Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1895)
PEHSONAL NOTES. J, A. CIiiihk, of Turk I'liini, In in Kulmii oil liiilni's thin wi'i'k, A, H. Prt'KKfr went In Hiilmn WwIimim- (Itiy l Nlll'llll lo H lltlll In w llllllll'rM K, I'. I'rlgH Mnlil to HmIkiii Wiuliii'H iliiy kvi'iiIhk on biiimii law inuitiTK nml to Wlllll'NM tllll Bolllltnlllll rlllllnat, Miii Aildio 1'iiM-y, who Iiiih lioi'ii vIhII IliK Iiit himIit, ,Mrn, W, 1'. Iluwliiy, Iiiih roluriii'il to linr lioinii In Wiaktnn, Cnl Mrs). (J. (!, Union, who Iiiih boon (illltl nick, In now In fair way to rurnvory nml will noon I hi itnJoyliiK Imr usual limtUli. CIimh Koiikln, with ti 1m (umlly, arrived In Om'kihi Clly IuhI Knlny Iroin Fntp poomi, mid will IhtcuIIit tnuko tlila city Ilia lioniu. Mm. hnmli Middintii Ima witli Ixtr, hnr diiighliT, Mm. W, K. Mourn, ol Klimmtli Fitlln, Or., who wll I hih'Ik! the wlnlcr in Ori'ifiin City. Attorney C. II. Iy went to Sulmn TliiirMility to uinn mm linfoni tint an pritlim coort hiiiI t) look lifter lelnlulion In wlilcli lin in intnriHtiil. Mr. Mini Mm. W. 1'. Ilnwli-y wl'.l limve lor tho Knit next week. Mr. IUwIhv iHa on Ininini'iiH (or tin) Crown I'liper I'oinpuiiy ami Mih. Iluwley on vUit Mm It. V. (irilllth. who Iiiih I men I viailitiK Irii-iiiU at ('ultimo (irovo for the aHt two montliN. Inim relumed mid will iiiakn Oii-koii City her homo for tiiu iri'enl K. M. K nice, of WiUniivilln, wn in Oregon City MonihiV on hia wuy lo Kelso, WhhIiIiikI"", wheru ho went for vlail with hia lirother Alfred, who Ih purser on the meuiner Norlhwext. Mra. Iuii O'Neill Iiuh gone to Califor nia to join her IniKhutnl who la imhii ol tin Itodoiido hotel ut Uedmulu liemli. Ill her new home ahu IihnIIiii heal winhea of a hoHt o friend in thla t-ily. ('. J. Stnpp lelUMHid luxl week from ClutBop county whom hu recently clowil a aix nioiitli'H achoul at Oiney. He him Imm-ii r ciiukc'I (or the "printf term mid will reiiirn to Unit county in April. Kurueat 1 1 u r t in It , anil ol K. M. lUrt iiiiiii, ol .Mnri0.iin, w na in Oregon City lant week on Im way to I'ortluiul where lie ia u nlinleiit In the I'orlltiii'l I'nivcr aity. lie hail been home on a viicution. M. O'Neill, ol tho firm ol O'Neill, lleilp'h .V Thoinl'Hon, of I'orllunil, wua in Oreuon City Momlay to altetiil the circuit cotut ami axrinl Mr. Ileil(ea ol their tlrlii in an imiailtallt ,aau they uru ilitcrfxlril in. lN'puty llmtriit Attorney I,. L. I'orter la on the at reel iipiln after a three w reka I'lintliieiiii'iit lo hia riHiui on account ol Mil Injure. I knee. Ho la able to atteiel to hia law l)iixneH thoiitlh Iim haa to yet make one o( cniti'lieH in fellitij( ahout. K. II. ChriKtiuii, clerk of tlm Sunry aide, achool ilintrirt, waa In town hint Sat urdiiy on Iiiihiiichb peituiniiiK to hia ncIiihiI ilixtricl. Ilia dihtiii l, at a recent niectii')!, voted a tux uml ia milking ar runK'einenla to elihu m their aelioolhoiHe to aiToniiniMhile tlm im-reimed iiiiinlier ol chihlreii now in the iliHtrict. A W. Cooke, lute Niiiierviaor of the Nortli t'luckiiiiiiia ilitlrict, hut now forc li inn fori in iiiiibciik iiecinct,uniler the new rouil aynteiu, waa in Orcein City Tlnir ihiy. .Mr. Cooke cxprexnea liimaelf as ileuaei with the uctiin ol the county court in urliiK' Hit engineer in chiiie ol I tin county mini work Mini ox In hetter reanlta limn couhl potmihly li( iittuineil (inner the ohl ayateui. I) V. Winner, one of the lending teaeheia of the county, return d Monday from hilverton, Salem ami other up valley pninlH where ho had heeu enjoy ItiK a two weeks vacation Mure tho clone of hia achool, While, in Hulent ho took In the lciHluturo to secure pointers for future reference. Mr. Warner lft Thuraduy (or (iai field where he hua lately iMiunht a fiirni and will runticuto until hia KpriiiK achool