Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 01, 1895, Image 2

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I'nsatisrartory Mall Service Huihllnir
a Public Hall Wheat Winter Free
Ins Itrownell Censured.
Maxoow Brook. Jan. 23. -The alteration
in the Meadow Brook mail schedule, where
by our mail leaves Oregon City at 8 instead
of 10 A. M. works quite hardship on the
citiiens along this star route, as since the
change our Oregon and California newspa
per which heretofore reached us on Friday
are now delayed until Monday. Now, as
the days are getting longer, we hope most
earnestly the schedule will be changed to
the former time.
A young lady has come to make her home
withG. W. Kistner and wife, and George
wears a smiling lace and his hat on the
back of his head.
Several of our neighbors are sick with
J. II. Wright's little five-year old girl is
quite ill.
These frosty nights are freezing out con
siderable autumn sown wheat and agricul
turists here are praying for the breaking up
of this cold snap.
Lewis rendleton, of Canby, was visiting
his parents here last week.
George Williams and John and James
Comer have purchased of Lewis Calllhan
cedar timber to make two hundred thousand
Sierer Ramsby is the recipient of the full
amount of his insurance from the Stale In
surance Co. of Salem on his barn and con
tents which were destroyed by fire some
three weeks since.
The masculine members of the Canyon
Creek F. A. and I. V. lodge No. Sii have
been busy during the last two weeks build
ing hall on the farm of D. Robeson be
tween Meadow Brook and Colton and ex
pect to have it completed in time for an al
liance exhibition on St. Valentine's day, 7
P. M.
Charles and George Robeson are working
on their contract to cut one hundred thous
and feet of saw logs for Pave Anderson.
D.Robeson is putting up a plank fence
along the side of his field which greatly im
proves the appearance of his already neat
We thought out here that our Hon. Geo.
C. Brownell was a friend to silver. We see 1
our error. No friend of silver could supiort
that notorious tool of corporations and the
gold bugs, J. S. Dolph! Piuenix.
Saady Sayings.
8abpy, Jan. 26. As your correpondent
has been silent for some time I will try now
to give a few items.
The weather of the past few weeks has
been generally good and farmers have been
very busy clearing and othervis taking ad
vantage of it.
The High Forest Debating Society has
started up anew after being closed down for
three weeks on account of the prevalence of
the mumps and bad weather. Last Satur
day night the crowd was not so large as
usual, but the occasion was an enjoyable
one. The question debated was, "Resolved,
That moilern improved machinery is a det
riment to this country." The affirmative
was led by K. F. Brims and the negative by
&. Jonsrude. The discussion was short but
earnest, and was decided in favor of the
negative. At the close of tbe debate the
literary exercises were opened with a erect
ing song bv the choir, followed
bv recita-
tions, readings and songs, all rendered in
an excellent manner. The question for de
bate at the next meeting is, " Resolved,
That the Indians have had more cruel treat
ment from the hands of the whites than
tbe negroes." The following! officers were !
elected: President, L. Huglnm; vice presi
dent, Bert Jonsrud; secretary, OlafMickle
son; treasurer, R. Jonsrud, marshal, H.
Brunner. A spelling match will be had
next Saturday instead of the usual literary
Crist Eria, of Corvallis, is visiting bis
folks here.
Ed. Bruns has been spending several
weeks in Portland.
Frank McGugin has left to attend college
in Portland.
Warren Donahue has taken a course in
the Fairview business college.
Miss Anna Cooper has returned home
from Astoria.
Miss Annie Mam power, of Clackamas,
has opened school in district No. 19.
8andy school, district No. 46, will open
next month.
John Collath is engaged to teach the
Sandy Ridge school.
Miss Mary Jarl has returned from Port
H-nry Henecker is at home visiting his
A dance was given last Saturday night at
the residence of Mr. Stevens, and all pres
ent seemed to have had an enjoyable time.
