Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, JANUARY J5, ISitt. Hereafter no leal advertisement will be iunerted in the Entkki risk unless nvnunt (or the same is made at the time the atl'ulavit of publication is ren dered. This rule will be imperative ami dea J-heAt litigants, who make it a prac tice of working the courts, lawyers ami nwHiai)er8 will have to look to some other paiK'r toitot their notice published MINUS IX T1IK WHilSUTl RK. Two Rallot Tor Senator No Flection Routine Wrfc of ImcI Interest. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Wood wanted at once this otlice. It you don't nee what you want ask tor it at the Racket store. ' Indies' hair dressing at the Queen thavinj; parlors, opp. Charman Anxf store ; Frey tag's appetizing pickles can bo bait t the Corner grocery. Rest in the tnarket. ' Mr. Thoe. Burke and fmnilv, ot the West Side, moved to Gladstone Ihe tirst of the week. MONO AY. Senate convened at 2 P. M. and got to work at once and after passing a number of resolutions proceeded to the introduc tion of bills swelling the number to 120 at the hour of ailjourument, a nuiuer of which are wry important anil will he I neconded by Sehlbreile, of IVnigliis; given a more lengthy notice later. I llaker, of I.ane presented the miimiol We hardly think there will be so large I Jmlte F. A. Moore, of the nuptvim' nii.aher of clerks as there were two i bench. The name of V. 1) Hare on fond and dairy products and thiid on horticulture. Hon, F, L, Mintie has a number ut important ntcatmrvi which he will in due time introduce before the house, He is making friends every day by his court eous and pleasant manner. At 2 l M. the bouse proceeded to the nomination of a United States senator. The name of J. N. IMpli was presented hv I'uxlon, of Multnomah,, which years ago, and there will be a large pro portion of those that are employed from among the men than usual. The ten dency this session seems to be to give the ex-senators and representatives hw1- tions when it can be so arranged and a larger number of young men are em ployed than at tint last session, so that the number of Udiea so far is small. The house has introduced over one the different representatives were culled hundred bills, but it is constantly over-1 il. "orators," of which mention has flowing with streaks of economy and ! previously been made, took the onnor- vpop- ulist) was presented by Huileigh, of Wal'owa. The vote being taken the fol lowing was the result: IKilph 20, Mxire 22, Hare 7, W. 1'. Lord 1 and absent I; total tU). Mintie and Smith voted for Potph and Rinearsou voted lor Moore. The house spent most of the afternoon session in conducting the ballolt. As the name of had dropped out and Moody had taken his place. Another ballot will he taken to morrow. IMiih runuirea hut two votes to elect hun. Why pav $12 r ton for hay when you can get the best hay for $7 of Louis Funk, Redland. when these streaks are on those would be economically disposed members al- whys consume so much time in talking on every proposition that they loose more in blocking the house than if they let Oysters, wholesale o' retail, to families and parties. Also served n any style, fresh and palatable at the Portland res taurant. The Episcopal people have secured the twe of the chapel one night in each week and will hold services on the West Side Regularly. Tha Kntbbprisb is the only news paper in Oregon that gives a cash pre mium to those paying their subscription in advance. Clearance sale at the Eastern Shoe rore for the next three days to make ready for spring goods. A . Coles, Prop. tunity of soaiiug aloft. lirownell introduced a joint memorial to congress, having for its object the securing ot a pension for the widow of the late Pr. McKav, of pioneer fame, every thing pass that conies In-fore the! which was read and referred to the pro- house am! puy all that is asked for it. IH,r committee with instructions to have Stfdman'e Soothing Powders are termed soothing because they correct, mitigate, and remove, disorders of the system incident to teething. Hair pins one pnny to 15 cents pach. Metal, rubber, celluloid, horn or imita tion tortoi'e shell, at the Rackett store. Best goods for the money in town. Must go! Broken lots of clothing, hoes, alippenj, underwear, hats, caps, etc.. at cost or l"ss. Ladies arctics cut to 75c. The Red Front S'ore. Drs. Hickev Hit-key will be here each week at Home otlice Portland. Friday and Saturday of Boom 6, Electric hotel. 