okuih, J. C. McMurray, a well-known fanner of PaintHCUR, Bucompunied hy Mra. Mr Murray, wua in Ore no n City laat Satur day iluinx aouie trading. To R repre sentative of the I'.NTKitfKiKK Mr. Mc Murray Htated that the trade of Oregon City with liia part of tho county would he more than doubled if a punmible road exiated between the two pincea. Aa lo the new ayatein of road work, he ia more than pIciiHcil with it and hoped that it would he permanently retained, aa bv it ih I he fiinner'a only hope ol ever having lictlcr louda. The January number of the Naturaliat, puhliahed hy 0. K. Cheney In thia city liaa been received at thia olllce. It ia now in it h aecond volume and ia a moat crcdituble appearing muuazine. The articlea on ornithology are enn'('ially in tureHting ami well illuatrated, the en Kravinga being by Mr. Cheney, w ho in addition to being a writer, and coiiiihih itor ia a linn engraver mid t Iiiih does the w hole work for hia paper. Aa he ia but a mere hoy hia work kIiows him to have aprotniaing future before him. Are cent number of the Naturalist hud u highly intereating article on the Indian arrow pointa found about thia citv. It waa illuatrated with the many dill'orent arrow- pointa (ound here. Horn, to tho wifuol A. II. Reynolds, of Maoknbtirg, on Monday, Junu i'y 15, a boy, weighing eight anil one liftlf lbl. Tho Thursday Night club was enter tained at tho home of P. F. Morey last Thursday evening. Dynpepllca are particularlay invited to call next Momlay, Tiieaday or Wedneanay and try aonte hot biecnita mnde with Cotton lone. K. E. Williams, the Grocer. I'mvulllny Wiiiimn, H la luteri'Nling to nolo llin trade and jirofi him Into which women are luoro and iimrn llmling their wuy ua a mutter of cnurNii. Am uptown atiimp agency of llnnimtnfllee hua ri'iil ly como into tliiM'iiro of ii young woman, and In polllciicHa, prompt ni'MM uml cum aim la u happy iiniitiitxt to Iho man that pre coiled her. Hiiiiiii h i ii u 1 1 telitgraih olllcoa In vurloua purta of llm town urn In the euro of woiui'ii, uml tlm fiioea behind the inatrumeiita me tnomlly of a kind to luiikn ono glivd that wouieii havo taken to tidegrnphy. It la not tiniihiml to find young wom en In chargo of coitlyurda ahout town, evidently attending to aalm aa well aa keeping laxika. A newly eatabliahn'l ticket onion on the New Vork Centrara Harlem dlviaioii haa Ihxiii put In aire of a youiK woman, who already hua a nodding avuiiintaiiee with half the pa trona of the ohMon. Hho ixrcuplea her lul atire with uovela and poetry and la an object of Intoreat to all that coiuii and go at the atution. Two young women at Mount Vernon drive a delivery wagon and get aliout with btiKiniiodiki) ilUputch New York Knit. CMtlirrltiit lirrirU A woman of iiiueli htiNiniwa ability la (Catherine Orcxel, now a nun. Aa a young woman alio had control of a great fortune, uml, what ia more, aim nX'iit it after her own fimlilon, which, for the moat part, wua in tlm way of philan thropy. Hint ia a fervent Catholic, mid much of her wealth went to found and aupiMirt iniiMiona among tho ncgria in tho Houtli, in whom aa u aniitherii wom iiii alio h it mi interent. It wua through thia work Ihut hho hcraolf waa lil to In-. count n null. It wua not to Iki expiiied that audi it woman would liiiuierMi ln r k If in a aubnrilimitii place in aomn oh acuro convent. Inoleiul hho nwil her Handing and iiillueiici towruro Mrmia aioii to I'Htahlich ii new order of ntina of which alio waa to bo head, him had her way. Shu rctutred full control of her own money. Him followed her own pinna with regard to In r order and aH'iit her money in furtherance of thein. Tho new order, nf which .Visa I)rexel Ih iilB'riorc, ia now fully i-htahliahiil, and the fact ia duo lo le-r lino bmines4 qnulitiea. Ilrooklyn Citicii. llrr Wlrkrr