Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 22, 1895, Image 7

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Attempt lo Hub a Hlir A Successful F.ntr.
Culitntelit A Cinih Yarn,
Nxw Kma, Ken. IH. Tim good limes are
comliiu, or semi to Ih.
Asocial mil literary program mi given
t llrown'l school house on I'rlduy evening,
Knbriiary in, by Ilia laillv of this olncn.
Tlilrlrtoi dollars foil sixty rents were taken
In, Tli sscrem ia dm to (lid (llllk'mil
work of the Misses Kngrl and other latllrs
who took 'rt. The lollowlng n Hie pro
gram for III evening:
Motig Ity the Choir
Iluclhttloii Winer McArlhur
Dialogue, laittle Itanilslland Ann I'emnan
Hong (Iro, Mr Arthur
Dialogue Tha House that Jack llullt
Hong Win. lUmlall
Dlalngiia The Awful Hoots
Dialogue The Cobbler
Dialogue Advertising for a llunhaiid
Hong C. II. Foster
Dlalogua, Ja k of all Trades, bv (leo. Mi
Arthur, Herl McArlhur, (ieo. 1'uiiii
nian and (Inj, Harrington.
Hong Thomas lilanrhard
ItcclUtllon A. Illanchard
A splendid lima waa had, all enjoying
themselves Immensely.
Mr. Ihdties has removed to Portland. He
bought a rami here ahout eighteen months
since, paying about I7W don on It, and
gave a mortgage for t1"- Nut being able
to pay the Interest when due he hail to low
the farm.
A dam wan given at Win. Ilamnan'a last
Haturday evening. Kverybotly enjoy
ing a gixxl lime until mine young iirunks
kic ked tip a row, but e are of opinion, a
they unilouhieilly are now, that they got
enough of their row.
frank Cento, of Portland, Snt Huinlay
With hl father at the Alpine farm.
Mr. IVters, of Molalla, wai buried In the
Catholic rriurtory liere last Wednesday.
K. YValdroii killed a coon lent week that
weighed III' pounda. It limk eleven bul
let to bring him out of the tree, every bal
let entering In body.
(Ieo. Harrington, of Highland, la engaged
teai'lilog the New Era school. It la hla lint
trial and he la making a success.
Home one tried to break Into Mr. New
berry'a atore not lung liuee. The would be
tblef or thlevei succeeded In tearing oil two
boa nit from the tide of the store and either
gave It up aa a bail job or else were die
lurbed by aome on and quit tha premises.
David Penman, r., la at hum. He haa
been employed as deck baud on the steamer
Una KiiKtl Is In Portland vlnitlna; her
lister who Is attending school there.
i'eter Kngel haa the timber nn the ground
for a new barn which he intends, building
Smyrna Kmarks.
Hmyrra, Feb. lH.-Jas. Hoag, who bas
rented the Ralph Keenev farm, bas relltted
' th bouse and nioved In ready for spring
Mrs. It. L. Yoder haa bad a four acre job
ol grubbing done. Jo Hchwarta and l I).
Y oiler did the work.
Mis Nellie Crocker, who has been with
Mr. Cone's family during the winter, Is at
borne on a visit
The young folks had a Valentine party at
Haiimel Crocker's where games of different
kinds whiled away the hours much too hut
for them.
None of the repuhllceiis of this section
attended the auti-Dolpb demonstrations at
Harlow on the Oth lust, but the populist that
did attend any they were well pleased with
what they seen and heard, claiming that
only In name did they ill Her. We do not
agree with the Molnlla correspondent In
lent weeks Kktrmi-hinc that "everybody
teems well pleased with Klnearaon's
straightforward behavior In the legisla
ture." We know any amount of republi
cans, who voUhI the entire ticket Irom
governor to coroner without a scratch, not
because they thought the best men were
selected In each Instance, but they thought
they voted republican principals and is II
net a fact that among the tint resolutions
panned by th republican county conven
tion last spring was one endorsing Pnlph's
carreer In congresaT After that resolution
cam Rlnearson'i nomination and election.
Does any sane man suppose he would have
been elected ban he given utterance to such
sentiments as h expressed at the Harlow
meeting? We trow not. It may be out of
place lor a neighborhood "scribbler" to try
to write about such matters, but if we are
wrong we are willing to be corrected.
Mrs. Mua Hoof and ldyn How-era have
gouo to their futlicrs place near Hilverlon to
visit their sister l.tna, who la quite low
with consumption. Jona,
Kagle Creek Notes.
