CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE EXTERPKISE CORKESPOMi. ENTS SWEEP THE FIELD. Meadow Brook Brilliants, Meadow Hkook, Feb. 2.V Born to the wife of Mr. Way of tli's yUct, oil February 14, ton. Mr. Woodruff i preparing (o move his family on tits property recently purchased of F. M. Baker near Amleraon'a saw mill. Mrs. Mary Wright and daughter Laurie were the guest of Mrs. Wm. StamliiiKer last Tuvday. The social entertainment under the man gemeiit of the farmers alliance on the rening of the 14th inst. at the new Canyon Creek hall, was pronounced by those in at tendance to be a decided success. Tha am ateurs held the attention of the house to the stag until midnight. Then L. P. Wil liams sold at auction the lunch baskets. All sold well. Out of some twenty-five baskets 00 cents was the least that any were sold for. The basket of Miss I.inie Jen nings brought the highest price, it being knocked down to John Corner for $3.00. The tale or baskets netted the hall f'.XUS, which will go toward purchasing a new stove and other necessities for the hall. " Phoenix" had the misfortune to get a button-book in bis right eye last Friday and was for several dava badly "under the weather." Mr. Nautt, of Oregon City, moved out on the old Bill White farm last week. 11 is daughter, we understand, will keep house fo him. Charley and Geo. Robeson have finished their original log cutting contract for Pave Anderson, but Dave la receiving so many orders for lumber he has engaged the boys to cut 140,000 feet more. Miss Grace Corbet t, who has been quite ill is slowly improving. A few farmers will have to re-sow tbeir winter wheat, but several fields that were considered seriously injured are coming out nicely under the influence of the gentle showers and warm days of the last two weeks. Grass is growing rapidly and old timers say that the back-bone of winter is broken. Well, we hope so, but March may yet prove a lion. Carr Bros, had a horse that is either "lost, strayed or stolen," as it has been gone some time and the most diligent inquiry fails to bring news of it. Peter Lafferty has a horse sick with the stag&ers. The Ektirfrisc will confer a great favor on its numerous appreciative readers by publishing a synopsis of the general laws passed by our late legislature whose epi taph should be, " Si monumentum quaeris, circumspice!" Attention, devotees of the dance! On Friday evening, March 15, there will be a grand ball and oyster supper at the new Canyon Creek alliance hall. Phoikix. Kink Kutterinn. If ikk, Feb. 24. Emil Homshuh and wife are; visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. fiornshuh, today. E. W. Hornshuh's family who have been on the sick list are gradually improving. In spite of the hard times, of which so many are complaining, there are a few who will make money in spite of fate. Our worthy instice of the peace. G. A. 8cbubel, has, within the last few weeks, sold nearly fifty dollars worth of bogs. Peter Bohlander, who has been building bouse for Andreas Weidner, has the same completed, and Andreas says be is going to play bachelor for a while, but for bow long he didn't say. The Young People's Alliance of the Evan gelical church met at the church last Wednesday Evening and had a most enjoy- '"awe time. The program, which was quite lengthy had been well prepared and every individual rendered his part well. These , meetings are a benefit to the young people, , especially those who take part in the pro gram. We meet every two weeks and gene rally have a crowded house. The moderate weather we are now enjoy ing is arousing our farmers from their win ter's slumber, and they are putting their arm implements in a proper condition pre paratory to the spring campaign. Born, to the wife of Frank Grossmiller, a girl. One day last week, as Frank Grossmiller was sawing a log in two the log began to pinch the saw, and he began to saw from - the other side. In a short space of lime the log gave way and Frank, not being quick enough in lifting the saw out, somehow got his arm underneath it and received an ugly gash in his arm. He went to Dr. Thomas who immediately sewed up the wound. Frank new carres his arm in a sling. Telepho&b. reom anotbes corbespowdeht. Mikk, Feb. 2S.