Hitiiillmg. Ono of the inili jiciiMbl.'s for summer travel, c-i ci;illy for btl-V Women wlnwe only vacation oiuiMsta of Hying t ri j to Beiisliorn or I'lnutitaiu, ia n lightweight Vuliao or li'li-iu'i-jH. bag. The a-'iin. of iM-rfii'tion iu thia lino of requisites ia auppliinl by tho oblong wicker bucket to lie found in Chiliean and JapaueM Bhopa. Aa they como iu neMa, any ai.n dehircd may be obtained, from the very Binall one which will curry only a lunch and a favorite volume to the large hut not weighty afTaira which will hold all the garments and other caacutiala for a acvcral duya' aojouru. The biukeia, miugly fltte-l together, are heldhyaaub Btiiutuil bIiiiwI atrup, and thia convenient arrangement tiwta Icbb than J. Any ablelMMlied woman, old or young, ran easily curry 0110 and Htill have Klroiigth enough left to riw up and call blessed Iho intelligent person who adapted a foreign article to tltti uso of the inde pendent American woman. I'utr Vin. lin' Ijilrnt Wlilm. Tho liny kid pouch with a metal clasp which iiiuiletnoisello guards ao can fully iu In r hhopping i-xpcdiiinn ia not viihiahlo Ln her esiiimiliou for the diniea and dollars it contains, hut lc causeof the U aiity aids ao snugly tucked away iu its discreet little toilet Kickct. Tlieru ia a small, ivory handled pud, filled with her favorite powder or a bit of 11 puff whioli unscrews allowing its powdery contents, a morsel of a mirror and just the daintiest littlesilverortor toiso shell bautf comb. The purse itself is too small to oven hint of the existence of those articles, but they nio there all the aainu ami add .not a little to their owner'a comfort by remedying a shiny nose, wind blown tresses and tho like. Antoinette Hterllnf . Antoinette Sterling ia becoming a fa miliar figure upon tiiu platform at the great temperance meetings. She Kieaks mnotimea, though not at any great length. Most often her apowh ia merely a brief introduction to her aong. On those occasiona alio usually gings with out any iiceoinpuuimuiit It if) very inter esting to seo the great singer como for ward so ajmply, aa alio does, quietly dressed, with 110 music in her hand, at one, of the pin ked Exeter ball meet ings, and by means of her beautiful voice holding the denso throng breath lean with attention. Coming aa an inter lude iu impassioned shaking, to the, ex cited crowd tho effect is usually delight ful. Loudon Letter. Tlm ItefrlBertor. It ia a wise plan to keep a little pow dered cliiiivoal on n plate in your refrig erator during the hot weather, and if anything is spilled towipo the aides and bottom at once with a cloth wrung out of lukewarm water containing a small quantity of aweet spirits of niter. Not more than a tenapoonful should be used to 4 quarts of water. Scalding out tho refrigerator usually moans a great waste of ice, and if done at all it should be done iu time enough to allow every part to cool lieforo putting in a fresh supply of ieo. If there ia no time for that, rin'ft in cold water and add salsorla to that which you pour iu tho drain pipe. Often it is suflleient to clean it with a swab and rinse only with cold water. New York Post. The Higher Bays Mr. Ilowells iu hia latest book; "Tile) higher education ia part of tba aooiul ideal which we have derived from the past from Europe. It ia part of the provision for the life of leisure, tho life of tlie aristocrat, which nobody of our generation leads except women. Oar worn on really have some use for the eduoation of a gcutlumau, but our men have none. " MAKING THEIR OWN PILLS. Doctori Taking to a ( cutom Tlist Troutilf llin Aiollirrl.. iii... 1 l I M..rr..rl... Ii. extent from a new fiul of the pl.yHiciiii. that la growing rapidly, I ri'Kret to aay," aald an apothecary. "Ju old tlmea, of eotirae, it wua iuiti nauul for