Eaoi.k CitMiK, Feb. 10. Bert Longe
nccker has returned home lifter an ab
aonco ol four months He lias been
staying with his sinter, Mrs. Hutuliings,
who resides at KusHelville.
llcrt Staflord in ii do another trip to
Cluckiiinaa station. It seems strange
to sonio people Ity ho wakes so ninny
Tl.e literary society held another in
teresting; meeting Saturday evening.
After quite, a lively talk on (ho question
"Resolved, That there is more pleasure
In pursuit than in possession" the judges
decided in favor of the negative. Tho
following ollicers were elected to serve
the term of four weeks: Bert Stafford
president, James Simpson vice president,
Goo. Judd secretary, Win. IIotTinnister
assistant secretary, C. A. Simpson treas
urer, Chus Balloti sergeant at arms. The
question for next Saturday night's dis
cussion la "Resolved, That the whites
received more cruel treatment from the
Indians than the Indiana from the
Miss Lista Wharton has gone to Tort
land to take an examination, she is to bo
absent one week .
Mrs. M. E. Stafford has gone to Russel
ville visiting old acquaintances. We all
wish her a pleasant visit.
Grandpa Bradley's cheerful face is
seen once morel in our midBt. We are
all glad to shake banes with him.
A Wrong Fight un Die Road Fund and
(ily Attorney.
The new charter for Oregon City line
had a, lather checkered career, and at
the hour of the Kntkiu'Iiihk going In prei I
it is not known whether it will pass in
its original form or whether it will he
passed at all or not.
The charier as prepared by the joint
committees of the city council and board
of trade was sent to Salem on Wednes
day of last week by Councilman Mel
drum. Word tame down Thursday that
Mr. MoMruin, in compliance with the
wish of Representative Smith, had made
two changes in the charter; one to retain
the city attorney and the other giving
the mad fund to the county. That after
noon a speclul meeting of the board of
trails was held, the attendance being
very large, for the purpoee of protesting
against' any changes being made in the
charter. A resolution was passed asking
our delegation In the legislature to have
the charter passed in its original form,
and a committee consisting of T. i
Ryan, Clias. Albright, J. (J. I'illshiiry,
II. K. Smith, K, K. CMruian, ('has.
Meserve, ('lias. II. Cautleld. Sidney
Smyth, W. A. Huntley and C. O. T.
Williams were chosen to go to Salem
to look after the interests of the taxpay
er in the charter. That evening the
council appointed a committee consisting
of George Ilroughton, 1!. Jaggar and
Iionry Muldrum to work with the board
of trade committee in looking after the
interests of the city. Friday both com
mittees, with the exception of Mr. Wil
liams who waa unable to go, went to Sa
lem. Arriving there the Clackamas del
egation was found ready to discuss the
charter amendments with the exception
of Representative Smith, who was down
town. He was soon hur.ted upand Sen
ator Brownell securing the use of a sen
ato committee room, a conference was
held between the committeemen and the
members from Clackamas county. After
the meeting was called to order Senator
Brownell was called on to explain. He
stated that he introduced the bill in the
senate as given to him, though he fa
vored the changes that had been made
in it. Un Ibe road fund he pledged him
self during the campaign to keep the
Oregon ('ity money in the county, and
on the city attorneyship did not believe
in legislating a man out of office. Rep
resentative Minte, Rinearson and
Smith each making simitar statements,
Mr. Smith stating that he had beard
from leading citizen of Sandy and Eagle
Creek, who demanded that be stand by
the change in the charter. Chairman
Ryan of the committee then read that
section of the republican county platform
in which It pledged the paity to the policy
of giving to 'each precinct its share of
the road fund and on these grounds
Oregon City asked for the road money.
Mr. Rinearson explained that there
waa a contingent in the house of country
members who insisted that all city
road tax should go into the county uind,
but he thought a compromise could be
effected, allowing the city to take half
and the county half. Senator Brownell
and the other members concuned in this
proposition and after a genoi al discussion
by the members of tho committee Mr.
C. 11. Cautleld made a motion which
was carried that tho city retain sixty
per cent of the road fund and the other
forty per cent to go to the county.
Un the city promising to assume con
trol of the two miles of county roads
within the limits, the compromise was
agreed to by the members of the legisla
ture who agreed to work for its passage.