-Mr. Holman is having '1'iite a streak of bad luck. Last week he lost a valuable horse and then he took ill with inflammatory rheumatism which now confines him to his bed. It requires two men to turn him in bed. Mrs. Groeiniller is very ill with erysipelas. Fritz Blulim who was sick with lung trouble has fully recovered. Leslie Brooks is visiting friends in the neighborhood. Rev. Wietroeh, pastor of the German Lu theran church, has organized a singing choir. The pastor is an accomplished mu sician and we anticipate good tinging In fu ture. Mike Moehnke has lost two tine two year old colts with staggers. Sowing will be the order of the day if this fine weather continues. Carus Callings. Cabus, Feb. 25. St. Valentine's day was celebrated here by sending friend and foe a remembrance. Father Spangler ia badly crippled with rheumatism. H. O. Inskip is busy getting ready to erect s fine residence on bis ranch. Miss Jennie Baker is going to Salem to spend the summer. Peter Adams lost a horse with the stag gers last week. The Union Hall Literary and Debating Society met February 20. There was a large turn out. The question fer discussion was, .Resolved, That history is more beneficial than geography. The loaders wore John Burns, alllrmntlve, and K. 11. Mack, nega tive, followed by H. A. Walitron. Shultt Rue, John Yeoman, John Abbott and Geo. Mi'Arlhnr. The judges decided in favor ol the atlirmntive, to to one. The literary exercises were good, after which the pa-r was read by the editor, and all went away satlslieil with the evening's enterlaiuNient. tni Thursday evening, rehruary 21st, a mass meeting was held In Union hall to discuss the loader of co-operation. A. II. Wheeler was elected chairman and Ben Oltl- cer secretary. Mr. Robb, who is a member of the co operative society in Portland, ad dressed the meeting, lie explained the principle by which this society is carried on, and thought it would be a great benefit to the farmers it they would get together and co-operate, and by so doing they would get a better price for their products. After his address several questions were asked him in regard to the working of the society and the running expenses, all of which were an swered satisfactorily by Mr. Robb. The Baker school house literary and de bating society met on Saturday evening. The attendance was so large that only stand ing room was afforded. The literary exer ercises consisted of declamations, dialogues, reading, singing and the reading of the so ciety paer entitled The Buchner Creek Sun, Timothy Flynn, editor. Then fol lowed the question for debate, Resolved, That there is more pleasure in pursuit than In possession. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative. Theattirmatives thought there were a great many who had posses sion who wished they were still In pursuit. Jl'HIATA. Sprlngwater Spray. SraimiwATta, Feb. 18. The weather it fine now and plows are going in every di rection where horses are able to work. After the long dry apell horses seemed to be in very bad condition for the spring work. Some have died while others are sick. W. J. Lewellen lost a good mare, B. Tucker one and Mr. Gillaska one. J. McGetcble lost one of his valuable work horses. The valentine party and ball at Iwellen's hall was a very nice affair. A large and jolly crowd attended as usual. The Junior Endeavor society will give an entertainment at the church March 3d, the proceeds of which will go to the foreign mission hoard. , G. L. Gray is out for a time from Oregon City. He is going to make some improve ments on his ranch. L. G. West disappeared from here Satur day last with his good clothes on, and it is whispered that he has gone to bring her in. J. Dubois, one of Springwater'a best farm ers, took one or our best girls, MusKtne Shibley, to Portland, and was married at the residence of H. Dubois by F. O. Forbes on the 17th inst. Tbey will make their fu ture home in Springwater. Tbey will have the best wishes of tbeir many friends. J. A. Shibley and wife are on the sick list C. H. Gutridge and wife have been spend ing some days with tbeir sick daughter, Mrs. Bell Harrington, of Currinsville. Mrs. W. T. Smith has been suffering for some time with erysipelas in her face. Uncle Bob Markswood has been laid up this winter with rheumatism. led land Rippling. Redland, Feb. 27. The tire fiend bas lately been busy in our neighborhood. Mike 8hank's residence was burned down with all its contents one night last week. Mr. Shai.k was absent and his wife and children retired early. About half past ten o'clock Mrs. Shank was awakened by a sense of suffocation, when she found the room full of smoke anil the adjoining room ablaze. She aroused the children and barely got them out before the entire house was enveloied in flames. Everything in the