! I A1 1 Oregon City Enterprise SCHEDULES OP TIME CM!. T. I'O.'N HTKAMKH. Hummer IUMONA, VKM ilttKHOt CITlf. I.KA VKH rnKN,ll mm m, 7 no, . IMin. II wis. in. 0 i in. 4 mi p. hi, - Tin Knt I'AHHANUKII MIKAMKIt, AIIONA, KKTWmiN rlHTr.AXII,I.KM AMU nnntrKHIiltNl I U'uvf I'dfllHinl Tnylnr Uri'nt dock lit II nil A. H mill Iilvii. lriK'in ('My lor Million 7 Id A. M iii'idy, li u r mUy mill Hiiliinlny, I.ftn Iiii..iiiiiIiii' A IM A M mill Hnlrm 7 iti A M mnl Uri'K"ii City I IK) V M lor I'ort- Isuil Hnnilnjr, Wmlntlwlny and Friday. Fast Hum, imhI i'i'i.iiiiiiIiIcii anil Inw mles, Nu way frmirlit hamlM. Hpvolal rstus oil wnmtfii freight. , HOIJ1 1IKUN I'ACIKIC KAII.WAY. UliHTH HilllNI), (allforiils Kanritnii (llirmiidi) hiiialiiiri Local (wsy stalluus) 7:1(1 . in I p. ui south miil. KMbut( lorl ()' ttltnr Calllnriil KipriKH (lliiiiuilil .11 a. m 7:14 . Ill WlU.AMK I I K KAUJI K.I.K( TlllO IIAII.WAV Tlint 'labia, Uva Ori-j.ui Cliy. UA H. II ou II HO " t IMF. M, W " 0UI) " ii m A.M. looo U .uu " l.oo V. M. I m ' 1 mi " II no M loo " I HO " i ml " 4 HO " b il " Willamette Falls. b Vi A. M. uWI ' II 40 " I'll f. M. a .10 " e:i " t'HUAT TIM. 1.1 A. M. 10: m " II an " MAP. M. I " t ir i 4i " t II " t ' 4 Ift " 4 4ft " lit " & II ' Ull.l.O. HU.l. ft Ml " .UU " ('. A. THE MAIIJ. Malls rime Ri'liiR North, li m.. P m. Hp m limit clot miln Hniiih, a. in., .4ft p. in. ml HH T. rir,iu Clt to Portlaad over F.al Hide Hull' .... li ) H. M. mnl ! P M.arrlea ., ,V a u ....l 1 Ml I' U 'nrrln PortUlHl Kait.rti! VMi.l8l.lf, Bandy nl Highland rxul"' mall. urrinu City tiiF.ly.Carua. Multiio. Liberal mnl M"la)l Mi'M u ', mm " - Or.ion City Hi Heaver Creek, Mink. 'l'kJ Meadow Hrix.ll. I moll Mlli. mm . I 10 . m. MoinUy Wediiewl.y mnl Friday sud returns nn lnlluwlni davsat l aftp. m Orrsoti cltr to Vloi, U an iml Kedland leaves tirr"ii t:it Monday Wedneaday sad Friday m I oo P, M., Uavlug Vluli am day. tt 7 00 A. M. FKIDAY, FKHKl'AUY 21.', lH!r. Thk Kiimcnirii. On Frl)y evenlnn Mutch lit. (lie WiIhIi ppoplo will hold an elntudilfotl l lWver Ciut k. This li a linuitiic fttivnl llmt lmi Im'i'H livid n rtually from time lmmiDioril by the Welnh motile In Ihoir nllve (iimitrjf nil the oliiMTVitlon ol lliii Kffat n tioiml fuvtivul linn lMen hruiiiiht to Amerii tnd l fflidirtMl wherever Uivre Ih a WvUli n'ltlumeiit. It in u nallt lnll on St. I)vld' dy, the p Iron mint of W'kIiih, hut in o(ifi) held on otliur (luy, KlHcwhcre In the Kntkk I'Kin will he lull nil tho proKmui of thii eintodtlfod, (pronoimi fd- itiltihvod, long I nJ rihort e, with ai ccnt on the Bei ond yllalilii.) Tho odd HiMtlliiiK iam-foiiiitid for hy the fm-t llmt Iho WoUli hud no HlnliHiM't of llii'ir o n and on I lie Iuvhh- loii of Uritiitn hy tho Koiiihuh, Iht-y Kiliiitul Hip li'llvm nmd hy the httttT and founded written IuiikuiW lll,ir own, hut tovxprt'Dii thu koikhIh of the Wflhli litii)(imiit( hlnuiiiU ('oiiiliin.itionri of Hip KoniBti IiiIIith were made, t yni ric, or Welfli, In itn purity. In arna ( rik. Itu reHciiihlunco to (Ireek in itn rythni and miitHithni'HH, and it I" a Hx-tical lun Ki hi rh cupiililo of Kreat expn-enion. A" a riKiken Iuiikuhko, it in It' in it rapidly ktltwrMf dud liy KiigliHli and tho time ia not far diatant when it will not he heaid in Wale other than an at'coinpllM.hiutnt. Of the American WolHhimm, hut few of the neeond Kimeiation can k the lanKiiaKti t'lulr annual elateddfixla iniich of the einifinif Ih now done in En llliHli. The eiateddfod to be held in thla county in the only one held in the Willamette Valley and it in expected tli at thla will be a Keneral KntherltiK of Welali people, to w hom it brlnn niem orie of Die beautiful hills and loyely vale of their native