object
New Goods
Modern Prices.
( orner Grocery.
Complete stock of
Fine Family Groceries,
Try my extra
Choice Tea.sc
Richard Freytag.
Maift and Fourteenth Streets.
warm weather
catches us if
Oregon Steam Dye Works,
Kendall k Slaughter, Proprietors,
Cor. Eight and Burnside fcta., Portland
Ore iron.
Clothing cleaned, colored and repaired.
Ladies' shawls and dress goods a spec
ialty. Faded clothing restored to ita
original color, to look like new. Satis
faction guaranteed. Uive vm a call.
Work called for and delivered.
J. nit;
Heavy natural wool underwear,
regular price 11.60 a suit, now 90c,
Camels Hair, heavy, regular
K.W now f 1.50.
Pure wool, heavy weight, regular
14.00, now 13.00.
A new line
of latest style
At a popular
price, 15c.
Freight and parcels delivered '
to all parts of the city.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Glass & Smyth.
Watcbmalcer N" T to Btar
anl JeWdEr Work Warranted,
A Trial Is Asked,
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
Kltroui Oxide for the paintesa extraction
of teoth
All work warranted and prices reasonable.
Roomi 7, 8 and 9, south went corner First and
Tarlor itnwu. Gleun A ;ox'a old stand,
Portland. Oregon.
Meets first PrliUy of itch month at
Fountain engine house. Chas. Atriy, Pros,
C. B Pillow, Sue'j. Chas. Bitier, ( rm
moved to Odd Fellows' remote S. W. Car ut
and Alder, Portland, Oregen.
McKittrick's shoes are the best on earth.
McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth.
McKittrick's styles are always the latest.
McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth.
Yucca Root toilet soap will not chap
the hands or lace.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Busy people have no time, and sensi
ble people have no inclination to use a
slow remedy. One Minute Couch Cure
acts promptly and gives permanent re
sults. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Suspension Bridge Corner,
and in order to acquaint yourself with our new
location, are offering extraordinary bargains.
Wo are determined to make
our new Store m-
The Cheapest Place in Oregon
To do your Purchasing.
The "Commercial.
E. PARKER, Proprietor.
J. W. O'Connell, Ma'gr.
The best brands of Cigars and Fine Tobac
No. 3, Commercial Bank RinnTf .