Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1S-J5. ORKOON CITY OFFICKRS. Miror. Bj'f'order. ... Chief of Colic . . &flHnr, . TrCMllIvr. C'T Altonier, Su et 1'ommlMloner, 8i.nt.of WairrW.uk, City Kolner. Coiinoilmrn II, C. Steven. Hiram 8tralht L. L. Porte r Cfca. K. Kuril) K. 8 I'alifJ K. U llolnun r. T. lrlt 0. Hatxwk.Jr. W. H. Howell P. Klnnomt tieo. Hroimhluu, Hark Howell, L. THE IKtilSLATlKK. Rut Llttlf Done lturlnir the Yetk-Tl:e Sectorial r'liihtticttltijr IntertnUuir L Porter, Henry MeUlrum, J. W. Mortalt v-ounoll meet firm WeilnemU) of each mouth In elty hall. Lfftsl A.liertlHliifr, Horeaf'er no leal advertisement will bo inserted in the Enteki-rinc unless payment for the same is msde at the time tfie affidavit of pnhliration is ren d'reJ. This rule will be imperative and dead-beat litigant, who make it a prac tire of working the courts, lawyers and nfwpaper will have to look to some other patxrtoif't their notice" published SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Plain picklos, Mixed pickles, Sweet pickle, German pickles, Pickle Onions, Pickle pim feet, , Chow chow, Pa tier kraut, In hulk or in bottles, E. E. Williams, the grocer. Wood wanted at once this office. If you don't see what you want ask lor it at the Racket store. Imperial T.ft Food will make your bens lay. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Ladies' hair dressing at the Queen shaving parlors, opp. Charman drug store Thirty colored artists, all specialist compose Mahara's Mammoth Colored minstrel show. Remember the New England dinner at the Baptist church to-night, (Friday) from 5 to 7 o'clock p. m. Highest cash price paid for second. Vind goixli of all kinds at second hand store opposite Xoblitt a stable on 7th st. Special Correspondenco. MONDAY. The first day of the last week has come and gone and gone and no change in the senatorial contest, the auti llph republicans nil voting for Williams again. The honi-e was called to order this moraine at 9 :30 A.M. there being no quormii present, an adjournment was taken till 10:30 when 41 members an swered to roll call and business pro cecded . The bill incorporating Dayton was reported and parsed. No, lot), Melirecr regulating distribu tioa of public lands proceeds among the counties according to to the work actually done bv road districts passed. Raker introduced bill No. 370 providing manner of assessment and regulating sale of land for taxes. Burke introduced a resolution to pro vide each member with volume 20, 21 and 20, supreme court reports referred to committee on resolutions. Scblbrede introduced bill No. 3S0 to to legalize act of Governor Penimyer in me miiipMon oi me one and costs im posed on V. L. Arlington, read second time and referred to Douglas delegation. A resolution was offered to the effect uiai me legislature remain in session another week, resolution lost. The senate met promptly at noon and at once repaired to the representative's hall and voted for United Stales senator after which ad jouined to 2:30, at which time the senate took up McGowan's malitia bill which embodies to a large extent the New York law governing such bodies and their organiration after general discussion the bill passed. Several new bills were introduced dur ing the afternoon. Mrs. Geo. C. Rrownell, wife of Senator Brownell of Oregon City, is in Salem this week visiting friends. Miss Nora Conyers, of Oregon City visited for several days in Salem last week. Tt'KHDAY. Mot ople can not afford to experi ment. They want immediate relief. That's why they use One Minute Cough Cure. See the parade at noon Monday of Mahara's Mammoth Colored Operatic minstrels. The music w ill be well worth hearing. Q. A. Harding is having his residence improved -by the addition of a large room on. the north side. White Bros, have the contract. Hair pms one penny to 15 cents each. Metal; rubber, celluloid, horn or imita tion tortoise shell, at the Rackett store. Best goods for the money in town. Drs. Hickeyi Hickey will be here Friday and Saturday of each week at Room , Electric hotel. Home office 117 and 118. Dekum block, Portland. Mrs E. N. Taylor, of 413 River street, Manistee. Michigan, testified to her be lief in Steedrnan'g Soothing Powders by writing all the way to Englahd for a packet. House and three lots for sale in Falls View addition