On their being assured that it was not
the intention of legislating Mr. Driggs
the present city attorney out of office,
the amendment providing for a city pros
ecutor was allowed to stand.
Teachers' Association.
The committee on program, consisting
of C. II- Jones, Mary iieckner and E. C.
Hackctt, have prepared tho folhwin
program for the meeting of the Teachers'
Association which takes place Saturday
f this week at Orwego, The people of
Owego are making great preparations for
the entertainment of the visiting teachers
and It ia expected that this will be a
most successful meeting.
The following is the program prepared
for the occasion :
Practical Penmanship, Gertrude Finley
Duet, Agnus Halliunn and Ruth Coon.
Hood Discipline, Supt. II. S. Gibson.
Recitation, Alice Tufts.
Vocal Music in Public Schools, May
Song Sweet Oregon Twelve Girls.
Piano Duet, Misses Gan- and Walling.
Proportion, A. C. Strango.
Recitation, Willa Jones.
Method of Teaching Grammar, W. H.
Song, Larson, Smith and Hallinan Bros.
Violin Solo, Henrietta He Baiter.
Are School Examinations Productive of
Good Results! Alex. Thomson.
Comic Rcitation, Willie Gower.
La Kerme.w.
Is a fine Havana filler cigar. Worth
10 cents. 8 Id at B cents. E.E.Wil
liams, the grocer.
StdmaO Sootning Powders.
For Childrtn Cutting (htir Ttath.
Ktlln fmrl$K Ntal. rwa fit Comufs'oM. mn
fnnt a ( (( tht Multitude
. . luring rlotf ttle.
"Gorcu arfl
St. Pavid Pay, Mapcfe tst, ;t895,
Under the auspices of the
TESTYKAU. (Subjects.)
Rhyddiaeth (Essays)
I, "Safle Dyn Mewn Creadigatth" The Standing of Man in Cieation.
Gwobr. $1.50
J. "Cyfalllgarwch." Friendship
j. Llythyr oddiwrth fub at Dad el anwylyd, I ofyn am dani yn wraig
4. Knglyn, Y Dryll
5. Tri phenill ncu ragor 1 Gmdeithaa Lenyddol Beaver Creek, ,
U. I Gor hell fod dan 8 mewn nifcr.
7. KtotGororun nifcr. "Dattod mae rbwymau." Shatter the Bonds. Thomas.5.00
8. I Gor o Want heb fod dan I J mewn nifer, na thros 16 oed. "Duw mawr
y rhyfeddodau." (Great God of Wonders.) Gwent 3.00
(Caniateir 4 mewn oed igynorthwyo)
9. Pedwarawd. (Quart ) I lcisian cymysg. "Myfanwy." (Arabela.) Protheroe . J.00
10. Eto i Ltisian gwrywaidd. "The Old Bachelor." Gwent 1.00
11. Deuawd. tDwet) I S. a T. Y chwaer ar brawd," o Geinion y Gan Rhen 7.1.00
u. Eto IT. a B. "MorDawel Cwsgy Dewrion." (How Sleep the Brave.) Gwenti.oo
13. Solo Tenor, "Bryniau fy Ngwlad." o Geinion y Gan Rhan 4 50
14. Solo Soprano, My Lover's Barque." Dr. Mason 50
15. Solo Baritone. "Ar foren Gwenog." (When Snow Drop Buds Were
Dying.) Gwent 5
(Continued on next page.)
16 Instrumental S0J0. List, ninig. Watchers Love Will Hear Thee 100.
17 Cyfansoddi. Canig. Gleeary geirian "Warrior" or Drych Rhagfyr. rj, 1894.1.00
18 "Ginystr Jerusalem." Ebeu Fardd.) Or Drych Tachwedd jo, 1894, i rai
mewn oed,...
19. "Gelert," or Drych Tachwedd 8, 1894, i rat dan 21 50
o "The Fishermen." i rai mewn oed, Or 4 Reader, lesson 68, 1.00
ai. "Old Ironside," i rai dan 16, or 4 Reader 5
ii "Dydd Gwyl DewL" St David Day 50
V "Dyfais" (Invention) (araser 5 mynyd,. 5
Cerddoriaeth. (Music)
T. J. Jone. Portland, T. Daniels, Beaver Creek,
Ben Davis, Oregon City.
Rhyddiaeth a Barddoniaeth. (Essay and Poetry.
H. T. Evans, Beaver Creek.
Adrodd. (Recit)
John R. Lewis, Carus.