117 and 118. Dekum block Mr. I. P. Tavlor, of the West Side, has a new arrival at at his home. It is a bxy, and the father paid a visit to the afjipol at once, so he evidently believes ineducaling the boys. House and three lots for sale in Falls View addition to Oregon Citv. Fruit trees, well, barn. etc. ; nice house. Will be sold cheap. Marr 4 and Center streets. Robertson, 7th tf For footwear you can get babys' shoes at 25 eta ; ladies coarse Bhoes at 89 cts ; men's boots at $1 75, or you can get the best grade of goods made at bottom prices at the Red Front. On Thursday evening of last week a number of the best musicians of the city gathered at the house of Miss Lou Dra per and had a most enjoyable musicale. Oregon City has some very fine musical talent and it is hoped to get them to gether more frequently herpafter both for practice and for pleasure. Carlton Cornwall, foreman of the Ga tette, Middletown, N. J., believes that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy should be in every home. He used it for a cold and it effected a speedy cure. He savs : "It is indeed a grandremedy, I can rec ommend to all. I have also seen it used for whooping cough, with the beet re sults" 5cent bottles for sale by 0. A . Harding, Druggist. The Clatckanie Chief of last week an nounced the death of Mrs. E. C. Black ford, wife of the editor of that paper. She waa a model mother and a woman of much public spirit and energy, and always lent a helping hand to any charitable or benevolent work. To make her death doubly sad she leaves six little motherless children to whom her death was a distressing blow. At a special meeting held Sunday evening, the Baptist church elected the following officers : Clerk and treasurer, F. E. Donaldson ; secretary, J. K Groom ; finance committee, W. C. Johnson, D. C. Latourette and B. S. Bellomy: ushers H. E. Cross, B. 8. Bellomy, W. Frazier, A. W. Wilson, A. S. DreBser, J. K. Groom ; superintendent of the Sunday school, G. W, Swope; assistant, J. K. Groom ; secretary, C. Hobsrg; treasurer, James Gault. The union meetings held by the Con gregational, Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist churches continue with un abated interest. The Methodist church in which they are held is filled to its utmost cspacity each evenihg. A reli gious interest of unusual strength is being aroused in the city and much g'Xxl is expected to come of the meetings. Wednesday and Thursday evenings Retr. M. L. Rugg, of Salem, pastor elect of the Baptist church in this city, giving stiring addresses. There is such a thing you know a) being penny wise and pound foolish. SenHte bill number 80 by Brownell to create the otlice of irrigating engineer being a move to re-claim arid lands. Senate bill No. 88, by Brownell, amending code relating to interest, mak ing legal rate six per cent, and contract eight per cent. Senate bills. No. 35 and 105, Brow nell having for their object, doing away with being required to serve notice of appeal upon attorneys for the respondent. Committee on ways and means made a report in both houses reducing the number of clerks and their per diera, making a saving of about $1000 to the state. Governor Lord sent to the senate a re quest for the return of the appointment of regants for the different state schools recently made by Governor Pennoyer. A nurtiler of the democrataohjerled, but the request was gra ited just the Mine. Tl'KSDAY. At 10:15 the president of the senate announced the time for nominating a United States senator hud arrived and he would entertain such nominations. Senator Brownell arose and in a most eloquent speech (as he incapable of mak ing) presented the name of Hon. J. N. Dolph. He referred at some length to the work of the Hon. Senator during; the past twelve years At the close of his speech a number of senators congratn lated him on his effort. Senator Huston presented Hon. A. S. Bennett and the populist presented the name of Hon. W. D. Hare. The vote was taken wheat it appeared that Dolph received nineteen votes, Bennett eight and Hare three. The bouse has not voted yet. Joint ballott will take place at 12 o'clock Wed nesday. In the senate today Senator Penny introduced a bill that will be the sub ject of marked attention during the aext few days. Should this bill become a law the state hoard of railroad