Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 15, 1895, Image 7

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    the mmurvKK.
mill nHiiu(f Thii-N(i mil r fubiin
llllHirtHIM'(l I'llHKIll,
ftpiirlitl ('orrcHi'onilcni'o,
Hut very lltllu liilriNt wan slioan In
tlm Ni'iinliirlul Imlhit Uxlity, tlium Mug
not over oiiieliiilf tlio iihiwI number u(
KMltorit rcnl. Tlicro whh tfowui
ml palri-d 12. Tlicrfl wan no cIiiiiikii in
tin votn, Dolpli ri'tt-lvliiK 3(1; WIIUhiiin,
0! Hunt. 10; Wmttlittrford 7; Lowell, 10;
Tlio Bcfutto rnrt promptly itt 2 o'dock
P. M. tin) Ida I'ortliiinl aalary hill wit
taken up ami dlai'in-atid with ammid
inrnlH for two liuun mid liulf, conauin
iiitf I lie time o( tliu Mflornoon, tlio am
iiindiiiniit wnro llnully volwl down mid
tlio Mil cull for ft rotliit-tiou of aalarlea
mid font In (lis city of 1'ortlnnd, lo
coitain 'ooiinly lllcnm in Multnomah
county mid provide for lUt tiililng effuct
t once iift.tr ill aanaKC- and uiilij glyiiriil
ty Ilia governor, Thu houau aixMit a
good portion of tli afternoon on county
dlvlnlun bllla.
Tim following aenala liillit liava paawd
tlio lenuto ii lo Monday evening, Feb
uaryll: No. 31, by CoKHWll,auiondliiK Motion
151) relating to dincliarKft of atlucliinenta,
No 33, by aauifi, luiu'idlng aeetlon 153,
llill'a Co.1.1.
No, 41, by Woodnrd, to make approprl'
ation to pay ht iliein and luiluuo of
lut'inber and otlior expcjiiuta of tbii
No, IM, Carter, to determine the time
of tioldliiK circuit court In Lincoln county.
No 8, McC'lung, authorizing mayor
of municipal corporation! lo bid in
property for taxes and asaearmientii.
No.14, Joliniton.to exempt county roadu
nd public IiiIiwy from aiuteniiment
ml luxation.
No. 37, Smith of Clatanp, authoriz
ing the city ol Astoria to bridge Young'i
No 61, 1 1 union, amending the charter
of IlilUlmro.
No. 87, ('albretb, to incorporate the
citv of Mi'Minnville.
No. 6. by Cogswell, providing 'or con
ditional aalo and ltutae of eronal
No. 24, Johnson, amendiii aection
30.1 of llill'a Code.
No. 13, Alley, to amend aection 1733 of
llill'a Coda.
No.KK), Iluaton to incorporate the town
of CorneluR.
No.l03,(Jowan,to incorporate the town
of Burnt.
No. 2, Act repealing eoclioni 1, 2, 8,
4, 6 and 0 for employment of convlcta in
Rtale peiiitontiarv.
No. 7, Ktelwer, I'nurintlng the title to
treetn and county roada being lout.
No. 28, Cognwell, amending aection 3
of tills O'xlo of criminal proivedme ro
tating to dulineation of crlmea.
Nol. 12, Cogswell, requiring the super
intendeiit of innitne aaylum to repoit to
tli county rout t.
No.ll.l.Sleiwor.to Incorporate the town
of Fomil.
No. 1S2, Alley, aiuuiiding tinnier ot
$0- 42, Hiilicioll, rfVeilt!iig llieaalo of
r'iiin to inliiorH.
No. 192, Hiitler.ti lncorporutu the towu
of Hallux.
No. 23, CoNwell, providing for the
trannfer and fatiafat'tiofi of mortgage.
No. 45, tlowan, creating the ninth judi
cial diwrict.
No.'tK), McAllister, creating the eighth
jnAicial iliHtilct.
