Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1895)
EDUCATIONAL NOTES All notes fur this column should be boiU to Mrs. II. S. Gibson, editor, Oregon City, Oregon . TKACllKRs' ASSOCIATION. A Very interesting meeting of the teacher's association was hold at Oswego last Saturday. A largo atteminnce of teachers wore present from different parts of the county, most of whom took an active part in talking upon the var ious topics that were discussed during the day. On account of the mishap to the steamer Alton the teachers from Oregon City and vicinity were late in arriving at Oswego, but they made up for the loss in time by the energy and zeal with which they entered into the work of the day. Prof . Gary and other teachers from Milwaukee and vicinity came up in row boat, while ex-Supt. Alex. Thomp son and the Clackamas teachers came around by way of Portland. I mention these facts merely to show that Clacka ias county possesses a body of teachers, who are alive to the needs of the pro fession and recognize in the association the medium through which success as a teacher is o be attained. The association met in the assembly ball of Oswego's model school building and was called to order by Supt. Gibson. - The first topic discussed was penman ship, Miss Gertrude Finlev of the Oregon City schools, being the first speaker. She spoke strongly in favor of the Snen cerian system and objected .as strongly to the new system known as vertical writing Miss Hattie Monroe, of the Oregon City schools, differed with Miss Finley and believes the vertical system to be a great improvement over the older systems. Miss Monroe was loudly ap- pluded for her courage in advocating an innovation on the older methods of of writing. The subject was further discussed by Messrs. Hackett and Ward who comlemed the use of copy books, anJ the fcrmer, who is known to be one of the beet, if not the hest, penman in the county, ably defended the Spencerian system. , .Mr. Mory believed that the teachers should investigate the vertical system before condemini; it and said that the need of the times was a good busi ness band writing. A. C. Strange re minded the association that the vertical was tlie only natural system and if adopted would be a great improvement over the others. Messrs Gibson, Ruther ford and Gary also spoke on the ques tion, and tne subject was finally, upon motion by Mr. Ward and Gary, referred to a committee of four to investigate the vertical system and report at the March meeting to be held at Milwaukee. Pref . Gary then, extended an invita tion to the association to hold its next meeting at Milwaukee, which was ac cepted, and T. J. Garv, Misses Mollie Hank ins and Jennie Rowan were ap pointed a committee to prepare a program lor the same. The teachers were then invited by Prof. Jones to partake of an excellent dinner prepared by the young people of Oswego school. The afternoon exercises were enlivened by music and singing by the pupils of the Oswego school. Among the selec tions pbiytd upon the piano was a waltz composed by Prot. Jones, principal of the Oswego school. Prof. Jones' pupils acquitted themselves so well that a mo tion to exiend to him a vote of thanks for bringing the boys to the front; made by Prof. Gary was adopted amid hearty applause. The subject of proportion was then ably introduced by A. C. Strange, who was followed by remarks illustrating the best methods of teaching this subject by Messrs. Story, Hackett and Gibson. Miss Henrietta De Bauw, a little giil 9 years old, entertained the audience with a violin solo which was so well ren dered that she was called upon to play again, the wag followed by Willie Gdwer in a recitation entitled "'Mr. Spoopendyke," which drew forth com ments of praise for the youth from all over the house. The subject of school, examinations was then very ably discussed by ex Supt. Thompson and others. The crowning event of the day, how ever was the presentation to Miss Fannie O. Porter, by her numerous friends among the teachers, of a solid gold guari' chain, as a testimonial of their appre ciation of her services as secretary of the association, which position she has filled eyer since the organization of the association, and of their friendship and good will toward her as a teacher. The presentation speech was made by Prof. Gary, who eloquently teviwed Miss Porter's services to the