Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 22, 1895, Image 2

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BarvtBKfnl Scheol' Entertainment A
Ladies Aiil .Society and Suuday
School Organlxed.
Rbdlasd, Feb. 18 Rev. Gillett
closed the revivnl meetings last Friday
night. The minister whom he exited
to come and assist hint during the meet
ing (ailed to arrive for some reason and so
Mr. Gillett his labored alone. How
ever, his labors have been crowned with
greater success than any one expected,
having gained thirty converts during the
twelve meetings He called a special
meeting last Friday afternoon at one
o'clock to organize a Sunday school at
Kedland hall. Wm. Stone was elected
superintendent, W. D. Berkley assist
ant superintendent, Mrs. L. D. Johnson
secretary, Mrs. A. Boylan librarian, W.
J. Johnson treasurer. Sabbath school
at the hall every Sabbath at 10 o'clock.
A Ladies Aid society was organiied
here with trie following officers elected :
President, Mrs. L. D. Johnson; vice
president, Mrs. Nina Stone; Secretary,
Mrs. Ida Berkley ; treasurer. The main
object of this society is to furnish the M.
. parsonage of this circuit.
The school entertainment given under
the management of Miss Helen Taylor
last Saturday was a grand succees in
every way. The school house was
crowded to its utmost capacity. ' There
was the best of order and the exercises
were excellent and remarkably well
rendered. The following is the program
in full:
Song "Hark, Hark my Soul"
By all.
Recitation "Temperance"
Gilmore Behymer.
Recitation, "Little Oscar's Tomb"
John Stiebrity.
Dialogue, "Recess Speeches"
Fred Burkey. Allen Slead, Otis Boy
lan, Fred "Wilcox, Bert Hart,
Maud Stone, Mable Conner,
Ora Wilcox and Minnie
Tableau "Collecting His Rent"
lVm. Stone.
Recitation. . .'."A Little Boy's Wonder"
Fred Wilcox.
Recitation, "The Canning Rulers"
Dialogue, Great and Greater"
Bert and Arthur Conner and Fred
Song, Don't Go Out to Night My Darling
GubU and Emma Fnnk.
Dialogue, ... "A Nobleman in Disguise"
flattie Wilcox, Lizzie Armstrong,
Helen Taylor, James and John
Fullam, John Gaskell, Chas.
Hickinbothem and Bert
Recitation, "Papa's little girl"
Rosa Cohn .
Concert "Our Bodies"
, Carl Burkey. Fred Wilcox, Willie
Stone, John, Amos, Ver. and
Emmet Mason and Carl
Song,.. "We'll All Get There Together"
Minnie Evans.
Tableau, "Great Expectations"
John Fullam.
Dialogue, "Playing School"
Fred and Tom Burkey, Geo. Hicken
bothem, Walter and Mable Con
ner, Maud Stone, Minnie
Evans, Rose Cutting,
Ora Wilcox, Mabry
Recitation, "A Hero of the Gutter"
Bert Hart.
Dialogue, "Cakes"
John Fullam and Bert Conner.
Recitation , Selected
Vedai Boylan.
Recitation "The Faithful Engineer"
John Gaskell,
Dialogue "The Enrolling Officer"
Lyda Cutting, Etta Conner, Gussie
Funk and Chas. Hickinbothem.
Song, "Angles of Mercy"
Rose and Mabry Cutting.
Recitation, "Advice to Bridegrooms"
Louis Funk.
Recitation "A Little Boy's Wishes"
Willie Stone.
"Dialogue, Trouble in a Morman Family
Helen Taylor, Culver Richardson,
Mrs, Stone, Gussie Funk, Hattie
Wilcox, Lixzie Armstrong.
Recitation "The Man in the Moon"
Rose Cutting.
Dialogue "The Shooting Star"
John Fullam and Dan Mogier.
Recitation,. ."The Rhyme of the Navy"
Claude Stone.
Recitation, "Old Iron Sides"
Arthur Conner.
Quarlet, Floating Slowly Dovn the River
Mr. and Mrs. Burkey, Mr. Couit
right and Miss Funk.
Tableau, "Betsy and I Are Out"
Dialogue "Taking a Photograph"
Ida Young, Elta Conner John Gas
kell and John Fullam.