AMODAU. (Cond.)
1 No prize will be awarded without merit.
2 Prize compositions become the property of the literary society except No. 17,
3. All compositions must be in the hands of the adjud. by Feb. 22.
4. Names of competitors iu singing
not later than the J5th day of February.
5. All subjects are open for English
All music on sale at D.
Officers of the Committee :
Vi,J:J i A LWaasf-ih J Wlusi. jji"'
riV WewantaNamfs f?gOQaQQ XW'
' fa vi;P"v fv::;r'gaBii
fi fr. r, ,.,,,r, ti-I-'s riorrl f!!do roe n whfc-h p.u'TV'itXf
(;. .'4'fc cinl.ilmc -Innil ilnlMor VUk'. IItmii-IiIiii! Aster, SvreetPi,Vi-ce- jf.X-JT P
' - S t..i u-si:ti kk. a...t vwi. :. at wtraiiomt '-ir?Vj ?2jh M
' ? J'C.'f !.l-.T!ll-.r."tirl'l.-ii.- li'n!.-inl-Miltnitlr.inr.-iHn'ln. Print- 'yl
Li 1 i'f! e.1 in !;.ir..t e -:..ml IMil.il ..a n vrtft of Weor.t. whleh .vAjfA
',1-10 CENT3 A POUND, 8
, . t ((,mii-v 1,, huiii, io to rnooii.-iilri iiiar.nlir,t. 1 liink m H. . va- r,fj V )
; . ' '1 r. il.aii- ilcul rMl:.. I. -. run j only 4rrirt hiilfpouud JJ
; 2 -.' i.tU '-.t renin I lutti irr iiriiiul i& c-ciiUS uusoo U erata. : y . i iv )
. 11 SiT i -ai Pk rr n-.m?,-i tri.av.OramilMai-y.rliarmtael'oirtaiii I
' ;V(,, r L VV UK. Ejc.iU.it
- A, T. l;,.t.rrl.ii4... c..:or dark r.,1 :
V '1 ' . fia. : ------
Oregon City Enterprise
$1.50 Per Year in Advance.
arf Dys."
a a a
"Rivulet." Protheroe,. 8.00
or recitations to be sent to the secretary
and Welsh.
O. Evans, Youngstown, Ohio.
F. HARRIS, President,
W. PARRY, Treasurer,
X. JONES, Secretary,
Beaver Creek, Oregon.
for Banlors. I'laata 25 ceuts tt It , AVVJ
I iM Wny tor e W. Wjln'aj ff A,JJ,
..i. .m, ilt.a tin aiuilrdrai i-i.i 7 HF w'1
Hood View Visions'
Hoon Vis, Feb. If, Our series of meet
Iiiks have cloned with wonderful succem.
Miss Kale Orabaui was liome a few days
recently from her school in Portland.
Mrs. 8. 1. Kpler is among us at present
on account of III health.
Miss Belle Jones, of Pleanant Hill, visited
OreKon c'ity and friends recently.
Miss Grace and Mra. M. C. Youri(t and
Iteed Graham made Neaberg and relatives
a few days visit this veek.
The Chinese lady who was atolen from
ber borne on Dr. Hills farm near Tualatin
bas been found and returned to ber borne.
Wm. Uhler is breaking anil seeding a new
piece of land which ia ulte an improve
ment to bis farm.
Mr. Campbell bas recently received re
turns for his hoi which netted six cents.
Wm. Young lost quite a nice riding pony
this week with staggers, also Mr. Loney
lost a good work horse and bas another not
expected to live.
Frank Seely received returns from 100
sacks of potatoes for which he bas received
forty-eight cents per sack. Asxa.
Did Yoi Efer
Try Electric Bitters aa a remedy for your
troubles?. If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicine has been fonnd
to be pecolarly adapted to the relief and
curd of all female complaints, exerting
a wonderful direct influence in giving
strength and tone to the organs. If yon
have loss of appetite, constipation, head
ache, fainting spells, or are nervous,
sleepless, excitable, melancholy or
troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bit
ters is the medicine yon need. Health
and strength are guaranteed by its use.
Large bottles orrly fifty cents at Char
man & Co.'s drog store, Charman Broe.
To Good Templars.
Do you know that Moore's Revealed
Remedy is the only patent medicine in
the world that does not contain drop
of alcohol; that the mode of preparing
it is known only to its diicover; that it
is an advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nineteenth
century; that ite proprietors offer to
forfeit $1,000 for any case of dyspepsia
it will not cure?
