Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1895)
i Oregon City Enterprise. Published Kvery FHdny. CHAS. MESERVK, rt'BLlSIIKE AND FHOrRISTOR. UBSCKIPTION RATK8, On yr, W 00 U month. I Trial (ulMK-rlptlon two months, 'a A dlnrount ol SO nl on nil tiihurrlrllom (or one yf r, iJ wuu lor tlx month, II md lu SiWuoe. AdTeriltlnf rttr Wn on application. -. CnMrcd at the Font Office In Oregon City, Or., u tacoud clau maltrr. FRIDAY, MARCH I, 1895. AGISTS FOR TBB ENTERPRISE, 0. W. pTOr Oeo.KnlKht A. Nathar Gary A WlMlnr G J. Trullliirter E. 8 Bramhall Chas Holm an W. 8. Newberry Henry MUey Hamilton A Waihburn . Mrs. Q. A. Shepaard T. M. Croat J. (J. Uate. C. T Howard . R. M. Cooper Annie Stubba. K, M. Hartraan B. Jeunlnt P. Uleay L.J Perdu H. Wiltwrn John Welsh J. 0. Elliott F. Gtftsoh Mrs. W.M. Melntyre Geo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adolph Asclioll Canby, Claxkamaa, Milwanalv, I'nlon Mill. Alms. Meadow Brook. Dow Kra. WtlanoTilla, Park Place, Barlow, eiaditooo, Stafford, Mullno, Carua, Molalla. sUrquam, fcUItTlll Aurora, ortiue, sle Creek, Bunnyside, Damascus, Bandy, Salmon, Currinsville, Clierryville, - Marmot, ' The wit to build on Orficon City is to sire Oregon t'ltj people yonr tronaice. ' THE SEXJTOR. George W. McBride, Oregon's new United States Senator, it a native ton of Oregon, having been born in Yamhill county in 1854. He it a ton of Dr. James McBride, who was well known as one of the earliest and sturdiest pioneer in this state. Mr. McBride wis educated in the common schools and at Willamette university. Sa lem, and the Christian collece (now the state normal school) at Monmouth. In 18B7 his parents left Yamhill county and located at St. Helens, Columbia county, which place he has made bis homester since. I n 1882 be w as elected to tbs Oregon house of representativet, and was subse quently chosen speaker of that body. In 1866 Mr. McBride was nominated by the republican! for secretary of state, and was elected. His popularity is attested by the fact that the two principal nominees on the ticket with him governor and treasurer were defeated. Mr. McBride performed th duties of his office to satisfactorily that lie was renominated bv acclamation in 1890, and re-elected by a handsome majority. He served out the full term and retired the first of the present year' to give wav to his suc cessor.' ; ' Mr. McBride comes from an old and very well-known Oregon family. His father was consul to Hawaii during Lincoln's adminis tration. He has several brothers who have achieved leading positions In the law and in medicine. One brother is Judge T. A. Mc Bride of this city. Another brother is John B McBride, formerly congressman from this state, and now a prominent lawyer or Spokane. A third, Dr. James McBride, is a leading physician in Wisconsin. FOR FREE SPEECH. The liberty of speech does not appear to be so untrammelled in this free America as manv suppose. Savannah, Georgia, has just had a big riot in which it took ten com panies of infantry and one of cavalry to keep a religious mob in subjection. The cause of the trouble was that ex-priest rjlat terly attempted to give a lecture on Catho licism. His hall was soon surrounded by a howling mob numbering thousands, and notwithstanding the efforts of the better ele ment among the Catholics a determined ef fort was made to kill the ex-priest, and it was all the police could do to bold the mob in check until the soldiers could arrive and disperse them. Whew the liberty of speech Is gone this republic is gone, and this right should be jealously guarded eveu to the shooting down oft few mobs by way of emphasizing the fact that In America a man can btve per fect freedom of speech. If be should tres pass on the rights of others the courts fur nish ample redress, and there is no occasion for resort to pistols and rocks. When we sort oar European Immigration and allow only the better element to make their homes with us our police and military force can be reduced one half and mobs and riots will be few and tar between. For it is clearly shown that too many of our foreign immigrants do not know what liberty means, and to teach them is too expensive an undertaking. Benatob McBride goes to Washington with less strings on him than any senator from Oregon ever had. He is no corpora tion man and is under no obligations to them. Of the various factions of the repub lican party he has allied himself with no one of them and has so conducted himself that he bas the support and good will of every republican