association, and her prominent and well deserved place among the best teachers of the state. Miss Porter was completely taken by surprise, as the whole scheme had been kept a profound secret from her, but she recovered sufficiently to thank the donors in a few appropriate words. The following named teachers were present: Alex. Thomson, E. M- Ward, Chas. Rutherford, Geo. McArthur, L. Moore, Ara McLaughlin, W. G. Beattie, A. C. Strange, M. A. Lehman, T. J. Gary, II. S. Gibson, Frank Mullan, E. C. Hackett, C. H. Jones, Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Head, Misses Fannie Porter, Ana Baird, Florence Olson, Elgiva Mullan, Olive Lewelling, Emma Sturchler, Mary Talbert, Jennie Rowan, Gertrude Finley Hatte Munroe, Nellie Younger, Hattie Cochran, Mary Bickner. Blanche Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Beach. THE JAPAN MAPLES. two Desirable Speeles Kn.m Which Va Ob tain lluet of Highly l'rlaed Varieties. There aw between 60 and TO known species of ni"pl, and half of them two indigenous to China and Japan; there fore we regard that part of the world as h a.lquarters for maples. In eoo 110:1 .0 importance and lutkguillcent arbo real proportions however, the American maples take the lead. In a garden sense wo regard the Japan maple as shrubs rather than as trees, and while we culti vate a good many specie the two most stunned with ns are Acer piilnmtntu and A. japonioum. From theso two wo get tho host of varigated and deeply cut forms wo prize so highly. Tho editor of Gardening, who ha fomid theso Japanese maples hunly in and around Boston, advises in more vigorous sco tions to treat them experimentally -or protect them iu winter. Ho says: When tho Japan maples nre in good health they surpass iu elegance all other shrubs iu the garden. They like good moist soil, gvtirrul shelter and protec tion from cold wind in winter. While the plants are under 10 or 15 years of age they are apt to bo perfect specimens of beauty, but after that they are npt to lose some of their branches in sum mer, tlie branches dying off unaccount ably. This occurs iu other Japanese shrubs besides maples for instance, red j bud, exochorda and daphne. ; Theso maples are in their most beun- tiful condition before midsummer: then I the crimson varieties, like the purple beech, get duller in color. Toward fail, however, tho green leafed sorts in par ticular assume a tine autumn hue, and they retain their foliage for some time after the leaves of ordinary maples have dropped. The ITjdranfea. the native species are handsome shrubs of medium sizo, with fine largo leaves, generally of a light green color and perfectly hardy. The introductions from Japan and China are particularly interesting and valuabla H. pauiculata graudiflora is remarkable in foliage and deal of money to spend, those euterpris flower, and being perfectly hardy is of ing islanders. No 0110 would hesitate great value. The other Japanese varie- to say that tho Americans ate richer ties, like the H. hortousia, require pro-' than the Russians, or the Italians, or A llfitP 3P HTDRAXOBA PAMCCLATA ORAXDIPIORA. tection in winter. They should be grown in pots or boxes and wintered in the cellar, and in summer placed along walks under the shade of trees. H. Otaksa and H. ramulis coccinets are es-' pecially adapted for this purpose. The Thomas Hogg belongs to the Hor- tense section of the family, but it is o . , , . i ' ., far more freo and abundant bloomer 1 than any other. For the florist and for , all decorative purposes it is invaluable. The flowers are of the purest white, of , t ,. .r jj 1 very finn textured are produced from ; juiy w septemner. it is as tiaruy as the old Hortensia. Requires some pro tection in winter. " The oak leaved hydrangea is a na tive shrub classed as hardy, but north ' of New York it is likely to be injured in winter. Philadelphia southward it is superb. One of the finest hardy shrubs introduced is the H. paniculnta graudi flora, a large panicle flowered sort from Japan. It is not only perfectly hardy, but it bears masses of flowers from Au gust to October. In order to obtain tho greatest number of flowering racemes, it should be cut back severely in au tumn or early spring. Tented Carnation. The raising of carnations from seed has been the means of producing won derful improvement in the size, form and color of the blooms. The following is a list of