Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE EMTERl'HSE CORKESPOMi EXTS SW U V THE FIELD. ladlitn Mounds Discovered KxtensiK Cavern In lite Bluffe r the Oiicka nia interesting Mock Triul. Danasci', Feb. 11. We'are very thankful for tlie fair weather and are taking a1 vant age of it. It is frared, however, that it ia (he calm which precede a storm. SchiMl closed Wednesday after a four month'a term on account or the lack or Ilia Wherewith to continue. Some literary xercises aere given in the afternoon which were listened to by quite a number of pat rons ot the schools, - The grunge are expecting the Worthy Master J. Voorheea and the state lecturer A. F. Miller on the SWh or this month. We have a prosperous grange here with a large membership. Plans have been drawn for public ball to be built this summer by tlie grange. ills. Sptirgeon, lately from the East,. died Wednesday or consumption and was buried Thursday. She came here with the hope or benefit to her health. She Jeaves a husband and several small children. Mrs. T. Sohmidt has been quite sick lately, but is belter now. Mrs. Hak, who is suffering from a sprained ankle, caused by a tall, does not recover as fast as it is thought she should. '. Jt is feared that one or more or the small bones are fractured. A social dance was given at the residence orBooi e Jubnson Tuesday, which was en jqred by the young people present. Quite a large crowd was present Saturday HlgM al the second mock trial given by the literary society. This time it as a breach of promise suit in which J. 0. Elliott and A. Cole were attorney! for the plaintiff and .A. M. Lovelace was attorney for thedefend ant. The jury decided that damages were due neither party; that each should pay their own costs and begin their love mak ing over again, The rase was ably argued by the different attorneys, with considera ble wrangling over the technicalities to keen nw the interest. Mr. and Mrs. Royer visited Mr. Hevel at Gresliam last Sunday. Mr. Hevel ia dangerously ill with dropsy. Mm. Hilleary has been visiting at Fleas ant Home the past week. John Johnson bas been quite sick with the mumps. The doctor has been in at tendance upon bim for several days. The new borne or John Hilleary is at last completed. His liapinees would also be complete had he the housekeeper. Wm. Skirvain ei peels to return to Alaska soon to engage in bia work iu the salmon fisheries. Tbe Union school cloeed last Friday. Miss Forbes baa given general satisfaction and it is hoped she will be re-engaged in the apring. Mr. L. Eiefer, or Portland, bas been visit ing his brother the past week. Mr. 8ellwood, a lay member or the Epis copal chnrch, of 8ellwood, preached at tbia place last Sunday. It i not generally known by the anti quarians or our vicinity that the Indians ot this aei-tion threw up mounds, yet such is the fact. Near the home or J. Kingsbury are some rude piles of stone thrown up by the Indians for religious or other purpose. They might reveal, if excavations were made, facts of interest and value concern ing their customs and history. There are also a number of caves In the clifls above the Clackamas apparently of volcanic origin which have been explored for several hundred fret and seem to extend back much further. Here is a chance for some lover of adventure to distinguish himself. BANDY NEWS. House Burned and Family Left Destitute-Bar- low Toll Boad Wanted Opened. Bakdt, Feb. 10. Last Wednesday while Mr. Erickson and bia wife and son were in tbe city, and only the little children at borne, the bouse took fire near the ceiling and a moment after was in flames. Those at home were helpless and could not save anything, and the bonse and the entire con tents belonging to two families were con- teamed. There was no insurance on the ' bouse and it will be a total loss. It is a sad blow for Mr. Erickson. He ia poor with a . large family of children whose mother was killed several years ago by a logrolling over ' ier. These misfortunes leave the family in destitute circumstances'! -Our debates gfow lit Interest at every bieeting. Tbe question ror discusnion on Saturday, February 9 was, "Resolved, That women should have