Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1895)
1 7 Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY PKHKIMltV lfl, lHim, Clncknrrms Co. Directory. COUNTY OHKICKKH. J'1, Oi.irk u Courts, (lonliiti K. Hayst (mhi. K. Ifnrliiii K I!. MmliliH k H M. Iinmlr M. 1.. M,r. J. II. Ilrmllfr II. H. im..nii I). W Klutmlnl 'I'rsa.iimr,, NnhiHil HiiHirlu(iui1i Hnriiyiir. Orou.r, Com m ladouara. HI. K. I. iltlllltail t I Nlnhsril Knoll I Kmuk JKKr CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Price the Idwonl licil Front Htorci. Watch fur llotany Hay at Kiilvuly'a. Kir ami limb wood wanted ut this t fllfft. i FillVHt line of : Racket lore. It lam In the clly at the Htnoke tliu Kernmnse cigar. KT K. William, tint grocer. Money to loan on gixhl rnal eittiito aeciirity by A, H, Irmir. Illghent price paid hy tlin Cotninnreiul bank (or county anil city warrant. t Tbn latent In vinittnu card at tint Kit 'tkiu'hin Oaric.a. Price to ault you. i Five cent Kr pound will le pld (or i'loan bile cotton rnK at this olllce. 4 . ( Imperial Kkk Food will make your Jii'Dh lay. K. K. William, the grocer, To make room (or oilier kimxIh, tinware will be cbwml out at coat at the Racket toie. Cull and get 're aample cake o( Yucca Rout toilet aoap. ? ; E. E. William, the grocer. I Ladle' hone, cotton, woolun and Bitece-llnetl at the Racket atore. Fine (len hose !Mo. to 2!c. per pair. . Order left at the Commercial cigar tore, Commercial Hank blin k, for V foot or 18-lnrh wood, promptly filled. f i For aale, one wood-wagon and rack in good condition . cheap (or eah. Marr & ' KulwrUon, 7th ami Center street. t(. Botany Bay Hot any Hay llotany Hay at Shlvely't. liaitHocK. Apploa, prune, raUina, pliim or rice & cunt a pound ; lemon ndoraniicaa mnny each at The lied Front. The Entcm'ki la Hie only now, paper in Oregon tbat give cash pre mium to those paying their aubecription In advance. An adjourned meeting of the board of trails will bo held Friday evening, Feb, IS, at which time w ill occur the annual -election of ofllcera. Fvery member la replicated to !e preeent. I It cure pile, it cure obstinate aore, ; chapped hand, wound. It doe tliia ( quickly. I there any good reason why you abottld not ue De Witt' Wikh IIK'I Salve T Takeadoe ol lHjWitfn Little Early Itinera jut for the good they will do you. Tuee little 1111 are good for Indigestion, good (or hvadace, good for liver com plaint, good for constipation. They are good. C. 0. Huntley. druggiHt. Thoae who travel now have a two-fold reason to take the Rand-McNally Uulde. PI rot, it i III standard; aecond, it In tirva you without charge (or $1,000. 40 cent per copy. 8.00 per year. On ale everywhere. Fend aubecription to KiOAdam street, Chicago. The ladie of the Baptist church will givs a New England dinner and enter tainment Feb. 2-', in the basement of the church. Dinner amlentertuinmunt, 35 cent' ; entertainmnnt without dinner, ia - m - ..Ml t, i . k IU vvinn llllll'-l Will Uf H1ITOII IIIJIll u p.m. to 7 p. m.; entortainuient will begin at 8 p. ni. A atuted communication of Multno mah Lodge A. F. St A M. will be held on Huturduy evening' the Kith Inst. A good attendance of the members ia re quested a work mid business of import ance are to be attended to at this meet ing. , Visiting brethren always welcome T. F. Uyak, O. L. Obay, Kec. V. M. B. F. Baker, one of the leading farmers of Tualatin precinct, residing noar Wal nut landing on the Willamette river, is having a substantial residence erected on ids place, It will be two-stories high, the main part being 10x32 and the addi tion 14x20. G. C. Kinney, of this city, is doing the carpenter work, and pro poses that it shall be a job of which no man need (eel ashamed. Insure In the Farmer' Co-operative Fire Insurance Association of Oregon City. The cheapest mutual , protection in the state, Men combined to insure themselves. Applications taken by M. I Moore, county treasurer, and presi dent of the Association. Agents wanted throughout the state. Address the sec retary, O. A. Cheney, Oregon City, Or, The Canemuh Dramatic club has been vAfM-trnntynrl nItli fjiw mlflitlnnnt mnm. f jher and will in the early future, present "Botany Bay" at Shlvely's opera house. The play is one that ran a full season In London and was presented to full houses In New York continuously for fifty nightB. The proceeds from the sale of seats will be donated toward the payment of the debt on the new Caneniah school building. roiuiT COl'ItT New lt"d District Ileuli'il SusieiihoD 11' Cii' f N. Illed-llllls nlltmed. Uiinlon K. lUyiw, Jnilga; U. BcMl and frank JftKKtr, CeinmlMMinnrai