Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 25, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Hli'umer KAMOfsA.
I ;w p hi, h m i. m.
HoiiriiKim I'acikii: iiaii.wav.
CnlllnfiiU Kinri'N (thriiiiKli) 7 in a. ii..
Kumiliiug l.oeal (way ntnllmw) I'M p. in,
suUTM Illll'hII.
K tiiiric I.iii'kI (way Inlloni)
Calllnmla Kiim (Itinitijli)
9 HI a. m
7. 1" p. m
Tim Tallin,
Oriu (J H r .
II w)
I uu I'. M,
ii im "
Willamette Kalla.
t A, M,
u:n) "
I 19 f. M,
a :w "
B:lt "
kllNltA V TIMI.
mi A. M. J J
looii ,, I0.lt
i , .. II m -
I Oil H, M. I in P.M.
Ml "
I ml i "
J Ml " ' ''
!) l ' "
J.'U) ' "
I Ml " ' "
im " VJ "
l, im ft '
I, , .. ft u "
( uu "
C. A. M i i.i.k k. Hupl.
I ll R MAIM.
Mailt d" "!" N'iriti, 12 ni , II I' in. Hp ni.
Mailt t'lom jmIiik Hmitli, V a lit., C .." . III.
II, K Hilt'TU.
irfiin I'll 1" Portland over K.l wide HH
.y. leave, li Wl'. M. ml I' M. arrive.
II (ft A M. ami Ml I' M l atrlra I'urll.iid,
hirfii, HuihiiIu. Hmnly .lid 11 1 K Ii 1 ii'l rwiite
liriKnii t'lly I" tCly . C'aarua, Milium. I.HxTal ami
MmIII ivatva al li m. iii'l arrlvi-a at ii in.
(iri-a-cin City l Heaver (reek, Mink. Clark.
Meadow tro...i'll"ll Mllla, anil I ultoll, leave,
at m a. in Monday Wrdnmlay ami Krl'lay
ami return, uu Inllnwlni. ilavial I M i. in
Oregon Cliy l VlnU. I"ii ami Kedland
leave. llre..ll CIIV Monday ttrdne.dav ami
Friday al I J I'. l , lelii( Viola same days
llllllt U.
" KHIDA Y, JAM'AKY '.'ft, HM.
Tiik I'manki.is Ii lurmii HmlKHV.
Tim riil!iinilitciili' ppimlinit n-K-iniy i'ti
UitMitifil tin' Iri't tiiillimri) ol the
(KHMiii lit It room in Hit) Culiuri-K ilinlinl
cliur. il liil KriiUy fvciiinjt '
tlm Wnn ol pn-Mi'lrnl II. V., 'Ki-rrln,
virc-'f'"i'l''"1 I'-ilxnr Mi'in) w riipitil
tlm flmir in fn'iliiiililn iniiiiiii r. A
Ktvat ileal u( intcri-Hl wit tuken ill inin
CclUnciiiiH nmlliT wliirli oci ilpii'il lln
ljl'Kiliiiinu nf tin' incetiiiK, iimliK tlm
luimt liiiHrliuil liiiHini-KK trniiHut tfil wuh
thf iMiintiin'iit iJ I. I. TuinpkiiiH and
PliilllH Tmniw m rmru Minl-ut arum anil
Krrd Mi iiulli', I low anl Hn-wiii'll ami ('.
K. Hut ni')' to writit a uliort ituin about
earli iiivi-tiiig lor -Hfh ol the city iuhth
Hy a voiu o( llio Hocii'ly tlio iianie wan
cbaii;i'i to "Tlm Franklin IhiliathiK Ko
cii'ly." Tlm iiiii-tition (r ili-lmiw, "Ui'
nolveil, Tlint tlm StaU) Militia hlimilil 1U
Abollriho'l'war) hotly ninlPHtt.il. Amonn
tlm H)N-uki-rn w.ti', J, Toiiikina, allirin-
lllivi- li'llilcr, J, (ilnyrr, lli'lllllivf ll'aillT,
C Koiiki-, Ii. ( liiiki'.C. K. lt.irmy, Mr.