house was lost. The origin of the tire is unknown. A lew days previous to the above a barn belonging to B. F. Linn was burned, and it was with difficulty that other buildings were saved. In this instance the fire started ac cidentally in a slashing. Yesterday Julius Campbell lost one of his horses from a mysterious disease which somewhat resembled the " stills" or stag gers, yet differing from that disease in many respects. Ed. Richardson also lost a horse, apparently from the same disease, a few days ago. tfoth have other horses sick. Some alarm is felt lest the disease should be contagious. Ed Morgan and his wife and mother are going to Carbonado, Washington, In a short time. Tbeir (arm here has been leased by Chas. Cutting. G. C. Armstrong and Misses Lizzie Arm strong, Ida Young and Etta Conner were delegates to the Sunday school convention at Clackamas last Friday. The newly organized Sunday school at Redland hall has made a promising begin ning, having over sixty enrolled the second Sabbath. ' The next question lor debate in the liter ary society is, Resolved, ThBt gnnpowder has been more beneficial to the United States than steam. II. D. Johnson and Wm. Stone leaders. Spring seems to be here as crocuses and wild strawberries are in blossom. ' Rustic. Snnnyside Kotes. 8uN!iYsiiiK, Feb. 22. School was closed here yesterday. There was speaking and singing, and a very pleasant day was spent. Many of the parents and friends of the pu pils were present. Mr. Allen, of Mount Ta bor, was the teacher, Sickness has been visiting this community again. Mrs. Johnson has been very sick. Also Mr. Hubbard's oldest boy has been very ill, and others have been ailing, but all are reported better. If this should meet ttfe eyeof a Mr. Jukes who stayed here at Mr. Foes' last winter will he kindly inform the postmaster of Sunnyside of his whereabouts, as his son from New York City is very anxious to bear from him. E. L. H. Viola Voicing!. Viola, Feb. 20. There wereqnite a num ber of the Viola people who attended the school entertainment and pie sociable at Redland. Mrs. J. M. Shiltz is still very sick. Mrs. James Sevier made a short visit to friends in Portland. Miss Emma Closner, who bas been work- Ing in Oregon City the past year has re turned home for the iiinininr. W. H. Walloon has returned from Siilein where he had been attending to business, Mrs. J.C. Young, of Logan, wns visiting Mrs. B. 0. Lewis lanl Friday . Mrs. liasser and son, from Iowa, are vis iting her niece, Mis. J. It, Heater. Mrs. 11, Muttoon wiistiikcn very suddenly ill Sunday evening. Dr. Walling returned to Oregon City to day. While here he as kept busy extract ing teeth. Mr. Aleck Kltterinan left here last Mon day to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Jenney, of Portlat.d. There arrived here from Nehraika on the 2th, Mrs. Tenny, mother of U Tenny of Viola, E. Brock, wife and child, Mrs. Brock's mother and Mr. Burnell. The people or Viola welcome them to our midst, and all other good people who mav come. We have lots of room for them, and Clackamas county could find room for several hundred more good families. We hear that others are coming out to Oregon this summer. Mr. Tenny being well pleased with this country is sure to call several of Nebraska's citiiens here. Bl'BY Ux. Holalla Murmuring!. Molalla, Feb. 22. Our most excel lent February having but three more days to tarry w ith us, lias been gladly improved by the farmers. Molalla lodge, No. 40, A. O. U. W. at its last meeting voted to pay from its general fund fifty cents for each member in pood standing to the Nebraska suf ferers. Should the other lodges in Clackamas county do likewise, a nice lot of seed grain or provisions ran be sent over to the needy of that unfortunate locality. Why not extern! this action throughout the state ami see that a pro per distribution be made of the f:i000. John Baghy (mountain John) conies in this time with three cougar "pelts, pates and claws," milking twenty-nine all told, that have fallen to the deadly aim of his rifle. Teasel Creek KrnK No. 255 held an open meeting on the 20th inst. State Master Vorhees and Lecturer Miller, ac companied by gentleman from Owego, were present, making many speeches. Dinner being a thing of the past when your scribe arrived, lie took In the speeches and the situation. The Oswego gentleman was introduced as one look ing for a wife, who carried away the sisters with his poetic swells for a time, but when he began treading on woman's opinion, telling bow to