A pork and beans supper will be given by
the G. A. R. and 8. of A. at their instal
ment of officers February 9th. A good
time is anticipated.
J. M. C. Miller, our prosperous merchant,
will clear twenty-rive acres In the spring on
his two hundred acre farm. He will also
build a residence near his place of business.
Joel Jarl, postmaster and storekeeper at
Kelso, is making a trip to town every week
and always has a load of farm produce to
take down. Such are the storekeepers who
do a good business now.
Bandy people are in a little better humor
since the county court discontinued the
road bosses and appointed an engineer to
superintend our pnblic highways.
Bandy taxpayers and voters are looking
head with flattering prospects of getting a
plank road tbrongb here.
The new Portland road is now entirely
blockaded since the storm and not a team
bas been on it since. Remember that this
is our main public thoroughfare. Isn t such
a road a disgrace to this community? The
time has come that something should be
done on our roads; and if not done soon
here we might as well sell out and go where
they have better roads.
F. A. Meinig, who has been afflicted tbe
Jast month with what has been pronounced
.foutin his feet, is rapidly Improving and
his many friends will be very glad to see
him out again.
Gilbert Kpperson suddenly expired here
on the pith ol January of heart failure. He
was an old pioneer, having come to this
county In I!. nrgt family mourn his
loss. Ho was laid to rest lust Thursday In
the Sandy Kidge cemetery. Uiunita.
Logan Local.
Loo an, Jan. 27. Casper Moore's baby
died Sunday morning and was buried Tues
day. The attendance at the funeral was
quite large. Mr. Giuther dismissed his
school to attend. 0. IX Robbins spoke a
few words. Mrs. Moore w as almost crated
with grief.
Mr. Moore has sold thirty acres of bis
place. ,
Hattie Newklrk Is paying a visit to her
sister in Milwaukee,
Charlie Wilson has returned to his home
stead in Washington.
Bert Foster has gone to Kastern Oregon.
Mrs. Young and daughter, from across
the Clackamas, are visiting Mrs. James
Brown and Mrs. Joe Kirchem.
Tom McCubbin was given a surprise Frl.
day night. The hours were spent in danc
ing. The debating society held a very interest
ing meeting Saturday evening. The two
Logan pedagogues who attended the Park
Place teachers meeting hastened back to
take part on the program. A large crowd
was present. The question, "Resolved,
That Intelecteal Culture Promotes Mor
ality," was decided in favor ol the negative.
The literary program was well rendered.
Tom Watts, from the Hatchery, assisted
with a song ami speech. The Logan Leader
by O. P. Robbins was long and lively. On
February !th, the Hatchery society will
meet the I.ogan in joint debate on "Re
solved, That Intemperance Causes More
Misery than War, resilience and Famine."
Redland News.
RsPt.Asn, Jan.. TO. There will be an elabo
rate school entertainment at Redland school
house on Friday, the 15th of February, j
Miss Tavlor, the tearher, is preparinga very
Interesting program. Further particulars
will lie given next week. .
The tax-pavers of school district No. 75
met on the 2Sth inst. and voted a two-mill
tax t pay the interest on the district'sdeht.
Grandma Berkey's sister, Mrs. McCarter,
of Illinois, is visiting her. It is nearly 20
years since they parted.
II. 1). Johnson had a runaway whileconi.
ing home from Oregon City. His wagon
was completely w recked and he was badly
bruised up. He is slowly recovering, how
ever. Alfred Sprague, sen., recently lost a horse
from lung fever. -Merrill Campbell also lost
a horse yesterday. He is very unfortunate
in this respect, as he has lost three horses in
a little over a year.
Do not forget the free lecture at Redland
hall next Friday, the first of February, hy
Dr. One, the presiding elder of the M. E.
Mrs. Kritchcvsky has gone to Portland
to remain the balance of the winter.
Mike Shank has let a twenty acre con
tract of grubbing to W. Carpenter.
Leland District.