in the state as well as the confidence of men of other parties. His position on the great questions of finance, tariff, internal improvements, etc., is in strict accord with the national and state platforms of the republican party and his work and vote will always be in the inter est of. the people and not for any one class. There is probably not another man in Ore gon who has (be acquaintance over the state that Senator McBride enjoys and who knowt tbe wants of all sections to well. Thxbb will be no more friction between Oregon's two senators, for Senator McBride is a man broad enough to lay aside any dif ferences of opinion and work with our sen ior senator for the common good of our SEXSUILE MEX The Kmtki'Nis( was glad to note that the menhers Imm Clackamas and Columbia counties were among the lenders In advanc ing the candidacy of Mr. Mcllrldeasa compromise mini In the late senatorial deadlock and wore very largely Instrumental in securing his election and thus preventing Oregon from loosing a senator. As Mr. Mc Bride belonged to Columbia county it fell to the lot of Representative. T. J. Cleeton, of that county, to place him In nomination, which he did In one of the best speeches of the session, explaining that lie had stood by Mr. Dolph since the caucus, hut now seeing he could not be elected, wohIiI nominate and support man on whom all could unite Mr. McBride having positively forbidden his nomination until Mr. Dolph was out of tht way, Senator Brownell had the honor of casting the tint ballot fur Mr. McBride he voting for him on the three previous ballots to and following hit nomination by Mr. Cleeton. Representative Rinearson had been anti.Polph all through the con test, and stood ready to vote for McBride so toon as he should be nominated. Repre sentative Mintie was one of tht three who voted for Mr. McBride on the ballot pro ceeding hit nomination, while Representa tive 8mlth came to Mr. McBrlde'e support when he was given the nomination. If our members had been as bull-headed as some of the other Dolph -men, Oregon would have been without a senator, lor they and the member from Columbia county turned the tide. For the information of strangers who may visit our city the Estkrmiss will state that the big brick building at tbe head of Main street with the barred doors and a bull fence around it, is not a prison or a reformatory, but is plain, every day factory, wherein woolen goods of varying qualities are manu factured. To an outsider it looks as though the Oregon City Manufacturing Co. could have restricted visitors to their mills with out treating their hands as though they were slaves or convicts, as well as to endan ger their lives. For should a tire break out with tbe outlets all closed with heavy iron gratings held by strong chains and padlocks, it would be almost Impossible for the nearly three hundred operatives to get out without some loss of life, for the building is only provided with two small fire escapes, jumping out of tbe windows would be their only alternative, and that is a dangerous way to get out of a burning building. CoxoRisa will adjourn on Monday next, when a sigh of relief will g up from the whole country. During the whole session nothing has been done to help the country out of its dire financial straits, and its vacil ating, uncertain actions only made matters worse. Tbit congress closes democratic legislation in tbit country for yean to come. The next congress to convene will be repub lican in the bouse and a tie in tbe senate, so tbe people will have to wait two lout: years before any substantial relief can be given them; tor should tht republicans, with tbe aid of a few independent demo crats, pass a relief bill Cleveland would veto it As a complete failure the fifty-third congress stands without a parallel in the history of tbe country. Stati 8t;pT. Iawiitbasgiven it as his opin ion that school districts cannot contract debts for school purposes to be paid out of the state and county apportionment for tbe succeeding year. That is, esch year's ap portionment can only be nsed for school purposes in the year for which it was made. Stipt. Gibson is also of the same opinion. Tbe matter has been submitted to Attorney General Idleman for bis decision. This is an important matter to school boards, as In many districts debts have been incurred far in excess of their apportionment with the expectation that payment could be made out of the next public funds received. If the state superintendent is sustained school districts will