The February, 1H1I5, term of the county court met last week and trammeled the lollowlng busiiiev; Iteport ol viewer on the change In the FariiHworth road approved and change in asld road established and ex Hiiie account of (:I2 allowed. Keportof viewer on the change In the I. C. Ball road approved and ex pense account of fr4.40 allowed. Claim (or damiigea filed by Oliver Itobbln and O. J. Trullinger. W. II. Mattoon, E. Harrington and Henry Jewell appointed viewer as to uld damage if any. ltcort of viewer on the change In the Mutton and Baker road approved and expense account of I21.H0 allowed. Ordered that the cum of (2(K) be al lowed Kate Barclay (or damage (oin the cable anchor (or the auspenslon bridge to her property, Commissioner Juggsr dissenting. 1'etltion denied of E. B. Htark et al. for two road dUtrict in Milk Creek precinct. 1'etltion of I). J. I'armetur et al. (or a change In the Oregon City, ami Salem road granted and C. W. Armstrong, Adam Knight and I). W. Howard ap M)lnled viewer nd D. W Kinnaird surveyor ; they to meet at place of be ginning on Thursday, February 21, at 10 o'clock A. M. Application o( school district No. 4H for the tranafer to said district of certai proerty In auld district wrongly assised to other districts. I'etitlon of J. F. Millstead et al. (or assistance to Cyrua Burley referred to Commissioner Jaggnr with ower to act, Petition of Henry Wilbern et al. (or change In the Foster and Milwaukee road denied by reason the petition did not correspond with the notice posted up a to the number of signers and that the petition did not ask for the vacation of that parts of the old road between the point Of beginning and ending of tne new road. I'etition of Geo. J. Currin et al. for hangn In the Footer and Milwaukee road laid over until the next regular term and in the mean time the county engineer I to examine said road and re port a to the nractibility of aaid change In the application of W A. White et al. to have the title of certain lota in the county edition to Oregon City perfected it was ordered that the county clerk ex erute on behalf of the county quit claim deeda to said lot freeing aaid lot from any claim that Clackamas county may have In the said lot. Petition of 8. D. Barney et al. for a change In the Tl.ayer road granted and T. B. Thomas, Henry Hughes and M. M McGeehan appointed vie era and D. W Kinnaird aurveyor on aaid road; they to meet at place of beginning on Wed' nesday, February 27, at 10 A . M. Petition of J. T. Drake et al. for re building bridge across Butte Creek on Marqtiam and Mt. Angle rd, laid over to confer with Marlon county. Bond of E. C. Maddock, sheriff, aa tax collector examined and approved Proposition of II. 1,1 . Johnson et al. for the Improvement of the Forsythe road declined . Ordered that a warrant of fs per month commencing with February 1 181r he drawn' for the relief of Joseph Raney, and that it be drawn in favor of A. M.Shibley. Report of viewers on the change in the Oregon City and Molalla road ap proved and chanire ordered made and expense account of $03.40 allowed. Application of Chas. Miller et al. for a new road district in Viola precinct denied. Ordered tbat the proposition of B. F. Linn to prepare road way, deliver and lay down and spike the lumber for plank' ing the Highland road at $7.50 perthous and be accepted and that the county judge be authorized to enter into con trast on behalf of the county, said work to be done under the supervision ofjhe road engineer. Keportof A. W, Cooke supervisor road district No. 1 approved and expense a count (or January allowed as follows: Labor $!0 75: supervision $0, Keportof W. II. Kmith, supervisor road district No. 2, approved and ex nense account (or Junuurv allowed as follows: Labor $132 05; material $29.04; supervision $.1. Report of I'.. J Carter, supervisor road district No. 3, approved and ex pense account (or January allowed as follows: Labor $10.25. Report of G, W. Prosser, supervisor rond district No. 4, approved and ex pen so account for January allowed as follows: Labor $193.80 material $8; sup ervision $0. Report bf county officers approved on the collection of fees as follows: Clerk $183.30; recorder $130. 20; sheriff $02.05. Bll.1.8 ALLOWED. t J ,L, Swafford, road work $ 12 45 J. W. Hinith, road work 42 50 Bullomy A Husch, supplies 90 Hob wan A Put row, supplies 7 60 Courier, printing 14 95 Portland Rostsurant 0 50 Jas. B. Early, pauper ac 1 75 Charman A Hon, pauper an 18 80 Geo. D. Barnard, printing 121 05 R. R. Alldredge, road ac 1 60 Pope A Co., road ac 6 00 Wilson A Co., road ac ; . 