Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 15, 1895, Image 8

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All noti-8 for this column should be
ont to Mrs. II. 8. Gibson, editor,
Ongon City, Oregon .
" Following is the term report of Ivan,
district No IH, hlih closed Feb. 8, 1SW :
No days Uutilit, 112 ; nttniber of days at
tendance, ! number days absence,
ItJf'S'; number times tardy, 35; total
nam ler enrolled, .24; average number
belonging, 20; average daily attendance,
19; number of visitors, 21. Willie
Huber, Sophie Scbuttel, Hynie Bals
ireter, May Wilson and Ora 8ha.de won
prises in spoiling during the lnt month.
Kopliie and IVrtrlie Svhuttel are on the
roll of honor. The following pupils have
100 in deportment: Charlie Cliase, Ora
Khado, Harry Bryan, Liie Huber,
Kinnu Balsmeier, IVarlie, Lydia, Emma
and Katie Schuttel, Edna Chase, May
Wilson, Eva and Tillie Bryan. The
school was closed with recitations, songs,
arithmetic, puizlea and a geography
game. The visitors present were: The
directors, Messm. John Scbuttel, P.
Wilson and J. Chenoworth,' C. W.
Richpy, school clerk, Miss Liixie Wilson,
Miss Minnie Clark, Mr. Arthur Burr,
Mis. John Schuttel and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Gallagher. M. L. Hampton,
The following is the report of school I
district No. 72, Colton, for the month
ending Feb. 1st. Whole number of pupils
enrolled 23; average attendance
Those wbo have been neither absent nor
tardy ' during the month are Meadie,
Mabel, Stella and Lewie Hubbard, Grace,
Walter and Andrew Gorbett, Lucy,
Alice and Fred Bonney, Jennie and
Christina Carlson and Oscar Dix. Miss
Delia A. Hubbard and Mr. P. E. Bon
ney vixited the school during the month.
Pations are cordially invited to visit the
school and note our progress.
W. W. Austin, Teacher.
Report of school district No, 23, Con
cord, for the month ending Febru
arys, 185)5: Number pupils enrolled,
boyi 20, girls 13, total 33 ; average daily
attendance 30. Thone neither absent
nor tardy for the month are Annie Thies
sen. Minerva Thiessen. Emma Roethe,
Linna Roethe. Lena Robertson, Bennie
Kuehl, Walter Kuehl, Charley Barney,
Elmer Worthington and Dennis Worth
ington. Ara McLaughlin, Teacher.
Firtlshed Every Week by the ClacWa
mis Abstract and Trast Company.
Iaador Sheet to August Haslebum
Q CD Febl '95 35 acres in sec
2?,3s,r 1 w
Lewis F Belknap to Emily L Beau
man W D Aug 22, '94 part of Jas
Eaon D L C 1 2 s, r 2 e
James Surraan to M L Surman W
1) Aug 28 '94 lot in East Oregon
City and part of Fisher claim
J H Wormelsdorf to R R Lee W D
Dec 5,'94 part of sec 16, t 3 s, r 1 w
R A Wilcox to Martha J Gitbens W
D Jan 30 '95 3 acres in sec 5 t 3 s
r4 e
C and E Henry to August Horger
W D Dec 3, '94 146.57 acres Philip
Foster claim in t 2 and 3 e, r 4 e 3076
Catherine Oglesby to Jas F Milsted
W D Oct 28 '74 1 of se and e.