No. 01, Smith ol CbitHop, providing for
'the laying out of county roads.
No. 113, Patieraon, making all at roe U
and alley public hlghwaya.
No 74, HiiMton, to prevent the spread
of contagious- diaeaaen.
No. 0, Bancroft, providing for the (ami-
nee ol bonds and the improvements of
No. 211, MeClung, amending section
4141, Ilill'e) Ctxlu.
No. 77, Oonnv, amending aection 2S(10
llill'a code regulating marriagus.
No. 84, Denny, amending miction 1170,
llill'a Code, relating to executory and
ammlHtratora. t
No. 0(1, Biownell, amending sections
2110 and 2121), llill'a Code.
No. H3, Price, amending aeclion 2304 of
Hill's Code relating to salaries ot assess
ors and county commisHioiierH.
No. Muxwell, fixing the time of
holding court in Tillamook county.
No. 18, Maxwell, providing f'jr the
protection of Bui mon and oilier Hah.
No. 1)5, Huston, amending aection
282, Hill's Code.
No. 1:15, Ituley, authorizing pertain
corporations to appropiinto land for
flumes etc.
No. 220, Steiwer, establishing boundary
lines between Wasco and Multnomah
No. 222, Johnson (by requst) to in
corporate, the town of Brownsville. -
But eight of the above bills have passed
both houses at this date. All bills are
taken up in order from the time they
re reported on by the committees to
which they had boon referred .
tukhdai .
Again at noon the vote was taken for
United States senator without any change
absent 8 and paired. Dolph received 30,
Williarrs, 11, Hare, 10; VVeatlierford, 7 ;
Lowell, 10; Lord, 7.
The senate this A. M. passed the
flimon, Portland charter bill, also the
McUinn salary bill. The house passed
county division , w,ic ,
after de'eatcd in the senate. Ilolh
I'"' Kl'i'iit a portion of the day in i-
porta from commliteea and second read
ing of bills.
Tim following are the house bills that
huvn passed ibe bouse and are now
ready for consideration by the seiiuln, a
part of which have laen rend the second
time and are now in the hands of the
proper committees.
House hill No. 1(1, by Diiley amending
the charter of the cily of Coryallis,
No, 18, Nealon, U) incorpoiate the
town of (J..I.I Hill.
No. 24, Darkley, to amend the chartor
of Wood hum.
No, 41, Paxton, authoriaing school
district No. 1 In Multnomah county to
borrow money.
No. 11(1, Patterson, granting additional
power to the mayor and common coun
cil of the town of Canyon City.
No. 130, Moorlmad, lo change the
name of Kast Collage drove to Irnatl.
No. 131, Patterson, to repeal auction 18
of an act relating to the Incorporating of
1'rairle City.
No. 138, Dayls, to create the countv
of Vernon.
No. ltlU, to leagulite certain cily lion Is
of Astoria.
No 170, Craig, amending the charier
of the town of Mt, Angel.
No. 24.1, Smith of Polk, amnnding
the ( barter of Indeiendence.
No. 67, Curtis, authorizing City of
Astoria to build a sea wsll, etc.
No. 210. Dunn, relutlng to incorpoia-
lion of A-hland.
No. 204, Dunn, rulaiing to same as
No. 2W, Calvert, to Incorporate the
town of Hubbard in Marion county.
No. 122, Cooer, relating to charter of
No. 7, Paxton, repeal of Jute mill hill
passed at last eest-ion.
No. 27, Burleigh, protecting fish in
Wallowa county.
No. 141, Curtis, to amend the charter
of Astoi la.
No. 1411, Thompson (by request) to
amend section 51, Hill's Code relating to
the service of summons.
No. 23.1, Seblbrede, preventing the
selling of spirituous and vinous liquors
within one mile of Soldier's home. '
No. 317, A mending clurter of Oukland.
