Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1895)
Oregon 0 H: NTERPRTKIh VOL.29. NO. 19. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1895. ESTABLISHED 186G COIJUTH. Olroull nntrt (loiivunot 11 mt Mmiclif In No-vemi-or aniMlilnl Monday In April, I'riitiat imirt In eeaaliiti Aral Momlny In "h : Boulli, OnMinlwIoiiura court mMile 8ft Waitlieartaj , tdur flrat Mruiilay til fm'h mmilli. f KO 1..ST0KY, ATTOUNEY AT LAW. I'talr opMil( Court IIoiiik. Tills ei a in I nut ami ah.lracia mada. Money l.nanrd, MirlKra Inrri'linci ami a (enura! law tmiilnciia. M O'KHI.I,. J. I. IIKIMIKR, R. Mr, TllimrMiN. QNKII.i lll'IKIKH THOMPSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Oregon t'liy Hank lliillillnt;, Or"t' Clly, ami A 0 1'. W. 'I ample, Portland. Do Unneral lw final una. Ixian Miury, I'rga (.'nlliM-tlnni. J T HI.A I'K.N, NOTARY and toNVK YAKCKK. Ufa I a.iata hamlliM. Intiiranro wrlllrn In lha llarifnril, nl llarlfnril, I'ala'lna. Nurlti ll.lll.l, J, U.,n.,illl. Il.nilinpw .if llp..m.n Omca with II. K. Cr, Orr(n Cltv, Orison c LACK AM AH AIIHTKACT A TKl'HT CO. Ati.iracta ol Clarkamaa cntiuly properly a apro laity. OikxI wnra, rraMHialilo rlnrura. Work iiiareiitcnl. (ilva il atrial I) C lliiiinMle. K. K ponalcleon, J. P. I lark, PlrwUire. oaauoM city, - - , - - osawo. M N JOHNaoN tt W KIKNatRD. TISMAIItl) A JOHNSON, CIVIL KNOINKKKH ANli Hl'KVEYOKH. Kali war laoallim ati't mm.lriiellmi, brlilgca, plana ami aallmataa lr walr eiipnly. Drainage) an J ilrwl Itnprovamatit ut tuwna, Special ailciilluu ilven to arauhtlnf and bill ri ntl u( . CAREY JOHNSON, LAWYKR. Coruar Elfht and Main tlrvtta, Oregon City, Oreiou. REAL KHTATK TOSKLL AND MOSEY TO LOAN. L. PORTItR, ATTORN KY AT LAW AaiaoTi or rmrTY rvaxiamD. i Ilea nail to Oregon City bank on tn attest. V O. T. WII.I.1AMH, KEAL KHTATK AND IX) AN AOKNT, ' A food Una ol bualnraa, reelilrnct and etlburban I'roptirty. farm Properly In Iracta to ault on aay terma. Crfwtpannc promptly anawerad. Office, Beit door to Caiiflelil A tluulley'i drug etora. Q D.A 1.C. LATOVKKTTE, ; ATTORNEYS AND ! COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIM THKICT, OMKOON 1'ITY, OKXOON. furnlah A Intrant a ol Title. Loan Money, f We oloee) Murtiaana. ami tranaaot Oauerai i rtiaana. ami trai mw Mualneta. J J E. CKOHH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wll.1. rKACTIL'l IK AI L COVKTf Of Tll BTAT1. Keal Katatc and Insurance, ' Offlca on Main Hlr et bet Blilb and Seventh, oriooh city, on. Q II. DYE, ATTOUNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Ofllce over Oregon City Dank, ...... ... - u . nltnnN uhviuh ni, - v.- .!. c. wtowNau,. a. a. primkh. '3K0WNE1.Ii A DREH8KR "rf ATTORNEYS AT LAW, O Icon City, Oreoom. i;9ll praotlre In all theooiirla of the atato. 01 ()(' jiifit door to Caufleld A Huntley'a drug is WHITE. W. A. WHITE WHITE BROTHERS l'rhctioal JrchlUds tf- .Builders. Wt4 propare plana, elevatlona, worklnu de t.lla,nd apoiMlloatloiia (ornllkluda ol bmld tnxa Spet'lal attontlon ulven to modern cot tame'a, Katlmatea (urulaliod on appllvatlon Call on oraddraaa WHITE llKOH., Oreiton City, Oitn rpiIE COMMERCIAL BANK, OK ORKOON CITY, (lapltal, $1(10,000 THANNACTH k OKNRHAL BAN KINO BPNINEMB. Loana made. Kill n dltonunted. Makes col lection", lluyn and aolla exclialiRfl on all polnta In the United Status, Europe and Hong Kong. DepoalU rocol-cd anhloct to cherk Intoroat at uaual ratea allowed on time dopoalta. Bank open from t A. u. to 4 r. u. Saturday evenliitta from ft to 7 p. M. D. C. LATOITKKTTE, Proaident. F E DONALDSON, Caahler pANK OF OREGON CITY, eldest Banking Hsise m the City. Paid up Capital, IMI.OOO. rniaiDiNT, TICI FRRaiPRNT, OAaillKR, HANAOIR. - : TIIOR. CHARUAM GKO. A. HARniNO. . a