Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FIUDAV, M AKCII 1, 18115. niackamns Co. Directory. COUNTY OKKICKKH, Jul Jll!j, :i.iri ( (lr1flii K. Uyt ll, K. Ilnriim K. U. Madilixik H M. IU111.I.7 M. I.. Monr J, I'. Hrllir M. H (illoon I). W Kliiiixlril l(. I., lliiimaii I Kli'lmril Hdnit I Crunk JnuKnr ( Cuurl. niwrirr, li'timriter, 'i'ruAAiirar, Aaiimmr, - HiiIiihiI MiiiorlutU(liit, Htirvnyur. t'lirubor, Comalilmiri, CHAT ABOUT TOWN. I'riee the lowest Ked Front More. Try JllM)o() Tf t Marr Itulmrtaun. ('oil fur sample. Kir Ullcl Unit) W(XMl WHIlt( Ht till ufllre. tf Fluent 1 1 mi il lut'o In tint city at the Iturket atorti, Hinnkn tlie KirnicnHO cigar. K. K. William, Him grocer. Money to limn on good real estate aecurity by A. 8. lruHHr. Highest price paid by the Commercial hank (or county and city warraula. The late! in visiting card at the Kn. TKkPKiKk OtrrK.K. I'rire to lull you. Imperial Kgg Food will make your hwni lay. K. K. William, the grocer. To make room (or other itood, tinware will be closed out at cost at the Itacket tote. A One nine oiind girl arrived at the home ol V. II. Savage, of Kly, on Thurs day last. Freylag'i appAtiiing pickleiean be had at the Corner grocery, Kent In the market. Ladies' hone, cotton, woolen and fleece-lined at the Kacket atom, woolen hose 20c. to 2fc. er pair. Fine Ordnra left at the Commercial cigar tore, Commercial Hank hliM'k, for 4 (not or 10-inch wood, promptly filled. A. Alderman, of I'ortland, will attend to tuning and repairing I'ianoa and Organ, I-eave order at IturmoUter A Andrawm It Bkiiaocx. Applea, prune, ralnina, ilntiin or rice 5 cent a pound; lemon Oil orange a penny each at The Hed J rout. pyatera, wholenale or retail, to familic aiw partlv. Alno aerved In any atyle, lri'4i and palatable at the I'ortland re taurant. ' It cure pilen, it cure obntlnate aore, chnpped hand, wound. It does tlii quickly. I there any good reanon why you ahould not ue IH Wiit'a Witch llaiel Salve? Win. Stover, residing on Twelvth and Monroe alrevts has traded a piece of lund on the Alxtrnetliy to W. 11, Hiirghardt Utr a bonne and two lota in Ilolton and moved to hi new ixmciwion last Friday. . Take a done ol DeWltt'i Little Karly Itinera junt (or the good they will do you. Those little Fill are good for Indigestion, good for headuce, good for liver com plaint, good (or constipation, lhey are good. C. G. Huntley, druggint. Don't fail to hear the phonograph and see the Yellowstone l'ark at the M. E church Friday evening March 8. The pictures will be twelve feet In diameter and will comprise the moat interesting aerie of view ever ahown in the city, See posters. Insure In the Farmer' Co-oierative Fire Insurance Asf dution of Oregon ;lty. The cheapest mutual protection li, the state, Men combined to limine thKiselve. ApplicatloiiH taken by M. L.Moore, county treasuter, and presi dent o( the Association. Agent wanted throughout the state, Address the sec retaiy, 0. A. Cheney, Oregon City, Or, Join Shade has secured a lease of the Oriet tul Hotel, and has thoroughly reno vated the house, painted, cretod and refurnished the room and put every thing '0 first class order. The bible is now ei.nal to if not better than any hotel in the city, Board can be had at reason able rates by the day, week, or month. Firat class accommodation lor transient ciiHtom, This house will hereafter be known as the " Willamette Hotel." fit At the close of the union meetings held at the Methodist church in January it wa announced that another week of almilar meetings would he held after a time. It has now been decided to hold such meetings at the 1'resbvterian church during the week beginning March 10. The (our pastor will all be on the ground, and it 1 exacted that the (our churches will rally to the work and that ontlmaiaHtio and profitable meetings will be the result. Dr, K. A. Sommer waa called to Ger vais Inst Thursday evening by the death of his uncle, Kev. Father Sommor. Other than a sister In Portland, Father Sommor was tho, only rulutive Dr. Som nier had oa this Coast, and a strong at tachment existed between the two. Father Sommer was one of the brightest among the Catholic clergy In the elate, and his loss la severely felt. His inter ment took place Saturday in St. Mary's cemetery, Portland. M'NDAV M'HOOL CONVENTION. A NnrfcaNfiil Meillng Held lit ('India. rmu J.MMt Wfck. Jim tilth anntiul convention of the ('lm kaniH County Kunday School Anno ciutlon met In Clackamas, Feb. 21 and 22. About fifty delegate were present and an excellent progrni wa rendered. The convention held four session,' oikiii' ing on Thursday evening and cloning friday