No. 228, McCrarken, creating the
office of county Auditor of Multonomah
county and dvlining his duties.
No. 22, Curtis, to amend section 1 of
an act approved Feb. 18, 1881 relating to
the protection of salmon ami food fUhes.
No. 74, Cleeton, relating to the sale
of real proerty.
No. HO, Seblbrede, amending section
73, Hill's Code relating locounter claims.
Ng. 01), Daly, authorizing recorder of
conveyances to take acknowledgements
and administrator oaths.
No. 1H2, Seblbrede, amending sect ons
071 and 072 of Hill's Code relating to ap
pointment of foreign commissioners ami
defining their duties.
No 08, Heath. ttinndiiig section 2599
Hi'l'e Code relating to time uud manner
V)( tiolding n-liuol ineelilltis.
No. :;50, Guild, amending charter ol
No. (I, McCrarken, authoriiing the
hoitid of pilot C"inmi-iniicr to build and
equip a pilot schooiler.
No. 37, Smith of Joaphjno amcndirig
sccl ion 2820 Hill's Code rclaliiiR to as
sessment and taxation.
No. 100, Cole, amending section
1170 Hill's Code relating to accounts of
executors and administrators and fixing
a lime to re(oit.
No 71, Paxton, to regulate the doing
of public wotk.
No. 12i, Cardwell, amending sec, 1180
Hill's Code relating to estates.
No. 10ft, amending section 2807 of Hill's
Code relating to gUHidisns and wards.
No. 252, Smith of Josupdino, to amend
section iMciT), hill's Code relating to the
payment of county warranta.
No. 212, fame, amending section 1779
Hill's Colic relating to the killing of any
miiinal the property of another.
No. 351. McGreer, amending the
charter of Dallas City.
No. 32, Burleigh, regulating the main
taining of wire fences in Eastern Oregon.
. No. 47, Suhlbiede, amending act ap
proved Feb. 23, 1889 relating to con
tagious animal diseases.
No 42, Lei-tor, forming dyking dis
tricts an I maintaining dykes mid dums
in ceituin cams.
No. 04, Daly, amending section 4507,
30111 Hill's Code relating to state lands
No, 21, Moorebead, to csiabliHli the
number of jurors, to find a veidict in
civil suits in circuit courts.
318, Long, (by request) amending
aeclion 2700 Hill's Code relating to levy
ing tuxes for slate purposes and regulat
ing interest on taxes unpaid the Hl.ite
No. 347, Moores, (by request) chang
ing name of Peter Waldo.
No 113, Cole, toHinborizo the bridge
commission at Portland to maintain a
free feny at or near Knight and Quimby
No, 325, Beach, amending churter of
City ol Portland.
No. 2, Moores, amending acta relating
to state board of horticulture.
No 132, Shutrum, to define the use
and caie of district school housed.
No. 242, Barkley, amending article 3,
section 2500 Hill's Code relating to duties
of comity school superintendent.
No, 348, Dunn, amending the charter
of Ashland.
No. 200, Smith of Josephene providing
for the recovery of a reasonable attorney
fees in action for wages.
No. 358, Kmiih of Linn, an act to in
coriraie the town of Hurrislmrg.
Mo. 359, Long, authorising charging
and collection of tolls on ferries and
brxUi s in the city of Portland.
No. ailO Long, authorizing city of Port
land to tmichase Stark street furry and
Morrison street bridge.
Senator Biownell has a bill before the
leglslaiure which ehould pass. It pro
vides that comparing employing num
ber of hands should be compelled to pay
their laborers e vet y two r-Vs and pay
it in money and not in scrip.
The house lias been trying to pose as
the economically dikposed side of the
legislature but yesterday in order to
defeat certain of its own measures, the
members, at lctst numler of them,
absented themselves from the house for
twn'hoursaothat there was not quorum
present, thus retarding the work of not
only the sixty representatives but of
the entire legislature, and still there is
not a day passes but what they make a
cry for economy, nav.U bosh.