Cn-HHWi'll ami F. .Miiiii'llc. Tin" jinlnia
iliu iiliMl in favor of lhi in-;iit i v. Altrr
till' lll'blllll WllH OVlT, llillf IIU'llllllTHflOlll
tbii I'hiliitiiullii'iin am ii'ly riilh il mam
thf in I l M of tlm I r.lliklio riofirty
for a j'litil ili'halo wliirli h illiiii;ly
Itranti'il, tin' aulijiTt " Iti-uol vil ,
That Fori'iu Iniiiiliriilioii Should bo
1'rohibitiMl," wan iliariiKavd by I,. Prij--M
and l. I. ToiupkiiiH ul tlm rbiloiru
tlifiui and F. Mi'indln and Fdiiiir Mi-r-bmhii
of tlm Franklin am'ii'ty. K. Har
ni'y .ii'ti d an pn-Miili'iil iliirinu tlm dia
curioii. Tlirniili tlm rlmim-nt Hpi'cch
iiiiuIh by K. Mitchhi', tlm thri'n juducH
ili'i'lib'd In favor of tlm ncgativo. A
conimitli'ti of tbrt-e wan apMdnti'd to
nifi-t a like iinii.bi r (rum tlio I'liiluina
tbi'an aocii'ly to arriuiKi' for a joint do
Imlp to I'h ht'lil in tlm near fulurn.
Hevnral lndica wcru prcaont at tlm laat
inci'tiiiK and it in hoped lliat thern will
be more at tlm next, an wel! bh -entlo-nmn
to eiiniiiriiKe the vouii- folka. The
mibjeiit for debatp next Friday evt'iiinn
la, "Keaolveil, l'liiit 1'overly l'rodiicea
More C'rlnm Tliiin Wenlili." The mom
djoininK tlm one now iihimI h ml wl.ich
will aceoiiimodiitu a lare audience, has
been itranted to the aociely by theclinreli,
fur thuir meutiiiKa. All are welcome to
tlii'Hii nmetiiiH.
OiiitooN'a I'ionrkii I'ai'KH. Jacob
Mader, a yuniiK man in tlm employ of
Hi'hwan k I'ntiow hiiiI non of our Into
tow ncniaii, Jacob Mudcr, who wum owner
ol the Oregon City brewery, lias in bin
pocaeHHlon a copy of the Oregon Specta
tor of October 2(1, ISIS, volume 3, The
editor wiih Anion M. Wail uinl S. Itcnt
ley'a nanm appenrn aa printer. The
paHr ia aix coliiinna, four pimt'H, and In
aa well itotten up and printed ua tlio av
eraito country paper of today. It ?on
tuiiiH very littlo local news but duvotea
the jjrontor part of ita apace to late eaat
ern and lorein news, which bv the way,
was from four to aix months old, taken
from exchanges juat received from an
Incoming "hip. Copies of the Hpectator
are very rare aa it nnnended publica
tion over thirty yearn apo. Mr. Mader
came jntg ponHOHHion of his copy through
big father who bought it of a main in
Portland many years ago, paying (5 for
the paper.
Foil Good Roadh, Mr. M. C. Kandlo,
juatice of the piece for Highland pre
cinct, was In Oregon City laat Tuesday
and was a caller at the Entkrpkisb
office to repleniHh liis Mock of blanks.
In speaking of the road question Mr.
Handle exorosHod biniRelf as well pleased
with the action of the county court in
placing an engineer In charge of the
road" and hopes lliat llila syaleni will be
iimintained aa it la the onlv way good
romla ran Im Imd, Mr. Kaudle la a
NlroiigiidvocaUiof plank roudaand thlnka
t lint inure of Ihla kind of roads should
be built. In sections like bia part of the
county, where timla-r Is plenty and
rock scarce, plank roada aro the only
alternative Ilia coiilldeuce Is such in
thncanh system that Mr. Handle sxhicIs
that w it III it a few years Im will be able
to make the trip to Oregon City and re
turn In lino day during the winter
months the hiiiiiu us during the summer.
Tkui'iionkk Now In. Oregon City's
telephone system will Im In full woiklng
order by the lust of this week, The
company bad to iiixind work here on
account of the lute storm breaking down
their local wires In Portland and their
long distance Ires to the Houni. cities,
for It required all their line men to put
these lines in operation again, All their
lines aro in working order now, and it
will soon be ho that an Or.igon City busi
ness man can, liom his olllce, hold con
versation with parties in Portland, Ta
fonm, Hoallln 8iokii.f, Halcm or other
places on the Coaxt. Supl. Thatcher
was in this city Saturday and expressed
himself well pleased with tlm prosH'ct
fur ail Increased business in Oregon City
and that lie expects to have the number
of instrument luoie than doubled in
Oregon Oily uefure the close of the year.
