Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. C. T ('O.'H NTKAMKIt. Hlimmtir KAMUNA. tVIIKll(l(( tITV. I.BAVKII rilKTI.AMIt. m, 7:im m ' II :. hi. 0 IJU J. III. i ml p. hi, - Tin Kaat I'AHHAN'IKIt HTP.AMKH, Al.TONA, MKTWKKN rflMTLAHft, HAI.KM AND I N ll Kf K M KKM I '. l.cavs Portland 'laylnr alrrot dork Hi 0 INI A, M, ml li'uvra liri'Kuii : II y fur Malum 7:16 A. W. luvtilny, Ttiurailajr ml Malurilay. Lav linl.iaiiili'iia M A M mul Halain T:4A A M ami rrij..ii tin, l uu P M. lor Port land Motnlaf , w.ilmailay and PrlMaf. Kail 1 1 nix. (cm.i1 hi'oiiiikkIiiIIiioi and low mUK. Mo, way Ir.inlil handled, Hjlal rates ou thriili Ir.lght, HIll.'TIIKIlN PAClriU UA1LWAV. HOST KlVNb. California Ksnraai (tlirnuah) knbur Uival (way slalluua) 7 It, m. l a p. m. SOUTH' BOUND. Hutntiurti I,or. (way national lalllnrtila Kipmat (llirougli) t ill a. m 7:10 p. Dl WILUMKTTK MIX KI.KCTHIC KAILWAY. Tims Thlo, Uae Ornf'.u l.'lly. :UA.M. V l ' 1I:W 1 M I1. M, I (ft) " .UU ' no A. M. luuu ' II i - 1 1 P, M. 11 " JC ' J HU " KJ I HO " i Ul Ml M ti.UU .l " e.uu " Wlllainellc Falli. t.Vi A. M. W) " II ft " I It 9 U. I Ml ' ii'Nimr tiki. 9 ISA. M. 10:1(1 " II W) " 1:1a P.M. I " J 16 " i V. ' s Ift " . la 4 44 " 0 16 6 46 " 16 " C. A. MlU-. Hilpt TDK HAILH. Mallanloaa going North. 12 rn , 1 p. m., p m. Mallaclote going Houih. . in., .4A . m. mi St'Ta. Orrson CUr U Portlaud oror Kaat Hide Hall way Fear. I'i 'JO P. M and o MJ P M: arrive I MM A. M. ami 4 to P. M. Carrlea Portlaud, Kaalrru, Weal rildo.Maudjf and Highland mutes mall. Orrnu City Ui Kly.Carm, Mulliio. Liberal and Molalla lavs at I'i m. aud srrlves at U m. dally Orrion City to Bar Creek, Mink. Clark. Mcailuaj JlriKik. I lium Mllla, and loliou.lfafea at 10 a. m. Monday Wednesday and Prlilay aud returns uu lollnwlni data at 1 H4 p. m Oregon CUT to Vlnla. I.ngau and Kedland leav.a Oregon Clly Muday Wlualay aad Krlilay at I uu P. if., Ualng Viola tama daya at 7 Oil A M, FHIDAY, MAUCH 1, 18W5. Harm Foh Tii Coiwty Fund. Tax paying lime being at hand the safety of the county fund i qiieittlon ihat in terrtli the county trtiiunr m well the Ut yer. The raoe with which lutnki nd oilier ilm ewheie larxe imm o( money redi-podicd are held up of late (how that it would he pormible to loot the treaamer'e vault even during office hour. For the way the office, la arranged it olTint hotter chance lor rob bery than many batik that hare been roblrttd iu broad duyliuht. It would be an eaxy matter fur two men to up in to ti e treaHiirei'i office oeteimihly on hul lieaa when one could cover the treanurer with a revolver and the other lock the door, tliu milking- any one who atlenipied to come in think that the treasurer waa out ol hi office and had locked the door ax he tntuiilly doe when out during office hour. The elnght of the window prevent any one on the nirect from look ing In Hifllcient to ace whether anything u mi mm I wan gulng on In the office, while the plaHtewl walla and heavy door would prevent any ordinary aotind being heard in the adjoining office. It would be an eiwy mailer and not ao expensive to tlx the treasurer office 101 hold up would he mKMHible. Tho door opening Into the hallway should have a gin panel in it o thut any one entering the court Iioiiho could nee into the office. The counter ahould have an Iron grating overitaimiliar to a bank with an iron door and spring lock to prevent a too easy accewi to the vault by an intruder. An electric, alarm ahould be fitted In with the knob on the floor eo that it could be rung with the foot, to connect with the sheriff's office o that help could he summoned instantly and un known to a robber. With from flO.OOO to 125,000 at a tlmo in the treasurer' vault thu risk is too great aud the county V court should see that gieMor precaution V i takon for it aunty. V FikkmkN Klrct. At a special meeting ' of the board of deleuatea of the Oregon 'City Hie department, held last Monday Evening, the following officer were elected for the ensuingyear ! President, II. 8. Strange ; secretary, A. W. Milln; treasurer, J . V. Stuart. Tho board of tlclogutcH consists of tho following mem bers: Fountain, II. Hit'sight, A. Asuius and J. W, Straight; Cataract. I). V. Kimiaird, W. II. Howell and Chns. l'os tiun j Oregon City No. 3, 11.8. Strange, J. 1). Kunner and S. Nufxger j Columliia II. A L. Co., Frank Nohren, Thos. Cow ing and A. W. Milln. HuccKKsruL Api'I.icant. The follow ing person were' granted uertidcatesat the late teacher examination held by Snpt. Uibson : Chas. Rutherford, C. E. Barney, Robert Ointhor, J. L. Gard, VV. E. Young, Mary ftavis, Mrs. F. II. Morrison, E ugeue Shelby , IUi die Ualeu tine, II. 