of sw of sec 24, t 6 s, r 1 e 145
J PGeer et al to Jemima McDonald
Q C D Dec 11, '94, 40 acres in
claim 37, t 3 s, r 1 w 1
J 0 and M Tracy to J II Tracy W
D Jan 24, '95, 42 acres in sec 14,
1 3 s, r 4 e
W Cochran to Emma Cochran S W
D Jan 28. '95, the wi of D L C
No 45, t 5 s, r 1 W
Jaa Shaw to Lizzie Kuhul W D Feb
4, 95, lot 12 in blk 7 in annex add
to Oregon City 150
John Behr to Effa B Palmer W D
Feb 7, '95, 25 acres in sec 7 t 2 8
r' 2e
W C Brown to J J Fisher W D Jan
8, '95 w of swj of sec 12, t4s
H W Gortler to J and A Svanson W
D Dec 8, '94 80 acres in sec 30, t
4 s, r 1 e
A C A Barclay to Clackamas county
Q C D Feb 7, '95, part of lot 4 in
blk 6, Oregon City 00
Aug. Haselhun to Lena Schiel Q C
D Feb 2 '95, 35 acres in sec 23, t 3
8, r 1 w 3000
Jos. Dand C Myers to EM Shaw
W D Not 17, '94, n of scj and
ee of nej of sec 2, t 4 b, r 3 e,
120 acres 1200
Have your Titles examined and
Abstracts msde by the CLACKAMAS
the only complete set of Abstracts of
Title of all lands in Clackamas county.
Accurate ard reliable work by a respon
sible firm. Office up stairs in the Cau
field building.
O. W. O. Hardraan, sheriff of Tyler
county, W. Va., appreciates a good
thing and does not hesitate to eay so.
He was almost prostrated with a cold
when he procured a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Bemeby. He says: "It
gave me prompt relief. I find it to be
an invaluable remedy for coughs and
colds." For sale by G. A. Harding,
Karl's Clover Root, the great blood
purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures conatipation,
25c, 50c., $1 00 for sale by Geo. A.
Th WhMl la Aronn th Ifc Inataad of
1'ndnr film.
Here is a new kind of dog power
tbnt might be nsod in working the
band aepiiiator, which grows bunion
about this time of year. The pi mi is
borrowed from a California idea which
is iu nse for pumping wafer for irriga
tion purpose.
As used for working the irrigating
pnmp, the wheel here shown is 10 ftet
In diameter. The rim is 8 foot wide. It
is provided on the inside with cleats.
The dog is fastened inside, and his
weight turns it, so that ho is constantly
obliged to climb the cleats to keep it
from running away with him. A few
thousand of the sheep killing dogs of
this country ought to be caught and set
to walking a treadmill wheel
The California pattern seems rather
heavy for an ordinary dog to work, but
a smaller one could be easily made. The
revolving of the wheel turns a crank
that could be applied to a churn, wood
saw, pump, separator or washing ma
china A sheep or calf could be used to
take torus with the dog.
TJ MUkhoaM. I
Dr. Lee, secretary of the Pennsylvania
board of health, says of the dairy and its
furnishings: "The tuilkhouse should be
entirely separate from the dwelling
house. No family should live in or ove.
a niilkhouse, spriiighouse, creamery or
buttery. A really good article of butter
or cheese cannot be produced in the cel
lar, kitchen or other room of a dwelling
house unless specially separated from
the dwelling apartments and specially
fitted with shelves on which the milk
vessels may be placed. This ia necessary
because milk so readily absorbs the
odors of cooking, of fruit and other
articles of food about our homes. Ce
ment floors are better than those of
wood, stone or brick, for this material
contains no crevices iu which milk can
accumulate to decay and make foul the
whole building. The milkbonse ahonld
be kept scrupulously clean inside aud
out Soap and whitewash must be daily
used and the air maintained perfectly
pure. The windows should be protected
by wire gauze to keep out flies and
small animals. There should be means
to ventilato in cold weather. It should '
be abundantly supplied with pure water
and ice. There should also be convenient
means of beating water, as boiling hot
water is needed in large quantities. The
milkbonse should not do service as
washhouse or laundry. No barnyard or
outdoor buildings containing any filth
whatever should be located near the
milkhouBe, bat the milkbonse should
on some elevation suffluient to secure
complete and quick drainage. No milk
house has ever been kept too clean.