tbe right of suf frage equal with men." Tbe affirmative was led by Joel Jarl and tbe negative by Ed Brims. After two hours of lively talk the question was decided in favor or the af firmative. The question for next meeting is, Resolved, That the Chinese are more of a detriment to this country than saloons. After debate a spelling match was had and Bill Myers carried oft the prixe by spelling down the crowd, Mr. BBrkhard of Oregon City has bought the place of John Beautler, and it is said he will slash 100 acres and set 40 arras out in fruit trees. Still the road talk goes on as lively as ever and probably will continue for awhile. Whet will be one of the main topics of com vernation soon wiil be the choice of What road to Improve, as we have two roads be tween here and Pleasant Home. One is known aa "the old stage road" and the other as "the new road." But it seems to be the general opinion of the people to im prove the new road as it runs through the center of our settlement, is a half mile nearer, and has no hills while the other has, and for these reasons the new road should be tbe one to improve, and no doubt will be; but kicking ia sure to come from tbe residents along the old road. One Important matter our legislature abould not forget, and that Is for the state to purchase the Barlow toll road and make it free ror everybody to travel on. Tbe Installation of officers or the 8. orV. Camp No. 3 has been postponed till the 23l. Rev. Mr. Camming held church services every evening during tbe past week and Sunday Hit lOlli. After the services ro over the congregation will go down to tli IVep Creek mill point and witness the cer emony ol baptising. F. .A. Mclnlg la now rapidly Improving nd will won he at li in place ol business. I!AIKK. MOLALLA NKVYS. Twenty-six futigars Klllnl-Aecldeut blue Vitriol -evhool Closed. with Molalla, Feb. 11. Now who can call to mind a dryer and milder three weeks of mid winter than this of'tO. Farming Is ill progress as though wheat was going to be worth "$00 bushel." Molalla school ill clone tomorrow. Prof. Hovis and his pupils will give an exhibition Thursday night. R. T. Dibble will build a new dwelling house in the spring. Saw mills are becoming numerous about Molalla, and good lumber ran be had for M per M. John Bagley, having recently killed larg cougar (his twenty-sixth one) has gone back in the mountains to look lor a few more. John also killed three wild cats. Last Friday night the .Molalla literary so ciety bad a Joint debate at Teasel Creek with the Kussellville literary society. The question. Resolved, That tbe A. P. A. should be supported by thecitiietia of the United States, was discussed as follows: Molalla, affirmative, L. Stipp, Prof HjvIs, John Everhart and 0. D. Klv. Russellville, negative, C. W. Herman, Frank Raghy, W. H. Engle or Molalla. place of Rev. lloyles, and E. P. Carter. Messrs. Pavld Fox, Oeo. Adams and Wm. Dart were seleceed for Judges. Their decision was one fur tbe af- tirimtive. two ror the negative. In the ab sence or Mr. Critiden, the previously elected chairman, J. V. Thomas was elected chair man. The house was more than comforta bly filled, and It was altogether the liveliest time Teasel Creek has experienced for many a day. Next Friday night Molalla literary society will debate this question: Kesolved, That the study of the human mind Is or more benefit to the student than the study or the human body. Protracted meeting will begin at the M. E. chnrch, 8outh, at Teasel Creek this week and continue over two Sundays. Jesse Bagby, while applying a blue vitriol solution with a turkey feather to a wart on a horse, accidentally Hipped some In his eye which set him wild until relief came four hours afterwards. The Oregnnian will learn or see erelong that there are some few ' free siver voters," solid and honest, in Oregon besides "crazy populists." Everybody seems to admire "young" Rinearson'a straightforward behavior in the legislature. Wilsonvtlle. Wilson villi, Feb. 5. Farmers are clear ing up their hop yards preparatory to apring work. Asa Simmons sold thirty-two bales ot bops at f Of!. Tbey were the last lot or hops in this vicinity. Criswells bought