The exercises were interspersed with
fine instrumental music kindly furnished
by Miss Emma Funk and Wm. Brown.
At the close of the literary exercises the
pies were auctioned off by Wm. Stone
The bidding was spirited and $10.60 was
realized from the sale. Miss Taylor is
entitled to great credit and to the grati
tude of this school district for the care
and painstaking labor she has bestowed
in making this entertainment such a
pleasing success. The money will be ap
plied to building a woodshed on the
school grounds. Miss Taylor desires us
to express her thanks to all who so
kindly assisted her in this affair and
esHcially to the boys who so kindly and
successfully assumed the bunion of ar
rangements. The school will continue
another term of three months with Miss
Tavlor as teacher. RfsTic.
rrk IMaee Literary society.
Pabk Place, Feb. 18. On the even
ing of Saturday last the upper rooms ol
the Park Place school house were tilled
with an interested audiance to attend
the exercises of the literary society. The
first thing on the protrram was a duet by
Miss Katie Smith andM ss Daisy Rivers,
The debate then took place. The
woman'ssufferage question wasdiscussed
jointly between Cross' longing camp
debaters consisting of Mr. King, Jack
Frost and Frank White and the Park
Place debaters consisting of James
Matheson, Winnie Dauchy, Fred Smith
and Jesse Faubian. The logging camp
debaters if they were from the back
woods proved themselves able to with
stand the Park Place students, The
judges rendered a wise decision when
they gave their virdict in favor of the
atTiiruative, or the side of the logging
camp debaters. Although some of the
Park Place boys discussed the question
with sound argument, most ot them
aimed merely to make fun and jokes out
of the qnestion which they did to satis
faction. We thank the loggers very
much for their kindness in debating
jointly with us and hooe they will take
the opportunity to do so again befoie
long. After the debate an excellent pro
gram was given by the young people of
Park Place and some from a distance
who kindly volunteeied to take part.
The program being very long the elec
tion of officer was put of until next
meeting. The question for next meeting
is "Resolved, That the world is growing
better morally and intellectually." The
leader of the affirmative it Mr. Har-
Lgreaves and of the negative Mr. Morris.
As the hour was growing late the people
adjourned of their own free will before
the leaders had time to choose their as
sistants so they are not vet known. The
question for next meeting is one of which
a thorough discussion will be of benefit
to us all and a good program will un
doubtedly be prepared so all be sure and
come. Sic.
State AcTicnllnral Colters.
CoavALLis.Or. Feb. 14, C. D. Thomp
son who lived in Clackamas county until
called as foreman of the college farm a
few years ago, received a telegram yes
terday stating that his father of Molalla,
was sick and not expected to live. As
there are no trains running on the O. P.
line on Sundays Mr. Thompson went
to Albany hy mens of a buggy to board
the first train going North so as to be
by his father's bedside.
A. T. Bnxton, of Washington county,
will represent this institution at the
state inter-collegiate oratorical contest
which is to be held at Forest Grove on
the 22d.
Alonzo Rusk, a native of Clackamas
county has been working for the agri
cultural department of the college for
the past two years.
Two bulletins have lately been sen
out from the Experiment station, one by
Pref. Craig which treats on troublesome
weeds, the othet by Prof. Washburn
which deals with the subject of insect
pests. The wheat aphis is discussed.
Two more bulletins, one on horticulture,
by Prof. Coote, the other by Prof French
on f oi age plants and pig feeding are in
the bands of the printer. These bulle
tins aie sent free to all residents of the
state who request them. Send your
name to Moses Craig, Corvallis Or. and
have it put on the mailing list.
Last Friday President Bloss addressed
the graduating class of twenty-three of
the Portland high school.
The boys of the dormitory have fire
drills once every week.
Lieut. C. E. Dentler, commandant,
has ordered of the government 200 more
army rifles and a supply of blank cartri
dges for the military department.
The state school committee of the
legislature is expected here this week.
If the weather permits the batallion will
be formed for inspection. L. M. L.
Lodge of Rebekahi Formed-Chtirch Revival
Being Held Relief for Nebraska SntTerert.
Csweoo, Feb. 13. (Too late for last
week.) Last Friday night the Daughters
of Rebekah met at the Odd Fellows hall
and elected the following officers: P.N.