have to provide by a tax levy for the payment of their indebtedness. Throcoh tbe fight between the trap and wheelmen and tbe gill net fishermen no changes for the better were made in the fish laws of Oregon, and the salmon were left to fight for their lives with the chances for their early extermination very good. With but an indifferent protection to their natural spawning, and no effort for artificial propagation, at tht rate salmon are being caught each year, the time It not far distant when this great industry will cease to exist in Oregon. It looks as though Oregonlans would soon be reduced to a diet of bacon and beef, and that tbe toothsome salmon, that king of fishes, would no longer tinkle their palates. The Oregonian appears to " hoodoo" ev ery man or measure it supports, for defeat it sure to come to them. For years past the Oregonian has not supported a man or a measure but wbat it has been the indirect means of bringing defeat upon the luckless heads of its friends. 8uch harshness and bitterness as the Oregonian employs cannot help but arouse an equally bitter opposi tion and tends to ally with the opposing forces men who otherwise would remain supporters, or at least would be passive in their attitude. In a personal acquaintance extending over twelve years, the editor of this paper has found Geo. W. McBride to be a man honest and conscientious in all his dealings, both private and public, and his integrity is so high that the people of Oregon can be assured that they will have a senator who will not sell out to the highest bidder. His high sense of honor was proven in the lute senatorial contest when he would not allow bis name to he used until it was clearly proven that Mr. Dolph could not make it nor any of tbe other leading candidates. By hard work on the part of the board of trade committee the amended charter for Oregon City passed the legislature. But it came near being crowded out and rocked to sleep during tbe closing hours of the ses sion. By its liberal provisions as to street assessments there will probably be many more streets of this city Improved within tut next few years. All the changes made in the charter were good, and they cover all points so completely that there is no oc casion for any further changes fur years to come. Last Saturday night nt twelve o'clock the Oregon legislature adjourned. While It did not do the work expected of it, vet it did as much ns is ever done on a senltorul year by a legislature with but very Tew exceptions, for that contest always over shadows other work. Several very nuirliorlous measures were passed, which will be given in the Kn tkiii'Him so soon as approved by the Gov ernor, and they did themselves and the party proud by electing one of the ablest men in the state to the Vmled Stat sen ate. A part of the bad measures which were killed wll make up for the good ones they failed to past. Among the bills killed none was of more moment to state than the Portland charter, which, If passed as originally, presented would have placed wit bin two years the republican party of this state under the control or the Portland ring and lead to the defeat of tht party at tht next election. When the good It sifted from the bad the eighteenth session of the Oregon legislature will be round to average up with former ones. In tome recent experiment with the new army ritle on bullet was driven through 48 inches of pine, another penetrated oak to the depth of SO Inches, and others were tent with ease through Iron plate two thirds of an Inch thick. With these new gum war It made more dangerous than ever, for if a soldier gets lilt with one of these high speed balls he is sure to have a hoi clean through him with power enouith lelt in the ball to go through two or three men behind him. It is reported that the Oregonian will make no tight two years hence against tbe re-election of Senator Mitchell. The only fear that Mr. Mitchell's Irl. nds have la that the Oregonian will change from its long standing opposition to him to supporting him, In which case his defeat would be cer tain. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing In the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, 1:30 P. M., February 27. liS: oxntlimin'i list. Beckwith, Harvey Marston, Herbert Buchanan. C B-2 Mack. Mr Chester, Ceo Michael, Leon Cleveland, II Myer, Geo Cimmell, John Nelvell, John De Lap, K H Nursery Frost, I, W Olse, Mr Furgeson, Frank Tarka, Claude A Gregory, J Rlchee, Charley Gehan, M C Smith, Johney Oilespie, A Smith, G F Harris, Harry Streat, John Hammett, R Smith, A Haworth, P. A Steel, Alex Hensley, 8-2 Tompson, B Hurd, Moses Wvatt, W R Llnden.CC Wvman, Asa Morgan, S W ladies' list. Camp, Lottie Longcoy. Mrs Hiram Cheshire, Alice Parker, Mrs C N Donall, Mrs Emma P tersui.MrsFrancls2 Fratt, Mrs Sorgen, Mrt Mollie George, Martha Slav'.er, Mrt D Hattan, Mrt Victora Htringham, Mary Ingalls, Mist Mary Ward, Bailie Kennedy, Mr Eunice White, Mrs Cora Kenkle, MrsT Williams, Mary J Klaetsch, Ida Young, Mrs L C 2 Lovejoy, Mrt M E If called for state when advertised. 8. R. GREEN, P. M. REAL ESTATE TRA5SFER.S. Famished Every Week by tbe (lacks mu Abstract and Trunt Company. J II Lambert to Margaret McWhin nie W D Feb 13, "05, lot 14 in Ilk 19 Cambridge 273 J D Dullam to J C Zinser QC D Jan 9, '95 79.08 acres in John M DeardoffD LC 1500 F and M F Rees to Henry Smathers W D Nov 12, '94, 40 acres in Mathias Reea DLC COO W H Smsthers to W T Linn WD Feb 18, '95, 2(1 acres in sec 9, t 4sr3e 800 LouiBa Meant to John A Price W D Feb 11, '95 lota 3 and 4, blk 83 Oregon City 450 Sarah MuCown to Waldo F Hubbard D W Feb 19, '95 lots 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 5, blk 13 Gladstone 390 Clackamas County to John Myers Q C D Feb 6, '95, blkn 128 and 140 Oregon City J M Taylor to Clara L Broughlon Q C D Feb 15, '95, 1.93 acres in Wm Holmes D LC.t 2 i,r2e.. 2 Eaganah 8 Savage to Katie 8 Wolfer W D Feb 19, '96 35 acres in dec 30. t 4 s, r le 600 Wm Knight to Samuel T liider W D Feb 20, '95, bw of nej of sec 4 t 4 s. r 1 e 1000 (J M McCown to W L Miller W D Feb 21, '95, seven lots in Glad stone 455 William Htoever to Ella R Iiurg hardt W D Feb '95, lots 5 6 and 7 sec 30 t 2 s. r 3 e 200 Henry Keene to J A and L E Thayer W I) Feb 21, '95 land in sec 34 t4 s. r 2 e 1000 W E Bpicer to EG LitchenthalerjW D Sept 1, 94, 0 42 acres in claim 50t3s.r 1 W 200 U S to William H Hoops patent Jan 22, '91, sw4 of sec 22 t4 s r 5 e North West Loan and Trust Co to to John M A Lane D, Nov 9, '94, iwW nf sec 22 in t 4 a r5e 725 S M McCown to R A Miller et ex W D Feb 21, '95 18 lota In Glad atone - H70 Have your Titles examined and Abstracts made by the CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT 4 TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of Abstracts of Title of all lands In Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work by a respon sible firm. Office up stairs in tbe Cau field building. , Mother nnd their Noun. Ol ill the suIIIhIi liolnga sons in ninety-; nine eases out of a hundred arc worst In 1 tlioir dealing with tlmlr mothers. j They aro not actively selfish, hut they expect every thing, love, rarei uiiil anxiety as a in ill tor of course, j and they never, as young men, stop to consider what that care and anxiety means. They are no doubt good sort of fellows and ready to dothis, that and the other (or their mothers It It docs not In convenience tliem too much, but as for stopping around or taking care to show themselves now and ag'thi, it never enters their heads; thoughtless, they never dream that if thev are away so many hura they are causing anxiety to their mother. If they aro out too much at night they, never think, or perhapt occasional qualms will cross their minds of the anxiety, intense anxiety they are causing. Generally when the lima Is slipping by all too fust, or when they are separated or are growing older, they bo- gin to learn what it all means and has meant. The very self-saciitlclng love of the mother only intensities their own lorgetfulneHs; a more beautiful sight than a young msn who Is careful of his mother, and thinks of tier, nut in the formal passive- way, but in an active manner, aa atiove all others, cannot be found. If bnva could only understand that it can only occur once In a lite-time, and that life slips quickly by, and that the mother's love, accepted so much as a matter of couise, cannot be with them forever, how much after regrets would be saved. Wa old bald-heads know It too well, and It is this that causes the pain or even resentment, when we see frosh generations going the same old ttupid ways. What is life? Are we sure of meeting again? We don't know, there fore let ua think while we may, and not have vain regrets and longing after wards. What has been cannot be altered, All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have net, have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug- gestand get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address toll. K. Ilucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life pills dee, aa well at a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chtrman & Co. 