CAvniLD. CHARLEB H. CAUriKLD. A feuoral banking bualneai tranaaoted. Depoalta received aubject to check. Approved bllla and notea dlioounted. Count and city warrants bought. Loana made on available leotirlty. Exchange bought and aold. Collection! made promptly. Drain aold ivallacile In any part of the world Telegraphio exohangea aold on Portland, Ban Franolaoo, Chicago and New York. tutereat palJ on time dopoalta. Sub Areutaof THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Pure Drugs In a prescription are of as much value in sickness an skilled medical attendance. 7th. St. Drug Store. Makes a specialty of carrying a stock of pure drugs and all prescriptions are carefully compounded. Dr. L. M. Andrews. QREGON CITY Now and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the best manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - SPECIALTY. Prices the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. , 1. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. pow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses tor twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. J. JONES ' DEALER Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up StoreB and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed, llll( i:S THE I OHIST. I "Sliop comer Fourth anil Water streets, back of Tope & Co's, Oregon City The Chinese Suffered.... ....Another Defeat! The Oregon City Steam Laundry IS DOING Clean Work, Neat Work, and Cheaper Work Than can bo had of the Chinese or any other place in the city. Special Rates on Family Work. Goods called for and delivered. ; Do You Need a The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. ' . One or a Quantity Sent Prices to Your Address. Wo have at handsome a variety ( of baby carriages aH ever provoked nuiUirnal admiration. There ought Vi bo jiiHt an much reiiHon for taking a little pride in your baby's turnout aH there is for taking pride in the baby itself. You are certain to be just an well pleaded with the prices aH with the carriage. It will cost you nothing to see them and it will cost you but 13,75 to purchase one, or if you should desire a more cxpenHive one we have them an fine an can be had in Portland at Portland prices. MILOMY & BUSCH, Oregon City. IRON WORKS. & SON, IN Legal Blank? POTSAGE PAID at Portland GONE hT0 HISTORY The Fifly-Tliird Conprew, Dies Without Kegrets. r'ISAL AfUOl'R.VUEXT MOSDAT. Tbe End Sot Marked or Marred hj an; l'uplHant Incidents Report tri King a Doilirj. Washington, March 4. At noon today the United Stales annate cloned its final Reunion of the fifty-third congress amid crowded galleries, congratulatory scenes, a parting word from President Cleveland ind a brief valedictoiy from the vice president. The wonted dignity of the senate was preserved tollie end. except for the rush of buHinei incident to the last hours of ft seaaion. The feature ot the laat moments of the m-caion was the tumultous laughter which greeted the announcement of Voorhea of the com mittee to wait on the president, that the latter had tendered his congratula tions to congreis on the close of their labors. Washinotok, March 4. At noon to day afteca continuous session of forty eight hours, interrupted by an occasional recess, the flags above the rapitol were lowered and the fifty-third conreas had passed into hislory. In the house the end was not marked or marred by any unpleasant Incident. All the appropria tion bills were out of the way when the house convened at 8 o'clock Uiis niorn iltg and the time was dwindled sway until 11 o'clock, the only feature being rather brisk debate on the results to follow from projected monetary confer ence. The concluding itinutes were in the nature of love