Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1895)
Oregon City fcntcrprise. KltlHAY, .IANWA UY in, isnrt. "?lncknmna Co. Directory. COUNTY OKKICKIIH. 311 ', ' KT k ill ('(I (lonloii K. 1lyi (I K. K. MhiIiIih k M M Kamalijr M. I,. Mufirtt J, I!. Ilrmtlrr II. H (lllmiill I). W KliuiHlnl II I,. Ilnliimti I'mirl., l( Hiiirili'r, TwMtirt'r, A mitoti'ir, - HillllHll HllMirll!tl!lllll, Niirviiyor, Cimiiilliirn, I llli'hnril Mi., ,11 I Crunk JnKKnr To Meet th Tin TIik iiiliNi'rlitinn price for tlie lmi t'liixK liaalimm rt'ilni!ii la fl ,fi() jHir yi'iir; acvi'iily-llva ci'iilK (nr tlx inoiilliH. Thin luw irlc In irmilit In nnlor tu k1'1 tlm lint mi H cunli liania Ullil llliliirii nil HiiliHcrllHirx to pny up, anil taHrially to jiri'Vcnt ili'inl ln'HtN (rum Inking tln mii'r itml not piiyiiiK fur It liy riMiwui of tlmir IminK luw rtK(. Thi tllKnjimt in lnuilii only to (Iiimh paying In alvanr. TIiuhii puylim iM'furn tlm cloait ol tlirlr year will lii Miilllli'il to tlio ilUciniiit for tin' liniii piiM in ikIviiiii'h. I'lijn nuiki'it III" Cntkiiicihk tlm i licu Vl iitHir in ( 'lui krttiiiiH I'oiinly iiht hkh H linmo irmt unil full of live lornl iifwa. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. I'rii'i'H ttit IiiwcmI Iti-il Front Ktorvn Kir unil limit wooi I wanttxl ut tliia olll.ii. tf Kliii'il Him of lin n In tlm city nt thu lilli kct atom, Money 10 loun on K'mhI real I'atato ciirity by A. H nmair. tutor put in llmt I'luwi onlnr at Hli jr'a liarlixr chop fur i imiIm. Illtflirat prim iaiil liy tlm CoiiiiiktcUI liank for county ami rity warrant!. Tlia Uli'Bt in vlalting canla at tlm Kn-Ttar-NiHa tri(.a. I'ricri to ault you. To make rtxnn for otlmr iiootU, tinware will tu i lonoil out at cunt at the lUcket torn. MurlKK" loan on improve! farm property at a low rale of Intercut. A)ly to (', 0. T. William. The Uilii' will llii'l Hlupitr'i barber nliop tlm plum to have their Imir trim liiml in tlic luteal atylc. City coutu II will meet on Wwlneailay of next week. Heveral important mat ter will he up for conaideratiun. I.ailiea' hone, cotton, woolen and fleer-liiiel at tlie Market ttoni. Fine woolen hone ?-. to &V. r pair. Onler led at tlie Coiiunercial ciifar store, Coiiinieri'l! liank block, lur 4-f ol or lei inrh wooil, promptly filled. For ante, one wwxl-wairnn ami rack in goal coiiilltion . rlieap for cah. Marr A Kuhcrtaon, Till ami ('enter "tree's, tf. A XH'ial acliiNil meetiiiK will I helil at l'oe' lia'.l next Monday evening for the purK4) of levying a tax (or theenmi Ing year. How in Tina? 10 imuml pure lard, $1 ; 1 pound pure liakinx powder 2.'k: ; 1U pound American dry (iran. nuxar, 11 at the Hwl Krunt Tlie Y'a met next Saturday afternoon the 27th, with the W . ('. T. U. at Mr Iri(k"' home. All member will pleaan make a aperial effort to bo prexent. Mr, A. S. l)reer ha rented the ilwelliiiK of Jo. I'nrdom on Fifth and John Ad.nn street and will remove from hi lireaent rtiaidence on Monroe nd Sixth atreet on Friday of this week to hi new abode. The Hev. M. I.. ItutttI, whoae unnni liinu call to the pantorato of the Ituptiat church wan noted In the Kntkui'KIhk hint week, lia accepted the cull and will be here to enter upon lain work March 1. A IiuiiiIhoiiiu wall map ol the United 8tnU)H i now olfereil each new Hiiha crilmr to Kiind-McNiilly liuilwiiy (tuidn, or if preferred, a map of any Individual etalo. SnliKcription, t'.i (HI Hr yoar. Write to 1(10 AilmiiN Btri'et, Chicago, for circular. Iluiidid'a "Oratorio of the MeHaiah" jiroHentcd at Portland limt Tluiraduy by 1(H) of I'ortland'a lient aiiiKera, wna one of tlio Krrati'Ht niUHicul feat ever atvom vlmlieil by Oregon talent. The piirtici punta diiHurve the hiheHt praiNO for at tempting and ho BiicceHHfully executing thi moot dilllcult piece of miiHiu. The