Springbouses located on low and
swampy grounds, liable to overflow in
case of high water, will need special
care. After every such overflow the
walls Will need to be scrubbed and
whitewashed and the whole premises
most thoroughly cleansed and renovatod. 1
" Wooden vessels should not be used
at all because difficult to keep clean, j
Tin is the best material for bucket, :
pans, etc., because it is so readily
cleansed. But when milk is to be kept
for a long time stoneware or glass ves-
sels are preferable and should be em
ployed for family use. Tin vessels should
have few seams as possible, as these bold
dirt The milk cans used for shipping
milk to cities should have large mouths. :
To facilitate cleansing, the mouth of the
can should be of nearly the same diam-,
eter as the body of the can. All milk
vessels must be kept scrupulously clean. I
They should first be rinsed in cold wa-1
ter, then washed in tepid water, next
thoroughly scalded or steamed and thon
invnrfuH uriH ornmutH tj sun nnrl air tin-
til next needed. Soap is undesirable
about dairy utensils, because if a trace ,
of it remains on the vessel it may in
jure the taste of the milk. Soda and lye
may be nsed and are preferred to soup,
but each must be thoroughly rinsed off
before the vessel is again used."
Tent For Oleomargarine.
Most people can easily distinguish be
tween genuine butter and its various
imitations by the flavor. But there is an
immense amount of very poorly flavored
butter which is no better than oleomar
garine. A tost that will always distin
guish genuine butter from its counter
feits has been discovered by Dr. Henry
Leffman of Philadelphia. A spoonful or
two of the sample are put in a narrow
cup and quickly heated to the boiling
point If it is true butter, it will boil
quietly and foam up in a mass of bub
bles, often overflowing over the side of
the cup. If it is butterine or oleomarga
rine, the sample when heated will foam
up but little, but v.ill crackle and
sputter as it boils. After one or two
trials any one can decide with certainty
what the sample offered consists of. No
fraud can escape this tost
And now it is charged that the oleo
men have started the tuberculosis scare.
We never did take more than half stock
in that scare anyhow.
The old tiuio iuwm,y m no more, lie
passed in his checks with tho free grass
custom. The big pasture Inn Intro
duced a new order of cowboy, whoaleept
in a house and "obeys orders" or quits.
The old cowboy was the companion of
hi boss and slmml hla pleasures and
his hnrdtdiips.
No malinger in this big headquarter
rockhouse reminded him-of his inferior
tank in society, nor did any of the mod
ern ranch accessoiica iiuir the common
dangers, the pleasures and the freedom
aud equality of the whilom cowboy and
cowman. Lint the much iu the olden
time was a cottonwood loghouse to
cook in, and for roof and protection
from the weather the slicker was used,
and mother earth supplied their IkhIs.
The broad range and the overhanging
sky answered for house and borne. A
roundup iu was uot bounded
by wire fences, hut the boys galloped out
of camp alter brcakfiiMt, made n wide
sweep, and nil then drove toward a
common Venter, and lol directly lit that
point was gathered a herd of stock caU
tie of all brands, ready for the cut to
The high toned man was tabooed. 1
remember such a luiiu appeared at the
rnucb of J. T., In Shackleford county,
in 1809. Ho wni a city fellow, and
would say "Thank you" and such like.
His intense politem and high toned
nonsense aggravated the hoys mightily.
Jim 11. in particular poor fellow
WHA Mmwiilllv frt'tttnl liv Ilia ImiiHjtiiM,!
' as he called it, aud tried to ridicule it
out of him, but in vain. At last his
resentment ripened into genuine hatred
and it was hard to keep tho pence be
tween them, for (he city fellow had
glit too.
Well, otie morning in 1869, at Moun
tain pass, in Taylor comity, long before
any one lived iu thut section, Jim got
awfully mad and gave tho city fellow a
cunning, whcreuMin a row resulted aud
blodshed was barely prevented there
and then. We got the city tellow to ride
off, and it looked like peace bad return
ed, but one hour later Jim 0. and bis
amiable enemy met off at ouo side of
the roundup. 1 happened to be near. In
a flash the city chap ran before Jim,
dismounted, leveled his gun on him and
demanded au apology or death.
n, iarkaj .,, .I...,.., w
Mjj notbing, aud instuntly the city
fellow tired, four Jim rolled off his
horse a dead man. i got to them just
aaJiiu fell, lie died instantly, shot
through the heart. His slayer mounted
his horse and "lit out." We buried
Jim and went on with our herd, two
men short, but with no discordant ele
ment among ns.