The bouse tislay passed a bill abolish
ing the rail marl commission.
The quickest work ol the session was
done today w hen Senator Brownell in
troduced the Oregon City charter. The
rules were suspended and it. passed in
less then 10 ininuies from the time of
its introduction ami went to the house
Where it w ill toon pass
There has not been a bill passed Itoth
houses of a general nature except the
one for I4O.HO0 for the legislature ex
penses, there have lieen a number el
bills passed and signed by the governor
but almost all have been charter bills
for some tcwu.
This morning's train brought to Salem
Hon. Kichard Scott of Milwaukee Henry
Mt Idrum. J. C. Bradley, Max IUmnby
and F. C. Driygs ol Oregon City all on
business with the legislature.
Hon. 0. W. Prosser of Oswego has
been in Salem a portion of the week
attending the legislature.
Mrs. F. O. McCown of Oregon . Cily
and ln-r sister Mrs. W. S. Moore of
Klamath Falls have Ix-eu in Sulem par!
of the week the guest of City Treasurer
E J. Swaliord and of course t!"y at
tended tht) legislature.
Chas. lloluiaii, of Meadow Brook, is
in Salem this week. The chances are
that he will be the next food commis
sioner. Charley is well fitted for the
position anJ will make a good and care
ful officer.
The vote cast for senator on Wednes
day and Thursday was without any ma
terial change.
We might teli ynu more about One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that it cures a cough. Every one
docs who has used it. It is perfect
reined for coughs, colds hoarseness.
It is an especial for children, lieing
pleasant to luke and quick in curin, .
C. O. Huntley, dr-gist
Did Vuii E)i r
Try Kloctric Bitters ao a remedy for j our
troubles? If not, (ret a bottle now and
get relief. This biedicine hssbeen found
10 be Vlil,,rly Hila,led lo the If tiff and
rurw til all female complaints, exerting
ft wondciful direct influence in giving
stteniitli and tone to the organs. If you
have loss of appetite, constipation, head
ache, fainting' spells, or are nervous,
sleepless, excitable, melancholy or
troubled with dizzy k pel Is, Electric Bit
ters is the medicine you need. Health
and strength are guaranteed by its use.
Large bottles onl fifty cents at Char
man & Co.'s drug store, t barman Bios
To (ood Templar
Do you know that Moored Revealed
Remedy is the only patent medicine in
the world that docs not contain a drop
of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing
it is known only to its diicover; that it
is an advance in the science of medicine
without a paralkd in the nineteenth
century; that ita proprietors oiler to
forfeit 't 1,000 for any case of dyspepsia
it will not care?
A handsome wall map of the United
Slates is now offered each new subs
criber to Rand-McNully Railway Guide,
or if preferred, a map of any individual
state. Subscription, $3.00 per year.
Write to 108 Aduuis Street, Chicago, for
Unnuspei'ted disorders of tb
are resnousible (or many of tin
ailments of humanity which neglected,
develop into a serious and perhaps fatal
malady. Kxpeiience would suggest the
use of Dr. 'J. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm, For sale by C G. Huntley,
I. il Kemicsxc.
Is a flue Havana filler cigur.
Wurtli :
10 centH. S Id at 6 cent. E. E. W'll
liuniB, the grtMer.
Mrs. Mnielv Thurne, who resides at' The castle boasts a Shakeapeare room,
Toledo, WaHhingion. says she has never I designed and added by the late earl,
been able to procure anv medicine fori Bid to which the county of Warwick
. .. . . nrune Ik. Ifanl.rh knfra In an
rheumatism that relieve the pain so presented tne Kenilwortn buffet tn an-
otiieUlv and efTei tiiallvaa rhamrw.rlHin'a lt 0k. Into this rooul have been col-
quii kiy and euot tnaiiyas IJiamherlain s . . b Shakeaneara rel-
P.dn Bulm. and that she has also used J procurable bnakespeare rei-
r.iin oium, nriu tiiai. sue iihs also useu Jcg, aDd regting on an old claw footed
it for lame back with greet success. For,oak tabIe are ll the works, with the
sale by O. A . Harding, Druggit admirable edition of Shakespeare of
lte Halliwell Phillipps,
SieeamaaTs sootning Powcers.