Inland District, Jan. 2.-The weather ;
has been clear and cold the past week. j
Winter oats look well yet, but if this
weather still continues there is danger of
their being frozen out.
There will I a pie social at I.eland schiol
house Friday evening. March first. The
pies will be sold at auction. Archie Mc-
C'ord will ad as auctioneer. Kverj body in
vited to attend.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
Thomas is quite sick at the present writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller snt Sunday
at New Era with Mrs. Miller's mother
Walter Rider and Archie McCord have
finished their contract of grubbing for Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall have gone to Salem
to Snd a number of days w ith friends.
Mr. Dines and family have left their
farm and gone to Portland to live. He
wants to rent the farm to some one.
Damascus Doings.
Damascus, Jan. 28. Mrs. Hawk fell
from a fence and sprained her ankle very
badly a few days ago. We sincerely hoje
it will not prove a serious injury.
Mr. D. Farr is, at present notice, quite
Mrs. Wilbur, of Molalla, ia visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Osmon. She will
return to her home next week.
Miss Eya Bates, of Oregon City, ia at
home on a short visit.
The young people of the literary society
will have another "mock trial" next
Saturday. This time it will be a suit for
breach of promise of marriage.
Rev. Hedges, of the Free Methodist
church, preached last Sunday.
Fay, the little daughter of Mrs, Boone
Johnson, bas lately had the mumps, but
is now convalescent. There have been
several cases over about Uresham.
Miss Eugenia Mortor expects to return
to McMinnville in about two weeks.
Uarfleld Glimmerings.
Garfield, Jan. 23. The weather is rainy
at this date, but stock and grain look well so
far. A few horses ase sick but none bad.
John Marshall is the biggest little man In
Garfield if he doesn't stand but four feet
tall. It is boys two of them, and mother,
John and boys all doing well. Two more
votes for the republican party!
Saturday evening, tbe 10th of January,
Mrs. Doo Palmateer and her brother, Henry
Epperson, of Garfield, received the sad
news of the death ef their beloved aged fa
ther, who died quite suddenly at the old
borne place on Bandy Ridge, the 19th inst.
We bad a very pleasant party at the resi
dence of J. Irvin on the evening of the 22d.
Our worthy school superintendent gave
hlssisteer, Mrs. Wm, Palmateer, a pleas
ant visit Wednesday of this week.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
World's Fair Mlghsst Medal and Diploma,
11001) Y1KW NOT ICS,
Hondsmen llehl for Hissing Heboid Fuml
hailly Afflicted Faintly.
Ilooi) Vitsw, Jan. 17. Miss Frank
Graham spent Saturday and Sunday In
Miss Hollo Jones rondo Oregon City
and the school superintendent a visit
this week.
Little Stella 1. Soly, who bo recently
had her leg broken is speedily recovering.
Miss Angio Vinson is again very low,
and there is said to Ik) no hope (or her
Mr. and Mrs. George Seely have been
spending a few week with Mr. Seely'a,
brother and family at Newberg.
Mrs. Molston, formerly of Newborn, ;
but now ol Redland, has been visiting
her aged mother at Champoeg.
The Suss brothers are making unite a
show in the cord wood business.
School will reopen Monday at Pleas
ant Hill with Miss Belle Jones at the
helm. The school has lioon claused some
time on account of the missing school I
clerk, but as no trace of him cut) be j
found the bondsmen have to furnish the l
missing funds which is some 1:I0 or!
UO. That is pretty tough these hard j
times. !
School in the new school House at :
Huttevillo commenced Monday with
Prof. Pyltiad as principal and one assist
ant. The grand masquerade ball at Butte
villo the 21th inst., given by the Misses
Mathews was a grand succew so voted
by all present at the ball of the season.