Buch wast bo old way. The boys were
courteous and kind, they were goner
ona aud brave, industrious and honest,
but they would not stand any high toned
nonsense. A new era bas set in. Which
is the better we cannot say, but one
thing is sure with all his faults, and
they were many, the old time cowboy
was a man to be trusted in peace or
war and was the very soul of honor.
Thousand of both smm iut tromds
whose dally life Is making severe draft on
their vitality, require something that will
bring new material to the worn oat nerve
centers. This Is Just what Dr. Miles Ue
storatlve Nervine does.
"X had htem omffering for year
from headaches, neuralgia, sloeplmaniMa,
and general nervous prostration, unfitting
me for social, household and buslnoat
duties, and, perlodlcallj, was
Completely prostrated trtth pain.
I tried several physicians and a great muny
remodles, but received no benefits until I
laed Ir. Silled Ilemtoratlre Xrrrine,
when I found almost Immediate relief, and
have become quite my former self and am
Again able to attend to mil bualnean,
which Is that of a brush manufacturer. I
have recommended the Nervine to others
wbo have used It with the same good results"
Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Anna Pedser.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the flint bottle will benefit.
AlldniKKlstssellltatll.t bottles foriS, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of pries
by the be Mile Medical Co iOihart, lad.
Hf MSIpc' NPTviflf
Ul J'"1" VIIlC
Restores Health
For Astoria and Clatskanie.
DOCK for Astoria, Sunday mor
nine at 7:30. Monday and Wedncs-
day evening at 7:30.
KKTUHNING leaves Aotoria
Monday morning at 6:30; Tuesday
and Thursday evening at 5 o'clock.
Connecting at Oak Point on down
! trip with steamer Messenger for
Clatskanie; and on up trip from
On Fridays will leave Portland at
1 o'clock P. M. for Ouk Point con
necting with steamer Messenger for
and from Clatskanie. Return to
, ..r
2wn .
Portland the same night.
Are You Onlug l!att
If so, It will pay you to write to A, 0.
Sheldon, general agent of the 'Turling
ton Houte," WO Washington street,
Cortland. He will mail you free ol
charge, miips, lime tables, and advise
you as to the through rates to any point,
reservo sleeping car accommodations
(or you, and furnish you with through
lickeU via either the Northern, Union,
Southern, Canadian I'aolllo or Groat
Northern railroads at (he very lowest
rates obtainable.
The Hiirliiigton route it generally con
ceded to be the lluest equipped railroad
in tho world (or all classes of travel.
Through Trains Without Transfer.
Travellers must not forget that the O.
R. A N. line Is thoroughly repaired and
all truins am running without transfer
or delay. Through service to Omaha,
Ksnsns City, St. IamiIb and Chicago;
rulliiiaii sleepers, free reclining clmlr
cars, upholstered tourist sleepers and
modern dny coaches. Cull on O. H. V
N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or
address W. 11, llurlhurt, lien'l Tassen-
ger Agent, fori land, Oregon,
lllank note, receipt aud order Iwoks
at the Kntkhi'hisk olllce.
Mus tan e
Caked & Inflamed UJdorj.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
AH Horse Ailments,
AU Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissus
Quickly to the Very
Scat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang- Liniment conquers
AUkes rUn or Deast well
Postofflco-:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the hast quality.
In Priceswe meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
No. 270, MorrlHon Street,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For firBt-clasB, re
liable gooua hig store is second to
none. Trv him I
Good houne. barn, eta. Aluo
J. It. fUOOM, Park Flace, Oregou.
Nhrrliri Nolle at Sal o I'ortrliwiir.
Iu Ilia Clrr-ull Court of llio Hinto ol Orcim lor
tho County til CUck.Hiil..
Iita f. t'ole, Ulnllir, vs. OIim. Htrwarl, W W.