land and of the sweet nouns of their great home feativala. Timk Tabi.k CiiANOKn. CominenciiiK with next Monday the ateamer Kainona will reaiinio lit r Hummer time table, leavinit Oregon City ntOA. M. 2 P. M. and (I P. M. and loavinx Portland at 7 A. M. 11:80 A. M. and 4 P. M. This time tul ilo will do inut'li to IncreuKe travel hy tho bout as it allows ample tlino in Portland or Oicgon City for the traiiHiiction of buHineaa with the oppor tunity of havitiK a bout leave ut more frtHiient intrrvula. AVith the proper servit'o the river route will always re main popular with the people of Oregon City. , Ohwkoo Road Ci.ohko. The Oregon City and Oawtyo river road was cloned this week by 1). D. Mnone, who built a fence acroas it where it paaaes through hia land. Marine claims that the road is not a legal highway and takes this step to force (he county to pay him dmnuges. As tho rotd is as necesnary to Manone as It is to the other settlers, his right to damages is very thin and he should have none. Judge Hayes has taken the matter up and will see that it is settled so that the road may be opened. La KermpsNe. A 10 cent cigar for a nickel. . E. Wllliunii, thfi grocer. Ladies hair trimmed in the latest style at Hloper's barber shop. ' Nkw HCIIOOI, llol'HK, Till! pllllpll) of I.nooy school (llntrli t in tills county do not allow hard times or the sale of IjoihIh Interfere with lliein In having proper school fai'llllli'H for their children, liy ri iiHon of the growth of their settlement Ihn old school Iioiihu heriiiiiH too small and a larger ue hud to he built, ho the clllzuns gut together and decided that they would have tint school Iioiimh und no debt baiiglng over their district. To accomplish this each gave work or ma terlal and the dlHtrict now has a new school house that is an ornament to that locullly. fknooi, Cknsus. T. F. Hysn, clerk of the Oregon City school dlatrlct, com pleled the triiliii ratioii of the children of school ge within the city Wednesday lie finds Hist there are HIM children Intillml to draw school money In Oregon City, being a gsin of ninety-five over last year. To assist nun Air. jtyan eiiipioyeii ..it . I I II. Itluck, and iinustiiil care has been taken to have the census accurate. Dythe usual ratio figured on this enumeration it gives Oregon City population of over ooi). IIohk Comi-anv No. 3 Ei.k(tion. Ore gon City Hone Co. II, at their last meeting, mid Tuemlsy, lob. 1U, elected tho lol owihg olllcers: President, Max Hhtil plus; secretary, J. II. Wack ; treasurer, Win. Oreen; foreman, C. A. It anils; KsiatBiit foreman, John Green; second assistant foreman, J. II. Baidorf; dele gates, II. n. Rrange, J. I), uenrier ami Nr fituer. The company nominated lor chief engineer, C M Mason and en dorsed the nomination of M. P. Quinn (or assistant engineer. Nikkkt Ci.kaniko. More care should he taken in keeping Muin street clean. Now that it is paved witli brick It re- piires hut little effort to keep it in a de wit condition. Many ol the projierty owners keep the street clean in front of tlieir premises, hut there are others who neglect (his imiiortant work. A paved street six inches deep in slush does not sieak well for a town. Hkcond IIaku Btobk A second hand store has Is-en opened In the old Metho dist church building on Seventh stieet with A. K. Parker in charge. There should lie a good oening for this line of business In Oregon City, for since these Cleveland times have fallen lifxin us, second hand goods is about all thai (he average family can buy. Plantation 8oniis If you want to hear the genuine negro melodies go to the minstrel show Monday evening at Phively's opera house. Thirty perform ers will be on the