G., Miss Norma Fox ; N. G., Mrs. Alice
Starkweather; V. G., Mrs. Mary Zim
merman ; Sec, Miss Mary Bickner;
Fin. Sec. Mrs. C. H. Nixon; Treas. Miss
Maud Fox. It was decided to name the
lodge Dena, in memorv of Mrs. Dena
Prosser. The officers will be installed
on the evening of the 22d by officers from
Portland, at which time a large number
of Portland people will come up to give
the new lodge a good send off.
Rev. Mulligan, of the M. E. church
began a series of meetings last Sunday
day morning at the M. E, Church. The
meetings will be continued through this
week and probably next. Dr. Gue,
presiding elder of the Portland district
will preach on Friday night the 15th.
Judge Hayes was ia town yesterday
shaking hands with friends of whom the
Judge has a large number at this place.
Attorney J. U. Campbell is in our
berg today attending the justice court
as attorney for the plaintiff in the suit
of A. J. Fourtnor vs. Fred Conglow ot
al. Attorney Mil nil, of the law tlrni of
Mcmlciihall, Wait A Munn, of Portland,
is also hoi e at attorney for the defendant
in the same action.
G. W. Prossor is visiting in Salem
this week.
Miss Blanche Dyer Is on the sick list
G. W. Dyer returned home yesterday
after an absence of near a year. He
has been engaged in the mines of Cali
fornia. Quite a lot of goods and provisions was
shipped from this place yesterday to the
Nebraska sufferers,
The general sulutinn here now Is
"Hello! bow's the vote for senator to
day ?" It has got to be a chestnut. By
the way, Mr. Editor, if a vote was taken
in this precinct for United States senator
tour-tifths of the republicans would vote
against kthe return ot Senator Dolph.
We wait with patience tlio final action
of our representatives in this matter.
Hprtngwater Spray,
SruiNiiWATKa, Feb. 18. The present
change of weather from cold and dry east
w inds to the present chinookof the south
very agreeably accepted, as this con
tinued dry weather seems to be very un
healthy for horses, of which there has
been quite a number sick and some lost.
There has been an epidemic, a kind of
sore throat prevailing among most of the
neighborhood which was very unpleasant
but all are now leeling quite well.
J. T. Shannon had a severe attack of
lung and heart trouble, but is now feel-!
ing better. Webfootera can not stand
too much dry weather.
Farmers aru quite busy of lute clear
ing np and making repairs to their or
chards caused by the heavy sleet storm
of January 3d and 4th, which done an
immense damage to the orchards of this
locality. The fine prune orchard of C.
II . Guttridge is badly damaged, also the
apple orchard of lames Dubois, Carl
Howell and others, but they are of those
enterprising class of people who do not
stop to greave over such losses but go to
work making repairs.
On the evening of the 2d inst. W. J.
Lewellen had the pleasure of entertain
ing Dr. Gue, of Portland, and his hall
was opened and the Dr. delivered one of
his able and interesting sermons to a
crowded house.
Rev. Thomas has been holding a series
of meetings at the church where he has
had a good attendance and accomplished
some good.
Rev. Gillett, of the M. E. Church,
preaches at Lewellen's hall every third
Sunday of each month at 7 P. M,, where
he is always received with a large and
attentive audience.
The Valentine ball given by A.
Lewellen at the hall was a success ami
everybody had an enjoyable time, al
though the crowd was not so large the
port was immense.
The people of Lacey school district four
miles from Spring water are building
them a fine new school house which will
be a credit to that locality. There is
room fur a number of new settlers in
that locality and their school house will
now be large enough to have a fine
On the morning of the 10th inst., a
couple of our highly esteemed and
leaders of society, Mr, James Dubois and
Miss Effie bhibley, accompanied by A.
M. Shibley, Estella Shibley and Ida
Lewellen, left for East Portland, where
at the residence of the groom's parents,
11. Dubois, cordially received by a pleas
ant wedding party and were married by
Rev. Forbes of the Presbvterian church of
Portland, after which they took the train
for a short stay in Southern Oregon.
Many wishes of happiness and a long and
pleasant life from the peoplo of Spring
water to the happy couple.
Hazella News.
Hazklia. Feb. 18. Quite, a number in
our neighborhood are suffering with
severe colds or a mild form of la grippe.
Carl, he little son of L. D. Eaton, has
been quite sick, but at this time is a
little better.