8. Morrison, M. A. Lehman, Minnie McClintock, C. E. Minier, V. D. Scobert, O. D. Ely, Lavella Marshall, Lucy E. Wheeler Johanna Peter,' Lee Rogers and G. P. Law. La KermesHCt A 10 cent cigar for a nickel. William, tin) grocer. " E. E. Java tux IIomk ok Man' I'lton itohh No puhllralioii of lute date la likely to exiilld more iulerent than a (piarto of forty pages which ha just heeu issued from the liii ul press of lliilavlu, with the titlo. "I'itliecaiithropu Erectus, lOine MeiiKchnmuilicliH I'ebergangnfroiii an Java. Von long. Dubois, Militiirarr.l dor Niedland. Arnioo." Hclence say : Thl noteworthy essay contain tho detailed description of three frugmanl of three akeleton which have been found in the early plltocuiio strata of Java, and which introduce to u a new species, which I also a new genu and a new family, of the order of primate, placed between tho Klmiidae and Ifoinlnidae; In other word apparently supplying the "missing link" between man and the apes, which ha ao long and o anxiously been awaited. The material it sufficient for close osteological comparison. The cubic capacity of the akull i about two third that of the human average. It 1 distinctly dolichocephalic, about seventy degree, and to norma vertical! aston ishingly like that of the famoti Nean der hal skull. The dental apparatus is Mill of the simian type, but lea marked ly ao than in other as. The femora are aingtilarly human. They prove, be yond doubt, Ihat thi creature walked constantly on two leg, and when erect w eipial in height to the average human male. Of the various difference which separate It from the highest apea and the lowest men, it may be said that they bring it closer to the latter than to the former. One of the bearing ol thi discovery is Uion the original birth place of tne human race. The author tielleve that theitep in the immediate genealogy of our siecie were these: 1'rothylohatr, Anthropopithecu, Hiva lensia, I'itheranthropu erect u and I loino sapiens. Thi serie take us to the Indian fauna! province and to the other asfiecl of the great Himalayan chain as the region somewhere in which our siieclllc division of the great organic chain first came into being. IIailkoad iMrKoVKMKNT. Now that the Southern Pacific Co. has their line fenc d they are turning their attention to beautifying their station grounds. They have already thi full leveled off, seeded to grasa and planted tree on the grounds around several of their depots in the town In the southern part of the state and they now havea gravel train hauling surface earth from the gravel pits at Canbr to Salem where they are improving their depot around. Now if they would raise the platform at their depot to a level with the platform of their car it would be a convenience greatly appreciated by the traveling public. The Illinois Central Railroad has lately been putting in raised plat form and they find they can handle their passengers in bait the time and with far greater safety than by the old car with their high step to climb up and down on. For remote stations on iu line where it is not yet ready to pro vide new station platforns, it adopt the simple device of having trap door over the Mens, which can be thrown back when thov are to be used an ex pedient that would facilitate the gradual adoption of the high station platform principle on all roads, allowing them to apply it at first only at the principal stations. Ciiinkhk Pit a as a nts. It is generally supposed that the China pheasant can not te tamed and raised in captivity. Such,' however, apjiear not to be the case, for Chambers and Eury Howell have a flock ol four of these beautiful birds at their home on Madison and Twelfth streets that are thriving and heallhly. They started last spring with two a cock and a hen. The hen had been raised In captivity, but the cock was captured by other parties and sold to Messrs. Howell. During the spring and summer the hen laid ninety-thiee eggs. A number of these were set under tame hens, but owing to a serie of mishaps only two birds were raised, Now that they are better prepared to care for them they expect to have no difficulty in rais ing tho yotlng pheasants. They have a largo vard enclosed on the sides and top with wire netting in which to keep their pheasants, aud the birds are now as tame as ordinary fowls. A rmsoN-LiKs BuiuiiNO, The Oregon City Manufacturing Co, have lately bad heavy iron grating doors fitted in their factory building and the yard enclosed with a ten-foot barbed w ire fence, The object of this being to keep thoir hands in during working hours and visitors out. Hereafter visitors to our city who have a curiosity to see how woolen goods