to Oregon Citv. Frnit trees, well, barn, etc. ; nice bouse. Will be sold cheap. Marr & Robertson, 7th and Center streets. tf Free Insurance. ' The Rand'McNally Guide bas a system of insurance, where by a person holding a copy is insured against accidental death for $1,000, in the Fidelity 4 Casualty Co. For footwear you can get babys shoes at 25 eta; ladies coarse shoes at 89 .cts ; men's boots at $1 75, or you can get the best grade of goods made at . bottom prices at the Red Front. The Young People's dancing club will Kive a ball on Washington's birthday" I-riday evening at the Armory. It is expected to make this one of the most enjoyable hops ever given by the club "Hear the either then die," said the poet. Playing the ziether is one of the rarest accomplishments. Mrs. Alma Munhenke Hackett will give several German selectinns on the zither at the Longfellow Symposium, Friday evening March 18th. John B. Jennie E. Finley and Dealy with his Bister Mrs. her children of San Jose, Cal. arrived in Oregon City a snort time since and will make this city their home, occupying the Hailey resi dence on Fourteenth and Main streets. Mr. Finley is an expert weaver and is employed in the woolen mills. Ladies fine Bhoes at $1.50 to $2, usually feel velvety, being sheep. An Eastern factory mades a good dongola shoe for cawh trade. These shoes are good wear rs, have patent tip square cr opera toe, are neat and stylish and cost only $1.50 at The Red Front, Same in oxfords at n. Why is it that the Seventh street pho tograph gallery has all the business? Because the photographer asks no per son to accept pictures unless satisfied and makes a first-class cabinet photo for $1 60 per dozen and giyes a life size crayon with every dozen pictures for $2 extra. No extra charge for groups. This offer is good for 20 days. The house at a night session Yesterday defeated the McGinn Multnomah county salary bill and the Portland charter bill came very near receiving the same treat ment but was finally referred to the Multnomah county delegation for amend ment and made a special order for Wed nesday evening. The Oregon City charter passed the house last evening. Hon F. L. Mintie has before the bouse bill No. H67, regulating the measure ment of logs also No. 370 I rohibitinir the use of narrow tires on heavy vehi cles. Bill No. 309 by Rinearson regulating hours of labor on railroads and car lines and providing penalties tor violating tame. The house today defeated Senator Pa ttei son's bill providing for convey ingof convicts to the penitentiary and patients to the asylum by the guards. Both houses spent a large portion of the day in discussing astesfcmtnt meas ures but each house was working on different measures, so it is hard at this writing to tell what will be the outcome of thd days work. The senate will bold its first night session this evening. The overland Monday brought to Salem Meldrum McCown, Oregon City's constable. Also Stonewall Vaughan, both visiting the legislature. Judge Meldrum is in Salem looking after legislative matters. W. H. Mattdon, of Viola, came up on the train this morning and is about the legislative balls. Hon. J. T. Apnerson is attending the legislature this week. WEDNESDAY . Dawson's bill repealing the act creat ing the state board of equalization and Butler's bill repealing the same board and creating a state board of countv assessor were considered together, Sena tor Butler occupying almost the entire morning session in explaining the merits of h8 bill, which it the one formulated by the senate committee on assessment and taxation, the bill was again up for discussion and amendment during the afternoon, consuming the greater part of the day yesterday and was made a special order for today at 10 A. M. but as your correspondent has been on the sick list today the fate of the bill is not yet know n. Dawnson's bill abolishing the state board of equalization failed to pass. McGinn's bank examiner bill failed to pass. A resolution of condolence was ad' opted by a rising vote to Senator McGinn on account of the death of bis brother, Gilbert J. McGinn. Mr. McGinn made aveiy feeling farewell address to the senators in regard to its being necessary for him to leave them at this -time to perform one of the saddest duties that fall to man. He referred to his having