Several of our young people attended
the literary at Stafford Saturday evening
and report a pleasant time.
A pleasant surprise party was given
J. Dennis last Friday evening it being
his eighteenth birthday. Dancing and
games were the order of the evening. Re
freshments were served at 12 o'clock.
A pleasant time was had by all present.
The ti. II. Reading circle has been re
organized and meets every Saturday
evening. Mr and Mrs. L. D. Eaton in
vited the society to their house on next
Saturday evening.
The Hazeliu literary society has not
tried to live since the school closed.
The potatoe market is the one point
of interest among the farmers now,
There are several buyers in the field, but
the prices they offer would bankrupt us
all. So far we bear of no sales being
James and Guy Hayes spent last week
visiting their grandparants at Middleton,
Washington county.
Miss Mary Calkins of Pleasant Hill
is visiting at Mrs. Lacey 's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hessong, of East
Portland, has bought a piece of land of
Mrs. Lacey and will build a bouse as
soon as the weather will permit. At
present they are stopping with Mr.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal wO Dlptena.
Regardless of Cost.
Carlton &
-Diamond,- -Uncs
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) B & S Proof Chains. Arcade Files, Rope. CreBcent Mee
Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK
Mink MlUt.
Mm a, Feb. 17. Minkvllle la begin
niug to boom. It is already putting on
the airs of a city and we see a bright
future for it. We have within our do
main a newspaper publishing company,
a law office where Justice is dealt out ac
cording to law and Some of our worthy
farmer citizens are becoming lawyers,
and the rest of them well they intend
to remain farmers the rest of their
natural lives.
Robert Giiither, who has been teach
ing school at Logan for nearly six
montliB, is home again where he in'ends
to stay for several weeks. It looks
natural to see Hob. around again.
' Miss Hattie Ginther went to Portland
last Monday to visit her sister Rosa.
Hank Hanson la laid up tor several
weeks by cutting his foot nearly in too
with an ax.
School closed in this district, No. 80,
February 8th with an entertainment the
evening previous. The teachers, D. F.
May and Miss Hattie Ginther had a
very interesting program prepared. The
house was crowded and with the excep
tion of a few minor events which took
place during the progress of the same
the entertainment was a success. Credit
must be given to some of the. boys who
seemed to be well "tilled" for their
orderly conduct and the way in which
they presented their good manner, and
also special credit should be given to
some of Highland's "fair sex" who were
present, for the orderly manner in which
they conducted themselves. Books on
good manners are for sale cheap.
Young people's meeting tonight at the
German Reform church. Everybody
Our prosperous fanner, Mr. Illnlim, is
busy putting ! is hop yard in a condition
necessary for the growth of the hop
plant. Tki.ki'iionk.
Beaver Creek Newi.
I'.kaver Chf.kk, Feb. 15. Thn lato
showers have been refreshing, Farmers
are luify plowing for oats.
The dunce at Linn's mill last Thursday
night was well attended. Every one re
ports a good time.
Miss Myrtle Taylor has been employed
to finish the winter term of school at Rea
ver Creek.
Miss Jennie Rowen has closed hor
school at Canby and la at home once
The basket social at Mrs. Edwards
last Friday night was a success.
Mr. Ogle, the music teacher, was seen
in this neighborhood recently. .
Miss Vesta Knight, of Canby, was the
guest of Miss Jennie Rowen a few days
last week.
A Welsh preacher, whose name we
have not learned, will preach in the
Presbyterian church at this place on
Sunday, February 24.
Smoke the Kermesse cigar. E. .
Williams, the grocer.
Odds and Endsl
. We have finished stock taking
and find we have a number of
In various departments and
for the next THIRTY DAYS
we will sell them
We have a large stock of
goods ordered for the Spring
and Summer trade and need
all the available space. Call
In and secure a genuine CASH
Rosenkrans, Canby, Or.
loTVront Street. HARDWARE j Portland, Oregon.
Nnrthwetieru Afrnla tor
Occident Tuulelooth Dealer Uu
rail Rowa Orala Usmaged-fchonl to Close
with Dag Balling- Olhr Kventa.
HioHUKD, Feb. ID.-Ths lata cold nlghta
did a grrat ileal of damage to the fall sown
gram, Horn fields ill have lo I reaown.