commiHsooerB will he abolished and in its stead the duties now performed by the board will devolve upon the governor, secretary of state and treasurer. They wiU have authority to select a clerk upon m sakry of 2000 per annum. Senator McGinn this afternoon intro duced a highly important bill in the senate. Il was a bill for an act to fix the compensation of the goyeronor, justice of the supreme court, secretary of state, state treasurer, state printer, attorney general, and superintendunt of public instructions and clerk and re porters of the supreme- court, and to provide a fund for the payment of the of the same. This hill fixes the salary of the governor at f MOO, which shall be in full coniensation for all services as governor and member of any board or commission ; justices of the supreme court each $4000 ; secretary of state $4000 ; state printer IlifiOO; attorney general $3000; school superintendent $2700. Salaries as here contemplated are to take effect at once, except in the case of the state printer, there being no change dnr ieg the term of the present incumbent. The emergency clause of the bill is as fol lows: "Inasmuch as the salaries and compensation of the officers fixed by this act are indefined and unequal and there is an urgent necessity for the readjust ment thereoff as herein provided, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval bv the governor." Senator Calbreath, of Yamhill, in troduced a bill for the purpose of regu lating district and state agricultural fairs. The bill repeals all acts providing for state appropriations, and in their stead establish a fixed tax of one-half mill for each county to use as the counties may elect in conducting county fairs, and if no county fairs are held this money may be turned into the county road fund. Speaker Moores this morning an nounced the standing committees for the bouse. Hon. F. L. Mintie, on account of his age waived the eflort of being made chair man of a committee and was given sec ond place on internal improvements second on military affairs and third on labor. C. B. Smith is chairman on medicine and pharmacy and third on the same printed, Smith, ol JoNcphine. has a bill No, 115 designed to reeal the laws relating to the selection of school hooks. It will releave the people of any requirement of purchasing any pirticular series of hooka ; he has another bill to follow this one, to provide for a method ol selecting text books. It is certain the present system is not in full lavor with the peo ple, who will he pfotscd with almost any change. The Statesman of Wednenday had the following to say of Clackamas' junior representative: One of the strongest spen'hes made in the housr yesterday was by the youngest man in it, Mr. Rinearson, of Clackaims. It was an honest, fearless speech and a manly one, no mutter now the listeners might differ from its conclusions. If Mr. Rinearson follows lh fearless line of political life he blazed out yesterday, he may not be as successful as some ethers, bnt he will be sure of his ow n respect and sat isfaction at hrast. WKPNESIIAY. At 12 o'clock, noon, the fenat pro ceeded to the louse of representatives in a body. The roll of the Minute was first called followed by the roll of the house being called, Scott wax absent from the hoinw on a sick leave. The chief clerk of the senate reiu the pro ceeding of the senate yesterday while conducting the senatorial ballot. The chief clerk of the house then read tbe proceedings of the house on the hhhw subject, after which the president read sections from the statutes governing the electiod of United States senator The clerk was then ordered to call the roll and voting bcganv which took one hour and forty minutes to take one- ballot. As the name of each senator or repr sentative was culled they ei Slier an nounced their vote direct or made speech for their man and against the other fellow an5 then voted. 