For Children Cutting their Tteth.
i aj iter nwrD ricrrv vr a dp
a ww. wwbi rirs laan'
f tffsv fntrltk Htat, pmnmt Hti, Comnlthm.
pntv a ! star ( coasttutioa
. . . tfwra tht ptrtod of teataraf.
, ;
" ,
At a regular meeting of J. It. Finch
I-odge No 488 I. O U. T., the following
resolutions were adopted :
Wiikhkas, It has pleased tlio most
High Ruler of the Universe to remove
from our midst our lute, beloved aisle
Wiikhkas, The intimute relations long
held Ly our learned sister with the
members of this lodge, render it proper
that we place on record our appreciation
of her services as ntcmlter and her
merits as woman. Therefore, be it
Rksoi.vkd, By J. B. Finch Lodge No.
488, 1. O G. T. that while we bow with
humble submission to the will of the
Most High, we do not the less mourn
for our beloved sister who has been
called from her labor here on earth to
eternal rest on high.
Kksoi.ved, That in the death of oar
beloved sisier, Mrs. Prosser, this lodge
loses member who was always active
and zealous in her work in our cause;
ever ready to comfort those who were in
need, one who by her kindness and
loyalty rendered herself notonlytothe
members of this lodge, but to all of her
associates as well, sister and a friend.
That this lodge tender ita heartfelt sym
pathy to Brother G. W. Prosser in his
affliction Beit
Rksolvkd, That copy of these reso
lutions be sent tooor beloved brother,
Mr. Prosser, and that copy of these
resolutions be placed on file in this lodge
and aleo be sent to the Obkoon City En
tkhi'hisk, Oswego Iron Worker and the
Multnomah Ensign for publication.
Rksolvko, That our charter be draped
In uiuurnihg for 30 days.
Youra in F. II. C,
Vi'u. Rankin, Secretary.
Hew t Make IUeptMl Tor Brka
Take tiny medicine vial and cover
it with fancy silk. A ribbon tied
round the neck holds the cover on. and
one end may be fastened to the cork.
This can be withdrawn and the bit of
neeedle pat in. It is then replaced.
A Pep Into tha Famous F.nglltb Palae of
lbs "King-maker."
One cotild spend days looking at the
pictures at Warwick and at the sculp
ture and curios. There is table, the
slab of which is made of fine marble
mosaic, lapis lazuli, and precious stone
which belonged to Marie Antoinette. In
the red drawing room are rare speci
mens of Limousin enamels, also Bohe
mian glass and Venetian crystals. This
room leads to the cedar drawing room,
whose walla are 10 feet In thickness.