boards and Oregon City Is promised the best entertainment In this line ever given In the city. Ad mission 25, 50 and 75 cents. PACUif tMVKItsm'. W hat the MudeuU are doing for Their College. In my former letter was mentioned the Pearson endowment fund and the efforts being made to raise the same. The time allowed hy Dr. Pearson expires on March 1st. The student seeing the limit rapidly approaching, with several botisands yet to he raised decided that he time to act had arrived. Accordingly on last Friday evening a meeting of the students was held in the academy bulld og, (ileal enthusiasm was manifested hy singing college songs and giving the college yell. It was not by this alone however that the college spirit was ex hibited, for in less than one hour they re paired to the president' oilice and in formed thai gentlemen that valid pledges to the amouut of 2,2(H) had been secured. This announcement quite astounded lr. McClelland as he together with the other members of the faculty were unaware that any such movement was on foot. In rcaponse the president said that he had always believed in the loyalty of the students of Pacitlc University, but this surpassed his sanguine expectations. The students however were not going to stop at this. This morning at the dose of the chapel service a tall senior arose and staled that he would like to see the students for a few minutes. The faculty seeing that they were not invited filod ont of tho roo , They had no sooner done so than the scene of Inst Friday evening was repeated only on a lamer s.'ttle. With enthusiasm such as Pacific University has never before seen. Tho amount was rapidly pushed irom '.'200 to $4000. This evening the students are out en masse with transparencies, bam.ersetc. celebrating their achievement. It is believed by many of the abler men of the town, tnat the ell'ect which the news of this will have on the people abroad will insure the Pearson fund and witli the ultimate success of Pacific University as an Institution of learning second to none In the land. "B" Appetite and Bleep may be improved, every part of the system strengthened and the animal spirits regain their buoyancy by the use of Pr. J. H. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. La Kermesse. A ten cent cigar for a nickel. Williams, the grocer. e. e The name One Minute Cough Cure suggests a medicine that relieves at once, and quickly cures. Its use proves it. C.C. Huntley, druggist. Watch for Botany Bay at Shively's. It Kil, F.NTATK JTKANSr KKS. Furnished F.very" Week by the ( lackn nuis AlmtraH and Trust Coinpiwy. Geo Larklns, by siicrilf to Win l.ar kins 8 I) Feb 0, '115, part of Kara Fisher 1) L C I' Ailam Dcinos to J L Maddux W 1) Feb 7, .'), 3 tracts of land in t3 r 1 e L Callahan to A Lelehtwela et al W DFobO, '115 1-5 Int InliJO acres in see's 20 and .'(0 1 4 s, r 3 e. L A Seely to C T Too. W V Uec 20 '04. .80 acre in sec 2.1 1 3 s, r 1 V 910 100 noo II M Grant to F Kggurt V Feb 7, '05 land In sec 20 1 2 I, r6e 1 II W Iloltwlck to Albert Crossan W V May 24, '04, ti of mi of sec 21 1 6 1 r 'in G W Mitchell et al to Ked Hock Mining Co, Q CD Jan 10. '05, Tho Ked Chief and The Ked Dluff mining Claims John Krown to Ked Kock Mining Co QC I) Jn 10, '05, North Btar Mining claim 8 II Chrlstlun to A W Goddard W 300 D Oct 20, '04, 120 acres In m4 of see 35, 1 1 a, r 2 e 2500 W F Hubbard to Kobert A Miller W I) Feb 13, '05, lot 1 and 2 blk 12 West Gladstone WF Hubbard to Will L Miller W I) Feb 13, '05, lots 3 and 4 blk 12 West Gladstone Win and K Edwards to It V Short W D Feb 1, '05, nw'" of b)4' of sec 20 in t 3rl W 250 450 M0 T Stahlneiker et al to Collin A Ileebe W I) Feb 12, '05 10 acreB in sec 