'a Drugstore, Charman Bros. Block Captured 15,000 Blavit. Massowah, Feb. 25 Despatches re ceived here by carries from Adowa, capi tal of Shoa, state that Kmperur Menelek lost 1000 warriors in the lust raid at Val lamo, II is forces killed 7000 Gallaa and captured 15,000 slaves. Has Mangascia, leader of theTigrlnes who have lately caused so much trouble to the Italians, has, in consequence of the failure of the peace mission of priests to Axum, sent a chief to General Kara tier, governor of Erythea, to negotiate peace . A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. 1'ay up your euhsciption to the Kntkhi'RInr anil get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Kntkm-kikc cilice. County and city warrants wanted by the Commercial bank. Dsnallv Indicate t disorder fifths Kidneys, tnd prompt msvnrea should be taken to prevent serious inmble. . , RF M F U RF R "I""' n t rami lLHLTlDbf In ImilplrnrT, wtilcii It neglnuuxl, may become dangerous. . , DR. J. H. MCLEAN'3 . LIVER i22 KIDNEY BALM Is what yon neod. It will cure Mver Disor der. Kidney Wnknes, Uriel's J)lwie and. IHnoKte. Price, si pur bottle. Hend S-rnt stamp Tor book of hints, how to live and cure itiese distressing complaints. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. CO ST. LOUIS, MO. For sele bv C. G. Huntley, druggist. Leave Doubtful Reeds alone. The best are easy to get, and cost no more. Ask your dealer for FERRY'S SEEDS Always th best. Known everywhere. Kerrr'i neeu Annual for IHUS Kills you rtial. how. ana wnen u hibiil . tfem Free. Uet IU Aaarea i . PERRY 4 CO., Detroit, Books Bought, Sold and ExchaDged At the Old Book Store. 2G0J Yamhill St. near third. Portland Or. Notice of Application for a Saloon License. Notice is hereby given; that the under signed will apply (o the City Council of Ore- Son City, Oregon, at the regular meeting In larch for the continuation of a license for a saloon on Main street between Fifth anrlBixth J. A.MOOKK. Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1805. $S f A,N AW ',"'"mC IIJBack Qfegon fiitjl ...GLADSTONE PARK... Conveniently of ueeeHH Free from the noise Skillful nurses and every .i i Class . , ii i . AI11I1U room llllll juiuoiilN may iimo '""- y Hess and rest. Siieciul rooms y for Services ol tno best pnysicum oi inu couuiy m in nltunduncu. U tviiiiu i jtf a unv a i tl .it. n . . . i j Address, MISS M. E. LIIBKER, SUPT. j OHKGON CITY, OK, 'f .AiAx t iiii ;k-k i-A x FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS.... ESTOLISHED 1877. Plymouth Rocks, Wyandotts, Light Brahmas, Brown and White Leghorns. ....Prizes Winning Strains.... Stock this Season Better My flocks are counted the liest in the North Pacific, as they have hecn for eighteen years. Kpps; 1 setting, I2..K); 2 settings, 14. Send for catalogue. Address, J. M. GARRISON, Lock Box 335, Forest Grove, Or. QQ YOU NEED f DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? . Go to C- H. BESTOW- Lowest cash prices ever ollerod for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. AIho combination wiro and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY. THREE MONTHS...... St. Louis Globe-Democrat Eight Pace 8 Each Tuesday and Friday ' Sixteen Pages Every Week. Beyond all comparison the biggoHt, bent and brightest news and family Journal published in America. Price, One Dollar a Year. Will be sent FIFTEEN MONTHS FOR ONE DOLLAR to any reader of thin paper not now a Hubneriber to The Gi.ohe-Dkm-ochat. This blank must be used to secure benefit of this extraordinary offer. r(lTT TT (TTIT It"H worth three months frco subHcription. Fill in UUl il UU is your name PoHtOIIice and State, and mail with - , , one dollar (Bank Draft, PoHt-Odiicoor Express Money Order, or Registered Letter), direct to . GLOBE PRINTING CO,, St. Louis, Mo. Sample copies of The Globk-Democbat will be sent free on application. To CLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. Herewith find $1.00, for which send to address given below, The Globe-Democrat, twice every week, for fifteen months, a8 per your special offer to readers of The Entekprise publisecd at Oregon City, Oregon. Name of subscriber , t Post-Office State Be sure to use this blank. It is scription. Hospital,, nnd jileiiHitnt Wilted. nnd dust of the city. convenience of a first n ..i fl nosiiini. y , .. i.h.i. nil..i- rl Indies. , e l than Ever and Prices Lower. ABSOLUTELY FREE. worth three months free sub 1