old briilun arrow) thu Aberuiithy on WiiHliington street ha brokon down. Al it in only two block down to the new bridge on Main atreet and a no incon venience i given to the traveling public liy the chaiiKU in route there i little likelihood of the bridge being rebuilt for the preaitnt at leant. Inmire in the Farmer'a Co-operative Fire IiiMiiranco AaHociation of Oregon City. The cheapest mutual protection in tlie state. Men combined to inmite themHulves. Aiplication taken by M. I,. Moore, county treiwurer, and preai dent of the AHHociation. AgentB wanted throughout the state. AddruHa the aec rotary, O. A. Cheney, Oregon City. Or, Will's seeds are good; Like wine his tree and plants. Twelfth annual cata logue now ready, is full of thlngn that will interest you, among which are sncalino the now forage plant, (Jreat Northern Bean, sovonty day corn, flint of all peon and golden queen onion. Hardy fruit and forext trees at hard times prices. $25 in for bent yield of com. Oscar H. Will, Hiemark, North Dakota. TIIK J I II V I.IHT. Men Who Will Mnlre Kuotly Prow. It in nt Lint, The following la the name, occupa tion and place ol rcxlilniii e ol the two hundred piron cIiohcii at the aoHHion of tlm county court lat week from which the trial and grnnd Jnrlc am to be an lucted for tlie yeur lH(i,r: Jiilin JeiinliigN, farmer, Alnrnnlliy. ('. A, IfolHlorm, furmnr, AUirnutliy. J. V. Ilrown, farmer, Abernethy. J. T. ApMron, farmer, Abernethy. , (i. W. Waldrou, furmer, Abernethy, J. W. Meldrtim, fanner, Abernethy. M. C. Ifaokett, farmer, Abornntliy. WH Toll, farmer, Harlow. J I Ior.ier, farmer. Harlow. (', I! Harlow, merchant, Harlow, H J Ogleby, furmer, Harlow. M II Kilhourn, merchant. Harlow. Chriat Flwher, furmer, Heaver Creek. Iterry Hock tier, farmer, Heaver Creek, J K (iraluim, farmer, Heaver ('reek. II Katun, farmer, Heaver ('reek. John Joiikn, Mai kinilli, Heaver ('reek J (i ('niiimiiig, farmer, Heaver Creek. W II Horing, furmer, Holing. K Klchey, fiirmer, Horing. Havid KoheHon, furmer, Canyon ('reek (IN Kintner, farmer, Canyon Creek. W K Welcli, farmer. Cherry villo. J A I. umeberger, farmer, Cbeiryvillo. II II Wheeler, niilliuun, Canby. II A Yorpuhl, bhickinlth, Canby. (ieo. Knight, mercliKiit, Canby V I. Mack, cariN-nU'r, Canby. Jhiiic Adkiim, farmer, Canby. Weldon M Hhank, furmer, Canby. II H C l'lielHi, farmer, Canby. J F Kckeraon, farmer, Canby. Henry Hruna, furmer, Caw-ado . Jubii K Iiuncan, farmer, Curade. K A Hhutterly, fanner, Caacade. II Mc(iugin, farmer, Cavcade. John Kri, farmer, Cancade. J II Ituvenue, merchant, Caacade. 010 Mikelcon, farmer, Caacatle. (ieo II Webntcr, farmer, Clackamas Win. JobiiHou, farmer, Clackamas. J. A. Talbert, farmer, Clackamas. C F Claike, farmer, Clackama. J C I'addock, farmer, Clackama. Fred (iage, farmer, ClackamaM. J W Hoot, farmer, Clackama. A S Ijton, farmer, Caneinuh. Max Tleford, mechanic, Canemah. C W (ianong, furmer, Canemuh. It W l'ortcr, gardener, Canemah. 11 Hreithailpt, farmer, I)umancu. J H Morton, farmer, Iiamaacus. Chu lleiner, furmer, umaiM'UH. Seth Young, farmer, Duiiuihcu. F A Hohna, farmer, Iiamawu. J C McMurray, farmer, Damascus. John KpiierHun, fanner. Eagle Creek. II M I.ooiiey, farmer, Kugle Creek. W J Currin, farmer, Kagle Creek. Henry Uihaon, farmer, Kagle Creek. John Vanciiren, farmer, Kagle Creek, II Wilbern, merchant. Kagle Creek Kd Iturnett. fanner, Kagle Creek. John larling, farmer, Kly. 8 I) Harney, farmer, Kly. A .Mauti, farmer, Kly. W W Myers, farmer, Kly. 11 K Linn, inillman, Kly. C (' Williams, farmer, Kly. J (j Fihler, farmer, Kly. Win I'almateer, farmer, (tarlield. N M Tracy, farmer, (jartleld. Willi Wade, farmer, (iartleld. Ilan l'aulen, farmer, (ieorge. (1 C A mint rung, farmer Harding. W I' Keritchem, farmer, Harding. J M Tracey, farmer, Harding. H