been treated with the utmost kindness by the senators during the two sessions he bad been permitted to meet with them, he asked to be excused from further attendance during the session which was granted on account of the funeral of his brother which takes place later in the week at Portland. McGlung introduced a new bill No, 244 authorizing the county court of Lane county to operate ferries. Under suspension of the rules the bill was read tlrst.seoond and third times ami passed. Stoiwer's bill abolishing private seal wss read three times and passed. King's bill relating to the sale of lands by guardians wa read a third time and parsed. Raley's bill for the estnbl'sbment of justice of peace and constable districts in incorporated towns passed. Calbreath's bill for punishment for the circulating of obscene pictures or literature wis read a third time and failed to pass. Smith of Clatsop, regulating construct ion of dams in streams so as not to pre vent the immigration of tlsh read third time and passed . A large part of the tune in the house was occupied in discussion of assessment laws. The bill of Burke was taken m which contains 50 printed pages and took three hours to read. An amend ment was offered to the effect that any manse or parsonage or the buildings used exclusively for educational matters with not more than ten acres of ground be exempt from taxation, the hill was amended and then passed with only three dissenting votes. Smith of Josephine, amending state equalisation law so as to divide real etate into five classes, city and town lots, agricultural and improved lands, unimproved lands, railioad tracks etc. passed, Tlll'KSOAV. The senatorial vote aroined great in terest today and the hall was packed with spectators. It was expected that an important change would take place and an election would be made. Two ballots were taken, the second not dif fering from the first, though it created a big surprise as Speaker Moores, of the bouse, changed bis vote from Dolph to Williams and Senator Hobson, of Marion county, changed from Dolph to Judge Waldo. The vote was as follows: Dolph, 39; Williams, 29, Hare 10; Raley, 6; Waldo, 2;Smith, of Sherman, 1. A vote will be taken again tomorrow noon. Tomorrow at midnight the mem lie ra pay ceases by constitutional limitation, but the legislature will probably con tinue in session until Saturday evening. If no election is had by midnight tomor row, Oregon will have to go with but one senator, unless the governor calls a special session. It is expected though that a compromise candidate will be agreed upon who can be elected. PERSONAL NOTES. (). . N. Taylor, of Aurora, was In town the first of the week. Elmer and O A. Ilardesty, of Needy, were transacting business In town Tuea day. Miss Lena Goldsmith, of Eugene, is in this city visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Bollack. E. Grimm, a young attorney of Port laud, was in this city Tuisdy on legal business, JoNeph Hill and II. I.. Patterson, two of Iran's leading eitixens, visited this citv this week. Mrs. R. A. Miller has Wn in Sulem during the week visiting with her old friends in that city. Mr. A. S. Dresser loft for the East last week on some important law busi ness, totis gone aliout four weeks. Ho went by wav of California and the south em route and will go as far east as Maine. Kntertiilnineiit nt Baptist ( linrrh. The Baptist Y. P S. C. E. will give a patriotic entertainment at the Baptist church Friday evening Feb. 22nd, com mencing at 8 o'clock P. M. This enter tainment will consist of declamations, songs, instrumental pieces etc. Ono of the leading features of the evening will be a iMiiloihine showing forth In six scenes Washington's life from his in fancy to his ascendency to the presi dency. Come out and see this humor ous ai'.d instructive exercise and you will hiul it highly enjoyable. Alter the entertainment a delicious siipier will In served. Admission to entertainment 10 cents, supper 15 rents. NEW LOT OUTINGS, FLANNELS, YARNS, Calicoes, Muslins, Shoos Etc. CASH PRICES. 1 buys '20 Um. Hon, 28 lbn. whitu Im-uiih 10 Hh tlry crtiit. Hiigur, 20 Urn. extra C, 20 lbn. prunes, niilin or plnnm, 10 11h. good lard, 10 11h. dry suit iiioiU, 18 ydn. cnbot w., 20 yds. outing llimnel, and in nliocs. 