Cattle here are In good condition.
John ration hat a very sore ankle. It Is
feared it may prove fatal If a change for the
better iloei not aeon like place.
Our school will rlu next Friday and a
plraoant time Is anticipated, an the teacher,
Ml AkkI Mc Arthur, la preparing a pro
gram for the fMi-ailon. There will will alio
be a Hag railing. The Highland baud will
be present and fnmlh mimic.
C. A. Front's brother, lately from Kanaaa,
li viaiting hlin.
M Ins Myrtle K. Taylor was thsgueatof
her lten. Mrs. K. Harrington and Mrs. F.
Welch lait Saturday and Htinday.
A number of the people oj this comma
nlty exacted to attend the pie social at
Ktdla'nd latt night.
Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Fellows, a
Mine Ada flard was the gueat of Mrs. F.
Welch Friday.
Munnyilde Hmlles
Si'NNYsinK, Feb. 15. We see that
Mr. Wolf is building anew barn also Mr,
The Methodist have Wen holding
quarterly meeting at the church. There
was a good attendance.
Mr. Deardorff and family have moved
from Sunnyside to the old Peardotff
farm where they formerly lived.
Mrs. I.ebo and husband have been
visiting at her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Kassaloau had a rng beo al her
home a week ago. There were in all
about forty Indies, All enjoyed them
selves besides making themselves useful.
Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II.
Stanton's Femaliiie, the Famous Female
Specilic, will cure all those aches and
pains peculiar to you, and wjll cost you
only $1 for one month's treatment? I will
send any lady a trial box, free, who will
send me the names and addresses of tun
ladies who are in delicate health. Agents
wanted everywhere. Write for full par
ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager
wholesale western depot, Delona, Ore
gon. i
Iliickleii's Arnica Naive.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman & Co., Charman
Rros. Rlock,
Hard times Prices.
H. F. Scripture has reduced the price
of horse shooing to $1 .50 per horse until
further notice. All work at bottom
prices. Many years experience insures
first-class work.
-Sliver Steel
Lnfan Items,
I.OOA, Feb. 17. Fred Wlleun has re
turned home tram l'hoenli, Arittins, where
he bki Info nearly two years lor hia heallh.
Farmers will anon be quite buay If the due
weather latt. We noticed aorue were tow
ing grain taut week.
The roaili were getting quite dry during
the fine weather, but the rain rams again
and laid the dint.
A great many valentine's went around on
Thuinday, It being Ht. Valentine's day.
A iminler of the ixigan voung fnlka went
to the dance al Hpringwater, and a Jolly
good tune win reiuirled.
Mlis M. l. Hampton left Uigati on Mon
day lait for her mountain home. Wears
sorry to lone her and hoi she may return
to lie with lie agnln.
Harmony Notes.
HtNMosY, Fell. PI (Iraiidma I.ulher,
who has l'ixn very low with pneumonia
during Ilia paat two weeks, It ilowly Im
proving. Rev. II. Illlner, of Portland, wat vlniting
among in laat Thursday and tilled his ap
pointment at the church In the evening of
that day.
Hum, to Mr. and Mrs. Ilemter, a daugh
ter. Knill lllar and Jotef fich mitt have about
completed the clearing of five acrei on their
contract with Mr. MoKlnale.
A pleasant iiirprite parly wai tendered
Charies Fankhoiitrr laat night.
Soma of our farmers have been planting
spring mips. Home were planting w hile
the awful r-lorma were raging In the eastern
atntci. ,
We might tell you more aliont One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that it en res a cough. Every one
does who has used it. It is a perfect
remedy for coughs, colds hoarseness.
It is an especial for children, being
ploasuut to tuko and quick in curing.
('. O. Huntley, druggist.
An agreeable laxative and Krvn Towto.
Bo'dbyJPrugglta or sunt bf malt Oo,&Ou.
and J1.00 per package, Bamplwa free.
IT A Tin -T1'9 iwvortt TOOTH MwtU
X0 11 W torthe Tooth and Urelti,aK
For sale by G A. Harding, druggist.
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At iho
City Stoblea. (
Kidd & Williams. Props..
Hue","-"' 0 W. H. Cooke
Livery Rigs on Short Notice
rV Hi
3150, TOW Cf,E ITWII.U NOT tuL. a