inedioal priwtkloiiera to put up tliolr own pro- KcrlptiouH. Oddly enough, they ant tuk lug iii the practice again in a freah loriu. T'iiey do not jirepare the modi-tim-H they prearrilat, but a g'Kxl many i f lliem titer uivu lo their liiitlellU iu the ahaiaiof pilla. Kor example, you i!oiiHult Ur. Himilla for ayni)toma which IndicuUt a atomo:h diaunlor. luateail nf writing a Mwtriptlon fur it, ho gjyca you half a down little tablola and u lla , you to call uuii in a couple of duya. You go buck again and get aome more (if the aume pilla one to bo taken after cm h meal, yjaj are iiiHtructl. That trimaiMitioii ri,b Die ajaithocary of tho 60 ceiiU he would have 't for flllin( ti' r'ixSae VKlir own medicinea would doter phyjeia,, from adopt tug thia plan, but I will (uickly oxidaln Ut you how it worka to meir winiiiiimn loumufii. uu-i.ii-.omn, to begin with, that they get the pilla or tuhleta at wholi.ulo raUm, ho that the eoht ia not very greut. Nuaty ilnwa aro no longer in fiudiion, ami a large num ber of remwliea particularly the coal tnr prepural ions aru put up nowmluya in the bIiiih' I t-peiik of. "Dr. uillh givea you aix tuhleta and tella you to coimi back on Friday, in Unit way ho Bc urea another vinit from j you and rukea inmi ailditioiial (2. That ia where Iiih j.rolil cornea in. Further- more, ifyourfrii ud Mra. liohhiua hup- pena to lot ButTcringa from aytnptoma himilar to your own, you cannot furnish her with aomu of tho pilla which have done you bo much gixal, an you could do if you had a prescription. You cau only recommend inr to Dr. .Squills, who (wimps in anotlnr fm. So you cau bhi for yourself that thia plan, while de cidedly injurious to eur tunic, is a great help lo tlie doctors. In ono way it works well. Not having a prescription, tho patient cannot obtain indefinite (juunti tiea of (he medicine by having it put up iigain and again at the apotiiK'ary'a. Ir ia in that luanin r more than any other that aiiplu acquire duiigerouH drug hab its. "To such a point of development has this new fail ol the physicians arrivisl that gn at factories are kept busy turn ing out tablets and pills fur sale todis' tors only. The linns that ow n these os t..lisliiin nts send ugciitH all over the country to solicit the patronage of med ical ineu. From the latter they obtain orders for tho doses iu small compass at ao much pi r l.oiM or lu.OOO, put up iu botthw or Ihixch. The pilla are carefully prepared uccurding to formula of rec ognized value, drugs of the boat quality la-ing employed." St. Louis lilobe-DetiKM-rat. " , . 11 puauie, . It ia CUKtoillliry on lllO Coiitillrllt of r EuroMi to fburgu extra for heating a UilriKini, 110 mutter how bittur tlie weuther, but it renminbi for a New Englmid liiitt'l kti')M r to chnrgo doublo r.iti'H fur Inciting a naiin for two. It wita this aiinio man, wlnuie tavern la in a town ao rcinoto from civilization Ihut "I'ui-lo Toin'a I'nbin" ia tho only tlirutrit'iil nttrnrti'ju ever billed tlieru, who bid for custom by advertising: "Special ratea for theatrical cimipa Jiiea. Little Kva mid the doga freo." Youth's Companion. Mm. Aator'a Coronet Conib. Mra. William Waldorf Astor wore at tho recent drawing room tlie historio diuinoud coronet comb of which she baa lately become potiaessed. It ia tlio one that Louia XIV gave to Mine, tie Montes piui, anil our wealthy countrywoman, ltia said, paid f 100,000 for it. London Standard. The liuigtiago denotes tlie man. A course or refined character finds its ex pression naturally iu a coarse or rullned phraseology. Bovea MARKET KKI'OKT. Tlie following market limitations for Oregon City are furnished by the Ked Front store, and are correeted monthly: H II ILKSALK. Kgtfs, per doc LDej Nutter, per roll 30 to 50c; Chiekens, H-r dozen fl'.OO to flt.OO j Old Hens, per der.en 2..r.0 to 3.25 S'onng ducks, per doxen,. . 