11. Mc Ginn, ot Portland, made the speech of the day for Dolph. Among others against Dolph was Rinearson, of Clack amas speaking; against Dolph) and for Judge Moore and so voted for Moore. Brownell, Gesner, Mintie and Smith all voting for Pilph. The result of the ballot was Dolph 44, Moore, 17, Hare 10, Bennett By Lord 5, Hermann 4, U. II. Williams 1, absent 1 ; total 90. At just 2 the joint session desolveil aftet which the senate adjourned till 10 A. M . Thurs day. The house held a short session and adjourned till Thursday. Voting will be continued in joint session at 12 o'clock from day to day till there is an election . Representative Coon introduced a salmon fishing bill, making it unlawful for any person or persons to fish with or drift with a gill net in the Columbia river, or any other river within the state of Oregon, or their tributarily, with a gill net over 150 fathoms long ami thirty meshes deep, and makes it unlawful for any person or js-rsonH to fish in the Columbia river within five miles of the Columbia river bar, and provides pun ishment for the same. Representative Yates has a bill pro viding for milage for sheriffs at the rate of ten cents per mile each way, in lieu of expenses where he is required to travel to execute any process required by law. Representative Moorehead has a bill providing that in all civil actions or suits in the circuit courts of the state of Ore gon tried by jury, nine of the twelve jurymen shall be competent to render a verdict in such suit or action and when nine jurors in any suit or action in any such court shall agree on a verdict the same shall be returned to the court as the verdict of the jury and thereupon the jury shall be discharged. THURSDAY. Another joint ballot was taken today for United States senator, resulting in no election. The following is the vote: J. N. Dolph 44; Judge F, A. Moore 19; W. D. Hare 10; Judge A. 8. Bennett 8; Ex-Gov. Moody 4; Gov. Lord 2; G. il. Williams 1; Secretary of State Kincaid 2. The vote showed that Dolph had held his own and Judge Moore bad gained I.KIIINI.ATIVK NOI'KS. This morning's train brought to Salem Hon. J T. Appeison, Judge J, W. Mel drum and Max Schulpius, who will re main in the city for a few days. I. J. Ponier, ol Itarlow, has n position as assistant night watch at llei state house, George Weber, of Kimle Creek, Is in Sulom, he having been given a cleikshlp under ('. B. Smith, chairman ol medicine and pharmacy. Mrs. F, I,. Miotic, of Oswego, wife of Hon. F. I. Mintie, is in Salem with her husband, and is an occasional visitor at the legislature They have rooms at the corner of Trade and (.'hutch streets. Miss Cornelia McCown is in Salem. She has a cleikship under Senator Brow noli . Postmaster S, R. Green, of Ocegon Citv, was noticed In the house of repre sentatives Wednesday watching the senatorial contest Our big sheriff EH. with our county asncsor, J (V Bradley, was about the state house slinking hands with friends one dav this week. Rev. Oilman Parker ami his brother A. F. Parker, of Gladstone, were at the state lioiiNe Wednesday. Miss Maty E. Coiners, of Oregon Citv, was in Sah ni Tuesday visiting frirnds and watching the legislative proceedings. t'om.ty Suryevor kinnaird came up to the capitol on the overland Wednes day night. In the matter of seeclies madeagalnsl !olph, Rinearson, of Clackamas, is given credit for making Hie Ix-st argn iixnt. The papers put him first and while we do not agree witb him, we give him credit for Mug earnest in his ef forts, and with brownell in the senate and Rinearson in the houno, Clackamas cou irty standi e-ond to imae for elo- quente. Th free silv.r papers In cMninmiting on the vote in the house veitcr lav for United States senator wer so hard poshed) as to openly aecue lion. F. I.. Mintie f being obliged to vote lor Iolph on accoiuit of IKtlph nrniliirg Mintie with money for bis campaign expense. The writtr of this article has it direct from Mr. Mintie that any such statement from any urce whatever is unpialilied and false. When F. I.. Mintie votes for Hon. J. !Y. Dolph, be does s imply from the Inchest sense of honor, tie be lieving that he best serves the wiahea of his consultants CASH PRICKS. II buys 'JO lbs., riee, i!8 lbs. wliilo Ih-iiiim 111 1Im ilry gran. Miigitr, !2D lbs. extru C., i!0 lb. Jirunt's, iipplcH ot pliiins, 10 lbs. g I Url, 10 Urn. dry milt inctit, IS yds. culmt w., 1!0 vi!m. outing llamit'l, nml in hIhwh. l buys a pair j?imm oxfords tiHtiufly U, or Indies solid button hIiovh tisiitilly ifl.50. Anotlifr sbipint'iit, ludicH dung. hIiucs, put. tip, irrciit viilim for $1. fit), broken lots hIioch nt cimt or less; boys or men's warran ted plows l.fil) and if 1,,'lfi; Indies lu-itvy HlipMrH cut to !.'('.; slcel wirn nails luH at flfit) k.'K.or It.'l lbs. 1 .; K) to '. penny - '-'r k' ,,r 40 lbs. 1.00; IK) toi;0H-nny fJ.OO, or -Ifi lbs. i.(H). Reduction in every department. ...Red Front Store... OUICGON CITY. 