the newer carnations which have been tested as to their qualities: Ada Byron, which originated in Massa chusetts. Its color may bo said to bo an improved Grace Wilder. Adelaide Kres kon is a deep pink, hailing from Ohio. The color of this variety is considered an improvement on Tidal Wave. An nie Pixley was raised in Pennsylvania. The color is a beautiful, delicate pink. Bouton d'Or, while not new, has been r-eintroduced. This is a French variety. The color is a rich lemon yellow, deli cately marked with narrow stripes of scarlet, very sparsely diffused. Horticultural Note. It pays to thin the fruits. J. H. Hale, South Glastonbury, Conn., was elected president of the American Nurserymen's association at the last convention. The need of cold storage rooms at frnit shipping centers becomes more and more apparent with each season. Dwarf apples are produced by being worked on the paradise stock. They bear in about three years. Yon must keep borers away. That's all there is in raising peaches. Scrape away the soil a little and put a few panaiuis 01 wooa asnes ciiKnroaiia tne trunk of each tree, and the tree will be . . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 - I Tlie English and the Americans are both rich, but which are the richer? Perhaps the statisticians know or can find out, but it is not certain that the statistical answer would give tho infor mation that one really wonts and which Involves the distribution of wealth ns well as its mere existence. Most Amer icans have to workt but, as is well known, a considerable proportion of English people toil not nor spin, and make no pretense of doing anything tor living. Is that because the English ire richer than we, or is It a matter of taste or a result of primogeniture? 80 also it appears --froiu close study of documents submitted by Anthony Trol lopo and other foiitcinporamous histo rians that llritisli gciitlomcu In re iHH'table circumstances employ from five to fifty servants and have several houses apiece, all of which they live in, snd travel much besides. An Ameri can who lives in that way i looked upon as a man of very exceptional re- onrcee, but It would seem that an Eng lish gentleman who does uot live in that way is thought to be somewhat strait ened. In England there are 800 or 400 hunt clubs, and something like 'JO, 000 Britishers ride pretty regularly to bounds. Out hunting la au exiienslve port toat takes both time and inonev. These English seem to havo both to pare. A returned traveler was speaking of the shoals of agreeable English people he met in the Riviera and iu all the play places of southern Europe. When asked if they were rich people, he said not, but that they were able to live as they did because they knew how and got their money 'a worth. Ho thought, too, that the well to do English had a more complete domestic apparatus ready baud tuau uuwt Amei leans and could soend a larirer imumrtion of their incomes on travel and amusement Houses and furniture and such expen ' sive vanities they had already by in heritance and were not coiniiellud to spend useful money iu providing them. Regardiug the Cuglish hubit of pub lishing novels iu three bound volumes would the American buy novels in such costly fonn? Are not all the habits of living that we borrow from the British, from dock tailed- horses to indoor men servants, more costly than the customs they supersede? They must have a great the Germans, or even the thrifty French, bat the Briton gives us pause. Is he really richer than we are, or is be mere ly an older sou, and a dweller in a land where servauts work for small pay, and clothes are cheap, and novels are rented out by Mudio, and the tax on stimulants is laid for revenue, and not for prevention, and where to loaf and : invite one's soul is esteemed a prefer able thing to toll? Harper Weekly. Are Von Going Kal J If so, it will pay you to write to A . C. I... ...... .1 I .1.- lift. .