One of the many valuable and beautiful
ornameuta in this room ia a bust of
Proserpine, by our American sculptor
The "living rooms" of the castle ex
tend 330 feet in length, and each win
dow gives charming views of the
grounds. In one of these rooms, the
gilt dtawing room, is Florentine mo
saic table.enricbed with precious stone,
brought from the Gritnani palace in
Venice. Ita value is 10.000, which,
please remember, ia f 50, 000 of Yankee
money. The Grimani arms, the pope's
triple crown, lion of St. Mark, doge's
cap. keys of St. Peter and cardinal's
but are illustrated in jasper, onyx, am
ethyst, malachite and cornelian on ita
A moment after leaving the gilt draw
ing room and we are in the state bed
room, where good (jneen Anne slept,
nd in which ber big dreary looking
bed still stands. We don't seem to know
much about (jueen Anne's belongings,
thna her bed and traveling trunks at ita
foot arouse our interest. In these trunks
were her majesty's clothes. They are
sensible, ponderous trunks, covered with
brown leather and studded with brass
nails. Even an American baggage
smashing porter would have found
CJueen Anne's trunks "too large an or
der" to dee troy. George III presented
thla bedstead, with its faded crimson
curtains and ita 15 feet high posts. Over
the fireplace hangs a fine portrait of the
queen herself painted by Sir Godfrey
Kneller. It ia in this state bedroom
that (jneen Victoria slept when she
visited Warwick castle with the late
prince consort. I don't know whether
she occupied Anne's bed, but if so 1
hope it waa more comfortable than it
From the bedroom is a boudoir, lit
erally crammed with paintings. Here
is Holbein'e "Henry VIII;" "A Boar
Hunt," by Rubens; "A Dead Christ,"
on copper, by follower of Correggio;
"Charles ICs Beauties," by Lely;
oenastian, oy Vanciyae; Uara
nayers." by Teni.ra. ana Salvator
tiosa landscape.
The castle'a state dining room was
, , . , ,,, , . ,
burned out in 1871, trnt it bas been re-
produced on the old lires and is a truly
, .,..,.. iU
. ruyai apartment, uu timer Blue oi me
massive firepluce, where many a Yule
i . i , , ,
itg nits siowiy uurneu iiseir out to wnne
antics, tnere are gilt Venetian figures. ,
Above the fireplace bancs Ruben's
sketch of lioua. There ia also in this
I room a droll portrait of George III in
ine arms or ms motner. i
The place has been called the castle
of tbe kingmaker. Who can visit this
.. jij,,
bistonc bouse and not desire to reread
Lord Lytton'e or Bulwer'a, as won
i ' , i . . ,,
please The Last Of the Barons,
, i. m
wiiubo tutu L'uiutiutuuoa is luruisueu
. , , j i ii
by the annals of this wonderful castle
and its wonderful eiirl. Richard Nevil. i
A Sovereign RemedvfrGueha
Colds.UGnpp .nd Affection
9 UicThroot. Chest uA Lungs.
8t,HV TO PRmiH,
For sale bj C. O. Huntley.
The following market quotations for
Oregon City are tarnished by the Red
rront store, and are corrected weekly
Kgg, per dot 12Jc
Butter, per roll, 30 to 50c
Chickens, per down, . 12.00 to $2.75
Old Hens, per doten 2.50 to 3.25
l onng ducks, per down, 2.50 to 3.50
Apples, per box. choice 3oto4oc
Timothy hay, baled, per ton, 9 lo f 10
Clover hay, baled, per ton, 8 to $8 75
Straw, baled, per ton, )5 to 0
Cabbage, per dot., 40 to 50c
O. ilons, per cwt., 75 to hOc
Potatoes, choice, 30 to 35c
Wheat, per bushel 40 to S
Oats, per bushel, 25 to 28c
Wool, per lb , 8 to 9r
Fir wood, per cord $2
Dressed hogs, per lb 6 to 4'j
19 lbs. dry granulated sngsr $1 00
Arbuckle aud Uoo coffee 25c
Good broken roast coffee 22
Uverool salt, per cwt., 90c
Kice. ZUbs., fi co
Teas, per lb., 25. 30 , 37 e
Hope Yii
Coal oil, per gal., 15c., 6 gal,, 7V
itams. per lb to 15c
Bacon, smoked sides, 12!
Dry salt pork 10c
Lard, 10 to 11c
Mioulders 8c
Tea nibs, 2 lbs, 25c
Timothy seed, 00c
Clover seed, 14c to 15c
Cider vinegar,' 2c
Pickles, per keg, $1.00
Flour, perbbl $2 35
Shorts, per sack, 56 to 75c; per ton, $13
Bran, per sack, 45c; per ton $'3
Wire nails, 6 and 8 penny, per keg, $2 50
Wire nails, 10 to 20 penny, per keg, $2 25
Wire nails, 30 to GO penny, per keif, $2 00
Sheriffs Notice of Hale oa Korwlosnra.