evening. Each Mission beuvn with aong service, the music of con vention being one ol ltd moat pleasant feature. Thia wan lurgely due to the annlNtance of an excellent choir of Cluck amaa talent, which sang never al rouning antbemn, under the leadcrnhip of Mr Lawrence, ine imirsosy evening amnion wan chiefly occupied by an addrena by Mr. J K. tirooin, of Oregon City, on "The Dulles of Hundav School Siiiwriiilnnil enta." It wa verv uiuetlvend called forth lnmrlliv diminuiliifi l.v uv.r.l ,I..U. gate and hy Kev. Winan of the Amen' can Sunday School Union. On Friday morning Mr. Groom read a paiwr on "Our Succena." Among other thing she njNike of a plan called the "Loyal Sunday School Army IMan,1 originated by It. V. Ja.oha. Kupt. Key. Hold and other of wido experience, which ha proved helpful In increasing attendance and intercut in the Sunday achool. "Failure In Sunday School Work," wa dlacuawxl by several in the ahaenre ol a paper on the aubiect. Dr. Coaan.ofOregou City, then presented the quention, "I the International Lea- aonHystem the Heat?" ami discussed It on both aide, finally deciding in the altlrmutiv .ru,ku .1, , ,, ubject. Mr. T. J. Gary, of Milwaukee, gave a abort talk on "The I'seof Mai," which waa helpful. "The Library and It Use," waa then well presented by Mr. G. bwope, of Oiegon City. An excellent paper waa then read by Kev. Thomaa Itoyd, of Portland, encouraging the worker. The president then appointed the fol lowing nominating committee: Kev. Syke. chairman, Mr. Ed. Andtewa. Mr. 8woie, Mr. Talbert, Mr. Gary and the secretary. Also a temperance com mittea, consisting of Mra. K. It. Andrews ml Mr. L. C. Driggs, both of Oregon City. The afternoon session waa largely oc cupied by business. Thoroll call showed twenty-two achool represented. Reports of school were read hy the delegatea from twenty-one achwola, and many oral reKrta from new schools and ot Iters who failed to send reporta doubled the list of county schools now known from twenty- seven last year to fifty-five in 181)5. The nominating committee recom- mended aa lollow : For president, Mrs. C. F. Clark, ot Clackamas; for vice president, Mrs. h. C. Eastman, ol New Era; for secretary, Mr. B. M. Finch, of Milwaukee; (or treasurer, Mrs. J. K, (room, of Oregon City. Mrs. Cooke waa reserved as a substitute (or president,, but both she and Mrs. Clark refusing to serve, the name of Mr. Ho-1 berg waa substituted and the rep jrt adopted, A solo was then rendered by Miss I Ella Hoberg, of Oregon City. Mr. Clinton, president of the State Sunday School association then greeted the con- vention with a few words of cordial en- couragement, and closed inviting all prea- ent to attend the coming state conven- tion, which will convene in Portland on May 7th, 8th and 9th next. The temperance committee reported by reading resolution they had drawn up, and after tome remarks of commen dation they were adopted hy the con vention. Key. Boyd brought greetings from Multnomah county, of which he is president. He also suggested that the last Sabbath of November be set apart aa a Becial temperance dsy aa it is else where. No paper lieing present on the Chau tauqua Idea In relation t Sunday achool, Mrs. Driggsand Mr. Winan both spoke on that subject. Mr. Groom explained at length the plan of which Mrs. Groom spoke in the morning. Remarks and questions drifted to other matters and occupied considerable time piofitably. Mr. Gary, of Milwaukee, rose to invite the convention to Milwaukee in lSiKi. Rev. Svkes also repeated a former in vitation to meet at Oregon City Metho dist church. By vote the association accepted the invitation to Milwaukee. Miss Ella Hoberg then sung a pretty song. The evening session opened by reports ot vice preHUients given oraiiy. itieap- pointment of district vice presidents for tho coming year was loft to the president. Oral reports from the delegates to the state convention at- Salem were given. The report of the committee on resolu tions was read and adopted, thanking the Clackamas friends for their generous hospitality and helpfulness, they having cordially entertained the visiting dele- gate. Tho address of the evening was then delivered by Rev. C. Holdridge, of l'ortland, on tne need of the Holy Spirit. Kev. tsyaes men lea a short praise service in which many personal testi monials were given. This closed a most pleasant and profitable convention. E. M. Donaldson, Sec. When your guidman comes home at 'een, He aye expects to see Two cosy slipper on the hearth, And a cup of Japoolo Tea. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'a Fair Highest Award. Went Side Celebration. The achool observed Washington' birthday in the most fitting manner. Old Glory wa nullified and sal lit d in the mont 'ittiioti6 lle. The prjgraui consisted of drills, recitation and nati onal hymn, all by the children, The exercises were rendered in nnch a happy manner a to reflect great credit on the children themselves, alnoon their teach er who had taken Infinite palna to drill them. The hatchet and flag drill were aplimdid and by special request the children repeated them at the Baptist church in the evening. Min Dulny Worley and little Arthur Kchmedti deserve aecial mention (or the pleasing way In which they recited their piece. MaaterHchmedh'a arenUi aie Swin and have come here with that intense love for borne and country, the like which ha made Switzerland the1 model government of the earth. We I'artily winh there were more like them among UH There wag a large number of visitors present who went away congratulating themnelvei that the dintrict waa ao fortu nate an to have teacher who are trying to inculcate the love of home and country in the pupil. We are surprised to leurn that the day wa not observed at all hy the Oregon City achool. With the great number of patriotic order in our town and with the present patriotic board ",ud ,,v ll""r ,ar8 corf ' c'lj,e l";hra, one would naturally expect ',nulhi,,K i,,lm,',,,,e in Oregon City Mr. John Thompaon who had his l''Ker severely cut by the barker in the Pu'P ""ill la again able to be at his post in llie mill. Mr. John Shannnon, who ba been confined to hi bed lor the paat two month by the la grlpiie, which anttled in bia kidney I now able to be up and about the house for a few houra each day, Communtatob. For C'hautauquaa. The fo. lowing la the program of th "Nautilu" C. I 8. C: Quotation, from Kiirm. Character Study, Dr. Chaa. 11 Tarkhurat Kevtew of From Chaucer to Tennyson chapter 0, page 1M. Music. Select Reading. v Mualc. Quartette. Sketch of Robert Burn. 8vniK)luni. What doe Oray'a Elegy xprea to me. Critic' report. Circle will meet at the residence of L. C. Priggn, on Tuesday, March 5. Exercise will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. Members will please remember the hour of beginning and that each member has the privilege of bringing a friend. Botany Bay, The Canemah Dramatic Co. have de- cided to present Botany Bay, or the Con vict's Daughter, again on Saturday March 2. This haa been determined for the reason that there were some who desired to witness the presentation last Saturday but could not, and many others have, since the performance of Saturday night. The proceeds, aa those of last week's sale will be devoted to the Cane- mab school. There will be some new features this week including singing, Tickets 25 and 35 cents. Reserved seats will be on aale at Huntley's Book Store. School children under 14 yeaia of age will be admitted on payment of onlv 10 cents. The doors will 0en at 7 o'clock the curtain will rise at 8:15. At a recent examination for postal clerk in Portland, C. A. Hermann, of this city, whose run is on the overland between Portland and Ashland, had the honor of attaining a per cent of 99 6 on the correctness of his papers. Ot the "(iO post oflicea in Oregon he gave the correct routing for mail to all but three and (or these the errors were not vital, these offices being among those supplied by more than one route and he neglected to give all the routes. Mr. Hermann's high percent is a complement to him self and is an Indication of the effciency of the postal service The story of Evangeline never grows old. Leighton Kelly will tell it' in brief at . the symposium Friday evening Laurence Driggs will talk of the life and work of Longfellow. Miss Gertrude Humphrey will give the charming "Woo ing of Hawatha" with pantomimic ac companiment and Miss Bessie Evans will depict the sad fate that befell the lovely Minnehaha, iairest of Dacotah women. You make no mistake when you take1 De Witts Little Early Riser for bilious' ness, dyspepsia or Headache, oecause these little pills cure them. C. G, Huntley, druggist. Have yon tried the minced sea clams yet? They are delirinus. E. E. Williams, the grocer. YUCCA. A toilet soan made by a new process from the famous Mexican soap root with- without the use of any animal fat. Has been used by the Spaniards and Mexi- cang i Kg crude state for generations. An absolutely pure article. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Board anil Rooms. Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, late of the Electriq hotel have rented the large and commodious dwelling belonging to L. T. Barin on Main and Thirteenth streets and offer furnished rooms and table board, or either one seperate. Terms reasonable. AMONG THE 1.0 DUES. On Friday evening of last week Electric Lodg No. B5, Ancient Order United Workman, waa Instituted at Canemah by Grand Master Workman W. W. Bran nan, of Pendleton. The new lodge starts out with a membership of twenty-one and has flattering prospects of growth into one of the stronirent Modges of the state. The olhcers as chosen are Rudolph Koener, past master workman; T. F. Ryan, master workman ; R. Staub, fore man; J. C. Bradley, overseer; W. A. Cheney, recorder; W, M. Robinson, financier; C. E. Burns, guide; John NeiW, Inaide watchman; G. W. Faust, outside watchuan ; R. Koener, M. Bol lack and F, Botz-el trustees. The louge will meet at Stokes' hall on the second and fourth Monday in each month. At a regular meeting on Tuesday even ing Willamette Falls Camp No. 148, Woodmen of the World, conferred the Protection degree upon one candidate and acted on six applications for mem bership. The camp contemplates giving another entertainment in the near future. They also adopted the following BKSOI.ITIONS Or CoNOOLKNCK. Wiif.kkas, The family of our esteemed Neighbor L. L. Pickens ha been visiied by the greatest of all a mictions, the loss of their only child, who departed this life recently, therefore, be it Resolved, That the sincere sympathy of Willamette Falls Camp No. 148, Wood men of the World, and each member thereof, be, and the same is hereby ex tended, to our Neighbor and hi wife in thia hour of their sorrow and trial. Resolved. That a copy of these resolu tions lie sent to esteemed Neighbor L. L. Pickens and wife, and spread upon the records of our camp, and that a copy hereof be sent to the Okcoon City Enter pais for publication. ( E. E. Mabtis, Committee C. Hobkkq, ( A. Hvtson. bastirn star anniversary. On Tuesday of this week Pioneer Chap ter No. 28, O. E. 8., celebrated its first anniversary at their hall in the Masonic temple. As guest of the ladie of the chapter nearly all the maons of the city together with their families were present and a very enjoyable evening was spent A delicious lunch waa served aa a part of the evening' entertainment, and it was greatly appreciated by those present. The Odd Fellows will have with tbem 1 thnir Irwltfaa mnat inrr Thn rmA j v anariin r -" .wH ..u.(nts VTV'iilij Grand Master L. G. Parker, whoia mak- ing a tour of tbe state, The Workmen had a visit to their lodge last Saturday eyening 'of the Grand Master. W. V. Brannin, of Pen dleton. He addressed the members and did much to imfuse new life into the lodge, Sunday evening, he being a minister, delivered a sermon at the Workmen hall to the members and their friends that waa an able effort and well appreciated by the audience, Sudden change . of temperature and humidity of the atmosphere often pro duce disorders of the kidney and blad der. Uae Dr. J. II. McLean' Liver and Kidney Balm to check these troublns in their incipiency. For Bale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Will's seeda are good; Likewiae hi tree and plant. Twelfth annual cata logue now ready, ia full of thinga that will interest vou. among which are sacahne the new forage plant, Great Northern Bean, seventy day corn, first of all peaa and golden queen onion Hanly fruit and forest trees at hard times prices. $25 in for best yield of com. Uacar it. Will, ttismark, North Dakota. We might teli you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that it cures a cough. Every one does who has used it. It is a perfect remed for coughs, colds hoarseness. It is an especial for children, being pleasant to take and quick in curing. C. G. Huntley, drnggist. Removed. The dental office of L. L. Pickens D. D. has been removed to the Barclay block, Main street, suspension bridge corner where he can be found at hours to meet his patrons. Home-made bread is recognized as the very best at all times and the cus tomers of J. Egle the Shively building baker assert that they can not tell the difference between his bread and that made at-home unless it be that his is juht a little the better. But don't tell your wife that. You ought to know this: De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores, and a well known cure for piles. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Harness Wanted. A single harness ia wanted at the Home Made Bakery, Shively block. Busy people have no time, and sensi ble people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent re sults. The Entkrprihk is the only news paper in Oregon that gives a cash pre mium to those paying their subscription in advance. Yucca Boot toilet soap will not chap the hands or face. E. E. Williams, the grocer. lirandbcfliitifi'l the woman who keeps :l a (lii.ati'.'c the com-j,i-xion bcautifiera, paint and powders, which soon rain the face. A healthy glow to the akin, a face without wrinkles, and sparkling; eye, will be yours if yon keep the ayitrm and the anrcial internal organ Tbe younir girl, or wo man, often grows Dale, wrinkled and thin, eat little, everything wearies her, the com plaina of herself as aching and aore and a sleeping poorly. Often she ia troubled with backache, or a tender spine, with a bearing: down weight in the abdomen, or at periods ahe may be irregular, or suffer extreme pain from functional derangement. Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Iluffalo, N. V., in his long; and active experi ence, met aianycasea of this kind, for which be nsed a prescription which wa found to cure such aimcullies permanently in ninety eight per cent, of all cases. Having proven so successful, Dr. Pierce put his " Favorite Prescription " on the market, and it is to-day sold more largely than any other medicine for the ills of woman. For all functional derangements, displace ments, ulceration, inflammation, and tbe catarrhal drain from the lining membrane of the special internal organs of women, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription reaches tbe origin of the trouble, and correct it Mrs. Mat Cam. of Frankfort, Franklin G, III., writrt: " A lew years ai?o I took coltl, which resulted in female trouble, and aftVctcd my wnoie system. Aoum a year ago, I took chills, ni 1 one or two a memth they were very wrakeo 1117. Had pain in my I'lctvmorr frcqitrntly ia left ntlc; gradually jjreir wotk until, finally, I bad to take to bed. I had a bad cough and couldn't ret. X com menced taking vour medicine, took it a Hot it four month, lamina; even bottles of Doctf Fierce'a Favorite Pre acriptioa and five of hia 4V Ma. CaiM. 'Golden Medical Dts. cor cry." My weipht haa increased, and 1 fed better and at outer than I have for yearm." Reduction In Prices We are groinarto dispose of all our Heavy weight Underwear- Before warm weather catches us if I f HCe IS any object to you Heavy natural wool underwear, regular price i.ou a suit, now yuc. Camels Hair, heavy, regular $2.00 now $1.50. Pure wool, heavy weight, regular 4.uu, now f 6.W. A new line of latest style Collars At a popular price, 15c. Glass & Smyth. OEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE WatciMer Nemt Door to 8tr ail JEWeler Work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked, McKittrick's shoes are the fi In rood condition. W J7 7m r McKittrick's prices are the lowest on earth. McKittrick's styles are always the latest. McKittrick's house is the squarest on earth. MOTIOEI NOTICE!!! WE ARE NOW LOCATED AT Suspension Bridge Corner, and in order to acquaint yourself with our new location, are offering extraordinary bargains. We are determined to make our new Store- The Cheapest Place in Oregon F To do your x. The "Commercial. The best brands of Cigars and Fine Tobac cos. SMOKER'S SUPPLIES. No. 3, Commercial Bank Block. A LOWEST CASH PRICES- IN THE CITY Blue Front Grocery. Seventh St., E. P. Elliott, Prop All New Stock, -:--:- Of Best Quality. FREE DELIVERY. A TRIAL ORDER ASKED. New Good Modern Prices. ffoner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea--ass Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. Oregon Kendall Steam Dye Works, & Slaughter, ProDrietora Cor. Eight and Bumside bts., Portland Oregon. Clothing cleaned, colored and repaired. Ladies' shawls and dress goods a spec ialty. Faded clothing restored to its original color, to look like new. Satis faction guaranteed. Give na call. Work called for and delivered. KaUbllNhed IMS. PIONEER Transfer1 and E$fle$, Freight and parcels delivered, to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELE R, Opp. Huntley's Drujt Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IX Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. 8. DRAKE. DENTIST. Nttroui Oxide for the palmeti extraction oi ieia All work warranted tnd price reasonable. Rcximj 7. 8 and t, unuthwest corner Pint and i trior street. Glenn A Cox'm old Hand, Portland, Oreiron. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meet! first Friday of mnrh mnnth .I Fountain engine home. Cms. Athiy, Pres. M. B riLLOW, Be'y. CHA. Brrzia. 'no DR D. S. STRYKER, DENTIST, HAS RK moved to Odd Fellows' tenmle 8. W. Cor. lt and Alder, Portland, Orrgan. best on earth. Purchasing. SEi - r.iKro. E. PARKER, Proprietor., J. W. O'Connell, Ma'gr. !;. I. hiM