-I: I ton Route," 250 Washington street, I Portland. He will mail you free of j charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve Bleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great Northern railroads at tlui vtry lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington route is venerally con' ceded to be the finest equipped railroad jn t,e world for all classes ol travel, . Through Trains Without Trnnsfcr. t,u.,ii.,. . .1 . .1 n Travellers must not forget that the O. , .. ,. , , . , 4 N" llne 18 ""UKhly Wired and a" V!"18 u Tnn"n without transfer "r ""vice 10 ; nana, Kansas City, ht.' Lou s and Chiciiiro: Pummn free reclining chair car8 UI,holstered tourist sleertara anil modern day coaches. Call on O. II. & N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or add ress W. H. Ilurlbiirt, Gen'l Passen- ger Agent. Portland, Oregon Blank note, receipt and order books at the Kstkki'Hisk olh'ce "For Charity Suffereth Long." Mm. Laura C. Phoenix, nilwaukec, WU. "ttatron of a llenevolent Home and knowing the good lir. Miles' Nervine baa done me, my wish to hglp others, over Comes my dislike tor the publicity, this letter may give me. in Nov. and Imc, IKK, The inmates had the "LaOrippe," and I was one of the first. Beginning duty too soon, with the care of so many sick, I did not regain my health, and in a month I became to debilitated and neri oun from sleeplessness and the draft made on my vitality, that It was a question if I could go on. A dear friend advised me to try lr. file" Hentorative Aervine. I took 2 bottles and am nappy to say, I am In better health than ever. I still continue It oeeamional uae. am a nerve food, as my worn it very trying. A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me." June t, 1894. Mrs. Ladra 0. 1'hokkix. !r. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. AildrugplKUellltatll,6 bottle for5, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the It. Miles Medical Uo., Eikiutrt, lad. r Hf t .T Uf, jYlilCS lNefVine Restores Health I Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders, Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, Harness & Saddle SorcJ, 5ciatica, Lumbago, 5calds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Morse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Murcle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very 5ca of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiify. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes rtan or Btaat well again. BCMMONH. Iu the circuit court of the Hut of Oiegon for tlie county ot Clai kain-s. F. C. Perry, I'lalntlrT. vs. John Palmer and Julia rainier, ueiennanla. To John Palmer and Julia Palmer, defendant! In the name ol the Hlale ot Oregon vou are hereby required to am, oar and anwerlhe com plaint Sir.) against you Iu the above entitled suit, wlihlu ten days Ironi the dale of the aer vlce of ilila summons upon you II served within this county, or If served wlihlu any olhercounty In this slate, then within JO days (mm the date of the service ot this numinous upon you; and II served by publication thru on or betnre the Aral day of the next regular term of Ihe alarve ourt following the expiration ol the time pre scrilied Hi the order ol publication of this sum mnna, to-wlt; the rth ilav nf April. A. !. lmsY And If you fall to ao apKtr or anawer tlie plalii II II will apply to the court for Ihe relief de man. led Iu the complaint filed herein, to wn for a Judgment against you at;d each of you for Ihe sum ol l-DO. with Interest (hereon alllie rate rf 10 per cenl per annum from the run day ol Ilcccmber. IS'A and lor the aum of 'J5 attorney fee herelu and for coats and dlsburaementa of this ault. Ami tli( the usual decree lor Ihe sale of said premises described In plalntltT't complaint herein, to wit: (beginning at the quarter section corner on the south boundary of section 12, T. I. H. of K. 1 K. of W. M , mu lling thence east 20 chalna to a stake; thence north 7 deg. east aj.W) chains lo a na g lo Ihe center of the road, thence north S dcg. weal 6 IW chalna to a atake; thence north as deg. Ft niln. weat 17.110 chalna to a atake ou Ihe north and aouth ipiarter aectlon Hue Ihrough amnion 12; thence aouth 147.15 chalna lo place of lieglnu lug. containing HO acrea; all situate and lying In Clackmaa county, Htate of Oregou.) tie made; and that the proceeds of said sale may be ap plied lo the amount due the plaintiff and that said defendanta and all peraoua claiming under them, subsequent to the execution of aald mort gage upon aald premlsea, either aa purchaaera or Incumbrancers, or otherwise, may tie barred and foreclosed ol all rlghla, claim or eipilly of redemption In the said premises and every part therein, aud that plaintiff may have Judgment and execution agnlnat Ihe said delemlauia lor any deficiency which may