II Hanoi n, J K Hamuiii. JiiIiii Hi'liwaK, A.
II Hi'hw.li, Fruit Hohwnii, Jo.pIi II.iUimi
l.u Clmrtiiau ami N. C. Htiiialey, ilcl.ml
ami. HlalA of Orrgoti, County ol CUi'lutnlM, .
Nolti'o la tinrvliy ilvon thai by virliianfaii
wutloii ami onlnr ot lain Ixiiml nututlNo
olroull court ul t la a Hlattt ol tlri'iioii (or tlx
County ul Clai'aain.ia, ImarliK ilato III I SI la
lay ol January, Imtfl, In a ami wlinm
In Ma K. Col oiatiitlir, ami llm
ahova liamoil wmi ililumUiita, tiotuuiaiiiDua
nn', In tlia nam ol tha Stat ol lira-
Sou, thai out ol lh nal v.lam Imrnlualtur
ii.i'rtlKiil, tt, roalUo a aunt siutti'liut In aatl.fy
th iltiiuamla ol aalil ilin'riw, tool! f KI7H in. anil
lh Inrllinr uin ol lut ,1A nnata, loauthur with III
Irri'.t on the aamiialiira aalilili-ornmraaitiittifiHl
at ten irr root, per annum, ami alaothtt roala ol
ami alli'iiilliiii llila mIk,
Now, Ihtirrlori, In ohaitliinm loaiich itooriia,
I dlil, on tlm lull day or January. Ia. duly
levy upon, and will, oil Malutilar. too liltll day
ol rVhruirt, au at tho hour ol ouo n'rluok I'.
M.nlaald ilty, al Ilia front diair ol llm oourt
houavlu aald counly. mtnr lor aala al imlillo
aui'llou, aud ""II to I ho hlhat and ha holder,
lor i'h.Ii In hand, allot tlm rluht. till and III
lpm.1 Hi .aid dnfiMiilaiiia hav In alidtuth
lollowlui dt'.i'nlH'd rl iiroxrly, to wit
aluiiliia al th tiiirllina.l dirunr ol th lioiiallou
Land claim ol Matlhnaa Hwi-vla In liiwuahlia
annul oi ran i va.t ol Hianim aurldian
aud riiunlni Ihon. o aoulh '.1 drii wk.i H4 iia
idialua, iIikiii' wiuth av duf Ml mill, writ t.ni
I'halua. Ihcuov .oinli ,11 dK. ,HI iiilu. wrai Jl ;l
i'lialniothinoithaai niru.rof William Kiilr-'a
donallou Plalm ; lliniii' north 70 dia. wnat In HI
vhaliia: thrni- north ilni ii in In a.t M w
Phaluaio th north liouinlary ol aald Hwtl
claliii: Ihaiir .iiiiih ri di, mat 01 Ml rhalna to
III plar ol iMialiiulna. I'oiitaliunir VM) aorna
moro or lu.a, yiu( and hvlni In Clarkamaa
vouiity. riou
Dalrd Una Iblh day ol January, A l lawn.
K C. MAI'I'iii K,
Shrrlft ol Clackmiaa County, main of llronou.
Ily N. M Mihiiiv. ipiuty. 1 la i It
1K00 mill's of )iiik dis-1
Idltilai lulat Sktutak U'Sm 1st '
Orison ami WaHhington
now in oiMTtition y tho
Ori'KtiiiTt'ii'plioiH'aml Tl
cKriiph ooinmny.
I'nrtluml, Scattlo, Sjk
kam, Tacoiiia, Salem,
Walla Walla, IVndlcton,
Alliimy nml '.Hi other towns
in tho two states on tho
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All tho satisfaotion of a
Iwrmuml communication,
'istance no cllect to a
clear understanding. Sv
kano as canity heard u
Oregon City ollico at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - - Oregon.
Portland-Oregon City and
Yamhill River Route.