R Toon, farmer, Harding. Fred (ierlier, furmer, Harding. K Harrington, furmer, Highland. Henry Jewell, farmer. Hlgbland. K L Hingo, farmer, Highland. Fntnk Welch, farmer, Highland. Frank ltce, farmer, Highland. Chaa Cone, furmer, Ixjwer Molalla. A W Wing, farmer, Ixjwer Molalla. J W Smith, farmer, Lower Molalla. Oren Cutting, farmer, Upper Molalla. T L Iiihble, farmer, Upper Molalla. TS Stipp, farmer, l'per Molalla. J O Dickey, furmer, Upper Molalla. S J Yaughan, furmer, Uper Molalla John Kveihurt, farmer, Upper Molalla 0 W Kobliina, merchant, Upp. Molalla Major S lliuiKHte, furmer, Milk Creek. Anthony Likewise, farmer, Milk Creek. J F Nelaon, furmer, Milk Creek. A L Larkins, farmer, Milk Creek. J V I'erdue. furmer, M ariiiiiun. F M Samson, farmer, Mariuum. A I! Muripiam, furmer, Maniuam. Mart Kobbins, farmer, Murquani. O W llentley, furmer, Maniuam. W S Kent, farmer, Mnniuam. J W Klliott, farmer. Murquam. A J Y oiler, farmer, Murquum. John Wine, farmer, Milwaukee. J Ct Honnett, manufacturer, Milwaukee A J Luulling, furmer, Milwaukee 0 Wlssinger, merchant, Milwaukee. K S McLaughlin, furmer, Milwaukee. F Horkemeior, carpenter, Milwaukee. J II Hrootz, gardener. Milwaukee Frank (ilover, farmer, Milwaukee, J S Kialey, farmer, Milwaukee. K Hilton, farmer, Needy. J K Miller, farnior, Needy. Geo A K inrer, fanner, Needy. Daniel Kaufman, furmer, Needy. T J Ogle, tanner, Needy. J E Mitts, farmer, Needy. Geo Killen, farmer, Needy. Auguat Hrenier, farnior, New Era. John Kief, farmer, New Era. Enos Cahill, farmer, New Era. C II Foster, furmer, New Era. Geo Randall, farmer, New Era. II. AWuldron, farmer, New Era. Albert Walling, furmer, Oswego. J R Hayes, farmer, Ohwego. Win Dyer, farmer, Oswego. Win Ilolllnan, farmer, Oswego, (Jeo W J'roaser, merchant, Oswego. J C Humes, carpenter, Oswego, J Monk, foiiiidryuiun, 0wego, L M Davidson, farmer, Oswego, i K Thoina, merchant, Oswego. J Trembath, liquor deuler, 0 0 No. 1. (! It Noblltt. liveryman, O 0 No 1. Henry Wlldhart, hotelniBii, 0 C No 1 J W Hatdorf, wood dealer, 0 C No 1. J W Alldredge, carpenter, OC No I. John liaxtor, curienter, O C No I. Frank Hunch, uierciiunt, O C Nol. J A Confer, laborer, O C No 1 . J A Stewart, laborer, 0 C No 1. Mux Schulplu,ri!lired furmer) 0 Nol J J Cooke, merchant, O C No 1. J O I'illshury, capitalit, O C No 1. W A Huntley, merchant, O C No 1. F F While, architect, OCNoif. C O Albright, butcher, O C No 2. Win Moore, laborer, O C No 2. J ( I'orter, wool sorter, 0 C No 2. Richard Greaves, blacksmith, 00 No 2 V It (.'barman, merchant, O C No 2. C C Habcock, Sr., carx-nter, 0 C No 2. Henry Meldrtim, surveyor, O C No 2. I' F Morey, manufacturer, O C No 2. 0 A Harding, drugi), O C No 2. K K Martin, clerk, O C No 2. R Finley, carpenter, O C No 2. J L Kwutrord, farmer, O V, No 3. J N Harrington, farmer, O CNo 3. D F May, teacher, 0 C No 3. J K Williams, laborer, O C No 3. Kd Story, blacksmith,. O C No 3 K Alden, real estate, O C No 3. Kd May. butcher, 0 C No 3 Win Scott, farmer, I'leasant Hill. K S Calkins, farmer, Pleasant Hill. L (ieer, farmer, Pleasant Hill. C Her, farmer, Pleasant Hill. J K McConiiell, farmer, Pleanant Hill. (i S Young, farmer, Pleaaant Hill. R I) Alexander, farmer, Seivers. Scott Carter, farmer, Soda Springs. F W Mcljirran, hotel, Soda Springs. J (i Hleakney, farmer. Soda Springs. Ira Hell, farmer, Springwater. W L Cornett, farmer, Springwater. John Iwellen, farmer, Springwater. H Iderhoir, farmer, Tualatin. V A linker, farmer, Tualatin. John Kruse, farmer, Tualatin. A J ThompMon, faraier, Tualatin. Joseph Graham, furmer, Union. Jacob Milcy, farmer, Union. Win Stone, farmer, Yiola Win, Mattoon, fanner, Viola, J Humphrey, fhtherman, West Side. Thos. Armstrong, fanner, West Side. Frank Ford, furmer, West Side. II