A IIiiioiit NkW'scaI'KK -The New York
IiidcK'iilent is bv far the best all-around
religious newspaper published in the
1'liitfd States. It ia non-sectarian and
liberal III ita views, and is edited with as
much care as any of the great papers of
the country. lis weekly edition of thirty
two piigei. ia always tilled with the latest
in church news, home nd foreign, re
form work, Hue arts, sauitaiy, science
and oilier live topics. Its litiauciul de
partment for completeness and icliability
is not cipiulcd bv but few papers in the
United tlati-H. It is one of the most
readable exchanges that comes to the
KNTkKi'iilMK olllie A triul subscription
for '2'i cents. Six months fl.rH; one
year ;l (10
School Iiniu 1 ClIANUKa. Stlpt. (iilc
son has been asked to make some
change in the boundaries of several of
tlm school districts of this county and
now has tlm petitions under considera
tion I In is reipiealeil to annex a part
of Aurora joint district to Minks Prairie
district No. IIS, and to set H F. Noyer
olf from district No. !1 Into Heaver
Creok district. A new district is asked
to Ihi established on the left bank of
Milk creek above Million, from parts of
districts 81, (K) and 11. J. ('. Cordon
and others aro the petitioners, The n
tilloin will all he granted if they con
form to the law, anil there is no remon
strance, w hich provides that a majority
of the voters In the districts allccled,
uitiHt petition for the change.
Sellout. Book ClIANiiK. Supt, (iibsotl
lias received many iinptiries ol late as to
when the change in school books is to
be made and if (he new books selected
i nn be placed in (he srlusils at once.
The law provides that the change can he
made any lime after the vote has been
declined in Jamuiiy, hut must be made
before October of the same year. Aa a
majority vote of all the superintendents
was not received on all the hooka, the
chaiitfii cannot be made just ct, but such
books as have been placed on tl.e list can
lie lined at any time now. Another vote
has been railed for on the books not
chosen and tlm full list will be completed
shortly. The books on the ollicial list can
Ihi had at the book store in this city or
of any denier in Isioks.
Si'ccksskci. Pon.TKV Kaiskk. As nn
evidence that Oregon hens do lay and
thai if they were given the chance they
would soon settle the importation o'
Faslern eggs into Oregon City, Mr.
Win. Russell, of Mt. Pleasant, left atthis
olllre an egg 'mm a Plymouth Kock hen
that measured 7'b inches lung c'rcnmfer
ence and (I inches short circumference.
Frum seventy hens Mr. Hussell baa sold
in the Oregon City market during the
past year KM ilu.en eggs. A tew more
poultry rtisers like Mr. KiibscII and the
eating of sMileegns would soon be a thing
of the past w ith Oregon City people.
Tkaciikk'h Association -Tho Jan
uary meeting of the Clackanina County
Teacher's Association will be held at the
Park Place school house on Saturday of
this week. A well prepared program
will be carried out and a pleasant and
profit able day's meeting is promised.
Kvery teacher is expected to be present
ami all members of school boards, par
cuts and others interested in the educa
tional work of this county are invited to
be present.
Sknhiiii.k Ordkr The chief of police
of Albany has issued orders forbidding
charivari parties within the limits of
that city. The charivari hug degenera
ted into a hoodlum gathering that has
no place and should not be tolerated in
any respectable community.
Fatilla of digestion cause disorders nf
the liver, and the whole svsteni becomes
deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri
fier perfects the process of digestion and
assimilation, and thus makes pure blood.
For sale by C U. Huntley, druggist.
( ottnlene Exhibits.
Next Monday : the Cottolene people
will open a Cooking Kxhibit and con
tinue three days. You are invited.
. Williams, the Grocer.
Furnished Frery Week by Ihe Clucka
iiiiim Abstract himI Tru-t ( ompaii;.