11 22 Jury list, J, P. dist. No. 2 7 00 Jury list, ' No. 3 7 00 Hlste vs. Algol Bengston Insane. 5 00 Htate v. K. W. Cressy, insane. . 10 00 Htate v. John V, Nicholson, " 60 (K) Htate vs. Fred Bourquin, crirnnal 21 01) Kuto vs. Isaac Uice, crliniml ... 15 15 Hlste v. I). W. fl'i'vard und J. R. liiirinilt, crirnnal H 20 Henry Hesse, Inquest 42 M Nohlitl's stable, lively hire '' 00 K. C. Maddock, sheriff1 ac 55.10 H, J. Dueckler, " not allowed K. W. Greenman, clerk ac 10 00 I). IS. llees dt Co., pailr ac. . . . . HI. Vincent hospital, pauper ac. . (.'all. Powder Co., powder Oregon City hospital, pauper ac. Irvin, Hoilsou A Co. record 1 J. P. Dist. No. 14, jury list W. II. Cooke, heriirj B. F. Linn, road ac . irilth A Dun, road ac 4 75 lfl 30 0 HO 04 20 13 4(1 7 00 4 61) 24 74 3 87 Mrs. C. A. Nash and Doralby Chase, work on tax roll 110 50 dlass A I'rinllioin.), printing 2 (X) Millard Hyatt, deputy sheriff. . 37 00 K, C. Muddock, sheriff ac Isaac lArkin, shenir ac H. M. Raiiishy, recorder ac Hlaie v. Oliver Keheidler crirnnal E. C. Larkin, heritTac notalld. Htate vs. J. K. Worthlngton O. W Vandcruhe court jiouseac J. C. Bradley, assessor sc F. K. Donaldson, grand jury wit. Noblitt's Htahlns. J. P. court exp. Hiale vs. F. Rowan crirnnal W. A. Huntley, aiationery C. G. Huntlev, pauperac II. H, Strange, deputy clerk R. Hcott, commissioner expense 3 days and 18 miles F. Jaggar, commissioner exense 3 days and 12 mile 8 40 8 00 M 60 20 85 35 00 18 25 152 00 2 20 15 (X) 12 75 37 02 11 15 10 00 !0 80 10 20 The Kermesse cigar is a decided suc cess. Ten cents value for five cents cash. E. E. William, the grocer. Ad Eventful Day fr Clackamas. In response to letter missive lent out, at request of Rev. I). R. Gray, at present in charge of the work in Clackamas, to the Congregational churches of Oregon City, Portland and Willsburg, council was held here today, comfosed of the following named delegates: Rev. C. F. Clapp, slate organiser of Congregational churches (or Oregon, Rev. R. A. Rowley, state superintendent Congregational Sunday schools, Rev. D. B. Gray, Con gregational city missionary (or I'ortlanu and vicinity, Rev. G. R. Wallace, D. D. of 1st. Congregational church, Portland, P. W. 6kinner. layman; Rer. J. J. Htaub, Snnnyside Congregational church, Mrs. D. F. Hollabaugh, lay delegate; Rev. G. A. Rock wood, of Willburg Congregational church, Rev. J. W. Cowan and Hon. C. H. Dye, 1st Congre gational church, Oregon City. The business of the council was to consider the matter of receiving into fel lowship the 1st Congregational church of Clackamas, recently organized In this plat. The first meeting waa called at 10 a. m., Rev. C. F. Clapp aa moderator. After the usual preliminary reading and examinations, the council adjourned to secret session. At 1 o'clock they were again called to order, Rev. Clapp .mak ing the announcement that the council had decided to receive the new church into the fellowship of Congregational churches. This announcement was fol lowed by an address of welcome to the new church by the same gentleman ; an address to the church by Dr. Cowan, c: address to the people by Dr. Wallace, and five-minute speeches by Rev, J. J. Staub, Rev R. A. Rowley, Rev. D. B. Gray and Rev. G. A. Roekwood. The ladies of the society served a din ner to the council at the residence of C. P. Ryckman. The organisation intends erecting a church in the spring, and hopes to call the Rev. D. B. Gray to the pastorate The church starts out with twentv five members snd has a verr hopeful outlook, as several others are contemplating tinning with it at an earlv date. Clackamas, Or., Feh. 7, 1895. Watch for Botany Bay at Shively's. A Rare Musical TreaU Audiences go wild over the Schubert quartette of Pacific University. This quartette, said to be the best in Oregon, s composed of four trained singers of reputation in the East as well as here. The first bass, Professor Francis E. Lloyd, is from the celebrated Princeton college doable quartette, popular in all the Atlantic states; the second bass, Prolessor Henry L. Bates, is of the Oberlin college glee club, that has sung from New York to St. Louis; E. E. Lar- more, the first tenor, is a student of Pa cific university and formerly leader of the Apollo club at Albany ; the second tenor, J. Wheelock Marsh, is an Oregon boy and formerly a nn-mber of the Phil harmonic society of Portland. If Oregon City audiences appreciated the colored singers, far more will they delight in en coring these handsome young men of culture and refinement at the Congre gational church Friday evening, March 1st, at the Longfellow Symposium. ' YUCCA. A toilet Boap made by a new process from the famous Mexican soap root with without tbe use of any animal fat. Has been used by the Spaniards and Mexi cans in its crude state for generations. An absolutely pure article. E. E. Williams, tbe grocer. Board and Rooms. Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, late of the Electric hotel have rented the large and commodious dwelling belonging to L: T. Barin on Main and Thirteenth streets and offer furnished rooms and table board, or' either one Be pe rate. Terms reasonable. La Kermeaxe. A 10 cent cigar for a nickel. Williams, the grocer. E. E. Prominent Visiter. The fit, Louis capitalists who have re cently been examining the various in vestment on the 6ound and especially the Heattle-Lake Washington canst, were in Porltand Tuesday and Wednes day looking over that city and Wednes day afternoon, in company with Pres, P. F. Morey and Manager H. W. Goode, of the Portland General Electric corn pany, came up to Oregon City to exam lne our great water power and the methods that are being used to develop it. They expressed themselves as sur prised at the magnitude of the fall of the Willamette and freely stated that they had not examined a property and been In a town that bad a brighter future than Oregon City with her l-nmense power, and her unsurpassed transporta tion facilities. The visit of ol such men as these Bt Louisans is an event that we may well be proud A (or they are shrewd, con servstive business men whose judgement can be relied on and (rorn whom a word of commendation for our city means more than idle flattery. The party were brought on a private car on the electric line and taken back on the Altona so as to afford them fuller view of the intermediate country between this city and Portland. A jolly crowd of young people, chap eroned by Mrs. T. A. Pope, took posses sion of the home of Judge Meldrum last Tuesday night. The party left here on the 7 o'clock car and soon arrived at the Meldmin residence, completely surpris ing and Charlie. Corn popping, cards, music and singing was indulged in, and about 11 o'clock a dainty lunch eon waa served after w.iii h the party re turned home. Those present were Jndge and Mrs. Meldrum, Mrs. T. A. Pope, Kate Ward, Pauline Campbell, Imo Harding, Laura Pope, Nettie Walden, Helen East ham, Eva Meldrum, Elma Albright, Alice Lewthwaile, Charlie Meldrum, Will Lewthwaite, Laurence Driggs, Charlie Pope, Thompson Mel drum, Leighton Kelly, Clare Campbell. Tbe boy' brigade of the Baptist church will give an entertainment followed by an oyster supper Friday February 15lb. There will be an excellent program of which the main feature will be a corapet atiye drill (or silver medal by the boys of tbe company. Private Gray has worn it once. The boy winning it three times keeps the medal. Friends of tbe brigade are asked to come and help the boys. Proceeds to be need in procuring uni forms Have you tried the minced sea clams yet? They are delicious. E. E. Williams, tbe grocer. You ought to know this: DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain instantly. It will cure badly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores, and a well known cure for piles. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Smoke the Kermesse cigar. E E. Williams, the grocer. A Des Moines women who bas been troubled with frequent colds, concluded to try an old remedy in new way, and accordingly took a tablespoon(ul (four times the usual dotie) of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy just before going to bed. The next morning she (ound that her cold bad almost entirely disap peared . During the day she took s (ew doses of the remedy, (one teaspoonful at a time) and at night again took a table spoonful before going to bed, and on the following moruicg awoke free from all symptoms of the cold. Since then she has on several occasions used the remedy in like manner with the same results and is much elated over her discovery of so quick a way of curing a cold. For sale by G. A. Harding( Druggist. Sudden change of temperature and humidity ot the atmosphere often pro duce disorders of the kidneys and blad der. Use Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm to check these troubles in their incipiency. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Imperial Egg Food will make your hens lay. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Home-made bread is recognized as tbe very best at all times and the cus tomers of J. Egle the Shively building baker assert that they can not tell the difference between his bread and that made at home unless it be that his is jiM a little the better. But don't tell your wife that. Busy people have no time, and sensi ble people have no inclination to use a slow renfedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent re sults. Yucca Root toilet soap will not chap the hands or face. ' E. E. Williams, the grocer. Smoke the KernieBe William, the grocer. cigar. E. E. Irrhorniug. Dehorning of cattle successfully done at Eastern prices bv K. H. Taber, Mt. Pleasant, or P. O. box 132, Oregon City. Imo Mrs. T. S. HawkinB, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalirer 'SAVED MY Life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excen. frlce 70 cents, ior feaieoy O. A. Harding. Smoke the Kermesse cigar, E. E. Williams, the grocer. BANKRUPTCY of the physical being Is tbe mult of draw ing incessantly upon the reserve capital of SCTTe force. The wear, tear and strain of modern life are concentrated upon the nerv ous system. The young men of onr day be come sufferer from nervous debility or ex haustion, nervous prostration or weakness. This may be the result of too much mental worry and excitement, or the result of bad practices and excesses, or pernicious habits, contracted in youth, through ignorance. They feel irritable, weak and nervous with such distressing symptoms a backache, dizziness, shooting pain in head or chest, sometime indigestion. The middle-aed men, as well, suffer from exhaustion, loss of manly power, low spirits, impaired memory, and many derangements of mind and body. The ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake when the overworked business man attempt to find rest in bed. The physicians and specialists of the In valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute devote their best energies to reclaiming and restor ing such unfortunate to health and happi ness. Tbcy bave written a book of 168 paire, treating of these maladies and setting forth a rational means of home-treatment for their cure. It is sent ucurcly ualed, in plain envelop, m receipt of lo cents fur postage. Address Wobld's Dispensasv Hkoical Association, No. 66t Main Street, Buf falo, N. Y. Reduction In Prices We are gointrto dispose of all our Vic Heavy weight Underwear Before warm weather catches us if Price is any object to you Heavy natural wool underwear, regular price 11.60 a suit, now 90c. Camels Hair, heavy, regular $2.00 now $1.60. Pure wool, heavy weight, regular $4.00, now $3.00. A new line of latest style in. .Collars At a popular price, 15c. Glass & Smyth. QEP AIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE IRIEIjIIBLE Watclnnaier N" Door to Btar aid Jeweler Work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked. MOTIOE1 NOTIOEIII l ""fimiipmvmmr- WE ARE NOW LOCATED AT Suspension Bridge Corner, and in order to acquaint yourself with our new location, are offering extraordinary bargains. We are determined to make our new Store The Cheapest Place in Oregon To do your Purchasing. The "Commercial. The best brands of Cigars and Fine Tobac cos. SMOKER'S SUPPLIES. No. 3, Commercial Bank Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance. LOWEST CASH PRICES- !N THE CITY- Blue Front Grocery. Seventh St. E. P. Elliott, Prop All New Stock, -:--:- Of Best Quality. FREE DELIVERY. A TRIAL ORDER ASKED. New Goods Modern Prices. The2 i orner Grocery. V; J Complete Btpck of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.ES Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. Oregon Steam Dye Works. Kendall & Slaozbter, Proprietors. Cor. Eight and Burnside Hit., Portland Oregon. Clothing cleaned, colored and repaired. Ladie' hawla and dreg guoda spec ialty. Faded clothing restored to its original color, to look like new. Satis faction guaranteed. Give ns a call. Work called for and delivered. KalabllHhcd C. 1. torn, PIONEER Transfer1 and te$n$$t Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drnjj Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS LXPERIEXCE W Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. 8. DRAKE. DENTIST. JJItroui Ozlds (U lor tbe palaieu extraction of teeth All work warranted tod price reasonable. Room 1 7, S and 9, eouthweit corner Pint and Tarlor streets. Clean A Cox'i old ilaud, Portland. Oregon. COLUMBIA. BOOK AND LADDER CO. Heeta first Friday of eacb month at Fountain engine bouse. Chas. Atrit, Pres, C. B. Pillow, See'j. Chas. Bitiir, I'ria., DS D. S STRYKER, DENTIST, HAS RK moTed to Odd Fellows' temole a. W. Cor. 1st and Alder, Portland, Oregen. E. PARKER, Proprietor. J. W. O'Connell, Ma'gr, Blocks 1