Unsuspected disorders of the kidneys
are responsible for many of the ordinary
ailments of humanity wbicb neglected,
develop into a serious and perhaps fatal
malady. Experience would suggest the
nse of Dr. J. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm, For sale by C. U. Huntley,
A handsome wall map of the United
States is now offered each new subs
criber to Rand-McNally Railway Onide,
or if preferred, a map of any individual
state. Subscription, $3.00 per year.
Write to 166 Adams Street, Chicago, for
Yucca Root toilet soap will not chap
the hands or face.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Unload Your Liver
Three Doses ot
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will Make You Feel Better.
Does your back ache? Does
every step seem a burden? You
aoe billious.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will give you relief. Try it. For
sale by all druggists.
Xe? -i
. McNeill, Receiver.
Gives the choice of
2r O C7 m3L7 3 SE
Kansas City.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for
For full details call on or ad
dress, W. II. HURLBURT,
Gen. Passenger Agent,
Portland, Or.
1 MB
to ?
A Sovereign Remedv fir (buchs.
Colds. La Grippe and ill Affecfionj
4 IheThroat. Chest and Lungj.
For gale by C. G. Huntley.
The following market quotations for
Oregon City are furnished by the Red
Front store, and are corrected weekly
ElW,Prdoz. 12)0
Butter, per roll, 30 to6 e
Chickens, per dozen $2.00 to (2.75
Old Hens, per dosen 2.50 to 3.25
Young ducks, per di zen,. . . 2.50 to 3.50
Apples, per box. choice, 30 to .,
Timothy hy, baled, per ton, 9 to $10
Clover hay, baled, per ton, (8 to $S 75
Straw, baled, per ton, tStotfl
Cabbage, per dox WtoW'c
Onions, per cwt., 75to0c
Potatoes, choice, 30 lo 3.:c
Wheat, per bushel, 40 to 5'c
Outs, per bushel 25 to 2Hc
Wool, per lb, 8 to 9e
Fir wood, per cord .$2
Dressed bogs, per lb., 5 to 4!
19 lbs. dry granulated sugar, fl.00
Arbuckle aud Lion coffee -5
Good broken roast coffee, 22
Liverpool salt, percwi. 00c
Rice, 21 1U.,. tl.' O
Teas, per lb., .25. 30 , 37c
Hope J2
Coal oil, per gal., 15c, 5 gal,, 70c
Hams, per lb.. 12) to 15e
Bacon, smoked sides, 12)
Dry salt pork,.... 10c
Lard ; 10 to He
hhoulders, 8c
Tea nibs, 2 lbs, 25c
Timothy seed, 03c
Clover seed, He to 1 5c
Cider vineuar 25c
Pickles, per keg, $1.00
Flour, perbbl.. $2 35
Shorts, per sack, 55 to 75c; per ton, $13
Bran, per sack, 45c; per ton, $13
Wire nails, 6 and 8 penny, per keg, $2 .Ml
Wire nails. 10 to 20 penny, per keg, $2.2
Wire nails, 30 to 60 penny, per keg, $2.00
Sheriff's Kotles of Sale ea f ortelssare.
IB the Circuit Court of the 8tat ol Oregoa, for
the County ol Clackamas.
Tbotnaiine Endy, Executrix ot the Will of Abel
Eudy, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Thomas H. Al
lison and K. J. Barf sr, delcadaata.
State o' Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss.
Moiice la hereby liven, that by virtna af an)
execution and order ol sale issued out ol the
circuit corn ol the State of Oregon lor the
county ol Clackunaa. bearlnc date the 43th day
ol February, Into, in a suit wherein Thomaxfu
Eudy, executrix ol the will ol Abel Euoy. da
ceased, waa plaintiff, and Thomae M Allison
aud K J. BarifarweredefendanU.eomraqDdtns;
me, la the name ol the Slate ot Oregon, thalout
ol the real estate hereinafter described, to ret.h
ise a sum aumcieut to satisfy the demand ot
said decree, to-wlt: lt)U.0O, and the further ran
ol 115.70 costs, aud the further luro ol frOU Ms
attorney'a lee, together with interent oa tha
same since October 10th, 1J43. at 10 per cent per
annum, aud also the cotta ol and attending this
Now. therefore, In obedience to such decree,
I did. on the 13th day ol February, ISttf. duly
levy upon, and will on Saturday, the ltith day
of March, Ifao, at the hour ol oue o'clock P M.