J K Wilalg lo Fred Mosier, Q V, I)
Jan 4, IHtlli, l the Mct'uhhin I)
L C, except IK) acres, also land
adjoining on the south, $ 1
John Clouson lo Mary Kucck, Q C
), Jan 0, 1S!I5, 76 acres of the
Cribble claim, in t 4 s, r 1 ,. . . , 1
Mary l and Ceo Kucck to John
Clouson, Q C I), Jan 6, 1st"), 75
scres of Claim IIS, In 1 4 s, r 1 e, 1
Kohl Miller to Reuben Dunnalls,
WI), Apr 2, ISM, Mv to in the
Holmes claim, In 1 1 n, r 2e iW,
Jasper Cllft lob 8 John-on, W I),
Jan 17, lsir, private road In sec
32, iiit3n,r2e, 25
Fredrick Worms to T F Cunning
ham, W I), Jan 17, IMS.-,, 10 acri
in the H I) Francis I) 1. C, t 3 , r
2o 1000
JAM I. Kenworlhy to M C George,
W I), Jan 15, 115, then, of the
n of the s w )i of the M ol
sec 21), bit Is, r4e. 10 acres,... 1000
W KO'Noilto W II Mall, W D,
Nov 8, 1SIU, the a e )i of the s w
Ji and the n w of the e of
ace 17 and the n i of Ihe n e li
ol sec I'd, in 13 a, r5e, 2000
W II Mall to Theodore (iarbode,
same land as above 2000
K A C Jarrett to Kmily Jarrett, W
I), Nov 7, 1HSU, the n w M of tho
ii e '4' of sec .12, in I 1 a, r 5 e, 40
am.s, 1000
United Stales to Peter Holt., Pat.
Apr H. 1S!1, the w of the ne i
the n w '4' of the s e '4 and the
n e )i of the s e '4 of sec IS, in t
2 , r 4 e, 100 ai res, Patent
Have your Titles examined and
Abstracts made by the CLACKAMAS
the only complete act of Abstracts of
Title of all lands in Clackamns county.
Accurate ard reliable work bv a resion
sidle firm. Ollice up stairs in the Cau
Held building.
"Am i Married or nt.'"
asked Mr. A despondently, "I declare,
my wife is so nervous and irritable that
1 don't stay in the house a moment
longer than I can help. My home isn't
what it use I to be." "Mrs. A. is suffer
ing from some (unction il derangement,
said It. "Yes, stie has been an invalid
foryeais." "F.xadly. Her ex-rience
is thai of my wife, but she w as cured by
lr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Get
this remedy for Mr A., and the happi
ness of your home w ill soon be restored."
Mr. It wasrinht. For prolapsus, pain
ful periods, Irregularities in short, all
"complaints" peculiar to the female
sex the "Favorite Prescription" is a
sovereign specific.
Rupture, or Hernia, permanently
cured, or no pay. For Paoi hlet and
references address, World's Hinpensury
Medical Association, bulbilo, N. Y.
Itinid roremcii.
The following are the road foremen
chosen at the hist session of the county
court lor the year IS'.i.'i:
Milwaukee, W. S. Counsell.
Clackamas, J. W. Roots,
Humascus, A. W. Cooke,
F.agle Creek, Fd. ISnrnett.
ISoring, W. II Fit.patrick,
Cascades, F. A. Mciniit,
Seivers, Adolph A'hotf,
Cherryville, J. T. Mclntyre,
George, Hans Paulson,
Gurtield, Wm. Palniateer,
Abernathy, W. H. Smith,
F.ly and Or. City, No. 1-2-3, J. L.
New F.ra, Wm. Kider,
C.iiieniiih, H. W. Porter,
Reaver Rreek, Fd. Hornshuh,
Milk Creek, John Penuison,
Hardings. Joseph Gill,
Viola and Springwater, M. Hayden,
Highland, Fd. Harrington,
Canyon Creek, C. O. Hubbard,
Harlow, W. W. Irvin,
Needy, Fd. Hilton,
Iiwor Molalla, J. W. Smith,
UpiH'r Molalla, John Everhart,
Manpmm, Robert I.lnsley,
Union, K. S, McClincey,
Soda Springs, E. I'. Carter,
Oswego and West Side, G. W.Prosser,
Tualatin, P. A. Maker,
Pleasant Hill, K S. Calkina.
lure lor Headache.
As a remedy for all forma of Headache
Electric Hitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a most permanent
cure and the most dreadful sick head
aches yield to its influence. We urge
all who are atllicted to procure a bottle
and give this remedy a fair trial. In
cases of habitual constipation Electric
Hitters cures by giving the needed tone
to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the use ol this medicine. Try it once.
Large bottles only fifty cents at Charman
A Co 'e, City Drug Store, Charman Bros.
Block. - -
To (iond Templars.
Do you know that Moore's Revealed
Remedv is the only patent, medicine in
the world that does not contain a drop
of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing
it is known only to its diicover; that it
is an advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nineteenth
century j that its proprietors offer to
forfeit 1,01)0 for any case of dyspepsia
it will not cure?