3(1 1 Is, i 2e 500 E M Howell to II L Bowers W D Jan 1 '05, lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in blk II 1st add toCanemah 600 M A Fairchild to A CFairchild W D Jan 30, 05, 45 acres in sec 28 1 1 a, r 2 e 4000 F W Miller to A 0 Fairchild, re ceiver W I) Jan 30, '05 lot 21 blk (10 Minthorn : E M Mortiiimre. to Isaac Allison W n Nov 13. '04. land in t 6 r.' Z e 1000 Isaac Allison to Carrie D Covey W 1) Feb 14, '05, nwj of sec 14 t 6 t, r 2 1700 United State to W Stoever patent April 20, '85, swt4' of swtf and lot 5, 6, and 7 of sec 30, 1 2 s, r 3 e M A Caecday to W Stoever W U Feb 15, '05, lot 3 and 4 blk 31 Bolton 2000 Wm Jack to J E Jock W V Oct 30, '00, 05 73 acres in Jeremiah Jack PLCtee, rle 1 Wai Jack to Barton Jack W D Oct 30, '90, 82 14 acre In Jere miah Jack D L Ct 6i,r le ... 1 Wm Jack to Allen F Jack W D Oct 30, '110, 00 acres In Jeremiah JackDLCtCi, rle 1 Wm Jack to Wm 8 Jack W D Oct 30, '!K, 05.(13 acres In Jeremiah Jack D L C 1 6 s, r 1 e 1 Have your Titles examined and Abstracts made by the CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of Abstracts of Title of all lands in Clackamas county. Accurate ard reliable work by a resjion- nbleflrm. Olllce up stairs in tho t au- Held building. O. W. O. Hardman, sheriff of Tyler countv, W. Va., appreciates a gooa thing and does not hesitate to say so. Ho was almost prostrated with acorn whon he procured a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Pemeby. Ho says: "It gave me prompt relief. I lind it to be an iuvaltittble remedy for coughs and colds." For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist! Karl' Clover Root, the proat blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25c., 50o., $1 00 for sale by Geo. A. Harding. The Krmesse cigar is a decided suc cess. Ten cents value lor uve cents casn. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Yucca Root toilet soap will not chap the hands or face. ' E. E. Williams, tne grocer. Imperial Egg Food will make your hens lay. E. E. Willinms, the grocer. State or Ohio, City ok Toi.rno,) Lucas County Fhank J. CiiKNKY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chknky & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, state and county afore said, and that said Arm will nay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by tho use of Hall's Ca takhiiCukk. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, the 6th day of December, A. D. 188H. A. "W. GLEASON. Notary Public. jssAL. Hall's Catarrh Cure istaktn internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the B.vstem . Send for testi monials free. F. J. Chknky & Co., Toledo, Ohio. "Sold by druggists, 75c. Ia Kermesse. A 10 cent cigar for a nickel. E. E Williams, the grocer. Cash paid for clean cotton rags at tho Enterfbisi oflioe. Smoke the Kermesse cigar, E. E. Williams, the grocer. ' Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awantod CoM Mtdtl MMwiaMr Fair, Sta Prandxa. A MoiiHfholit Ires-air D. W. Fuller, of Cansjoharle, N. Y says that bo always k-eps l)r. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that ho would not be with out it, 1 procurable, G. A. Pykeman, Druggist, Cutskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that ho has used it in bis family for ; eight years, and it has never failed to do what is claimed of it. Why not try j a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial , bottle tree t Charmsn A Go 's drug store, Charinan Bros, block. Regular size 50c and $1.00. i IlMKliifKft-Msklnr Hook. Every busmen man ought to read Dollars And Sense, a money-making book by Nath'l C. Fowler, Jr., the lead-; ing expert on business and advertising.1 18 