ol haid day. at the trout door ol the court dooms
in said couuty, offer lor sa'.e at public auction,
and sell to the blithest sua best bidder, for rsiOi
in hand, all ol the right, title aud Interest the
said defendants on the 10th day ol OcUiber,
liiM. had in and to the lollowlng described nit
property, to wit: Lots Ave (5) and six (t),ot
block forty Ave (45), ol the county addilicu l
Oregon city, Oregon, aud being situated lit
Clckms couuty. Oregon.
listed this 13th day ol February, A. D. M
E. C. M All DOCK.
Sheriff ol Clackamas Co., State ol Oregon.
By N. M Moody, Deputy. t-U 2l
Sheriff's Notice of gale on Foreclosure.
In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for
the County ol Clackamas.
Dinah L. Dudley, Dlaiut'tT, vs Jemima McDon
ald and Alexander McDonald, delentlanl.
Bute of Oregon, County cl Clackamas, ss.
Notice Is hereby given '.hat by virtue ol an
execution and order ol sale Issued out ol the
circuit court ol tne State ol Oregon lor the
Couuty of Clackamas, bearing dale the 121D day
ol February, lnu6, In a stilt wherein biuali
Dudley as plaiutlff, and Jemima McDoualtiandl
Alexander McDoiald were defendants, eom
madiug me, in the name of the State of Orepou,
that out oi the real extate hereiualterdecribe,
to realize a sum sufficient to satisfy the de
mands ol said decree, to wit: IIAJ and the
further um of (14 40 costs aud the further
sum ol th ss attorney fees, all in U. S.
gold coin ol th9 l uited states ol America,
together with Interest on the same since
said decree was entered at 10 per cent, per an
num. In like coin, aud also the cotta ol and at
tending this sale.
Now. therefore. In obedience to such decree. I
did duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the
loth day ol Huron, vsax at tne nour oi i o eiw
H M ot Mid dav. at the front door of the court
house iu said couuty, otter lor saleatpnblio
auction, aud sell to the highett aud bent biddvr,
for cann in hand, all ol the right, title aud inter
est the said defeudauts on the 17th ol December
lwl, bad iu aud to the lollowlng descriuea real
property, to-wlt: A certain tract of laud nitutte
in section thirty oue in lowui-hip ihreeioulh ot
rauue oue weM ol the Willamette Meridian In
Clackamas couuty, Oregou, which i known oa
the plats aud surveys of the Tinted States as a
part of the douuliou laud claim of Joseph C.
Ueer. Sr.. as notification1 No. ltM) aud claim No.
37 iu tht. aforesaid towUAhlp aud range.lt belujr
the North hall of I he bat hull ot the tat hail
of sld claim, containing forty acres.
Dated this lull day oi February A. D. 1W
Sheriff of Clackamas county, State ol Oregon.
by N. M Jioody, Deputy. 2-lb:i-ii
Iu the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon, l r
the Couuty ol Clackamas
F. C. Perry, plaintiff, vs. John Palmur and Julia
Palmer, defeudanta.
To John Palmer aud Julia Palmer, defendants:
In the name of the State ol Oregou. you are
hereby required to ippear and uswer the ooas
plalut Bled against ywu iu iheabm e-eutitltd ac
tion within ten days from the date ol the serr
Ice ol this summons upon you, if served withii
this county; or II served within any other
county ol this state theu within twenty da s
Irom the date ot the service ot this summon
upon you; and 11 served oy publication then on
or before the llrst day of the next regular terns
of the above court following the expiration ol
the time prescribed In the order ol publication
ol this summons, to-wlt: the 15th day ol Apr J,
1X93. And il you lail to so auswer, the plaintiff
will take Judgment against you and each .4
you lor the sum nl tiuo with Interest thereon
at Ihe rate of 10 per cent r r auuum since De
cember 14th, 1 and lor as n a.torney tea,
si.il fur the further sum of tn.3S, and lot his
cofts aud disbiirvemeuts hereiu.
1 hiH Rtiinun us is served upon yon by pnr1
Catlon by order ol the Hon. 'lhomaa A
Bride, Judge ol said court, duly made on tha
Oth day ol February, 1!1.
hsowNSLL A DasseiR A J. U, CAvraiiJ,
2-15.9-a!J Attorneys lor PlaluU.T
WM 111 Wl ye--' V. a "