The religious meetings which are be-'
ing held here are doing a wonderful
amount of good as they have called about
fifteen new souls to the Cross and still
they continue to come pledging their
word to ever bo His followers. I
The family of II. T. Iledrick are very '
j low with lung fever,
There has already
j two of the family died and four more are
; very sick. Satur.lav afternoon death
'claimed Charley, the oldest son, aged I
lti, Bind Sunday the oldest daughter,
I Miss Mable, was taken. Mr. Iledrick j
is a native of Ulnoia and has only been I
here a few vears and has no relatives I
and but few intimate friends ow ing to j
his short slay among us. Mrs. II and
the baby, aged two years are very low j
while Mr. II is some better. There is I
not much change in the second son,
Kind friends and neighbors and lr.
Wn. Uh'sy, of Aurora and lr, Cnssick,
of Tualatin are doing all in their power
to comfort and help the sick and sor
rowing. Anna.
Debatlnc society Judges Floored by
Knotty VuestloD-Hlrthilay Party.
Caki-s, Jan. 1'H. After such fine
winter weather we should have an early
A number of sick horses in this vicinity.
Klmer Armstrong living on the
Worsham place lost a horse with
staggers. Mr. Paine has two sick with
the same disease also II. 0. Inskip has
Clias. T. Howard of .Mulino lost a
valuable work horse last night by ac
cidently falling down the blutr and
breaking his neck.
On January 22 Mrs. London gave h. J
party in honor ol her son Moe being bis
twenty-first birthday . Quite a nuinlier
of young folks gathered together and
enjoyed a pleasant evening eating birth
day cake and listening to vocal music.
Miss Kittie Uuyer who is staying with
the family ofMr. and Mrs. Hickman of
Oregon City was at home Sabbath visit
ing her parents
E. H. Cooper is kept busy this winter
grubbing and clearing out his farm
bought from Dr. Goucher.
The literary debating society meets
at Union hall every Wednesday evening.
Last week the question was "Resolved,
That Fire is More instructive to the
Human Race Than Water " The prin
cipal speakers were J. L. Thomas, John
Helvey John Burns, Halsay Phelps,
Bud Smith and Ben Officer. The judges
were Fred Ilembrook, Eugene Faulkner
and George Rauuh The question was
so evenly discussed that the judges were
tinaVde to decide. We had quite a large
literary program after which it was de
cided to edit a paper in connection with
the society to be read every two weeks
and Is called the Umbrella. The first
issue will be read February Cth. Benj.
Officer was elected editor and he has a
large staff of reporters who will make
the paper both instructive and interest
ing. Juniata,
Kagle Creek He.wi.
Eaiji.e Chbkk, Feb. 1. Chas. Ballon,
Bert Stafford, Fred Wilbern and Miss
Lena Reimer were the guests of Miss
Maud Jaques last Monday week.
Ben Shull has gone to Canby to see his
brother Ed. He has spent about three
weeks np in our neck o' the woods visit
ing old friends and relatives.
Born, to the wife of John Marshall,
two boys. Mother and boys doing fine.
Egbert Foster lias sold two ol his sonel
horses and harness ; he got a good price
for his team considering the price of
horse-flesh nowadays.
Miss Delia Glover has returned home
after an absence of about four months.
She has been staying with her sister,
Mrs. A. C. O'Neil, who resides at Van
couver, wash.
There was asocial dance at Jim Ander
son's last Thursday night. A very en
joyable time was had.
Saturday night the debating society
In various departments and
for the next THIRTY DAYS
we will sell them
Regardless of Cost.
Carlton &
- -Lance
VJ ii
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) W S Proof Chains. Arcade Files, liope. Crescent Meo
Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City Agent, - - - - - - WILSON A COOK
met as usual. The question lor discus-
.sum was: Kesolvcd, That Pride Causes
More I'tiliappiness than Poveity." After
a warm discussion the judges decided in
favor of t lie negative. The next ques
tion will be, "Hesolved, That Modern
Machinery is IVtritnental to all Laboring
Classes." An excellent literary program
always follow s the debate, and everybody
is invited to step in and piss an evening
with us.