2 50 to 3.1K) . Apples, per box. choice, 30 to 40c' Timothy buy, baled, per Ion, 0 to $10 Clover bav." baled, per ton, S lo $8.75 Straw, baled, per ion, $r) to $0 .... 1 Catil)agf, per loi., ioit,ic O, lions, per cwt 0 to 90c Iv'fi..:":"::'": ' 4n,n ,.......' . i...i..,i i ,. W i il. nerlb .................. .8 to Sic Kir wood, per cord $2 to $2 25 Pressed lions, per lb 5 to 4'8 KKTAII,. 10 llis. dry granulated sugar, $1 00 Arlmi-kle and Lion eofTee 25c 1! I l.,.,L..... r ,.,Ml ...ill'.,.. "-'i. I.ivernool salt, nerewt 00c i Hice 2 litis $1 IH) Teas, per lb., 25 . 30 , 37,4c Uopo 1- 9 Coal oil, per i!iit., 15c, 5 gill., 70c ' ' n ...... Hums, per 111., l-.s W Hacon, snicked sides, 1- s lb v suit tmrk . ... 10c i .Ii "' in il lo '"M, 1010 lie shoulders Cliiimr seed Hi; r . r . e " ie t liler Vinemir - c I lrkles, per Keg, $1,00 Klonr per bbl $2.45 Mlw... ....k WltoTR.,. iwr inn.tM Hran, per Buck, 45e ; per ton, $'3 Wire nails, (i and 8 penny, nor keg, $:' 50 Wire nails. 10 to '.'0 penny, per keg, $'.' 25 Wire nails, 30 to 00 penny, per keg, $2 00 Sigp's sootumg Powders. For Children Cutting their Teeth. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. Rtlltt fmrl$h Htat, prnmnt fitt. Convulsion antf prmnm a eaty flats 0 constitution . , urne th pirlod of tnlhlng. Dfiifncm Cannot licCurfd. I!y local ap lli'dtiona aa they cannot reach the dimmaeJ portion of the ear. There l only one way to cure deufneaa, '' w n ul"llu ' iH-afiieaa i caiiaed by an inllauied cn- ditlon of the rnticoiia lining of the Kua- tachian Tutie, When thia tube la in- Hiiuied, you have a rumbling aonnd of itnM'rfect hearing, and when it en tirely clotted, Deafneaa lathe reatilt, and unleaa the inflarnation can be taken out and thia the reatjred to Its normal con- dition, hearing will Ut deatroyed forever; nine taaea out of ten are cauaed by catarrh, which ia nothing but in an in- fiulne condition of the mncotia aurfacea. We wi K,ve ()ne jin(ire,i Dollars for ariy rMm j,.Bfn,?g (cauacd bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Haifa Ctarrh Cure, hen.l for clrculara; tree, K. J. CIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, 0. 4F"Hold by Uruggiata, 75 cent. T,1(.r(, u j" rettHon (or ttie polarity o,C,,a,,r,ain,Crgb Kemedy Davia - Monterey. Clarion 0UpllySicia. ,;,dd do nothing (or. W(J )pr(,lulfH(1 thwn U) try a Motile of rimmberlain'B Couuli Kentfdy and mey now lecoiiimeni it with the reat of na. .. i .. :.!. ...... ..I ... " 50 cent botilca for aale by 0. A . Hard inu, Oruggiat. MIII.OH'S CLICK, the great Cough and Croup Cure, ia in great demand, Pocket ai.e contains twenty-five doaea only lioc Children love it. For aale by 0. A. Harding. of txl,wme ,rfi !,,.,., to rieiiinatiam, neuralgia and ul)Hfo Hnd will find a valuable remedy in Jjr. J. H. Mcl-ean'a Volcanic Oil Lin- jment; it will haniah pain an-l gtibdue inflammation. For sale by C. G. Ilunt- ley, druggi-t. i In the decline of life, infirmitiea beset lie to which our youth and maturity were atrangera, our kidneys and liver ' are mibiect to derangement, but nothing equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm aa a regula'or of these or guna. For aale by C. Huntley, druggist ' Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal.a.iya: "Miiloh'a Catarrh Ketnedy is the first meilicine I have ever found that would do me any good" Price 50c. For sale bv (ieo. A . f larding KherlfTi Notice ol fale on Foreclmtire. Ill the I'lrcnlt Court of the State of Oregon for the County ol Clackamaa. Mm F. Cole, iilaintln. vl Chan. Stewart. W W. i II. Smnin, J K Simnon. John Schwab. A. H. Si hwl. Fn-d S--hvab. Joaeph lleilgea Ij-na Charmau and N. C Slingley, defend- 11 la. State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, ai. Notice i hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of aale iMiied out of the circuit court ol the Slate nf Oregon for the County of Clapkam.ta. liearlng date the llth day nf January. IMA. in A auit where in Ida F. Cole waa plaintiff, and the above named Here dclecilanta. commanding me, In the uame ol the Slate of Ore gon, that out of the real e"tate hereinafter deicrll-ed. toreallre aaiim aufnekat to aatUfy the denianda of laid decree, towll: 107a 7. ana Ihe further mm of $: Xi coata. together with in- 1 ieret on Ihe aame mice aald decree waa entered 11 per cent, per annum, aud alio the coauol and aiiendlng thin ale. iMiw, inereiore. 111 oi-euiem-e n-itiii-ii "mirr, , aul OI1 nielithday of January, ivy duly 1." vv upon, ana will, oil nntiiruay. ine i-uuuay February. IS'., at the hour of one o'clock P. 01 M.otMiid day. at the front door of the court home hi aald eounly, otter for aale at public auction, and wll to tlie nignem ami oeai oiuuer, forca.h In hand, allot the right, title and fn tereni the aald detendauta have iu and 10 the following decnbH real property, to-wll: Ke u I mi 1 11 w at the nnrtheat comer of the lionatloii l.ii,l 1 lalm of Maliheaa jiw.Tle In towni-hip 5 aouih of rsiiL-e ! ent of Willamette meridian and running thence south '.1 .leg am 'M ii cliaina: Ihi-nce south "a deg :l nun. weat S.Si chalin: thcii. e aouth '.1 di-g. 3U mln. et .M a) chalnalnlhc northi'HM corner of William Kngle'a dotmtioii clalni: tli. n. e north 70 deg. went l'il chaitu: Ihence north deg. :1 mln. east a.M chainato the north boundary of aald Swcgle claim: thence aouth IS deg. eaut Xi HI chainit to the place of beginning, containing 20 acrea more or leaa, lymg and being Iu Clackamas county. Oregon. Paled Una n;th Jy of January. A. P. iss. E C. MAIXXM'K. Sbcrlft ot Clackamaa County, State ol Oregon. lly S. M. Moouv, Peputy. 1 1S;2 15 Salary aail eipMiMfa paid weeaiy from atart. rro.anenipoiiiion. HcmjiTiri1..jjr- Hiinnence unnweMary. Pealir a, f ad.-antagitobog'incra. Liberal jtGT w? eopirolwien to! r- II tano agca-.t. i- 'VSr W non.iot n..jr pi.ta l nura. ry ,Z M lrl.ionliarJ, stuck, v-4.:. UL lawn ar.d aarJ. n. ffr rant Tor. now, wane i the trait ludu.try U aol imiMrtant. UoihI rhana l.r Hr.nmcnl. Outfit ann luu par-1 Krlicular.frw.. HIU' l'"'" Fl:Vr.r..n,n rcreand. ore. (Tloahouaeia rcl ale. Kama una pair. au i IXablNhed 1N63. PIONEER . H. n siTMjferandEejfE?? Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. ' RATES - REASONABLE. SUMMONS. In th" circuit court ot the State of Oiegon for the county ol Clackamas, tt. Adam Quick, plaintiff, vs. Annie E Quick, de fendant. To Annie E. Quick, said defendant: In the name ot the State of Oreuon. vou are hereby rcutiired to appear and answe nd answer me com plaint filed atainst you in the above entitled suit on the third Monday In April, A. 1. 1 bring the l.'uh day of aald month, ami said day , bctnit the "rat 'lav of the next rosular term of .... .. ...Mir, fM lnu-Hir the cmlration of Ihe time ,,r,.acrlbe.l in the order of publication of thla 1 aumn.ons made by aald court. And if you fall to appear and answer said complulnt plaintiff ; will apply to the court for the relief demanded in th; 'cimpumt. lu-wlt: The dlasolution of the marrlaite contract existinn between you and il.ilnlltr, mid decree of absolute divorc from von. and for such other and further relief as is nlctllthe premises. Puhliahed by order ol llon.Thoa. A. McHrlde. Jmliie ol said court, duly nrndeou the 7th day of January, A. 0. - 0. H. lii r,, Ally, lor ria m .. Dated Jan 10, iwft. 1-18:2 22 , -r 8. DRAKE. 1 1) DENTIST. Nitrous Oxide gal for the painless extraction ol teeth All work warranted and prices reasonable. Rooms 7, 8 and 9, southwest corner First and Taylor streets. Uleun & Cox's old stand, Portland. Oreirou. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meets first Friday of each month at Fountain engine house, Chas. Athiy. Pres, C. B Pillow, Sec'y. Chas. Bitzir, I rra nillMtll.oliilM (uMMUiiuiiimMMJiy UP DXCTfllC t Powca B 0 DATE. A MAGAZINE OF POPULAR ELECTRICAL SCIENCE. uiKiimoB, $2.00 Pes Yi. 20 Ccnts Pt Nunata. TRIAL SuaacaimoN, 6 Mot. $1.00 ELECTRIC POWER, 38 Cortln-' '"w Y--lt Unload Your Liver Three Doses ot Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You Feel Better. Does your back ache? Doe? every step neem a burden? Yoa aoe billious. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For Bale by all druggists. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA liOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. I Ask 1 Your 3 News J Dealer For I ' North. 6 IS p. a. Lv Portland Ar :.!. 7:16r.M. Lr Oregon City Lt 7:19a.m. IO IAa-M. Ar 8. Francisco Lt 7:00 r.u DIMN0 CAR8 OS 0GDEN K0UTE Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attache.! to all through trains KOSEBVKG MAIL (Daily) S::Ia. a. I Lt Portland Ar 4 : r. u 9::ttA.. Lt OregonCity Lt 8:'J9r. a &:."a)p. a. I Ar Koaeburg Lv !7:W)A. a W est Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mail Train. Dally (Except Sunday.) 7:30a.m. I Lv 12:15 r. a. Ar Portland Ar Corvallia Lv 5:.Wr.a 1.00 r.a At Albany and Porvallls connect with trains of Oregon and Pacific Kailroad. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday) 4 40r.a. I 7:26r. a. I Portland Ar McMiunvllle Lt I 8:23 A. a I 6:60 a. a THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at lowest rates from L B Moore, Agent, Oregon City. R.KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Ass't O. V. and Pass. Agent 1. 1 & I. CO. E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE ERST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA AND AND ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on or ad dress, W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, n irviuia I.ODOE. No. 57. A O. 0 W Meets first and third Monday in each month, At StralKht'i Hall. Visiting Dretnern welcome. C. K.PlAsa S. llOLCOM. Reo. M. W. Sunday Services. 8T. PAI L'H ( II Lite II - KuMwiml - Hn. I Ia Iimnon, Hector. Ht-rvlceii mil n'cloek a. ' m. nd T.Mt p. m. i'rtynr servloa VHrr W4 i uenUy evfiOnK. ! kiukt ooNoKMATJONAi, cnrncn.- I Kor. J. W.ftowsii FKlor. Mervlwn l 10 M M. ; Anil S:0U r. h. Siehiy HcIi-k1 sftor morning aervie. flayer mratliit WmliiCB'Uy venint at H:fflo,c.lwk. I'tny.r meeting of Yoiina l'opfti a-silety ol C'lirHiisn Kieleavor every Buutlay eTemiiR at 7:U j-rMinpi. 1 FIKMT KAPIM'I' CHIIKCII-Rev. Oilman Pnaara Paalor M'-riiiux Hervlce at II Hiindny School at P.vnlnic Hcrvle :); kcajular ' prayer me'tlmt Wwlnenlay evening. Monihty ' uovenant Meeting every Weiturvtajr erenlnc I preceding the flil Sunday la llie oionth. A eoruiai loviiauon loan. 8T. lOMN'H CHI KCH.CATHOUC.-Riv. A. H illxbra NO, PaN'.or. ()u Hiinday man at a anil 0:'Mt a. M. Every Nerond and fourth Huoday German lermon after the a o'clock mua At all other maimea Cugllah termoua. Humlay 8chl at I 'M) r. . Veapern. aj-ologetleal ublecut, and benediction at 7:80 r. M. MKTHOllIHT EPISCOPAL CHl'HCH. Ri 0. Hvxr, Pafior. ilornlne nervice It; Sunday School at 10:01. I I -on. meeting alter morning nervlie. Eyenlni nervlce at 7 SO. Epwortb I-riie meeting Hunday evening at a w: Prayer Meeting I hnr1ay creulng At ft 30. trani era cordlallT Invl-.ed. KIKHT PREHBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rav. J. W. Montgom-ry. Pal.