remain alter apply ing all Ihe proceed nf (he aale nf the aald prem lsea to the satisfaction ol aald Judgment. That the purchaser may be let Into the Pos session of said premises on production ot Ihe anerlil a ccrtincaie ol aateinereior; ami ror audi further relief aa to the court may aeein entilia hie. Thla nummniia la served by publication nn tha defendant. John Palmer, by order of the Hon. K l. Hhaltuck, Judge ol the Fourth Judi cial District of Oregon, made the 2n!h day ol February, A. I). IsisS. HKOWNKLL Si llllKHngSli J, V. CaMI'IIKI.I,, 3-1:4 12 Atlya. for Plaintiff. HIIKKIP'V'H BAI.K. In the clrnult court of the mate of Oregon, for the county of CtnckamsN. J, T. Appemnn, i'lslntlff, Va. Mvy K Hnrlnw, M. .1 PillHliury and 1 lioinm M. Miller, de fendant. 8tate of Oregon, county of Clackamm, ih. Notice la hereby given that !y virtue of an execution and onler of Male liemed out of the circuit court of the Htalo of Orrxon for the county of (')ackaniaii, hearing (late the 21nI day of Keoriinry, land, In suit wherein. I. T. Alger non waa nlalntltr, ami Mary K. linrloHr, M. H. Fillabury ami Thomas M. Miller were ilofi iid anta, conunHiidiiiK rue. In the name ot the Htale of OrcKon, that out of the real evirate hereinafter ilcncrlhe'1, to reall.e aitum miiltclent to aatiafy the iloinamla of rialil 'leureu, to-wit f ITill.ll, ami the further mill of 10u attomuya fuea, and tl coHta, together with Interest on the name alucc aald decreo wan entered at 10 per cent, tier annum, and slao the coats of and attending tula Kale Now. therefore, In obedience to audi decree, I did. on the '27th day of February, ISM, duly levy upon, and will, on Haturday, the Itoth day of March, 1W, at the hour of I o'clock p. in. of aald day, at the front door of the court nouns In aald county, oiler for aale at public auction, and ell to the lilKbent and bent bidder, for canh in hand, all of the right, title and lutereat the aald defendanta have 111 and to the following de scribed real property, to-wit: HcKlnning at the aotuheaiit corner of the Donation baud Claim of Hamuel Miller No. ns, In TowiiHhlp 2 booth of Kange 1 Kaat of the Willamette Meridian In Clackamas county. Oregon, and rumilug thence North 15 deg. Kant mi 11 chalua to comer of Julia Ann lwln claim; thence' North lil deg Kant s.Vlchalna to center of county road, thence Went 47 :n chalna to dlvlnlon Hue of aaid Miller claim; thence Month 21.21 cbalna; thence Houlh Si dcg. Kant 42 chalua to place of beginning, containing IWi Wlacrea more or leaa. Uatcd this 27th day of February A. I). 1W. E. C. MAIIDOCK, RherlrTof Clnckamae county, Oregon. By N. M. Mooor, Ueputy. 81:-29 NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT. Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned has, by order of the Honorable County Court of Clackamaa county, Oregon, been appointed ad ministrator of the estate, with will annexed, of Holonion Achnrn. deceased. All persons, there fore, who have claim" agalnat laid estate are required te present them duly verified to me at my office iu Oregon City. Oregou, within six mouths from thla date. L- t POltTKR, Admr. Dated Feb. 28, l'j8, 8-1 :8-29 Dr. Price'4 Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Dlpli SI'MMtlNS, III the Circuit Court of lti State of Oregon for the County of Clackamaa, Julia I'aliiinr, platiillir, vi John Palmer, de fendant To John rainier, the almve named defendant; In lh uaiiin of the Slum ol Oregon, you are hereby reonlred to appeal and auawur lue com plaint and aummoiia filed agalmt you III (be above milled ault, by the limt day of thr term following the expiration of tlie time preanrlhed ill the order for the publication ol Ibla sum inoiin. to wit: on , nth dav ol April, A. I). IMi.V thai Ix'Iiik the llrl day of the oommenre tiieni olibe regular lerrn ol III above emit led court; and If you fall to appear and aiiawer or plead, the nlalntlrt will take a decree agalual you lor the relief prayed lor Iu the eoiuplalni filed herein, lo-wlt; for deeieo dlnaolvlug Ihehonda id matrimony now llu between Hie plain IIITaiiil ileli'inlntil; for the oare and eualodynf their minor children; for one third of the real property bnluugliig to the deleuilaut, dcnorlhod aa followa. to-wll lli'uliinliig at Ilia I, aeellini corner on the eomh boundary of section I'J, towuahln ft. sou til minis 1. eanl i.l llm Will. in eliv meridian; running thence ent 