'fijjh Ymvs F0K W JOT. an J tbosc who watch, and wait for timo will only discover its lligbt. You can discover an elegant collection of time pieces in our stock of Indies' and gentlemen's gold ami silvn watches, w hich in all cases are models of ac curacy, keeping time ho well that they don't lose it. We can confidently rec ommend our watches and chs kti, too, as entirely trustworthy, and meeting the needs of the hour ton second. Our assortment of fashionable jewelery and silverware is very complete IIUWMICIHTKU . ANDWKHICN. elections, Geo. O. Rinearson is second I two over yesterday's ballot. Hermann llletl. IIKI On Friday, January M, at the home of bis mother on the Alu-ruethv, Joiin II. ii'iiel, aged T2 years, months and 3 day Mr. Imel was confined to his bed but a few days, hw iliea-e being hlcxxl Hiia oning, hirn- was Uought on by a slight hurt on his hand made by a fishing rod while out fishing in Ihe Abernethy two weeks prior t his death. He was teach ing school in the lleaver creek ditrit t and during the week experienced n serious dilliculty with his band. On Friday evening while coming home again he fell down and hurt it and tefo: Sunday it had iMM'onteao painful that hn could not go back to his school and he soon had to tak to his bed, dying sit Friday. He was a. bright young man, a success ful teacher and was Ihe mairuaopport of his widowed mother. His body Was taken to- Highland where iti Mas interred by the '! of his father, who was killed in an m.-eident some eighteen, years ago. A settlement has at lust U-en made- with the contraetors b-j paved Main street. Ky stipulation, iatbecaseof th Portland Clay Co. against the rout rap tors, Hamshawtt Ilchia.. it was MomUy agreed that the Oregon City claims, amounting to nearly $1000, and being uiostly for labor, sbuuld tlrst lie id, and the remainder should go to the Portland creditors, thus leaving about f.'ioOO to settle claims aggregating about $10,0 0. Although the bond to keep the street in repair for a period of live years has not been furnished, it is understood that the bond that was uiven vtheii the contract was signed holds good until the new one shall be executed Cottidens Exhibits. The public is invited to Uih Cottolcne Cooking Exhibit next Mouduy, Jan L'H. K. K. Willi ons, the Grocer. QVe Mnnpy And Encourage Home Industry THE Qregon Picture Frame Company M.iaei a Specially of Manufacturing Mouldings . . . and picture Frames Nw and Nel Designs 108 Second Street Near Washington M. J. MORSE, Manaeor. f Eatela Picture and Art Material. TTTT- Dollars And Sense. For Fifty Cents. County and city warrants wanted by the Commercial bank. Awarded Highest Honors World' Pair. Da mm CREAM mm A Dollar Saved Is u Dollar ernel. Buy Yotir (JroecricH wherw You can get thrill tilt! ClwupcHt. All New, Fresh Selected Stock of tho IlcHt Quality in the Market. Staub's Cash Grocery, Commercial Bank Block. Midwinter Sale OF JJIMtljSIHUY.. Huts, Bonnets and all full and Winter good Hold nt a great reduction. He itig is Believing, ho Icuho call mid examine for yourselves.. Mrs. H.T. Sladen. E. 0. SMITH, THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. CoiiHultatinn free. IJooiiih n pnt :ii rn in Kelly Building next to BiiriueiHter A- Andre- hch'h, Jewelry Store. Oregon City. Oreeon. MOST PERFECT MADE 4 pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frea lorn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice In hereby glvan that I have flleii my rfiiiiirt for flnal Hultluinniit an ailnilnlntr-HUir of the enwte ot Jamoa Wine, iIworhocI, with the county court of Clackamaa I'ouniy aud atate ol OriMioii, and that nalil court haa tt Monday, the llll ilny ol March, 1HU5, at the hour of 1U o'clock A. M. of aalil rlay, aa the time for hCHrlMK ob jection to hmI'I report If any there he, at which time all who are Intureatuil are hereby notified to he preavnt anil make nbjectlona to aald re port If any thoy have. JOIIN WIHK, Adm'r 1-11:I2-H oftheeatateof Jamea Wlae, ilec'd. Dated tula lUtli day of January, A. I). 1SW. Sunset Grocery, ...West Side... Complclo ntock of (Jrockcry Tinware and Notions. First class goods ... -.-Low Prices ... ...Prompt delivery. Satisfaction-:- Guaranteed. C. A. MCMILLAN, Prop. FOR- mUTELYJURE DRJJGS 00 TO Q A. HARDING. NONE IHIT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfnmerlcs and Tolls! Articles. Alao full itock of PAINTS' OILS ETC.