V. Smith, manufacturer, West Side. John Hoylan, lalsjrer, West Side. W V Hawley, manufacturer, West Side L G (iurnett, manufacturer, West Side Meumer Toledo's Warehouse. Joel P. (ieer, owner of the steamer Toledo, has purchased 8000 feet of lum ber of J . W. Fishliurn, which he will use in building a new warehouse on the site formerly ccupied by the old one that was w ashed away by the flood last week. The new house will lie two stories in height and the foundation will be put in to stay. The floor of the npper story will lie about eyen with the high est hank of the liver at that point. Mr. (ieer says that he baa come to stay and it is his intention to do so. Dayton Herald. A Iluslness-Muklng Honk. Every busineNS man should read "Dollars and Sense," a money-making book by Nath'l C. Fowler, Jr., the lead ing expert on huineaR and advertising. Eighteen chapters, illustrated with 100 plates, present ing every style of effective advertising, will) examples of reading notices, circulars and headlines. It tells the plain truth about advertising and exposes ineffective method. Any reader of the I'm KKi KicK who will send check, postal note or postage stamps to the value of twenty-five cents to the Trade Company, Huston, Mass., will receive the book by prepaid mail. W. C. Ward, the Viola merchant and postmaster, was in Oregon City Wed nesday. Mr. Ward is, one of the pio neer workers in the k'XhJ roads move ment in litis county and fully approves the action of the county court in making a larger levy and in putting an engineer in to look after tlio road work of the county. Now that the county is going to do systematic work on the roads and as the fund is not large enough to improve all the roads at once, Mr. Ward thinks that citizens of bis vicinity will contiibute a liberal sum this summer to assist the county in getting their road improved to a market before another winter comes on. Sheriff Maddock spent last Saturday and Sunday at Wilhoit looking up clues that may lead to the arrest of the mur derers of J. M. Brown. Mr. Maddock returned Monday, but bad nothing to communicate as to what evidence he discovered, it not being best to make it public. He has reasonable hope that the murderer or murderers will yet be brought to justice. He is sparing no effort on bis pait to trace up the evi dence and proposes to continue his work as long as there is the slightest chance of securing a conviction of the guilty parties. An unpleasant affair was terminated by a quiet wedding at the council cham ber Wednesday morning. The contract ing parties were Fred Rowan and Miss Nellie Newsome, both of this city. The knot was tied by Mayor Straight in his quiet and efficient. The ( huiitauqiism. The executive committee of the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua ansuciution held an important business meeting Thursday afternoon. While thitock for the iMirmsncnt organization had been quite liberally taken, yel it was tho'ight best to have tne work pushed an I secure the full amount required at once, that active s'eps could tie taken toward pre paring for the annual Hswinlily next summer. A a committe to further push the stock subscriptions, Geo. II Himes, of Portland, Prof. J. W . Gray and J. K. Groom, ol this city, were chosen. The date for the next annual assembly to be held in Gladstone Park was fired at July 10th U20th. Mrs. H. W. Duff, mother ol Mrs. A. J. Montgomery, has joined the McLaughlin (,'hautuiiqua circle. She graduates this year. Three from McMinnville expect to take their diplomas at the annual as sembly to be held here this summer. The Chautauqua glee club held their regular meeting Tuesday evening at the residence ol II. C. Stevens. After a pleasant hour panned in Ringing the elec tion of officer for the next three