2U tuiu enaius lo a Make; llience norlli 7 degree! eaal aft no Hail chain in a ruck In the center of I ho county road, thence north HI degreea weat IHMinj chains loxaiaka; thence north as deg la iiiin weal ii iKMiainnua lo a aiakaon Hie norlli anil aolllh aecllou Hoe llimouli knell, m rj- Iheuce south ,17 I.VIul chalna lo the place ol be ginning, containing eighty acrea, abualed III Ihncoiiuly ol CUcanmaa and stale ol uresoii. And for the sum ol .. oermaneiu altuiiinv (or the aupport ol hcractf ami minor ehlldreii; ami tor tile Ooala and dUbliraeuieota of Ibla null This summons la published hr order of the Circuit Court of I lie alale ol Oregon, (or Clacka maa i ouiity, made and entered on the I Hh day ol Keliruarjf, A I', inn. and la ioihll.hi.,1 (ore perliul ol alg eoiiapcuilve weeks In said ( lacks lima coiinly, stale ol Oregon. STOIT. lltUHKAH'I'lH'T. 'J-l.-ft Allorueys lur rialuiltt. Hl'MMONS, III the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the county ol CUekarnaa Adam A mire, plaluilrT. n. C, M. Andre, defend ant. ToC. M Andre, aald defendant; III the tianie of the Stale of Oregan. roll are hereby required In apiear and answer the com plaint niii, I agalual you In the above entitled suit in aald court un the Itrm day nf a lerm thereof to be begun aiul held ticsl aflor ill weeks from the piibllraifon "f this suiiiiiioua namely, on the 1;h day ol April. la'M. And If you fall an o appear ami anawer, lor waul thereof. Ihe plaluinr will apply In Hie court lor ine renei iieinamUMi in nie complaint herein, which la for the iIIkoIiiiioii ol Hi m-rrLge contract now aubai.ting between aald partlea. ami fur auch oilier equitable relief aa prayed lor In aald complaint. Tin. an Minimis Is piibllabed by order of T. A. Mcllrlde. Judge of said ciuiri, made and dated February 1st, liV C. IV A D C. I.ATOCKKTrK. J-15 .Vo Allorueys for I'lalnlllT. Hjierlirt Notice (if Hal on Force loau re. Ill tlie Circuit Court of the Stale ol Oregon, for ine i ouniy in i isi'ssinss. Tbouiasliie Kinly, Kxeciilrlx of the Will of Abel Kudy, deceaaed, plaliilln". va. Thomas M. Al lison and K. J. Ilargar, delemlauia. Hlale ol Oregon, t'liuuly of Clactamas, as. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue nf an execiiilon and order of aale laaued out of the el-cull court ol the Huie of uregou for Ihe county ol Clackamas, bearing dale ihe liilh day ol Febiuary. laWi, In a aul: wherein Thomsaliie Kudy. execuitlx ol (he will of Abel Kudy. do eeaaeil, waa plalutltr, and Thomaa M Allison ami H J Ilargar weie defendanta. commanding ... Ill lit. H.II.M nl ll,n.,.l...l ll..U I.. t of Ihe real eatate herulualler deaertbed. lo real ise a sum a it ill - i.-i it to ilia deuiamla of aald decree. Iirwlt: I wolsl. and ihe further aum ol l,"i.7U coats, aud (ho further sum ol lunulas attorney's lee. together with lutereai on the same aliice i let.. lie r Kali, IxaVI. al III pel (tent per an n ii in, and also Ihe costs ol and atleudliigtuls sale. Now, therefore, III obedience lo such decree, I did, ou Hie l.lih day ol February, luri. duly levy upon, and will, on Haturday, Hie tot It day ol M.irrh. A a4 Ihe hour ol one o clock I' M ol said d,iv. al tlie front door of the court house In said county, otter lor aale al pubtlu auction, aud sell to Ihe hlgheai and beat boi ler, lor caah In hand, all ol the right, title and liilereanha said delemlauia ou the ball day of IH Iolatr. la'.al. had lu and to the following dcscrllird real Property, lo wit: I-ola Rve (Ft) and six (l,ol blta k forty five (41). ol Ilia county addition to Oregon C'lty, Oregon, and being situated lu l'lsck-.tna county, Oregon, listed this lith day ol February, A. I). IS'jft F. C. MAIHHtCK. Hherlffof Clackamaa Co., Htate ol Oregou. llyN. M lloonr, licpuiy. i-Va tl MlirrllTi Notice of Hale on Foreclneiire.. In the Circuit Court ol the Htate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa. Dinah L Dudley, nlaltil'tT. va Jemima McDon ald and Aleiauiier McDoualti, defendants. Htale of Oregou, County nf Clackamaa, aa. Notice la hereby given '.hat by virtue of au execution and order ol aale laaued out ol the olrcull court ol Ihe Htale oliiregou for the County nf Clackamas, hearing date the 12th day ol February, Irt-'i. lu a ault wherein Dinah I. Dudley was plalntlll, and Jemima McDonald and Alexander McDonald were delemlauis, cone mailing me, in the name ol the Hlale of Orerou. that out