the Chi namen out or their hop yanl this week. During the past week about 750 sacks or potatoes have been sjiipped from tbe sur rounding neighborhood to San Francisco. Amos Silvey's cabin w as broken into last Sunday and every thing or any value stolen. Parties commuting such deeds cannot ex pect to getoH many times without being found out. Mr. Butson has rented a place near Sher wood, where be exects to move soon with his lamily. M. H. Young and assistants are getting out a lot of 900 fish-trap pole-to be shipped to Alaska. We are glad to report that Mr. Hedrick's family are improving rapidly under the care or Dr. Ciesy. (i. B. Seeley and wile, who have been vis. king friends at Crawfordsville for the last two weeks, returned home today. Ed. Seely and family were in tbe neigh borhood Sunday visiting relatives. Our school clerk, Charlie Wagner, la very busy just now banting lumber for some kind of a new building. We haven't in quired into the particulars. He says he bas to put on one span of horses todraw the wagon and the other span to draw the lum ber. It must be a very urgent case that would induce a man to baul lumber over these roads. John Tyler and sister have returned to their place for a short stay. He wishes to finish some work that he left. Mount Pleasant Notes. Mourt Flxasaut, Feb. 6. Miss Minnie Joehuke spent last Saturday and 8unday at borne. On tbe evening or January 10th tbe Twi light Club was entertained at the residence or Mr. and Mrs. George Kidder with a par lor entertainment. Evidently all were en tertained. Outside guests present were Mrs, David McArthur, of New Era, Miss Maud Maddock.of Oregon City, And Mr. and Mrs, Kellogg, of White Hall. Saturday night, January 20, the Misses Anna and Emma Wilehart gave a "wish bone" party to the club which provedevery pleasant affair and amply repaid them their effort. Non-members or tlie club present were Miss Musa Barclay and Mr. Fancher or Oregon City. February 2 Mrs. Benjamin Hendritkson entertained the literary divis ion of the club at her pleasant borne, and Mr. Rutherford was initiated Into the mys teries or tbe society. Dr. Richard Partlow, or Baker City, has been witb bis brother William during the affliction or the latter. Eugene White, or Portland, was here for a short time hist Tuesday. The whole community are rendered sari by the painful incidents lately transpired at the Partlow home. The friends offer con dolence both to them and Mrs. Partlow's brothers and sisters. Vox Uumania. Logsn Locals. s Logah, Feb. 4. A little daighter has ar rived at the home of Julius Bush. All do ing well. Yesterday the Germans held services, and the orderly congregation was quite a con trast to the previous meetings. Rev. Teal and Rev. Hale who held serv ices in the Logan church for about three weeks, have gone. Tbe church was crowded Sunday week aa that wns to have been the farewell meeting, but a lew meetings have been held since. Next Friday evening is the dale I'or the closing entertainment of district No. 4, The teacher, Robert (ilnlher, has given general satisfaction and will doubtless make a suc cess of the event or the evening, School district No. 41) will also olose its term on the Mb.. The progrnm will consist or the regular monthly exercises in songs, recitations, etc., and will be rendered In the afternoon. There waa an enjoyable dance again last Friday evening. The crowd was small. It waa a surprise on the Tellerson boys, Lewis Hampton, who Is attending school at Wlllsburg, ,ald a visit to this vicinity on Sunday. He came to bid fttrevell to his sister, one of the I.ogan teachers, who will' go to her mountain homestead at the close of her school. Attrice Klrchem is a very progressive young man. He was struck by an Inven tion a week ago Saturday night, which of course Is a secret ; but we understand la ia a combination or light and shade as a motor power. I'kaku 1.ATKR NOUS, Looam, Feb. 11. ligan la as lively aa ever. j Mrs. J. Schuttle was tendered a surprise on Thursday evening, the occasion being ' her birthday. All had a most enjoyable time. We hone Mrs. Schuttle may have many more pleasant birthdays. The Logan literary society met on Satur day