John Freeuuin has returned home after
an absence of several weeks.
Bert SUH'ord was trying the roads again
j last Sunday between here and Oregon
C i t -. lie says, "I like to ride over these
j roads ; it is so exhilarating."
Robert IVvine's cheeiful fmn limy be
at,.n in lliu utnra tl in ni lollv uu nvur
and everybody is glad to shake hands
Wltll 1)1111. Jon Lots.
Csnhy I'lilllngs.
Caniiv, Jan, 21) A. A. Rosenkrans,
who has been visiting his brother for
the past two months, left for his home
in Michigan on Tuesday morning intend
ing to go by California and the southern
A little boy was born to the wife of
D.J. Parmeter one day last week.
The ladies of the Christian church
gave an oyster supper in Knight's hall
on Thursday evening of last week.
Tje dancing club will give a dance in
Knight's hall on the evening of the 11th
of February.
A grand ball will be given in Knight's
hall, on the evening of the 14th. In con
nection with it there will be a valentine
letter box into which every one can put
their valentines,
i ...... . i n..,i i ..:n i. tA
the young people in the M. E. church 1
on either Tursday or Friday evening of
this week.
Mrs. Munroo, of the W. C. T. U., will
lecture in the M, E. church on the even
ing of February 4th.
Miss Nona Crouse, of Albany, is visit
ing her parents for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery were visiting their
daughter, Mrs Johnson, of Molalla,
several days last week.
Miss Lou Knight was In Portland
several days this week.
Carl Ehret returned home from Salem
last week.
George Knight made a flying trip to
Portland on Monday.
Ella Knight returned home from Port
land Friday evening.
Will Weed is home for a few months
from Astoria where he has been during
the winter.
Several of the young ladies of Barlow
were seen on our streets last Sunday.
Our school will close next Friday after
a successful term of four months".
Joseph Knight was in Oregon City
D. J. Cox returned to Oswego last
Misses Rowen and McDaniel attended
Odds and Ends!
We have finished stock taking
and find we have a number of
We have a large stock of
goods ordered for the Spring
and Summer trade and need
all the avai'able space. Call
in and secure a genuine CASH
151 Front Street. HARDWARE I Portland, Oregon.
NorHi w.tc'rn Aleuts fur
Occident Tultletooih - . Peiier Lunce
il at I M V' V n"'V" ' I', i 'i'',;:.u.'Lki
the touchers' association at Park Place
last Saturday.
Pon't forget the drama to lie given
under the auspices of the ( iood Templars
on Saturday evening February 2d. Ad
mission 2.V. Children under 10 years I(V. j
llsniivllle Items, ;
Wn .mvii.i.k. Jan. 2'. It still continues
to frcee hers nighls and thaw during Ih,'
ilny. All are wondering whether tills
weather will end III snow or rain. j
There is imt a great deal being done hern
just now, exiepling that the tanners slill
continue to hii poiaiis's. About Inosai ks
j Irom the iirrnndliig neighborhood wrii
shipped this .ek
Mr. Tiiinhman is silling quite a good
deal or woO'l to the hoals Just now, Suss
brothers are also culling cord wood nod
ougregallonalists are holding a re
vival meeting which, we understand, is be
ing largely attended and much Interest
shown. The meeting are conducted by i
Revs. Mr. ami Mrs. Ilarher.
Saturday afternoon Charlie liendrieks,
aged alKiut HI years, died. He was buried
Sunday afternoon. About one half hour
alter the funeral a sister, about i'i or I I
years of age, died, besides these there are
the father, mother, and two ol the children
In a critical condition. The doctors pro
nounce the disease lung fever.
There tins lieen considerable sickness of
one kind and another in this vicinity lor the
last few weeks.
Horn, January 2s, to the wife of S. II.
Seely, a sou.
The A. 0. U. W. held their regular meet
ing last Saturday night.
Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II.