feast. As the fifty-third congress, came to n end the "Doxologv" a sung by newspaper correspondents in the press gallery. . . , FAVORS TBI IDIT0B8. . Washington, March 4 -Id the senate this morning, on motion of i'latt, the house bill was passed amending the copyright law limiting the severity of the penalty imposed on newspapers for unintentionally violating the law in re producing copyrighted photographs, etc. . . ' ' A lISBLUKSOVriCE; . Wathinoton, March 4. The census office has ceased its existence, as the bureau today and hereafter until the work of the eleventh census is completed will constitute merely a division of the interior department, which will consist of ninety clerks. BaTaniaVa Keoent KioU Savannah, Ga., March 6. The recent attempts by mob violence to prevent ex-Priest Slsttery and his wife .from 8eaking here, where the subject ol Judge Falligant's charge to the grand jury of the superior court yesterday. He did not directly rpfer to them, but con fined himself to an exposition of free speech. Judge Falligant, lad special stress on the privileges . of American citizenship and the rights individuals enjoy in this country to freedom of thought and speech within the pale of the law. . "Free speech," he said, is implanted in the constitution, and is the cardinal principle of American freedom. No man has the right to. interfere w'tb its exercises unless it becoras violation of law, and then the law is resorted to as a preventive or correction. The founders of the government were farsighted in their wisdom when they made free speech a constitution right. This right is one one that all thinking citizens will aim to protect in its integrity. Free speech is necessary to the preservation of liberty in a country of popular sovei eignity." Judge Falligsnt plainly demonstrated the necessity of preserving free speech nnimpared as a protector of public and individual rights. An abuse of this right must be deplored, but an illegal suppres sion of it would be fraught with danger our tendencies and would not be per mitted. The cases of the men arrested for rioting will probably come before the grand jury. Aooldental Killing Cincinnati, March 5. Hermann 11. Weissling, a varnisher, aged 60, was shotdesd while going to work today. The wife of James Martin, in front of whose house Weissling was killed, says that in making up a folding-bed she took a revolver from under the pillow to place it on a mantel. Just as she did so it dis charged, the ball passing through the wall and striking Weissling. There is no evidence that the killing was intent ional. Bllver 1 the Fruiilau Diet. Berlin, March 5. In the lower house of the Trushian diet today Herr Arondt raised ft discussion on the cur rency question. Herr Bueck regretted that Germany, with her well regulated monetary system, should have initiated a proposal for an international confer ence on the question of currency. Herr Waldo declared that the gold standard was mining husbandry and Herr Tied man welcomed the attitude of the im perial government on the silver question. After Herr Eyneran bad expressed conviction that the international con ference on the monetary affairs would not result in change of the present system, the subject was dropped. Cuba. Sebela are 6t. Locis, March 6. Late dispatches from Havana state that the governor of the province of Santiago has reported to the governor-general that the rioters at Blaire are dicpoed to surrender, and a favorable result of the parleyings with them is expeted soon. The entire band of insurgent in Jaguey Grande, with Marrero, their leader, have surrendered. Barteolo Masso, commanding 200 men in the district of Manzanillo, has taken reluge in the mountains and is com