Down Leavo Dayton 5 A. M.,
Mission r,.'t(), Ncwlwrg 0, Hutfe
villo .(i:4"), Oregon City i::iO,
arriving in I'ortland 10:.'10 A. M.
Ur-Iave Portland 2:.'50 P. M.,
Oregon City 4 P. M.
Stage runB hetween McMinnvillo
and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con
nection with tho tioat. llio stago
will loave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn
villo, every morning at 3:110 a. in.,
returning, leave Dayton every
evening, except Sunday, on arrival
of the boat.
llest of accommodations for pas
sengers and fast ti m e luado. Foi
freight rates apply at dock or on
Everybody shoud patronize the
Toledo and thus sustain a daly
Jokl P. Gkkk, Owner.
Aik iiik Gkkk, Captain.
p If you aro interested in
jr- AdvertiHin i
v you ought to he a sub-
p scriber ot Pkintkiiih' Ink:
a journal for advertisers, i
FrinterH' Ink j
is issued weekly and is i
filled with contributions
nml liiiltifnl miiriroMf innii
i nrj
I from tho brightest mi nils
? in tho advertising busi- j
f ness. i
r PrlntPrw Ttilr
" v '
costs only two dollars a
year. A sample copy will
bo sent on receipt of five
10 Spfuo St., NUI York
Itiver Route, via.
Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co.
Kelso Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port
land, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 7 A. M.
STR. NORTH WEST--Leaves Port
land Monday, Wednesday and
Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow
litz river points, returning the
following days.
This is tho only direct route to
reach all Cowlitz river points.
WM. R. IIOLMAN, Agent.
Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or.
Sundny Servlcoa.
ST. I'AI'I.'S CIHIIICII - .uaninl - ll.
laaan Pawaou, ItiH'lor. Srlia alll o'nlonk a.
in. and 7:itu i. in. I'ra)r arrvlo vrry
nday vviilua.
Kar. J, W.Cowau I'aalor, Mi.rvlr.a al Id Ml a. M.
and a IHI r. M. Sunday Nnhool allnr mortiluf
arli'. Piayrr irrllm Wdu1ay Tuniiii ak
a noo.olnra I'raynr iiikoIIuh ol Tnuus l'o'l',t
Hiailriy ol Chrlallati Kndnairiir mrvry SuuUaf
vvtiius all.U. iraind.
rillMI' HAI'TIXI' I'HI'iK'll. - Kv. M U
Itimii, I'aalor Morului Hnrrlc at II Hominy
MidiiHil al U r; KviiIiik Srvlon ::, Maaular
lu-ayxr ln.'lln Winlunaday vlilna. Monlhlf
Covaiiani Manllnt ''Y Wadiinaday vculus
iriMiiilln th fl rot Hiimtay III lh moiilh. A
tnirnlal Invitation to all.
llil.l.XHa.NIi, I'a.lor. tin Numla) maaa al I ami
III ,io a. m, Kvary ari'ond and (mirth Sunday
llnrinan aartnoii allnr lh a iinlork maaa
Al all nllliT maa.ra KniilMi aurimiua. Snmla
Hi'hioil al t .vi r. M. VpaHra, aiolosUi'l
auhl.ia.and llnntdli'llou al 7 r. M.
mKtiioIUst Ki'isroi'Ai. ciiriu ii -kar
(I. Haaa, I'artor. Miirnlm anrvlrn al 111
Humlay Si'hool al 10 a. I l i.a im-i-tlna allnr
iiinriilnf aarvlr. Kvntilu .vrvlr al 7.90.
r I'wnrlii l.iai(ii. m.flina Humlay viiliis al
110; I'rayvr Mrrlliia I hur.day vtvlillig al W.
lraii(ra uurdlallv Invllvd.