chapters, illustrated wi'h 100 plates,; presenting every style of effective adver-' tisements, with examples of reading, notices, circular and headline. It! teilri the plain truth about advertising' and exoses ineffective methods. Anyi reader of the Entekpsikk who will send ' money order or postage stamps to the value of twenty-Hve o-nis to 'I he Trade Company, Boston. Mass., will receive the book by prepaid mail. When the Doctor.... -Q writes a prescription for J'our nick one do you realize iow important it is that nothing but the purest and hent drugs should enter into its coin ignition? We pride ourselves on buying the very best in drugs and are always will . ing to pay more and get the best. You know there are ''seconds" and "sub stitutes" in drugs as in other goods. If we do not have the material in stock to fill a prescription properly we tell you so frankly and you can choose between going elsewhere or waiting a few hours until we can get it for you. We cosider our reputa tion of far more value than tho money we can make on any prescription or any customer. C. Q. HUNTLEY. A BOOK WORM Would be delighted with the new cloth, gilt top edition of "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" which we are selling at 75c. This most desirable book one of Dr. Holmes beet has always sold for 1.50. We have also "The Dolly Dia lorrnes" ittst. at nresent the talk J - J of the reading world for 50c. in cloth or 25c in paper. Have you read the parody on Trilby "Billtry"? Paper 50c. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City. Buy-ypUL Choice Candies . . AT THE . . . NOVELTY CANDY STORE. Pure, Fresh, Delicious, Prices lower than ever. Our Taffy Candy . Has no equal in the City. Fresh Fruits and Nuts. rmiFR A scientific jastflWsSr preparation a Aliirlinp.Biilsam tor Ihe curt f Cold ip Oveliettil, VJgp ndSoreEyeyltCvTVjrVK . Pisuraiasie.iwi.-toir.sy' Rfhovfs RAriTS'Fvy r UifUASANJ BREATH.' -jLT,. roR pwhou Oh.uYiU-E.CAL For sale by C. G. Huntley. A Genuine Rock Bottom To Avoid " And to for UK Prices will be dropped so low that the leanest purse can secure a bargain in the many lines carried in stock by The Pioneer Store, THOMAS OHARMAN & SON. Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating.. So is the quality of the meat tested .that is on sale at the ....NEW MEAT MARKET.... Only first class stall-led meats in stock and lull weight is guaranteed. J. KONKLE, Prop. Next door to Burmeister & Andresen's Jewelry Store. directly nd Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, wrlte their cm letter, or keep their own books; nd who do not know when busloese tnd legal paper wbioh they miwt handle every day are made out correctly. V9 All theee things, and much more, we teach Wioroutnly. Hundred of our graduate are In good positions, and there will be opening for hundreds more when times improve. Sow Is the time to prepare for them. Besides business education Is worth all It costs, for ont't own use. Send for our catalogue, to learn chat and hrno we touch. Mailed free to any address. Portland Business College, A. P. Armstrong. Prln. Portland, OregOtl. J. A. Wetco, 8cretarf. IThe Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through, the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Huntley's Book Store.' SOHWAN & PUTROW. Dealers in PLUMBING, TINNING, AND GENERAL JOBBING. CAUFIELD BLOCK, Main Street. The Chinese Suffered.... ....Another Defeat ! The Oregon City Steam Laundry -IS DOING Clean Work, Neat Work, and Cheaper Work Than can be had of the Chinese or any other place in the city. Special Kates on Family Work. Goods called for and delivered. Carrying make room ii are lost annually, Stoves and Tinware.