-r. Heriicen At II A. M. and 7:86 r. M. Hshl-ath School at 10 a. m. Younj People'a H'rf-.eiy of Christian Endeavor aieeu every Hnn-fAy evening at 1 80. Wedneaday evenlog prayer meeting at 7.30. Beati free. EVANO 'IUCALCHCKCH-OF.RMAH - H. F. Mykki-, Paator Prraclnug Atrvicea erery Sunday at II A M and 7:t0 P. C Kabhath acLool every Hninlay at 10 A.M. (Kev. P. Holt. Hunt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wednesday eveniug UNITE!' EKETHKEN IK CHRIST. Preach ing every aecond and fourth bnudty of eack month, at ll:uu a m and 7 M p. m. W II. tta Lain. P-mor Siiniluy achool at 10 a. in. al treiroii City Pln.t unndy at Hum-on cho-.l houe. MoIkIU: Third rtnielnv. Mountain Home 11 a. m.: liml-er lir.-ve, 4 p. m Misa l ella Green, duperiiitendetit rtnnnay achool. Priiyer meetiugeverv Wednesday evening. EVANGELICAL I.ITHEKAN CIII'RCH-U Gary. Pastor Gt-rmn service every Suinl iy al 11 o'clock A .M. Nngliab xrvicea at 7 10 P. M 8'indny nchiH-l at 10 o clock A. M. Liga tion: Htore room next d-or to tnkery in Sliive ley hiiildiug, corner of Seventh AD Mailiaoa utreeta CA1 ! OBTAIN A PATENT t For prompt answer and an borwat opinion, write to Ml NNd- CO.. wto have had Dearly fifty yeaiV experience in th patent biuina. Com m an. ra ti 'mil itrlrtly eontVtnttar. A Handbook of la in rotation concern iiw Fa teat and bow to oo tain lb em tent fre. A I no a catalogue of athan teal and aclentiAo books (wnt free. Patents taken thronfrh Munn ft Co. neiT fpociaJ notice in tbe Hrlrntlhr Awer.raa, and th as are broutrbt w1dlr before the puhliewtta out cost to the Inrpntor, Thm splendid papw, issued weekly, elegantly tllnstrated. bas by far the largest circulation of any scientittc work In Uw won rL 9'S a year, r-ainple copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, fJiua year. Btntno copiea, 'Z- cents. Fvery nunibe contains beau tiful platea, in colors, and phntosrapba of new bounes. with plans, etiahhnir nuiWers to show tho laient deslioin aud secure contrafns. AddrtrM ML.NN & CO SkW VoHsk, 3bl BkoADWAT. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Frd and iileHtahl ORECONCITY. LOCATEU BETWEEN TUB B31DGK AND DEPOT Double and Single Rips, and sad dle hor.-eri always" on haiid at tbe lowest prices. A corral! connected with the urn for loose Ftock. Information remplinz any kind vr stock promptly attended to by person U letter. horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on rensoii sble termn. NOTICE FOR FI BLICATION. Laud oltioe at OreiD City. Oregon. " lifcembtriO. UfH. 1 Notice is he'ehy rivn that the follnwlnv nanie'l settler has tiled ootice ol his liiteotlnn to make final trool iu suurrt ol bi oUim. au4 that sail priMif ill tie mmle liefa're the counif judKeof Coliiwtii o limy, at St. Helens, Oregon uu February 11, 1-M, vii:' WILLI VM N. MESERVS. H. E. No. 7i'.s, lor the if1;, sec J t 7 n. r S ar. He nane I lie loll .wing witneiww to prnTd his coutiuues resilience upon and cullivatioaj ol.saiil laud, viz: Alford K. Morcan. ol I'elem, Columbia coiiiiiy,ore. ,n, J.. Silcom. Kyaer, Columbia county. Oreuou. Williaul Holsapplia Pelciia. Coliiiubia ci'iiniy. i ii ecu. and tjerse W. Kichard.ou, ut lielena, Coiuxubia county, Oreuon. KobiktA Mli.laa, l'2a:2-l hegialer BROWN""" The photogpaphep Is prepared to make photographs of all kinds promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Babies' and Children's Pictures a Specialty. Call and examine his work At the Old New York Galfery Second door north of Harding's Drug Store, Oregon City. DA VIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Received a gold medal and diploma at St. Louis Convention of Photograpers, 1S94. Third and Morrison Streets,. Portland, Oregon. Duffy & Heckart EXPRESS andTBANSFERING. Special care in moving Household Goods and Pianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges- Leove orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'Si M ?3i GOLDEN WEST BAKING II POWDER It U PUREST It ta CHEAPEST It Is BEST KM- fe f Trait Hot 8atiila4Taustoat7 Sac M ty& Cuoam ft DlVDU, Portland, Or. V COPYRIGHTS. i