are manufactured will have to get a written piisa from Jacobs Bros, in Portland or go to some other town where, the rules are less rigorwiis. ( iitarrli Cannot Ite Cured With local applicatians, as they cannot reach the seat of disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this county for years, and Ib a regular prescription . It I is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonder ful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. TO COLLECT TAXIS. The Mherlft"! Jfondsmen Seheol Dl. trlcts and lit; Levy. The duplicate tax roll for 1801 ha been completed by County Clerk Horton and turned over to Sheiill'Maddock, who will open it for the collection ol taxes on Friday of this week. The total valuation for the county as returned by the state board of equalization is 5,6l!r,Wi4. The various tax levies on this are as follows: State, 3 mill; county, 11.4 mills; school 5.0 mills; road 4 mill. For municipal purpose Oregon City was the only town in the county that made a lev, the rate for which is 6 mills. The following are the school districts that have made a levy : H0, CLIBK. MILLS. 1, Oscar Wlsstngei .' 6 3,... ...Chas. O. Rose 9 14 C. G. Stone Z'A 18 J. G. Koehler 6 20 A. II. Wing, 'I 20 F. M. Osburn 1 27 N. W. Richards, . 1 2H, Ida Starkweather, 1 82 G. W. Grace 3 34 E. A.Smltl 2 37 Michael Long, 4 4:1, C. L. Perry 47 J. C. Haine 6 4il A. Clark V a)H Geo. A. Hamilton, 8 67 JohnC. Schmidt, 4 61, Arabella Imel, 12 02, T.F.Ryan 5 04 V.. P. Dedman 6 07, H.IderhofT, .. 4 m, B. C. Leland, 8 70, W. W. Myers 4 71 S. M. Christian, 6 75 Jas. Fullarn 2 80 L. D. Shank 12 57, A. II. Cone, Marion & Clackamas, 3 70. Edwin Cole, Mult. A Clackamas, 2i 73. F. 8. Cottle, Marion 4 Clackamas, 12 Sheriff" Maddock, a provided by law, filed with the county clerk a special bond for 50,000 as tax collector, it being ap proved by the county court at its last session. The following ia a list of hi bondsmen together with the amount for which each qualified: Wm. Barlow, 15000; L. L. Porter, f500); J. C. New bury, trmO; Jacob Ranch, 5000; Geo. J. Currin, $5000; Max Scbulplus. $5000; Henry Wilbern, 1500O; C. W. Ganong. 12,500; W. II. Smith, $4000; C. W. Noblitt, 3000 ; J.C Tracy. 2000 ; Hiram Straight, 13500, A Quetuly Head. can neyer rest on a body frail from dis ease any more tbao the lovely lily can grow in the sterile soil. When consump' tion fastens its hold upon a vie tern, the whole physical structure commences its decay. At such a period, before the disease is too tar advanced, Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will arrest and cure it. Send six cents In stamps for a book (100 pages) on consumption and its cure. Address World's Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, New York. Once nsed, Dr. Pierce's Pelletts are always iu favor, Specific for constipa tion, piles, biliousness, and headaches Stirring GranU ia Fri. Few Yobic, Feb. 23. The Herald's Panama corresjiondent sends news of stirring events in Peru. Victor Man tilla, Peruvian charge d'affaires in Boliv ia, has deserted President Cacerist aud gone over to the revolutionists. Arequipa, Peru, is reported to have been captured by revolutionists who were commanded by Col. Yeasup. The city was willing to be taken, being dis affected. , Lima is also dissatisfied with the gov ernment. Its citizens are being perse cuted by press gangs. In a riot in St. Sebastian street, government soldiers were driven off by showers of stones. Women and children have been thrown into prison. Iutrenchtnents have been made some distance from the city for the repulse of the expected revolutionists. Wealthy citizen have been held prison ers until they purchased large amounts of government bonds. Moquega has been seized, and busi ness is luuuu disturbed. Thousands ef Dollars. Are spent each year by the people of this state tor worthless medicines for the cure cure of throat and lung diseases, when if they would only invent $1 in Santa Abie, the new California discovery for consumption and kindred complaints, they would in this pleasant remedy find relief. It is recommended by ministers, physicians and public speakers of the Golden state. Sold and guaranteed hy C. G Huntley at 50c and $1 a bottle. Three for $2.50. Tho 11101 stubborn case ol catarrh will speedily summit) to Cali fornia. Cat-r-cure. Six month's treat ment for $1, By mail $1 10. Karl's Clover Root, the great blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation! 25c.; 60c., $10dfor sale by Geo. A. Harding. Yucca Root toilet soap will cot chap the bands or face. E. E.. Williams, tne grocer. Cash paid for clean cotton rags at the Entibpbibi office." Ladies . hair , trimmed in the latest style at Sloper's barber shop. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Cold Medal Mid win tar Fair, Sal Ffandaca. .i'J.M I l.M'1'..l , I .. '!-' ' Vi....'" .1.T1'.' : . Stamped for tha Oold FlaM. Dkadwooh, 8. 1)., Feb. 25 The Holy Terror mine, situated at Keystone, Pen nington comity, lis made a wonderful record breaking run a a gold producer. A clean up of the batteries and plates of its five-stamp mill, after a run of only five days, wa made yesterday, and gave a gross product of t-0,000, which is a most extraordinary run, when the num ber of stamps are taken into considera tion. New dicoveric are being made daily in tho district, and if report can be believed and Hie assays of the ores found relied upon, some of the finds will even exceed the Holy 'terror in richness Even now, a bad a the weather ii, there ha started a good-sized stampede to the southern hiils. Bmallpoi at Tha Dillei. Tut Daixks, Feb. 23.-8. Monahan, a stockman, who arrived here from the East a day or two ago, was found in a lodiftnit house this morning sick with smallpox. He will Ik? taken to the pest- house, and Hie authorities are making preparation for a viorou quarantine. The Kermesse cigar is a decided suc cess. Ten cents value for five cents cash. E. h. Williams, the grocer. When the Doctor.... writes a prencription for your nick one do you realize now important it is that nothing but the purest and best drugs should enter into its composition? We pride ourselves on buying the very best in drugs and are always will ing to pay more and get the best. You know there are "seconds" and "sub stitutes" in drugB as in other goods. If we do not have the material in stoek to fill a prescription properly we tell you so frankly and you can choose between going elsewhere or waiting a few hours until we can get it for you. We cosider our reputa tion of far more value than tho money we can make on any prescription or any customer. C. G. HUNTLEY. .11 1 w r 1 : fri a WRITING LETTERS is a pleasure when one is provided with good paper, good pens, and good ink. We carry the W. II. Hasbrock's Co. "High Class" writing paper the very finest in white, cream and the latest tints. You can have a sample book for the asking. We have all the leading makes of paper and the very best inks that money can buy. Huntlevs Book Store. P. S.-When asking for the writing paper samples get a catalogue of our 10c. music. Buy your- Choice Candies ..AT THE.. NOVELTY CANDY STORE. Pure, Fresh, Delicious, Prices lowerthan ever. OtSr Taffy Candy Has no equal in the City. Fresh Fruits and Nuts. i ana . . S For sale by C. G. Huntley. 1I IV III! preparation . at a rItlt ..n.iaaa.-i ly told in tne head if; if s; aril Fves t O -)iiKt W ' A Genuine Rock Bottom- SLEAElAKuOE To Avoid Over And to make room for spmrre Prices will be dropped so low that the leanest purse can secure a bargain in the many lines carried in stock by The Pioneer Store, THOMAS OHARMAN & SON. Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating So is the quality of the meat tested that ia on sale at the . . . . NEW MEAT MARKET .... Only first class stall-fed meats in stock and full weight is guaranteed. J. KONKLE, Prop. Next door to Burmeister & Andresen's Jewelry Store. directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own a .Turing, write thetrovaa letter, or keep their own books; and who do not know when bualneaa and legal paper which they mull handle every day are made out correctly. r"AU theae thing, and. much more, we teach thoroughly. Hundred of our graduate are In good position, and there will be openings fca bundreda more when times Improve. A'ow la the time to prepare for them. Beaidpaa business education U worth all it coat,ur oru'i men us. Send for our catalogue, to learn triwl and dote we teach. Mailed free to any address. ..... Portland Business College, ... A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Portland, OregOn. J. A. Wesco. Saeratsary, The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friendbv It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families or of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building," 213. Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Huntley's Book Store. SOHWAN & PUTROW. Dealers in Stoves PLUMBING, TINNING. AND GENERAL JOBBING. CAUFIELD BLOCK, Main Street. The Chinese Suffered.... The Oregon City Steam Laundry IS DOING Clean Work, Neat Work, and Cheaper Work Than can be had of the Chinese or any other place in the city. -j Special Rates on Family Work. Goods called for and delivered. Carrylnt ids.... are lost annually. and Tinware. ....Another Defeat 1