night for the joint discussion with the Hatcbrry society. The question discussed was, "Kesolved, That Intemperance ia the cause of more misery than wars, pestilence and famine." It was ably discussed and leaded unanimously in favor of the altern ative. Miss M. L. Hampton's school closed In district !M on Friday last. Quite a number of visitors were present, and tbey were all pleased to note the progress the children had made. Mr. Ginther'a school also closed on Friday with an interesting entertain ment. Misa Minnie Clark is visiting In Portland. Born, to tlie wife or E. B. Hawley, a ten pound boy. All doing veil. Also, born to the wile or Julius llusch, a girl. Ora Shade was kicked by a colt but for tunately was not seriously burt. Mrs. Reed baa been seriously sick with beart trouble. We are glad to bear she is improving. Mr. IHxIge had the mlslortone to get bis ankle dislocated and the small bone of his leg broken by a log rolling on it while be was rolling logs together. Dr. Soinmers was called to set the Iractured limb. Minnie Shumway has returned after a stay of two weeka with friends at Oregon City. Maud Salisbury, or Oregon City, has been visiting her uncle, M. Kiebhofl. Amy Magoon, or Oregon City, is visiting at Mr. Hhumway's. Good luck to you, Amy. PsAau Hnayrna Smacks. Smyrna. Feb. 11. Quite a number of onr farmers are plowing while some have sown oats and planted potatoes. The Primitive Methodists have been holding a series of meetings at the Samson school house during the past week. Mrs. A. J. Voder, accompanied by her little grand daughter, Maude Henly, waa visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ritchie, near (jervais, last eek. Joe liuibart is taking in tne sights at Portland this week. Quite a number of our young people at tended the funeral of Miss Gertrude flans- dell at the Rock Creek church last Friday B. F. Halladuy, wife and daughter, ac companied by Mr. Heater of Springbrook, Yamhill county, were among the congrega tion at Smyrna yesterday morning. The beautiful leather and good roads have permitted our Christiani Eudeavorers to resume their meetings sooner than an nounced heretofore. They had a success fill meeting last evening. Miss Maggie Sch warts and Ferry Voder were visiting their cousins, Ida and Henry Yoder, at tbe capital city last week, where the latter are attending the Willamette Uni versity, Cbas. Noblett, sen., 8. W. Hardesty and daughters Edith and Mabel, accompanied by Miss Katie Karstetter, attended the morning service at Smyrna yesterday. We congratulate Miss Edith upon her appoint ment as postmaster, and don't think we will have any trouble to send either of the boys for the mail hereafter. We do not pretend to be posted in the senatorial fight now on at the state capitol. But if we understood the issue aright In the last slate campaign, it was Dolph or Perm- over for the United Htates senate. If the free silver cranks and populists are to rule the legislature why not send Pennoyer to wasningtonr we don't think any one doubta his willingness to go. Jora. Park Plaoe Literary Society, Pars Place, Feb. U.-Last Saturday evening the two rooms or the Park Place school houa ware thoroughly filled when the meeting was called to order by the vice president Fred Straight. The first thing on the program was the debate. The ques tion was "Resolved, That church property be. taxed equal with other property." The affirmative side of the question consisted or Mr. Morse, Mr. Close, Mr. Hargraves and Jesse Faubain, and the negative Bide James Matheson and Fred Smith only. Through the courage showd by Ma'theon in deletiding his side of the quMflon against these able bodied men, the judges rendered , their verdict in 'avor of the negative. A very good prograM Consisting of solos, duets, recitations and readings were given. On next Batnrday evening a joint debate between Cross' Logging Camp Debating Society and the Park Place literary society will taKe place. Tbe question debated will be-"Resotved, That women should have the right or suffrage," the Logging Campde Tiatfng society taking the affirmative side or question. The Park Place literary society bas been and will continue to be of great benefit to the people or Park Place. Every body come next Saturday evening and listen to the back-woodsnren Trom Cross' logging camp debate against tbar students or the Park Place high school. Fred Haroiuvij, See. Dr. Price's Cream Biking Powder WHd-s Pair HlgtMrt 'Medal- aM Dlpkaa. Bargains! Bargains! ODDS & ENDS In various departments and for the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell them Regardless of Cost. We have a large stock of bargain. Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. Dexter - -Dlatnoud, -Lauce Crescent Wedges (warranted.) BAS Proof Chains. Arcado Files. Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, ...... Hood View Yliluni. Hood View, Feb. 12 Capt. and Mr. W. P. Short, of Portland were visiting among ua recently. The entertainment given by Misa 8. M. Graham, teai hur at Correll Hick school waa a great auccesa. Hood Viuw Congregational church took on their book the names of six new members Sunday evening. tirandpa Zumwalt, Little Norma and Jolmie HiM-ncer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard linker and ncvituI others uie on our sick lint ilim week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hculy are home attain. Mrs. Hccly'n health Im irreutly improved. Joseph Koherta, of Salem, formerly of thin plncp, ia spending a few weeks villi liia parent Mrs. Vena Short, of Portland la with her parent this winter. The family of G. T Hedrlck baa taken the whooping cough the pant week. The literary program gotten u, by the pupils of Mm Hickinbothi'm'a school and rendered ty them Friday, waa aom thing the young people of the school can well be proud of. Again death his cluimerl another pure knd loving soul as an angel to Join thai throng in heaven. Mii-s Angle, aued 12 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Vinson, died at their home Monday the 4th, after a lingering illneas of some seven or eight weeks. xink mui. Mirk, Feb. 12. Al. Iifrrlngton had a lively runaway 4 week axo about one mile Shove the xst ollloe in our neighborhood. ru- i i i i . . lint Mr. HarrlnirtonoutorihewLrf.nsn,lrai away, scattering all tbe contents bf the 1 wagon on the highway, comprising butter ! eggs, chickens, elo. The horses ran about three quarters of a mile, tearing the waROh I all to pieces, when r,ne horse fell down and broke his legs, Chas. Mwhnke, of Tualatin, "was out on hi farm lant week. " Rdlng in our lat week's ' paper that sW'kehotue thieves are "(retting quite nu-his-ouNeln diflVrent neighl.orlioods, we can say they are here well si anywhere ele Some thieror tt'Wee helped themselves to tH there was. In John Moehnke's smoke house. Yon make no mistake when you take Ie WittB Little Early Kisers (or bilious neB, dyspepaia or headache, oocause theHe little pills cure them. C. ?. HanCley, druggist. "Will's seeds are good; Likewise 'IiIb irest) and plants. Twelfth annual nta lofrie now ready, is full of tbingw 'that will interest you, among which are ftxcaline the new forage plant, Great Northern Ilean, seventy day corn, first of all peas and golden qupen onion. Hardy fruit andforewt trees at hard times prices. (25 in prizes for best yield of com. Oscar 11. Will, Bismark, North Dakota . Ladies hair trimmed In the ' latest style at Sloper's barber dhp. Odds and Ends! We have finished stock taklnsr and find we have a number of (roods ordered for the Spring and Summer trade and need all the aval'ablo space. Call in and secure a genuine CASH HAKIGIIOKST & COMPANY, 161 Front Htreet. f HARDWARE I " 1'wtlai.d, Oregon. NortbwMisru Asenla for ATKIWS Occident Tuttletooih VIOLA VOIflNUH. Kleetlon or Bands school Ofueers-PlraMnt surprise Party-Uevlval Meetings. Viola, Feb. 12. The fine weaiher we have been having for this time of year has dried ftp the roads considerable. K. Miller has Imm very busy tin past two wiN-ka with his stump machine, Ink ingotit a num'ier of atum which will improve the looks of his farm very much. Mm. S. M. Shil's is very sick. Smith I.uiey ia improving and it is to b hoped be will soon lit ahlo to bo around. liev (iille't bus been holding a revival at Kedland the pint week, and x meet ing with grand snores The M. K. Sunday school organised a short time ago is progressing nicely. The young pncple are taking an Intereal in thewoikand attending regularly. The officers are G, Hickenhoihoin, supt., J. M. Hagdon assist, nipt., G. Iloliyinor fr Jasurer, and C. B. Ward secretary. Judge Phelps has enclosed his garden with a picket fence. Mr Walker has Improved tiis place with ft picket fence. William Rutherford and wife went to Portland luHt Friday to visit frinude. 