grade butter or how not to grade it and comparing such a grading to the merchant who marked his lady's shoes all down a number In order to sell them, then is when the Pig Iron brother got into a wasp nest, as there was talk of greasing his shoes with soap grease butter to create a demand for the same. "No telling what would of happened had not his friends come to his rescue. This grange is contemplat ing building a ball in the near future, which will be a valuable addition to the order and the community. Miss Minnie Austin went to University Park last week to attend that school. She will room with Miss Mattie Leavett, daughter of Dr. Leavett of this place, who is taking a collegiate course at thut institution. Protracted meetings closed last week here and at Teasel Creek. Kev. Gard ner, Gray and Thomas are able men. Pastor Thomas, however, spoiled one of his last sermons by advocating the ethereal wave theory of light and sound, which has been proven time and again to be a fulacy, yet in advancing this ex ploded wave theory, the pastor did only what many college professors are ad vancing fur science today from the text books. Smyrna Smacks us "Jona," of Smyrna, wherever that place may be, takea issue with my complementory no tice of Rinearson's behavior in the leg islature, and modistly concludes by ad mitting the possibility of "being out of place on such matters." If a neighbor hood scribbler hasn't any right to scribble who has? But "Jona" dues not agree with me well that is all right also, lie says ."we know any amount ol re publicans who voted the entire ticket from governor to coruner without a scratch." Now this "any amount" might include more genuine republicans than really voted ; for instance 100,000 is oneof any amounts and I venture "Jona" has no certain knowledge of 1000 repub licans vo'ing the ticket without a scratch remernlier, without a scratch much leHS anv amount, which is, indeed, more out or place than my assertion "every body seems." "Jona" may think thia quite a AhIi story, yet lie ought not to swallow all of the old whale in its pres ent condition. Kineaiflon's statements i at.tlm recent Harlow anti-Dolidi meeting does not seem to please "any amount" ! of republicans, including "Jona''. Now I presume those sentiments were anti Dolph sentiments, and the young legis lator would not be side-tracked by an insignificant Dolph petition of forty names from a city of 5000 inhabitants, when he had in his pocket an anli-Dolpb petition of 300 names from the same place. Did not Dolph himself ignore republican platform resolution in his Baltimore speech? Did not Senator Brownell take a stand with the "antis" and the populist too before his election? Did not the Oregonian talk different twelve years ago about the "antis"? Whose ox is being gored? Oh, consis tency, tbou art a jewel. Tzi m. Frevtag's fine home made pickles are on sale at . E. Williams's, Marr A Rob ertson's, and F. T. Barlow'a grocery stores. i Bargainsl BargainsI ODDS' & ENDS In various departments and for the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell them Regardless of Cost. 35 If Carlton & Dexter -DUniuud.- -l-snci Crescent Wedges (warranted.) Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, ...... Stafford Notts. Stafford, Feb. 25. John Gan, Jr., is trimming: some orchard trees. Chas. 1'ollfka la taking mualo lessons on the violin. Sharp brothers have the heavy timbers out for their barn. 8aum's saw mill is grinding steadily on. Jacob Hani's Is reproving on the fiddle. A. C. Sharp has had his violin repaired. Spuds are sliding into market and a very fair price is in prospect. spelling school at the school bouse next Saturday evening. Carrots that stood In the ground over winter are solid ami sound. A. M. liolton, Ks'. says walking is better between here and Oregon City than riding. Wl Uns. Annual School Meeting. Notice ia hereby given to the legal voters of School district No. 62, of Clack amas county, State of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for the said dis trict will be held at Pope's hall, in Ore gon City, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 8 p. m , on the first Monday in (being the 4th duy of) March, A. U., 18. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing a school director for a term of three years, a district clerk tor a term of one year, and the transaction of business nsual at annual meetings of school dis tricts. Thos. F. Ryan, T. 8. Lawrknck, District Clerk, Ch'm. Pd. of directors, Dated at Oregon City this 21st duy of February, A. D. 18(15. In the fall of 1803 a son of Mr, T. A. McKarland, a prominent merchant of Live Oak, Mutter Co., Cal., was taken with a very heavy cold. The pains in his chest were so severe that he hud pjmHinfl and was threatened with pneu monia. His father gave him hoveiul large doses of Chamberlain's cough rem edy which broke up the cough and cured him. Mr. McFurland says whenever his children have croup he invariably gives them Climiilierlain'H Coiil'Ii Kemedy and it always cures them. Ho considers it the bent couuli remedy in the market, For salu by (i. A. Harding, druggist. SCHOOL KKI'OKTH. Following is the! rejHirt of school dis trict Ns. 84, month ending February Tl Number of days taught, 20; days attend ance 415: daya absence. 140; times tardy 10, whole number enrolled 28. Scarlet rash caused most of the absence. 11 visitors enrolled during the month. Those pupils who were present every day during tha month were: Ida and Fred Woodsiae, Aggie and Fred Wallace' Maggie Mulvey, Florence and Charley Daniels, Joshia and Clarence Mallatt, and Zulimo Kellogg. A. B. IIiddard, Teacher. Smoke the Williams, the Kermesse grocer. cigar. K. E. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Entihprisk of fice. Portland prices. Odds and Endsl We have finished stock taking and find we have a number of We have a large stock of goods ordered for the Spring and Summer trade and need all the available space. Call in and secure a genuine CASH bargain. Rosenkrans, HABHiHOliST & COMPANY, 151 Front Street. f HARDWARE j Portland, Oregon. Norttiwaitera Afruu lor ATKINS Occident Tultlrtuulh BAS Proof Chains. Arcado Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II. Ktanton's Femaline, the Famous Female Specific, will cure all those aches and pains ecutiar to you, and will cost you only $1 for one month's treatment? I will send any lady l trial buz, free, who will send me the names and addresses of ten ladies who are in delicate health. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. I.. M. Little, manager wholesale western deiot, IHena, Ore gon. nuckleii's Arnlra Suite. The liest salve In the world for Cuts, limine, Sores, L'lcers, Salt Khcuiu. Fever Sores, Tetter, Cliupcd hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Chutman & Co. , Chartnan Bros Ii'iock. Hard times Prices. 8. F. Scripture has reduced the price of horse shoeing to $1.50 per horse until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many vears exerience insures first-class work. The New Way East GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY sidL - AND -. O. R. St N. Co. Lines, THE SHORT ROUTE. T) POINTS IN Washington, Dakotas, Idaho. Minnesota, Montana, And the East. Hi rough Tickets on Sale St. Louis, To and From "l, New Yoiik, JioHTON. Awl oil points in the United States, i Canada, And Europe. The GRKAT NORTHERN RAILWAY 1. .n.. transcontinental linn. Runs biiffet-lllrrT observation cars. InUcn i,unlii -ni .....,. cars, family tourist rlcepori and lecoud claw coaches. Havlnir rock bnllnrt tri-k h nnviT NOHT'JI'.KN RAILWAY I. fr.-f-r, rf, ..... of the chief auuoyinces of traiiicomlnentai travel Kntind trln tickets with Inn nun. n.l.llu. and eh oli.'-i of return routes. For further Information call upon or write, C. C. DONA VAN, General Aeent ltf, Third Street, ' Portland, Ore. I. Whitney O. P. A T. A. bt Paul, Mluu. Canby, Or. II -Pester Lance Silver Slr.l Files. Rope. Crescent 1 WILSON A COOK mm BOuta. MB Sl.oo bottle. One cent a It is sold on a marantea bv all dm. iMnta. It cures Incipient Consiimptlua ami is the boat Cough and Croup Cur. For sale hv(i A. Harding, druggist. Your team will have tlto Iwst of euro and Full Measure of Feed At lho City Stoblea. Kldd & Williams, Props., "."--""Jii. W. H. Cooke. Livery Kins on Short Notice TlT v T-rTT lilxKJ W IN The photographef Is prepared to mako photographs, of nil kinds promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Babies' and Children's Tioture a Specialty. j Call and examine his work: At the Old New York Gallery Second door north of IFanlinir'a Drug Store, Orogon.CHy. If you aro intercHted in Advertising you ought to ho a nub- 4 Bcriberot Phintkuh' Ink: a journal for advertisers. Printers' Ink is issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful BtiuffOHtiona i M OO from the brightest minds in the advertising busi ness. inn, costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five cents. ADDRESS PRINTERS' INK.; 10 8piuee St., - flaat York 1 G&SftK 1 A r ift ra