pletely discouraged. There is ft band of 100 men under Amador Gurra, and small band is stationed at Bayamo, headed by Esteben Temayo. The military commander of Guanta namo reports that several members ol Pedro Perez's band have surrendered. The officials of the district assert that the rebel force there number only 180, re poorly armed and Lave very little ammunition. It is thonght they expect fresh supply from abroad and warships are cruising along the coast to intercept vessels that may bring ammunition. A Faaidrymao'i I-rentloa. Sprinofisld, O.. March 4 Tbe in vention by George Harley, a foundryroan of process for making malleable iron of excellent quality direct from moulds, has been proved a success at tests made here. Harley claims that his invention will rev olutionize iron-making, and this predii: tion is borne out by the opinion of ex perts. Tbe discovery is said to snrpass in importance that made by Bessemer. A company has beep incorporated with $1,000,000 capital.. By liar ley's process iron is made from an endless furnace with peculiar method of controlling the admission of air by which thor oughly molten condition of iron is ob tained. It is said that the Bethlehem, Pa., iron men have expressed willing' ness to pay $1,000,000 for the invention on propf (hat it is w hat it is claimed to be. A Pleaiing Menage. Salim. March 3 In these times of financial stringency any accession to the public funds of the state will bepleasura bly received. Last , evening Governor Lord was the recipient of a telegraphic message from U. S. Senator Mitchell which is along that line and which it gave the governor great pleasure to trans mit to the people. It read as follows: ''Washington, D. C, Mar. 2, '95. Hon. Wiu. P. Lord, Sslem, Or. I have succeeded in securing the adoption of an amendment by the senate to the' defi ciency appropriation bill,' appropriating the full amount of the monevs due Ore gon, California and Nevada for moneys expended in suppressing the rebellion The total amount is $4,009,000, of which $335,152.8 is for Oregon. All depends now on the action of the house. ' J. H. MlTCHKL-." Lincoln to Remembered. Oaklanp, Cal. March 4. The 30ih an niversary, April 15, of tbe asssRsination of Lincoln, is to be be marked by the school children here in the Lincoln public school by planting a tree on Lincoln squaie. About the roots of the trees will be mingled earth from near the tombs of Washington and Lincoln and other historic spots. Major E. A. Sherman, of thiscity, has cnarge of the details, and has secured from General Forsythe, commanding this department the services of two pieces of artillery, with a full complement of men, from the Presidio, to take part in the exercises. Coining Money for Eonador. Philadelphia, March 5 Fiye hun dred thousand "sucre" pieces coined here will be shipped to New York Thurs day to be forwarded to Ecuador. The government has a contract with the South Ameiican republic to coin 2,500, 000 "sucre" pieces. The coins are slightly smaller than than a silver quar ter, and are worth 20 cents each in United States money. IlUnoii Dairymen. Rochellk, 111. , Mar. 5. The Illinois State Dairymen's Association convened here in annual session today, with prom inent dairymen from all parts of the state in attendance. The annual report of Secretary W. B. Hostetter showed that the organization has accomplished much during the past vearin furthering the interests ot the dairymen. The con vention closes Thursday. Free Pills. Send your address to E. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, A trial will convince you of its merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria ami liver trouble they have been proved In valuable. Tbev are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be pnrely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels) greatly invigorate the system. Iiegnlar size 25 cents, per box. .Sold by Charmsn & Co,, druggist, Charman Bros. Block. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Famished Every Week by the ( lacka inas Abstract and Trust Company. R F Beatlie to W G Bcattie W D Feb 1, '95 of an acre in Wm Holmes DLCt3s, r2e $300 Willamette Land Co to Wm A Eby W V Jan 25, '&5, tracts 2 and 3 Fruitdale L100 John Mitchell to Ella E Mitchell W " D Feb 23. '95 land in 1 1 s, r 2 e United States to F C Mack pat Sept 4, 76. se4 of sec 12, t 4 s, r 1 e lt'10 acres E C Stephens to G A Cone W D Feb 21, '95, 25 acres in t 3 8, r I 1150 1735 Albert Schilling to Wm Bauman W D Feb 16, '95, part of lot 8 blk 22 Oregon Citv 1500 T W and R E White to David 8 Livesay Q C D Feb 21, '95, 2 acres in 8 L Campbell D L C t 2 s, r 2 e t 1 Gladstone Real Estate Assoct'n to O J Mack W D June 11, '94 lot 6 blk 90 Gladstone 1 J P and E C Shaw to Geo T Dieker W D Feb 25, '95, part of Wm Holmes D L C 1 2 s, r 2 e 3000 Willamette Falls Co to Margaret L ' , Batdorf W D Feb 25, '96. lot 6 blk 8 Willamette Falls 1 Tbos Leabo to J 8 Boshart W D Feb 23, '95, 20 acres in" sec 14. t 5s. r 1 300 Thou C Livesay to C D Covey W D Feb 26, '95, part of Geo Aber- 1 nethy DLC 2000 Thos C Livesay to C D Covey WD. . . Feb 26, 95, part of Ezra Fisher D I C 100 Fred Rakel to Willamette Pulp and Paper Co W D Feb 21, 95 land nearCanemah 250 3 D Riiter et al to D Zimmerman etalWD Feb 26, 95, 1 acre in . sec 33, t 4 s, r 1 e D Zimmerman to R W Zimmerman ,.W D Feb 26,.'95, 37 acres in Jas Shirley DL C...... 534 630 Geo E Stargi8 (o Eliza A Carson W I) Feb 26, '95 lots in Oregen Iron k Steel' Co's 1st add to Oswego ' 2052 Gladstone Real Estate Assoct'n to Gustav Friedrich W D Jan 11, , '95, loUl,2and3blk5Hawarden 200 Frank L Swain to W H Miller W D 159 acres in t 2s,r6e.. ...... 400 T W and R E White to Chas Scott W D Feb 23, '95 2 acres in 8 L Campbell DLC 1100 Willamette Land Co to Sleight and Rockwell W D Feb 27, '95 s of . tract 16 and n of tract 17 Prune- . land ,. 300 E P Rands to Tane C Rands W D Aug 3, '93, lot 2, blk 100 Oregon Cify I A Klebe to Trustees Evan. Lutb. church W D June 6, '94 w, of nw,L4 of sejj of sec 14, t 4 s, r 1 e William Stoever to Mary ACaseday W D Feb 15, '95, sw, of sw. of sec 30, 1 2 s, r 3 e 360 880 Gladstone Real Estate Assct'n to SSSlawsonW D June 11, '94 lot 3 blk 90 Gladstone , 1 Laura E Pope to Saiah A Pope W DFeb5, '95, lots 1 and 2 in blk 31, Oregon City 1500 Seth Luelling to Elias E Matt W D Feb 25, '95 land in t 4 s, rle.... 45i W W Ross to Fred L Newell W D Feb 23, '95, lot 5 blk 35, 1st add , to Oswego 250 Oak Grove Land and Imp Co to Mary K Burton S W D April 17 '94, lots 2 tract 39, Oak Grove. . 350 Same to J C Hickman S W D Dec 18, '94, lots 8 and 9, blk 87, Oak Grove 1 H E Cross to Henry Vonderahe. W D Feb 28, '95, lot 9 blk 9 Park add to Oregon City 200 State of Oregon to Gottfried Backus D June 25, 91, S20 acres in sec 2. t6s, r 3e 400 John Backus to Anna Backus Q C D Feb 14, '95, 906 acres in t's 5 and 6 s, r3e 2718 H E Ferrin to Ella L Ferrin W D Mar 2, '95, lot 2, blk 9 Falls View 300 Belle Hibbard et al to E C Hamil ton W D Feb 28, '95 lots in Root's add to Marsh field and land adjoin ing 627- John Kraxeberger to Franz Krax- berger. W V. Dec. 14, '93, w 4 of n. of 8e'4' of Bee 14 1 4 s r le 360 Have your Titles examined and Abstracts made by the CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of Abstracts of Title of all lands in Clackamas county. Accurate ard reliable work by a respon sible firm. Office up stairs in the Cau fleld building.