months was held and the follow ing iersons were elected: President, IeighUm Kelly; vice president, Nettie Waldrun ; secretary May Wishart. The next meeting will lake place at J. Lewlhwaile's on Tues day evening, February tith. The next meeting of Nautilus Chau tauqua circle will he held at the resi dence of L. C. Diiggs, on Monday even ing next. A Farmer (iires Figures. (ieo. C. Armstrong, one of the leading farmers, of Redland, was in Oregon City Wednesday and called at this office to express bis thanks for tbe assistance the Estkki-hisk has rendered to the farmers in pushing the good road movement, He also gave some figures as to the cost of getting his crop to market that will do for the kicker, if there is any left, to ponder over. Mr. Armstrong having a surplus of hay is hauling it to Oregon City from time to lime to sell. On his trip in Wednesday he was only able to bring 700 pounds of hay, which he states is an average load for bil team, which is as large as the common farm team. Allowing himself and team $3 per day it is costing him ft) per ton to get his hay to market with only eight miles to haul. On a turnpike road it would cost him hut $3 per ton, making a saving of (J per ton on the cost of marketing his hay. It is needier to add that Mr, Armstrong approves the action of the county court in doubling tbe road tax and is even willing to pay a larger tax so as to hurry up the building of good roads. Death of a Pioneer. Died, at her home in Pleasant Hill, January lfl, 18!5, Mary A. Loney, oged 70 years. Deceased has been a pioneer in several states, having been married three times. She was a Miss Mary A. Thompson, then Mrs. McNellie, then Mrs. John Moreland and for the last eighteen or twenty years the faithful and true wife of Edward I-oney, who is now in hi 94th year. Mr. Loney also has lived to bury this, his third wife. Mrs Loney has bean sick the past summer and her death has been expected now for tbe last month. The funeral was held Thursday at 12 o'clock atth Pleas ant Hill cemetery. ('tlolr ne l-ard. If you want to know why cottolene is (tiperior to lard, call on Monday, Tues day or Wednesday of next week. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Fer Sale. One good milk cow and yearling heifer for sale. The cow is one of the best butter cows in Clackamas county. P. Paquet, Oregon City. 3t County Treasurer's Notice. I have now in my hands funds appli cable to the payment of of the following county warrants, endorsed July 11, 1892, to-wit: No's 10,50ti. and 10,507 for $500 each. Interest will cease on tbe same from the dite ol this notice. M. L. MooKK.TreusurerClackamasCo. Dated Oregon City, Jan. 10, 1S!5. Many stubborn and aggravating cases of rheumatism that were believed to be incurable and accepted as life legacies, have yielded to Chamberlain's Psin Balm, much to the surprise and gratifi cation of the sufferers. One application will relieve the pain and suffering and its continued use insures an effectual cure. For sale by G. A. Harding, Drug gist. Dehorning. Dehorning of cattle successfully done at Eastern prices bv R. H. Taber, Mt. Pleasant, or P. O. box 132, Oregon City, lino .Money to Lonn. C. O. T. Williams can now make loans on good farms . Office next door to Huntley's drug store. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar antee . It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25cts.,60 cts. and $1.00. For sale by G. A. Harding A sort of lethargy sometimes takes possession of the kidneys and bladder; they should be promptly stimulated to healthful action by the use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggiBt. Ladies hair trimmed in the latest style at Sloper's barber shop. THE flUSCULAR SYSTEM of tverr weary, thin or thin blood ed person does its work witb con stant diQicultyand fatigue. Tbey feel "worn," or tired out, "run-down" or nervous. Feeble people who are dynpep. tic, find that ex ercise after a meal is sure to cause lessened power to digest food be cause there is so little blood, and what there Is, is carried off from the gastric organs to the muscles. What is needed Is plenty of blood, and that of the riitht kind. In. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, rich blood, and to gain in blood is nearly always to gain in wnotiome Jleih up to Che healthy standard. F.very one should have a certain surplus of flesh to meet the emergencies of sick ness ; to resist the attack of consumption, grip, malaria and fevers. Thin blooded people are always getting sick, and none of the organs of the body can get along with out the food they require for work, which is, blood. To gain and to keep strength and flesh is the secret of health, usefulness and happiness. With new blood and re freshed nerves a confident feeling of return ing health comes also. Nervous manifestations, such as sleep lessness, nervous debility and nervous prostration are in nine cases out often "the cry of the starved nerves for food." If you feed the nerves on pure rich blood the nervous symptoms will cease. It is bad practice to put the nerves to sleep with so called celery mixtures, coca compounds or malt extracts: what is needed is a blood maker. The Discovery" is composed of vegetable ingredient which have an es pecial effect upon the stomach, liver, and blood making glands. For the cure of dyspepsia, indigestion, liver complaint, weakened vitality, and for puny, pale peo ple, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cannot be equaled. Thousands hava testified to its merits. The New Year" always brings a lot of extra work in a store, the annual stock taking must be done to find out "Where we are In order to lighten this work as much as possible we will make Great Reductions In Prices in all lines especially in clothing and heavy underwear. Glass & Smyth. Caufield Block. pEPAIRING. J. P. LOWE, THE RELIABLE WalcliMer Next Door to 8tar . , Grocery. aild JEWelEr Work Warranted. A Trial Is Asked. V SCHWAN & PUTROW. Dealers in PLUMBING, TINNING, AND GENERAL . JOBBING. CAUFIELD BLOCK, Main Street. The "Commercial. The best brands of Cigars and Fine Tobac cos. SMOKER'S SUPPLIES. No. 3, Commercial Bank New Goods Modern Pricen. Qorner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.ssS Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. Oregon Steam Dye Works. Kendall A filauglitor, Proprietors, Cor. Kindt and ISurnside Sts., Portland OrfKon. Clothing cleaned, colored and repaired. Ladies' shawls and dress goods a spec ialty. Faded clothing restored to its original color, to look like new. Hatis fsu'tion guaranteed, (iive us a call. Work called (or and delivered. Series No. 2. Willamette Savings and Loan Associa tion of Oregon City. By resolution of its board of di rectors the subscription list to Series No. 1 has been closed and the subscription list to Series No. 2 has been opened to the capital stock of the Association. The entrance fee ie one dollar per share and the monthly dues are sixty cents for each share sub scribed. The Association has money to loan to its members at eight per cent per annum on property in Clackamas county. Agents are wanted in every set tlement and town in the county. For further information apply to HERMAN K. JONES, Secretary. At Bank of Oregon City i S. MILLER, MANUFACTURER OF Drain -:- TilOs BRICK&LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. TVR D. 8 8TRYKER, DENTIST, HAS RK lmoved toOdd Fellows' temple 8. W. Cor. 1st and Alder, Portland, Oregen. Stoves and Tinware. E. PARKER, Proprietor. J. W. O'Connell, Ma'gr. Block.,