1 buys a pair good oxfordM UHtmfly 1 .15, or ladies solid button mIkx-h usually l.r0. Another shipment, ladiea (long. nIioch, pat. tip, great value for 1 .50, broken lots nixies at mint or less; boys or men'" warran ted plows $1.50 and l.;5.f; ladies heavy nlipern cut to Mo.; nteel wire naila 0 to 8 at 2..r)0 keg, or :i:Ul.M. 1.('0; 10 to 20 penny 2.2.r keg, or 40 lbs. 11.00; ;t0 to 1.0 Knny 2.00, or -15 llm. 11.00. Reduction in every department. ...Red Front Store... ORICGON CITY. njiK wrnvs vm jw to, anJ those who watch and wait for tituo w ill only discover its flight. You can discover an elegant collection of tituo pieces in our stock of ladies' and gentlemen's gold and cilve watches, which in all cases are models of ac curacy, keeping time no w ell that they don't lose it. We can confidently rec ommend our watches and clocks, too, as entirely trustworthy, and meeting the needs of the hour to a second. Our assortment of fashionable jewelery and silverware is very complete mjHMIClHTKW ft ANDW1CNKN. Pine .Veals. We have just received a fine lot of Eastern Washington grain fattened hogs, which we are going to sell at the very lowest cash prices. Prime leaf lard, 8 cts per pound; back fat, 7,' cts; fresh shoulders, 6 cts; prime chops, 8 cU; roasts, 7 Bnd 8 cts. We also have a fine stock of smoked meats and kettle ten dered lard on hand. Hendered lard in SO-poqnd lots at 8'i cts; small quanti ties at 9 cts per pound. Bacon and bams at lowest prices. We have also received a fine lot of Eastern Oregon stall fed cattle which steaks and roasts we will sell at lowest prices. Come and aee us. Pktzold & Gai.s, A. O. U. W. Block, Seventh street Died. At his home in Marion county, Feb ruary 11, 1895, Nobis tf. Matlock, aged nnoutttt years. M. Matlock was the eldest son of Hon. W. T. Matlock, for many years before bis death very promi nent and active In Clackamas countv affairs. The deceased subject or thi notice, moved with his family to Marion county some seventeen years since wnere tie died. He was an earnest Christian, and a strong Baptist, with bright religious experiences in his late years. Many of lus friends remaining remember nis sturdy manhood and cheerful demeanor and part with him with tearful regret. . W. C. Johnson Married. The marriage of Gilbert C. Potter and Miss Minnie McFee both of this city was solemnised at the residence of Kev. T. L. Elliott, of the Unitarian church of Portland, last Thursday, February 14, at 6 P. M. The bridal couple took the evening train for this city and took up their residence in their cottage on Four teenth and Monroe streets. The bride has resided In this city for the last five years and is well and favorably known. The groom has also resided in this city from childhood and now holds a respoMl ble position with the W. P. A P. Co. The couple have the good wishes for happy and proejierous life from their many friends. 3 Save JUAA. And Encourage Home Industry THE Sol Ice. At the last regular meeting of the city council, the committee on streets an t.ii . ... puuuc property were instructed to ar range time of settlement with all persons Indebted to city for dcllmiuent assess mentson Main street Improvement, i i ... .. in accordance win, the above a persons Interested are requested to meet said committee at council chamber 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Feb. i'6, 20, 27 and 28, 1810. Hknky Mki.dhch, Chairman Com. rvr.ii i. ni me nome oi ins parents on hlllott Praino. Clackamas countv. Oregon, February 11.1895, Kobert Lee R.ent, aged SK years, 7 months and days. He was born in Solano county, Cali fornia, July 11, 1809 and at the age of 9 years he moved with his parents to Oregon, where he lived till death called him from earthly labor to everlasting reward. He leaves a father, mother, three sisters and three brothers and host of friends to mourn the loss of dutiful son, a kind and loving brother anu a lauoiui irienu. I lie rema ns were followed to their last resting place at the Rock Creek cemetery by a large roncourse of relatives and friends. Rev Edmunds, of Woodburn, conducted the funeral services. The community joins in tendering its sympathy to the bereaved relatives. YL'CCA. A a !ti. f a a ionei soap maue ny a new process from the Mexican soap root without the use of any animal fat. Has been used by the Spaniards and Mexicans in its crude state for generations. An abso lutely pure article. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn.. says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer'SAVKD MY Life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cents. For Saleby Or. A. Harding. The Thursday Night club was enter tained last week by Mrs . F. K. Char- man, assisted by the Misses Cochrane. Wanted. Young girl to mind two children, one 5 and one 3 years of age, five days in the week from 7 A. M to 5 P M. will pay 1.25. Call any evening after 6 at house on 14th street next to Freytag's grocory Kcmnved. The dental office of L. L. Pickens I). D, lias been rt moved o the Barclay Muck Main street, suspension bridge corner where he can l found at hours to meet his patrons. The Children's Dancing club gave Valentine ball at the armory last week which was a verv charming affair. The young maidens were particularly attaact- ive, being attired in pretty white gowns tastily ornamented with flowers tiiude of paper. The whole effect was beautiful and will long be remembered bv the ittle folks. rt i . , ay an oversigiu, mention was not made in the Kntkri-kihi! of lust week of the removal of O. C. Fields to the Barkley block, where he has his loan and collection agency located, he having desk room with O'Neill, Hedges, Thomp son & Unllitli. Vr. L. 1j. I'lckens has removed his dental parlors to the Barklev hloi-k where he bas fitted up a suite of elegant rooms and lias as fully supplied and well arranged duiitul office as there U in the state. Achilles lodge K of P. had work in the page rank hist Monday evening, and will have woik in t!ie rank of esquire next Monday. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair. DIX mm Qregon Picture Frame Company Makes a Specialty of Manufacturing Mouldings . . . ano picture Frames New and Novel Designs 108 Second Street Near Washington M. J. MORSE, Manager. Easels Pictures and Art Material. "sTTTT Mrs. Mmely Thorne, who resides at Toledo, Washington, says she has never been able to procure any medicine for rheumatism that relieves the pain so quickly and effectually as Chamtierlaln's Pain Balm, and that she lias also used it for lame back with greet success. For sale by O. A . Hardinc, Druggist. Frequently accidents occur In the household which causes burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been constant favorite family remedy. sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. the For Dollars And Sense. For Fifty Cents. CREAM mm nvjm MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frca lom Ammonia, Alum or any othtr adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, A Dollar Saved 8 a Dollar earned. Buy Your Groceries where You can get them the CheapeHt. All New, Fresh Selected Stock of le Bei!t Quality in the Market. Staub's Cash Grocery, Commercial Bank Block. Midwinter Sale OF- JrtlliDJJVIHRY.... mmsbbbSBIBBBBBSBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbSBBBB Hats, Bonnets and all full and Winter goods sold at a great reduction. .Seeing is believing, so jdeiiHO call and cxamino for yourHolvcs. Mrs. H.T.SIaden. Sunset Grocery, ...West Side... t Cnmploto Mock of Crockery Tinware and Notions. First class goods ... . ..Low Prices.... Prompt delivery. Satisfaction-.-- Guaranteed, c. a. McMillan, prop. FOR- ABS 0 LU TEL Y PU R E DIJGS OO TO G A--HARDINQ- NONE IJtlT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. Alio full itock of OILS ETC. SUMMONS. In the Clrmilt Court of tha Bute of Oregon, for Hie noinity of ClwkHmn.. " tA" ' p',il,,t"r' v' U. M. Audre, dofonit To C M. Anilro, unlit ncfnnilant: In the name of the State of Oroijan, you are hereby rn.mlred to appear nnd mi.wur the com plaint flleil aira nit von l.. ik. i milt In laid court on the flmtday nf a term thormif to be begun and held next after tlx weekifrom the publication of till, aiimmon, J,1!,'.""! ." 1 ,e lillh d"Jr " m- An.l ii you fail o to appear and aniwer, for want thoronf, the n a ntlir will .....I- i.i . -.... , : the rollyf di'mandud In the oomplaint herein, which In ftir the dlxolutlon ol the marriane Cfintrant imu. ..l..lu. i . ..i i... Z ""'"""""Pi "mwuen aia paruon. and for nch other equitable relief aa prayed ii'i iu nniu VIJIIlIllfllMt. ThlR Htiminnna Is ntihllulia,! ka. m n, U-D.4D.C. LATOURKTrK, 2-10:8-22 Attorney! for PlaiutllT.