8. HauiHilen lost one of his work horeei on the lltli. A pleasant surprise party vM gvi,n A. L. Mattoon and wifo 'mt Hatrd,iy evening. Dancing r,a, tllt order of the evening. ' Kef'.ef)hmoni8 bulng served at 12 o'clock when the party broke up. A pleasant time was had by all present. Dusv Bbk. ' Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II 8tttntOn'b Femaline, the Famous Female fipftcittc, will cure all those aches anil pains peculiar to you, and Will coat you only $1 for one month's treatment? I will send any hidy a trlul hm, free, who will I send me the names and giMroHHea Of len ladies who are In delicate health. Agents wanted everywhoie. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, Deleim, Ore-Kn- Bat klen's Arnica NulVe. The best salve In the world 'for Cuts, BrtfiHes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Borwt, Tetter, Cbapfied bands, "CliillilnlnB,CornH, and all Skin Krup- 'tlorrs, nr! positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect Hat isfaction Or money refunded. ForflUle by Charman A Co., Churman Bros. Bloclt. Hard times Prices. ,'fi. F. Scripture has reduced the price of horso shoeing to $1.50 per horse nntil further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many years experience Insures -fii-at-clana work. 7 lave yon tried the minced sea clams yet? Tbey are delicious. Y.. E. Williams, the grocer. 1 -lvslr La nee. -Hilts' Steel Ropo. Creoent Mee WILSON A COOK An ajrmcahle Taratlvw and Nrrvs Tonro. Bold by prumTtsta or sent by nalL Ko, Wu. And tl-OOpwpa'kaire. HanipUo trae. KONOi The famed VflCT fOVMl ' lor the Tooth and iiroaUi, k For e it- l.y G A Harding, tlrugulst. pARMHRS . . . Your team will linvo tlio bowt of cure and Full Measure of Feed City S.'aiblea. tflrl4 JL Wllllor- wa WW IIIIUI g i Props., H. Cooke. HuccvKMor to ,i w. Livery I iff on Bhort Notices no Independent. NEW YORK. A ItrllgloiiM Literary anl I'nmlly ftewspaisrr. Undeiiomlnstlonsl, nnhlsnmt ami Impartial. A psper tor clersymeu, scholars, lenehers, tiiialnuss men and turn 1 11 en. It ills cuse every tuple nt the itsy rv llsloua, Iheolnulcal, imilihml. literary, seclal, artist n nml snieiiune ii eolitrlb- Uled srtlolea are hy the mimleinliieut writers of the Kuillah lniiiae. It employs sperlsllats and dlntlumilahed writers ssedltorsuf Its twenty one llopartinauti, ss follows: Literature, Hclenoe, Miilc, Fine Arts, HmlHry, Mimdous, keligliiua Intelll enee, llliilleal Itenrsreh, Hcliool nml College,, i'emoniils,, 'Killtnrlnl, News of tlio week, HuniltyH"hnnl, Mlnlsternl neslMcr. financial. Iiimirsnce. Old Hint yoiinu, IVMilrwj farm and (lurduii, Odd Knots. A paper psrtlciinlnrly titled for liiwy rs doc tors, clorirymen, thime ensured in bin.liiei, yniiiig people ol birth exe, men slid women who read and think for thomsalve. A paper especially vsluntils for those inter ested In Pine ru, Science, Music A paper jrlvlnir vslmihln Inliirmatlon upon Finance, Life Iimtiranr.i, Commerce paper for Hundty-Hchnol Works, those wbu have a F' rm, 'arden nr House flarta A piper I fir the family, old and young. Its yearly subscription Is 13.00, or at that rale for a'lypartof ayrar. Clnlnof Ave, 12.00, cb Specimen! Copies free. A. If. h. COUNCIL NO. 4, Meets on the first and third Fildayain esnh month at K. of V, hall, Visltlnr members al ways welcome. A. W. FaAsca, Pres. CATAKACT IIOHK CO. No. X Meets second Tueiday of eanh month at Cat aract F.nlne bonne. W II. llowai.L.Pres O. II. ilsnTow, Heo'y. J. W O'C'onnkm. F'rn FALL8 KNUAMPHKNT, No. , 1.0. O. F Mnels flmt aid third Tuesdays of each month, at Odd Fellows hall. and vlslU'ig patriarchs, cordially invited to attend. i. A. BTEWAKT, W. II: ilOWKLI Bcribe. chlot Patriarch. J 10 row cu it mu l not t'i'tj I