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for
me uouDty oi uiacitBiaa.
Dlpsh L. Dottier, oUlofflT. Jemima Mr-Don
ald and Alexander McDonald, defendants.
8tte of Oregon, Count? sf Clsckunu, sa.
Notice ! hereby rlres iht by virtue of n
execution and order of sale iMtied out of the
circuit conn of me Bute of Oregon for the
Onnty ot ClickamM, bearlnt date the 12th ij
of February, 196. In a mlt wherein Dinah L.
Dudley wuplnliitlo.and Jemlmt McDonald and
Alexander McDoi aid were defendant!. Mm-
msdlut me. In the name of the State nf Orernn.
that out of the real et-ue hereinafter described.
to rvalue a sum nfbeieut to mtllY tbe de-
mm't' of Slid decree, to wt: 1W2 Ji and the
further Mim of 114 40 eoi and the further
sum of 17J at attorney lee', all in U. .
fold coin of th I'niied State of America
together with Interest on the Mine nin'-e
said decree was euterert at 10 percent, per an
num. In like coin, and alio tbe Cft ot and at
lending tbii isle.
Now. therefore. In obedience to m-h deffree. 1
did duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the
leihdaynl Marcb, PfcS. si the hourol I o clock
P. M. ol uid diy, at the front door f the eoim
ho.ise tn aaid county, offer tor ile at public
auction, and sell to the highest and bent bidder
for cin In hand, all ot the right, title aud I titer
et the R4id defendants on the .'7rh of Pecember,
lSMl, bad In and to tb following described real
property, to-wtt: A certain tr ct of land situate
In section thirty-one In townhip three south of
range one west of the Willamette Meridian In
Clackamas county, Oregon, which I- known on
the plats and lurveys of the Vnited States aa a
part of the donation laud clilm of Joseph C
Oeer. Br., ai notification No. lO'.'Oand clslm No.
S? in the aforesaid township and range: it being
the North hall of the East half of the East half
of said claim, containing forty acres.
Dated this Uth day of February A. V. 1S95
8herlfTof Clackamas county, Stale ot Oregon.
iiy A. M Jioodv. oeputv. v-ib.a-n
KherUTi Notice of Hale on Foreclosure.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for
tne uaunty ol uiacasmaa.
Thomailne Eudy, Executrix of the Will of Abel
r.uay, aeceaneu, piainun. vs. inomaa at. Ai
liton and K. J. Bargar, defendants.
State o1 Oregon. Connty of Clackamas, .
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an
execution and order of tale Ixiied out of the
circuit cot-rt of the State of Oregon for the
county nf Clackamas, bearing date the 13th day
of Kebrnary, lss6. In a suit wherein Thomaxine
aua y, executrix oi in will ol a Del fcua y. de
ceased, was plaintiff, and Thomaa M Allison
and K J. Bargar were defendants, commanding
me, ia the name of the Stale ol Oregon, that out
of the real estate herelcalter described, to re il
lie a turn surtioleut to satisly the demands nf
aid decree, to-wit: gSMOOO. aud the further sum
ol 116.70 costs, and the further sum of 1100.00 as
attorney'! fee, together with Inierest on the
same since October 10th, l(v)3. at 10 per cent per
annum, and also the costs of and attending this
I ale.
Now. therefore, tn obedience to such decree,
I did, on the 18th day of February, hsua. duly
I levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the ItHh day
" " m '. .T rh. 7ii Z ,.f:.
in said comity, offer for sale at p'iblio auction.
, -S .KK Tnteruhe
said defendants on the 10th day nf October.