Stanton's Femaline, the Famous Female
Specific, will cure all those aches and
pains peculiar to you, anil will cost you
ony ,or one month's treatment? I will
Ben'1 lft,1y ,rU1 b,,x' fr"e' wl, wil1
, senu me me names ami addresses oi ion
ladies who are in delicate health. Agents
wanted everywhere. Write for full par
ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager
wholesale western depot, Delena, Ore
gon. Ilucklcii'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Rait Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman & Co., Charman
Bros Block.
Hard times Prices.
H. F. Scripture has reduced the price
of horso shoeing to (1.50 per horse until
further notice. All work at bottom
prices. Many vears experience insures
first-class work.
For Sale or Trade.
For Improved Oregon City property,
91?4 acres 2 miles east of New Era, h
miles south ol Oregon City. For partic
ulars and price inquire of or address,
J. M. Finijlkv, New Era, Oregon.
Canby, Or.
v - I
-Hllve' Heel
' t-
r.V ' '
An atrrrvmtilji I ml Iua Kwwm Tnwm
Sold hr Druggist or sent by mall. ttOnblM.
and f 1.00 per package. Hampuia free.
irrt TI f The Farorlto TD5TH mr
IIVJ IlV(ortbo'l'eetbandlinwUi,lo
For sail' bv I i A Harding, druggist.
Vmir tcillll W ill IlllVC till! In'Ht
of cure ainl
Full Measure of Feed
At Hie
City StnblcH.
Kldd & Williams, Props.,
H..ccr-rt.. v. H. Cooke.
Livery Iligs on Short Notice.
The Iiidopcndont
A ltell(loii l.lleriiry hikI Family
llnitennmliisllmisl, iinhlae1 and Impartial. A
paper fur elervyiiien. aelmUrs, liriier,
men ami (smllles. It ills
cusses every tuple til the ilajr rv
llslims. Ilieiiliivlesl. political,
literary, social. artlsMe and
sclenillle It., contrib
uted articles ri hy
the mnatoiiiliiiMil
writers ill the
K ii 1 1 1 h
It employs speelsllala and dlitliifiilihert
writers aneilltors of its twenty oiie Depart ineuls.
as follows:
l.lternturn, Helenne, Mu.ln,
Fine Aria, Hanlniry, Missions,
l(el(loua IiiU'IUli'iico,
lllhllesi It.'M'Hrcli,
School ami CoHeire,
Kilitorlnl, Newaof the week,
Mlulaternl l("Kltcr.
riiiaiii'lnl. Iiumranee.
Old mid yuiiuii, I'iiIiIiIiis,
Farm ami (Isnluu,
Odd Kmita.
A psner partieiialarly flttcitj or lawyers don
tnra, Rlersymeii, thoae eiiKaaed In luluea,
yoiniK people of both sexes, men and women,
who read and think fur tlieinaelvsa.
A paper oaenlally valuable, for thine Inter
ested In Fine . ru, science, Musln.
A paper ylvlnir valuable Information upon
Finance, Mfe Insurant',), Commeree
' paper lor Sunday Hchnol Works, those Who
have a Farm, "arden or llouaei Plar.ta
A paper fur the Inmlly, old and younir.
Its yearly subscription Is :i.00, or at that rat
for say part of a year.
Clubs of live, 12.00, each.
Bneclmont Copies Free.
M"t on the Drat and third Fridays In each
mouth at K. ol P
imii, viamnir members al
A. W. Fsanck, Proa.
ways welcome
Meets second Tuesday ol each motilh at Cat
aract F.ifc-ln house. W. 11. Howai.i, Prra
O. II. JUbtow, Heo'y. J. W O'Connkll, F'rn
.. ".'! DT.1 Lhl,r,'' Tuesdays nl each month,
at Odd Fellows hall. Mum her a and vIsitluK
patriarchs, cordially luvlteil to attend
8orlle. Chief Patriarch.
J A. , I'. 11, aj