. . .
Cah paid for .clean cotton rags at the
Entkhi'hihk office
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Mldwlntar Fair, Saa Francisco.
You've heard of the man
who needed only bristles
to ho a pork? If you see
hiin send him to us; we
have the bristled for him.
Our bristles are all made
up into the finest line of
brushes we ever had.
There aro clothed brushed,
hair brushes.tooth brushes,
bath brushes all kinds
of brushes.
C. Q. Huntley,
Prescription Druooist,
Caufield Block.
Teaching a Fish
To Swim
I absurd like the price j
we charge for sheet
music. New, standard
and classical sheet music !
published at 80c. to 1,1.00
we offer for 10c, and aj
choice from a stock of
4000 pieces.
There is music for piano,
violin, mandolin, guitar, j
flute, cornet and cello; :
hoIoh, duets, trios, quar
tets and orchestra.
A complete catalogue
free for the asking at
Huntley's Book Store,
New Caufield lilock,
Oregon City.
P. S. Music by mail lie; cata
logue by mail lc.
Buy your-
Choice Candies
. . AT THE . .
Pure, Fresh, Delicious,
Prices lowerthan ever.
Our Taffy Candy
Has no equal in the City.
Fresh Fruits and Nuts.
At the New
Molalla Drug Store.
Can be found a com
plete line of Fresh,
Pure Drugs and Med
icines, with a compe
tent pharmacist in
Patent Medicines.
Have all the leading
makes fresh from the
Paints, Oils, Giass, Etc.
Notions and Toilet Articles.
Dr.W. C. Belt,
F. C. Perry,
MOLALLA ORANGE, NO. 0, P. of 11.
Meeta at their hull at Wrtuht'a Hrldfte on th
arrKiiil tSHturdny of each month at 10 a. m
Kellow member! made welcome.
Jas. Nelson, Mutter.
E FI. Cooi-kb. Sec.
WAKNER ORANGE. No. 117, P. of H.
Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their
hall lu New Era. David McArlhiir. Master
Mri. Mv Waldron, Sec'
Mceu every Friday In A O. U. W. Hall. VU-
Itlng memberi mails welcome.
J KN NIK rum I, C. of H.
8. A. Oillrtt, Recoider.
Meeta on the flrnt and third Fildayiln each
month at K. of P. hall, Visiting memberi al
wayi welcome. A. W. Framcc, Prefc
Meet! second Tuesday of each month at Cat
tract Engine house. W H. HowaLL.Prea
Q. H. UitaTOW, Beo'y. J. W O'Connhll, F'rn
Meeta flmt and third Tnoadayaof each month,
at Odd Fellowi hall. Member, and YUitiuf
patriarch, cordially Invited to attend.
Scribe. Chief Patriarch.
A Genuine
Rock Bottom1
To Avoid
And to make room
Prices will be dropped so low that the leanest
purse can secure a bargain In the many
lines carried in stock by
The Pioneer Store,,
Proof of the Pudding
Is in the Eatings
So is the quality of the meat tested that
is on sale at the t
Only first class stall-fed meats in 6tock and
full weight is guaranteed. (
J. KONKLE, Prop.
Next door to Burmeister & Andresen's Jewelry Store.
The Argonaut
Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the
Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through
the post ollice every week, reniailed by snbscribers to their friend.
It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except
three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of
of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213
Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Huntley's Book Store. i
directly and Indirectly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their ow
lotU'ra, or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal papoca
which they must handle every day are made out correctly. HrAU theee things, ai
much more, we teach thoniuflltly.
Hundreds of our graduate are In good positions, and there will be openings far
hundreds more when times Improve. Aoic Is the time to prepare for them. Besides, ft
business education In worth all it costs. or oru'i oim iwe. Send for our catalogue, to
learn vhat and hint we teach. Mailed free to any address.
Portland Business College,
A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Portland, OregOn. J. A. W.sco, Secretary.
The Chinese Suffered....
....Another Defeat!
The Oregon City Steam Laundry
Clean Work, Neat Work, and Cheaper Work
Than can be had of the Chinese or any other place in the city.
Special Rates on Family Work. Goods called
for and delivered.
Steam' Telephone'
. ., -' ' . -;i w.wr. M!'"l.iv, -4
Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A.M.
Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. IL
Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephone every
night, for Portland. Tickets of all other lines good on Telephone.
are lost