W. Moiitiomi'ry. I'aalor. Hrviia al II a M and
I II r u. Sahlwth HrhiHil al IU a. al. Yiiuiif
I'aopl . MMi.ty ol Chrl.llau Kiiilnaviir nimi
avrry Holiday pvnnln il lal Winluoulay
cv.nlm irar ninollug al 7 8U, Soala lr,
Mvra., I'aalor. rnarhiu( anrvlrta vry
Siinilay al II A M and 7 I'
NahhaOi arl.iHil wary Humlay al 10 A. M (Ha,
IV Hon. Mn ii ) vvrkiy I'rayvr Motlf
vnry Wintur.iiay vnln
t'vnry aiM'ood and fourth Hiiinlav of a'S
t th, at II uu ana and7:iu p in.-M II. N-
I.aim, I'.aior Hunday .rhool al IU a. m, at
tlrraou t'lly Kir.l .iind'iy al Hmnann afhiHil
hoiini, MoIhIU. Third mimlay. Moumalu Horn
II a. m I Itirilwr ilmiii 4 i. in-Mlaa Iwlla
Urwn. Siiifirliiifniaul auonay M-himl. I'rayer
Inmilui vrr WmloaMay vvaulus.
(laav, I'aalor tii'rmaa wrvlrna rvary Sunday
al II n'nlork A U. 'Nmiliah arrrlrr. at 7 V.
M Sunday thil al Iu n'rlork A M. l-ix'-llon:
Htm riaiiii nri door to liakory In Slil
loy' liulldlus, fiiruur ol sulli and Madlaon
CAt I OIITA lit A rTK(T f feir
)rttftii4 nwer ana ui hnnt tii'dioit, will Iq
MliNN A rO. , .Iv.litT- bMliHwrlf ntif yprj
itMinc In lh iihiI (Mbhip.. rmtfnutiir
limit atfUHIjr vmimiMitial. A llaiislttosk ot Iiw
fnnttllttt!! MfliWIIIUl t'llsl sU4 b Ut olto
Uin thm frwa. Alto a raia)u mAss
mt4 ulwMtlfld tMM.ki mnt ttwm.
riiu iaAmi iiinuti Muun A On
p4M4al rnittfwlii tb Mrrlia AMtrlmi, tu4
I It ui mtm brutihl itlf bvfrUi tutll liv
ihiI CNMrt to ih tnvwitt. 1'Mi iilrtnliil Dxr,
Imm4 wl)lr,lftiitl)r inlril. bjM hv fsvr ib
Urn rirtnilaliott vt nf tMvnliflo irtl It iU
Voritl. t; a lir, hinpl c-ittt atvnl fl.
Huiktiua Itaiuiga . B..ithlf, l-' -kOa jr HinV
mtM, '45 rviiU. Kvary numinif etxitin hMit.
Ilful la(, tw etilor, a4 f hHiiaiih ol t
Imhima, wit b plait, nlilin blklra Um
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Doublt and Single Rigs, and sad
die horsfs always on haml at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loosti stock.
Infurtimtion rrKiirilliikT sny kind or
aliK'k irouiitly alu.i.U-i to br pemon ol
horsoH Doutrht and Sold.
HorafU llimrilixl and KcJ on rfason
'lie Itirina.
ialarr aalMH.iiMa imIJ wal fnon aiMii.
r.iaianiulputflliiri. Sailt.lv.ui-iiu'y
Rtfirriaai'. Bhn.wi.ry. l'ii'ur. j
l..niA.iuiM,ainnat i.iim i.i
11 Data afTii'a. Lanrat
I irrfiMrJ ,1 'lool.
11 linl) .r,UV.ia yTT I,
lT.l i .saO'if-i'-la- U""d
iVSi'l"!""1'1 .'.
V n liRHV, . :i"'l f . au
iiri-nma, JVrt'aBd, '. lTn lnl.w
.van., tlila pap-r. Ed)
The photographep
Is prcari'd to make photographs
of all kinds promptly
and in
Ilabics' and Children's Pictures
a Specialty,
Call and examine his work
At the Old New York Gallery
Second door north of Harding's
Drug Store, Oregon City.
Received a gold medal and diploma
at St. Louis Convention of
Photograpers, l.S'M.
Third and Morrison Streets,
I'ortland, Oregon.
Duffy & llcckart
Sjiecial care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leave orders at
-I V ' Vl J
:jliMm I