ol the real estate hereinafter deac-rHNtd, pi realise a sum aumcleul to aatlaly the de mandant aald decree, lowlt: tV'.ll 2U aud the (urther sum of 114 40 oosta and the further sum of f.,1 as attorney tcea, all lu I'. &. gold coin ol th9 Culled Hlalt-a of America. togelher with lulereat on the same since said decree was entered at 10 per cent, per an num, in uae emu, ami also the costa ol aud at tending this sale. Now, therefore, In obedience to such decree. I did duly levy upon, and will, ou Haturday, the mill nay or narcn, laua, at (lie lioiirol 2 o elix g P, M. ol said day, at the front door ol tho conn house lu said county, offer for sale at nubile auction, and aell lo the hlgheat ami beat bidder lor caah In hand, all of the right, title and Inter- eat the said delendauts on the !7tb of Deceutticr IH', 1 . had lu and 10 Hie following descrllted real property, to wit: A certain tract ol land situate In aecllou llilrly one lu lownahlp three aouth of range one weat of Hie Willamette Meridian In f lackamaa county, Oregon, which I. known on the plats and surveys of the Culled Htales as a part ol Ihe donation laud claim of Joseph 0 (leer. Hr,. as notification No. HAM and claim Nu. 117 In Hoi aforesaid township and range; il being the norm nan 01 trie r.aai nan 01 the r,aai Hun ol aald claim, containing forty acres. Uiite.I tins 14111 nay 01 ruorunry A. . ism. K. C. MADDuCK. HherllT of Clacknmaa county, Htale of Oregon. nv ft. M iuoiiv, Deputy. 2-1.1. 3 . HUMMONri. Ill Hie Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, for toe (Jimmy 01 uiticgiunas P. C. Perry, plalntlll. vs. John Palmar and Julia runner, uuiemianis. lo John Palmer and Julia Palmer, defendanta: iu the name of the Htate ol Oregon, you are hereby rcoulred to appear aud ttiawer the com plaint filed against yen lu thenbove entitled ga llon within ten days from the date ol the serv ice of this summons upon you, If served wlihlu this county; or If served within any otlinr county of this statu then within twenty dais from the dale of the service of this summons upon you: aud if served ny publication then on or before the first day ol the next regular term of the above court following the expiration of the time prescribed In the order of publication of this summons, to wit: the 1 nil day of April, IW, Aud II you fall to so answer, the plalntlll' will take Judgment against you ami each of you (or tho sum ol (lot) with Interest thereon at Ihe rate of 10 per cenl iter annum since De cember I4lh, IHti.'l, and (or i'Si aa an attorney Ice. and lur the further sum of 1x2.11, and for ills costs ami disbursements horeiii. This summons Is served upon yon by publi cation by order of the Hon. Thomaa A Mn llrlde, Jndgii of snfd court, duly made ou thu Dth day of February, lH'.H. IIHOWNKI.L ill Dhkhskr A J, II, CAMrilKI.I., 2-lfi:8-22j Attorneys lor Plaintiff BCMMONH Iu the Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon for Clackamas oouut.y. . Lixitle N. Conger, plaintiff, vs. Burl Conger, de fendant. To Burl Conger, above-named defendant: In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are hereby summoned anil required to be and ap neur In the above eulltled suit and court on or before the first day ol the next regular term nf guld court, to-wlt: the l.'ith day of April A. D. Ihw and answer the complaint died against you In the above entitled ault, and If you fall to so anawer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded ill the complaint, which relief la lor the dissolution of the marriage con tract now existing between plitlntilT and de fen. bint herein. You are furthur notified that this summons In this suit u served upon you by publication by order, dated November , IH'.K, of Hon. T. A Mcllrlde, Judgeof said court. h. I. POK1KK, Ally, for Plaintiff. Dated Jan. V5, 2 1 8-l!l. Sunday Sorvlcos. HT. I'API.'H CIICHI'll - Kiiiaeiipal - Itev. Isaac llawaon, Hector. Mervlcea sill n'ctnea a, m. and 7. mi p. ill, i'rnyor acrvlc every Wed' liesday eveullig. Nltrir CONtillKOATIoNAi, CIII'ltCH. Itev. J. W. Cowan I'aalur. Services at III ikl a. M. ami a taj r, m. Mumlay hcIumiI alter oioriiliii service. I'layer uieetlng Weduesitay evening si s Uio.elock. I'rayer meeting of Young l'eoile.e Hnclcly ol ChrUtlan Kudeavor every Sunday evening l 7 in prempl. KIKMT llAI'TIST CIII'HCII - ltv M t Itcou, I'aator Morning Service at ll:Hutidy HciiihiI at I'J lft Kveiilug Service A Ml; Heglilar prayer iiieellug Wednesday evening. Monthly (:oveuaul Meeting every Wediiuailay evening preceding tlin flrsl Huliday In Ihe uioutli. A Corulal Invitation to all. ST.IOIIN S CIICKCIf DATIIOI.IO.