J0 -h"1 "' ; to the Mioxving dewribed re .i
! property, to wit: I.ota live (5) and six ), of
, biwk forty Ave mm, of the county diiitiu to
: "I1'"" ' "'wo. ana oeiug situated iu
I Click m county. Oregou
Dated thin 13' Il day ol February,
A. D. 18si5
niirrin oi . in,-tiiin vu., oiaie oi urrKiin.
I IT I I'' 1 1 I . . . . . . . ,.
By N. M Moody, Deputy. 3-15(23
ln T.V ' 0.n::, "'e stMe 01 Oregon, fcr
tilt f'nmitff nf riafikamai
F. C. Perry, plaintiff, va. John Palm.r and Julia
t-aimer, aeieuuants.
To John Palmer and Julia Palmer, defendants:
plaint tiled against yu in the aboieemitud ao-
tl,,u within ten (Inys from the date of the scrv.
ice ol this summons upon you. if served within
this county; or If served within any other
county of thla iuta then within twenty da
from the date of the service of this summons
upon yon; and If served oy publication then on
? .Ho Murt'CL"."..''"!
the time prescribed In the order ol publication
y'V''Mni-i, ?S.n,.A.l!lr
will take Judgment agaiiikt you and each of
I,!lfc!r!Lt.he !u7 'lu0. "h interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent nr annum since Dc
cemberHth, lwiaudlorUiasanaaorneyfee.
cd '"' ,h '""her sum of is2.3n, and for bis
costs aud disbursements herein,
This summons is served upon you by Dubli-
c.,l.,n K ..I u.; ii
7 ... .... . ..
Bride, Judge ol said court, duly
ju, day of February, laws.
nomas A Jac-
madeon the
Brownxu, a Daxssss A J. V. Campbell.
-Si up
Electric 3
S --2- S TO f
J iyfZ DATE.
I iggikf-.i 1 Ask
1 TrlWr'i I New j
2V; Dealer
in ii iiiiiiCl For I
3 , '
uaecairrioH, $2 00 Fia Vtaa.
20 Ccava ( Nuisaca.
TRIAL auaacRimoa, 6 Moa. $1.00
36 CortlanJt St.. New Ye-.
Unload Yonr Liver
Three Doses ot
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will Make You Feel Better.
Does your back ache? DoCf
every Btep seem a burden? You
aoe Lillious.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will give you relief. Try it For
sale by all druggists.
Of the
Express Trains leave Portland Dairy.
Sou.b i ' Bona.
S ift r. H. Lt Portltnd Ar I t 20A.su
7 1r. a. Lt OrwgonUity L 7:Ma.su
lOfia.M. Ar, 8. Kranctsco Lt 7Kr.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second-Clas9 Sleeping Cars
Attached to all through trains.
j una. a. I Lv
j si . a. I Lt
Portlaud Ar
KregonCity L
Koaeburg Lt
1 4:30 r. a
I 3:29 r. S
(7:00a. a
a.bor. a. I Ar
W eat Hide Inriilott.
Mat) Train. Dally (Except Sunday.)
7 .M0 a.m. I Lt
12:15 t. a. I Ar
portlxnd Ar
Corvallls Lt
At Albany and "nrvalll connect with traltra
of Oregon and Paclflo Kailnwd.
Express Train Dail lEicept SundayV .
S 40P.M. I
l:iir. a. I
Lt Portland Ar
Ar HcMinuTille Lt
I 60 A.
Can be obtained at lowest rates from L B
Moore, Agent. Oregon City.
Aas't 0. F. ana Pass. Ageat.
1. 1 & N. CO.
E. McNeill, Receiver.
Gives the choice of
Kansas City.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for
For full details call on or ad
dress, W. IT. HURLBURT,
Gen. PaseeDger Agent,
Portland, Or.
Meets Unit and third Monday In tmeh nootlu.
at Htraigbt's Hall. Visiting brethern wk:ojsab.
C. K. PSA.a 8. Hotcowa.
Kee. M. W.
Button iiorald.