-ltRV. A. IIim iiihanii, l'aa:or. On Huliday ins. sat ami ill .au a, M. Kvery aecond and fnurlh Huliday lleruiau sermon alter the a o'clock inaae At all other masses Kugllsh sermons. Huinlav School at J Mi r. m. Vespers, apolngellcaj aubleoia, and lli'iirdlcilou at 7 IKI r. M. MKriluniHT KI'ISCOI'AI. CIII'HCII. -Hr 0. Hvxas, Pastor. Morning service al II; Hun. lay Hchool al 10 ikl. clnsa meeilng aflnf liiorulng service. Kveiilng aervlce al 7 MI. Knworlli league mooting Sunday evening at ikl, I'rayer Meeting Thursday evening at W. traugera oonllallv luvlled. riltST I'ltKSIIVTKItlAN (MII'IICII -IHV. . W. Montgomery. I'astnr. Services al 11 a. a and 7 au r. M. Hablialh Hobmil al IU a. at. Young People's HiH'lely of Christian Kudeavor meetg very Muiiday evening al a HO. Wednesday veiling prayer Iiieellug at 7 JUS, Heals tree. KVANO'aiCAI.CIIt'ltCII-OKIIMAN - H. T. Mvca., I'aalur. I'reai-hlug services every Huinlav at II A. M ami l IV M. Hnlibatli act.ool every Hominy al 10 A. M (Key. I'. Moti. Hoi. 1 1 Weekly I'rayer Mealing every Wednesday evening I'NITKII IIHKTIIKKN IN (111 ItlHT.-l'reach-lug every second ami fourth Huinlav of each mouth, al II no am and 7 ;w p m.W II, Mo- 1. sik. faaior Hunilay scluail at 10 a. m. at Oregon city Flrsl siiinlny at Hsmsoii school house, Molnlla; Third Hun. lay, Mountain Home II a, ni.: ThnlHr drove, 4 p. m.-Mlsa Imlla Oreeii. Huperluti.uileiil Hunilay achmil. I'rayer meeting every M'eduesaay evening. KVANOKI ICAI. l.l TIIHItAS t il I' 14(11 I.. I f"1". I'astnr -Herman services every Sunday ' " '"'"k A M. Htigliah services at7 ;4)l'. M Huuday sclnad al III i'clock A M 1mi- Hon: Hiore room next door lo bakery In Hlilve- ley'a building, corner uf Seventh slid Madison streets COPYRIGHTS. Vk I OHTA1N A PATKNTf for ft pnmii aniwnr ittt n botiwat oi'inlnn, writ Iq nil X 4 lwhi liv h1 nwlviinjr rMvir lsrlMtOd til Ut Af (Mil bUplUMML rttiniaTi JioitaititiJr nuindmiliM. A lliidbak of lu iirinAthrfi ciirwniln l'tl kihI Imw U ob ttmt and riiiitlflo tmtk Mti( f riNe. 1'aUiiti Uanu Itmniitli Muiiii It Cft, rolT nnvifcl tttminth M. Irmlrlr Awrrlrnn, att4 tut r bruuwht wi.toijT bvfnn (hs tulllo with cml ti in th InTMiiftf. This rlfn1i1 iwiMf, ImuwI wtMktr. 'Midr llluatrsiiNl. ban bt far ti UrntttiC rin-ulaftiiQ nf nf rivtiiifltf wnrh In Ut ttrit. t; iimt, Mm oiiim avhi frtMk MulMlng Koltliso. fti..txiilr. -' Mta Trvr. Hinttt ffHMM. M.i tmtxlm, Ktmry uumW iiaina txwu llful ptaiMa, in eolora, and phoifniranha tit nw hitUMML with plana, vitabliittf buiktnra inahow Ui Uiiil iinaiirtii ami imvur wfHraia, Allra HVNIt t UK, HW VUHK. JU 11NUAUWAT. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Fiwl and Snle Sttkhla ORECON CITY. UJCATKIl HF.TWF.F.N TIIK IIHIDOK AN DF.I'OT Doulilu uinl .Sincl IUijh, and tmtU dlo liorHt-H ulways on hand ut th lowcH pricrri. A cornill connected with tin luirn for Iimwu Btoclt. Infurinulioii retfitriliiiif any kind or stork promptly atti'iuloil to by person ot lutlwr. Horsen Oouirht and Sold. ' Horace liuurilwl ami Foil 011 reauion. 'tie tornm. Salary aasl sium paal mmk j trvm start. feruaauiiuaiilua. Kaelusivoiemtury eaawstsaarr . I'eeellar s.lrantga( Liberal eummlsslua lu lueal lime egweta, Largvst groesra of oban, IVim- ltarily,rltabli p 1 1 1 e naraery ferlhsurthani. stuck. .4-. la n and sanies. eanl vemiow.whll. fruit IliUiKtrv Is so imnorlant Ott rh iaee for .dvsnmtinent. OulCI anil futl par .l.rafr. I.KOWNUm.1 I'o.Bue Portland. (lr. (TI1IS livuse IS mliaitle. Kama this ltar. Wj JOHN A. BECK, THE 1 RELIABLE JEWtLER No. 270, Morrison Htrcnt, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON KAIITII. 1? 1 i. ..1 I- rut centum ri'iiiiit iiik mi . Humus without a Dour. For (irHt-cliiHR, re- t! 1 1. I . !!. 1 i. ItllDIB gOtltlH I11H HlOrH IH Ht'C'OIKl lOj none. Try mm 1 1 1 .a. ' J ' f X 1 C ; TlIIilMIOTOtJKAPIIKU, f si RtM't'ivcd a gold lucdal and diploma at St. LouiH '(invention of . I'hotoRriUMirH, l.S'.M. Third and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. Duffy & Heckart EXPRESS andJRANSFERING. 8)ccial caro in moving HoiiHehoUl GooiIh and Pianon. Prompt work and Reasonable chargos. Loo vo orders at IHiLLOMY tV BUSCH'S. dimm mm I fr'MW'